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love the game so far. hope it doesnt die .-.
I am enjoying zzz
It's hoyotrash it will never die unless the ching chong company manages to go bankrupt somehow.
best gacha in a while. very refreshing.
it is very sovlful, but the upcoming character designs are lame
looks like the fujos have already infested the character design team for this game as well
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I was
And then this stupid cat reset my S pity.
Unfortunately, I am not a pedophile, so I find her a little grating desu.
No shark for me/10
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>> but the upcoming character designs are lame
pedo weeb detected
>complains about pedos
>wants underaged shark
many such cases
> assumes laws based on own country's laws
He means actual pedo, not arbitrary number pedo
This game really needs an autobattle
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it just needs auto attack
If I could hold M1 to do the basics, letting go or tapping to reset, and then just press the other buttons as needed that would undo one of the 3 things that hold it back imo
> make a gatcha in 2024
> realize ages cause problems so remove any indicator of canon age, old or young
> ppl still source removed content to call people pedos and granny lovers
10/10 never change
age in fictional content is just a number. The matter of fact is, she was designed to be underaged.
Okay, just for the sake of argument: Going on her physical appearance alone, how could you even support that claim Because she doesn't have giant mommy milkers? If we're not counting even the removed ages, don't count her uniform either; skirt + tie is a fashion on it's own anyway. What do you have left?
> Big eyes
> Big head
> Small hands/feet
mf ZZZ is anime-styled with a capital A over here.
> She's not a hard MILF, so she must be 14
-head ass.

and give me more batteries/day
I cannot with this 'two farm runs and you're done, go do the huts or something idk'
have you seen ellen joe? i’ll be a pedo any day of the week for her.
It's probably the most mediocre thing I've seen for something that's supposedly high budget, dudes couldn't even build a world to roam around and just put some squares you click on.
every time hoyo releases a new game its popularity feels artificial and forced
Probably because you're a terminal contrarian
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I thought I'd hate it but I'm having fun. A shame about the terrible female chara designs but the men look very cool.
billy and anton are cool
and so is lighter, who was designed long before the game's release
the upcoming males on the other hand look awful though
they look like the genshin - star rail twinks, which only means one thing
i don't even give a fuck about some jewish corpo's popularity, but anyone who thinks any of that shit is even good needs to get better taste
Well considering how much they spend on ads it's always possible despite the money they make.
That RAT looks like shit.
That's by design. Japanese and many other Asians could care less about open world slop.
Then why does genshin keep making millions in such market?
Same reason why everyone keeps chugging apple.
You're both full of it, but "open world" is fucking over-rated af so who gives a shit
> inb4 casual trash
I've got a job that eats 40+ hrs of my week and I like to sleep at least another 40 of whats left. I don't wanna spend another quarter of what's left walking between the points of actual gameplay. They've all got fast-travel anyway so it's moot after the first 10 hours or so.
the only open world games worth playing are those with actual effort put into making all the overworld content feel unique, like gta
the rest is insanely boring and monotonous content like collecting 900 korok shits all over the map, and that is the worst thing that is far too normalized in the open world genre
i would take a good corridor game over a bad open world game any day
Honestly its the only hoyo game where im actually having fun
I wish Billy's entire kit wasn't contradicting, it's like they don't want him to do damage
>1. no skill that scales damage with stats
>2. attacks are somehow weak despite having a huge attack stat
>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
>4. to add to 3, you can't abuse the daze state because almost every attack he does results to a heavy that activates chains
>5. anomaly build up isn't great either so there's no compensation on why 2 is a thing
He's the funnest character to use btw, but he is everything the game is against
actually refreshing theme, all the story chapters are engaging and memorable, nearly every single mission is its own thing too, unique character designs, and the quality is high as well
dont know if the devs will continue to put out such high quality content and stick to the established theme and narrative of the game since it's also the worst performing of the big three hoyo games, nearly half the revenue of genshin and star rail
>>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
You can build around swapping, and it's what you're encouraged to do at the start, but there's more than one way to run most good characters. Don't let youtube gonards dictate how you play games.
That said, Billy's kit is weak af and I wish they'd commit to him just being a support or anomaly that hops in, sprays everything with Physical, and either pops back out or does AoE. I don't think you can make a full-range a dedicated damage with enemies that are as passive as a lot of the ones in ZZZ are, otherwise you'd just kite the whole game to kingdom come
This game needed a crossover more than star rail
Honestly speaking, it's the most mediocre gacha I've played, they couldn't even be arsed to design an overworld you can run on, just a fucking shit ass maze you click around.
Congratulations on playing your first non open-world game, zoom
I would be satisfied if I was teleported to a random instance instead of being open world, but they couldn't even into that.
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fucking bitch kept stealing my 10 rolls
Do we know what mats qingyi needs yet?
god i wish that was me
i want more a rank mindscapes
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same thing happened to me. i rolled 60, 70 times on ellen's banner and got nicole to c5. i rolled twice on zhu's banner and got nicole to c6 without even trying. but joke's on them, i love nicole and she's my favorite character. and she also has huge tits, that helps.
Rats hair is dumb as fuck
Did the /v/ thread get purged?
>could care less
Well at least they care a little. A pretty substantial amount actually, going by your statement.
It a good game but needs some fixes to consider to be good. To many loading times, slow animations in menus, hit box misses sometimes, optimization on mobile devices etc. I hope to see good characters in the future. More good story. Be f2p, casual friendly like star rail, not like greedy genshin impact...
it's good, but the character designs are mostly boring
i like variety, but it's mostly black+red here
that being said, it also has the most refreshing character designs, like billy, soukaku and ben
hopefully there are more like these, doesn't matter if they are a-class shitters
Oh no she's early
>Caesar sooner than expected
>Big Daddy confirmed still existing in some form
Based drip.
Might save for her instead of caesar, guessing Burnice/Piper/Lucy will probably be a decent anomaly team
Is he this game's Deadpool?
not anymore
the characters i like have shit kits
upcoming characters are not interesting
everyday schedule is already a grindfest for materials, which ultimately doesnt matter because the characters i like are just shit at combat
Gotta appreciate how honest gachafags are about their games.
>I love this game, but I would love it even more if I didn't have to actually play it!
i dont think any gachafag can ever deny that nearly all gachashit games have terrible gameplay (loop)
i can understand why they want autoplay feature when the only thing to do in these games is grind and wait for the next thing to grind
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I haven't played it, but I want to have sex with the bear
>Made 90 million+
>i don’t want the game to die

Anon it might
>forgot to do weekly bosses 4 times because I'm used to spending stamina on them on Genshin and Star Rail
Game starts super easy, comfy and fun. Lots of story, cool characters, nice combat and entertaining cutscenes. When we start it’s very rewarding, we got lots of materials to upgrade our various agents that we need to have to arrange in different parties. But then I reached proxy level 40+ and everything scaled up by a lot, now I got no materials, no money and can’t farm properly because of a damn “stamina/battery” bullshit and enemies hit hard as a truck. Not mention a very controversial exploration system where you transverse the world through some TVs arranged as a board game. It could be a cute little mini-game to play sometimes, but to put it as the main exploration option was a really bad idea, as it looks cheap as fuck, like a way to avoid making expensive environments.

Gonna drop this game for sure I feel it’s way to hard to progress right now.
Guess this game isn't very popular. Nobody seems to be talking about here.
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All the "discussion" happens on /vg/
Truthfully I would just spampost Lycaon pictures while I lament about crappy artifact rolls and having to save for 2 months before any future S ranks I want to roll for come around but where's the fun in that? Yeah, sure, the game is fun, but it's less automated and more skill based so content boils down to "Do you have X character or do you have the skill to beat said enemy with suboptimal rosters?"
Yeah there's goofy gags during events and such too but eh, do you really want the same joke posted over and over?
I think it's nice honestly that people can just enjoy the game and come here to ask questions if they're stuck on a part or for recommendations to improve their team fluidity for content.
Zenless has Zero dedicated leaker websites like homdg too so it's not like we can discuss spoilers
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Scratches an itch I've had for years.
waiting for more gay furry bait before I spend my 10 rolls
I just had obscenely bad luck and burnt out during first cop lady event.
I'd probably still be playing to some extent if it wasn't gacha shit.
Granted the only S rank I'd maybe save up for is the boar, but his leaked concept art didn't vibe at all.
Yeah, some gachas like Genshin/HSR have discussion here because enough people have figured out that /vg/ is an unusable cesspool for anything too popular, but doesn't seem like enough players of this have figured out that /vmg/ exists for there to be much here, and I sure aren't going to tell the schizos over there to come here too.
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One of my mods is making the game crash. I really hope it's not one of my nudie mods. Please don't take Belle's boobs away. Or Rina's. Or Zhu Yuan's.
>But then I reached proxy level 40+ and everything scaled up by a lot, now I got no materials, no money and can’t farm properly because of a damn “stamina/battery
I played for a full month with only working on the core main characters and I got all the content done besides the defense weekly reset and some of the hallow dive bonus stuff i'll work on it slowly but i'll get it.
enjoying it have been active for 33 days internot level 51 almost all content done besides defense stuff and some hallow dive stuff on a no roll account if you plan ahead you should be fine waiting for lucy so I can slap together a second team
Chapter 4 was pretty solid, between the Calydon team dynamic and the stuff with Pompey. Long live Cheesetopia!

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