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>What's Aura Kingdom?
An anime MMORPG by Taiwanese developer X-Legend released in 2014.


We're currently playing on a private server of Aura Kingdom.


Ask for an invite from any online member or you can access the guild recruitment window(default keybind G) and simply join our guild from there(lvl 10+)

>Class poll

Some resources
>AK.to References (Compilation)

>Aurakingdom.to Aura Kingdom in 2021 | Private Server

>Aura Kingdom for newbies- starting strong!

This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
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PM any of these people for an invite
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Daily buffs in navea. Resets 6:00AM server time. Big buff to quest xp.
LP farming guide for new accounts
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Custom Avatar
- Right-click your character portrait and click custom avatar. Image must be 60x44 BMP format.
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What's the most erotic class for coomers? Or, failing that, for soloing?
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Update: was stuck in the air for over 5 minutes. Had to summon eido to attack and get them to de-aggro.

pic rel. is also pretty strong supposedly.
....Its more cute than sexy, even if you're a lolicon yeah?
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Lasher might be more your style
does it hurt?
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You can change your subclass for free once you unlock itat any time by going into skills(K) and clicking reset.
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Is there some daily shit to do like voting (to get microtrans tokens whatever)
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Post guild emblem ideas for once we hit guild level 3.
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If there are issues with this one, I can edit it.
sweet thanks, just 1k more guild xp to go
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I tried my best, 'nony.
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Made alternate with steel handle because references had both variations and not a gunfag. Didn't want to research too much so pick whichever looks better or is right.
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i stole it and made it yellow
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I stole it and put it over the fox girl. Might look like shit in-game so feel free to steal it and fix it.
It's 29x32 someone definitely needs to steal and fix it.
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I am become death
has anyone gotten this to work on linux?
I got everything installed but the launcher fails
no obvious wine error messages
im rich
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aah, the fiesta aesthetic.
A few of us can't even get it to work on windows. When you run the launcher, it creates a temp file in root called _launcher.exe, so it might crash if it's not able to do that.
got it to run but the graphics are all fucked
guess I need to reinstall windows :l
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tfw a random mails you a MTX mount that comes with its own loli
Where are the pixelart anons? We're in dire need of 60x44 banner avatars.
around what level is everyone at?
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thats the current people online
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I'm not exactly a pixelart anon, but I made these as well as picrel.
What's this 60x44 banner thing? I could maybe give it a try.
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The four Christmas NPCs in the middle of Navea give a 24 hour buff too.
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you can upload any 60x44 bmp as your player avatar
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are you on team kate or jessie?
jessie's followers are definitely more cute, so I'd kill for her.
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getting really tired of this pathfinding. does the game expect me to actually walk to places myself?
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that mount is really cool
Keepin' it real
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Hey, wait a minute!
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what a curious family crest
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I'm really digging the thighhigh heels.
>game randomly hangs up on "Checking: webbrowser.dll"
>closing and relaunching the launcher forces a file verification
this doesn't happen all the time but this is now the second time
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use launch script to bypass
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Oh that's super neat! I'll see if I can do something
with that.

Did you use the "downloader" or a portable install? There is a google drive link to a pre-installed game folder (in akto discord support section). I haven't tried it yet, but some Linux people said they got it working with that folder. The downloader version seem to be broken for Linux.
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A nice morning, this one was.

Took in the sights of Crescent Hill, finally made it to the first (and perhaps only?) major hub city, and enjoyed a nice meet-up with some of the lads around one of the earlier zones' fishing hamlets.
Naturally we had to pose for the camera after sharing a good chat. I mean- come on, wouldn't /(You)/ want to look like a fool for old time's sake among such fine company? It's tradition!

My gripes with latency aside, there really is a lot to like about this title so far. Gorgeous aesthetics, solid OST, respectable gameplay loop, progression systems aplenty to pour oneself into, et cetera.
Can certainly see why this is one of the more popular niche titles we've landed on, especially for those who grew up alongside it during the title's prime. One I, myself, might've wanted to peer deeper into on my own time, were it not for some frustrating technical hitches lurking underneath.
With every strum of my harp either in or out of battle, my client seizes-up for half-seconds at a time. In digging around, it appears that stuttering after skill-use - especially as Bard - is simply a fact of life on this server. Ever-present underneath it all regardless of ping, yet painfully noticeable the more latency you tack on; and I'd say my connection clearly than crosses that threshold.

It can be frustrating to find an MMO you might grok with, only for one or two matters beyond your control to take some of the rush from your sails.
Still, there's plenty more of this title to see, and more banter to be had whilst doing so. Even if it's not the smoothest ride on my end, I'll savor what time I have here with such good kin. Our times parading as perfect paper-doll waifus (and husbandos) under pristine blue skies are memories worth making indeed.
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Alt-take of the above, with slightly different posing.
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One more alt, because I can't help myself (this is the last one, honest).
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This year naughty kids get stuffed inside the ninja sack and interrogated.
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You need to complete a lvl 55 quest to enter your house/other peoples' houses. Should see it under quests not taken in journal.
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1433/1500. 67 xp until guild emblem is unlocked.
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amazing house features
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Could someone tell me the name of the related NPC (or post a map screenshot of) where the auction house is?
assuming there is one*
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how do you get a house?
you get a level 55 quest for a house after completing the story quests in star sand desert
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what is this game
in a later quest you whip the gnomes, which are goblins
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sky tower down
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>Auto-pathing fails
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Be wary of what you'll find roaming around the hills!
Fully-fledged Eidelons in all their glory can be found nestled away in canyons and atop cliffsides as the days march on. From what I've gathered, this is one of the main ways of gathering Fragments for the ones you're after later on, once you're able to solo 'em down yourself.
Definitely be sure to keep your own mini-Eidolon summon on standby when you're approaching one. Learned from experience...
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Slight variant of the above 'shot, with my own mini Aelius.
Big "don't talk to me or my son" energy with these two in-frame.
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>I showed you my your son, please respond
lvl cap?
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Nice scenery here and there.
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this forest fucks
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Hello, I'm the player who plays Glumsgeth.
It is with a heavy heart I must retire from Aqua Kingdom. I do not have much time in my day and could only afford to spend about 3 hours or less, and with that much time, there was no way I could keep up with everyone else. And it's a lot of investment for a 2 week mmo, especially if I was only able to chase after everyone.
I never saw these 2 week mmo threads before and wish I did earlier, when I had more free time. This idea looks like a lot of fun and I hope you all have a good time.
A giant massive faggot.
>Called it aqua kingdom again
I must be retarded, I also named the install folder that too...
Hope to see you on the next one anon.
i miss mmos with anime art styles idk why they dont make them anymore
Just play casually and talk with us.
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awww maaan.
There are lots of people who login to just chill. I fluctuate between grinding hard and rping depending on how busy I am at the moment. Feel free to join back in whenever you think you have time, we're planning to keep the project going on pretty long hopefully.
>nuke windows and linux installs just to play this
>finally able to login and join guild
>crash out of nowhere
now the game just crashes when the map loads :^)
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very nice scenery
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please, how do I disable him
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>have to repair client
every server went down
it also forced me to repair THREE times
oh, at least it wasn't just me. what unfortunate timing. we were just about to do some exciting daily questing too.
I think the log-in server has shit the bed now. maybe they're just restarting everything.
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also repairing for the third time today
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pixelated brat
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dont say that, she is very well behaved
I miss my eidolon...
it's up
server up
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>Play Bard
>Leap through dozens of hoops to try and stop the constant freezing with every cast
>Nothing helps
>Make an Astro out of sheer curiosity
>Zero stuttering with any of Astro's spells
How in the hell. It really would be my luck to land on one of the few classes on this server bugged in this manner.

For anyone who might also be experiencing similar unavoidable stutter when using skills, while there are several commonly-suggested "fixes" floating around the server's community (editing your client.ini to reduce player effects/remove damage numbers, hide your quest tracker, use a VPN, etc), it's very likely you're just stuck with them if it's happening for you.
Should that be the case, the only real solution is to simply avoid playing the classes which are known to be condemned by this seemingly impossible-to-solve problem. Most notably:
- Bard (Good luck with that, since Bard is basically everyone's ideal subclass)
- Brawler
- Ranger
- Lancer
Everything else should work just fine.
Additionally, some computers/connections will handle these classes without issue, so there's no guarantee you'll be stuck in stutter hell without seeing if your own client is affected.

Will likely still stick with my Bard main for now, as I'd rather not be two-thirds a week behind everyone else's progression, but whew boy.
Never once have I encountered this type of situation in any other MMO I've dabbled in. The impossibly tangled depths of Asian MMO spaghetti programming truly never ceases to astound and confound.
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soon I'm free from this plane of punishment
buff npcs in navea gone after the crash... likely have to wait for admins to add them manually
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3-Star Ahri form
Brawler here.
I haven't noticed any game-disrupting ping/lag/stuttering (like you issue(s) you were having). I'm fine with staying as the solo token Brawler :3
How many players does this game have?
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Remember a few posts ago, when I remarked:
>Will likely still stick with my Bard main for now
Yeah- no way. Much as I do love the aesthetics and the overall theme of the class itself, arriving at enemies which couldn't simply be bowled-over in one or two hits brought to light just how horrendous it feels to play that class with the ludicrous amount of stuttering I've been wading through. Keeping track of any given boss is a complete crapshoot when your client's frozen for half the fight; and that's before adding in excessive latency and animation lock.

Had to set her aside to save some of my sanity, though I'll likely still bring her out for the weekly guild photo(s).
Speeding through leveling a fresh Astro now, and my god what a transformation it's been. Plentiful AoE, zero stuttering... Been absolutely flying along the MSQ, it's wonderful. As a bonus, all previously-completed Sidequests/Oddities have their little green quest markers hidden on subsequent characters. They're still present, but entirely ignorable, meaning the zones just zip on by.
Already made it to the start of Cactakara Forest, and I suspect I'll catch up to my previous main in just another night's time. Hopefully I'll get to partake in some partying with the lads before too long.

Thanks for reading my blog, Anon.

Lucky you! Seems like not many of us are suffering from The Stutter, which is good to hear.
Curious to see how this title will perform after a much-needed rebuild of my 'rig sometime early next year. We'll all be gone by then, granted, and there wouldn't be much point in me becoming overly invested with an EU server as an Anon living in NA. But it'd be a mystery worth laying to rest all the same when the time comes.
>game now crashes after the Now Loading screen over and over
>even if I re-delete game.bin
What even happened earlier?

Thanks for hanging out with the bunch of us. Don't forget we also run movie nights and minigame nights in case you have time to mess around on Tuesdays/Fridays for whatever reason. Best of luck with your IRL stuff, godspeed you glorious faggot!
Based on world chat and the main hub, it feels pretty lively for private server standards. Estimate a few hundred concurrent players at peak times.
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You can change your character's (limited) appearance options for free by opening your character window and clicking 'style change'.
Maint is today? But it looks like the exact time for these maintenaces is random.
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Server currently down for maintenance. Will update when back up.
Most anons don't even get out of starting zone/s and some only log in for guild pictures. You don't have to "keep up" or even be online every day. Just do what works for you. Also movie nights.
Hope to see you in the guild pic on saturday.
I hope we play more TuxCart.
>game has flags
seems maintenance usually lasts around 2 hours...
Raid Times (CET)

Sky Fantasy 1-5F
>Tues - 3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm

Sky Tower Classic and Hell
>Wed - 1-30F - 3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm
>Fri - 31-55F - 3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm
>Sat/Sun - 56-75F - 2am, 8am, 2pm, 8pm
Stats Guide
How to unlock house
>Do all 55 main story quests (Starsand Desert+Oblitus Wood+Ventos Prairie). Someone said that you just had to do Starsand Desert but I can't confirm this.
>You will get a pop-up quest called "No place like home." Search for this in your quest log if you can't find it. Talk to Tommy in Navea (600,245) to turn in the quest. You can now enter your house by clicking the icon near your minimap.

To get house coins, just enter your house and craft and sell the trees to the chest. Housing coins can be used to buy furniture recipes/rent an otter for mining mats in your ranch. Crafting the trees will also increase your housing level. You need housing level 2 to enter your ranch.'

Servers are up.
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Gold 101

>Run dungeons
Open and sell crates to npcs. You are allowed to run a macro to mass sell items. Threads of Time and Imprisoned Soulflames are good items to farm and sell (7-10g each). Soulflames can be obtained from Avarice Abyss(75+) and Bright Abyss(85+), these reset every 4 hours. Threads are lower drop rate but can be farmed from any of the main story dungeons. Otherworld:Silent Ice Field(85+) also drops threads at a decent rate at the portal in Cactakara Forest(260,650.

Rent an otter to gather materials. This requires house coins which you can get by selling trees. >>1544067. You obtain crafting materials relative to the otter's level as well as Sage Stones & Soul Crystals. Sage Stones roughly sell for 300g a stack and Soul Crystals for 500g a stack. You can rent up to 2 otters every hour.
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>Party Search
Default keybind is J. Uncheck 'only show your level range' to see all the dungeons. If there's at least 1 other person in your party, you can teleport to any of these dungeons using this menu.
requesting a "what items to KEEP" amidst all these consumables
it'd be easier if you posted a ss of your inventory
Sky Tower public raid in 14 minutes, big LP rewards
>still can't play
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same here
its truly over
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To progress with your fishing sets, you will need to have unlocked quite a few maps. I'd recommend at least having done the 55 maps and having access to Vulture's Vale.

>Gear progression
Noble Fishing Set>Wise Master Set>Grand Duke>Poseidon

Since we don't have access to the guild hall you can start by afk fishing in your ranch for 'Wise Perch' which also drop the Noble Fishing set. The Noble Fishing set upgrades into the Wise Master set, the formulas for which you get from manually fishing 'Alpaca Crabs' in Vulture's Vale.

You can find all the locations of fish and mats on this reference sheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EOnM6VWPcqOXkDrRsw1sX4d2bOJ4PBf5avrmAtOPfXY/edit?gid=762269620#gid=762269620

Maybe helpful
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Anons, it seems I'm stuck in the character creation screen. Am I doing something wrong, or are the servers down?
The servers are up. Try deleting the game.bin file in the install folder and let the game redownload it, sometimes it causes issues.
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What is it with these fucking private servers...
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didn't think we'd meet again as enemies
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The kidnappings will continue until morale improves.
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Wrong angle
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we dungeoned but at what cost
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First-ever dungeon down! Feels good, man.

Actually cleared two passes of the place, one as my former-main Bard, and another as my two-day-old Astro.
Learned quite a lot during these duos with the Guild's resident Ninja. Some obvious lessons, like how quickly you can die against bosses if you're not paying attention. Others less so, like the fact that if you're in a group with someone who stutters while playing Bard/Brawler/Ranger/Lancer, EVERYONE stutters just as badly unless they're replaced by someone who isn't afflicted with this awful curse.

Our first pass was quick, thanks to Bard's plentiful healing (despite it being an absolute slideshow for both of us...).
The second one as Astro, however, was quite a bit more dicey; had to pull-off some emergency subclass healing as Astro/Bard between rolling through my rotation to assure we kept standing. Subclass!Bard is /much/ less effective at keeping a party alive as the real deal, so if you ever find a Bard who doesn't stutter, you're golden.

All-in-all, it was pretty neat. Clearly basic mechanics due to this being a very early level dungeon - and I'm pretty sure I got clipped by a couple of them due to my ping - but it was certainly nice to do something other than solo-grind for a bit.
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Alt-take with slight differences.
Mostly taking this opportunity to mention something absent from the previous post: So far as we saw, dungeon entry limits are per-character, NOT per-account. Meaning the more alts you have in your stable able to partake in dungeoneering, the more loot you'll be sifting though by the end.
There's always some inherent benefits to juggling alts in these games (for better or worse), and clearly this must be one of 'em for this title.
I-it's per party, not per character. I finished the dungeon as 'sgr and after [bard] to [astro] swap, the party clear was back to 0/3 despite Assgr completing it previously.
>Bard/Brawler/Ranger/Lancer, EVERYONE stutters
No I didn't want to read this!! I don't think I have what it takes to level another character.
I can start a bard character to see if my machine stutters. Is it in high enough demand that it would be helpful?
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Take this random screencap as filler alongside these replies.

Yeah, that caught me way off-guard when I first realized it as well.
Even stranger, try to wrap your head around this: Skill stutter/freezing seems to be solely dependent on the CLASS, /not/ the SKILL.
When subclassing Bard as Astro, absolutely none of its skills, save for Ballad, stuttered for me at all; and even Ballad's stutter was barely noticeable (like 1/5th of a second). Meanwhile, mainclass Bard is borderline unusable for me in actual battles with the debilitating amount of stutter going on.

Apparently Bard's stutter isn't even the worst it gets. If you're afflicted by it, Ranger's ground-targeted DoTs can freeze the game for several seconds, and Brawler's stutter can outright lock everything up for 10-20+ seconds at a time.
Have to imagine in some hypothetical scenario where someone assigned these choices as subclasses, they'd somehow play just fine. Absolutely beyond stupefying. This is frighteningly advanced spaghetti code we're looking at here.

Could do so to sate your curiosity if you'd like, although I do believe Mainclass!Bard isn't a total must-have for parties despite being the game's premiere healer, as using a Nocturnal weapon for plentiful lifesteal becomes the norm for self-sustain.
Still good for its supportive capabilities, however, and quite useful when running dungeons in the early/midgame. More experienced Anon than me can extrapolate further on how it holds up in places like Sky Tower, et cetera.
Wonder which one came first? Outside of the slightly different colors/more detail in the AU version, they're practically identical. What a deep cut of a cameo to come across.
we're playing bummerman, come join

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We're a week into Aura Kingdom so we should take some guild pictures. Let's meet up at 9:15 pm (UTC), Saturday.
Make sure to post any good locations for a picture.

>Time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Aura+Kingdom+-+AK47+Guild+Photo&iso=20241221T2115&p1=1440
>Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=1440&iso=20241221T2115&msg=Aura%20Kingdom%20-%20AK47%20Guild%20Photo
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shit's getting real
lets unlock guild hall before photos. i believe
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we need to shoot for guild level 5
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Guild Hall is a go
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comfy fishing
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Convenient to have all these NPCs next to each other. Unfortunately the guild warehouse is Guild Level 5.
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What a neat little Guild Hall!
Closer to a something resembling a "Guild Village" more than anything, with a central plaza to hang around and various micro-districts for NPCs to reside in, all nestled within a forest similar to Demarech's rolling hills. Didn't think you'd escape the endless forests for long, did (You)?
Still a lovely little place, despite the rather familiar tileset. Definitely have to take a couple more photos here at some point.

Also, completely unrelated, but felt it worth mentioning for those who might not already be aware...
For whatever unknowable reason, the translation of the official NA client stopped giving classes their actual, intended class names after Reaper, and began referring to each class by their designated weapon type instead, along with changing the names of Dragonista and Lasher for the hell of it. These (frankly pretty baffling) class names are not the same as what's seen on the private server:

[Official - Private]
Holy Sword - Crusader
Shuriken ("Shuri") - Ninja
Guitar - Performer
Star Caller - Dragonista
Whipmaster - Lasher
Dragon Nunchaku - Dragon Trainee
Stellar Sphere - Astrologer

Why the NA translators decided to go this route is beyond me. It'd be like calling Wizard "Staff", or Gunslinger "Pistols". But if you ever see these weird weapons-as-names pop up in guides or on AKDB, you'll now know which classes they're actually referring to.
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This game has so much sovl
Happened to me too. Restarting can fix it but that was the only zone (in my experience).
Nava buffs are up again.
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>asks you to deliver a love letter to loli
>give it to loli
>she says they can't be together because she's "older than she looks" and her previous husband has been dead for over 10 years
>go back and tell him that
>"...so that means I don't have a rival?"
beautiful Stardust island, epic writing
>in 3 hours
I'll be busy then....
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Thx for the costumes, Rath<3
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Just taking impromptu pics for people who can't make it to guild photos.
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you might not like this, but this is what peak performance chimney crew looks like
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john was killed by desync
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Guild photos in about 1 hour.
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a few professional photos from me
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alice is cute
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everyones actually in this one
very professional
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whats this?
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merry lolimas
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After a brief consideration after an inconsiderate loss of sleep, I decided to post these despite lack of sync and shitty cut-offs.
Alice Cooper warning:
Unedited, I just had this christmas-themed song playing in the background lel.
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this is a blue board!
unfortunately couldn't make it. Was out with family. Will we have another one?
Yeah, we'll have another one next week, same time.
>sit down
>skirt flips upward so everyone can look under this
what is this phenomena called
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it's over
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heh, this almost spells assgr
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big dig in magic streamer forest
Where new weapon?
Eden Eternal added a new class, Agent, so where is Aura Kingdom's new weapon after Stellar Sphere?
Stellar Sphere is a scifi sport game, an action game, and a space game mainly set in zero gravity, where the player must find a sphere and throw it against the active wormhole. Winning the game will need a combination of skills and using the best tactics in order to survive.
It's Stellar Sphere, sweaty. And it's Dragon Nunchaku before it.
bot comment
I saw a 'FishingKingdom' member walking around earlier, wasn't that the previous 4chan guild or is it unrelated? Did they play on this specific private server as well?
my launcher is broke. I get "IDS_LAUNCHER_DELETE_FAIL not found!!! , check stringtable.ini"
but there's no stringtable.ini in the game files.
okay, in the game files I found `_Launcher.exe` which worked, and that also fixed the normal launcher.
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Fishing NPCs in <Navea>(280,410). You can exchange the daggers you get from killing the random penguins that spawn when fishing for fishing mats/equipment. Can also sell mats from orange fish/fish kings for fishing tokens that you can then use to buy bait for fish kings.
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bot game
coming in from the mmoventure thread, how long is everyone gonna be playing for? If I start playing is it basically gonna be at the tail end of everyones time with the game
we're playing this until next saturday night. you probably won't catch up because the main story takes ages to click through, but you can of course still join to check out some of the midgame activities, or just hang out.
fishing for example gets pretty involved and only needs level 40, later 60, to be pretty fun. allegedly.
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absolutely horrifying
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is the server down? I am stuck on entering server
It's working for me, strange.
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it's so over for me
when in doubt, delete game.bin and redownload. It seems to fix most problems.
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worked, thanks
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look at this shit, jesus fuck
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you dont need any mats below 80, trash the enhancement tools too
>66 slots available
such deep pockets yet still complaining
great cinematography
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buy this shit too
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it doesn't look like it, but this is much better already.
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I'd like to thank my fans and family, my producer, The Lord and everyone who believed in me. I wouldn't be here without (You).
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uuh guys?
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You can exchange the Gaia Vouchers from the LP weekly promotion for waifus in the Adventure Encyclopedia.
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Once again I awake from the deep slumber to post lolis and hags.
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And employed feline succubi, I guess
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Somehow I missed jhon whentaking solo pics, sorry for that.
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I don't know why but that nigga turning into a box made me laff.
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life is unfair
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Uh oh.
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Merry Christmas!
Make sure you have a good one.
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Fellow main story questers! Let me cordially invite any of you christmas crackers which are not already signed up to our jolly weekly vote mailing list that will decide on the next destination of the MMOdventure to join in on the voting fun.

Here's how you apply:

Anons that already participate in this current round of voting don't need to do anything and will receive the next token automatically.

Any anon that has not yet applied for a voting token can do so by following this procedure:
>screenshot your character and character information window, see pic related
>attach this screenshot to an email addressed at mmodventure@proton.me

You will then be added to the token mailing list and can participate in future MMOdventure polls.
The verification screenshot can be from a previous MMOdventure title.

please be sure to use any email provider that can:
>read mail
>send mail
>attach jaypegs to a mail

The voting process will look as follows:
>receive your unique token link via email, one for each round of voting
>cast your vote in two rounds of voting that will be held to determine our next game
>njoy results

So please, summon your best groomed eidolon, slip into your favorite costume and send your verification picture to:
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is it too late to join?
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There's 2 days left before we move onto the next game, most people have already stopped playing.
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just realizing i somehow fucked this up
What's the next game?
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Current frontrunners are Warhammer and Secret of the Solstice.
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dammit i was hoping for another anime style mmo
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Solstice isn't anime enough for you? Plays exactly like Ragnarok too from what I've been told.
I will probaly play with you guys if it be the next game but it honestly isn't what I'm looking for.
Have you played Iris Online before? Looks like that type of game is more your style.
Very interesting. I think I'll take a look. Never played it before. My style of MMO is these action up ones, such as Phantasy Star Universe (& Online 2 but I can't play it due to my toaster specs) and Elsword. However I'm open for trying any game.
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If anybody would like aBrawler (for some reason, since it disrupts group play), feel free to post a burner email and a screenshot of your IGN, and I'll send my info over.
can you comment on retail LaTale? My main concern was that you level incredibly quick but at the same time can't go further because you have to ascend? and that's timegated because you can only feed your summons a bit per day.

So I'm not sure if we're just going to be running the same dungeon for two weeks because we used all the insta-level tickets and skipped everything.
I've heard that party play in LaTale is pretty bad. did you experience any of that?
i mainly played solo so i cant tell you
i did not get far in the game but i did have a lot of fun with it, it had a lot of comparisons to maple i remember comment sections was latale fans vs maplestory fans flaming one another
i also enjoyed a bit of the story, characters and locations my favourite location is the xenadia gardens
i cant really help much since i didnt get far, but i would love to join you all when you hop on (you seem to really be doing your research)
this world hopping adventure reminds me of the reservoir chronicles
I wanted to at least reach SL1 but honestly kinda burned out trying to rush through the story. Maybe I'll just fish for the remaining two days.
is it possible to get this: https://www.aurakingdom-db.com/item/46262-summoning-contract-templar-anya
or is it over for me.
I can't find a way to get rainbow stickers.
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Potential issue being that there isn't really a "LaTale Classic" server available for us to get the experience you're likely remembering.
The current official server isn't exactly shy about encouraging new players to speed through the level curve solo, from what I've gathered. Plus it's an official client, so it's easy to expect the usual brand of pay2win extortion when wanting to enhance equipment, etc.
Fine if you're wanting to play some knockoff Maplestory for a bit (with an incredible OST, granted), but not really conducive to partying with the bros. Should still be interesting if approached with the right mindset, however, and definitely a unique choice among what's available on the lists.

There was a single private server for LaTale kicking around just a couple of months ago, Project Belos, but it appears to have vanished. Its Discord channel had all of its chatrooms shredded, and its website looks to be replaced by a generic throwaway landing page.
We might've dodged a bullet, or perhaps missed out on something great. No way to know now. They WERE ballsy/stupid enough to have their private server's website literally just be "latale.org" though, so they were probably courting fire with that one. Also marks the third(?) private server to suddenly die during the MMOdventure's run, wew lad.

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