Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.>SMITE Y12>SHI2>>it's a beta>>One unnecessarily remade Godtoon planned every week til August>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027>>Basically, it's fucked>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery>Lore>Links>Previous
>>1593524Don't care still not playing shite 2
>>1593536Me neither, I just want to make the best and most straightforward infographic possible so it puts other sites to shame.
Jing Wei
>>1593524the nu-portraits look so fvvcking bad brovulkan looks like a highly detailed jak and most of the rest look blurry or unfocused (eg compare hades from a distance)what happened to just leaving things alone
>>1593619Trust the plan Chud.>hail african hortlerofficial communication channel to the devs btw
>>1593664I don't give a fuck about reddit.
>>1593543why is she so flat
>>1593685why are you so fat
>>1593945I'm da jokah baby
>>1593664Man someone needs to make another SMITE reddt. This is so fucking boring like you can't tell me this is real. More people will be looking at SMITE and already they're trying to call everyone fascist? Which is pretty fucking weird and out of nowhere. This is a video game btw what the fuck does this reddt post have to do with anything SMITE? They are trying to kill a community for SMITE 2 before it even forms.
>>1594000>Man someone needs to make another SMITE reddt.nah + who cares>already they're trying to call everyone fascistnah just leddit jandroids, but those leddit janniggers are the ones that get to filter opinions to the devs (which is in part which shi2 is shi2, because any genuine criticism was either shot down, sandbagged, censored or deleted)>They are trying to kill a community for SMITE 2 before it even forms.good???
At the very least we need to advertise that there's a SMITE community here. I want to read posts. And there's no content.
>>1593543Nice of them to add AltBlues gf to SMITE 2.
>>1594048altblue's gf is gender bent thanatos lets be honest here.
>>1594000Trips of truth and freedom
Anyone else smurfmaxxing?
>be playing any role in smite 2>make one mistake>always get flamed by some asshole (who made an equal amount of mistakes himself btw)genuinely a shitty experience. this game needs some kind of behavior score and to pair up the emotionally unregulated kids together that way so I can miss one skillshot and not be bombarded by sperg rage. people will also insta surrender then afk in base when they don't get their way. It's unplayable because of the shit community and no system to deal with the toxicity
>>1594057>muh toxicityGo dilate somewhere else tranny. This is how gamer culture should be.
>>1594059no hes kind of right in my experience its not that playing bad is the issue, its that mexicans 4-5 stacks will report you for not playing S tier characters in every non-ranked match and if you do anything they disagree with even if its the right thing to do mechanically, they will still stack 4-5 reports on you per match.When they added that goodwill system, it fucking protected you from the mexiniggers reporting you for whatever random reason or for even having a name.One of the reasons paladins ranked was literally dead in the water was from 1 mentally ill mexican or russian refusing to play the game if he was on a team of people with american sounding names where hed just sit int he lobby and cuss at everyone and throw himself off the map or troll pick us not having a tank or a healer and then youd get matched up with him 8 games in a row and the game was virtually unplayable by both teams for like 2 hours and it allowed one person to fuck up the game for everyone involved.If they want to learn anything from smite and paladins it was the goodwill system and banning these mentally ill assholes that will dedicate their life to griefing every match if they arent kicked the fuck out
>>1594103even having an american sounding name*
>>1593685She likes da Final Fantasy Tactics
I really, really like this new meme.
>>1593685Her father was short, and had a small cock.
>>1594059>niggers and third worlders should be allowed to ruin your fun.
>>1593664Let's hope they enforce that rule, so people move to a new subr*ddit.
Imagine grandstanding this hard even as lo-rez are forced to cut back on all their propaganda programs and hiring practices.
It's time to ban Americans from the internet.
Im tired of all the reddit screenshots. Can we get some clips going instead?
This game is truly awful imo
You did buy the founders pack when they announced they were adding 10,000~ diamondgemdollartoondoublooncrystals to the deal, right? Right!?
New banger just dropped.
smegmagen has never won with a charybdis.
Everyone loves dolize!
Post some good fucking smite memes.
>>1594144Racism isn't funny.
>>1594379But it is.
This isn't how videogames normally behave during their release month.
Don't careI'm still playing SMITE2
>>1594459>sitting at old pre-SHITE2 smite1 numbersIt's not fucked yet. That sort of dropoff is pretty normal despite what you claim. What'll cause Hirez to panic is if it keeps dropping. Smite 1 sat at 12k peaks for years and pumped money.>>1594469>barely dropped during SHITE2's releaseKino
>commendations disabled.They're going to discontinue smite 1 for real.
Play SMITE 2.Buy diamondbucktoons.
>>1594548Nooo, stop encourag- i mean, it's not funny!
>>1594548buy diamondbucktoons for inner peace
>>1594628Looks balanced to met. Rabbit
>>1593543FACT: This skin will be able to be purchased entirely using legacy gemtoons
>>1594628the elo was similar so what's the issue?
>>1594628There were no 5 stacks, so it's fine.
Why are there so few melanin enriched gods, anyway?
any smiters for an afternoon session? in like 2 hours from now?
>>1594196Just call them nigger on game chat>>1594103Again just play with your own 5 stack or just cyberbully them. We figured all this shit out back in the cod lobby days.
>>1594057>>15941031. just ignore them bo (i had a game tonight where i ogt top everything on a tnk build and still had a stunky cabr try t call me out before the resuts screen)2. rude quueu // negative goodwill style / automiac containmen mathcmaking ofr high block-ratios usually dos wondrs in onlinbames (but that means non-s"kill bassed matchmaking" so wannabe SPLshitters who htink they're the nex memesport plaers don't like it)>>1594796sure im shiiggy 2 proc
>play with raptor>he feeds
>>1594895ad sneeds!
>>1594775Olorun is the only real fucking nigger.
>>1594913Ra's a fucking bird
>>1594916*Melinated african man with a bird head.
I thought hi-rez was all about diversity, bros?
>>1594936How the fuck is Xing a furry?
>>1594938Because he traded his head for a dumb torso face.
smiters. I have logged on.
I wish AltBlue was still playing.
Smite 2 won.
>>1595002...the dead on arrival contest.
Need this, but with the smite 2 logo.
>>1595011hrzg is down the hall and to the left
>>1595011Take your stale hrzgay memes from my sight.
ggs dolize
>Play with Raptor>He buys bracer first relic to give the whole team +4 power and thats why hes kingly in nature.
To this day not a single /smgen/tlemen has won with charybdis.
I bet AltPaki could do it if he wanted to.
>>1595002I will now play your game
>>1595082it's not abou the powerit's about the movemnt speed
i just got a quadra with khepri!krab tuah!spit on that thang!
>>1594826>Again just play with your own 5 stackMost games are limited to 2-3 stacks now and 5's arent allowed. Or they are allowed until you clear like gold or plat and then its only solo queue or duo stacks.>or just cyberbully themThis will get you banned. Its better not to type anything and plead the 5th so nothing can be used against you out of context by an indian worker who also hates americans filling out as many ban forms as possible not even reading them or having a 3rd grade reading comprehension or reddit tier bants comprehension that will give you a ban for being toxic as fast as possible to fulfill his quota.It isnt innocent until proven guilty, its malicious report because its guilty by default.There was the guy that got his microsoft xbox account permaed because he lived in a town called Fort Gay and people would report him and it took the mayor of the city reporting it to the news before microsoft backed down.>wannabe SPLshitters who htink they're the nex memesport plaers don't like it)yeah I dont care about wannabes fuck emeveryone is shit at video games and im tired of casual shitters reporting me and telling me im wrong on every website in every game im in downvoting me, while im a grandmaster and theyre some nobody plat shitterI just want to play games whether ranked or not and have them be complete normal games not have people scream at me and actively throw the match by non-participation over and over againshite2 was literally unplayable because everyone would ragequit and youd go back to the lobby every 6 minutes
My jungle just had his second meltdown.
>>1595318>shite2don't care
proc or pass?
what role is most suited for a new player soloQing?
>>1595393Solo lane.
>>1595393solo if gringemid if base
>>1595318>streamer mode enabled because his bitch ass knows he's gonna get laughed out of the room the moment he's exposed as shi2 buck broken niggeryou already know your place in this hierarchy>>1595393stick to arena until you're confident enough not to askbut otherwise, assuming you're not playing shi2 (i don't know, nor care about shi2), duo's the easiest role in smite, even if it's slightly harder to play because aim. literally just stay in your fucking lane and hardfarm to 20. never rotate, never help your team, barely give a shit about junglel, just land autos and burn structures when you're called on lategamealso ADC has all the shitter godtoons>heim = get out of jail free>chary = get out of jail free x2>chronos = extra life>skadi = plays the game for you>martichoras = fullclears with one ability at lv1 + kinda-get out of jail free>neith = neith>amc = literally try to miss an ability (you can't)>apollo = fuck this i'm out button>chernobog = fuck this i'm out button>jing wei = immune to knockups (infertile) + no punish for backing / dying>olorun = best ult in the game>sol = aegis + phantom on one ability and a massive self heallike, there's more shittoid godtoons than not, which is somehow less impressive than warrioids>>1595401nah solo's too nofun these days, newfags will just get chewed out and forced out of the game 5 levels behind with nobody to help them.
>>1595413i am asking about smite 2, smite 1 is dead in asia so no dice
>>1595419chang....don't you have a league addiction to attend to...
>>1595419Just play a game that isn't dying kim.
>>1595419honestly i'd rather play smite at 300 ping than shi2, feelsbadman mr asiaman
>>1595425>>1595428>>1595436I was hopelessly addicted to Valorant. Please be respectful.
>>1595413i dont have streamer mode on thats just how it works in smite 2
>>1595437>stuck between a rock and a hard place
The only way to save SMITE 2 is to make it the number one MOBA in India.
>>1595318>SMITE2 Not impressive or notable
why do guys keep clinging on to a dead game made more than a decade ago?
>>1595538The game has 15k players thoughever
It's up to us and our hearts of freedom to save the SMITE community from the tyranny of oppressors.
Proccing the blonde again today.
Bots are taking over the internet?????SMITE posts do not get 4k votes at all no where near.
>>1595629I give a fuck about people who want to discuss SMITE having a place to go to.
>>1595630You already have this place though retard.
>>1595633And not everybody knows about it. Like imagine how many SMITE players want to talk about the game and go to rddt because more people know it and It's just the most boring shit imaginable because nobody is allowed to express themselves as humans? And then there's not that additional bit which makes the game more enjoyable.
>>1595624The mods and lo-rez linked the pist on every leftist r*ddit in existence, and it also made it onto the popular subr*ddit.
We will save the SMITE community.
>>1595318I waited 900 seconds to say this is poggers clip
>>1595389wow her hair looks greasy as fuckwonder who gave them that ideai'll be sticking with /ourcutedoll/ (picrel is 7 years out of date and still looks better)holy shit just noticed shi2 aph has thigh cellulite too that's fuckin gross eww wtf is that even bro
>>1595389are those shadows or her areola?
>>1595865Like this ugly ass xbox 360 graphics looking bitch is any better.
>>1595987>>1595990sister why did you delete your first post?
What are you on about, schizo?
uh oh melty
>>1595804I'm contemplating posting one, but I'll wait and see if something actually comes from this, and if it doesn't, I'll share.
>>1595865My moobs are larger than her boobs
>>1596327don't prove that. i don't want nor need proofs.
>>1596327Proofs. Now.
>>1596327what eating 1000 calories every time you login to smite does to a mf
Havent played smite since 2015How's smite 2Is bakasura and arachne in smite 2
>>1596704>Havent played smite since 2015based, you missed everything>How's smite 2shi2, our little asylum is in open revolt and is actively refusing to play itOG Smite on the other hand is basically a finshed-development game, and aside from the shitty s10 cuckquest map it's in a decent enough long-term state and still gets more updates than dota 2>Is bakasura and arachne in smite 2top of the thread has the chart, but IIRC all the basic attack toons are at the bottom of the priority list because leddit and shitcord hates them and thinks they're both broken OP and unplayable at the same time (aka they're lifelong scrubstompers, but shitters think they're cumpetitive so they gotta pretend they have no trouble with them)
>>1596731Looks dull as fuck like everything else I've seen from SHITE2. All his colours need to be cranked right up.
Uhhh, playstation bros? What the fuck?
>>1596800I don't know what this means because I'm not a console shitter
>>1596804It means very few people on a large and popular achievement tracking site actually own smite 2.
They're already walking back one of their bad memes.
>>1596800Ohhh nonononono it's even worse than I could have hoped lmao, plus PC numbers are already slowing down.Not even a full fuckin week in and the chuds are starting to smirk.>>1596827fuck off leddit
>>1596827I don't give a fuck about reddit. Why don't you go back?
>>1596835The OB2 patch player spike will save smite 2.
>>1596827They forgot that their game isn't actually league, even though they're copying literally everything from it. Smite kittoons aren't designed around effects going off through CC and it's going to continue to cause issues until lowrez figures it out.
>>1596827That's not deleting it retard, that's tweaking it. It's still buffering CC like leeg, so a Thor could still warp to his hammer and be stunned at the end point rather than prevented entirely if they didn't press in time.CC buffering isn't about "channels or durations" like normalniggers are pointing out with the obvious examples, it's input lag priority, and it's still the case that the person on the receiving end can get away with way more than they should ever be allowed to. Chang'E, Ravana, Tiamat etc in that system is going to be 100% ultracancer, since buffering means they can immune on reaction, rather than prediction giving them functional permanent CC + burst damage immunity when duelling if they aren't retards.This "fixes" nothing, it just makes the shittercrutch less obvious to onlookers. Read your own fucking screencap, leddit nigger. If you want a preview into what buffering looks like, look up any oldschool leeg Zilean ememe, then apply it to Chronos (except Zilean is a tank that has been perma-kept in the low-tiers for a reason since he became a problem, while Chronos is the hardest scaling and slipperiest ADC in the game). because the second life / pre-resurrect is CC buffered, then CC immune - so even if you jump him with hard CC, the moment a Chronos gets a macrosecond of breathing space while he frantically mashes his ult button, it'll go off without a hitch under CC buffering. That's one example.It's cancer, and it's why leeg doesn't have immunities or cool frame-perfect interactions as rampantly. Retard.
>>1596920>>1596924/smgen/tlemen gamers share a mind's eye
>in fafnir ult>stun an ao kuang as he's fishing for an ult on my backline mid who just got timeline'd>he stealths to delay the stun while invis, then combat blinks and goes to ult the mid anyways>i have literal bajillion IQ and foresee this, leap on the kuang before his ult connects>he still gets it off because the stun on the leap is buffered after his execute>lose the game despite massively outplaying>wake up from that bad dream and remember I'm not playing shi2
>>1597051in your dream you could have just killed him instead of trying to save your shitter mid
>>15971921. it was a nightmare2. tanky solao kuang was a part of that nightmareif you were an actual god gamer you'd know what made me aware it was a dream is that fafnir dragon spit-stun applies poison (unless they rework him in shi2), so the damage over time would have revealed the ao kuang from stealth (but it's clear you're not on that level of divine intellect, that's ok, but you're not)
>cabra released in shi2 last week>BMT (a cabra main) breaks a 2 month silence to post a marvel rivals video insteadheh
>>1597761>5am in the morning where it matters>11am in the morning where it matters second
>>1597763anon it's down 6k+ from last weekend
>>1597864>>1597867Looks fair to met. Ajax
>>1597761You posted this at 4am in America.
Any upskirt/tits pics of Nu Wa and Aphrodite?
>>1598085god damn look at those grippers
>>1598132I'm fucking cumming that's hot.
>>1598085She even has cameltoe WOWZA
>>1593524NO NIKE, NO PLAY
>>1598286Disgusting bull dyke
>weekednproc later?/wih he smgen bros clan?!?in 4-5 hours sharpe?
>>1598386*cute bull dykefixed that for you
are aspects the first (and only) positive thing smite2 has brought to the table so far?
>>1598852>it's positive..... BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK?more like HIV positive lmaostill not playing btw
>>1598852>it's actually a good thing that Godtoons can't just do what works for them as flexible generalists with a kittoon and a mindset, and are instead boxed into playstyles from top-down balance enforcement that doesn't enable them to pivot playstyles mid-game to fit a scenario more readilyNeutral at best
>>1598852i like them but i don't trust low-rez to not fuck them up. a few of them are already blatant upgrades or completely worthless. the idea of having direct kit changes to encourage flex picks is always good but historically they have sperged the fuck out at people running meme shit like ne zha or hun batz support
>>1598852Idk what that is cause I'm never playing shi2
>>1598852tl;dr I already could play Athena Jungle and Ra Solo and all the other dumb shit in my spare time. I don't need Ajax telling me what I can and can't do, and giving them an excuse to nerf the shit out of "me playing wrong" because these proven wood rank retards think that Fenrir Support works without early kill pressure if you just give him a slow instead. Must be even worse for new players who have no fucking clue what's going on.Even if it was perfect, wouldn't be enough to look past all the other crap when all they had to do was just remake Smite 1:1 and do the stupid bullshit later as a season-gimmick they can roll back. Nobody asked for this shit.
>>1598852No, aspects are the culmination of HR not understanding role flex'ing.By now designing around it, no god(toon)s have unique identities anymore, they're all just building and playing the same homogenous way.Everyone is just a power-based AA left clicker with a few buttons when they get reason to build tank anymoreno reason to play ability based mages or the ability part of anyone that doesn't directly serve their AAs (most notably ymir)And instead of learning how to balance, HR finally gave up completely and now just embrace "lmao everything is broken, not our problem, glhf"TLDP: Shite 2 is shite, soulless, and lost beyond measure.
Smiiiiiterrrrrs...oh smiiiiiiteeerrrrrsss. I'm going to get high as fuck and troll as loki please join me!!
>>1599076in like 30-1hrneedtogetsnaCKs!and a drink>>1598852there's a table?waitnot playing shit2 lole
The reason raptor is always afk is because he's touching himself to hunkules
>>1598085>>1598183Built for worshipping
got noodlelsgot muicgot drink (warm choccy)tinetoproc
malcolm i''ll wait on dolize lets wait a bit and hope it's not a 50 moninte cuckquest match
>>1598085we need a SMITE 2 version of this
ggs yall
GG's malc (need to rehea my noodlelds)
I have not won a single game in weeks.
>>1599264God, I fucking love the autism on display in that image.
>>1599816That can be fixed.Anyone up for games today?
>>1599877 are my teammates.
You did get one, right?
>>1599881That profile looks like a win trader. the 5 min assault matches in the history are with the same ten people
>>1599883I'm not buying a memechair just because every e-celeb is sponsored by them. I've used office chairs for years with no complaints.
>>1599883>No adjustable lumbar or neck supportInto the trash it goes
>>1599931This is why you are still hardstuck in silver.
>>1599995>t. Ajax
My backpack still has room for another.Join up if you're online. Ima be on this acc or Maicoim all day
>>1600052why do you have 20 accounts
>>1600052Oh it was one of you I thought it was a random that's why I declined the add.
>>1600064once upon a time, it was to avoid harassment by the leddit/SPL-wannabee Smite "community". as it turns out, these already insecure children will become even more-so when you prove them wrong ingame>>1600069no worries lol
Imagine you find out Discordia is actually into vanilla lovemaking because the most chaotic thing of all is to do the exact opposite people would think of you.
>>1600630I could easily rape her.
>>1600630After years of fapping to the most depraved shit imaginable I somehow looped back to finding vanilla lovemaking to be the hotest thing on earth. So i'm all for it.
>>1600636coomba has a different taste in pussy
>>1593522Fuck banshees
>>1600630>>1600689>tfw know this feelRecovery is hard, but worth it. I discovered a newfound joy in handholding and cuddling
>>1601152I look just like that fat guy
>>1601152I look just like the girl
>>1601172>>1601219Post proofs
Yeah, this is fine.
>>1601747NA is either at work or school rn though and SMITE died in EU 10 years ago
I will win the lottery and give us EU SMITE LAN.
>>1601828Do euros even like MOBAs? AltBlue and Neo are the only ones I've ever heard of playing one.
>>1601928euros love dota2, noob
>>1602008He's going to make a 4chan account we are so back.
>>1602008he's making his own hirez copy of twitter
>>1602008So brave, so stunning and brave! I'm literally crying and clapping right now! Such an example to set! To bluesky my friends!
>>1602008Only nazis and transphobes still use Twitter.
>>1602008>reddit screenshotsister...
>>1602026Kek that's funny did anyone say anything about that.
>>1602034yeah I did you can see it in my post
>>1602014Hirez staff probably avoid us at all costs because this is the only place on the internet that's critical of them
I dont give a fuck about reddit or twitter
>>1602053Hi-rez have had operators here since global agenda got its F2P rework. This place is their fucking home.
>>1602063I kneel...
5 nights at Conquest
>>1602087Kill yourself
>>1602401uh oh melty
>>1602053They used to come here all the time
>>1602048>Screenshot of a 4chan post>Of a screenshot of a reddit post>Of a screenshot of a twitter post
>>1602594Yeah, but I thought it was pretty well done for being slop. Usually the character in question sounds constipated.
>>1602586please make her say "dolize danced for alterationblue in the jungle moonlight"
>>1602594>>1602596Here's an example of sounding a lot more fake:
>>1602602damn this sounds like one of the slop "improved " follower dialogue mods you'd find on nexus fr fr
Okay last one.>I tell Discordia that Donald Trump won the 2024 election.
SMITE 2 bros. They forgot to add a counter to hunters. Now there are 10 hunters every game.
>>1602722That was one of their design goals, but I don't care.I'm still not playing SHITE2.
shi2sisters. They forgot to make the game Smite (or make the game fun). Now I'm not going to play it AHAHAHAHAH
>>1602838It's just this.
>>1602838>IP grabber
We could have saved SMITE...if only we bought more gems...
Loki is the 50 cent of godtoons.
Kumbha is the Rick Ross of godtoons
Martichoras is the Notorious B.I.G of godtoons
>teammate goes geb>only shields himself and plays aggro
>>1603524He knows about mage Geb
>SMITE 1 servers perma down zzzz
>>1603929dont care not playing shi2
>>1603929SMITE is down and my only option is to play shi2???? Yipee!
>>1603929They needed the smite servers for smite 2, so now smite is on the old tribes ascend servers.
SHITE cant even get 5k players so does it really need all those servers
>>1604141Correct. SMITE 2 the most popular lorez game needs those servers
I play this when I play as Cerberus Solo and my kdr goes up by at least .5 when I do it.
I play Cerb when I feel Freya needs a good knotting.
i havent played smite in 5 days because my girlfriend lermy and i have been really sick! im feeling a bit better now, and im going to hit some clips for my return!
>>1602838the ultimate form of twitter posting
>>1604728ur gf is rlly hot btw
FACT: King Arthur is a dishonest godtoon.
FACT: King Arthur should let me have Morgan le Fay.
FACT: The King Arthur pantheon has the most fun gods in the game.
FACT: Merlin and Morgan le Fey have shitty kittoons
FACT: The post above is 0% true.
FACT: You will play SMITE2 and buy gemtoons.
FACT: The above post is 0% true.
jing wei
sex with jing wei
charybdis mawjob
charybdis fishjob
>>1605100FACT: I want morgan le fey to be my gf.
I'm just not going to play SMITE 2. I'm just not going to play it ahahahahahah.
FACT: I'm just not going to play SMITE 2. I'm just not going to play it ahahahahahah.
The servers will go back up once you start playing SMITE 2.
>Decide to try SHIT2 because SMITE servers are permanently offline or something >Load into assault lobby>Don't get a godtoon somehow???>Game forces me to spectate while my team loses a 4v5Nice game lorez
>>1605840This never happened.
>>1605840FACT:This never happened.FACT: Buy diamondtoons.
>>1605840It's a beta.
>>1605840It's a beta kitten.
>>1605840It's a betatoon
>>1605479Reminder that they said the game would carry them well into the 2030s.
If I was a billionaire I'd set up the SMITE EU Underground league.(We could be racist and sexist and free)
>>1605479>Posting this when it was morning in most of the world
>>1606215This bitch probably smells bad.
zapman is super TOXIC on voice coms. if i talked to my teammates like him id be instabanned
>>1606393What'd he say? On stream he seems pretty chill as well as most e-celebs I play with.
>>1606350You mean like a pungent odor?
>>1606396i would never say this but im just quoting what i heard, "this stupid yemoja nigger never rotates" a lot of bad stuff like that
>>1606424Sounds pretty based to me we need to bring back that type of cod lobby culture into gaming instead of censorship faggotry.
>>1606424I now support Zapman.
hello my friend Its me dolize. I left last game suddenly because my internet turned off because Im a broke ass nigga. but im going to play now!
>>1606438Sorry but I don't play with black people.
>>1606439Im not even black!
Getting on
Logging off
I will be on in one hour!
>>1606450Raptor...that's like 1200 calories...fuck...
>>1606444How can you call yourself a nigga without being black? That doesn't make any sense!
wubb.. Im gonna be back on in like 10-15 minutes
>>1606455A man's gotta eat.
>>1606450big meals. for big dogs.
my computer started updating and its taking forever I think It will be a long time until I can log back on
online and waiting on proc
Im on and waiting wubb. gonna smoke you better be on when I get back.
>>1606521yes massa right away massa
So we playing smite 2 tonight?
>>1606574really? no troll?
>>1606580Sorry I lied.
I no longer have the time to play SMITE or smite 2, because I've acquired an actual life, but this is still my favorite meme.
>>1598080How about Smite 2 ones
>>1607090Sorry I don't play shite 2 battleground of the flops
Explain what this kittoon does in 5 words or less.
>>1607121Orders around the Silver Surfer
>>1607121>5 words or less>>not 5 characters or lesslose
>>1607121Throws your match
>>1607121Instant Loss
Im a baby goo goo ga ga. I need aphro to feed me her milk
>>1606350I wanted to disagree with you, but the Arthur mythos is in the 1300s or so, and they werent known for hygeine
>>1607121RedStone King.
>>1607596Congrats on winning the silver match lil bro
>>1607596>Photoshopped image
>>1607596>Chaac can only win in silver lobbiesGrim
how we feelin tonight guys we smiting?
okay Im going to log on now
no one is online
smite on switch has been discontinued. the end is nigh! nigh!
>>1607721Proofs. Now.
>>1607721>>1607747FACT: Paladins was discontinued on switch and then the game died.Now SMITE will die too.
>>1607747>>1607749They're just going to rerelease on Switch 2
>>1607719Im hopping on rn
>>1607711Logging on!
>>1607776nigga why are you so fat
>>1607776>$10 for a single double cheeseburgerCrazy...>Ordered beforekek fatty
we playing smite dos tonight chat?
>>1607799im already on
>>1607801ign? and we doing ranked or casuals?
>>1607799You are not a streamer.
>>1607804why r u acting like this board ever runs ranked.
No ranked arena no play
>>1607806I am new to smgen but here is my s2 ign
>>1607809This account is trans coded
>>1607805What if I am a 50 viewer andy tho?
>>1607809why smite 2
are you guys gonna keep talking about logging on or are you going to actually log on
>>1607799>shite 2
Wish I am good at the game but I am not.
>>1607820Smite 1 sucks now, dead game and you are coping hard if you play anything but s2 now.
>>1607824Smite 2 sucks now, dead game and you are coping hard if you play shi2 now.
>>1607824Don't care still not playing it.
>>1607826 Cope
>>1607829smite 2 couldn't even reach smite 1's popularity and has already begun to decay.
>>1607832>shi2 has already dropped almost half its playerbase while smite dropped like 300-400 people after the release of shi2rumao
>>1607832>All time peak was after game was officially released from open betaWhats the next cope rabbi? This game is hitting 40k+ when it officially releases. >>1607835>actually its good to have 3k player count and lose to sweaty 5 stacks in my adobe flash gameSmite 2 is strictly better, plays better and looks better. pic related (you)
>>1607809This nigga already logged in 500 hours in smite 2 and bought the alpha btw idk if that matters
>>1607848Yes its fun
also am banned from smite 1 and cant be fucked with making another smurf and leveling it to 30 to play ranked and play with the same 10 people every game.
>>1607843Kek his posting style gave it away
i forgot in smite you have to make retarded decisions because the average player has no concept of macro like in leeg of leegs
smite 2 was made for people that don't actually like smite
So Smite 2 babies, I gotta ask. Now that they madae the masked warrior skin Mulan's default, does she use the default voice pack as the default, or the masked warrior skin vp as the default?I ask because the masked VP was clearly played for laughs so it would be odd to have that be the default.
>>1608075Idk I dont play shite 2 lol
>>1607814You're not.
>>1608097I am
>>1607747Yeah, I'm thinking it's very close to being over now.
In Smite 1 you could easily upskirt Nu Wa by jumping or basic attackingIn Smite 2 it is not possible to upskirt her anymore because her clothing barely moves nowWhat a downgrade
>>1608470b-....but muh unreal engine 5 dynamic cloth physics....the devs don't have to spend as much time hand-animating it now play shi- I mean smite 2..... p-please....
>>1608470It's like that so you chuds won't post pics of her ass anymore.
We will be playing SMITE 1 later today.
>>1608470Anyone got that image of Dark Hel spreading her buttcheeks to show off her thong? Asking for a friend.
>>1609067I don't give a fuck about shite 2 or this channel you've been shilling for the past couple months
@1609067Didn't ask
here is your global emote sir
>>1609067What's the cliff notes?
>>1609314smite 2 is le good
>>1609278Post the corgi butt instead.
>>1609337I thought the last video that got shilled said that smite 2 was ass
>>1609357SHITE2 is ass unless hirez is paying the e-celeb, then it is le good
smiters, I am smiting. log on!
>>1609668On My Way!
>>1609677that bitch is gonna balloon up with all those calories
>>1609677>$18 for a calzoneBruh
>>1609735Plus fees, plus tip. That’s more like a $40 calzone.
Nobody logged on.
>>1609740err actually I have uber one so I dont pay a delivery fee and I have half off service fee so its actually like 24 dollars which is still bad but whatever
dolize fact: Loki isn't my favorite God artemis is she was my first diamond and the only god I played for a year
>>1609744>subscription service for fat peopleBruh
name 1 god where rage first item isnt the correct play
>>1609785youve played her 1 time in ur entire life.....
>>1609928>dolize stealing kills again
>>1609928>doesn't activate ult while his 2 is still mid-flight for the unexpectedly early comboYou could have got Thoth...
wubb spotted in public
>>1610563wubb is black so this isn't him.
>>1610563Wrong skin color.
>>1610563Wubb… what’s going on big guy…
>>1610563thats not me, he only looks like me. the only thing ive ever been fired for is smearing blood all over the milk jugs at walmart.
SMITE 2 is shit and I'm tired of pretending It's not.
smite sisters...we can barely reach 4k players these's over....SMITE 2 won...
>>1611562>had to oy vey shut it down on the switch because PC + console smite 1 is still about 1/2-1/3 of the playerbasestillnotplayingshi2b t w
smite tonight?
do u wanna get on now?
>>1611962You just won't logon. Again.
>>1611990>>1611991no problem my adorable biscutus, i will be on in an houre
0(mayb i bit fashnaly late...);)
We're playing smite 2 tonight.
>>1612048FACT: No we're not
getting on smite in 10 mins
altblue.... why are oyu sared....
>>1612218I know you're gay but you don't have to say it so many times.
i'm just adfrr a short duration gameode because... SOMEOBY//// is a scady cat mrrrroooowwww
What is AltBlue's problem?Is he afraid he can't proc with the best and will drop like the rest?Fatherless silver medal mentality desu
>>1612245Oh I was in Jungle practice. I'll hope on again.
>asks people to hop on>goes into a 30+ minute game while the KK clan is waiting on himIs this the power of Silver 2?
raptor relog or something we cant queue with you
i got timed out by autojanny is chell now (deserer penalty)
>>1612257who artist
>picks chalk>we losehuh...
Yeah def not the janus on any non conq map
>>1612326cant wait for charybdis to hit smite 2 with her +1 being the game just goes to the lose screen if you pick her
>>1612327Have you tried being better at the game?
FACT I got mow ils than wub and goblize combined witn hybrid ailiy cbalshit pink + controller + no audio btwjust that god
are we playing on antartica servers????
>horus ults away>horus ults himself in 30 seconds latersecret op build???
i am rubberandgin harder than a bored postman and i dont care >>1612377maybe????
they get ra we get??? ares 2 hp5?????
>>1612378power of bobualchrismans build
>>1612380Horus is classed as a healer
ggs all!
>>1612198>Half a cheesesteak for $10You're just doing this on purpose now>>1612218Comparing this bitch to Nike is just plain disrespectful to Nike
I quit SMITE.
>>1612491Play SMITE 2.
>>1612477Broke ass nigga
I'm not going to play SHITE2 or buy diamondgemtoons
>>1612579yeah but imagine if you did
Guys, im really worried about altblue. If he continues raging at the rate he was tonight hes going to have an aneurysm the next time he gets cc'd
>>1612647He's a silver player. For him, raging at the game is as natural as breathing.
uh oh altblue melty
To be honest raging over ra is justified because he's just a piece of shit character. He has way more movement speed than he should (Ra has literally outran me while I was hitting him with full stacks and fatalis as bakasura), slow immunity and protections on top of his heal. not to mention all of his damaging abilities nearly instakill you like what are you even supposed to do.
altblue going from fallen british angel to rage-filled pakistani satanic demon is a sight to behold
Again? Really?
>>1613328Tic toc SMITE1 bab.Time's running out.
>>1613328Smite 2's servers aren't under maintenance. Maybe try playing that?
>>1613328It's almost like they want the game to die, or something.
>>1613507It's almost like they can do whatver they want, I'll still play Smite and will never play shi2
>>1613328Play SMITE2.
You vill buy ze gemdiamondbucks and you vil play ze shi2
Think my alt account has been banned after I told someone to KYS again.
Is Morgan in shite 2 yet?
>>1614270lol desrved
>>1614270AltBlue... what's going on big guy...
it turns out the woman who has lusted for anime men her entire life, is actually not asexual.rather than call herself bi, she has decided to pick a secondary attention seeking denomination;demi - only feeling sexually attracted to someone you love. in four more years she will once again revert to her true self, a straight woman. and that is when i will swoop in and feed upon her pussy grease.
>>1614362A character you want? In SMITE 2?lol
>>1614440$10 bucks says that while she claimed to be "asexual" she was still spreading her legs for the occasional stud inbetween flicking it to angsty anime men/boys
>>1614440Ok but you could just make her love you rn and then she'd be done to let you go to town.
Genuinely what the fuck.
let me know if we are smiting later tonight maybe I'll get on
>meat(contains another type of meat)Goyslop
literally all food that you can buy in the united states is goyslop
hES siLVer fOr A rEAsOn
>>1614717>$13 to barely get the lamb the bowl is supposed to have and 70% salad and riceGrim.
>>1614747Raptor would have won this.
>>1614761FACT: This is 100% true.
>>1614747But you are though.
>>1614747So true AltKing you would literally be winning worlds if you didn't get forced losses because of your teammates every game
>>1614747What's the best Faf build right now?
>>1614747Monkeyspeak amulet
>>1614761Anyone but the silver paki could have carried.
>>1614849Nah Imma do my own thing
>>1614440In a few years she'll be long past the wall and deep into the regretful years of a straight woman who wasted her youth / ability to have kids.>>1614747>steal all your carry's kills, putting yourself ahead for no reason, with no ability to press any advantage>obsess over KDA and never take a death for the team (as the support)skill issue>hES siLVer fOr A rEAsOnThat would be correct. We may not know that reason, but there is *a* reason.
>be me, about 2015>people say nemesis is bad>post a game of me kicking ass as nemesis, going like 13-1>someone says "Yeah no shit you beat a guy with no items">check my image again>THAT ZHONG FUCKER ON THE ENEMY TEAM SOLD ALL HIS ITEMS AS WE WERE KILLING THE TITAN
>>1615058Nemesis being bad has always been a cope because pros, Hunttoons and Tankoidtoons fucking hate good Nemesis users. She's always been decent at worst, meta-warping at best.
>>1615058>be you>talking about shit that happened a decade ago>still mad about itAlright gramps, but don't forget about your bedtime
>>1614747>bragging about stomping in a kid's playground (silver ELO)Notable, but not impressive.
Im about to hop on for a morning session if anyone feels like joining
nevermind servers are under maintenence and I am going to become the joker.
ok servers are up lets play smite lmoa
>>1614747How is it possible to be GM at one point, then decline so hard in skill that you can't escape silver?
>>1615634By reaching GM with an exploit and after the exploit got patched show off your true silver skill level.
>>1615673I need a truth rating on this post.
why isnt anyone on. Ik its 11am but damn help a brother out.
>>1615746FACT: That is 100% true.
>>1615957FACT: This is 100% true.
>>1615869Nigga do you have a job?
>Entire enemy arena draft is speedsters with kit immunity.Actual aids.
So when will the finished game be avalaible ?
hariryu is a conquest player!!! that's so good!!!
Breastplate of Vigilance + Bewitched dagger + Spectral = - 50% attk spd - 40% crit damage.
>log in to smite>accidentally acquire fafnir penta>log out of smiteits that simple folx.
Fafnir is OP right now so It's not notable or impressive.
i think cabrakan is op and thats not cap.
>>1616776finna proc?no cooldown cap?
>>1616616>>accidentally acquire fafnir pentaProofs?
>>1616800ur not on
>>1616859Umm technically that wasn't a penta
shi2 will never have this level of kino energy basic bitch bellona redesign can't even match it, let alone handle it
>>1616864yes it was kitten the accolade just didnt pop up until a second after clip ends
smiters. we getting on?
>>1616908I already logged onto SMITE 2 and I'm waiting for you.
why smite 2
>>1616916It's the best beta of 2025.
FACT: no one is on still.
>>1616924I told you to log on SMITE 2.
>>1616924FACT: It is Tuesday / Wednesday
>>1616924Ill log on rn
no one is online im waiting baka
>>1616916Why not?
>>1615149>he doesnt remember the face of everyone who has ever slighted himngmi
>>1617050I got better things to hustle with my time, attention, memory, energy etc.Probably why I'm a king and you're a seething wagie.
I was alive long enough to watch SMITE 2 die.
>>1617507smite 2 is alive thoughbeit
>>1617517SPL is cancelled.
>>1617519Nobody watched that
>>1617519>no proofsI hope it's true though. Hirez literally paying teams of e-celebs a salary to LAN each other a few weeks out of a year is a colossal waste of money.
>>1617519FACT: SMITE gets nothing out of SPL. The "viewers" on twitch are people with the tab open so they can get viewer points.
The SPL still gets thousands more viewers than your stream.
>>1617678The difference is an anon probably isn't paying salaries + production costs to get 3000 viewers
>>1617701The anon isn't getting a salary at all lmao
>>1617519>do nothing>winall they had to do was make smite 1 (2), not shi2they will learn or they will sink
>>1617819His livelihood relies on SMITE 2's success. You should pity him instead of laugh.
>>1617999Low hanging bait.
>>1617819Smite 2 so shit it can't even have esports, deadlock is looking good again
Genuinely don't want to play SMITE 2 when the solo lane is just lifesteal mage vs lifesteal mage.
>>1618355me too except it's just the first 6 words
>>1618355So basically business as usual in solo lane?
UE5 is a slop engine that cannot run games properly.
UE5 compiles all the shaders though.
Then why does it run worse on my 2011 laptop than smite? Hmmmmm?
UE5 shits itself when opening an empty world LULE.
>>1618463Monkeyspeak. Go back.
Ermmmm, guys? *audible gulp* I think things are getting serious if even Taco is saying this
>>1619131seems like they need to triple down on the direction of shi2 instead of doing what the gamers want
>>1619131Wasn't Taco fired like 6 years ago?
>>1619131I don't know who this nigga is lmao.
>>1619164She left because smite shills were mad at her for criticizing SMITE and da community so she went to go make a million dollars commentating fortnite
>>1619131trimming useless employees/departments to focus money/time on core gameplay is a good thing actually
>>1619181>he thinks they're going to focus on core gameplayhehe xD
>>1619181They got rid of Aggro and Lermy T H O U G H
>>1619131>>1619185>>1619192Why do you actually care about Hirez layoffs?Like, no way you people formed relationships with these people, they're game developers, who cares? Maybe they're hiring more qualified people for those positions. Smite 2 future is still unsure to all of us, and they're making drastic changes. Do people just enjoy raging at hirez for the most nonsensical things? I don't care as long as it doesn't affect content production in smite 2.
>>1619207Don't get me wrong, I care nothing for Aggro or Lermy. I just find it funny that SHITE2 is doing so poorly that they're firing actual developers who've been at the company for ages and it will inevitably cause the decline to be faster. Especially since they're still trying to force out 1 god per week.
>>1619207Based tone death CEO. Everyone is replaceable.
Just read the official statement. It literally said nothing. Amazing.
>>1617819>>1619131>ShillOkay tweets SHITE 2 is doing unheard of things and is doing so well, that you don't deserve its amazingness since you weren't even playing a month ago>Just about 24 hours later the entire Eatsports division is thanos snapped out of existence and possibly an additional 40% of hirez is eliminated
>>1619207I care because I don't enjoy being gaslit about how super duper fantastic things are and if I say otherwise I'm a bigot of somekind so this is how I fight the power and stick it to THE MAN>Maybe they're hiring more qualified people for those positions. Smite 2 future is still unsure to all of us, and they're making drastic changes.Are you aware of hirez's history? They fire veteran devs to squeeze out low paying internships with new devs in an attempt to save money just to throw it away all the same>Do people just enjoy raging at hirez for the most nonsensical things?It is quite enjoyable seeing people get their just deserts>I don't care as long as it doesn't affect content production in smite 2Nigga they just laid off even more people
>>1619207This... This is a post from reddit, isn't it?
>>1595624That lasted long.
>>1619207Lermy is our friend.
It's genuinely over what the fuck.
>>1619192>LermyHahaha that's what that bitch deserves.
Predict bankrupcy anouncement month. I think somewhere around fall. Maybe october?
>>1619347March of 2026 so that they can avoid filing taxes
It is.... le stew!!!You were more than happy to accept the paid flights though, werent you. More than happy to shill for smite 2 though, werent you. Suffah zcelebs! smgens vindication is imminent!
>>1619433>viscous cyclelmao
>>1619433>It's a vicious cycle of mismanaging resourceAlmost like a... ROTATING DOOR, one could say?
It's over. I don't want it to be over. ;_____________;
>>1619433>>1617819Just yesterday this nigga was talking about>Just be patient and let them cookNow he's talking about>I'm so sorry to everyone... It's a vicious cycle of mismanaging resourcesKWAB
>>1619433He sounds like he simply doesn't like Smite anymore.
shi2 will die a pathetic.Smite will live forever.>>1619433>the fact that Stew still owns the company that Stew set up as a pet project, manages, pays for out of his own pocket and bankrolls when it hits rough patches is a glaring testament of ineptitude.
Well, i'm blackpilled..
>>1619590The fucking game's gonna die before half the godtoons even get ported lmao
>>1619590Tablet in SMITE 2 soon trust the plan trust the process.
>>1619594>portedbut smite 1 isn't getting shi2 2roons
Why would they do this when SMITE 2 was on an upwards trajectory.
>>1619750The trajectory wasn't steep enough for Stewart :DD
You cant even articulate why you don't like Smite 2.
I can't even articulate why I like Smite 1
>>1619750no it's not, the game's lost 50% of it's new playerbase, 30% of the playebase are still playing smite and the epic half-a-mil memesport tourney barely pulled viewers.don't forget, the game is literally running on fumes. they used to push 10-16 skins per patch along different pricing models for a mostly placid whalebase; now they have to do the same but higher fidelity after they burnt their whales if they even want to match it.
Lermy got what she deserved for turning the slut goddess Ishtar into a girlboss
>>1619433Smite players, Smite pros, Paladins players, former devs, everyone's flaming his ass on twitter.
>>1619825>caring about shittar>>1619829>caring about shitter
>>1619131She is an ugly la creatura
I don't want Jing Wei's game to die...
smgen and palg lost today
Jing Wei owes me sex.
Why would I put anymore time into playing SMITE when the shitquel just killed the game?
>>1619922he won
Jing Wei prostitutes at the next LAN will save SMITE.
69 Fucking employees.'s so fucking over.
Lermy. I am willing to hire you as my girlfriend. Do not worry because I will most likely not fire you.
>>1619922Surely he's just following trends and moved his social medias to bluesky
>>1619968It looks like that was back in january of 2023 though?
Nemesis owes me sexWith the fishnets back on
>>1620056Best I can do is Loki in a wig.
>>1620086Is that so...?
>>1620086I'll meet you halfway and settle on Hel in a wig and fishnets
Guys, if we all work together and buy gems we might be maybe able to still save SMITE!
its pretty brootal that kilgoon knew lermys fate and still talked all casual with her the day before she got chopped on titan talk. i think we need to eat bald people for their nutrients
I feel conflicted about Smite dying because I like the characters and gameplay but they insist on making every worst decision possible.Never forget the fact they just released hun batz in smite 2 with no semblance of them being balanced.
jing wei will live on
>>1620086That's not that bad.
Smite 1 or 2? Both lost, only doomers won. They can now take their final victory lap.
>>1620334dolize....>>1620352Nah, Smite 1>development is complete, and mostly works as a finished product>strong, loyal playerbase to weather the winter ahead>still the most fun moba on the market today>only operating costs is relatively cheap server space, no active devs needed any more, maybe 1-2 on the skeleton shift if thatwonif heroes of newearth stayed online for over a decade after EoS, smite can too. if anything, DotA has proven firsthand that a moba can go for literal years without updates and still hold strong; whether lorez realises this or not is for them to fuck up, all it needs to do is not have "DON'T PLAY THIS GAME TRY THE SHITTY SEQUEL" on the front pageall shi2 had to do was be the same but slightly better, but it fucked around and found out and now it's paying the price (literally and figuratively) as the traitors are hanged.
>>1620352I'm a SHITE2 doomer so I'm glad it lost, but I'm genuinely sad it took Smite 1 with it. Despite hirez's best efforts it's still a good game.
>>1620363>>development is complete, and mostly works as a finished productIt literally isn't>>strong, loyal playerbase to weather the winter aheadYou mean the same playerbase that jumped to Smite 2 and had 3x the player count while Smite 1 got dwarfed to 3K average? That "loyal" playerbase? lol>>still the most fun moba on the market todayDelusional>>only operating costs is relatively cheap server space, no active devs needed any more, maybe 1-2 on the skeleton shift if thatCheaper to have servers for one game instead of two and they're going to Smite 2
>>1620383die palg doomnigger die
>>1620397SMITE 2 won in the end.
It was me Erez, I ate the Smite 2 players... all of them... I'm so sorry it's just... I was so hungry... *BURRRRRP* You have to understand, it wasn't my fault...
They shouldn't have banned me from Shite 1 this autumn. Now look what's been happening with it and Paladins. They jinxed it. And they cannot afford to with their playerbase lol.
>>1620818It was karma sister, I'm telling you...
>>1619573>pays for out of his own pocket and bankrolls when it hits rough patches is a glaring testament of ineptitude.Well maybe if he was good at his job, he wouldn't need to do it.
I won. But at what cost.
>>1621096The future of SMITE.
>>1620855His job was coding cashier tills and public-grade payment processor hardware, and he was so good at it that he achieved a monopoly along with Erez to the tune of a couple mil of personal wealth back when that amount of money was impressive and when that kind of tech was novel.Video games are just his side hustle hobby into his retirement years that he doesn't care if it goes ass-side up. Welcome to capitalism baby, the successful get to spend their money however way they want.
I, AlterarionBlue, will save SMITE.
>>1621409try saving your carries first, silver surfer
>>1621409You can't even save your rank
It's all my fault. If I was learning to code instead of masturbating to cartoons I could have saved SMITE.
They've shut down the SMITE 1 servers.
Hera feet or Pele feet? Which feet win in a foot contest?
>>1621827Hades because when he's done with you, you'll be 6 feet under where you fucking belong.
>>1621827Hera steps on fruits. Pele steps on spices. Pele brings the flavor
We're dangerously close to the end.
>>1621827Persephone wins.
>>1621987This is the SMITE thread. The palgay thread is further down the road.
>>1621987Wrong thread retardo
>>1621409You can’t even save yourself.
Finally some good news from the layoffs, the gay furfag that does the top 5 plays is gone.Don't know how the fuck he was on a payroll.
>>1622054Add it to the list of things we'll never know about hi-rez, anon.
>>1622054>Don't know how the fuck he was on a payroll>Gay furfag shillYou answered your own question
hirez death greatest day of my life NEVER FORGET GLOBAL AGENDA
smiters? Im logging on!
How is no one on on a friday