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have you grind for your monthly rewards bros?
Save your sanity, do it over the course of the month.
How's that monthly thing work? I never bothered before because I thought it was just a leaderboard and I didn't want to plan/track all the shit you get locked out of, but it seems like the rewards are good?
There are 70 "adventures", each with a different set of powers and going up to 6.5*.
Each run has 1-2 fights (both champs are shown before starting) and only like 3-5 upgrade, doesn't give power upgrades at the start or after a miniboss and you can't necessarily cut before a boss. On the upside, you'll always be full health because the miniboss heals you after a win.
Each champ can only be used 3 times, a failed attempt counts as a use but you can just retry it with no penalty (other than score which is irrelevant).
You get a reward every 5 wins, wins have to be roughly in order, and it's the only way to get Asol shards.
I think that covers about everything.
Thanks. I didn't notice until like a week or two ago that Asol came from the monthly thing, and before that I only knew that it had multiple stages, the champ lockout, and the score leaderboard.
Ok hear me out
>2x Dreadway Chase Gun
>1x Luden's Tempest
>every time she's summoned she does 8 damage to nexus
too slow, even for asol it's like what? 6 turns?
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Hope they make Sion and Nautilus as main decks in PotC. I like Madness and Deep got me through ranked a good couple of times.
If you're wondering how many spells Targon EZ has in his deck, the answer is a lot. I cast Entrapment on a the targon double stun spell and put 12 puffcaps in the deck.
This game will NOT stop giving me Samira shards from vaults, I hate it. Despite never using a single wild fragment on her I've got 70 of her fragments and everything in her constellation filled out that isn't gated by the new currencies.
I hope they've thought ahead enough to start converting them into stardust once they reach the new "cap" where you can't physically use more.
I'm sure they haven't though, I wouldn't be surprised if you can 6* and fully unlock a champ and still get shards for it.
It would be very basic to future-proof shard caps, although that doesn't mean that they actually have future proofed it.
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update soon
A PoC champ and EoS notice.
We aren't getting any new champs are we.
>we aren't getting any new champs are we
no, probably not any time soon if at all
I hate that you can't bank shards for 3 star champs. Stop dusting these fuckin leblanc shards.
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here's the pyke rework
i honestly didn't mind his old powers that much, i was at least able to do asol without much hassle
>1* is worse
>2* the only reason it isn't worse is the original 2* was dog shit
>3* is whatever
>4* is worse than the old 3* and kills any benefit from rolling that power
So it's unplayable until 4* and isn't "better" until 6*? What the fuck is this trash?
>It's another episode where Viego just spams Dawning shadow and gets infinite kill spells
Nah his old power was shit cause he would just generate garbage
Here Its basically worse until you have lie in wait, after that he's good
Also there's a big problem to pyke himself being such a fucking pathetic unit in its base stats
Because minibosses are cancer.
>Trynd to an extent (though his power being rollable for full adventures is the only problem with him desu)
Honestly they are fine but viego has this posibility of going fucking retarded
It's the first time It actually happens to me to the point of having to trying again, and its all just 1 fucking card
Zoe and Irelia win with "1" card too.
Irelia's really bad but Zoe is hell, you know what's coming and you can't do anything about it unless you have direct removal.
Irelia is just a matter of early game stabilization. If you can stop her from attacking early you win right there
Zoe is just zoe being the problem, and she usually doesn't get overwhelm ever so any elusive chump blocker will do the work
Azir is a rush down to survive the emperor's divide
Trynd is funny, actually. But that's prob because we got much more options to deal with his bullshit now
there's no way we were getting anything other than lie in wait for 4* and the devs don't like flat stat bonuses since they feel it's not strong enough for higher difficulties (which is why kai'sa got a buffed version of her 2* instead of manaflow for her 5*) so turning pyke's 1/3 into "lurk scales harder" is understandable thought process to me
i agree it sucks ass until 4* though but from that point on i imagine it'll be better than what we've got
personally hoping star of discovery and star of legends slap mariner's ruse on 4+ cost followers and support champions respectively
pyke should be freed from the pvp nerfs, making him a 5 cost was unjustified
>but from that point on i imagine it'll be better than what we've got
Nah I'd say it's worse. You can't pick any 4+ cost units because they're going to get in the way of lurk. They'll have to add ANOTHER side-buff like you said to cover those units, if they have a separate one for followers and champs then that's 80~ shards just to make the 4* pyke equal to the old 3* pyke, meanwhile other champs get nothing but straight upgrades from them.
>play a champ that wants to sit on the field
>shadow isles node has kill spells 4 turns in a row
>this happens for multiple shadow isles nodes in the run
I still won that run but I was very mad about it
>just to make the 4* pyke equal to the old 3*
NTA but 3* is basically lurk twice and it's pretty big especially when game usually decided on the first 3 turns. but yeah, he need to be at least 4*
>You can't pick any 4+ cost units because they're going to get in the way of lurk
then don't? it's not like you're picking small unit when playing elder either
>then don't?
You often don't have a choice in the matter. Half the time you picked shit units because the other option was spells which brick your lurk, now both will brick your lurk.
The real problem is that lurk is gimmicky and clearly not funcitonal for PoC
Like, if Naut was released, all you have to do is make deep units gain more stats and its the same as always, since that deck was built with pure unga gains
But lurk is always a gamble that doesn't reward properly for PoC. You are still bricking your deck by picking things over 3 cost that aren't lurking, and you are still bricking your deck by picking spells without lurk (99% of them) before 6*

Also yeah >>1515113
>pyke should be freed from the pvp nerfs, making him a 5 cost was unjustified
Pyke can get crazy and end games immediately on his own though, so he just needs a cost reduction and call it
So basically Pyke needs his special equiment to be any good
And I guess you could meme it by making Pyke super powerful in other decks
>And I guess you could meme it by making Pyke super powerful in other decks
I don't think a 4 cost strike for 1 is particularly useful in other decks.
>Both are available in each Champion’s Celebration Bundles but not golden reliquaries.
Love it.
>I don't think a 4 cost strike for 1 is particularly useful in other decks.
Oh I mean by actually grabbing pyke or pulling some lee sin shit on him
>Love it.
Gotta make money somehow lol
Guess maybe EOS truly is adverted
I don't get why Jayce doesn't get something useful like Sorcery as a power.
I remember Jayce being pretty shit in the previous version, his early game was horrible, maybe that's what they were trying to "fix".
Sorcery is fucking strong too, might be too much of a buff for 4*.
>they changed the enemy star count from physical stars to a star + number
They're absolutely going to have power creep aren't they.
10* adventures lets fucking go
We already saw the super CBT weekly missions with a 6.5* ASol
I remember last months monthlies having some 6+* shenanigans.
Have they said what the rewards will be?
no, not yet
here's my guess:
>silver star vessel
>gold vault
>minor gemstone vessel
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just in time for pyke update
these niggas is TRIPPING
>>1516206 (me)
...huh. i was actually right with these guesses, even if the order is wrong (swap the gold vault and minor gemstone)
>They'll have to add ANOTHER side-buff like you said to cover those units, if they have a separate one for followers and champs then that's 80~ shards just to make the 4* pyke equal to the old 3* pyke,
Called it. Other champs get straight upgrades, he gets "as good as it used to be".
holy fuck
Wait, they removed the ability to buy items with stardust.
Oh nevermind I'm blind, it's just under the gold thing now.
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they added the option to buy gold vaults and stardust with the currency used to craft cards for pvp, but the old options are still there anon
Holy shit pyke is saved
>break his legs
>offer him the chance to buy a new pair of legs
Yeah, saved.
Just like league
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i'm retarded, it's not right to left like old weeklies
correct order is
>gold vault
>silver star vessel
>minor gemstone vessel
they really want to push the idea of 20 region-locked gemstones out of a minimum 150 cost being a valuable reward
anyways, here's some new legendary powers
Why'd they have to slap Patrol Wardens in Jayce's deck? It doesn't even get good items, it gets challenger. Why not Unstable Voltician or something like that? Sure it costs a little more but it fits with the deck better and it's not like a 2 mana 4/3 (or, let's be honest, a 3 mana 4/3) is particularly strong. His 2* means you want to hold them in hand longer too, that completely kills the -1 mana buff and would let you play Voltician the turn after a mana 3 with 3 spell mana 6 cost spell.
Prob just to have a cheap unit.
And you are right, Unstable Volitician was the OG on 6+ mana spell unit
>Try updated Pyke
>First swing of first game I miss Lurk because of Monster Harpoon
>Not 4 star so no lurk on followers I add to my deck

Well fuck this.
post-rework pyke's shittier until 4* unless rng gives you get lie in wait or you get rek'sai as a supporting champ to skew the minion pool further towards lurk
that being said, the bone skewer and harpoon in your starting deck fucking you over is nothing new
So I've done Teemo, Garen and Lulu with Jayce and I can't help but notice that pretty much no powers work well with him.
There are some like spell mana refill and doubling up on slow spells, but it's far less than other champs. You can't even take a power that reduces the cost of drawn cards/spells because your spells have to cost 6+ or your champ and 2 of your powers are dead weight.
>try the new weeklies
>it's all deadly + staunch defender shit again like swain's campaign
i'm really hoping this doesn't become the new standard
The 3rd gets 1.5x value for their 200 chimes too (which, assuming 40 cards, is +8/+8 worth of stats every turn).
What are some other interesting modifiers that would make things really hard without just being +10/+10 on turn 1?
>really hard
Does it have to be "really hard"? Half the champs can't even do Lissandra/Swain without a ton of failed attempts, does it have to be harder?
tried pyke with 4* and full constellation (except 5* and 6*) and he's still miserable holy shit
this game still alive lmao?
Do you come back every month just to repeat the same thing?
>finishing up monthly challenges
>#67 Azir drops Azir + Dunekeeper, next turn Dunekeeper, Dunekeeper, Azir spell
>levels Azir on his first actual attack
Azir only becomes a massive problem in case you can't stabilize/duplicate/get killed anyway on emperor's divide
Now irelia in the monthlies? That was funny. Good thing ASol is there
Did Swim deserve it?
It's a Freljord node so your choices are Voli, Ornn or Ashe (or dodging a 1 mana advantage), only Voli is good there and he doesn't stabilize in the first 2 turns.
I still won but those first two turns were fucking retarded.
Have any of you unlocked any 6* powers yet? If so, which champions?
I'm currently saving up wild fragments for Vex's (just got her 4* today) afterwards I'm thinking about working on Kai'sa's constellation.
I could, I have a few nova crystals but the problem is spending them means you can't unlock the 6* of another. Do you put it on a good champ, making them amazing, or do you put it on a bad champ, leaving a bad champ with a bit of a buff?
Not even close to the 5* on any champ though.
I just focus on getting the good ones to 4* so I can do the most bullshit monthly challenges
>try the second hard weekly
>first node
>turn 2, full board of 6/3s
>I bricked no spells in swain, with the spell mana power
Do they think this is fun?
You are just meant to ASol that shit until you get 6* everywhere
I don't like the Deadly + Staunch Defender + Opponent 5 Starting Mana shit either, it's not very fun to me even if I was able to do it first try (4* Vex and some really beneficial RNG on my starting rewards)
I agree with >>1518754, just ASol the newer weeklies if you've already got him at 4*, the 6.5* adventure in particular is absolutely miserable if you try to do it normally.
Yeah, I just figured Swain would be alright since he'd be perfectly fine with their poros. It's just the first fight is horrendous for a starting match, it reminds me of the rock hopper kaisa node ramped up to 11.
After the first few fights I had no trouble at all, I got some really good item rolls (1 mana Swain when plundered, lots of draw, +4 to Deaths Hand damage, and a -cost per draw TF which was actually really useful). Though I must say I'm not a fan of the Anivia node. I really wish that stayed in Lissandra.
I just read the 6.5* again, I thought the puffcap bit was game start, it's fucking round start. Jesus christ.
yes, jinx (5 stars without manaflow).
gotta say having 1 busted champ to blast through everything when you want a fast game is pretty good.
if you're new make sure you have enough champs for monthlies first though
I'm at 50/70, I've been taking my time with the monthlies but I'm pretty confident I can do the remaining 15-20. I don't care that much about the gemstone vessel but it's just the last 5 fights after getting the platinum vault.
Bad thinking; you should be focusing on the later ones since those are hard and need you to use the best you got
After that, you can do whatever
Of course it all depends on how new you are.
Doing this 6.5* with asol, it's the most cancerous bullshit I've ever seen. No one thought this was fun while they were designing it. If they're going to force this shit into the weekly rewards then they're going to see a huge player drop off.
>rotation adds zilean and ziggs
>no xerath
ok, guess I'm still not playing this game then.
if asol doesn't work for you, 3* nidalee with crownguard inheritance/tempest blade/lost chapter worked for me
>drop nidalee t1 as bush, transform her with ambush (1/4 towards level up)
>drop all-terrain trooper t2 as bush (2/4), wait until the opponent's attacking
>transform the all-terrain trooper with ambush (3/4 on transform, 4/4 from the copy)
>you get a rally and the opponent's full board is stunned
>get your free attack in, then just be smart about timing nidalee's stun+rally on the following turn
>repeat every fight until the adventure's over
avoid the encounter that recalls your shit whenever the opponent summons, the strategy's very vulnerable to removal
Damn I almost forgot you can win anything with a Katarina in ASol deck
These nigthmares need it
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pic for evidence
that works too
It eventually worked out but the marai songstress node filtered me hard, nearly 30/30 elusives on turn 2 is not ok.
There are probably only 5 or so decks that can reasonably do that node, even including fully 6*'d champs.
Mono-Noxus Samira is fun. I got real lucky with the second mid boss. Karma + Duplicate but I drew 3 of the reputation strike spells along with the reputation duplicate.
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When the fuck did I pick up a bilge card
you've got a warning shot in your hand, could that be it? it's not like bilge is that bad for samira when it's where plunder's originally from anyway
Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him.
Imagine getting perfect manaflow and still getting hit a shit ton with the caps. Its why you must rush the fuck out of the early nodes, specially the very first.
No, Warning Shot came from Dreadway Chase, which didn't effect the mono-Noxus symbol. It was Father Fury I picked up.
>driest content drought yet
>people are begging on their knees for new champions
>latest content is PoC nodes but the AI gets 50 million advantages and the player gets 100 billion disadvantages
Bravo riot
>people are begging on their knees for new champions
New champions to PoC are new champions. We knew we wouldn't get new new champs for a while.
Yeah the only gamemode that matters still doesn't have a lot of champions
Speaking of the CBT missions
6.5* lissandra now has perfected manaflow. Also caged match seems silly, really. You ain't rushing through one that fast unless you pull Katarina in ASol
Oh yeah I forgot those updated.
>deadly is just something they all get
Gay. I was hoping it'd be a different epic power.
Looks easy enough.
>Lissandra with 50% more stats, faster mana growth, and literally can't die until round 5
What retard designed this?
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Just finished them up today, felt like there was a lot of (Targon) Ezreal and Katarina challenges this month but that might just be confirmation bias on my end.
There definitely were a lot more than normal, and it felt like every 5th past the halfway mark had the +2/+2 on strike power.
Holy fuck a red node from the start? What the fuck?!
Ok, this is epic.
>bullshit weeklies where you can only win by running asol and praying that you roll katarina
hmmm yes content
You can also win them by having bullshit epic relics that require high rolling gold reliquaries.
you don't really need katarina for the 4.5 and 5.5 and i imagine she doesn't actually help much for the 6.5 because the enemy nexus can't die for 5 rounds
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>Irelia at 5.5
>don't have the easy Asol epic relic
>this 6.5
Realistically how many people are actually going to bother with it after taking a single look at it?
Oh boy, a gold reliquary in the emporium
>master yi's
And it's trash.
i've only ever used three (powder, spellweaver's & stone) out of my nine epic relics, and two of those are on one specific champ each
I've used a few.
>Disciple of Shadows
Great on Viego, Nasus and Morde, and any high cost champ that must drop quickly and you don't care if you kill your own units to do so.
>Oath of the Guardians
Top tier relic, I've got it on Ekko, Elise, Nilah, and Thresh.
>Packed Powder
Only have it on MF and Swain, but it's good.
>Spirit of the Bhru/The Beast Within
Beast is a direct upgrade to the overwhelm aura relic so I've just gotta get around to slapping that on champs, and Buhru's probably useful on Illaoi and maybe 1-2 others but I never use her.
>Portal Pals/Found Fortune
Total memes but fun on Janna/ED.
Oh, and what champ do you have Stone on? I was thinking about it a while back but I couldn't think of any champ that would really use it well. Formidable is a huge downgrade on most things.
don't have disciple, oath, or beast, though i would absolutely be using beast on a lot of champs if i had it
powder is great and is typically what i bother unlocking epic slots to use
buhru i have, but i haven't bothered unlocking the epic slot on the champs it's good on (poro king being the first one that comes to mind)
portal/fortune are memes, like you said
kai'sa, because getting ANY keywords out helps you hit the 2* +2/+2 on your units
i'd be using beast within instead if i had it
Disciple was offered in the emporium when Morde was released, it's almost like they said "He's too expensive, he's going to be practically useless".
Oath was my first one, I thought it was shit desu.
kayn, he have high health and his power give you pseudo-regen anyway. +1 health also help your unit to stay alive for +2/+2 buff.
I'm not sure it's the best one but it does well enough as my main build
>5.5* weekly
>irelia summon 10/20 elusive on turn one that can attack multiple times per turn
>tresh summon ledros that does 100% damage your nexus
this run feels even more bullshit than the 6.5*
That's the final boss of the nightmares btw
Aside from >>1521357 I had no big problems with anything else
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>5.5 feels more bullshit than the 6.5
i wasn't going to do the 6.5 this week so thanks for convincing me to, i got 100 gemstones from the reward on the one region that already gave me a 50
anyone else not getting the reward from the last new mission.
it's pretty annoying because it has happened twice to me now (it happened during jayce's quest too)
you got the rewards, the game just didn't give you any indicator of what they were. it's like when they first introduced the bronze vaults on dailies - the vault was automatically opened and the resulting champion fragments and/or stardust were just shoved silently into your inventory
Just straight up fucking remove blade dance from the game
Can I just not use wild shards on certain champs now? Is there an option to convert them anywhere?
you can't use wild fragments on asol, but that's always been the case
I was lucky enough to stomp that adventure, I think I must've rolled the silence spell for half of them so their 10/20s were useless.
Also, has anyone else noticed that you get the attack token a lot in these nightmare weeklies? Maybe I'm misremembering it but I don't think they've got the attack token a single time at the start of the game.

The 6.5 is "alright" so long as you can handle the board, you just need to control it for a few turns and (obviously) need to be able to do a lot with little mana.
That is unless you get high rolled by the Howling Abyss and they drop an ED like what happened to the other anon.
>has anyone else noticed you get the attack token a lot
yeah and i'm pretty sure it's intentional too, since the core of the new weeklies is just a rehash of swain's 5* adventure with some extra modifiers replacing the game start: triple citybreaker
>take Nasus to Asol
>get to him no problem
>first game he just stalls out by blocking my nasus every time making me do negligible amounts of damage until he rolls an obliterate
>second round he rolls an obliterate early then gets me stuck between a perfect lethal (thanks to his 6, 7 and 8 mana champs all having overwhelm) or a survive for 1 round -> rally into lethal because summoning nasus again will kill his sion
Sometimes they just force you to lose.
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Just wait till you take on nightmares and Lissandra/Swain.
I have.
I'm trying to clear the board with everyone, which with the addition of Liss/Swain seems unlikely.
>take viego to lissandra
>get the undying item on encroaching mists
Suffice to say, Pissandra did not survive this
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I'm not sure I'll ever actually use this one, ah well.
Only places I could see it being useful is on Nasus, Lee Sin or Master Yi if you don't take the overwhelm aura.
The best champion I could think of for it was Ornn (doesn't have any of the keywords granted, can reliably trigger both fated/augment and hit 10 power pretty fast, tanky enough to actually use the regen instead of dying), but he's also a 7 cost that's not as easy to cheat out as the other expensive champs.
Ornn has overwhelm if you give him corrupted star.
Fated/Augment might buff him a little.
Regen is kinda pointless if you're doubling your stats every attack.
Challenger is ok I guess, but he doesn't really need it and he'll sometimes get it from equipment anyway (your 5 cost equipment has it).
i use it on samira and viego, challenger and overwhelm is pretty useful especially on harder run when 15/15 on turn 5 isn't the biggest thing in the board
Ionia has to keep their iconic cancer brand mkay
That one is Varus core, at least
>Raiding party on swain
Holy shi-
>Raiding party is on swain constellation as well
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Guardians Orb is pretty good on Lillia.
I could've put more in but I think 128 on Tahm is plenty.
>when you summon an ally, increase the cost of all copies everywhere by 2
Oh no no no no Asol Katarina bros...
Created Katarina.
Can lillia wake up herself immediately?
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katarina has never been necessary
iirc you need to get a second lillia out
Timelines bros our time has come.
>Ichor makes the enemy take twice the damage since it counts as a spell on their side, which means is boosted by deadly
Holy kek
What the fuck.
It's your fault for leaving Zoe on the board for that long.
That was the second Zoe and she only survived the dragon single combat thanks to buff spells. Wasn't expecting looping +13/+13 off a single gem.
That's just bad luck
i'd save it for a hypothetical caitlyn or viktor myself (i'd be surprised if we didn't get one of them to go with arcane s2), but of the pnz champs you can choose from now i'd say she's the best pick to spend it on
If Demacia is white
Noxus is red
Frejlord is green
Ionia is blue
Shadow Isles is black
What does that make PnZ, Shurima, Bandle City, and Mt.Targon
i've only played a tiny bit of mtg and it was a long time ago, so if someone wants to call me a retard and correct me then go ahead
>pnz: red/blue
>shurima: black/green(? less sure about this one)
>targon: green/white
no clue on bandle, it's a particularly weird region to try comparing to mtg based off the little i remember
It might be, it means you can use something other than asol for the harder nightmare missions.
yeah, she's good if you want fast game and i imagine her 3* will have a hard time clearing big boards in 5* adventures
This 5.5* is peak bullshit.
>just run through fucking huge overwhelms and elusives every turn bro
>btw anivia's the miniboss, enjoy facing that at a 7 mana disadvantage
You literally can't use anything other than asol or a 6* jinx/swain/yasuo (which basically no one has and no one will have for months), I'm trying with viego who's really good and they're fucking forcing me to asol. Weeklies were fun because there was variety with a reward, there's no variety here.
I had no problems doing Swain with her at 4* (even if the 4 Regen from champion levelling decided not to work for whatever reason) but Lissandra's tricky if only because of that one power that can show up on any fight.
Weeklies can be fun but
>Irelia nodes
Always make me roll my eyes.
Should be more like a regular adventure, with 3 champ nodes and at least 1 power in all of that
It's just the way everything's scaled, it's ridiculous, it really shows their limited game design ability when the only way they can think of to create a "hard" adventure is "free units + baseStats*1.5*2".
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>stay away from the game for a bit
>come back
>99% of your decks are "unavailable" because Riot cannot balance the game and just gave up trying
>if you want to play a deck you like you need to queue for eternal and get anally raped by Azirelia and elusive spam
>PoC, the only fun gamemode, is now a faggy grindfest
Huh, I wonder why the game is flopping
Is she solid for power clearing 6.5?
Like is she consistently fast as fuck?
Jinx is arguably the second best champ in the mode but she has problems with beefy boards, the 6* might fix that.
If you really want to you can drop her the second action of every game by the way (assuming you draw her), slap a plunder relic on her, cast your always-drawn spell (with the free spell mana from her tree), that'll ping nexus and she's now 2 cost.
>do this 6.5*
>get the 5+ strike power
>very first node are the fucking celestial dogs
>asol's at the bottom of the deck so I slowly lose the first match
>win on the retry
>win the next one
>brick, have nothing to summon
>opponent has a full board and wins on their first attack
ecks dee.
>asol's at the bottom of the deck so I slowly lose the first match
>he doesn't have heroes' welcome
level up your asol mang
My asol's level 30, I run Guardian's Trinket because basically any champ is amazing on him. I rolled a Seraphine with double attack, which would be one of the best possible rolls if I actually drew an asol at any point (very cheap, gives a created card, doubles created card casts, etc).
yeah i wouldn't run guardian's trinket personally, as much as it synergizes with his gameplan
as you experienced, not drawing asol is a death sentence (he's your win condition) so i avoid drafting extra champs whenever possible
hell, i even run chameleon's necklace for the extra copies + random item
>not drawing asol is a death sentence (he's your win condition)
He's only your win condition when the opponents board is filled with oversized units, normally champs and double units alone are enough (with the possible exception of the first game). Half the time I win long before he drops.
well, she usually is but broken blade counter her so i juat asol instead
just bring pyke into liss adventures for fun and it's surprising seeing how trivial she has become
>daily quest is attack with 11+ Elusive Bilgewater units
That's awfully specific.
new weeklies
>5.5 is Hugify again
>6.5 is Perfected Manaflow + Cage Match again
even if you ignore Deadly being in all of the nightmares there isn't much variety, huh
They're really on a skeleton crew eh.
Can't wait to hear that the changes didn't generate any income, they just saved costs by firing 90% of the staff.
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hold up
>if my supported ally is a follower
wait when the fuck was this nerfed?
what the fuck
I think it's always been like that.
If you're the Viego anon from a while back then I don't think it matters anyway, you'll be using it for the +2 boost and only on the ephemerals.
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it didn't have the 'follower' stipulation before, meaning you used to be able to duplicate champions which made this completely broken on Leblanc and Nidalee as they end up filling the board with attackers on turn 1-2
i've had it for a month and never used it
even unnerfed i wouldn't put it on nidale myself, i like the crownguard inheritance + tempest blade setup on her too much and lost chapter is really convenient for letting you summon her turn 1
I've got Archangel's Staff and Transmogulator (and Lost Chapter of course). Spell mana's too useful in her deck and transmog means you +5 a unit in a single turn, +7 if you have scout on someone. Sure you don't get to pick but at that point you don't really need to.
Crownguard's probably better but I find she levels up too quickly when she drops which wastes it or you have to do a shit attack anyway.
Fun fact, Swain spells with Pyromantic Wake applies your 3*'s bonus damage.
>5.5* CBT adventure
>Everthing clerable with Asol
>Except that trundle just fucking won on round 2 first time
I mean I didn't stall for healing to 40 , was only at 34 but what the fuck
And here I thought I would hold back a little for fun before the 4* upgrade
I don't get why they don't just spam random epic nodes for everyone instead of deadly
Blade dance was a mistake and everyone knows it.
Prob the single worst mechanic the game ever introduced.
I wonder if the button on the LoL client did anything at all
I must say tho, what the fuck was the rest of the staff even doing when "fully crewed" ?
>I wonder if the button on the LoL client did anything at all
Doubt it, they were already moving away from PvP so it would've stemmed the bleeding a little at most. Too little too late.
I mean it was the same with TFT.
No one gave a fuck about it until they forced everyone to download it alongside league every time.
TFT is slightly different since it's in-client, the LoR button opens up a new program. I doubt they need many more assets anyway, they're (mostly) existing champ skins + some mini characters.
I think the fact the game was clearly dying when they added it meant people just wouldn't care. If it was at the start then it might've seen a large player bump. No one wants to get invested in a dying game.
I hope its Sion. Madness is my fav mechanic.
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This one might tell you more
Its 2
Assuming it's 1 new champ and 1 4-6*, Zoe and Nilah.
>take asol to the 6.5*
>don't draw him a single time in the last match
>doesn't matter because I have a Sej to stall, a 140/30 elusive Naut to get him to 1 and the blades edge power to finish him off.
Get fucked.
Its a good thing those effects ignore all spellshields
I haven't played this game in months. Apparently they're going all in on the single player now? How are they making money if nobody is buying memecoins to make decks for ranked now?
No one was buying memecoins to make decks for ranked before, they're hoping PvE whales show up because there's a decent amount of skip-the-grind payments you can make now.
>they're hoping PvE whales show up because there's a decent amount of skip-the-grind payments you can make now.
is it working?
Dunno, they haven't said anything about it that I'm aware of.
What I do know is it was either this or they shut down. For reference, they said
>it wasn't profitable at any point in its history
>in some cases costs were multiple times what they made in income
>there were some money-generators (e.g. guardians/boards) that didn't even pay for their own creation
They've definitely incentivized buying more than they did so I'd assume there are buyers. Plus there's stuff you can't grind for now (champ-specific epic relics aren't in gold reliquaries iirc), and stuff that's going to take forever to grind for (months if you're lucky, years if you're lucky with gemstones) that you can buy immediately. Combine that with the fact they cut a lot of staff and they might be in the green now, maybe.
>>it wasn't profitable at any point in its history
Jesus. I don't get how you can fuck up a card game gacha especially if you already have the established IP. All the other games pull in millions annually, I don't see what these guys were doing differently.
They were way, WAY too generous. Imo, essence being used to craft cards directly was very nice of them but never once did I ever have the incentive to buy more cards via coin.
Way too generous
And also, they don't have a cult tier fanbase that will play whatever
The only ones that do that are ranked bitches in LoL and those will ONLY play ranked in LoL
This makes me feel like the fighting game is going to be doomed because they're gonna pivot hard in the other direction and charge you for EVERYTHING
I mean, its fightan. Dead in 6 months.
There was no real card game gatcha, you could pretty much always pick what you wanted.
They tried to go the super f2p with skins route and failed.

What I saw of the fighting game didn't interest me at all, I can't stand the stutter fighting SF popularized where everything pauses for half a second after every hit in an attempt to emphasize impact.
looks like left is a new champion to runeterra,
right looks like Ornn
>make some insane hand control deck on an asol run
>lots of spells with the "opponent discards a random card" item and the "copy slow spells" power
>my turn, asol has 2 cards in hand and an asol on board
>celestial spells are slow so I should be fine
>play a slow spell to discard his 2 cards
>he generated the literal only card that could bring him out of this, living legends
>I eventually restore the sun disk (Nasus's power) and drop level 3 Nasus and Renekton
>he still almost stopped me by generating Horned Swarmcaller (I'm guessing from Inviolus Vox) and targeting those two
twitter are saying vi but i guess ornn makes more sense since pvz just got jayce but wish they make him do more than just big stats
>There was no real card game gatcha, you could pretty much always pick what you wanted.
A rookie mistake. I guess once they realized they fucked up card acquisition they couldn't go back to a traditional gacha system otherwise people would shit their pants and immediately dump the game.
Looks like the new 6.5* was created specifically to counter Asol.
>Warm Reception
>Game Start: The Foe summons the two different Strongest units from their deck.
>Misbegotten Creation
>The player's created cards cost 3 more.
I have no idea what you could even take for this. Obviously Asol's off the table unless you want to play without his cost reduction but Warm Reception is so fucking aggro I don't think my other "good" decks could handle it.
I'm pretty sure what happens is either the created cards still cost 0 because of Asols power happens after the 6.5* relic or it costs 3 with the effect happening after the reductions.
My point was champ cost reductions are going to be impossible because you can't play created cards without going severely negative.
just pray for a rerelease of starforger gauntlets
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what a shitty constellation
She desperately needed that 1* and 3* upgrade, but yeah I agree it's pretty bad.
Might be alright at 6*, but won't be great.
Okay, those base power buffs are significant, but
>buffing allies in hand for 6*
>in hand
For real? There better be some ultra mega OP special relic for her or something
>6.5* has an new legendary power made precisely to fuck over Asol
Is it just me or have the servers been really unstable lately?
>PLEASE stop playing Asol 2: Electric Boogaloo
Stop making bullshit weeklies then, my other guys can't handle them.
lmao, 3 PnZ champs in a row.
at least she looks fun even though i bet she's gonna be mid-tier at best
Has anyone made a tier list yet?
for 6 stars champs? spicy toast gaming has made one quite a while ago
can't say i agree but it is what it is
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Jeeze, another P&Z. My guesses were based on filling out the regions a little more evenly. To make things funnier Janna's now the only P&Z without a 4-6*.
Currently (main regions, so no multi-regions)
>6 Bandle
>7 Bilge
>3 Freljord
>5 Ionia
>5 Noxus
>5 (now 6) P&Z
>4 Shurima
>6 SI
>4 Targon
>10 Runeterra
Freljord, Shurima and Targon are lagging behind.

As for Cait
>2* feels weak, maybe it'll stack up with shadow totems/poros
>1* and 3* feel necessary, particularly for Lissandra and the huge boards you have to deal with
>4* looks good
>6* I have no idea what Ace in the Hole is
>deck looks pretty mediocre, flashbomb peddler with 2 spells? a 2 mana draw 1 plant 2? 8 mana "pick a player to draw 3"? Items will fix some I guess
I still think she's going to really struggle with big boards so I don't think she's going to be very good, hell, I think she might even be hard to level against 4*+ adventures, if you attack you're just going to lose your units. But one of the things going for her is the AI does tend to have a lot of draw.
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Oh, patch notes has it.
Looks decent, I'm assuming crit is just 1.5x/2x damage. It's a little odd they'd create a new keyword for a card that isn't main-deckable, so I'm assuming the first PoC exclusive champ will be based around it.
It's a little slow for a 6* but it looks like it'd be good since it's constant generation.
>take tahm to the 4.5* because it's perfect for him
>despite rolling like shit the whole way through, no trouble at all until darius
>darius starts with a 9/11 darius with challenger and stuns+rallies 3 turns in a row with Darius's spell
This is why I take asol.
Are flashbombs effected by luden's echo?
Yep, Everything is fine, and then the champion nodes are ultra 7* tier and everything else is a meme.
No, they aren't a skill or spell.
>win 5+ star adventure with cait
lmao, pay up goy
>Cait's constellation gets shadow totem on House Whump, Tear of the Goddess on Advanced Intel
>Her leveling gives them Coralcrush Gauntlets (brash) and poro snax
That feels intentional.
>now available means for riotbux
I'm not sure they tested cait at all.
>attack with a full board
>6 instances of the flashbomb being planted, each taking about half a second
>each flashbomb hits the upper end of the volume settings
It gets annoying very fast.
Yeah fuck you, and the mvps were Ultimate power, and mimic
I missed it the first time, I don't care if it costs money. Better than waiting and praying for it to drop and then when it finally does its nerfed for some god damned reason like my experience with spectral scissors.
also who are you quoting.
>who are you quoting
The picture you dumb shit.
you should have typed:
>now available
for riotbux

you're the dumb shit here not me.
Stop coping.
And the monthlies only go up to 4.5* so you can't cheese it.
>take a level 4 cait to some 4.5* monthly for shits and giggles
>they have 2x as many flashbombs as I do
>I draw 2x as many flashbombs as they do every turn
>my board is wiped the turn after I drop it, theirs is allowed to build and build without being touched
I can tell her 5* grind is going to be fucking horrible.
>cait lv2 damage aren't even tripled
make sense i guess but she's even worse than i thought holy shit
It isn't buffed by +damage relics either because it isn't a skill.
But yeah she feels pretty weak. the deck's completely reliant on her to anything unless you have the "deal 4 to nexus if a unit dies out of combat" power. You can't even attack with the other units half the time because they're total shit and will die instantly and only give you a flashbomb in return.
She's also severely lacking forced draw, they lose their board then half the time they rebuild and you're back to step 1. That 3 cost "both players draw 2" spell would be amazing over the unplayable 5 cost.
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Ah yes, turn 2 of the second encounter.
>free henchman and scavenger
>gives henchman elusive
>copies it with shady character
>drops a poro just to rub it in
>despite rolling Trafarian Might I can't get rid of any of them because they keep summoning chump units to suicide
And just lost to howling abyss with the best possible starting power.
I love having to deal with 30/30 in stats before the game's even started.
>take Yasuo
>make it to Viego
>no matter what I did I couldn't do damage, he'd keep killing my units so they'd never build up power
>I shit you not he killed like 20 yasuos
>late late game
>he's on 30 health, almost there
>ruination then harrowing next turn
>somehow stop the lethal
>next turn
>he's topdecking
>dawning shadow
>dawning shadow
>dawning shadow
>viego :^)
Total fucking cunt.
Luckily I got him the next attempt.
What Bandlewood champ did you guys use on Targon? I thought a Veigar with chemtech duplicator would be enough but the amount of health generated by Asol's champs is too much
>on targon
on asol's world adventure? i used vex, same for lissandra's as well
>Asol's champs
that's why you target the nexus, silly
Teemo or Norra.
Teemo's completely bricked if they drop an elusive though, and Norra can take time so they could beat you with overwhelm.
>pop blossom doesn't work with multiple subtypes
i want my crystal back
>He actually spent it on Neeko
Wait it's once per attack, not stacking per unit?

Problem is the only other Runeterra option is Aatrox and it's only boosting his "I win" card. I was considering popping it on Neeko too.
Well I actually got two crytals so I don't really care, but would rather drop it for another darkin champ
>and it's only boosting his "I win" card.
Isn't that what neeko power is about as well?
Neeko's is damage to nexus and board every time you attack, like Anivia but scaling, it's value every attack. Aatrox's is "You just turned your board into huge units, btw double their stats", I suppose it isn't technically an "I win" and would help against anything 5*+ but you get the point.
I just checked the text and if it's only doing 1 damage with a board of subtyped allies then that's a bug.
no, it's up to 7 damages per attack but i was hoping the damage count the subtype (ie. the dog with dragon item counts as 2 damages)
Oh, no, it says per unit with a subtype.
So caitlyn best gameplay option is just do teemo gaming? Not even teemo benefits hard enough of his own powers.
Asol's power "Celestial cards cost 0" hard counters Broken Blade and I assume any other cost increasing enemy powers
and I thought It would be a problem
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It's Lissandra's power.
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what are you talking abiut
Broken Blade, it's Lissandra's power. We knew Asol countered it when she came out.
>round start; The foe summons a 999/999 follower with "Attack: Win instantly"
>the player units cost 10 more and have -50/-50
>the player's deck is reduced to 2
>the player only starts with 1 card and only gets mana gems at round 20
>if you win this you get a tiny brap of this faggy new PoC currency
woooooooooow amazing new content riot thank you!
Old Teemo could do it.
Asol low diffs
If they only add that niggress from Arcane in the next update and nothing more I'll legit uninstall. That will just confirm the studio is running on 0 budget and will EoS soon
>yet another P&Z (4th in a row)
They don't have the balls.
Besides she'd need new mechanics, there are already tons that could take up existing mechanics.
is pvp dead in this game?
I would assume so, basically no one talks about it here and the last one that did was complaining about the utter state of it.
I like the LoR exclusive champs. Breathes a lot life into the world.
i actually like the mechanics, alternating rounds, declaring blockers, different spell speeds, casting in combat, it's not as dumbed down as hearthstone and its direct clones.
is there a pvp ccg everyone switched to or the genre itself died? i've been out of the loop for a few years.
Not that I'm aware of, they just moved onto different games. There probably are still some who play LoR but Grapplr for instance plays TFT or LoL now.
She's Noxus
You're talking about Renata right? I haven't watched arcane.
No, Ambessa Medarda
Doesn't seem very champ-worthy imo. I wouldn't put it past them but champs tend to have a design that makes them stand out. Plus they're burning cash, unless the latest cash grabs have been wildly successful I would think they'd be looking at fan favourites to draw people in. Assuming league skins correlates with popularity (also age):
>Lux (have 2)
>MF (have)
>Ahri (had)
>Akali (would be new)
>Vayne (have)
>Cait (have)
So I'd expect Ahri again, maybe Riven or Akali. Not likely to be EZ since (as I said) we've had like 3 P&Z in a row.
How the actual fuck are you suppose to beat Lissandra with Caitlyn without her 6 star??? Her units are so fucking weak with zero scaling while the enemies have a gorillion HP and summon 10+/10+ followers. Even if flashbombs cleared the entire board you barely chip at their HP with like 12 attack work of followers then next turn the flood the board again with giant followers or board wipe you or both at the same time.
Yes, Caitlyn is a really shitty champion (yes even with her 6*) good job noticing that.

It's extremely ironic that everybody thought she was going to be the most broken champ to ever come to POC while shitting on the Vi rework. Vi is unironically One Punch Man now.
Her relic looks more important imo.
We have a few weeks so I'm waiting for the 5.5* weekly to be doable, other than that I'd go Swain instead, I don't think she has much of a chance against Lissandra, what can she do if the watcher drops? Drop 60 flash bombs on it?

Cait looked mediocre and I could tell her 5* quest would be rough from the first game. Vi is still crap, just less than she used to be.
just roll for double enfeebling + free atack item with death foil bro lol
also her relic is almost mandatory
>everybody thought she was going to be the most broken champ to ever come to POC
no one said that, only she'll be fun (AKA unique) albeit mediocre
>also her relic is almost mandatory
Don't you just love how pretty much mandatory relics are stuck behind a paywall now?
pay up goym
tft just straight up ripped us off bros...
What did they do?
Jack is so kino it really highlights how bad the champ design has been for 5+ years
They can do it, they just won't.
Maybe they're afraid of power creep.
He's clearly talking about general design of LoL champs. For reference, in the last 5 years
Yeah there are a lot of shit designs there. Not just visually but gameplay designs either, just look at Showmaker talking about K'Sante, shit's retarded.
I'm still waiting on another female furry champ like Kindred.
Nigger they just released a bunny girl.
Nah mang, that's just a ginger viera from ffxii
Okay, you want an actual suggestion on how to beat lissandra with cait without her 6 star?

If you can spare the 10 dollars, her relic is borderline mandatory.

Caitlyn's relic build should be her relic, Echoing Spirit, and Stalker's Blade. Basically, we are turning Cait into a suicide bomber. You summon Cait, stalkers blade hits a thing, her strike ability plants bombs but more importantly, deals burn damage equal to the amount of traps that get triggered, then you ram her into the enemy, she dies and gets her strike ability off a second time, which lets you play another Cait to do it all over again.

Yes it's slow, but not like you were gonna kill them any faster with your 2 attack followers.

If you don't have Echoing Spirit or her own relic, then use a second Stalker's Blade and Grand General's Counterplan for Echoing Spirits substitute so you can at least make more Caitlyns with the fleeting Cait spell while she's on the field.

THEN after all that, Enfeebling is practically mandatory so try to reset the run over and over to get that as your first power.

Deathless, Scout, and Free attack are the best champion items to get on Cait

Ideally your support champion is someone who can draw you cards, or help you stall or stabilize.

If you can find the Remitter, cross your fingers that he offers the power that makes everything have 1 hp.

Check to see if Liss has I am Inevitable and restart if she does.

This is not a guaranteed win and the run will no doubt take over an hour, but it's the most reliable way to beat Liss with such a shitty champion.
Viera are bunny girls.
Bunny girls yes, but not "bunny" girls. Give me something like pic related. That'll fix their current champ design.
lmao kindred flopped for a reason and why her weeb skin is the most popular look for her
The Yuumi and Norra design in TFT are from LoR
Aurelion Sol really is easy mode but I don't care. Starforged Gauntlets are easily the best for him.
Spellweaver's probably better since it guarantees you get created cards.
Spellweaver is much better what are you talking about?
Aside from Sh*resies bricking your turn.
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Thats unironically really good though for decks that don't want to play their champion (Darius, Taliyah), or champs who are already busted and win you the game even with zero relics like Asol or Voli
Except there's always better relics. I can only remember 1-2 champs that don't get much out of relics, but I can't even remember what champs they are.
I used to love LoR ffs.
They want me to focus into the PvE content when it always was shit....
They made the game to be a pvp card battler....they made a world championship and tried to push it....the PvE was a secondary thing....why switch to PvE?
Why I'm going to spent money into a shittier Slay the Spire when I can play StS....
Why I'm going to spent money into customization to play against an IA....
Bravo Rioooot
>why switch to PvE?
Because PvP made them literally no money at any point in the history of the game. We've been over this.
>Why I'm going to spent money into customization
I doubt you would, the incentive is clearly to pay to not grind.
>3rd weekly is 4* Irelia with Trynd's power and 2 free Coastal Defenders
>6.5* is perfected manaflow with cage match
>had 500 people on payroll for a fucking card game
>uh oh we're not makin any money
Direwolf who were developing both elder scroll legends and eternal had like 12 people in studio at one point
It's probably a big portion of writers and attache positions to make sure everything is lore friendly
You have to be a fucking retard if you pay for not grinding on LoR....
Get Slay the Spire, it gives a better exp and it's more challenging

I don't understand why somebody should get a board skin or anything else....
It's like buying skins on league and only play Coop vs IA....
If the PvE was at least good I could understand it but we known the IA is pure shit....at least league had some good events like odyssey
500 people to make a transgender card....
That's why they lose a lot of money

Get woke get broke
>if you pay for not grinding on LoR
Stop seething like a little bitch, it's obvious you've never played PoC.

Riot's as woke as it gets, they aren't broke. Two more weeks, right?
Man I played it when it first come out and it was boring as fuck....you only need 2 runs to figure the AI pattern and that's it

>They aren't broke
Yeah that's why they stopped the LoR support right? Money right?

Only the noobs went to play PoC because they suck at pvp....
If PoC it's so freaking good why the pro's left for TFT?

But yeah I'm bitching because I had a great time playing pvp
But yeah enjoy a shitty PvE mode in a dying game.
I'm going to play Slay the Spire in my free time.
>Man I played it when it first come out and it was boring as fuck
Good for you, no one cares. It had more play time than PvP did back when they were still focused on PvP. It actually has a monetization angle too, fucking no one bought skins/guardians/boards.
>Yeah that's why they stopped the LoR support right? Money right?
Why would you continue to fund a failed product? Are you retarded? In the very next sentence you talk about how the pros left to a different riot game. Riot is clearly doing quite well financially and they're still as woke as ever. When are they going broke?
>I'm going to play Slay the Spire in my free time.
Ok, bye.
>It had more play time than PvP
Because noobs don't know how to play on pvp
They get angry because people spam the same shitty decks and riot never implemented a ban system. Same reason why LoL as a ban system SO PEOPLE BAN OP CHAMPS.
>fucking no one bought skins/guardians/boards.
And who is going to pay for less grind in a shitty PvE game? Are you retarded? Answer why somebody is going to pay for that?
>Why would you continue to fund a failed product?
Because they aren't broke right?
>When are they going broke?
They could implemented a good pvp system and get more players rather than letting the game slowly dying.
wait which card is transgender
don't want to accidentally play it
>And who is going to pay for less grind in a shitty PvE game? Are you retarded? Answer why somebody is going to pay for that?
nta but are YOU retarded? How the fuck do you think other mobile games like the endless supply of gachas work?
>And who is going to pay for less grind in a shitty PvE game?

>They could implemented a good pvp system and get more players rather than letting the game slowly dying.
And at what point in your plan do they make money?
The 4 cost celestial unit iirc.
oh i thought it was aphelios bc he sounds like a girl but i guess he's just a homosexual
I think Aphelios is mute, the voice is his sister.
He's not mute, just that the funny liquid kills his voice for tulpa powers
so they just copied sona's gimmick?
tbf the last time i played league was at pykes release i think i have no idea what the new guys' lore is
If faggiot is going to come up with the most bullship poc modifiers possible they could at least unnerf teemo
No way they buff teemo outside a 4-6*.
I abandoned this game when I couldn't get it to run on GNU/Linux.
Why come here to say you never started playing?
I use Ubuntu(ook ook)
Open Lutris, search for "Add games" on the app, once there search Legends of Runeterra and pick first choice out of three. Install game and when the install and updating on the client itself is done just close the app from system monitor aka task manager which finishes the install. Now you have a working LoR.
I have to install a fresh version every time there is an update(once a month)which takes like a couple of minutes.
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>open game
>elusive still exists
>blade dance still exists
>karma still exists
>ionia in general still exists
No wonder the game is flopping hard
Masochists are getting what they want, so shut up
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Its a real shame they couldn't do an invasion themed expansion with the void creatures. Kass and Malz with another Runeterra exclusive champ would be cool.
Posts like this remind me of
>no xyz/synchro/fusion/ritual/special summoning
lobbies I'd see on duelingnetwork.
The moment those are removed you'll find something new to bitch about, you literally only want your deck to be viable.
>no elusive/blade dance/karma/ionia/equipment/attachment/rallies/ascending/burst spells/focus spells/fast spells/warmothers/FTR/go hard/overwhelm/deathless/unit buffs/ED
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>Can't Stop, Won't Stop power makes Taric's invul permanent
If Taric ever gets introduced to PoC, CSWS needs to be his 4 star power or something
His champ spell is already a permanent buff
I doubt it makes sense to keep it
Also the monthly challenge seems nerfed now, all those bullshit "reduce to 1 health/stat" are gone now. The high tier katarina nodes are pure cancer though, just Asol that shit
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new champs already?
Probably just a 4-6*.
Left one kinda looks like bard
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>incredibly blessed rolls
>on Asol
>still get fucked
god damn
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whats next? whenever an ally is summoned set its hp to 1? 6.5 star bullshit got me upset
Looks like another yasuo one.
Wish I had an Ionia nova crystal.
one of the champion nodes is the Howling Abyss encounter so good luck deleting quad stat champs
lmao I was wondering what the fuck was riot going to do to stop asol pickers
That node is extra bullshit this time around
>Scout riven
>Gets the overwhelm piece
Holy shit
The relics better be good
>Battlepass is back
>anti-tempo and "I rely entirely on my 5 cost champ"
We've already had Ahri and I remember her being pretty bad, and Heimer is probably going to be horrible. From the looks of things she hasn't changed at all and Heimer is even worse than previously though since he's reliant on 6+ cost spells to get upgrades. He unironically looks Kindred tier at this point unless the upgrades are nuts.
Ahri's relic is probably better on a 6* Yasuo.
Heimer's relic isn't even a Heimer relic lmao.
At least they added 3 new* adventures.

Also another P&Z.
>tech allies in hand and in play
It's not even applied to tech allies you draw or create later lmao what the fuck.
Wait never mind, it's a "have" not "grant", so it should be applied once they hit the hand/field.
>Battle pass up
EOS adverted, PvE gods keep eating good
Oh yeah alive game
In other news, fuuuuuck 6.5* nodes
I will keep Asol-ing
Can't wait for the god awful final quests.

>EOS adverted
They've released 1 new card since the dream expansion.
>Can't wait for the god awful final quests.
Kinda reminds me of the quest we got to level up 5 champs in one game
You can always cheese it
The real content is PoC sweetie, any new champs added to PoC are new champs released.
>Kinda reminds me of the quest we got to level up 5 champs in one game
Asol, just keep adding champs to his deck along a run and you'll get it eventually. If you're really struggling just put 3 of those "adventure start: add a random champion to your deck" relics on.
Oh no I didn't struggle, that's why I said
>You can always cheese it
Took longer than usual to get a lot of champs offered but I did it first try
her relic is mandatory to her gameplay unfortunately
>don't have the relic
>kill their units with normal attacks
>they can't rebuild
>5-10 flashbombs next turn
Every time.
in lower star difficulties sure it's manageable, but when you get to 4 stars and up it gets so ridiculous her 6 star power can barely save you, and every flashbomb miss that gets put back in the enemy deck helps a long way in letting you spam Ace in the holes.
Jokes on you I don't have her 6*'d either.
I'm probably going to be doing her 5*+ quest this week, not looking forward to it even with her 4* and lots of the nodes unlocked.
praying to rngesus for your success anon
I suggest you do a Lissandra run, save a reroll or two and go topside for the Ethereal Emitter encounter and reroll until you get the power that sets all units HP to 1
that's what I did
I might buy that battlepass. Never bought anything in this game so far.
Heimer will use Bandle resources so thats no problem.
I figure swain would be easier, sure he's more aggro but you'd have an easier time dealing with his units, Lis has some real bullshit nodes.
depending on the price of the pass, It might be better value to buy the champion bundle with their relic instead, especially if the relic is great on multiple champions
>Also another P&Z.
But of course. Or have you people forgotten about Arcane S2?
confirmed 1k coins
that's not bad
forgot how much the relic bundles cost, already bought all of them and IIRC they're around 980?
up to personal choice then if that is the case, I will lean towards the relic bundles though because you can't get them from reliquaries (for now) and some of them are leaving the shop.
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>physical card game
fucking really
calling it now; one of a kind, alternate full art, textured foil, secret rare SKT T1 Faker Ahri card will be worth 1 billion dollars sold online by a Riot employee.
Their digital card game did so well, can't wait for their physical one to do the same because they have literally no idea how to market.
>champ shards for champs without a full constellation get converted into a small fart of stardust instead of letting you save them up for when the constellation gets implementented
Thanks riot
>10 Yi shards just turned into 100 stardust
>4 completely new champs to LoR before the year ends.
Dare I say it?
Are we back?
PvE gods saved this game
Now give me Ezreal and I'll consider giving them money
Any first impressions on Heimer and Ahri? From what I've seen, Ahri looks turbobusted
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The only consolation is it isn't an and.

Haven't played her since old-PoC but there's no way she's even the best in her region, Yasuo looks way better.
I'm looking at her deck and items and I'm seeing a whole lot of "I'm completely useless and only gain some sort of advantage as fodder for recalls". Sure she might be good at 6* but so are a lot of champions, 6* is supposed to be good due to the high investment.
Shit, Ahri herself isn't even usable until mana 3 (2 damage to face aside), you drop her on turn 1 and you have no mana left to even play a dancing droplet. Then you have shit like The Maker which looks like an awesome reusable combo, until you realize 5 power is fucking nothing in PoC so you're often going to be spending 2-3 mana with no effect (in the harder matches, especially nightmare weeklies).

As for Heimer, half of his constellation is dedicated to giving everything Tech (similar to Pyke with lurker) which isn't a good sign. His deck seems alright, albeit very centered around 3 and 6 mana turrets, and he looks like he's going to be a worse Jayce but it's hard to say for sure until I know what those upgrades are. At the very least his 6* looks like it'd be extremely strong if the upgrades are good enough to make him playable.
There's a clip of a 2* lvl 16 ahri doing over 2000 damage on turn 4 so yea ahri is pretty fucking busted
Ahri is completely different now and she's way way more aggro compared to her 1.0 PoC version. I will agree that her bonus stars are trash, but her main star powers are really really good and she scales up hard and fast. Yasuo probably is better, but honestly investing in his constellation is pretty useless cause he's already so strong at 3 or 4 stars like Morgana so may as well put the resources into Ahri or Lillia more.

Heimer I also agree with he's basically keyword soup like Jayce but I think they're roughly the same in power level imo. That said I would still prefer putting bandle city resources into Vex since she actually needs it and becomes busted with high star level plus bonus stars
Her old powers weren't bad imo.
Recalling every turn was pretty good.
This version doesn't ruin her tempo as badly and buffs her units a bit. Sure she can technically grow nearly infinitely but how much mana and time are you going to put into that? Plenty of champs can do that and lots can do it better, I really can't see her being better than Lillia let alone Yasuo.
Maybe I'll be proven wrong idk, she just seems so slow because her entire play style is around going negative in tempo in the "win by mana 5" game mode.
Heimer's a little better than I thought, his 6+ mana spent on spells is cumulative like Lux rather than at once like Jayce like I thought (always gets me). The fact he gets 1 spell mana back every time he summons (not plays) a unit is also really useful.
As for his upgrades, his 1* upgrades so far (Teemo adventure) have been +1/0 and a keyword (impact, fearsome and brash), +3/+0, +0/+3, or +2/+2 with no keyword, and one time got +1/+1 with two keywords. He gets "improved" upgrades at 3* but I'm assuming that's only going to increase the stat buff or give more keywords or maybe give an item.
I'm still not expecting him to be very good but at least he isn't Kindred.
Every improved (3*) upgrade from a Garen run, no keywords might be repeats
>x2 spirit

>+0/+1 challenger
>+0/+3 sharpsight
>+0/+2 fearsome
>+0/+3 (no keyword)

>+2/+0 hallowed
>+2/+0 (no keyword)
>2x spirit

>+1/+1 evolve
>+1/+0 quick attack

>+1/+0 impact
>+2/+2 deep, fury, fated (I only spent 4 mana so it didn't give me multiple activations, might be a high roll or because the keywords are weak)
>+1/+0 overwhelm

+0/+3 (no keyword, can't be a repeat)
>2x spirit
>+3/+0 (no keyword)

>+1/+1 evolve
>+1/+1 (no keyword)
>+1/+0 impact
>+2/+2 tough, hallowed (activated twice with 1 card)
>+0/+3 (no keyword)

They aren't all that great unless you high roll but it's essentially an everywhere buff to most of the cards you're dropping so they aren't bad, I would assume a fully upgraded 6* Heimer would feel real nice starting with 3 of them, but for an unupgraded Heimer it's kinda meh, you're spending 6 mana for 1 buff and need techs, I was only able to get a bunch of upgrades on a bunch of techs because Garen's shit, even getting to 5 mana for Heimer would be difficult in some matches.
Two more,
>+0/+3 formidable
I bet the formidable one's going to cause someone to lose a run.
>most of herm's tech are X/1s
lol yeah, definitely
It's not even just the starting stats, formidable just makes it hard to play. Sure your 14/10 might survive the attack or block but now he's a 14/4 and is practically useless.
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its gonna be Arcane themed so Warwick, Singed, Ambessa, Urgot.
>3-4 P&Zs
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Now that's a good upgrade.
How does this card work though, is it on play?
That card activates when it's summoned or if it's already on the field.
Intersting. But then again, I doubt you will get to use ephemeral dupes that often with a full board
Who are the strongest champs without constellations so far?
Nid, Yi, who else?
I dunno about Yi, sure he can otk pretty easily thanks to recycling his champ spell but he's super vulnerable to removal and he needs tons of mana.
But aside from who you mentioned
Asol (obviously).
Diana, she's like Yi except with better units, it isn't GG when she isn't drawn.
Jhin, his free spell is amazing.
Teemo, though he's obviously much weaker than he used to be.
Maybe also Annie, because face damage is always good, but she'd struggle with big units.
I'd also include Eve/Illaoi but they're a little too inconsistent.
Yi is obscene dude, he needs some mana cost reduction on spells and wins turn 1 every time thanks to his champ spell drawing itself
Oh yeah diana is good and more reliable
Leblanc is still pretty busted
Garen and Elder Drag can handle the Asol challenge but I've never tried them on the higher difficulties
5*s are cancer incarnate, they're genuinely unfun from start to finish even on the most broken champs. I really wish they'd stop making quests to defeat them with new champs.
>Swain's individual nodes are much harder, forced to deal with 3 2/8's and some other big unit immediately
>Liss has hard nodes but Liss herself is the most bullshit node in the game, you start 3 mana behind, she has nothing but huge units, levels on turn 2, has 99 nexus health (with tough), has some of the best board-wide removal in the game AND has a 120/180 or whatever it is watcher, btw you don't get powers at checkpoints so you're entirely reliant on items and the rare smooth soloist
If anything's going to make me quit this game it's forcing me to fight Liss every month.
you can cheese Liss on almost any champ by doing this>>1564990
you just need to survive the encounters on the way
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>prototype porobot isn't tech
Thanks for the suggestion, still took a revive because Liss naturally drew 4 ice shards and wiped my board each time.
Based based based
The game got into a loop of error since this guy shouldn't have been damaged, but got stunned anyway
It's probably treated the same way as 1 damage on tough, that'll count as damage.
I know, but I thought we were over setting the rules right after the disintegrate debacle?
Wasn't that the outcome of the disintegrate debacle though?
Well the resolution was
No HP lost = Doesn't count
I suposse it would fuck over endurance talents when you have barrier and tough but at least it would be consistent
I suppose scargrounds countered with a "fuck you stop fucking with my deck" because units with tough absolutely can get bonuses when hit with a 1 damage spell/unit.
>legion veteran is a fag, his description talks about his husband healing him
Jesus how many hidden poofs are there?
Slowpoke moment
Doesn't matter btw, china got riot on a leash after all.
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There's a science upgrade that gives (instead of grants) your techs every keyword.
One of them gives you vulnerable wtf

Also, looks like more cage match bullshit for 6.5*, and 5.5* has real interesting modifiers.
Ok so I think I get how to play Heimer now.
>Get a duplicate for slow spells
>Get a duplicate on Epic Scraptraption
>Get memory game if you can
>Put a katamari song of your choice, ie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WXsGDSRT3k
He's pretty slow but he's oddly manageable compared to other slow decks. Like Jayce (the obvious comparison) is completely reliant on rolling lifesteal from time to time because of the amount of mana he has to save/use for spells but Heimer can still put blockers on the board without shitting up next turns mana. His spells are a lot more flexible too, just wish he started with that 0+ cost turret spell.
But I haven't beaten Asol on him yet and I rolled super hard for Kaisa, I saw like 4 legendaries in a single run.

I'm surprised how good they made a theoretically bad PoC champ without going full retard and forcing it.
Well they went hard on the SCIENCE! upgrades so there's a lot of dedication there
...ignoring formidable, of course.
>do the 6.5*
>brick super hard before mid boss
>howling abyss mid boss gets Darius (36/24) with "play: free attack" on my turn
>it's like turn 3, can't kill them because of cage match
>can't remove Darius and they have a challenger (Sett) for my only high health unit so I lose
So fun.
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lmao what the fuck
also fiddlesticks and hopefully sylas teased
Didn't they say they were planning 2 brand new champs by the end of the year? Could be one of them.
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for me its shurima
>Get Draven's biggest fan
>He actually becomes Draven, literally
Fiddlesticks for the nightmare continuation
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unironically the easiest 4.5 star encounter I've ever ran into and a free win for my budget ahri build
just get as much round start spawn units as you can for free dravens and outgun the enemy each time while spamming stuns with ahri for direct hits
I took Norra and opened with the "Game start: Summon 2 Armed Gearheads" power so every game started with 3 (sometimes 4) 6/5 scout Dravens.
Careful with the 5.5*, Irelia is the midboss, she starts with 4 standard mana and 1 spell mana because Irelia is summoned so she can blade dance a bunch immediately.
>first attempt, 10/20 is Coastal Defenders
>bad hand but drop a unit
>Defiant Dance recalls it and blade dances (with Coastal Defenders growing)
>it's already over, redo
>second attempt, 10/20 is fucking Zinneia
>they drop 2 Ribbon Dancers
>I have less nexus health than they do after turn 1
>I only win because I managed to level Veigo turn 1 and steal Zinneia
Irelia and blade dance unironically ruined LoR
Holy shiiiiiiit
Shout out to my nigga Maokai winning me the challenge, this node is diabolical
>set player units to 1/1
>round start deal 1
>takes asol for some reason
Looks like an easy node. A little bit of effort sure but it doesn't look all that hard if you take a champ that scales.
beat it with Nora
still cancerous as shit
Does playing a card with Transform count as playing a created card?
Not unless it was created beforehand. Transforming tends to happen when it's already on the field anyway.
Same with how Yi's disciple that bounces back does not create a card, it just transforms it.
good to know thanks
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interesting 3 star encounter
Reminder if 3*'s are easy enough then you can use them to unlock epic relic slots.
Uh this is a highroll right?
yep very nice
I prefer the full nova crystal high roll.
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The last week days of the twitter:
hands telling true
the real price
of a magic coup

a failed war
empire spent
on foreign shores

sun’s searing tricks
erase the night
a heart’s eclipse

when broken faith
binds the bearer
to godless fate

illume the first
to see the end
close your eyes
and count to

with slices of pic related bit by bit.
Those hands and eyes certainly don't look fiddlesticksy, even if the horror nursery rhyme does.
*last week of the twitter
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the first teaser makes it look like the hands are fiddles effigies holding lanterns
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If all we get is a Evelyn constellation or something retarded like Lux: Ebil I will genuine commit a federal crime
It's clearly referencing the 10 primordial demons (whatever they're called) that Fiddlesticks is the first of, no way we don't at least get fiddle.
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You might just get your wish
Also they changed her deck a little
Wow that 6* looks terrible.
Her deck was upgraded too.
>- Crawling Viperwyrm
>- Phantom Prankster
Viperwyrm didn't really fit in the deck, Prankster was surprisingly useful once it got a few buffs (probably shit in 4.5*+ runs though).
>+ Ceaseless Centry
>+ Siren Song
Buffing Ceaseless is retarded but it'll help you draw Eve at least, and Siren might be a little expensive (unless it has a lot of cost reductions) but at least it suits the deck.
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It really does
I imagine it will get chalice of harmony or maybe even the repetition elixir
I hope the video didn't cost them much, could've spent that money elsewhere.
And it looks like fiddle's going to be the first PoC exclusive champ.
>entire music video dedicated to evelyn who just got one of the worst constellations in the game
>fiddlesticks got 5 seconds of screentime
Extremely gay
is this game dead? Like one new champ after one full year? Pathetic
PoC has regularly been getting new (repurposed) champions, but yeah it's pretty dead.
I'd like to see if the decision has saved the game financially or not, I'm sure a lot of people are buying champ packs when they come out and they're pretty expensive.
nigga vex, lilia and lux2 were released 5 months ago
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Fiddle's full set.
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And the constellation.
Dunno what terrify (Fiddle's version of toss?) is but his deck seems kinda slow, especially if you don't have forced draw (and none of the new cards do). To make things worse, a lot of your added power in PoC comes from the sheer amount of draw you as the player get that the AI often doesn't get (and I'm assuming your level 20 "Game start: Draw a champion" won't force the opponent to drop your Fiddlesticks).
Also, since he's a runeterra what's his origin? Are they just ditching it since he isn't playable in the main game?
if by dead, you mean the devs decided to cater to the 80% of the playerbase that play PoC instead of the 20% that play PvP then yes this is a dead game
Nightmares I guess.
If you trigger Terrify then the opponent has to exile their top card. Traps will still activate.
Maokai is still playable and he obliterates the enemy deck.
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Oh, yep, it's fiddle toss.
>NEW VOCAB - Terrify X: Obliterate X cards from the top of the enemy deck, activating any traps on them.
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This is what the 4th year?
Wouldn't be patch notes without broken images.
I just realized they nerfed her 2*, it now only applies to allied followers you kill, it used to apply to any follower (though it's not like you ever used it).
Nightmares are pretty much reverse portals, is that what I'm getting here?
Yes, they also work with reverse-toss.
I don't think they're 0 cost in hand though, but they're all super cheap so I don't think that's much of an issue.
so are those card PoC only
i don't think most of them makes sense without fiddle and starpower as the engine
It makes sense that they'd limit it to PoC, people would alt+f4 every time they rolled Fiddlesticks round 1.
We are getting speed up AND higher legend and champ levels tomorrow
fiddle has been confirmed to be PoC only but not his supports which i asked
also fiddle's card specifically say "deep" so i assume he'll only be planted at bottom 15
That would be redundant since he levels at 15 left. Maybe he isn't planted on the top 5-10 cards, but that seems really hard to hit so idk. When you take into consideration that most games are over by mana 5 and that's 3 natural draws (from 2 starting), his mechanic just seems awkward for the game mode.
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>yo we heard games were fast, so we're adding a 7 and 8 mana card to your starting deck
>also here's an arachnoid horror because the name fits
His level up looks pretty cool, and I swear he's making fun of people who have been waiting for him for years.
I'm still not sure about this plant mechanic, does his card gone when it plants itself? maybe you can still summon him normally, 3 mana 7/6 fearsome isn't that far off from PoC standard
I think that's the implication, that he leaves the deck and enters the enemy deck. I'm assuming this is also the case if you add extra copies with relics.
Being able to summon him normally would be pretty broken, even if it's PoC they still need some amount of balance.
What happens if I toss a nightmare?
I'm assuming it's treated as a normal trap so it's probably just tossed.
I dunno bros, Fiddle seems... kinda really fucking bad????

Like, they made Fiddle a mill deck but everything only mills fucking 1 card and the only thing that mills 2 is 7 fucking mana. His nightmares are basically norra portals for your enemy's deck but theres almost nothing to give your opponents a critical mass of nightmares compared to getting like 10+ portals in your deck when you play Norra.

Fiddle himself is lame as fuck, I don't know how deep he's suppose to be planted in the enemy's deck, but if you need to mill like 10 cards minimum to even have a chance to see him thats really fucking slow and your payoff for actually summoning Fiddle is a big dumb beatstick with a tiny-ass boardwipe that won't do shit vs Deadly modifier adventures. There's also the fact his followers are really fucking weak with zero scaling so you're ticking the opponent with 1-4 power followers and taking forever to win.
The funniest part about Fiddlesticks is if you can force draw/toss enough cards then Fiddle himself is useless because you're just going to be aiming for deck outs instead. On the other hand if you don't get enough force draw/toss then Fiddle is useless because you can't draw him.
But I suppose we'll see soon.
Maybe some of his minor constellation nodes will fix some of the issues we're complaining about.
>if you can force draw/toss enough cards then Fiddle himself is useless because you're just going to be aiming for deck outs instead.
Except, everything only mills for like 1 and bosses/higher difficulty adventures have like 40+ cards in their deck. Mill decks are basically burn decks except your opponent's deck size is their HP and I really don't know how realistically you're suppose to mill your opponent when fiddle's mill is both expensive (they cost like 3 mana minimum to mill 1) and really fucking tiny only milling 1 card at a time, 2 for a 7 fucking mana spell.

Good luck trying to mill the opponent when they drop 10+ power minions
It was a hypothetical, if they made it stronger (or if there were some combos you could make). As it stands it's pretty weak.
Also don't forget his powers mill too, any nexus damage does it on 3* so impact/pings will be extra useful.
This is gonna be Heimer and Ahri again. They advertise the fuck out of fiddle but evelynn seems way waaaaaaay stronger by a lot.
We already have Eve, what's revealed so far doesn't seem too amazing.
I just hope there's no "beat a 5* with either of them :^)" quest because that would probably be worse than the Cait one.
eve can quite easily beat liss
Eve is shit until late game (and that's assuming you roll well) and Lis is better from turn 1.
Don't forget Fiddle's starting deck has 2 extremely expensive cards with no cost reduction mechanic.
We don't know their items yet.
But don't worry, one's a spell you can always use lost ch-
>Play not summon change goes brrrr
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Unironically the best part about the update.
>Evelynn receives a full constellation alongside improvements to her 2nd Star Power,
Its an uhh improvement I guess
But as long as Evelynn does NOT want to kill more than 1 follower per round for as long as it can, this shit is cringe
Even if both cards got -2 cost items they'd still be expensive as fuck and completely ruin your tempo in high difficulty adventures.

-2/-2 and mill 2 for 5 mana is most definitely not good enough even against Asol and Liss.
NTA but i already beat liss with eve without much problem. and her relic basically fix her problem if not drawing her scare you that much
So how do I check what stat increases what? Like how am I suppose to tell ingame that spirit increases Seven's movespeed?
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Riot, I think we need to have a little chat.
Eve's minor constellations seem kinda crap.
>followers you acquire have greatclub (overwhelm)
>+200 gold
>support champs have Bonded Bucklers (support: copy my keywords)
>Last Caress (Eve's spell) -3 mana
>Hate Spike +2 damage
>+1 reroll, +100 gold
>Balefuk Seeker gets the new "Play: Strike enemy nexus" item
>Support champs get that item too
>Followers you acquire get Dreams of Yordles (spirit + impact)
>Forgotten Terror (the nightmare'd 6/3) gets deathless
Can confirm nightmares that are sent to hand don't get reduced to 0.
You can get a nightmare on the first draw.
Every time I've drawn fiddle it's been very deep into the deck (like half way through) and he's been clustered pretty much back to back.
I think terrify or Shallows Siren may be bugged when it comes to final cards, Teemo had 3 cards in deck and I had 2 Sirens on the field, I ended my turn, we both drawed 2, they had 1 in deck after the turn, but then dropped Aloof and lost instantly. Maybe I was mistaken idk.
Also I see why you get the 8 cost now, I think the idea is through luck your 2* can slap him on the field turn 1 as a nightmare.
>the 7 cost spell gets burst
>the 8 cost unit gets double timewatch
>they get no other items
Fiddlesticks is the only one of the set to have lore text, even his spell doesn't have it. Wow the budget was fucking gutted, can't even afford to pay someone for an hour or two to whip up some bullshit.
Unironically just summon as many shallow sirens as you can and babysit them.
Elusive nexus strikes + the card effect millrapes everything
>No loremonkey to whip out flavor text
>Speed up workking as intended
>Eve constellation is just ok, 6* is a joke
>Fiddle is all about the sirens and the 4 mana challenger guy since you draw cards every second in PoC if you want
>Nightmare mode
>ALL these shitters have Deadly
Ok then, that's real lategame territory
K what's the verdict on fiddle and eve?
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Deadly isn't the power you should be worried about lmao
>3.5 fiddle mills 10 cards round one then mills 15 round two
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easy vault, thanks riot
watchu get nigguh
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looks like you actually can get fiddles relatively early
>starforged gauntlets doesn't work on fiddle
god dman it
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the viego nightmare mission is pretty easy compared to the bullshit you can run into with lissandra
I fucked up my relics and still won lmao
Noted, I was getting my Heimer runs bricked on liss
the crystals? targon. probably the worst pool possible
"fucked up my relics" he says as he has Fiddle's extremely strong pay-only relic.
How early is relatively? You're on mana 4 with a full board, so how much did you mill in 1-2 turns?
If I can win the Viego 5 star nightmare with functionally just that relic, you can win it with three

that was the only time it happened that early, only milled less than 5 cards from the enemy deck after only one attack turn
every other time was when the enemy deck was in the range of between 18-10 cards
I'd say this is about as rare as getting one of the busted science upgrades from Heimer
Did you have a ton of fiddles in the deck? Maybe there's some overflow mechanic.
I had 3 copies of fiddle, sai scout encounter happens before the mid boss in Kaisa's run IIRC
I looked into it and people say fiddles is technically spread out randomly but with a preference of being within the last 15 cards
no real confirmation from devs as far as I'm seeing so it's all guesswork
Damn you were not wrong
Pretty sure Sai Scout is directly after Irelia.
if that's the case, I'd probably have a 4th fiddle in the deck by then
>boosting axe + scout recall + any relic with on summon effect
Whenever Fiddleshits gets pulled from the enemy deck, you procc a summon effect and apply gloom. You the get 2 attacks due to scout to gloom and boost the gloomed enemies, and at round end fiddle fucks off back into the enemy's deck. The third relic can be
>gatebreaker to procc Terrify and advance the game
>chase guns to procc terrify twice
>stalker's blade to kill units on the enemy's board
>at round end fiddle fucks off back into the enemy's deck
It says your deck.
who the hell am i suppose to use this for? yasuo is fine i guess?
Yasuo's extremely strong, his 6* is probably one of the strongest in the game.
Just got a Targon nova crystal, the only Targon champ with a 6* is Morgana.
Anyone else crashing a ton?
save it for Asol or something
is there a broken 6* champs that doesn't rely on created card? i fucking hate misbegoten creation
Yeah there are quite a few really good 6*'s that are likely better than asol.
I tried Echoing Spirits on Fiddlesticks (epic relic, +7 copies, champ spells cost 1 less), it feels decent. The idea is more fiddles means more chance of rolling one towards the top, and while it still does take 5-10 milled cards it definitely does feel more consistent. The -1 cost to champ spells is pretty useful too, especially if you have more cost reductions or free spell mana (I had a -1 spell cost power and his spell felt great at 5 mana).
Your hand fills up hard though, but I suppose you could abuse that by suiciding fiddle and throwing them at the opponent one after the other.
>shadow isle crystal
gwen or viego? gwen seems more fun but her 6* probably does nothing
Basically 4 staring hallowed is pretty decent. It's no Viego's but it'll definitely help.
i think i'd do viego. i have gwen fully upgraded except for the 6* and she's not quite up for high level adventures. already wasted my runeterra crystal on neeko so I'm not gonna waste another one
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Asol hard counters misbegotten creation lmao
once Asol enters the board and auto levels up, all celestial cards are still zero cost because of his power

just run a relic that reduces his original casting cost and you're golden
left if my regular Asol build and right is for misbegotten creation runs
same dilemma on my end
honestly it's a tough choice I might just flip a coin later if I can't decide on my own
add galeforce so fiddles recalls to your deck at end of turn so you can summon the other fiddles in your hand for the gloom and terrify triggers
Yeah what >>1588603 says. Yasuo is busted, big ass bitches he can't kill but can stun get real fucked by it, and usually on high level matches they have a bloated hand so they may get outright obliterated

I have 2 runeterra crystaks and I think Fiddle is fine, since ain't no way Im using it on Neeko

Also a bilg one, MF is fine with it right?
MF is pretty good but personally I'd go with Pyke
love me lurk
>once Asol enters the board
except for the fact opp start with viego that flip as soon as turn 2
anyway, i've just upgrade my pyke and he feels much better than asol so i've get my answer
i'm pretty biased since i've been aiming for pyke since his rework but he's pretty fun and MF doesn't seems that strong against enemy with big health pool
>except for the fact opp start with viego that flip as soon as turn 2
you have no idea how strong the Asol deck is or have been playing it wrong
Asol consistently drops on turn 1-2, with misbegotten creation at turn 2-4
even at a 4 turn Asol drop with enemy Viego lvl 2, Viego would have already wasted all his kill spells and you would still be alive thanks to stuns and cheap blockers and Asol completely takes over the fight

The only time I've ran into trouble with Asol are the Irelia encounters where she somehow draws the perfect hand and drops 4-5 blade dances on turn 1 with the attack token and the new Fiddlesticks run where I almost milled myself to death because of the fiddles power
>once Asol enters the board
Which requires using created cards.
That's the exact opposite of "hard counters".
Fuck no. He summons at end turn half the time so he'll be sent right to the deck. That's one of the most retarded relics you could give him.
>Which requires using created cards.
not with disciple of shadows you don't lmao
grab as many "summon x at game start" powers as you can (there are a lot of them) or the refill spell mana at round start one for use on created spells
summon your cheap blockers turn 1
turn two you usually have enough chumps on the board and mana to summon Asol, if not you can summon a created card for 3 mana and summon Asol on round 3
>That's the exact opposite of "hard counters"
I said Asol hard counters misbegotten creation, which he does
<just fill the board with shit bro
Fuck off, you struggle to pop down most actual disciple of shadows champs turn 1, let alone fucking asol whose deck isn't suited for it.
>I said Asol hard counters misbegotten creation, which he does
If you have to completely rework the deck and run the most luck-based and clunky shit you've ever seen to cope with the fact it hard counters asol, then it hard counts asol.
lol get gud
Imagine making up excuses because you keep losing while playing the strongest deck in the game
Why are you coping so hard? Other decks are objectively better than asol with that power.
>just plop down 6 units that aren't allowed to block or attack and wait until mana 4 bro
mana 4 is literally turn 2
get good son
Turn 3, Asol doesn't have a constellation.
>b-but starforged
So you're saying pay money not get good.
Also, you aren't getting 6 units on the field by turn 2 with full mana available with his deck. You would need to get exceptionally lucky with powers or cards.
oh im sorry I didn't realize I was speaking to poor
in that case get rich (10 dollars rich) and get good
although I think you just missed getting starforged, it got rotated out of the shop

that why with misbegotten I said Asol usually drops turn 2-4 here>>1589095
you don't need a lot, if you have say two round start summons, you can spend mana on a created card and discount asol to 8 cost at turn 1
turn 2 I usually have 4-5 units on the board with 4 mana to summon an 8 cost Asol , if not we discount him further and get him out turn 3
>oh im sorry I didn't realize I was speaking to poor
lmao I knew it, this dude thinks spending money = good at the game.

>you don't need a lot, if you have say two round start summons, you can spend mana on a created card and discount asol to 8 cost at turn 1
Let's go through this shall we?
You have 2 cards on the field from your powers (I'm assuming you meant game start not round start).
You spend your 3+ mana (from your p2w gauntlets) to drop a created to reduce his cost by 2.
Where are you getting the other 2-4 units?
> spending money = good at the game
not what I said
what I am saying is starforged is necessary to do what I'm doing and you're bad for not considering it and poor for not affording it

>Let's go through this shall we?
I'll do you one better
the misbegotten viego nightmare run is still active
I'll see if I can record a match with Asol
>not what I said
>what I am saying is starforged is necessary to do what I'm doing and you're bad for not considering it
If your "X champ is the strongest ever even when hard countered" statement is true then don't you think that statement requires it to be doable without spending money on pay-only relics? Lots of champs look like they'd be pretty good with their specific relic, but without them they're kinda shit. Hell, Swain with his relic at 6* might actually be stronger than Asol (might not is).
Asol is clearly strong as fuck, especially if you have the not-Seraphine relic (which I haven't rolled yet) but it's alright to admit he can be countered.
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ok my OBS is not working so screenshots it is
starting power took the observatory that refunds the first spell you cast
crescent strike has 50% chance to create a copy for 0 cost, cast it twice and now I can drop asol round 3
now I stall for the lifesteal celestial and move on

> requires it to be doable without spending money on pay-only relics?
you're the one arguing it has to be free to play, I said Asol is the strongest and can take on Misbegotten Creation, stop moving the goalpost.
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rewards too Zilean with lower cost per drawn card power
took Poppy on the support choice because yordle squire had crystal carrier
next encounter
round 1 dropped yordle squire, gets destroyed but thats fine also dropped zilean
round 2 stun their strongest attackers take the hit
round 3 stun again with a created celestial wonder thanks to zilean, get mana refill from observatory, summon Asol round 3
stall for lifesteal on to next
>you're the one arguing it has to be free to play
Why wouldn't you argue that? The game's f2p. It isn't even DLC or an expansion pack, it's $ per relic.
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reward took guiding touch, chump card might discard later if given the chance
went for chamber of renewal, gave Asol spellshield
turn one drop Zilean and created a moonglow
turn two drop solari, block and stun
turn 3 stun with created celestial wonder again, solari gets killed, give moonglow to zilean
turn 4 summon Asol, stall for lifesteal, move on
look this is getting tiring im just gonna stop and post win screen vs viego later or something

>the game is f2p etc
stop moving the goalpost
>stop moving the goalpost
The goalposts are firmly where they started, in the f2p genre. You aren't describing pay to not grind, you're describing only available through payment (aka pay to win).
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whatever you say anon
also heres the howling abyss encounter
entomb is such a blessing in disguise
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it's all ogre
Just get ultimate power or sorcery.
Asol always sweeps.
Also big man Asol just got level uncapped till 50, so he can get even stronger, kek
Not sure why there's a melty over a paypiggie calling others retarded but whatever
I beat every weekly with asol no sfg. misbegotten is a problem sure but doable
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that's MR paypiggie to you my friend
also holy shit
Huh, you can already get Fiddle as a support champ.
>2x Fiddle
>2x Shallows Siren
>2x Crowstorm
Looks terrible unless your deck absolutely doesn't want another champion.
Its the best support because you cant draw him so you can guarantee your original champ. If your deck isnt champ focused I guess its not that good but thats rare
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+4 cards instead of +6 is pretty good and what this guy said>>1589201
aaand viego is beat
Nah I get that, it's just other support cards usually help a lot too, the cards he comes with are trash so unless you explicitly want no other champs (which isn't uncommon) you probably don't want him.
>Not realizing the obvious Asol level up maokai + crowstorm
Much more likely than fishing for watery grave. And in case you think its "gimmicky", do be aware we got some real funky nodes and challenges were the best way to win is not by hitting the enemy nexus.
How are you getting Maokai and Fiddle in the same run?
How are you not? You can get champs on rewards and shops by global legend level, and with ASol is even more likely.

Maokai has already saved me a few games, and because he doesn't stay in your deck, drawing spells and the lvl 20 power mean you are more likely to draw Maokai.

I mean its not guaranteed but some fucked up nodes might need it. Like cage match.
>and then I summon lvl 2 viego instantly and then I play a 0 cost board clearer (you didn't draw anything you can play before round 10 btw) and then I silence all your units and then I heal my nexus back to full then I stun all your units then I summon a 50/50 unit with overwhelm (I haven't used any mana so far btw) then I summon 3 aurelion sols then I mill your entire deck then-
>alt f4
>wait 1 hour
>come back
you cheat, I cheat
Shhhh don't let riot know about this trick
I've been doing it since they first started labs
you know you could've just said "you got lucky" instead of going on a rant but whatever
>you cheat
lmao ok buddy
You can, that doesn't mean you will.
here's a full video gameplay of a fucking redditor beating the exact same encounter as Asol but with different relics
yes this was from a month ago
yes riot are just recycling encounters, they have no budget, can't blame them
you can stop being a faggot now
>it's doable so that means it's optimal
You can stop seething now.
watch the video
the redditor admits taking spellweavers was a bad idea and owns up to making a lot of mistakes throughout the run
the entire run was far from optimal and he still beat the encounter
you are the one seething here my friend
You know people have beaten Liss with every champ right?
On the day of release, someone beat Asol with a 1* Ornn.
Being doable does not mean it's the best choice, like you were alleging.
>Being doable does not mean it's the best choice
the entire point was that Asol can take on Misbegotten Creation nightmares, his supposed hard counter
but please keep moving the goalpost if it makes you feel better
Refer to my first two sentences, I even spaced them out for you.
Wait what?
If you're running asol and summon an ascendant champion twice they'll ascend.
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I'm assuming major gemstone vessels are just as worthless?
Play twice, you mean.
And yes it makes sense.
Yes. Gemstones are just ultra mega payggie/ultra lategame grind.
>Play twice, you mean.
Yeah you know what I mean.
I just thought it'd stop because they were already leveled and the level 3 is unique to the sundisk.
No because the way things work in this game is pretty consistent. There's a lot you could do with the game, as shown by the entirety of PoC.
yep and if you have starforged gauntlets you can randomly pull lvl 2 Nasus and Renekton that turn lvl 3 when you summon them
You want to avoid Azir entirely tho unless you want to completely replace your entire deck with his
Yeah mine was Azir, I should've avoided him to begin with anyway, I was doing the 4.5* Yasuo adventure so his sand soldiers were stunned on summon. It worked out though I had enough in hand.
Major vessels are better because you can target certain regions. But yes they are super endgame that doesnt really matter that much anyway
yes, minor gives you 25 gems and major gives you 250

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