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did anyone roll for luwu?
>3D OP
I could use that shitty draw ult chain of Zhumming and Gengchen but Thoth is hot.
>luwu is light
>comes just before the patch where a S rank thats given for free shits on her
>S vert is also one of the hyped char
this is basicly fire tyr situation in CN kek. i don't know how much this fucks the story but they should release her 3-4 patches ago
In CN LuWu has 3 patches before S Vert, but hey. At least she released before getting powercreeped on global unlike Fire Tyr.
>DV is back at 40 levels again.
What the hell they were doing with this mode.
Probably because last patch was shorter than usual? This one is 8 weeks long so the DV was probably lengthened again to compensate.
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sisters are all over the DV leaderboard better join us
>This one is 8 weeks
Nope, it's 7 weeks too.
Maybe it's because global went from newer to older version, 2.11 to 2.8
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this time it's doable without the retarded defense boost
Crit gimmicks are daunting to me. How high is your izas?
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SS + generic functor tier 5, don't have a perfect sigil rolls
but more importantly just have 1 team with wraps to do more damage >85% hp and the second team for <40% hp
where is PC client jewstar.
they spent all the budget on the office gengchen promotional clip
Posei's cool clear
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Chasm 6 done.
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I love not-Japanese girls bros.
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the best game mode is here
sisters remember the -% max HP buff only stacks if you have mods from the same genzone
>boss raid open
>when I about to sleep
Go on without sisters...
actually i just tested this it's not true, it stacks across genzones
I would but knowing S Ver is upcoming makes it hard to want to as a f2p. Knowing the banner release is probably killing sales in EN or global.
The overreliance on the chink tier list has massive impact on how people plan their roll. If you look at it there's almost no reason to roll for anything after Izanami patch, except for Sekhmet and then just hole up until 3.0 drop.
Yeah. Hence why I feel like it's kind of naive to let the 6 months gap instead of closing it between global and CN. Clairvoyance is a powerful thing to helps you manage your jims and FOMO. I stopped buying monthly for now since I got enough jims to tide over assuming they stick with this paces.
Just to butt in and say that I will continue to buy the monthly jims. I'm not taking any chances if they release Amaterasu or Odin with a mod or 2 I like in just a 1-2 month timeframe. All the mods I like must be SS minimum with functor.
You got like 6 months insight. You can just start buying monthly the moment they released it on CN. You can spend for functor later on and just save enough for SS. It's your call of course, but your reasoning isn't good enough if you got 6 digits of jims stock.SSS is a whole different thing though.
Just like I said SS minimum. The real goal is SSS, omega is too much even for the monthly. Unless that mod fulfills me emotionally, spiritually and whatever I'm not going omega. Geng already shaved off 10k of my 60k which I consider still a good deal since I only got 50/50 once when acquiring 3 copies. I plan the same for the return of Buzenbo since I only got her at SS.
Sigil training speed run, can you beat it sister?
Boss have too much HP
yea don't really like that, it only become easier (with meta units) with a ton of upgrades
at least i only need to spread them across shinou/tianyuan
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your iza sis?
Not good enough, I guess. And I don't have Mitsuha.
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iza clear with full shinou buff (-max hp, +crit, +attrib dmg) is fast
if you are able to run a single genzone and max it out it's good early on until you can max out the rest
I really need to get me an Ooku. might break my F2P status and buy the O-bs so I can pick her up for free along with her functor
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wait how do you cast ult that fast? i have lv4 loopback+max unfetter for warp and its much slower
my izanami is 3S but mitsuha only at SS
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Are you watching the opening animation? Ult ticks up during that time.
>Are you watching the opening animation? Ult ticks up during that time.
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Merge now, after boss raid. All hoes to Sister.
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sisters, floor 2 is open! get in here
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>download AG CN ver
>create Yongshi account
>"wtf why it hasn't send me verify code"
>delete game
>download AG CN bili ver
>open phone app(like Telegram)
>see code
>delete bili ver
>redownload first ver
I am retareded.
ai teammates are retarded when facing the final boss node
16k points bodythrowing time
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Aight so AG CN required chinese ID so rip.
Will try bili ver later.

I only have 3 water (Gengchen, A Poseidon, Sobek) in my roster.
>first two S ranks were Oceanus and S Levi
>been using them for ages
>now Zhiming is coming for Water
I'm starting to give up hope that they'll one day give Oceanus an AKS and a better ult chain partner, but it would make me happy
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ult chains are genderlocked... not looking good sis
at this point, my one singular hope is that they chain him to Sobek at this point (either his ass A rank or some new S rank) because being tied to an A rank Wind character is the worst fate one could have
I give up. Fake ID didn't work.
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CN 2.5 anniversary stream next week.
Last year was Izanami release. Are they going to release Brahma this time.
>kusogaki looking bitch is the next major powercreep
i will keep playing aetheru geeza
bunny kills whale
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Wow, that's awesome!
Will upload my kill later.
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it's over, at least it was shorter than the previous one
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wow, nice!
i want to see them at omega sis!
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zhiming skin is from skin gacha?
Paid as usual I think.
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They should give the ACAB outfit as free outfit instead of that weird chinks general.
Gengchen dress is the only skin gacha atm.
This game is still alive?
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Say something nice about my new wife, Brahma.
Please be a menhera Please be a menhera Please be a menhera Please be a menhera Please be a menhera
Sounds like a straight up kusogaki with the way she introduces herself.
How is this shitty excuse of a game still alive?
I don't know but I'm sad they wasted such a great design on this game, would have been better for Snowbreak.
I was under the impression troonbreak already stopped pretending.
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At least put some effort into your shitposts.
Does the story at least start making sense or does it get better? It got interesting with the introduction of the artificial modifier but then they decided to add non-china in the mix.
NotChina arc explains the concept of Prime Modifier and the loop cycles, also introduces a new antagonist to raise the stake. The build up at the beginning was long and quite boring though, which was the weakest part of that arc.
Sasanami part 2 after this was paced better at least.
Who's on the right then if this notOsiris is Brahma?>>1561386 Why the fuck they make her haircut and eyes so similar
They haven't revealed who she is yet, could be Shiva or some random ass god since Asterism is the everything goes faction.
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I think she has a far more punchable, I mean correctable face than Ausar.
hopefully she has an ult skillchain with ausar, thor left her for shu
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>I think she has a far more punchable, I mean correctable face than Ausar.
Look at this smug little shit.
Literally asking for it
Rank 1 physical gray boxu
we need more sisters on the leaderboards
just noticed that's a pretty odd maintenance date, on the weekend?
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Servers will implode. A roll back will be necessary. Admins will experience anomalies on restoration.
Friday 13th.
Probably try to coincide with CN half anni I guess.
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Seems like they confirmed she will be playable and is wind attribute.
At least they didn't pull another Odin/Zeus/Amaterasu again.
She really is a second Ausar.
If Thoth didn't come with pull reward. I'm saving for this kusogaki.
We need a third one for the full team.
S Zenki ... one day.
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Is there any point to getting Zhiming if I have Omega Gengchen?
Chain ult.
She can buff gengchen with different codes, and chain ult I guess.
Is chain ult worth it, can I comfortably clear future water-locked content with <omega Geng + SS Ling> ? I'm looking to save a bit to SSS Thoth for context
She's basically just Gengchen's mule unless you invest a bit in her (SS + level 3 functor), so it depends on if you want to roll for 3rd slot filler in Gengchen team or not.
zhiming apparently scales really hard with investment. so if that's something you'd like it would be worth it.
I have omega Geng too but I will probably pick zhi on her rerun (her main banner is too close to S ver and selector banner)
here's a vid of her clearing the PC replacement mode (called IC8) in under 30 sec which is very fast
>Gengchen "mirror" match.
>Her moveset is almost completely different than your Gengchen.
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Just join Sister already
how much gems do we get per month nowdays? too lazy to do DV or whatever that roguelite is called these days because its so tedious to grind for max rewards even with 1-3 strat
It depends on the patch, but I reckon it's like 35-50 per monthly patch I guess.
You get roughly 8-9 rolls per week from doing all daily and weekly related stuff. DV gives you 1k2 gems per 5-7 weeks cycles so it doesn't really contribute that much for the gem count.
Hard to count the gems from events since the quantity varies greatly between them.
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I put the wrong day, sorry teehee
>Captcha 0W0WJ
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So she also has the same mask as the other mod standing with her, who probably is either Shiva or Vishnu.
>40rolls for luwu
>20rolls for zhiming
ready for thoth
>need to wait until next tuesday for zhiming sigil
Why tho...
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>Have to 90 for Zhiming.
Looks like no SS this time.
I'm a newbie and confused. Did they remove the trial characters from the MMA tournament thing? Where am I supposed to spend my swigs instead?
They messed up something, it should have ended this week and the new event stages for Zhiming should be up but instead it lingers around for another week for some reasons.
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Going for omega in the next few hours, wish me luck sisters
Post result.
Me too bro, rip.
Her event isn't up? What the fuck.
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about 825 tickets to get omega. a bit on the unlucky side, S Vert omega is at risk!
>mandatory stealth section
>flash zhiming's butt 3 times
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Chestlets must do fanservice with their butts.
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>this is her only fanart on pixiv
buttslut needs anal rape correction until she struggles to sit
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>With Brahma's reveal 3.0 schedule looks extremely tight now.
>Oneiroi is now considered skippable since you can plug the gap in Hades Selene team with Artemis.
Let's see what else they have for today stream, but dam having one or two male banners to save doesn't sound like a bad idea now.
>need to wait for sigils

Nyoo! I want to use Zhiming now...
Practice her rotations now so you can use her at her full potential later!
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Stream soon, should be in 1h30.
It's up.
all them hags
so brahma is ausar but with tits, and her ult increases her tits further
That's S Kali right? Lol@S Zenki.
>Brahma can swap between normal and adult form.
So this is the power of prime modifier.
Also S Kali confirmed.
>Loli gengchen
Please make it happen yongshi.
>skin interaction
We're going full snowbreak.
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S Kali is free (5 copies).
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Ausar is in shamble.
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Spoke too soon, faithless one.
We're so back
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>God Eater collab.
Holy sovl
what do you mean?
That was already a thing.
why does she look so different tho...
not my zenki
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Stream is over, plenty of nice stuff.
Didn't expect Brahma is that huge though, the 2d art didn't really show it.
>Osiris in the story
>but she still don't have a skin or S rank
I guess it's better than nothing.
It has been more than 2 years, they probably forgot how she even looks like before.
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3.6 PV.
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Probably missing something.
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>We got our sexy belly dancer before Snowbreak
We won bros
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I was not expecting blitzball b0ss but ok.
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This is too highly detailed for a split second scene, Yongshi must have some enthusiastic footfag in their team.
Next playable guy when
Never and good riddance. I rather forced to skip rather than got another m*les sppok me someday.
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Yep dev is footfag.
Her body looks weird to me.
It may be because she is so thin and short but have big boobs.
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She doesn't look that thin to me, at least not on the same level as Zhiming.
She looks fine there but something feels off when i see her skin.
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Turing soon trust in the female devs
The skin emphasizes her boobs a lot so it probably makes her overall figure a bit off balance.
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Uncensored PV when.
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the censorship is pretty hilarious
>God Eater

Is this like the first gacha game to collab with God Eater?
I'm pretty sure Tales of Rays did a collab with it but beside that i don't think so.
>God Eater Resonant Ops
god eater gacha game did have collabs, i assume you are referring to the mainline games (1-3, burst, resurrection) which i don't think so
Please gib Alisa as collab character.
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Kali looks so pretty now.
I mean, Alisa is probably the main reason they even want a GE collab. Aside from her I don't know who they would even pick as collab character.
sakuya and to a certain extend tsubaki i guess?
Probably Ciel since you can see GE2 in the collab pic.

It better be Kanon and her friendly fire gimmick.
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Probably not 100% correct but bunch of system updates and system optimizations are coming.

Boss HP bar will show %
You can fuse limited sigils
New skill enhancement item that let you select the skill option you want for sigils
Sweep function for daily material stages. Kinda useless since only newbies would bother with those.
Add gacha tickets to the monthly shop
One-touch upgrade function for modifiers

Overall 2.5 anniversary is much better than last year 1.5. Seems like they are well aware that this update will become 2nd anniversary patch for JP/Global.
Give PC client instead.
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So the 2nd gacha skin after Gengchen's is Thoth's. I guess it's a good deal since her skin is pretty much 2 in 1.
Can't wait to see how Thoth will strip herself in battle with new costume!
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I guess we're fully in the Asterism arc, and I could not be happier. Brahma looks really fun, they did Kali justice with that new unit, and I've got my eye on Parvati. Got a hunch she's going to be Brahma's ideal partner when she comes out, since right now I don't think she and Kali have the best synergy. So many new characters to look forward to...the timing on Bai Zhe was perfect, would not be surprised if they're making her to partner with Lu Wu.
I just want PC client for GB since you need real ID to play on bilibili or yongshi ver.
Parvati is wind and has ult chain with Brahma so she's pretty much designed as her partner. New Kali looks fun but she's in a pretty bad position since she has bad synergy with Brahma and can't really fit into any other current thunder team by herself, unless she isn't a DPS as her gameplay suggests but is actually a thunder supporter.
oh, was Parvati confirmed as her ult partner? nice, I'll plan for both
>can't really fit into any other current thunder team by herself
Isn't the Shu/Thor comp really good right now? she's probably a better buffer than A Vert for that one
A Vert is currently shoehorned into Shu/Thor team as discount Lingguang, but if S Kali is another thunder DPS then she probably won't be needed there, it all depends on which role she has. They probably give her SSS rank for free because they expected she would be too underutilized as S.
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Truly tits size worthy of a prime modifier.
from what i read she is a support and dev promised her AI can maintain her buff well
also apparently devs gives enough dupes to SSS her for free, what the fuck
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According to the joke section at the end with Brahma asking people how many S ranks they wanted, they were considered a selector but somehow they decided "5 brand new S rank thunder modifier" is a better idea.
so thoth followed by s vert after zhiming?
It should go like this
Zhiming (2.9) > Thoth (3.0) > S Vert (3.1) > S Oneiroi (3.2) > Gengchen rerun + gacha skin (3.3) > Selene (3.4) > Artemis (3.5) > Brahma (3.6- 2.5 Anniversary)
So is it safe to say PC client is never coming to Global?
They probably will skip the gengchen rerun.
When are they removing male characters from the gacha?
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You know damn well that'll never happen; the skin incident showed there's still enough female players around to raise a stink if that happens. Best they can do (if they ever had the balls to do it) is confine males forever to the Yellow Ticket gacha and give them even lower drop rates than...I dunno, Angra Manyu from the friend point gacha in FGO
God Eater have lots of males.

God Eater collab gonna have playable male character!
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I have heard from several credible sources now that AG God Eater story will release with S Zenki.
We will travel to the land of GE in one of Zenki's new multiplayer VR games along with Ver and Posei, where we'll see the return of the original trio ulti but with their S rank forms.
How do you make this? Is there an API?
do footfags really
never because devs wants to laugh at you getting tyrs and marduk from offrate pulls
thank you yostar for giving me almost 3S light tyr and faggot is still useless pos
>free S ver
>they will reset S rank selector from buying 5$ monthly so you can choose S poseidon
>upcoming S zenkibo banner
oh shit
They give out S Posei for free from past grudge reward.
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>Yongshi has to promise they will update old character models with Ausar and Hades as top priority after the model comparison on the livestream pissed off some chinks.
Must be the Ausarfags.
All me.
I asked for Ausar upgrade.
Man I would really like to roll for flattie for Geng but Thot(intended) is around the corner. Also SSS+functor just to make out of her is too steep.
*make most
they only have themselves to blame for it, they said something about "how Brahma is the new direct upgrade to Ausar in multiple ways" and there was no way her fans were just gonna sit there and take that
Her functor level is more important than her rank. She basically requires at least level 5 functor to smooth out her damage rotation.
We are the most powerful
speaking of ausar...
#1 thunder gray box. ausar rules off-element, and the score your sister has gotten is higher than every other gray box score (next highest is the current #1 on physical)
current event shop will end after the next daily reset
redpill me on this game and why should I download it now instead of waiting for pc client
The banner isn't good enough to warrant download rn. Just be waitfag and they might release pc client on good banner.
You mean to say I can just leave her at S rank and pull for her functor at Thoth's release?
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Based devs?
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So I gave in and rolled for flat top. I plan on rolling for her functor at That Hoe's bonus event. The question is do I need her at SS? The guy at the previous post says her functor levels are much more important. So is it enough that I just have flattie at S but plan on rolling for her functor at level 5?
rolling 6 copies of functor is pretty silly, does it even increase the amount of divine grace gained at higher tier?
looking thru the weights of the mods, seems like many of them are suffering from anorexia while lingguang have a very fat ass
In honesty I don't know. Besides I don't have much to spend in terms of mods. All the mods that I like I already have (Buzenbo, Tsuku, Geng), Thoth's functor is pretty much guaranteed to be free so less spending. Vert is free. Selene and Oneroi doesn't really interest me. My next spending is with the pajeet brat which is rumored to be wind and one of the elemental teams I'm missing. I'm pretty much attracted to the flattie because a.) she's pretty much a flexible Geng partner and b.) I like her Nu-Gundam computer bullshit. So I can splurge on at least 3 or 5 functor copies on the chestlet.
functor > SS > SSS in term of importance, functor can be upgraded using the cubes that is mainly timegated, so not much reason to roll more than 1
SS perks is raise your functor by 2 levels. So you can spend 60 cubes for level 5. Far more cheaper than rolling functor 6 times.
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Seems like it, maxed functor allows you to cast skill 3 twice at maximum damage without the hassle of generating divine grace for the second one.
When is the next Zhiming rerun? I think I cannot wait if I'm ever to roll for SS. I think I want to take chances now since I got flattie within 10 rolls.
There isn't one yet on CN. Got for it bros, 10 rolls is nothing.
If there's no rerun then you are right I have to roll now.
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>blind in one eye
She is one step away from being a cripple.
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Ok I want to give my thanks because I got another copy within 20 rolls.
Forgot to quote >>1570880 for goodluck in my next rolls come Thoth.
Hey man there's a reason why Katawa Shoujo still has a thread in /vg/.
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SS will give her +2 functor level. it is very worth
People recommend to max out functor for Zhi because it improves her rotation. She can generate DG much faster and you won't have to autistically normal attack a bunch before you can call in an ion cannon strike
>lingguang have a very fat ass

Need some images to confirm this.
Chinks' ideal proportions don't stray very far from TDA model proportions, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon
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I will not boycott yongshi now, this is too based I guess I'll buy her skin or brahman's if I roll her next week.
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Game is so under radar that they can pull this without getting caught in some twitter shitstorm.
HI3 went under most non-chinks' radar even during its prime years, you'd think a clone would fare any better? Cuz PGR sure as hell didn't.
I hope we get a new sophia even if they have to whitewash her
I hope so too. Her turn is long overdue and after Lamia I'm pretty much just waiting for Ayla/Bianca skins
>Cuz PGR sure as hell didn't.
It actually did
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so with just base S without functor, i should just use zhiming blue codes for water support?
Gengcheng main needs SSS+functor tho.
Meant for >>1571711
what if both gengchen (no functor) and zhiming are at base S, would zhiming outdamage gengchen?
Yeah, but you need proper rotation and animation cancel on zhiming for it tho.
oh well, i usually use gengchen since ai doesn't do the animation cancel for her too, at least her rotation is much more braindead
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Finally not rigged minigame.
well it's still rigged with lower droprate that you can't get all the gems before you close to emptying out all other rewards in the pool
at least it's not as obvious as the last one
If both are base S without functor, Gengchen should have much easier time dishing out damage while Zhiming has to do a lengthy combo rotation before she can use her S3 orbital cannon.
Am I stupid or Zhiming AI is better than me?
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>Full view
They don't even bother hiding anymore.
>initially expected Brahma to be a flat shortie like Ausar, bratty and arrogant
>turns out she's actually a short stack, flirty, can get even bigger, and is actually attractive
>and is actually attractive
Ausarsisters our response?
Why does she pretend to have a big chest?
>is promised to be the next character to get model update.
>Osiris accompanies Vert for the next story arc
>S Osiris with Ausar ult chain to get her back to T1 soon
Trust the plan.
Sir, I'll redeem.
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this...this damn brat..!!
i'll go back to paypig mode when she comes and i don't have enough gems to SSS her
We're so back
me too.
hope she is T1 at least.
we wont know real tier until pavaroti release
This multiplayer event keep getting gayer.
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it's that time again
bunny beatdown on athena
ion cannon on PC 6-4
no one playing the multiplayer. this game is dead
they should've timelocked the multiplayer to a certain time every day like most other small games with co op modes. Don't know why they thought there would actually be people queuing for it at all hours of the day.
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Guess that's it for the final perilous chasm.
They changed mode or what?
PC will likely removed for 3.0, and we will get a new mode called IC.
New mode that punishes people for not having teams with correct element. Main reason why people have been clamoring about building mono elemental teams and combo like Thor/Ausar dropped like a rock.
well fuck wind week is insta skip for me
i have literally 0 wind dps and hermes/A shu synchro 3 most likely dies to timer because they deal 0 dps anyway
there will be 8 difficulties with IC8 the hardest
but IC5 gives most of the rewards and you can probably clear it off-element, and it will get easier when you lvl mods to 100
probably why i wished ausar had a new skillchain with brahma
Wait, we really need full party of mono element?

We can't use team like 2 fire and 1 light?
>lv 100
what the fuck
any other new upgrades other than char lvl?
Most of the times it's usually 1 DPS, 1 elemental support, and 1 Lingguang.
huh, they reran ausar and yingzhao banner
Brahma probably wind support then with Parvati main DPS.
other way around, we know Parvati's the wind-based support and Brahma's the DPS
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Sisters were top of the Gray Box leaderboards. most powerful violent guild
Where were Lummies?
my bratty wife looks cute!
Lummies is dying, only carried by 3-4 members.
General opinion from people who tested her during beta is that she is in the same position as Gengchen, she isn't main DPS material but could work as one with enough investment, though she is nowhere as busted as the top tier ones. as a support she could cover all element instead of just wind, so depend on how strong Parvati is as DPS she probably would serve as support most of the time.
so PC client probably during thoth patch
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Very Nice. SSS modifier truly builds different
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Not really visible in these but her tummy is a bit toned like Lu Wu's. And big Brahma's feet have way less detail than the small one for some reason.

Unrelated but how the FUCK do you actually play this game effectively? I drop by every now and then and swipe for a new character, but do like shit in the weekly modes and stuff.
Are there any english resources for braindead retards like me? I'm serious.
There's not much to do effectively in the late game. At most you're doing sigil stage since the sigil minmax will never end. I don't think english one are fully updated now https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQn68A9dDRFNcyfSYvlL8_r8e_E14Ry_qN7k3Ue-qCqskF3JjF93LNPrXd7ERPO3oF4ne9lVgjKIpFa/pubhtml# is SEA sheets with bits of english here and there(just see the icon, should be enough).
there is nothing much other than just spend your stamina in event farm stages for resources you need, else dump them into sigil enhancement mats
most contents are easily clearable if you rolled for any modifiers post 2.0
skipping the whole weeklies, event game modes and what not since those are obvious
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Time for everyone favorite tier list ver 3.6
>Brahma is T1
As expected, we will have to wait for Parvati to see if she can raise higher.
>Yellow woman dropped to T1 but red woman is still T0
Whoever made this shit must have a massive boner for Lingguang.
>Zhiming and Jinwu are T1 now.
So they finally have to pull Zhiming up from T2 since water is completely fucked without her.
>she is wearing shorts now.
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a shame for CN then
>no short in the intro but then they appear once the fight start
I guess they forgot to censor this part.
Censorship so CCP won't try to rape their ass, please understand. Though they can uncensor by editing one file anyway.
>Though they can uncensor by editing one file anyway
Really? Can you do that on Bilibili?
you mean the site or the game version published by bilibili? should be universal
i don't think people post uncensored gameplay footage unless they want to get banned/reported
It was like that in 3.6 pv

you must buy the costume to see something better
For the Bilibili apk since i play on emulator.
I can play the PC version but for some reason i have a weird issue with using controllers and i have no idea how to fix it and i hate playing with keyboard.
It has been age since I read it so I don't remember the exact detail, but generally it's the same method all these games use to avoid getting cracked down by CCP, you edit the localization file and set it to global, you can try to look around with the PC client since it should be easier than digging inside the apk.
I did look for that file on the PC client but i don't have any localization txt file in any folder.
Looked for 40 minutes so unless i'm blind something must be wrong with my PC client.
I found the file instantly for Snowbreak.
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Try this then.
Thanks it worked.
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Oh shit thanks, it looks like I've been ignoring the warp system and the fact that you can level sigils to 60, that should explain why I'm so fucking weak.

When it comes to the warps, do you want to max out all the slots or can you get away with just unlocking them on everyone?
you want to max all (go for lv 3 in every slots if you are still poor) but for some supports you can skip certain slots like picrel for S hera and heimdall, they have 0 dps and their s1 sucks so no reason to touch first 2 warp slots
NTA with a different question, is there a general difference between the % skill base damage and extra skill level warps? I imagine the latter is better for support abilities but don't know how the math works out for the former.
I'd just follow the sheet since there's no general number for it. It's all modifier specific and the gap will be wider with higher transcend. Anyway you want both usually and just grab the skill level first if you're timegated.
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Reposting PC spec since they finally confirmed it's coming soon™, and hopefully it will also include all the QoL they just added to 3.6.

Recommended specifications:
Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11
Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent
Memory: 16GB RAM
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or higher
DirectX Version: 11
Storage: Please make sure you have 30GB of free space.

Minimum specifications:
Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11
Processor: Intel Core i3-6100 or equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or higher
DirectX Version: 11
Storage: Please make sure you have 30GB of free space.
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Did they change the UI again in 3.6?
>Brahma only T1 on release
It's fucking over
Still 3.0 UI with some new functions added like sweep or randomize the homepage.
>Thoth and S-Oneiroi
wtf is yongshi doing?
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AIEEEEE I'm not saving enough
What the hell, where's S Vert?
Her patch comes with the gacha and shop change for 1.0 mods so maybe they want to merge it with Thoth patch to get it out earlier.
2nd part.
>s oneiroi banner is literally the second pic
S Vert doesn't have a banner?
We don't know how the fuck they going to structure the next patch with Oneiroi jammed in middle, but S Vert was after Thoth banner.
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>3.2 is now merged with 3.0+3.1
>3.3 is a filler so it's 100% skipped.
>That's left 3.4+3.5 (Selene/Artemis patch)
>3.6+3.7 (Braham/Parvati) is pretty much designed to be an anniversary patch so there's no way they will release it before our 2nd anni.
Assuming each patch is 7-8 weeks long again, we still have a few months left before 2nd anniversary, so there is chance that they are cleaning up the schedule so all servers could get the God Eater collab at the same time.
We got 2.0 before anniversary, so we could get 3.6 as a regular update.
If anything it means 3.6 will be our 2nd anniversary since it follows the same pattern with Izanami patch (CN 1,5 anni) being our 1st anni while 2.0 and 3.0 become a regular updates.
That's like 8 months away so unless they somehow managed to slow down the releases despite merging it.
Can we at least move on to the bonus pulling? If I have to pull I want to maximize and I want to pull for flattie's weapon.
fuck there's still 2 more weeks before current banner end
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>really bored
>hey lets just convert all my gems into blue limited gacha tickets for no particular reason
>seeing 430+ tickets kills any will to reconsider
>the quick realization after pressing the button that i have 0 (zero) functor ticket
Just spend half of them on pulling event so you get nile functor bros
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At least you didn't convert them into yellow tickets by mistake.
is there a reason to convert them ahead of time instead of when you are rolling? seems like a noob trap to fuck with people
Not really, it automatically converts to tickets whenever you're lacking the amount needed to roll. At most you're skipping one confirmation window.
It's a complete non issue 99.9% of the time unless you go all your way to fuck yourself up like that anon.
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Seriously, what is going on with this game?
No matter what Yostar/Yongshi did, they couldn't catch a second wind and bounce back.
>No matter what Yostar/Yongshi did
That's the catch, Yostar literally doesn't do anything, and Yongshi spends all their effort on CN server.
well they did commission that office gengchen animation
they just stopped accelerating the schedules, and delayed yingzhao office skin
Anon, tell me when they start putting AG on billboards or having animated PV to advertise new updates, or actually having a livestream for anniversaries.
Yostar literally doesn't give a fuck about anything else outside of their 3 golden gooses.
>animated PV
don't they reuse the CN animated PVs with a different language VO?
and the real life advertisement / livestream, they did it for the launch of the game, well obviously it didn't bring in enough money to justify continue doing it
AL is a special case since all servers are in sync so whatever they do for JP the rest also get the same thing, meanwhile AK gets brand new 2d animated PVs for JP/Global server on top of the shit it already has in CN. JP BA is on its own it's the latest server.
>it didn't bring in enough money to justify continue doing it
Yeah they gave up immediately so you can't even say that they were trying their best but couldn't catch a second wind to bounce back.
>they couldn't catch a second wind and bounce back
game gets next to no new players so AG only bounces back on anniv or very specific banner where non f2p old players will spend
their last shot for second wind was at 2.0 chink patch, all i remember is still no ads and bunch of p-please retweet our posts so it only makes old player staying/returning instead of getting new ones
They dropped 2.0 as a regular update with no fanfare or whatever so obviously only staying players knew about it.
Doesn't help that the game is very light on the paying part and with people already know what they are getting ahead of time it's very hard for them to force people to spend more than they should.
Do I seriously have to spend 100 rocks just to get 200?
Yongshi, where's school Kuni costume? I want to deploy schoolgirls Buzenbo, Tsuku, Kuni team.
Better than me, I stuck all the star drops on the first 4 days then missed the start of the event so I'm out 300 for 1200.
Wait for her getting another access key
are they going to add extra stages for past grudges?
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I forgor to do previous Recurring Dream...
It's over...you'll miss those 2 rolls...
I just saw their latest Youtube channels posts, next banner is S Oneiroi!?
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Sex with child
>October 15th - October 28th
>only 2 weeks
Ok, what the fuck they were smoking this time.
Is this the patch when Hades got her synchro?

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