>>1566976Shit I might play again
>>1566976Smoke em if you got em, 3.0 Soon.
>want to install a HotS theme for my homebrewed 3DS>nobody has made even one such theme>am too much of a talentless, tasteless hack to create a good theme myself
>>1566976qrd on brawl, whats different from aram?
>>1567853It's a series of events with actual themes or gimmicks. There was quite a few and they rotated pretty often, with ARAM just being one of them until it became its own mode. issue is that brawl coming back could actually be a bad sign. One of the reasons it was shitcanned was that it was too hard to constantly update and balance the brawls for the ever changing hero pool and metas and shit, but with the game being dead it seems that's less of a concern. But that also means it seems even less likely there'll be any major changes in the future.
>2025>STILL no Master Chief hero
>>1568333That's a Master Chief villain
I wish to have primal sex with Alexstrasza for the purpose of procreation
>>1571293Anal sex with a condom on, after sneaking birth control into the lovely 3 course meal I made her earlier, and I pull out before cumming.
i'm gassed up on weapons-grade hopium and copium that we might just actually be. FUCKING. BACK.
You are now aware that HotS is one of the only Blizzard games not to have its Chinese servers restored.
>dude tells me to kill myself because two healers in aram (second one was guy AFK at select)>wait was this my ally we won why is he crying>it was the enemy team Alarak>try to tell him about this>The player is ignoring you>whatever, queue up for another round of aram>he's on MY team now>he sees my name and just instantly alt F4's>enemy team has double mephisto and double chromie>i do worse than the bot, worst game of my life
>>1583701Two healers in ARAM is legit depending on the comp. Also some bots are cracked. Stiches in particular is better as a bot than a human unless you're like masters. It cheats through the fog of war and just rapes with hooks.
>>1583716two heal requires a good assassin, two days ago I had to pull a godly orphea performance out of my ass to win because we just had to have lucio and auriel.
>>1583701>ARAM>guy on team immediately tries to tell me what hero to pick>ignore him and pretend i'm AFK>timer runs out and i get autopicked>[audible groans] as everyone collectively bitches how i'm "trolling"> the heckin hypercompetitive ZASEDmilk partymode>chatbox lights up like Christmas (happy holidays)>one guy shitting his pants in full sperg mode>another guy behaving like a pompous Gold hard-stuck who thinks he's Jesus >third guy outright says he doesn't want to play and threatens to quit out>know exactly how this will go, so i keep my mouth shut >match begins>we roll into lane>as expected, they all fucking suck and int the enemy team>it's a goddamn bloodbath left right and center>people are dropping like flies, NOT because we're losing or anything, but because they're APES>literally 30+ minutes of non-stop bitching, dragging my nuts over fields of broken glass, and dodging all the turds these fucking GORILLAS are tossing everywhere>we steadily push into the enemy base one structure at a time and eventually blow their core>that's right - we WON>WE FUCKING WON...>...and these niggers are STILL bitching>we got the fucking W they so desperately wanted and they're still on the floor, rolling, pissing, shidding, and farding in despair>one guy lets slip that i'm a godgamer and immediately walks it back>(being nice and/or actually good at the game is cringe ig??)>the other two are malding about picks or something, idk and idc, you've lost my respect as a human being>say nothing>exit scorecard
>>1584199and then everyone started clapping just like in my favorite show evangelion and I lost my virginity too
ok i did it now to not play it again for a year
god qhira sucks as a character but this skin is really cool and I like her playstyleI had a game with a Li-Ming with the volleyball skin and we both hearthstoned right next to eachother. With this particular skin Qhira separates her sword into bunch of pieces around her, then jumps up them like stepping stones into the air, while the Volleyball Ming jumps up to spike her volleyball at the end of hers. It synced up so well and we both hit the air at the exact same time before disappearing to base and I thought it was the coolest shit everthanks for reading my blog!
>reinstall>acc in leaver queue>it's been 32 minutes and i couldn't find a single game>ARAM q doesn't pop in 7 minutes now
>>1590038Just make a new account at that point
>>1590277but i like my rank1 mounts
cassia gave me carpal tunnel but i can't stop playing
>>1590495Yeah she's really fun but holy shit is it obnoxious playing her. And she just shits out damage if you do it right
>playing tychus>doing my best to carry my 4 retarded teammates on my back>shredding their team, trying to out soak and push and zag and also protect our camps that nobody gives a shit about>still losing because their best player is the zag and its really hard to out macro her>manage to invade their attempt at bossing, kill everyone on the point>bar is 90% capped >get pulled off the point by my own fucking anduin for some reason>enemy gets bossPeople like that deserve to be told what fucking retards they are, too bad blizzard won't let me
any noobish friendless eu anons wanna team up and play together or do all of you have your own group of friends?
>>1590605I have friends, sorry.
>>1590584>protect our camps that nobody gives a shit abouti love when a Murky or BW walks through occupied lanes, through watchtower vision, straight into our territory, and bribes our camp, which - god knows why - no one has captured for our teamit is a painfully common occurrence on Cursed Hollow and Dragon Shire for people to just let the enemy take our Siege camp and completely ignore it while our structures get smashed to pieces
>>1591184>see siege camp just sitting there eating a fort for free at like the second minute>top lane trying not to lose the lane and it takes me too long to rotate anyways>ping>nobody goes>ping ping>nobody goes>ping ping ping ping>muting pings>fuck, whatever I'll just rotate and clear, rather lose a lane of soak than the entire fort>why is the stupid solo lane not top where he's supposed to beYeah usually when I see the team say or do something so monumentally retarded and blind I just start checking out. Same when I don't rotate to the obj cuz the tank inted right before, and I have to stop a merc push being lead by a slyvanas. Like can you people not use your minimal to see that I'm up here with someone so if you die at obj it's not my fucking fault? I swear to God the minimap really must be a dlc that 95% of people don't have
i can't fucking take this game anymoreranked queue times are between 30-40 minutes, QM queue times are fast but they are stacked by niggerfaggotsthere are literally people asking for SMURF STACKING IN QUICK MATCHES how the fuck are these people allowed to exist? all of them should be executed on sight holy shitlike what is left to do in this game besides maybe ARAM? you can't do shit blizz pulls the plug on the game and then negroid animals just suck the fun out of the game
>>1591541I've been arguing for years that the smurf problem is largely self inflicted by the stupid reporting system. Leaving out discussions of whether you should even be able to report for toxic chat in the first place. The problem is that a very significant portion of smurfs are people who's main account has been silenced/suspended/banned, so they make a new account. This has two main effects. The first is that you now have generally the more competitive/toxic players down in with the newest and least skilled players which is going to create an obvious bottleneck for anyone trying to get into the game or back into it or just practice and get better.The other though is more subtle but maybe more important which is that having your main account taken away is going to increase toxicity. It will give players a "nothing left to lose" mindset. There's no longer any incentive for these people to actually care if they win or even keep their account once the first one they may have an attachment to is gone. They'll just be toxic, lose the new account make a new one and forever be a plague on the new people, who will forever piss them off and keep them being toxic forever. Would be better if they just had a system where you could be silenced for a week or whatever any number of times but it would still incentivize people to want to play and keep their main high level accounts with accurate mmrs and shit, than to constantly dumpster them into the new people levels every few weeks when they get banned. But good luck convincing any of those dipshit redditors of this, they much rather just have hardware bans and phone account links to fix the problem.
>>1591541>>1591590>teammates are toxic>i intentionally feed, play like shit, outright AFK, etc.>they're losing their fucking minds in chat>report them>if anyone asks, i have plausible deniability and can simply claim their bad behavior impacted my ability to play wellsometimes the only way to win, is to lose in spectacular fashion
>>1591590>smurfing mostly due to main accounts being banneddoubt it. As a mildly toxic player I've only been temporary banned once in over 10,000 games. The queue times in higher leagues are just too high. The difference in a silver or gold queue and a high dia/master queue is pretty substantial.
>>1595486>>1591590to add on with my own experience, even in plat que times were upwards of ten minutes a few years ago when I swapped to ARAM onlypile on top of that that sometimes you have to play a hero you didn't really want to make the comp work it just got to the point where ranked wasn't worth it for me, and I started exclusively playing ARAMif someone didn't want to play ARAM then smurfing becomes a super attractive option just to cut down on queuesI saw the same thing in Battlerite; the game started being ~60% queue the rest gameplay, and smurfing got rampant just because people wanted to actually be able to find a game
>>1595486>>1595515My brother this is easy to test. Make a new account right now and play some QM matches with the new account and you'll see. Broadly speaking there's 4 types of players down at those levels.>obvious actual new person>person who's been around a long time but is just legitimately awful at the game>genuine smurfs, with good play, high winrates and generally positive/neutral attitudes>people who've clearly been banned and playing on a new account that play well but often are either silenced in the first few levels, clearly trolling, afk really quick or whatever this last category is easily as large as the other 3 combined. After while you'll even begin to recognize the names or playstyles of certain people possibly coming to gamepass?
>>1597272...what?It's free to play what would that even entail
>>1597278they could have all heroes available 24/7
>>1597272always considered it a possibility after the buyout but holy shit big if truethe question is if they'll be using crossplay or not because console timmies are going to get fucking slopped by PC players
>>1597433how the hell do you play vikings on controller?
>>1597756Lol, lmao.
>>1597756You use the Switch's touch screen or PS5's touchpad.
update is live
>>1602324>zj has a stack limit of 50something just ain't feel right about that
>>1602377Yeah what an odd change, even if he's buffed now it's so strange to put a limit on it.
>>1566976Recommend me some new player heroes vs other people. I went into the match with a game advised healer (I think it was an angel lady a while back), got destroyed and someone told me retard kys. I play SC2 and like zerg and monsters.
>>1603624Any of the "Easy" heroes are a safe bet, type Easy (or the equivalent in your picked language) into the character screen's search bar then choose your fav. If playing as Muradin, make sure to prefer Avatar (his first level 10 talent that gives bonus HP) until you get the hang of the game.
>>1603624Try learning to heal with Li Li.
>>1603624Seconding Li Li, she's really strong and braindead.Avoid characters that obviously require macro like TLV, Abathur, Rexxar. Assuming you're playing QM at low MMR IDK if they even follow the 4-1 meta, but if you're new you don't want to be the solo soaker, it's much more punishing if you fuck up. They're typically bruisers.Unfortunately I wouldn't recommend any of the zerg characters for a noob. Abathur is really complex to play well, Zagara requires decent map sense to be effective, Kerrigan is very noticeably lacking an escape, and Dehaka's a solo. Stukov is fine if you want zerg badly, but I wouldn't recommend him, since there are just easier healers to learn.Using the search >>1603684 mentioned my personal recommendations from the list are Li Li, Muradin, and Raynor. Johanna is much stronger than Muradin if you can't effectively Haymaker (which is really hard to do when you're learning), but Johanna also feels like she has much less impact compared to Muradin if you don't know the intricacies of the game.I personally think Li Ming and Kael'thas are good ranged DPS to learn on. Build W on both for learning. They're straightforward mages, Li Ming has an extremely long range nuke and high output, Kael'thas has good output and a fairly reliable (at short-range) stun. He also has an anti-noob spell with Living Bomb, since it punishes people with limited awareness or who don't know how it works. Also, XP is king, and the buildings aren't as strong as you think they are. Especially the nexus. If you're level 20 your team can kill it, minions or no.
>>1603624Raynor, from the ground up is built for learning. His lvl 1 talents each teach a fundamental aspect of the game (Killing minions good, don't die, cc good), he's uncomplicated allowing you to focus on learning positioning and stutter stepping, each of his basic abilities is an escape and a push aid, hyperion helps push, raider helps dueling, he can work in the deathball and in the solo lane. Once you get the hang of him move onto Valla or Tyrande who take his basic gameplay and move into mage and healer territory respectively, from there Azmodan and Anduin who go further into mage and healer while still rewarding the Raynor fundamentals, you can also try Zarya to start branching into frontliners without having to be a play caller as tank.
>>1603684>>1603686>>1603732>>1603901Thx for the advice, precisely what I was looking for. Did solo vs hardest computer, just to try a bunch of heroes and do quests in peace. Was surprisingly tough in some cases, CPU does a lot of combos and great predictions. The fat demon guy on spider legs kept throwing arcing fireballs all over, kind of crazy. Quite uncoordinated in macro tho, can't make allies commit to attacks. I'll move on to coop, hopefully people play that still and carry me while I learn.Gave Raynor a try and yeah, he feels exactly like microing marines in starcraft, just need to get used to A-move timing. I presume every character has their own animation cancel windows?Gotta say, the hero prices seem high, Earned enough for Li Li at least. Thx again for suggestions, I'll add others to favorites and aim to get them. Also I suspect character usefulness will depend highly on the map you play, not only team composition, right?
>>1603963>I presume every character has their own animation cancel windows?Yes, different characters inflict damage at different points of their basic attack animations. Obviously the frequency of basic attacks itself differs per character, too – that piece of information is available if you left click on a unit and it's updated in real time.>Also I suspect character usefulness will depend highly on the map you play, not only team composition, right?Correct.
>>1603963Also, do look at the Mega Bundles in the store. Each account can buy one of those, but ONLY one, the unpicked 3 become unavailable. Getting to player level 25 nets you 150 gems, which is enough to purchase one bundle. Knowing which of those you'll end up going for might influence which heroes you buy before that.
>>1603963Just one quick comment on vs AI, they have unnaturally fast reaction times, it's really evident when playing certain characters such as Tyrande with her stun. Best to move on to quickmatch soon once you're comfortable.You might meet people who get mad or flame but please take no notice or even just mute them whilst you're still new
>>1603963>Also I suspect character usefulness will depend highly on the map you play, not only team composition, right?While certain heroes are better on some maps (ie Teleporting heroes will be stronger on larger maps), generally every hero will do fine on any map. Don't expect to be flamed for having a particular hero on a map.Team comp is more important to have.
So far the game is fun. Can't put my finger on it, but HotS isn't as stressful (at least for now lol) as other mobas I tried in the past. RNG gods were malevolent towards me and gifted an Extra Spiky Bug skin for Fat Bug, so played him for the most part. Not sure how effective scarabs are, but burrowing and aiming stuns was engaging.>>1603980Thx for the heads up, I'll plan around those when the time comes for sure.>>1604031They derp a lot, then suddenly gain perfect awareness, walk forward with no fear and delete me. Looks hilarious desu. And yes Dehaka did drag me into towers more the once.>>1604057I think I won't be paying too much attention to team comps for now, unless it's obvious things like roles. Some heroes are very weird, like that massive dragon that doesn't seem care about any stuns, or Abathur sitting in the bushes whole match, doing something. He got MVP in the end, so I believe him.
>>1604031Seconding this. It's particularly noticeable with a few specific characters like Stiches. Stiches bot is a hook GOD. Their macro still sucks, but they cheat their asses off when it comes to hitting skillshots. >>1604544MVP is a meme and EXTREMELY highly weighted towards simply not dying, so characters like Nova or Abathur can get it a lot for just not dying even if they contribute almost nothing. Deathwing (the massive dragon) is completely CC immune, in return for being unhealable.
>>1604544Scarab build is very strong, Fat Bug can actually put out not insignificant amounts of damage and self healing
>>1604544>Not sure how effective scarabs areEven if you don't build around them, his beetles provide quite some utility in addition to obviously dealing damage:>redirect aggro from NPCs and buildings>cuck skillshots that don't pierce, a part of why Anub'arak is good into mages>provide vision, which is more significant than one might think
>play mainly qm for the last 9 years and a little unranked when it wasn't dead>ranked always scared me cuz I think I'm dog>decide to try ranked recently>win 3 placements and am ranked plat 1 (unexpected) >play about 20 more games and climb to dia 4>wonder if I'm just getting lucky so I make a smurf to see if I can climb (also because the queue times are long as fuck in diamond)>I'm mid plat right now with a 67% wrhave I been a secret pro hots gamer this whole time?
Love characters talking with each other at the start and during matches. Pretty sure encouragement comments are automatic, still feels nice. There are so many little details all over. You can tell they put a lot of effort into the game.
>>1605845diamond isn't that high really, but if you play a lot you do get decentas an ARAM only player for the past ~4 years I wonder what I'd be if I played ranked again
>>1606149It's the top 10% of players or so, which is pretty high.
>>1606262Yes but actually no.I've been really high in WoW and SC2 (both top 1%), and one thing you realize is how far the skill disparity goes.Most players are quite casual, so you can probably safely cut out like 40-70% of the playerbase because they don't even play enough ranked to have their rank be accurate, and these are overwhelmingly going to represent the lower ranks. Saying you're better than someone who played ten games last year is correct, but not very meaningful.Then, on top of that, you start looking at skill disparity. There's a massive right tail on the distribution of skill, so even if being two SDs from the mean makes you highly ranked, the difference between diamond and masters can be bigger than the difference between diamond and bronze. It's diluted in team games like HotS, but this becomes really clear in 1v1 games like SC2, where a low masters player is closer to bronze than the top of GM. That's not to shit on you or anything, but the way distributions work is just really commonly misinterpreted. Skill is very rarely normally distributed, so much of your intuition about stats and percentages/percentiles is horribly wrong. Here's a random outdated image from google to demonstrate the idea; those at the far right tail are vastly superior. As you move further from the median, the distribution becomes more and more stretched.
>>1605465>>provide vision, which is more significant than one might thinkdrives me insane when i talent Fish Eye on Murky and no one takes advantage of the free scouting/baitliterally free kills crossing through lane or hunting the egg, JUST KILL THEM AND PROTECT THE EGG>>1605845there was a season where i won 9/10 of my placement matches, only got placed in Silver (wtf), and had a near 100% winrate climbing into high Goldi then took a complete fucking nosedive and had a near 0% winrate where i got so tired that i just called the season thereit's fucking voodoo man and i don't understand it either
>>1606544>wayne gretzky exists therefore getting dragged for an NHL isn't very impressive
>>1606624What I'm saying is diamond is closer to winning your county's high school championship than the NHL, at best. Realistically if you're sub gold you didn't make the team, diamond is just making the varsity team.
>>1606656Post rank faggot
>>1606675>as an ARAM only playerI don't have a rank in HotS.Here's when I was playing WoW hardcore.
We should have a ranked competition, not sure exactly how it would go but for example whenever the next refresh is we all play the same number of games e.g. 20 or 50 or whatever then post the ranks we achieve and the path we took to get there if that's recorded.I haven't played ranked in years so I reckon I'd be gold at best but I'm interested to see
>>1605845I think you did good, proud of you, anon!
>>1606544That's cool and all except it's literally not true in Hots
What the fuck is that Zuljun nerf, are they fuckin balancing for ARAM now? Retarded
>>1607196>RetardedUsually I'd agree, but in thiiis case it was only ever relevant in ARAM.
spics are simultaneously the shittiest, whiniest, and most overconfident retards in this game
>>1607233>in the entire world at everything they doftfy
Got the assassin bundle and welcome hero pack with discount. Li Li was a perfect suggestion, wouldn't be surprised if she is the easiest hero in the game. I mostly look at the map or other characters while playing her. In contrast Tyrande requires like 5x more concentration with her marks, auto attacking, position and temptation to snipe with recon owl.I've used Icy Veins for builds. Many talent choices seem quite straightforward yet flexible. I take it meta doesn't change much, since the game balance is stagnant?Also is Blind status as powerful as it seems?
>>1607260Lili is a very easy character but that doesn't mean she's bad. Tyrande is a lot harder and that can result in her being 'better' but it's fairly situational. Same with Blinds and really most soft CCs, if you're playing against Zul'Jin, Tracer, or any other AA-based character then blinds are great, but vs mages then not so much.Yes as you said most talents are flexable, as you learn more about the characters you're playing with and against you'll start to pick up when is best to spec into which types of talents.I can't speak to meta much but there are occasional balance patches, one just this last week, so sometimes things change but usually nothing big.
>>1607289Lili **is** kind of bad tho>healing auto-prioritizes, forcing you to commit where it wants to go or move in an awkward manner to 'control' who your healing target is>kit designed around taking damage and putting yourself in a potentially easily punishable position>lacks burst-y healing until 1,000 Cups, an extremely long channel that's easy to interrupt>blind is largely wasted against non-AA heroes and tricky to priority target in the same way as your Q healshe encourages bad habits of "letting the game play itself" rather than taking an active role in, well, your role as the healerhonestly i'd recommend Morales because you can suck someone off and focus on dodging/AFK, or Rehgar because he's fucking busted
>>1607260Blind is strong against almost anyone but against certain heroes it can completely negate their existence. Zuljin popping tazdingo or butch committing to a charge and getting blinded can be huge. But yeah Lili's biggest single weakness is that she doesn't aim her abilities, which is good when you're learning but at higher levels you may be healing someone you actively don't want to be healing and that's generally what keeps her from being a particularly high tier hero.
>>1607217I would average about 200-300 stacks a game with him, it's a total nerf
>>1607339She's not great, but I'd argue that in games with newer or bad players she's hard for them do deal with properly. Also as >>1607260 said they mostly look at the map which is teaching map awareness which is very necessary for newer players.I could never recommend Morales to anyone, she's so boring, but I do agree there are better healers to play before getting into the challenging ones.
>>1607045>hotslogsVery old and incomplete; plus it has negative MMR.Like I said though, the effect would be dramatically reduced by team games, as you see with WoW too. The best players aren't always in the best guilds.It's still not normally distributed, so intuition is wrong which was the key point.
>>1607573The point is that hots uses way different numbers and places the ranks differently within them, and that the distribution is way more of a bell curve than what you're talking about. >old and incompleteand yet, somehow, still more relevant than some random google image about starcraft
>>1607573>>1607634Also hots MMR is known for using negative numbers, it's why bronze 5 players can get to a point where they only get a couple points for a win, cuz they've tanked their MMR way below zero.
Which one of these guides will help me learn about positioning and roles in hots?
>>1608278the only tough thing to learn is the solofor the rest you need to stay out of range of enemy threats and in range to threaten enemies yourself, which varies based on which enemies there are and who you're playingyou don't want to be alone if you can help it, and don't get bullied out of objectives but also don't get stuck in themit's more of a feels thing desu
>>1608278The first and third link if you're playing Alexstrasza, Li-Ming, or Whitemane and the second one for everyone else
>Why, yes I do always pick Bribe talents on Lost Cavern. What gave it away?
Where can I watch archived pro-games or commentaries? Also post some notable ones pls>>1609044I was mostly joking, but thanks regardless.Suitable solo characters would be self-sufficient ones? Something with self-heal, movement or defense abilities, like barbarian spin2win girl.I definitely need to be more cautious, tend to walk everywhere alone without care. Haven't used to the idea of having teammates yet.>>1609400There are so many sexy designs, the game is a time capsule
>>1610955For solo lane you want some combination of self sustain, wave clear, camp clear, difficulty being ganked (either an escape or wards or the ability to just murder anyone who tries) and kill pressure so you can force your opponent out. The more of these you have, the better. Most bruisers fill this but so do some others like Raynor or Zagara. Your best bet for actual guides is probably notparadox vids. He's a little out of date and not always 100% accurate, but he was a good source of actual game knowledge IIRC.
Had an actually fun game of Nova for once.>need Starcraft Assassin dailies>queue up Nova like the fag I am>game puts me with an Abathur against a full team with Valeera and healer>guess we're fucked, sorry team>20 mins of sniping later>big teamfight where Valeera dumps everything on me to kill me but gets chased off by my teammates>misjudge HP, try to Triple Tap, she gets away>Abathur drops a line of mines in her path for me so I can maintain vision while I chase>chase her across 2 lanes and to her base>snipe her invis ass at the gate>teammates win afterwardsAlmost gave up on that kill but Abathur landing every mine really came in clutch. Shouldn't have doubted him at start. Jumped out of my chair in excitement because Val was making me miserable all game.>Valeera invites me to party and adds me as a friend>party disband notice 10 seconds laterThat guy on the other hand, did not have a fun game, heh.>queue second game on that high>get shitstomped and bitched out by teammatesWhelp, it was fun while it lasted...
>>1615272Nice, but>triple tapBad choice, there's never a reason to pick that over Precision Strike
>>1615293I want to agree because I used to pick Precision Strike exclusively for years before switching, but I feel like AoE damage ults aren't that great in HotS in general. Triple Tap has its problems but it lets me try to delete someone, compared to slapping a deathball with an AoE that they'll casually shrug off by having a healer around, assuming I didn't miss it in the first place.Only time I take it these days is to bully Abathurs.
>>1616261You idiot its for lanes. You can clean up a big minion blob, camps, or push a fort way harder without ever having to enter the lane.
>>1616654I can't help but feel like that's a waste of an ult slot.
>>1616821Sometimes triple tap can work well, but what you're saying is just silly. Precision strike is half a lava wave with half the cooldown. It's main purpose is exactly what he said, to soak lanes and other macro type shit in other lanes. Very strong global macro abilities are pretty much never a waste of a slot
Where are you Tyrande? I need you!
1300 lvl guy sent team invite and called me a smurf yesterday, after a match. Been playing Diablo like a 4th time too. Guess I should stop worrying and just try Ladder.>>1611108>notparadoxThanks, his vids are very helpful for understanding meta stuff
>>1617161One thing to keep in mind is that level is correlated with playtime, not skill.Playtime and skill are only very loosely correlated, and that correlation decreases with extreme prejudice as playtime increases.
>>1617161>>1617723I agree and would also add: When you see someone level 2k+, typically when you look at their profile it will say most of their games are vs AI. You don't learn the proper game that way, as you are finding out.
>>1617161I can't imagine giving enough shits about smurfs to add people and bitch them out like as if it would change anything even if I was right that they were a smurf. Especially in a dead game in a saturated genre with lots of overlap.
>>1616917I'm just saying, picking a hero-killing invis ganker just to pick a powerful global AoE ult on a low cooldown so you can use it for pushing waves instead of killing people feels like the wrong reasons to pick a hero and ult. I'm not a ranked pro so this isn't me arguing about what's best, just that it feels wrong and counter-intuitive.
>>1618127On the contrary, Nova already has plenty of supportive/macro capabilities with a ranged slow, her clones and a bribe at 4.
>>1618127>hero killer invis gankersee this is the problem with your outlook right here, and the main reason that Nova is a meme hero is because many see it this way.Yes, she is a decent ganker, but not really. She is a ranged assassin mage with a focus on single target damage, and if you think of her that way she becomes more effective. Sure you can roam and gank and get kills, but so can Greymane or Tychus or Butcher, but if that's all any of them try to do they'll be pretty shit overall. Nova should be used as a ranged assassin first, and this doesn't mean sitting in a bush, stealthed, half the game looking for that fucking sweet sniper kill on a low health hero. It means being in team fights doing damage, using your clone to scout bushes and provide vision for the team, soaking lanes if needed, and providing macro value whenever you can.To that end the invisibility isn't about l337 ambush skillz, it's about being slippery to target in fights, and being impossible to place on the minimap. Being able to clear a wave anywhere on the map, or defend/support a push by herself without help will be way more useful way more often than the ability to delete one enemy hero every 100 seconds, assuming you manage to actually succeed getting the kill with it.
It's not like precision strike is only good as creep clear either. It's much more useful in a team fight of you use it effectively. Just wait for your tank to stun or slow a target then slam that circle on top. There's just the added utility of being able to blast a knight camp/creep wave that's pushing your fort top lane while your whole team is at an obj bot
Oh so that's where all this nexus characters are from. Cinematics are dope too.
>>1618127>>1618371>>1619196Nova is basically Raynor with a cloak; just right click heads while weaving and throwing out Snipe'sit's literally free damage and she's honestly at her best when chipping down health bars because you're slowly opening enemies up and threatening your actual burst combo on weak heroesshe's a lot like Murky in that she isn't always immediately a huge threat and benefits from being a massive pain in the ass, constantly picking on people and causing problems elsewherei wouldn't say Triple Shot is a bad Heroic, but it is the weaker of the two and best used on smaller mapsgood for securing kills and it's a strong psychological tool that tricks players into gathering in an effort to bodyblock the shots on squishy targets
>>1619196I almost always take Precision Strike because it's a global that damages buildings. Waveclear and teamfight bursts are a bonus.