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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 6 started Dec 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbs/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 6 Preview

>Season 6 Legion Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Hisui - Eternal Return
Wouldnt it be funny if someone stole one of those for personal use? haha
Did anyone saved the emote file? link is dead
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>even a BP themed around an AU demonic invasion ends up being slop
NN can't help themselves
define slop
uninspired garbage designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator
how is AU demon lowest common denominator
bc alonso and lenox have had about 0.1% of the screentime that charlotte and siss have bc the former is NN's lightning and the other is 16
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>Being this much of a newfag
Sissela is one of most popular and oldest characters, literally won the fist epic skin contest and NN changed to "two winners" since then lol
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>implying I didn't know a growing amount of the ER playerbase are nonces
that's literally why i said it was slop
16 is legal in the majority of the world albeit
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Not our fault if you like a character with less charisma than a dead fish like Arda
>Alextranny seething at people that like women after posting gay porn again
You lost faggot
quads proving penisbuttschizo ruined another thread
It's okay. Trump's gonna get rid of all the fags.

patch notes
sua nerfs
I am in disbelief
Well, they didn't nerf Garnet again at least.
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Man i hate when my 3rd teammate is a filler bot
Sorry, that's just me.
I ctrl+f my main's name
There is nothing
Business as usual
I am tired of pretending that Garnet is bad.
I want to sex garnet

and shes bad in soloQ yes
>shes bad in soloQ
That's barely a criticism since that applies to a ton of characters.
>Leon buff again
has anyone gotten the new shoichi and sissela background from achievements
I think someone posted the background in discord
whats the requirements to unlock it?
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>echion gets dragged out back and loses 5%
>bro he's still good trust me like he's giga like it's nothing lmao they didn't touch his EHP so it's fine
>sua gets dragged out back and loses 5%
>sua is dead.
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>Slay an enemy with only 15% of Max HP remaining.
thank u bro
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God stop, i already fapped today
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Stop that.
She probably hasnt bathed in weeks
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How many buffs in a row has Adriana gotten now? See her get stronger every patch and still somehow completely nonexistent in games.
I don't think she will see much play when Lenore is better, imo.
justyna bio
Every time I am reminded that Aiden's real name is Carl I laugh a bit.
You can also see it on his Store Manager skin, his nametag says Carl.
tall mofo
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yeah I'm thinking SW echion is meta
Anyone has the still image file of this?
How's leni and cathy looking like, how easy are both to pick up and learn without being a deadweight?
I need to learn survivors other than right clickers...
leni is the hardest support. cathy is on the harder side compared to similar characters like abigail. their difficulties in game are pretty accurate
you couldnt had picked simpler stuff uh? just play charlotte or something
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>Should we dive in a dream?
dishonest character,autowins vs every melee
Oh shit
The doujins write themselves
>Mai’s power was toned down but her durability has taken a hit
meanwhile she survived a 1v3 on multiple occasions in season 1 finals
they gutted her survivability with that W change, so why does it matter that she survived 1v3s in a season final over a year ago?
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He probably meant the latest season's phase 1 finals, which mai did survive a bunch of 1v3's.
justyna preview

She is very cute
Any anons doing norms? Or ranked cause I'm plat
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i havent played much in awhile but am down to hop on
I'm up for it, though I haven't been playing much lately because I've been distracted by other vidya.
what vidya have you been playing
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Freedom Wars
Which led me to go back to playing God Eater 2, then God Eater 3, and then Ender Magnolia came out
what the fuck is she doing at the end?
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uhh bro you logged off...
My game crashed...
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I can't do it...
I cant stop being a filthy dirty aya picker...
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new code
Good job bwos we got the #1 Victory Royale.
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ggs good to play the game once in awhile but my teamfighting sense feels off still, hopefully it'll naturally heal over time
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also yea that would explain it
it's so fucking nyover
60ms is good
don't delude yourself now
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it's this part happening every 3 seconds that's bothering me
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the anon 3 stack is truly the strongest
Hello gamers anyone still playing or is it joever
I can get on if you want anon
Gimme a few quickies nyow
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>ranked queue keeps going up to 22/24 for an hour straight but it then launches without me
It's over, my elo is too low for ranked...
too high*
Ive been playing nothing but norms for the past 3 years, i only just started playing ranked a few days ago mostly due to my hellish schedule.
Currently bronze 1 lmao.
Nyo.. but the cadet skins
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Soo where's our union/faction? Surely /erbs/ made 1 or 2?
Yeah I really hate that I missed out on cadet aya since she's my favorite, but I work nightshift in the US and my hours make it impossible to get ranked games unless I do some really weird stuff like wake up super early so I can catch the evening games before work. I just never bothered until now and I hate it.
That's the fucked part, my free days are thursday and friday.
and? people still can pop ranked then
I don't get what's your problem

I'm just bitching that it's such an inconvenient time slot that I can only really get in maybe 2 games at best before queues die and this starts happening
Become an Alonso main and play EU with 150 ping.
surely you'll get more later today!

isn't it made worse because of the new schedule locking you out completely past 7
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Ggs I will be calling upon all anons again tonight
if unions were a thing 1-2 seasons ago maybe
ER is kill...? No...
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more like no motivation to seriously grind
a couple of my anon friends have quit and i found i was ultimately too lazy to commit to the mythril grind last season
my motivation to grind the game at the moment is probably at an all time low since S2
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I'm too lazy this season so I get it. Anons nyo we're dying...
don't have grind, just play
also stream while you are at it
I want to play but Im too bad at the game...
I will beat you up
try it twao
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believe in me who believes in you!
Practice makes gud. Practice with anons make better. Don't give up bro
Play with 2 anons, they will definitely carry you and you will learn from the experience
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wtf twao started playing the game again?
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Nope I'm chasing whatever peak rank I can get on Marble Soibois. Got GM recently so took a break before I go back into the soloq madness versus fag premades. Because that game is a casualfest letting people premade up to 4 players even in that game's meteorite/mythril+ and they can face solos. Love facing premades bro!!
Let's play some nyorms tomorrow night
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marvelgods.... i capitulate
stream or kys
Last time I tried streaming it I was running on 5 fps...
I genuflect NetEase
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r u sure it wasnt because u were running erbs and hbr at the same time
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Magnus, King of the Jobbers jobs again...
Sissela Sex
huff and puff dailin pits
Chiara Love!
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Stinky chinky
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Chiara Love!
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Stop the Adina abuse.
are the gooks still spending every waking moment drawing her being thrown into a wood chipper because they got farmed by her two years ago
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>Forgive me father, for I have sinned
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>Sorry daddy, I've been a bad girl
Asking for a dick
More practice
if ur alive im available to nyorm in like 45 min
Sua love
Sua sex
Sure bro any other anon wanna join at 11?
Remind me and I will join unless I am distracted by other vidya
r u alive brother
I'm coming bros just losing and demoting aiiee
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i managed to finish watching blazblue central fiction frosty faustings grand finals in the meantime bwo..
you guys are gonna miss union at this rate
I'll bother with union when it gives me something I want
>all these anons right now
So you guys gonna team and queue or what?
I'm waiting for the invite.
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Shitposting while at work
Nina love
Alright, we're doing custom colbat. Get out of your games so I can invite you. I have 5 already, just need 3 more.
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I'm eating
This is a lie
Nevermind, we're going to snipe norms with multiple teams.
Since so many anyons are on, recruiting premade in marbles rivals! GM gamers get in and boost me
day 2 3 teams though
We killed like 3 teams on like day 1 just to get one damn tree.
we won for you other anons
Ignore the fact that we were the ones that killed you
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Hey chatGPT how do I beat up all anons?
Hey chatGPT, how do I steal anons RP?
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last one for me
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Chiara owes me footjobs
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ggs bros some good games tonight
i brainfarted and stood in the estelle ult while i was trying to find an angle to ult hisui but hisui has so many invul frames AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
on better ping I can kite hisui and he WILL die
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uh bros what does this mean..
We jobbed. I jobbed. Also committed an act of terrorism targeting you guys over the other team in the 3P
No clue bwo. Check page history, perhaps?
This last game?
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ggs bros
I was hoping to end on a win but goddamn Vanya is a hard 1v1
Yeah there was another team above and you guys landed next to them. We might've committed a hate crime. GGs
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bwos... im wathcing the replay....
I missed every single skill and walked into every trap. It's over
Watch the very last bit
It's painful
well I'll be damned they didn't show up on VLS
i was wondering why estelle dashed the other direction at the start of the fight lol
so that would explain
in my defense i went for the other team but you two wanted the anons dead.

i threw by running into vanya and not backing off it shouldn't have ended like that...
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we didn't see the other team so were ready to all-in
killing us was the call because we were trying to fight
It's okay, wanting Vanya dead on sight is a natural response.
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myabe someday we'll have a 3-team stack in queue..
the legendary 3v3v3 on day 7
We had 9 anons at some point nyo? Wonder what happened
I dunno but if we get 8 we can do a full coballz game
I hope I beat the Silviafag allegations...
the grand estelle escape on day 3 was pretty sick
you guys got out and were still quite ahead
and here I thought we were on an insane pace
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Embrace it, there is nothing wrong with being a onetrick who refuses to play anyone else I play other characters when I really need to
I don't even know where to look to find out my most played character.
Profile > Summary > Normal or for whichever season
Main menu, profile
You can also check dak too, but if you check all normals it'll include duo/solo in the count, counting those I actually have over 1000 Adina games
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>only ~1000
See bros...
Also, wow I have almost 1400 games played.
bwo, I...
There was a time right around the end of EA where I had to stop playing because the game would constantly crash since I was still on win7
im labeling you as randomselect on gpt next itme
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Random just like my performance.
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Does Union even give anything substantial
I am still lazy but norms was fun today and is reviving the game for me slowly
I have no idea, maybe someone will know after making one.
msgk is playing it right. Tell us NYOW
I don't think I've had as much fun in ERBS before.
Stacking norms with anons is always a fun time. More teams of anon means more fun.
I don't think they announced rewards yet but it's sure to come
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>Victories accomplished only by 3stack
Peak shitter
aaaieeee im 20 rp away from silver 5 and queues died for the night
tomorrow for sure...
q korea and get to gold
play characters like xiukai that aren't affect by ping much
Bad advice from a bad anon some1 beat him up
what did I do man
But nah high ping feels awful just slowly grind up bwo. You'll be out of silver in no time
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Nah nothing lmao it's just idk unless you really want to rank up above all else 150+ ping experience is awful
I'm playin on 130 to BEAT your ass. Watch your TONE mister.
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You're going down chud
I NEED a dailin gf to beat me into a bloody pulp in a drunken rage and then cry about it afterwards as I sob into her pits
Don't let me catch you in custom coballs
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>what the fuck is she doing at the end?
She want her daily protein
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AAAAAIEEEE you fuckers were having fun
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I'm sorry bro.
Shouldn't have had a social life on friday night bwo..
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no I live half a world away I was sleeping
I could've watched a stream
The revolution was not televised.
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Oh id give her milk alright
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Sup bros. I didn't know this board existed so I haven't been in since the /vg/ thread... But I'm here now, and also bianca love
Are we stacking again tonight?
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sure i'm in
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>Maybe it's time to put the book down and go on a little adventure myself
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what ball is char playing?
>Already has suggestive art.
Justyna will save ER.
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>You need to master every role you play to be called a top actor
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Play and love, LOVE, Chi- oh you're picking Hyejin instead, okay...I'll just...go back to reading, then...
my goat saten is playing
>mai is still winning tourny level games after w nerf
Cannot be stopped
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Mai's utility is just too much. They nerf her every patch and she always ends up good anyways lmao
mai vietnamese wife is op
What tourney level games?
When we stacking?
fucking stream it
the current one
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i got chink new years preparations to make today go on without me...
cleaning the house?
ERCS week 1

but ERCS is on
How about an hour and 40 minutes from now?
BZs may be gone but the sissella classic never dies.
The siss classic should not have happened if the cat player was even remotely good
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Yeah, cat W into human W would have either gotten the kill safely or forced siss out of the corner but i can't really blame him for forgetting about the funny pull, it's such a rare thing now.
warriors assemble >>1599176

He could also wait for another round of human Q but oh well, they'll pick something they're actually good at next week.
>dead game
>people keep stacking norm
This is why we never will get any fresh meat.
Can't stack ranked due to either too high/too low/rank can't let you.
yeah people should stack cobalt instead
hmm... nyo
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I also play norms as a solo
I wanted cobalt
the newer, weaker teams did not use mai due to her nerf, but the stronger veteran teams still used mai. even when the strong teams faced each other, a team with mai came up ahead most of the time
coballz gods...
Coballs SUCKS
THIS MODE GETS RANKED NEXT SEASON I forget if it's next season or the one after

Join me and you too can become a cobaltGOD
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I only play Chiara and I only love Chiara.
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Much appreciated, I was looking for Mai related things after the w nerf and didn't know about this site at all
grind some coballs
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There's not a soul out there, no one to hear my prayer?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
we LOST one
I'm going back to chrono ark
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chrono ark is great. haven't played in a while though my interest died off after i finished the story
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luv me this based autist
I like it for the story so far, the gameplay is sorta rng heavy which is sad. You just don't know when you're in a doomed run or not. Feels like I'm playing DD1 but the devs have yet to remove all the fun

Don't threaten me if there's no lobby, step it up man.
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>only 2 on
My cobalt dreams are over.
She's pretty much the best.
The RNG is easier to deal with after you raise friendship levels to the point where you have extra choices on first level up and you have some more control over the builds, or when you stick Leryn and Ironheart together and kill everything without thinking.
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Hey now don't forget the classic
>don't roll key party member in campfire
guess I'll just die
ez just make your key party members the starters
Or yeah just fucking die because you took Momori and wanted to build the full self-pain team and you never got Charon or Hein
Last post because it's going too offtopic but yeah I do want to do that exactly!
wake me up when we're playing in the meantime I'll stay on chrono until super cup day 3 in just a bit
watch party is on shuvi's channel iirc
I looked back at some of the games we stacked the other day
I saw this, Sissela killing herself by using ult while already being half-dead and having DoTs on her
me blinking in and ulting a dead body and missing after the fight was already over by that point
>saving the W
game is up
chrono ark is only hard if you don't know how the game's damage system works. you can easy one shot bosses in expert bm4 with random characters. fun fact, i'm one of the reasons why they had to add damage cap and multi phases so the game doesn't end immediately.
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>100soo on Eleven
It's so fucking over Dailin bros
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>fun fact, i'm one of the reasons why they had to add damage cap and multi phases so the game doesn't end immediately.
bwo?? you were saying??
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>they started focusing Kenneth and ignored Katja
He's more dangerous than Katja THOUGH
he can't play dailin for all 6 games due to super cup's tournament format
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wens erbs stak?
i wan play funny dailin and sandbag
right nyaow
no one else but me is on
>wanna play
>afraid my silver ass will drag others down
Wanna play with anons yet i am afraid my silver ass will just make others have a bad time*
Fixed my sentence
fuck up and misplay a teamfight which ends in all of us dying
and then queue starts again
Huh. sniper aya is better than I initially thought.
Don't worry bro I don't even have a rank.
It's okay; I'm bronze.
i'm also silver :3c
you can add some mods, as long as it's not giving you broken buffs. if you don't want the rng on campfire recruits, you can just use the mod to have full list. very useful if you're trying to test specific builds in a challenge for a real run later
>play magnus
>Chase enemy
>they can jump walls and kite me nonstop
I cry
Does anyone have that pic of eleven mai and lenox cooking some poor soul? i need to wank to it
all the skin boxes have new skin probability E thingy
what is it?
bwo you can check the rate ups. Its the casino batch + that reworked martina and the token yuki skin
I give up on the other game bwos got so close to Celestial/top 500 but for some reason the game is mario party tier and lets people stack in highest ranks and also face solos while premade... I'm going back to my JRPGs that shit is fucking cancer. I don't know of any other game that lets you group up to the highest rank it's moronic
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it's over for marvel
now play fighting games with me twao
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Fucking little baby IP I'm continuing ToG f remaster and spamming ER again next season
I can't play fighting games I have SF6 but suck dick at it
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one of my good fighting game anon friends who plays blazblue with me grew up with tales and graces f is his favorite game
if u like graces f u will like blazblue central fiction
now play with me
>ToG f remaster
but you should become one of the top five Acceleration of Suguri 2 players in the world with me
There are currently only four of us
I have that game, I suck at it I bought it years ago add me
Wtf is that
>he is a CF enjoyer
Well searching Twao on steam community search didn't give me anything useful so just use my friend code instead
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A game that lived for about a week when the guys who brought it to steam in English gave it away for free
It's touhou but fucking 1v1 fighting wtf it's cool
Won't touch though
I'll never forgive the fucking devs for buffing Kae because he played Kae.
I'll also never forgive them for completely butchering Nanako.
Unironically enjoy the game more pre-steam.

Also a big fan of ToG and Blazblue.
Wtf it's all weebs in the weeb moba??
I'll almost forgive them for the "balance" patches because of the QoL stuff that got added to training mode and online that's a lot easier to work with. Almost.
Rollback is a god send. I pray more older games get it like Arcana Hearts, or Dengeki Bunko gets a steam release.
I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.
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Be mad for me. But nah it don't matter anymore
>-60 rp because the system put me with two level 30 irons in a silver-platinum match
mind if i add you? not twao
nyes feel free
nyo do not
Not him but do not.
funny thing is their attitude with stacking qp there is the same or worse than in here
they'd bury this game deep
and for the amount of players they have, they have like no matchmaking net to prevent that
Leni erotic Leni erotic Leni erotic Leni erotic Leni erotic li dailin erotic Leni erotic Leni erotic Leni erotic
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wanna play?
Why is this stinky sniper so dumb? Always just gawping with those big green eyes of hers.
>26 minutes ago
Reply to this post if you still need people
Still playing but have a 3 stack with friend. Was just stuck in 25 minute queue hell
have fun anon
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That's been the case for the past week or two, and I'm not sure why.
This time slot has always been pretty quick for games for the past year, every time I got home from work it was always just a 5 minute queue at most in NA.
Now it's just randomly dead
As if my time slot wasnt bad enough as it is
>No longer horny bunny skin season
>Player base instantly drops
Guess it's micro bikini season next time
I wonder if circuits had anything to do with it, because it wasn't a gradual change, it literally just dropped like a rock out of nowhere when that update hit.
Why do you think that would cause a drop? Is it a separate client or something ?
I feel like it has something to do with Marvel Rivals. The playerbase tends to jump at the start of a season, and the average gradually increases until around mid-season, after which it decreases. For season 6, we did not see that. Supervive and Marvel Rivals came out around the same time as season 6 release, which would have diverted players away from the game. It could also be that the changes in season 6 are not well-received by the players, particularly VLS and removal of battle zones (which I like, but I think a lot of players do not like these changes).
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Removal of the battle zone makes people generally more passive. Sure you'll still have fights over trees or boxes but people will tend to back off/run if things get too hairy.

Where as battle zone, you can just dive to your heart's content. It forces a full engagement early on the game where you can't just be dunked on by a full build carry.
That makes sense, I completely forgot about that game. And the latter changes were really whatever for me desu, battlezones were a lukewarm area for me but I love the VLS change.
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>Marvel Rivals
Can confirm. I'm 400 hours into Rivals and recently returned to ER.
I liked battle zone a lot in solo queue because it was typically a good gauge of how well your team works together in a teamfight without risking the entire game. Feels like without it people tend to rat more because no trust in team to play fights well.
>but I love the VLS change.
I'm going to miss getting fucked by hyperloops rng.
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Do any anons want to play low ranked later today? The people I usually play with ditched me to either climb with another friend or play league instead
I'm fine with norms as well, I know I started way too late to grind ranked after all
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>Micro Bikini Sissela
I find it to be the opposite because if you fight before BZ and lose 1 teammate, you automatically lose the lobby because you either can't contest a possible FC or get insane tempo from a BZ win. Now you can use Day 2 to fight and it's not a game losing moment if you -2 before alpha.
Damn it died fast as fuck, any reason?
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It's shit compared to ER(biased)
>want a braindead bruiser who can carry
>brain wont let me play darko since it has him pegged as a dishonest character
No rp for me.
Hisui is braindead when you make braindead decisions
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I felt it when I got a popular streamer and his stack in GM1. It doesn't matter what I do in the game. Got hard carried. Stacks win or lose you the game, and if you're all solos vs a premade (which can happen) it's a FF game. Terrible system that doesn't look to be changed anytime soon so why bother trying unless you have a stack.
At least ER doesn't let you fucking fag stack at diamond+, though I heard union is an attempt at that but I didn't try that mode
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>Time doesn't end here, let's begin your reading
Im free starting wednesday or thursday if you want to stack, Im like 10 rp away from silver
well in Union everyone is 3-stack, so it is a mode for teams to play against each other (kind of like what scrims does)
even overwatch limitted you to duos only.
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Have "sigma" routines gone too far?
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At what part of the day are you meant to take in a deep breath and go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?
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yep back to another season of AI-generated coomslop because the game will never be able to stand on its own two legs and wobbling anime titties is the only way anyone will ever pay attention to it
Supervive is irrelevant. Marvel Rivals on the other hand...
China won GOOKS LOST.
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Supervive devs fell for the "extremely vocal minority" meme and thought it was 10,000+ players who all wanted this incredibly complex BR / MOBA hybrid as opposed to 10 players shouting 1,000 times as loud for their immensely specific demands to be met
They have to keep paying people to play it because it's otherwise the most horrifically offputting game anyone has ever unironically made
Still waiting for another spirit hunter season
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Pretty much. After all, ER has been around for how many years now and still no one has any real idea of what they want the game to be like, which is why they just keep piling systems, features and reworks on top of one another and hoping the game can eventually stand on its own two legs.
Meanwhile MR was set from minute one and only really has to add new characters or maps every so often to keep things fresh. It's a straightforward MOBA and that's all it has to be.
Based. China is winning the culture war.
I-I said qp though but I get your point since it translates directly to ranked there
gay as hell, 100% agree
Yeah I applied it to ranked but played qp a bit too. But in QP people kinda don't give a shit and force 5 dps... without a stack you're either the 6th dps or a heal slave cause people don't care about winning or team comps there
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I should be free both days, just add my IGN Priere whenever you get the chance
After 3 losses bottom 4 in a row
Is Hisui a brat?
>Garnet is 20
>Hisui is 18
If garnet is considered a brat then yes so is she
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>Next new character it's Aiden and Alex clueless onahole with delusions of superhero
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>Felix makes suicidal engagements
>respawns on the other side of the map and avoids us
well,fuck you too!
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I just wiped to that guy's team funnily enough
It wasn't due to him though, his yumin hard carried
yikes 17 mastery
>the damage dealt stats
What the fuck was he even doing all game?
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So why this pig got nerfed again if all his stat are shit?
remember to report
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>Tonfa Leon has been underperforming so we’re enhancing his power to make him more competitive.
Another buff again?? This faggot in denial has been overperforming more than 80% of melees 3 seasons in a row
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Meanwhile in south korea
this is getting real close to generic weeb stand tho
omg it migu
>No garnet merchadise
idk he looked pretty strong in ercs this past weekend
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Not a good week
classic character crysis
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>january is almost over
>no update or even a reply from estaregg about the christmas purchase
it's over
hyun is strong enough to don't die in a second but can't kill shit by itself like hisui or luke who just w or q though
Still trying to find my tertiary pick,i feel like garnet and magnus are too similar
sure, so throughout ercs and super cup this past weekend we must have seen many hisui and lukes right? surely there were more hisui and luke picks than hyunwoo.
>Still seething about LukeGAWDS
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>pick rate
sure, the only stat over hisui and luke who have higher kill, rp and win rates than him currently
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Imagine maining such a shit character who lives permanently in 8th place despite being reworked with a free chase and heal by press a button lol
>as he posts Dailin of all characters
>as he cries out of asspain
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who cares, only masters and league are relevant
Dude you randomly seethe about Luke and Hisui every single thread, the only one that's perpetually mad is you
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Dude you're the only faggot seething about every comment related to Luke here 24/7 unlike the chiara or vanyafags
>Lukennigger caught in 4k
are you really saying that luke has higher avg RP gain than hyunwoo? Outside of start of season stats, i don't think this has been true for many seasons now. Luke has notoriously low avg RP gain.
Because you shitting your panties about Dailin and Luke every thread is fucking annoying when you've been proven wrong time and again
this dailin character has been free RP in ranked for the past few months and dailin fags will still cry that their character is weak.
objectively speaking she's bad at the top and competitive level
but how many dailinfags here are at the top and competitive level
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This is completely irrelevant for the purposes of this argument because Luke and Hisui are too
Well, from my experience playing with luke in the team
>I pick a melee like Jan, Markus, etc
>Teammate picks Luke
>The backline was Aya
>We fight to a Rio, Vanya and Hisui
>I spend moving and trying to dodge the fucking buttlerflies and Hisui circles
>My teammate just press Q to get Rio, never dodges, spam W until, get caught unlike us and process to die
>Aya points he could have survived if stopped to act like a retard
looks like the ER stock is slowly being pushed out by some other weebslop
Nah, it's selling all the fan-material made by the same artist
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>Ready for a summer adventure?
if any poorfags want some drops
not bad
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do not shitpost with my wife youre gonna make them think its me shitposting
Kiss me sissy
So if i am playing someone like charlotte and i get ambushed before i finish my purples,do i actively fight and waste their time or just bend over and suicide?
latter, try to loot everything you needed then die and respawn on your teammates
char is literally useless
>actively fight
Your options are either let them kill you and TP to teammate or run if you're next to a slipstream
Charlotte,johann,anyone without escapes really (garnet)
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I remember that Hyunwoo only had 1% win rate more than Luke and Hisui, yet the rest of the stats were pretty low but pick, and now not even this because his damage was reduced to 3/4 of what used to be, then we have the strange case of characters like Camilo, Abigail and Leon who remains without change or are consistently buffed regardless of show much better stats than Hyunwoo, Markus, Garnet, Fiora, etc
>Hotfix to nerf Daniel the pisslow
Sounds about right for someone that can build tanky and one shot your carry.
>Dying to Daniel in 2025
Only the Rion and Katja shitters who refuse to move in the fight
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>remove your adc
There are hardly any Daniels in NA so I haven't seen him but these stats are op. I bet he will get hit again next patch. Daniel when in a balanced state will have low stats in high elo, but this is the opposite with #1 pick rate and high RP gain.
Can I kiss you instead?
idk if he will get nerfed next patch, this hotfix seems pretty decent
depends,whats your main? i prefer dailin drunk smelly lips but i aint picky
is he right?
Damn I'm happy I'm not in the 'cords. A smaller community breeds a different kind of problem huh these people are not happy playing this game lmao
This shit is so tame it's kind of cute.
Literally who?
adela player
how come these guys can dish it out but can't take it?
>people complaining about queue time
>i queue on asia server no issues
is there a reason i should stop doig this?
>how come these guys can dish it out but can't take it?
welcome to the dpshitter mindset
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>My arrows never miss
why was it specially Rio who got hit with the turboslut bat anyway?
Rio was a slut in BS sometimes
How so?
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>So you're playing ball? Then it's time to concentrate on the ball
Reparations for Korean comfort women
how weak do you have to be to complain on twitter about this lmao
This. The guy who was flaming is a huge loser but like... Move on with your life man.
he's still at it
Sissela Sex
someone hasn't been watching the super cup
yeah I'm on his side by default just because they are huge hypocrites
Nah, this faggot trash talk of everyone
How to identify a carried shitter
>Check his data
>All his victories are doing 3stack
literally me
literally me
There's only so much I can do when norms keeps giving me two players who shouldn't be out of bot matches yet
Solo queue in this game is legitimately awful and I don't know why anyone would want to torture themselves doing it
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Play exclusively 3stack is legitimately play in cope mode and only show that you're not as good as you think
Just say you don't have any friends, lil bro
Just say you suck at this game bwo
i used to play with 2 rl friends but they both quit because they were so shit. now i'm all alone
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>Hah, did you really think you could escape my watch?
Finding a half decent team isn't hard but i don't want to contribute towards making solo queue even more awful and possibly killing the game in the west. That and i also don't know how people have fun at 50% winrate, with most matches being your premade vs 6 teams that are slightly more threatening than bot teams vs another premade.
God i wish
based moral compass anon
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Need Katja skin.
Nothing to grind for right nao
I'm a filthy aya picker!
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It's actually so over...
is there a lore reason why the vampire and the priest are shipped together?
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What is she reading?
>Legs spread
>How to seduce younger men
Damn kenneth is kind of fun, I like being retarded
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>You will have no friends, you will be happy.
Nah I'll keep being "carried" lmao. Playing this game solo for me was ruined the day that they removed solos. I grinded to plat last season solo for the abi emote, but I don't play solo willingly.
Were you the anon asking for which braindead character to play the other day? Either way I'm glad you like Kenneth bwo he's a true ape character. Back in the day he could solo your whole team but he was toned down quite a lot.
>kenneth is 18
>garnet is 20
the fuck?
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Not like this. . .we lost 3v1 to a daili
dailin... weak?
plapped by leni...
No she died like a rat first,we were just too low to 2v2 darko(me)+jackie vs full heal magnus/daili
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I am now a Yumin main
>nadia sweating her ass off yet still losing
i feel bad for her
I meant to say nadine
You can only carry so hard when every fight is a 2v3.
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>this is the last thing you see before she R2s onto you, pins you down and milks you for everything you're worth while preaching about how this is all God's will and you're powerless to resist
>then once you've passed out from exhaustion and wake up the next morning she's still there
>and appears to call you husband from that point on
Turned Gay By Kenneth Axe Skill In The Butt by Chuck Tingle
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Stun-locking crazies by showering them affection.
shoichiniggers still being useless six seasons later it seems
i need a garnet main gf
But i am not financially stable yet?
I am, out of the way bucko
Poverty is considered piety in Catholicism iirc so you're good
>No Bigfoot
>No Dinosaurs
>No Unicorns
2/10 not a real Tingler
Anon Garnet is Kennethsexual, she is not interested in any of those things
But what if it was Kenneth in a Bigfoot suit?
Do not butcher and skin the angsty orphan.
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Sexo with the well adjusted redhead
>Ly Anh
Why's Vietnamese women so fucking op?
>anyone on lumia island being well adjusted
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After drawing her eating dog food and being walked like a dog the next logical thing is her peeing like a dog at a street light.
Stop that. Korea already bullies her enough, she doesn't need it here too.
Do not
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How bad is picrel still?
*emote on your corpse*
Adina being knotted by a pack of wild dogs
Haha how clumsy she is. You mean by their leash r-right?
it seems like this game doesnt make anyone happy that discord channel is just full of people complaining nonstop
>Be me
>Peek into the official discord to save fan-art
>Someone is always complaining to anything and looking for attention like a tranny retard
>It may be a tranny retard for real
Can't imagine how the mods handle this shit lol
Don't even know which one it is. Just assumed it was a met/myth+ discord of known players. Wouldn't help my mental if I had been in there last season with how shit I play kek
its oozma's discord and there are lots of shitters in there complaining about other shitters so its just a shithole in general, but it is funny when drama happens
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Good dodge fuck 'cords
This 30-year-old is starting to get desperate.
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Its always the shittiest players complaining the loudest. It's weird to think that erbs even has many of these types of players.
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Me and friends limit to lurk the official, the rest are just circlejerks full of shit
Might've used the main one early on to ask for advice which sent me to a character mains one, which then gave ignorable advice desu
Is Aya dishonest?
Katja is the only honest adc
No, plenty of counters available.
still complaining after 5 years. no wonder NA community is dogshit
at least there are not that much drama in the charater mains one
ooze's cord is where the dramaqueen ended up
the fucker doesn't even play the game
he quit streaming erbs due to "heath reasons"
I watch other people and he doesn't show up in games
sissela sex
>playing with some frens yesterday and we were actually getting 6 teams + 1 bot team games
NA is so dead...
he started playing norms with his friends recently
the biggest tell that NA community sucks is that EU has half the playerbase of NA but their queues pop earlier and last longer throughout the day compared to NA. NA players are online and playing norms instead of queueing ranked, simply because they think that ranked queues will not pop. because everyone thinks that way, then queues end up not popping until late at night. this region is so dogshit
with how much people in na bitch about "low rolls" and other shit can you really blame people for not wanting to play ranked?
EU has cementeater12 and they still q ranked
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>Item disadvantage
>Deal the least damage
i dont think i have ever seen this bitch being played,its the one with crystal skills right?
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what can i say i'm a god gamerigonre me choking every fight and being soloed on a 2v1 agains rozzi also accept my fren req don't be shy
Didnt wanted to to add just to log off as that seemed rude thanks for the carry sis,hopefully i will do more rounds tomorrow!
Y'know, some of us just like playing norms more than ranked...
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Yeah, the glass slut looking for someone in lumia to fertilize her eggs
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Any1 wan ranked?
Everyone I've tried with here is too low ranked to stack with me...
I will take one for the team

new chapter
the guys have to deal with an airhead
at least she has a good body
Holy fuck what a terrible night for ranked.
10 games, only had one that didnt end with a 2v3 or the quickest 7th place in history.
New artist?
Parallel series
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>Destiny awaits
Start selling your services bwo
game's up boys, get your drops
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thanks bwo
>Decide to play in kr to get some ranked games in on off hours
>try playing braindead tanks that arent too affected by ping
>still mercilessly unbearable
holy fuck, im never doing that again.
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I want to WIN and be the bestest there's ever been in history
give me a survivor to one trick
>I want to WIN and be the bestest there's ever been in history
>give me a survivor to one trick
already lost bro...
I was gonna say Sua since she fits in every comp but so does Emma so pick the latter so you can point and click ADCs
what you are looking for is a character with a high skill ceiling that is capable of carrying.
there are a lot of characters that fit this criteria. do you have a preference for ranged/melee, burst/dps, male/female, etc.? are you asking about ranked or team play (union/tourneys)?
Solo queue ranked character
I usually play right clickers like aya the most, but its always a team of 3 carries, or one captain solo who will never be with the team when the fights are forced. I'm starting to find less and less success with squishy right clickers that I'm used to and feel like I need a team to make space for me, but they just instantly fold.
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>want ER to actually have some kind of story to it instead of merely being Lumia Island Highschool Rumble
>ends up going full Marvelverse
just pick sua
alex, unironically
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Henlo, fellas.
Just posting the artwork one of the guys from the 4chin cup made for Sua (aka Total Paizuri Victory).
She's hot as fuck.
what? "we" did something in 4chin cup?
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Oh fuck G-TEK
This is her second cup, she's done nothing as of yet this season, but had one sweet assist to take the team to the final last season in Autumn.
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The fucking G-tek is sending me.
G-TEK is one of our two frontmen and lead scorer, also he scored today as well.
for adcs, i recommend trying william chloe and martina. these are harder than regular right clickers, but they do have more agency and you will be rewarded for mastering them. they pump out a lot of damage while also allowing you to play proactively instead of reactive like most adcs (notably martina who plays like an assassin)
for other ranged (mages), try adina, celine, emma, tazia and zahir. these are all very strong ranged characters that have (mostly) high skill ceilings.
im just going off of the difficulty bar in-game, but I think that some of these characters have not had their difficulty updated after season 1.0 started. for example, celine and emma are much easier now, while i have no clue why tazia is a 4/5 in difficulty.
I'm almost level 30 and is everyone i'm playing against in this game a bot?
Yeah, you get thrown into bot games early on. Just use those as a chance to figure out how you want to route to finish your items ASAP and farming.
>be Cathy
>miss Suture
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Johann saved Bianca in a experiement, and she treats him like a brother
NA group looking for 1
damn luminal's shoichi is a GOD
get your normal game stats up for the eventual drop they will do later
God I love Johann
Dumb fake vampire
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>get 7 kills at gas station in one game pass mission
The fuck?
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>getting matched with fresh installs (lvl 4-10) and going up against nothing but 3 stacks all the past few days
I'm not even remotely good enough at the game for this shit.
We have to stack...
game will be up in 25 minutes
Just pray that some objective spawns there and everyone in the game decides to fight for it at the same time, easy.
I'll never understand why Gooks hate Adina so much
it's a joke. and she looks cute when she's crying
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>someone picks rio
>know for a snapple fact that they are never going to stick with the team and spend more time dead than alive as a result doing god knows what in paths that don't have any farm or objectives and die alone
Why are rio pickers like this
Why is it ONLY rio that does this.
What compels the rio one trick to act in this fashion
Where is the rozzi? I think she has the highest god gamer everythingdodger potential of all rightclickers, even more than william since his balls rng can suck balls.
any1 wan pray gaem?
ty bwo
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>32 min for a normal game on a saturday morning
time to shut down NA
They're all sleeping from staying up playing ranked at 6 anon!
Its been extra dead from now to the next two to three hours, about 3 from now is the best time to queue if you want some early games.
rozzi is a good pick too i forgot about her since there are no good rozzis in NA
holy shit it feels extra sweaty this morning.
Sissela Sex
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Because for two straight seasons back in early access KR was being terrorized by an adina onetrick and they were all too shit at the game to be able to adapt to how to beat her
so in typical needle dick style they got mad and started drawing adina being beaten up / abused / worse as though it would give them their LP back
they started doing this for other (female) characters as well later down the line so it turns out that it was just their coping method for losing
ever since it's kind of watered down to just miscelleanous comical bullying but the original roots are still present
Group A + D
come get your boxes
you can just tell by the general movement of the players the skill difference between korea and everyone else. kind of sad, but can't be helped.
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Another funny siss pull in the temp zone, just to lose 3vs2 to the 'dina
yea this girl deserves the bullying after that
carried shitter playing 3stack even in normals
I NEED dailin to sit on my face
Not want
This but Noah and her unwashed spats
I want my head to be squeezed between Sua's tits and thighs.
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>Don't worry, Dragon Dailin is here to ward off all those pesky evil spirits following you around
tits too big
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game will be up in 22 minutes
He's a Sissela main who also plays Shoichi, Haze, etc
i'm aware, been watching him since byte breakers
wtf is a byte breakers
the team he was on? what are you, new?
pro korean team, named after a fictional team in hit game Omega Strikers
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Oh, byte breakers? The flop of all flops to replace a good game that died due to streamer shilling being their only advertising
Liyart’s art style and design carried Odyssey HARD.
It's also what alienated the general populace when they tried to go sweaty esports
But I appreciate(d) OS all the same even if it's on life support these days
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new code from maincord
do you really bothered to make an account just to get drops?
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NTA but it's more entertaining watch this and masters than the one-trick niggers of "cuck challenge" or whatever is called who just eat shit once they can't abuse of unbalanced mechanics or do 3p every match
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Part 2 is here
the korean community is far less cancer than the american twitch one, so yeah
This is Rio
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can i have UHHH
Why is Sua so dumb? Not a single thought knocking around in that mind of hers. All tits and no brains. How does she even get stuck like that?
>666 coins and dailin emote
Bro you're breaking my heart. If Rio gets banned again go back to Leni, she even works as an ADC. You never should've dropped her in the first place.
a-anon? who
you can easily make one with some google account
last drops before the final weekend
all acoins
but thanks
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nom nom nom
so that's what they mean by eating resources
the rock crab herself
more drops
sowwy :<

i rly want to play leni too, after we failed ercs qualifiers i tried to convince them to run leni + double bruiser but they HATE that brat

i was outvoted and forced back onto adc
do you reply often msgk
I mentioned you a few times yet you never replied
i check the thread occasionally but i mightve missed it last time

i try to reply but may be acoustic so sometimes nyot sure if being addressed, u r always welcome to add me and msg ingame :3
I usually just watch you popped up in other streams or ercs
I am not in na that's why I mentioned you here
You literally have a Vanya abuser on your team. There is basically no better teammate for Leni. Barbara is a rancid character. Force him to change.
well vanya is pretty much unplayable against any good team, and everyone is comfortable with their current roles. though we might run some happy games in t2 depending on the level of the lobby so stay tuned :3
who are your team I forgot, I don't know where to see all the rosters
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we r team SNIFFA
sex with sissela
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>the nun that uses DEMON MAGIC didnt got a demon skin
Anyways,have they revealed whats the role of the new redhead girl character? Tank,bruiser,assassin?
she's a fallen angel
she has a fucking demon hunter skin
NN have butchered the horror theme every time they went for it so they just gave up and did AU fantasy servants of Hell instead
>fallen angel
Fucking what? Not even a human?
eh no, autistic lil child got power from angel something something
I don't know much about lore
Oddly cute despite the creepy looks
Need servant of Ojisan Chiara skin.
Tfw no biblically accurate chiara gf to keep me warm in winter
who is xxleniluverxx this guy is a beast
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Nope. She's not non-human, it's just to do with how her VF is awakened, and in terms of her own self-perception during these moments.
ER and ISBS are openly at odds with one another in terms of how Chiara's VF works and how she is overall, but since ISBS was actively built on in WFI and ER is a "sanitized" version intended more for the mass audience, it depends which you want to follow, but while in ER her R transforms her into the image of a fallen angel, she doesn't actually descend from Heaven.
In ISBS, she does nothing of the sort. Shrine of Corruption instead acts as a way for her to be able to detect "the sinners" easier for how the flaws of their self makes them impossible to hide from the fanatical purifier - especially if we're talking about ISBS' Arbiter Chiara skin with altered dialogue.
Also Spirit Hunter Chiara in ER is an AU where her past memories are forgotten entirely.
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Funnily enough, despite Chiara being one of the most fleshed-out characters in terms of who she is, way she's the way she is and how she can end up changing, one thing that isn't mentioned for herself compared to almost any other character is what kind of food she prefers. We know that potatoes were a staple part of her diet back at the convent (most likely a vegetarian diet depending on if the convent reared animals) but past that is unknown.
Given her underweight frame, she is either malnourished from lack of sustenance or a self-flagellating belief of "gluttony is a sin" which means she eats with her eyes and not her stomach, leaving a portion of whatever she is served no matter the size of the meal, even if it's a child's portion to begin with.
However, it's more likely that her constant stress drains her of appetite, and therefore would eat a full meal if she was hungry and was in an environment where she felt comfortable.
>underweight frame
bitch is bigger and taller than half of the female cast
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I don't know who you're comparing her to unless ER also retconned that as well.
>Chiara is 167cm 48kg
>Hart is 175cm 63kg despite a poor diet
>Adela is 167cm 56kg
>Adriana is 169cm 60kg
>Sua is 159cm 59kg, proving that tits don't actually weigh that much.
>Mai is 166cm 54kg
>Eva is 164cm 45kg as one of the few who is lighter weight for weight.
>Fiora is 158cm 48kg
>Nadine is 178cm 66kg, probably due to muscle mass
>Sissela is obviously skin and bones
>Hyejin is 163cm 46kg as a strange contradiction
>Li Dailin is 165cm 56kg (probably weighed her on a full belly of mead)
I could go on but Chiara is below average for both.
>We know that potatoes were a staple part of her diet back at the convent
Imagine the braps from her big fat butt.
rio is shorter, garnet, char
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Rio is 166cm 51kg, probably weighing more due to the balloon tits that have been bestowed to herself as part of VF body mods. As for anyone ER original (including Bianca, Tia and Elena who I don't have info on) I don't know any of those.
Besides, we're looking at weight compared to frame here, not merely just physical height. Interestingly, Nadine weighs more than Jackie despite the serial killer having amongst the strongest physical performance of any female Test Subject due to her requirements to be able to overpower her victims, male or female.
>Fiora is 158cm 48kg
Holy womanlet, I didn't realize she was so much smaller than some of the other girls.
>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumduspter
new bread

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