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Worldwide Celebration Part 2
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Dokkan sissies...!
niggas gon be seething when SZ has the Dokkan original Future Gohan 18ki
DaSkinnyfat(past form)
DaGenuinelyretarded and horrible at the game and fucking stupid retard dumbass fat fuck bitch
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
>pull new teq broly in part 1
>pull new int broly in part 2
>skipped the supershit
feels good
Diaper saga soon
Majin poo buffs, maybe a little bit of damage for them
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>coin the EZA'd LR TEQ Broly since I'm done summoning and I don't have him
>go and do the the SSJ Gohan FP Blue Zone mission
>Use my ticket
>pull an unfeatured TEQly
Life is both comedy and tragedy...
Sloppa zero looks like shit btw. UE5 makes everything look like fartnite.
I told you so
Oh my fucking god what an obnoxious fat retard
SSJ Trio would've literally double digit tanked the normals AND tanked a potential super EASILY, he had his 18 ki stack up AND the DR from passive
But what does DaRETARD do?? Put AGL Gohan in front of them
He literally makes me so mad I cannot even describe it
are we even gonna get another 50 stones in part 2
>2 completely dead rotations
>no stones left
Go on without me
Yes, sharting zero will shamelessly appropriate Dokkan KINO like 2dads, vegito special and exceed blazer.
Dokkan will make the crossover cards like purple bejita look 10 times better than the source material.
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We are sync
he meant 2 more weeks with that btw
He couldn't get them 24 ki
Look at this fucking retard getting mad at Gohan doing 32million damage additionals LMFAO
>what a SHITTY fucking friend unit obliterating Goku and Frieza's HP without even criting fucking SHITTY ass additional unit
I hate this fat fuck so much. Yeah bro why have additional on him and have him fully built up by turn 1 and have him do quintuple 50 million damage supers and have his active be an insta kill from turn 2 when you can just HAVE HIM FULL DODGE
Imagine seething so hard over someone you've never met.
Learn to read or atleast test out ssj trio yourself buddy >>1570712
Even truth himself tanked a 17 and frieza super for ~40k before super with trio at 14 ki and was like NANI??
How did that retard completely forget. This happened a week ago
He underestimated the trio AGAIN
what a fucking dumbass
and hes always so overconfident and bragging about shit lol obnoxious retarded fat fuck
how can you brag after doing something like that
Literally nobody cares but you.
Anti-datruth schizos are hilarious
datruth WILL become a lolcow
i will turn him into one
Dafatty doesn't know how to calculate defense which is why he's always wrong about units on reveal.
notice how you didnt even try to attack my arguments cause i was right in everything i said and dalard was embarassingly wrong and mistaken as usual
hes literally clinically retarded and cant read. There is no other explanation for him being this bad at the game and failing to understand basic things when dokkan is literally his job and life
>takes 250k after quad super
cringe ass retard. SSJ trio would double digit tank
what a retarded dumbass
Ssj trio or beast would never btw, i still think that shithan is 1 but facts are facts
or when he built beast with 12 dodge on release?? What the FUCK is wrong with him? Was that a 2027 beast build?
And he also has the SSJ Trio with 15 dodge when the ssjku builds up by getting hit in standby and is invincible
>agl ssj3 goku
Shouldn't his build be AA>Dodge?
Full dodge my BOY!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Yes, this retard has him dodge >> AA
7 orbs
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Maybe I should start a YouTube channel and pretend to be retarded.
I play Dokkan at a loss anyways.
you could never hope to even pretend to be more retarded than truth is naturally
it's impossible
are you fat, retarded, bald, and a turbo virgin? if not then you unironically have no chance. say what you want about truth but he has dokkan to himself
Is STR Kefla still good?
fucking finally
What about TEQ Caulifla and Kale? I just realized I had them and I was wondering if it's worth building them up.
They're shit but they should be getting an EZA sooner than later.
Okay cool. Well, not cool that they're shit, but cool they're getting an EZA soon. Thanks for the answers.
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our lord has spoken
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Trio is the most valuable unit in the game for carrying tons of shitters in your box.
Strhan is just for dabbing on fights that you would win anyway, because you're using a pure super team who got to the last phase on their own while he sat there jerking his dragonballs.
did his deluded cholesterol ridden brain really put restriction max at the 4th spot?
he doesnt even work in 80% of his teams
meanwhile intly is the glue that holds all broly/villain teams together and he's below fucking int evo vegeta and fucking TEQ UI? ARE YOU SERIOUS? INTly is the reason double teq broly movie villains is the top team in the game rn. Double intly team might be even better

Teqly 4
Ui 5
Intly 6
Cell max 7
Evo 8
Teq ui 9
And i agree
Danke Doktor
I could see strhan being tied with ssj trio, if you fish for crit with family kamehameha you basically can kill any boss in the game. it's not just a meme strat. And even in his base he's sturdy and provides a ton of damage
Saving for SDBH crap
Good luck getting there without a bunch of other top tiers, kamehameha has a pretty limited selection. Not only is trio's leader skill way bigger but they enable way more units that would eat shit on strhan's team, particularly super ints for rainbow clears. So again that's why they're way more valuable for clearing with whatever you have, while strhan is just the cherry on an already stacked team.
retarded fat mouthbreathing piece of dogshit
in terms of team value:
2 phy trios >>>>>>>>>> 2 str gohans
1 str gohan >>> 1 phy trio
who is more valuable is up to debate, but remember that 2 phy trios is very limited in terms of teams. 1 str gohan is a lot more flexible. 77% defense is insane but it doesn't make your units invincible
What a dangerous turn
Aaand 1 turned broly as well
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New Support Memory: tiny Roshi watching Bulma poop
intly is more restricted than cell max you retarded schizo
this fat bastard has QUADRUPLED down on his dog shit opinion of dodge and hating on additional
Lets break down why you are a retarded mouthbreather
>"Uncontrollable Power", "Revenge" or "Planetary Destruction" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%,
plus an additional HP, ATK & DEF +30% for characters who also belong to the "Movie Bosses", "Transformation Boost" or "Pure Saiyans" Category
Obscure NEEDED teams get boosted by his leader skill
Broly teams get boosted
His passive lets him be good all around (60% dr and 260% stats). He can revive from 5th turn from appearance and gets even more def after anybody on the team revives. Massively raises def on super
Aka, an OK unit all around. Becomes a defensive god if he guards. The condition to guard?
>Can be activated when there is a "Goku's Family" Category enemy, or when all allies attacking in the same turn are "Uncontrollable Power" Category characters
So um, either face a shitku family char (half of the bosses in the game) or have 2 brolys on rotation. WOW. WHAT A SHAFT!
If you run a broly team with 2 of them, he is god. End of story. Once revived? The broly team literally shitstomps anyone and anything, PERIOD.


Now for restriction max
>plus an additional DEF +250% and reduces damage received by 30% when all allies attacking in the same turn are "Artificial Life Forms", "Super Bosses" or "Movie Bosses" Category characters;
Yup, you heard that right. ALL of your characters in the team have to belong to 1 OF THOSE CATEGORIES SPECIFICALLY. you can't have 3 artificial life form chars and 3 super bosses, cant have 4 movie bosses and 2 super bosses. HE IS ON 3 TEAMS. LITERALLY. And he is UNUSABLE without this part of the passive, meanwhile Intly still has use even without guard, no guard intly post super literally tanks shit as well as fully built up full passive cell max LMAO. Now kill yourself dafatLARD cocksucker pussy
Not that guy but cell max restriction is all allies on the turn not the team, same as broly, that part you can make it work fairly easily

Either way he is certainly more restricted that int broly, cell has like three teams lmao which are the ones the last 3 brolys lead, his links are whack but bbb saves him a bit
um readletbro, only the characters on rotation have to share a category. so the other turn's slot 1 and 2 can be something else, or all 3 floaters if cell max is floating and the main rotations are something like double broly, double buu, double jiren, etc.
>intly depends on 1 category
>cell max doesn't depend on 1 category
no, intly having a revive 3 turns into the fight doesn't mean he isn't less restrictive
>ALL of your characters in the team have to belong to 1 OF THOSE CATEGORIES SPECIFICALLY. you can't have 3 artificial life form chars and 3 super bosses, cant have 4 movie bosses and 2 super bosses
oh you're actually a retard, got it
>mass reply meltdown
realistically you cannot run cell max unless all of your team fills his restriction for one simple reason:
He DEPENDS on it
If he doesn't have defense and dr from his passive, HE WILL DIE.

This is why he is more restricted than intly
Intly WILL NOT DIE unless you build the team around him
Cell max WILL DIE if you don't build the team around him
What are you gonna do if you run cell max and end up with a bad rotation for him?
Shit happens in difficult fights, you cannot always plan rotations ahead. And that shit WILL happen to you and cell max WILL die unless you pamper to his restriction with your team building. It's fucking cancer and it's cancer on purpose cause dokkan hates extreme units and when cell max released he rivaled beast so omatsu had to restrict the fuck out of him
nah. his intro condition is very simple and gives you time to fix rotations if he starts in a mix.
>bro just build a team that has very specific designated floating units and designated rotation units and other specifics and plan ahead and pray if opening rotations don't work out that well for you wdym cell max is restricted bro
>bro not being able to change unit placement depending on boss attack placement and being cell max's findom simp cuck slave to make sure rotations dont fuck up and he doesnt die isnt restrictive bro youre just bad at the game
>building a team around specific rotations and floaters is now restrictive
wow dokkan is too hard man
he has 3 teams
also he still dies in hard fights even with his intro up if he doesnt have his full passive lmao
It's not 100% def + an additional 300% def
It's 400%+ def flat with guard and no damage reduction
that shit doesn't cut it anymore
Additional 100% def would be calced as 600% def which would be pretty big for him

He also relies on base defense a lot and if you're f2p you most likely have him at 55% so he sucks EVEN WORSE without full passive when you are f2p
Overall having this restricted diva over AGL MUI GOD and teqly CHAD is IN fucking SANE truth is fucking brain fucking DEAD. LOBOTOMIZED
it's fine in early phases. he builds up from normals. you have to be supremely unlucky in specific fights to take an instant super with partial passive.
realistically NO ONE is running intly outside of full uncontrollable power, with maybe a turles to fuck him over occasionally.
he is a top tier option even without his domain in all of these categories if you pair him with a good slot 1 broly (OH KIND OF LIKE THE GUY WHO JUST RELEASED FOR PART 1)
>resurrected warriors
>movie bosses
>full power
>transformation boost
>legendary existence
>uncontrollable power
>inhuman deeds
>pure saiyans
>target goku
>exploding rage
>powerful comeback
>planetary destruction

OH WAIT... those are literally all of his categories.
yeah... but then i'm better off just rolling for teqly, who's a good slot 1 everywhere. cell doesn't depend on 1 specific top tier. hell even in the most cursed situations i can just float him and active on any extreme team.
>no one is running intly outside of full uncontrollable power
Like you truthtards just blatantly have to lie i refuse to believe you are this absolutely fucking delusional and retarded. He is a brad new wwc LR even if you don't consider him to be "top tier" 60% dr with his stats is enough to fucking scale all 2023 units alone. He is in the new league of characters in dokkan
Cell max without his full passive is a 2023 character
Intly is not the squishy little bitch you for some reason think he is. He is more valuable to broly teams than teqly
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with these stats? looks pretty 2023 to me
Even in a mixed agl broly team or other extreme teams i would place intly over teqly as long as the event is long enough for his revive
i dont engage with redditors who dont play the game
nigga the broly team is one team. you just listed all of his categories as if he works on them without teqly. teqly works on them without intly, not the other way around.
any team with 1 or 2 broly characters i would consider "broly teams" for intly
again, in long events he is way more valuable, for sure
and vs goku's family bosses he doesn't need full uncontrollable power rot either btw
also if you have 2 broly characters it's pretty easy to set up his domain for when you need it
also do NOT forget this guy gives 40% def to ALL extreme class units for 4 turns from his entry turn, aka, for all turns until the turn he can revive
he doesnt rely on teqly as much as youd think its situational. but they complement each other anyway
>i refuse to engage with actual numbers instead of my vague implications

teqly is the only slot 1 broly if int can't domain. who else are you running in slot 1 for him?
>it's easy to set up with only 2 other required characters but cell is impossible
you can float cell on any extreme team and active.
>truth takes INT Broly's team though all the hard content
>beats it all effortlessly without any deaths, even beating Goku and Frieza three times in a row because he couldn't believe how easy he beat them all three times
>ranks him at 9
>does the same world tour with the new STR Gohan
>team dies constantly on every hard event, video is twice as long, Gohan never really gets his God 99 million damage turn that often
>ranks Gohan number 1
Someone explain this to me
It's just amazing to me that this guy who can't even read a passive dares to make a tier list. What a clown
it wasn't gohan dying my boy haha
Truth is a hard headed delusional manchild whose fat lard basement dwelling twitter fatass has such an obnoxious insatiable ego he must stand on any claims hes ever made till the day he fucking dies. I already explained to you people the exact reasons why broly was so nerfed and you just ignored me. His team already scales the game, if he was any better it would literally be so broken beyond any logical thought or reason, it would be stupid, no content for the next 10 fucking years would pose a challenge to double intly team
he fucking tanks well even without his domain and he does HIS FUCKING JOB. READ HIS KIT. UNDERSTAND HIS ROLE. this is like saying nick bosa is worthless to the 49s cause he can't play QB as well as Purdy. You are a retarded REDDITOR
>he fucking tanks well even without his domain
not in slot 1. and these are rainbow stats >>1570971. 800k with 60% dr is like, seza kid buu tier. so again, who is his slot 1 on those non-broly teams?
Watch SHITBITCHhan DIE and take 125k from kaioken evo normals you fucking retarded fat redditor piece of shit
can you please learn to timestamp jewtube videos, the share button is right there
Listen i dont give a single FUCK about your dumbass reddit numbers, im not even clicking that cringe ass reddit ass APT picture, he tanks as well as built up evo vegeta on his second hit. He is an OK tank and his role makes him top tier. He completes his teams
i had to google it and manually add &t=2h35m9s cause im on phone it wasnt as simple as just pressing "share" fat truthtard, it would be more simple for YOU to just click on the fucking 2:35:10 point anyway it literally takes 2 seconds, do you also have parkinson's on top of everything else?
bejita isn't really a slot 1 either outside his guard turns, but he has multiple safety nets of guard on any team, 600-700k sot, up to 80% dr if he's not insta supered, revive as early as turn 3, and all the slot 1 teammates in the world. intly is a walmart ssbe and basically nonexistent outside his meme category.
He's NOT supposed to be beast Gohan. If he could also slot 1 on top of everything else he would LITERALLY BREAK THE GAME. HE FULFILLS HIS FUCKING ROLE. do you APT trannies only speak in "defense" and "attack"?
>this is like saying nick bosa is worthless to the 49s cause he can't play QB as well as Purdy. You are a retarded REDDITOR
maybe dafat and troonrami would get your niggerball reference, i don't watch it.
i'm not saying he has to be beast, just that he won't see use outside uncontrollable power.
>supports, 40% defense to all extreme allies for 4 turns from start of turn
>domain makes all the extreme units look like they're on steroids when facing super clas units
>domain supports extr anyway
>can get caught if his domain isn't up, only for his first 2 rotations realistically
>MEGA support post revive that makes all broly units shitstomp anything
>MUCH better tank than built up vegeta when his domain is up
>more damage on his first and second turns, esp with domain up
>does not need build up; turn 1 god
>ESSENTIAL to turn his team categories into GAME STOMPING TEAMS

>needs build up
>needs to get hit 5 times
>bad damage first 2 turns
>better damage after he builds up
>insane damage after reviving, and good tanking if he's the one to revive
>replaceable on most categories

From start of INTLY's entrance*
these are literally the best teams in the game because of him. Unironically watch this dalard video to get a better understanding of what he can do to the TEAM, his individual contributions are not relevant
Ssbe vegeta does NOT have this kind of influence on the team

You COULDNT recreate this video without INTly.
You CAN recreate this same exactbvideo without agl broly however. Or Teqly. Or cell max. Or eza teq broly
That's what makes him so good. You just don't appreciate the work he puts in cause it's not plain to see
But ignore anything the truthgger is saying obviously, i recommend watching this video muted however you may still rage at moments because of the lard's complete and utter incompetence
>more damage
his domain only affects uncontrollable power. you're confusing it with aglly.
bejita is unkillable turn 1 on any team. and you bring him on pretty much any team you can.
intly's "mega support" is turn 7 at the earliest. broly team ended it already.
>broly broly broly broly
yeah he's good on broly's team. and that's it. bejita is top everywhere if you wanna compare them.
And also he uses a variety of extreme teams, not just uncontrollable power
his domain makes super class enemies/allies take 15% more damage, and an extra 10% if the enemies/allies are also on movie heroes
Thats big

Then extra 15% def and atk to uncontrollable power which is also big cause they would benefit the most from it (think eza teq broly and agl broly)
>you couldn't recreate an intly showcase without intly
uh, okay. now answer me. again, who is intly's slot 1 outside broly team?
i'm not watching 2 hours of dafat in lieu of an argument from you.
Vegeta is a good unit because HE contributes to beating the boss and tanking big hits. You still need to pamper to him - get his hits in, get him hit, etc etc

Broly is a good unit because he is the GLUE that makes team STICK. He is insane support and a link partner who will deal damage and won't die.
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>doesnt have him
>hasnt watched the video
>bases his argument on numbers taken from reddit

I have broly, I've beaten every fight in the game with broly, I understand how he works and I've watched that whole fucking video. How can you even argue with me?
Intly can also slot 1 depending on the situation. Domain up? He can slot one. Post revive? He can slot one. Boss isn't dealing a 3 million damage super before he gets the chance to attack? He can slot 1
i didn't say broly is bad, i said he only has one team. you can deflect my question a million times but you're only proving me right.
>Post revive? He can slot one
lol. no he cannot. slot 1 means tanking the hard supers pre-SA. he does not without domain.
Or, revive available? Slot 1 available. He's not some bitch. He has DEPTH.

I already told you he is A MUST RUN TOP UNIT in any team that is extreme as long as one of these conditions are presemt:
>there's a goku's family boss
>there's at least 2 uncontrollable power allies on the team
>you have teq broly on the team
>you have ANY broly on the team

and he is already a top 6 option in ANY extreme class team that fit his categories in the game currently.
The most iconic fight to celebrate the 10th anni
dude. 60% DR with ~600k - ~1m def
its enough for supers
60% DR means he might take a lot of damage but WILL NOT DIE - thats how it scales
Watch the fucking dafat video, I think he did put him slot 1 in front of supers before he got to attack to test him out, this speculatory reddit calc is NOT relevant, these permavirgin reddit favs literally do not even understand how damage reduction is calculated
if you're jerking around trying to get 3/7 UCP units on one rotation, your intly and aglly are cucking each other with delayed domain activation. and without a slot 1 holding it down while you fuck around. and guess who the slot 1 is? fucking teqly. it all comes back to him.
intly only exists on the broly team and for rainbow clears (the point of extreme teams) you can just run fat buu.
>its enough for supers
nigger after his own revive he's 500k sot when getting hit. that is not a slot 1 with 60% dr.
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LR Bio Broly....
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EZA too
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>99 cost
Is it a free unit
So all the content went in part 3..
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This is a real image.
>60% DR turn 1
>90% DR by turn 6
now i can get rid of that shitty int tur eza off my broly team
Here's your content bro, a 777 medal grind
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777 x2 because he EZA'd.
Bio-Broly won
it's x3 my nigga, main copy + SA20 + SA25
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that's nothing with 2 min stamina refresh my boy
*when attacking
**NO SoT stats, only 180% when attacking + 50% from 18ki
>has a taunt turn 6
>with Guard
>plus the before mentioned 90% DR
The new LR Bio-Beastly.
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>can get up to 90% damage reduction until turn 7
he'll be a tanky boy
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*skull emoji* *skull emoji* *skull emoji*
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>new prime battle bio broly
>f2p tur eza too
Hey that's half decent I think
Oh no bio turds a PRIME battle unit HAHAHAHAHAHA
60-90% DR + Guard taunt unit
>he's better than the int broly eza and the brats eza
He's not even close HAHAHAHAHAHA
80% dodge and 2 turn support on unit super, not bad
>60% DR + guard with NO STATS pre-SA
it's whis or die
Pretty sure the new Bio Broly is unkillable turn 6. His taunt counts as a super so he immediately gets the full 90% DR plus guard for slot one usage.
>+ guard
where the fuck is the guard am i blind?
Active Skill effect
>Active Skill effect
Wow a unit you can slot 1 for 1 turn
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>taunt only kills you against gogeta
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IT'S UP!!!!!!
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Bio-CHAD getting some love <3
>LR Str Broly waiting in the wings for his SEZA
Rainbow'd Broly only team soon.
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Finally, some HYPE
>team turles kicked off his only team by a f2p character
>turles cucked out of his own celebration in legends
>grinding SA
Lmao is this 2018
>dodge or die
At this rate LR Kid Buu will powercreep every EXTREME unit once he comes out
I mean we all have them rainbowed with full dodge. 30 hipo dodge + medium chance to dodge + 50% chance to dodge built up... this nigga is UI
And he's a support floater anywau
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> a LOT of ki
> heals 26% HP
> guaranteed second Super Attack for 4 turns
> high chance of Crit + more crit every turn
> pretty much guaranteed Damage Reduction 60% and +6% with every turn until 90%, after that it slowly goes down to 60%
> Active Skill: big attack + full guard + taunt
> Big Bad Bosses for some reason?
> Super Attacks don't stack, though the regular one lower enemy's ATK
His HiPo build is confusing... high DR, so doesn't need dodge, high crit so doesn't need it in HiPo, doesn't stack on Attack.... I guess additionals and then dodge just in case?
Nah, my rbw turles performs better than everyone except new TEQly and INTly
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hiiiii thats me!
>first DFE I've ever pulled, started playing when their banner came out
>my stupid ass built them full crit back then
>never pulled any more dupes after that
>inadvertently admitting he uses reddit too
Unironically full dodge. His entire purpose is to tank and I don't think an extra additional from him is going to do much compared to everybody else on the team shitting out insane numbers. He can still get caught out with an AoE too.
>bio broly redditor
>anon so obsessed with reddit he screencapped the reddit post and cross referenced it with the /dokkan/ post within 3 minutes
they're fine
but the issue will be figuring out where you're running them and wanting to have another kid trunks or goten next to them for their unit super and active
honestly since hes f2p you can just make him whatever you want. i agree though his job is to be a slot 3 or maybe slot 2 tank so you just want to give him either defense equips or dodge
definitely full dodge and def equips for me
he doesn't get extra def from supers with his 12 ki and he gets a ton of crit from his passive
mine will be on the broly team floating most of the time
>new unit announced
>tourists come out of the woodwork
every time
>redditSCHOLARS livening up these dead, decaying threads with their intelligent and witty posts
why the fuck is bio broly even a movie. who thought it was a good idea. like imagine being some toei executive and approving this dogshit

i like the imagery of trunks and goten discovering nude broly immersed in liquid at the secret lab pod however.
Think of the time that movie came out. Like 1994 or some shit. The aesthetic of that movie was trying to match big hollywood blockbusters like Terminator and shit.
Reminder to grind more videl crystals, the shop will be updated
Reminds me more of alien and that was in the 70s
>wow broly is super fucking popular, even after our shitty sequel
>oh our shitty sequel killed the FUCK out of broly, but we need to bring him back
not too far fetched to see how they came to bio broly. also something interesting to note is these movies were CHURNED the fuck out quickly. i'm talking not even a full year would pass in between each one, especially the gap between second coming and bio broly, being only 4 months. the idea is utterly retarded, but id imagine the producers were scrambling to find a way to bring broly back again and likely took whatever idea came first
Was there not a movie basically every year around that time. Like there is a bunch of shitty under one hour db movies. We’d probably still be getting them if other shit like heroes and other db media forms didn’t take off
>killed the FUCK out of broly
Just like the first movie
>no SEZA in months
>no sub-EZA when there's a banner unit for each of the 3 movies
What the fuck are those retards smoking?
All 3 Broly movies came out in less than 1.5 years.
All 12 Z movies came out within 6 years.
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> attacking tum
blind firefoxbro...
> blind
I fucking know it says "turn" lol
It just looks like "tum" because of the bad image quality
>dead, decaying
But enough about your neo-pussy
I mean they killed "the FUCK" out of broly too in the 1st one as the other anon said
They could've atleast not have made bio broly an ugly blobfish monstrosity. I don't hate the idea of bio broly, I just hate the way his looks and the execution. It could've been a million times cooler
But now it's just bio broly

Honestly those DB movies are KINO. I wish toei would make more like that but there would probably be 0 profit to be made
A lot of people here have theorised that the 'toilet summon' holds actual weight, and there is a cause for this phenomenon.

You see, when sitting on the toilet and exerting effort to defecate, you are looking at your phone screen at the same time.

Omatsu had requested that the front camera of a smart phone be active when the Summon buttons are pressed. If it picks up that you are defecating, it takes a picture and sends it to Omatsu's personal email address.

The user is then rewarded with fruitful summons, thus encouraging the behaviour of doing 'toilet summons', leading to more images being sent to Omatsu.
>early domain, revive, support and orb changing in Intly
>unkillable turn one, unkillable for next two rotations, fear, AoE and insane damage in Carnivally
>100m and 2x 40m from teqly
>late domain, insane damage and good tanking transformed from Super Broly
>near unkillable first 3 turns, taunt and insane damage in Cell Max
>near unkillable bio broly
>potential Janemba 10th anni
Honestly, I don’t see this team being powercrept by 10th anni. I don’t even really see how they powercreep this team either unless every event is before slot one AoE and 50 phases long.
There is just too much utility to work around any situation
Those great chance can be killer if none of them activate but at least 1 should activate most of the time. Fully built up they go from 800k post unit super with no great chances active to 1.2 million with 1 and 1.6 with both. If you have both trio supports up it ranges from 1.3 to 1.7 to 2.1 million. And this is with NO additionals. Also hitting like 20 million with only 1 extra passive buff active. Very good for a unit with 80% dodge and 30% damage reduction.
He was double dead after that one though.
It's one thing to return from death, but from double death? You need to get goop'd to recover from that
It really happened to me twice. After a bunch of useless multi I decided to do the next one on the toilet and I pulled the featured headliner.
On the 9th anni I also pulled Gogeta out of rage, I was really screaming while pulling and he came to me.
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Green hair Goku when?
Bro LMFAO bio broly is not unkillable, get fucking real
He has f2p stats with 60% dr and only 180% def, and doesn't raise def on super. He will die in hard events in his first turn
A comparison to keep things in perspective
Intly - 15.6k base def
Bio broler - 8.5k base def

However if you can float him in his first turn and he comes back with 78% DR he can be effective as a tank for 1 or 2 more turns. He is obviously designed for the full broly team and I just don't think he is that good of an option anyway. Better to just go movie boss or something
I never stopped believing
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Holy fuck... the brats are the best tur in the game...
I have them 100%, feels good
>no SoT defense
He gets eviscerated by any AoE super or group attack, unironically a full dodge unit
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eza intly bros...
the aptdditor was fast with this one
but 30% DR with high defense and an ~80%(+) chance to dodge is basically what base teq UI wished he was. They will tank normals and dodge supers
CHADldren pissing and peeing on TOILETly as usual.
so dokkan scholars what are the odds for having none, one or both chances active... how rare will both be?
By the time the shits get this UI is already transformed
I mean 5 attacks either dodged or received ain't that bad...
and this is just linking with gohan, you could get away with running them in slot 1 on the trio team and link them with either of the teq/int brats to get 6/7 links
Thinking full additional then dodge. They get 80 percent at max and already have 50 percent crit. Maybe full dodge instead though?
Infinitely laughing at buukeks
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> ugly blobfish monstrosity
But that was like a popular monster type in japan
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>android 18's fees
I'm grinding this support memory first thing on login. Yes, even before Bio Broly.
>android 18's feets
Can't believe dokkan fell so low
Post youtube video proof or there is no such thing
They are very good for a EZA but nothing that special also a super unit which means that i care even less
>Big Bad Bosses
Thank god you idiots got your f2p slop now we can start a new meme LR Saibaman
Makes sense Cell Max and Bio Broly would link well
>let's bring back an old villain as a retarded, incomplete science monster
Exact same characters
Cell max? Rizz with high tops.
Biopooly? No rizz, pissed on
At least Cell Max isn't a decomposing clump of sentient diarrhea but yea
Bio Broly easily tanks a 2 million super attack turn 1 btw.
With his active?
No, just with 66% DR after super attacking.
I'm confused does he gets 6% extra the first time he appears and every turn he's not on a rotation?
Lmao imagine doom posting when these levels of dr are being thrown around. Swear people here are retards
Yes, 6% on first appearance, 12% on turn 2, and by turn 3 he's at +18% for a total of 78%. He's tanking a 3 million super comfortably at that point, without his active.
It says +6% damage reduction with each turn PASSED
So I doubt he starts with 66%. He most likely starts at 60%, is at 66% on the second turn from his appearance(not on rotation), 72% when he returns in his 3rd turn if he was slot 1 or 2 and 78% in his 4th if you floated him.
I don't think 72% will be good enough. I mean, even Godku is getting powercrept
In the advent of crit does every unit going forward need 70% damage reduction or 75%+ dodge or have some sort of utility like revive m, ghost usher or stupid levels of support to be considered worthwhile? I say this as someone who still doesn’t understand how crit interacts with guard interact and raw defence in general
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>Animations more fluidly animated than the dokkanfest LR
>more fluidly
So guard really is being phased out.
Honestly it feels like we’re getting an AoE critting boss for 10th anni
Nevermind that guard still works, it just has the effective against all types multiplier on it
If you dont want to click the shitter link:
Varying defense ignore (30% for broly - 20% for gohan - likely will vary by boss)
damage/type advantage:

it's treated as being super effective, so the boss is hitting 1.5 times harder than without the crit

this 1.5 multiplier is there regardless of your units typing



for only passive guard you keep the guard multiplier, halfling the damage you take.

passive guard also has a 0.8 type multiplier, separate from the 1.5 the boss gets so you'd have



only for INT characters

reduces your own type multiplier by 0.01 per level, which is 1 here by default, and 0.8 for guard characters

it does not affect the bosses 1.5 type multiplier
I feel like I’m echoing what I said after fusion zamasu redzone but they really just need to plateau the endgame content at this level for at least 2 years imo.
I didn’t personally like that 3m SA became the base level for bosses at 9th anni but I can accept it now. Going to 5m SA as the base level for the 10th anni will make me more uncomfortable. I’d prefer if they said this level of difficulty is fine, let’s spend the next year and a half or so building all teams to be able to withstand it and then moved onto the 5m meta.
I know they won’t because bigger numbers = bigger sales but I’d prefer if endgame content shifted to having a wide box being more beneficial than a few units.
They could of course just fuck with hp scaling and move onto 5m 10th anni slop though I guess
>bio broly is f2p so i dont even have to use stones
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BIO BROLY defense calcs
Keep in mind that if TEQ Krillin doesn't EZA with the Brat medals, they might do a Broly-related movie heroes EZA for him, PHY SSJ Gohan and the STR Trunks. Like for Reps of 7 characters in Tanabata or all those old Battle of Gods cards when Godku dropped.
It makes more sense when you consider that PHY Gohan would never EZA from a LR EZA's medals.
>in this celebration
>Already have a boost category in Hybrid Saiyans
>already has an EZA
Bio Broly? Better than the shitty Super Hero movie.
this but super broly
>Wants all Uncontrollable Power again
Even with a taunt, why would you run him over Turles?
Turles might mess up wiht INTly's domain and cost you the run. Depending on how good Bio Broly is, it might loose you less runs than Turles
>bio broly
lurk more newfag
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LR Broly before LR Kid Buu
LR CHAD Buu will only be ran with other Buus
both trash characters btw
Don't worry he will be the absolute top 1 unit on anni
Could always slot three him and Turles if the stage doesn't lock
>canonically weakest Buu
>but most dangerous because he's unpredictable
He'll have shit stats and rely on dodge. Basically an LR version of the Goten&Trunks they just EZA'd
Why the FUCK are they EZAing Bio Broly?
Before Tenshinhan and Wheelo?
That means he won't get a Legendary & Extreme Challenge Campaign and we're losing extra stones and the only way to boost his passive!
Fucking jews.
really grinds my gears
>let's see how much he takes from a super
we know the exact damage from bosses, just do the fucking math bro
Probably tha's the reason.
But also PB LRs traditionally have flat numbers on their passives. Nowadays power creep has gotten so insane that flat numbers are laughable, so they wanted to upgrade them immediately to % numbers with the EZA.
>he will be the absolute top 1 unit on anni
Most likely they won't do any extreme for 10th but if they do it's obviously Janemba and Gogeta
Holy brats
Seems like they can get caught really early. Is dodge really the way to go?
eza for teq krillin would be fun with this team
good thing the sub ezas we got in the golden week was really good
We are so back ChibiBros...
Eh, just as ugly
i have the brats at 55% but i have already done the missions that needed them and its not like the phy trio team is lacking units so ehhh
100% dodge on Turn 1, then gradually reduces with every appearance
I think this is a sign that there will be f2p SEZAs eventually.
Bio-Broly will just get those stones along with the new "Super Extreme Challenge Campaign"
>359 pity coins
bros...i'm not making it
>flat numbers are laughable
Make the flat numbers bigger...
No, retard. If they get caught early then so be it and restart the run. Dodge or die units need teams that finish events as quickly as possible or the ability to hide them.
If we're getting Bio Broly now before part 3 they might actually try to stuff roshi and jiren in at the end on global.
If Part 3 actually has a new LR banner (maybe yellow coin?) and they already used Bioly for the Prime Battle, we might get "LR Krillin & 18"?
Isn't this the part 3?
When is all this content dropping?
I wish they waited to EZA TEQ Gobros until now, with the PHY Kids and STR Gohan being amazing.
Thursday like usual, I guess?
How to get Big Bad Bosses as a Broly
>have Lemo
>or be covered in shit as an LR
>Part 3 actually has a new LR banner
When does this ever happen in a major celebration?
Do they ever do those for banner units that use dfe medals?
I dunno, but they have a pattern of breaking patterns
im glad we dokkanchads didnt have a new banner for part 3 unlike legendscucks, ui zero doesnt count, he was a special case
Fuckin moonrune comments, who told these slants about DW?
What are your most awaited EZAs?
For me INT LR Ss Goku and LR Teq Gogeta
legends unironically gives out more stones than shitkkan
>breaking patterns
Listen guys we've been talking about nonexistant part 3 banners for several years. Maybe it's time to stop until they start doing them.
Is INT Broly's team the best team after the Super Saiyans now?
remember that you can prefarm bio-broly's SA without using stamina right now, the event is accesible with keys
>went full crit on the PHY Brats' bottom-right path
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>he didn't guess all those years ago how the EZA would turn out
They never immediately EZAd a Prime Battle before, yet here we are.
Maybe we'll get 4 new DFE banners for part 3 they've never done that before
stop lying. it gives it but caps you. once you reach 20,000 you are locked from getting raid stones or other stones and it because harder to get them.
why? he is already decent
>he is already decent
Brother they already ezad him on release
He is only decent after the eza
I did not catch that 25 sa
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Not fixing this shit
I like how phy brats are straight up #1 tur, not just eza.
Their eza should also give out 60 stones instead of 30 to really cement them as top dog
So, no str broly seza?
Part three
Remember to farm up 22 TEQ Bio Brolys with Keys before the original event goes away for good. You want SA10 + SA10 + SA5 Bio Broly.
There are more Ressurrected Warriors LRs then there are F2P Hybrid Saiyans LRs.
Full additional then dodge for the brats? Or other way around
Fuck that, I farmed an SA5 lvl 120 and 9 lvl 100 to get the LR to SA 10. Will throw 15 kais at it after the EZA
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>throwing kais to a farmable fp2 LR
Unless they fix the Prime Battle medal grind, I will not farm over 2000 medals.
>throwing kais
Oh no not the precious kais
I just grind 1554 and call it a day; feeding 5 kais for the eza.
I honestly wouldn't mind if PB LRs got a revamp with their events like the Ginyu Force or Team Bardock and anyone who had the LRs prior got comped. It really is a boring and unnecessary grind when only Frieza and Bio-Broly have any value.
Oh no then I’ll only be able to fully SA level 40 LRs. How will I ever keep up
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>wasting your kais on f2p units instead giving them to your shiny new lr gohan, brolys, ssj trio
Did you pull them right?
>kais on f2ps
Can't waste something you can't run out of
lol, sure anon
Your boy is at Disneyland bros!!
ay this game need some big booty bitches with titties
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>DFE Android 18 beating up Vegeta
>DFE Caulifla
>LR Kefla
That's all you could ever get.
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the team
I used to farm the 1554, but I have 850 kais. I'd rather use the stamina farming Videl's bath water or link leveling
must be tough being a retard reroller
sure retard
Krillin is such a chad for pulling 18
you guys are stuck in 2020
they give kais like candy nowadays, I have over 800
you speak like a retard who rerolls and has no kais or a retard that throws stones to refill stamina and is willing to farm 2331 medals. I'll let you pick which one you are
isn't the goten/trunk that ends up alone getting you killed?
>keeps implying
Sure, retard.
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why is 4chan so fucked on mobile? is this just me because its been like this for a few days meanwhile on my pc everythings normal and idk how t fix it. its impossible to navigate and i cant even post on mobile since the captcha doesnt show up
well, at least you're ashamed of it, there's still hope for you, retard, don't give up!
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bro your towas???
>truth is expecting lr nameku and lr full power frieza to eza at the end of wwc
please god no. id really love to run nameku everywhere but frieza would drop with literally 0 teams or help
>agl first form frieza
nigga no
Sworn Enemies.
not with the phy trio support
I doubt the support is enough to make up for a missing 30% DR from not having full passive
If they EZA the TEQ Bio Broly Krillin, you could even just run Double STRhan with the Bio Broly Trunks, Goten, and Krillin as floaters.
if int nameku ezas im installing dokkan again
They need to EZA the game itself.
>my SHARTen and SHARTunks are 55% so I didn't fuck up their HiPo build
I won again.
Int nameku eza concept because i am bored

Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +500%; plus an additional +59% ATK, launches an additional Super Attack and launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a super attack within the same turn after receiving attack; reduces damage received by 59% as the first character to collect ki in a turn; plus an additional ATK +59% and launches an additional Super Attack as the 2nd or 3rd attacker in a turn; Ki +2 at start of each turn (up to +6) plus an additional ATK +59% when there is an Extreme Class enemy; attacks effective against all types when ki is 24; performs a critical hit when there is an enemy whose name includes "Frieza" (Frieza Soldier excluded)

12 ki - raises ATK and DEF
18 ki - raises ATK and massively raises DEF for 1 turn

honestly i dont even care i just hope hes broken
I literally pulled my first copy from intlys banner.
>started two years ago
>have over 1000 Elder Kais
>even after dumping a bunch to rainbow shitters for the sake of getting more coins from pulls
I will skip the triple 777 grind and not even notice.
Now show your box.
I don't think people understand how insane Bio Broly is. So I'll post the max super attacks he can tank (under 650k damage) for each turn until his 7th turn at type neutral. This is without any links active, without support and without any domain active; his defense is 275k after super attacking.
>First appearance (60% DR)
2.2 million vs Extreme
1.8 million vs Super
>Second appearance (72% DR)
3.2 million vs Extreme
2.8 million vs Super
>Third appearance (84% DR)
5.7 million vs Extreme
4.9 million vs Super
>Fourth appearance (90% DR)
9.1 million vs Extreme
7.9 million vs Super
That's without his guard active and at his absolute floor on a 200% team. Also without any def equips which he will most likely get from the updated Videl crystal event.
truth is so fucking retarded he still hasnt figured out how bulma works GOD i cannot stand that FUCK
Explain, I don't watch fatty.
A shame that they immediately EZA'd him instead of just making this his base
I have to ask to all NON BELIEVERS fi you are all feeling stupid right now.

the one and only actually got an LR, before KID BUU EVEN. How are you feeling right now?
Only issue is that he's on a clock because they automatically EZAed him.
fuck that nigga bio broly on god
are we certain he gets 6% every turn?
lets not forget we thought bulma worked like that and it turned out she only got her dr each turn she was on rotation
Yes, if he's worded exactly like Golden Frieza, who loses DR on turns he's not on (Bulma is worded differently), and if he gained 6% DR only on turns he's in, it would take until turn 11 until he hit his 90% DR, so it wouldn't make sense that he starts losing it on turn 7.
its worded like golden frieza in which he loses DR even when not on rotation
No we didn't. Start of each turn means her appearances, turn passed means every turn like golden frieza.

UP! GO. GO. GO!!!!
i trust this one more than dafatlard
i guess even a broken clock is still right twice a day
Literally shitly

God I love the Broly team

It's crazy to think that this was considered impressive during the airplane mode glitch.
>teq ui number 5
>agl broly over agl jiren
i didnt even have to see his gaytarded avatar to tell that this person is legitimately braindead.
oh wait
>global edition
Scratch the jiren comment but he still remains gaytarded
TEQ Bio Broly looks like a full dodge on hidden potential character too
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>no sub EZAs this entire celebration when there are a bunch of options to EZA
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They give you 100 free medals towards LR Bio Broly for bringing Paragus and INT Trunks and then free EZA medals for using certain categories. Stage 4 is also a stage to farm EZA medals like Super Strike events.
Depending on the drop rate of medals, these are some good changes.
90% DR turn when only 1 enemy? The Lr seems better but this guys basically a f2p lr goldza
Oh yeah, and the category missions are
>4 Hybrid Saiyans
>2 Uncontrollable Power (LR Babidi and either Bio would suffice on an Extreme team)
>6 Youth
bro???? your tranny stones??
3 Hybrids*
But you can get 1 and 3 done really easily.
>You get 5 SSR hercule statues for doing every single mission in the broly event
Are they serious?
new skill orbs are for the eza brats, teq trunks and int goten
we'll be lucky to get another 500 stones before anni
Can anyone recommend a dokkan farm bot that doesn't steal your csgo skins?
Come on now stop doom posting
We'll get 500 stones through log in events alone till 10th anniversary. But yeah I agree there will be a drought
I think it's because he's getting his eza automatically. usually they drop prime battle with no boosts and it's only when they return that happens
i still cannot believe we're getting an LR Bio Broly
They're really gonna do another batch of PB LRs. Kill me.
Are we getting a super eza or nah
Other half of content is next week
Laughably incorrect, as a savechad I can assure you that even in a dry month we get 300-plus stones every month on average.
Realistically we're getting 1200-plus minimum not including the remainder of wwc's stones.
if theyre as busted as bio broly and have shit like voiced intros then i dont care give me more
Why were there no sub-ezas this celebration?
Holy shit that thumbnail
Where did his waist and lower body go LMFAO
Bio Broly lived a 1.8 million super type disadvantage (over 2.7 million damage) turn 1.
most grammatically sound ESL poster
It is my(Gelk)'s birthday my friends!
>no punctuation
Just stop being fat bro
Happy birthday Gelk. Appreciated your service
happy birthday gelk dono i hope you pulled all 4 lrs
Gelk, I'm going to ravage you. Happy birthday tho.
Whats the problem? They actually put some effort making those prime battle LRs.
Because, for some fucking reason, they keep giving them flat numbers instead of percentages in their passives.
Guess they just wanted Bio-Broly to actually be good enough for the current meta.
what's your power level sisters
2milion sis
The celebration sucks for global. All the new units coming out are tuned for the Peppy Gals and Goku/Freeza event, and for whatever fucking reason we STILL don't have either of those hard ass fights on global.

I don't care that one is tied to the Jiren release and one is tied to the Roshi release, they should have dumpted those stages before the sync and tell us tough shit about the missions until Roshi/Jiren release.
The fact that we can only use our new units on content that they have already power gapped makes it feel completely pointless to actually summon for the new units.

The lack of content this celebration is a massive issue, but I don't think it would be as bad as it currently is if there was at least a couple of fights that are somewhat challenging instead of everything getting completely obliterated by the broly squad or the movie hero squad.
>flat numbers
Just increase the flat number?
They need to start adding harder fight with restricted units.
And start improving weaker categories, I'm fucking tired of seeing the same characters being used. You either bring the newest units to new events or you're fucked.
Also start releasing more SBR stages AND give us a new SBR tier.
>harder fight with restricted units.
Yes i love it when i need to summon on every banner
That's why EZAs exist, you nigger.
Anyone knows if you keep the leveled up links if you quit a stage or die?
you keep them
>EZAs exist
>This fight was really difficult
>Oh btw i cleared it with only EZAs
have we still not gotten the last 10 tickets for an lr
Tomorrow you will. Super easy.
Just dokkan awaken the Paragus and Trunks and then clear the new skill orb stages in the event they came from.
Sure, retard.
Thanks bros!
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>posts dacuck's video
The real showcase is here https://youtu.be/lh4u4xhUbTg?t=344
>Brats EZA is weak to EXT Artificial Lifeforms and Super STR Artificial Lifeforms
Use Cell Max for a simple EZA?
what is the ideal hidden potential for phy bio broly? all dodge?
full crit
stop being brown
as much as i hate the fat LARD fuck, bioly unironically is meant for a full dodge build since the contribution you'd get out of him dealing more damage via crits/adds is fucking nonexistent, he hits like a wet noodle. But him dodging beefy supers/normals that would otherwise hurt him pretty bad especially in his non-crazy DR rounds will help you. Potentially even save you.
he is just a sitting duck in any phase that involves group attacks or aoe supers (outside of his active turn), he NEEDS full dodge. Fuck, he needed to be INT
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New showcase for Sparking Zero.
They finally revealed the 8 protagonists of the story mode, which are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, F.Trunks, Frieza, Goku Black and... for some fucking reason Jiren?
And also the story only goes until the end of Tournament of Power. Not even Broly, even though he's in the roster.

By the way, roster is revealed and turns out it even includes every Z movie! They literally added tiles to the hexagonal grid to fit all of the new characters! There aren't 164 characters in this game. No, there are 182!

Custom Battles have 30 pre-made scenarios, some of which have challenging gimmicks.
For you own custom battle, you can make cutscenes before and after the battle, with five cuts. You can also make different endings depending on the outcome of the battle. And you can set up special rules that change the battle, like the enemy changing to a different character at 30% hp, for example.
lacking roster
>sloppa slopro
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In future updates perhaps
would by funny, imagine if you played as him and you would insta die if you touched water, like how he died from water in the movie
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Also, the final pre-order character is Goku Mini from Daimama
What in the everloving fuck is that sorting?
I'm guessing this is just promotional and the in-game select screen will look different
Oh god, is that what Akatsuki will call the Daima incarnations? Why not just (Daima)?
its not going to affect or change anything in dokkan but in sparking zero OG db Goku is called Goku (teen) which is a lot more accurate than calling him kid goku or goku (youth) like dokkan does
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Yes, we knew that for a bit now
that's just for the trailers to show the roster, the actual character select screen is different but it is also bad
you have to scroll through all the forms instead of picking character then form
Wasn't that just a demo/placeholder screen? I mean, the portraits even had wrong proportions
I sure hope so but the big leak that spoiled the reveal of Z movie characters and daima Goku also uses the same character select screen
Also Gohan (Youth) is (Teen) and (Teen) is (Adult) in SZ
it also carries over a change done in the breakers where final form Frieza is now called 4th form
The time has come to kneel.
Bio Broly? Better than Beast.
How well does he tank if they have the attack boost?
Not important.
Maybe we'll get more wall f2p characters zero damage zero support? Would be cool
>tanks 17/Frieza for double digits without guard
Damn, he's really that good? Even SHARThan Beast takes damage from them once his intro it out.
>without guard
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Rent free.
Yeah, without guard at 4:30. That's a 3 million super. Did you confuse 17/Frieza with Goku/Frieza?
>Gohanfags malding the second you suggest someone's better than their self insert bait
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We made it in SZ
I wonder if they plan on adding more og DB characters or if that filter is literally only for kid Goku
What do you mean? Categories? Even Legends has categories.
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>Related to Goku/Vegeta
Fucking jews censored the word "Family"
>has better fucking categories than Dokkan
dokkan dokkan we're in luck now
You can't remind westoidners of their broken families bro.
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>LR Bio Broly is genuinely great
>TUR Bio Broly is usable
A shame they share names
a hard lesson in biology to all non-believers.
Would've been great if LR Bio Broly worked like that one F2P Gohan or Ribrianne card where the "intro" transforms him from the Broly clone that reacted to the brats into the sludge monster.
That's what I was hoping for with LR Int Broly but nope.
i havent gotten a single featured unit on my last two rotations on int broly
Is the content releasing tonight considered part 2 or part 3?
Part 2.5
Why do they release this shit at 4am bruh
Is the PB half stamina like the usual eza campaign
I think so since it will have drop bonuses
he's also getting EZA'd on release meaning he's never going to get better unless they start giving SEZAs to F2P units
How good is STR Super Vegeta? He showed up a couple times so that I could rainbow him.
I'm guessing the DFE, not good
he was the best when he first released but then aged quickly and he eventually got an EZA but that was underwhelming on release which means he just sucks now
Yeah I meant the DFE. Damn that sucks a bunch. That Final Flash is one of my favorite Vegeta moments.
Can't be saved by the Trio since he's fighting with them for Slot 1
it really does
the final flash really deserves better, kakarot even skips it completly and just tells you what happened in a text box
>skips the Final Flash
>skips Super Trunks
>skips the Warp Kamehameha
Really do just hate that game sometimes.
Who cares, he'll be dominant for half a year until they release DFE Bio Broly.
where broly :(
(cooler at 90% so cool and didn't have gt bros)
is str cooler in todays meta even good? i got one at 55% and he gets btfo even with a whis and type advantage.
i have that retarded ass metal cooler at rainbow and he doesn't do anything well.
No, he's unrunable.
What's the tier list for uncontrollable power?
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he needs an EZA and that's not anytime soon considering namek goku and full power Frieza from the year before him need to EZA first
saiyan saga and namek saga needs more love.

also is lr int ginyu runnable on any team?
>Bio Chudly
i have always believed
he has a lot of restrictions to special pose and he supports the category so he was basically made to be run on Toppo's team
The optimal team is
TEQ Carnivally
INT LR Broly
AGL Broly
Cell Max
LR Bio Broly
Then the other good cards are like SEZ Kid Buu, INT Fat Buu, Buutenks, etc.
The team's issue is that anything not on Movie Bosses or Artificial Lifeforms too is bad for conflicting with Actives.
>fat RETARD DUMBASS has the trio survive this exact super in this exact situation dozens of times, always taking ~250k ish damage
>literally commended them for surviving this super on their literal showcase video
>the situation comes up again
holy fucking SHIT what a fat retarded troglodyte retard.

stop digging your fingernails into your palm
Go for a walk, my guy.
>Retard claims to hate truth
>watches his videos anyway
>then posts them here
>while posting walls of text regarding someone literally nobody here cares about
>could have been prevented by ignoring it in the first place like any normal person
Sub-room temp IQ on display
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Uh oh truthcord got pinged sorry for exposing your mentally challenged idol for the brainless LARD he is
I'm glad trio buff my beloved str vegito. Too bad I can't take enough damage to transform.
its not even that one single instance it keeps happening to him all the fucking time, watch any fucking long video of his without raging at his stupidity once it's literally impossible
How the FUCK is this guy a veteran of the game, how the FUCK is he somebody who dedicates his life to the game, these mistakes he's making I wouldn't even expect from some casual redditor who doesn't even know how to play. What a mind bogglingly RETARDED lardass
Post super str vegito with trio support is looking solid honestly. And his stacking is amplified tenfold with that insane support
Just don't watch dacuck? Dokkan world is the only good dokkan youtuber anyways. Seriously anon no need to torture your self for no reason

datruth ass licker detected

it's fun to shit on dafatso. simple as.
Only missing Bio Broly, but I guess they skipped it to keep the final shot even.
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>whining about something that you could completely ignore is fun
Female behavior
Except females ignore dafat even when thrown literally hundreds of thousands of burgers!!

Female behavior is you defending a YouTuber who doesn’t know you

Female behavior is you not having the gall to call out and refute dafatso on his wrong behavior
the content has landed fellas
I'm not defending anyone retard. I pointed out your hypocrisy in saying you hate something yet obsess over and watch it. Nobody here fucking cares and ignores him, yet you come in and dump massive walls of text as if anyone gives a shit. If you didn't fucking like his content why even link it here in the first fucking place and potentially help his channel you dolt.
wheres the eza
I ate it
2 more hours for no fucking reason
Wait what? This is part 3?
Thanks tickets for the extra golden Frieza…oh and the Goku and shit I guess
Better get to grinding them Videl crystals nerds
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Get back in the mine boy
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he's so strong
i am using ALL 5 of my boosts to grind up broly medals and i WILL NOT listen to any objections
I fucking hate these mission tips
I will put my tip in your ass if you talk shit about Lord Omatsu's decisions again you rat.
I need ~150 stones to reach pity and I'm starting to feel like that's not happening anymore.
Huh? Wtf causes bio broly to enrage? He just spent the whole fight in phase 1 and the meter didn't move.
Use the Jaguar or Hercule items
it can happen. the gem store has like 30 stones again and the brats will give out 30, plus whatever else this part 3 gives
I already used the ones from the shop. There's 33 from the EZA tonight and should be 50 from the daily. Unless there's other stuff like 30 stone gift or something I think it's gg for me.
Reminder that banners will be up until the 10th and exchange lasts until the 17th. Global might get another stone dump from missing content before the banners leave.
Not a single hard fight this whole celebration. Broly event, memorial and blue zone are all jokes. Last year had multiple hard fights for its time at this point, before we even got the unforgettable FZ. Every other content drop this year had multiple harder fights. What a fucking joke of a celebration.
Just buy the remaining stones my boy!
Um, so basically a Gohan team is nigh on invincible now is that right?
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Just a coincidence
>a Gohan team
Trio team?
Do you mean a kamehameha team under strhan? Or a team of gohans? Because the good ones are strhan, teqhan and beast, and you can't run them on the same team.
Who do you want for pity?
I don't think any of them are completely essential to pull now desu maybe just the part 1 units
They're good but they alone don't power creep everything like Beast or TEQ Vegeta did a few months ago. Your account was bricked if you didn't pull those. WWC? Eh, they're nice to have.
>TEQ Vegeta
People summoned for Bejita when they knew that we were getting a better Bejita for free?
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Stupid fucking coop mission rewards screen interrupting my auto-clicking through the eza
What a summon too bad they're all rainbowed
>no Bio Broly title screen, only Dragon Power
Fucking why?
>Fucking why?
I don't want to look at a turd every time i play Dokkan
>another piss easy burst mode
omatsu please, give me a reason to have summoned
Must be rigged, oh well that’s them at 3 dupe
Blue zone Gohan is legitimately very hard for any non 2024 teams and even 2024 teams that aren’t relying on a crutch like beast or the U7 ezas
Like I was able to scam blue zone Gogeta with a future saga team but I can’t for the life of me do it vs Gohan
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>get Bulma from LR step of the step up
Is she still good?
She just got good again with the godly 154% trio def support
PHY Wild (Trunks) & Silly (Goten)
>skips Retard Flash
>skips Retard Trunks
>skips Retardku moment
I dunno sounds pretty based if you ask me. all these years later and people still think the point of the final flash was this hype epic moment instead of ultimate humiliation for bejita being a buffoon.
Cell pulled regeneration out of his ass retard, prince Bejita would've won right there with the final flash if it wasn't for that tremendous fucking asspull from Cell. It wasn't humiliating he literally OBLITERATED half of cell. Same as with the instant transmission kamehameha, goku's most iconic move next to kaioken and the spirit bomb. Now kill yourself SHARTkarot fan
just google cell final flash or vegeta final flash and see the fucking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of OC artworks out there featuring it. One of the most iconic moments in DBZ. Up there with Goku going SSJ. No joke
>Cell pulled regeneration out of his ass
Bruh if I remember correctly cell always had regeneration. Even in the first fight with piccolo when he was in his first form he had regeneration
He figured out he had it after Piccolo bluffed his way through with the ripping off the arm thing.
You're confusing it with Warp Kamehameha moment.
Against Final Flash it was fine, his head was intact. He only got his head blown off against Goku.
Fucking tourists
2 rotations on gohan and no featured LR
there comes a time where a person demonstrates they are such a retard and get so many basic facts wrong they are not worthy of any form of rebuttal.
your post is one such occasion.
Okay, I've seen some bad worded posts in relation to DB for a few decades now... but that's a pretty big mistake and I'm staring at you little bro, fr fr.
>when you haven't read the manga and call other people tourists
There was ZERO indication of cell being able to regenerate for free ANYWHERE in the manga before that. Piccolo bluffed when he regenerated his arm vs Cell cause it drained most of his ki anyway. Even if Cell figured he could regen he should've been aware of this fact...
When mr bejita blew the FUCK out of cell, the normal thing to assume would be that most of Cell's ki would be destroyed from an attack that fucking devastating. But no he was just fine apparently
And don't get me started on the IT kamehameha or cell's suicide explosion, now that was THE asspull
you guys don't really seem to know much dragon ball though so I guess I'm talking to a brick wall, keep building your beast gohans, teq brolys and your evo vegetas full dodge bros!
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He literally has Piccolo's DNA, OF COURSE he has regeneration! We already knew that by the time he became Perfect!
Almost everything you just said makes sense if you're not a dumbass, the only asspull was Cell surviving his own self-destruction
Can't believe these niggers won't give us Sub-EZAs or a SEZA.
Cell regenerating wasn't the asspull, Cell regenerating without draining most of his ki was the asspull
If Cell was THAT much stronger than Vegeta in the first place he wouldn't have been caught off guard and had half his body obliterated by Vegeta. The only reason Vegeta didn't fully obliterate him is cause it was hard to aim lol
>"Father made his blast smaller moments before impact!"
>"D-did I hit him?"
Cell also has saiyan and Frieza DNA in him, not just Piccolo. Specifically Frieza is important here, he gives Cell massive durability.
Frieza was able to keep going after losing his lower body. He even survived the explosion of Namek, while missing half of his body!!!
Fucking duh, of course Frieza's durability mixed with Piccolo's regeneration would make Cell hard to kill.
Cell doesn't just have Piccolo's regen as is, it's enhanced by his other abilities.
Also, he absorbed two androids with Infinite Energy engines, though it's not clear if he actually used that.
So yeah, you should follow your own advice and actually read the manga, tourist.
>need 22 coins for pity
>do multi
>get 4 SSRs i already have rainbow
get on my level losers, must suck being a lucklet
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>has to use pity
>has to scrape up stones from under the table to get pity
>5 days after banners went up
>still calls others lucklets
LMAO vegetafags always crack me up
>use my ol reliable autoclicker for eza brats
>stupid fucking mission pop ups keep stopping it
for fuck sake
finished my last rotation and got 2 unfeatured ssrs
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I'm not the person you were originally replying to you got damn idiot, you're just a dumb datruth ass licker. You should take your own advice and ignore the posts that hate on dafatass then.

The posts that shit on truth are humorous and true so they should continue to be posted.
>wwc for one of toughest villains
>not a single challenging fight
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straight from leddit
Because he is on our side
>shitjita is a reddit character
i knew it
I was finally forced to use a Hercule item
>int broly gets supered by broly for 900k in movie boss rush
it's over, my beast team beat it without items
>using his domain early
keep my prince name out of your fucking mouth
Tickets gave me LR Ribrianne.
Not the hypest thing ever, but I didn't have her so glad to get it out of the way
how is redditgeta better than int buu, exactly?
he is a saiyan
int buu glazed eternally
Well that's inconsistent and vague, and while it does make sense it treads into the realm of headcanon
>Bro cell tanked that and regenerated half his body without losing any ki cuz freeza cells and infinite energy and stuff bro
but what about when cell got tired fighting against goku and his ki clearly got diminished, so Goku had to throw a senzu for Cell to get his strength back?

Okay, let's not call it an asspull, but I still consider it unfair for Vegeta, all things considered. Goku blowing his head clean off and cell still regenerating after al qaeda'ing himself? And the explanation being the core in his head being intact? Now that's fucking retarded
>no eza campaign stones
>no half stamina cost
INT Broly. I don't think he's incredible but the turn 1 domain will be helpful for the teams I enjoy running. I already have PHY Trio and TEQ Broly and I don't really need Gohan.
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you rike dumb baka gaijin
The jp soundtrack is so fucking cringe
he can actually damage g&f without needing to be rainbowed with all links active and revive buff like buu
kill yourself you fat ugly retard

that shit is KINO
My bad.
THIS WHOLE FRANCHISE has a terrible and insufferable soundtrack.
yawn. he gets mogged by kids eza.
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>phy diaperbabies tank evoken second super for double digits
The fuck? They weren't even fully built up.
your mother should have swallowed you

KILL yourself POSTHASTE, you ugly, fat, smelly, shit taste having scumbag. YOUR OPINION IS WORTHLESS AND YOUR LIFE IS MEANINGLESS !
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if you say "yawn" you wear chastity cages and let black men rail your girlfriend while you watch (your gf refuses to fuck you and will only ever peg you btw)
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Ignoring the mutt moment to post a good roll IMO.
>want dupe for New Gohan or 3rd dupe for UltimateHan
>but you have everything else there rainbowed!
>do a full rotation anyway
>also 2 new LRs I've wanted, especially the android Trio for Extreme theme Android saga.
Feels good man... still tempted to coin my last dupe because I want that rainbow star and because the celebration has me jonesing.
I'd still have 1500 carnival coins anyway, so like what's the big deal.
Haha my boy I told you they were the best tur in the game
I do this. Gokubro btw.
I turned my coins in instead of doing pity, i dont need your mid ahh pity omatsu
Is LR STR broly actually getting a super eza? I would love it because I want a full broly team and I don't think I'm gonna pull INT LR broly. Luckily I've got teq LR, eza teq LR, agl LR broly, eza phys super broly, and eza int broly, and LR phys bio broly
what build are we thinking for bio-fartly? Surely max dodge and rest add
Sounds right. You're not doing damage so prioritizing the attack lower seems right.
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TURN 9, 78% DR
btw to all the "pre-SA" RETARDS his taunt counts as a super attack and activates his post-SA stats and DR
Where is his super eza
I think so because he's meant to be a tank and also he has crit in his passive
also where's the super eza for the TUR str broly, or the one for the phy TUR broly
Last step up tickets gave me LR Agl Buu. Is he still decent on a Buu team?
should be decent but there's better options
> Piccolo Story
I hope there is a route where he actually learns Kaio-Ken.
Aged a bit, but still okay if you don't have better. He can get you killed as he builds up, so be careful.
Where the stones at omatsu
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There's actually no reason to waste stamina on PB right now because there are no timed missions except the platinum hercules, and it's up until the 16th while Videl event ends on the 3rd. Dump it all on link levels while you can.
>Perform 3 steps of Extreme Z-Awakening on Bio-Broly (A)!
Hate to be that guy but stage 3 was pretty easy compared to the other 2.
Fighting your way through with planetary destruction on 1 and 2 was a bit of a challenge, on stage 3 you just drop the hercule and win.
this bulma fight is fuckin retared which nigger approved this? no fuckin idea whats going on even i reach the str phase i get touched for 1 milion
You have to fill her meter each phase or you lose. First it's orbs, then attacks, then super attacks. Str doubles then triples her attack with turns passed.
I fucking hate this Otherworld Warrior mission
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>shitting on Kageyama
Go eat some burgers.
Dude, if you're lucky you can probably get all 777 medals with 1 full stamina bar.
This shit isn't the old Dokkan farming anymore.
You need 1-2 bars at most with a couple Hybrid LRs, unless you're choosing to not Kai Bioly.
Dunno when all these growth events reset but free stones for me
This. Wtf.

Str Trunks not even sub EZAd that's a joke (Movie 8 one)
If you kill teq bulma with a > 5 mil super attack, str bulma shows up, and the stronger the super the more buffed she is

If you kill teq bulma with a < 5 mil super attack, phy bulma shows up, and shes a pussy

Its a complete gimmick fight and not hard at all
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>no eza tur broly
even they know not to bring that trash unit
Omatsu has a better team
Omatsu has a rainbow team which is all that matters. Ken is missing the PHY slot so he's disqualified.
Only half are rainbowed.
Omatsu's team is better because
>phy slot
>intly can get keked by trio, but ken might kek both intly with turles and cell max with buu
>ken has no fucking damage without double intly instead of teqly, and no eza teqly
with double intly*
Nigga I mean rainbow as in all Types. Not 100%
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These stupid reward screens don't get enough hate
Just add it to the routine retards
For those that went to pity, how many stones did it take? I got to 501 coins at 1800 flat.
Every reward is different so by the time you collect them all, you'll have cleared all the missions and likely beaten the EZA as well. So it's overall a waste of time unless you set it to spam click every single time OK pops up which fucks up everything.

You don't have to sit here and defend every little retarded thing the devs add to artificially extend these tedious grinds.
What are you talking about? Set the condition to OKAY in that position and it works fine. Worked on my machine.
You don't use auto clickers. You are a good little piggy that grinds by hand and that's fine. Just stop replying to me since you're not educated.
What are you babbling about you stupid nigger? Capture the area of that OK button as the condition and set it to click the condition. Fucking retard.
That doesn't work and you would know it if you ever actually used autoclickers and weren't a rulepig. Kill yourself.
botnigger melty
>durr just click every OK sign that pops up
This can't even be explained away by stupidity. I think you have just never actually played the game once in your fucking life. If you do then your friends list is probably full of a bunch of useless crap. Me personally, I don't want all of these shitty exchange Buu leaders in my friends after I'm done with this.
Is now a good time to start? I used to play OPTC but am feeling a DBZ itch, and I heard Dokkan is closer than Legends.

I know with OPTC you want to start during a "sugofest" or an event, so you can use your early pulls or reroll to get something good, is there a similar thing for this?
Yes it does you retarded fucking mongrel. You know you can adjust the size of the capture window right? And zoom in to make it even smaller? That part of the window is always the same, so yes it does fucking work you shitbrained mutt.
That's not how it works you smoothbrain. You can set the condition TO A SPECIFIC POSITION ON SCREEN ONLY, not every OK that pops up. So when that button pops up in that position it clicks it. Holy fuck where did all you tech illiterate reddit monkeys come from?
You won't get a response because this is a shitty dead game. Come play Legends, it's far better and we actually give advice.
>unironic legends shill ITT
Yeah, you can start now during Worldwide Celebration, which is the other big celebration besides anniversary. Reroll for the gohan or broly.
>That part of the window is always the same
You're fucking retarded. If you get the orbs reward it will literally be outside of the region because the box is twice as long. You have to make a separate command for all of the different types of missions of which there's over 30.

Again, I'm convinced you don't even play the fucking game so you don't know any of this. At most you have a botted account that does all of this work for you. This is why you need to shut the fuck up when it comes to talking about the actual process of grinding. Like go ahead and make whatever dumb fuck post you want about INT Broly being bad or whatever bullshit you're parroting from Youtubers but don't sit here and try to tell me what it's like to play the game.
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>playing ANY gacha game after their 5th anniversary
I don't know about your chink version but but on global it's always the same place. I'm sure there's something in that window that's consistent across all of them, like the red runes of something set to a working tolerance.
>bunch of rent free schizophrenia because you can't use your brain a little
If you play global I don't consider you human, seriously. Kill yourselves.
EOS when?
You're right, no one in the world can use autoclickers during coop campaigns on one version of the game. Because the autoclicker doesnt "speak" japanese. Fucking moron.
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My god this is the most stupid shit I've heard for a while on this thread
I kneel Retard sama
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>nigger that can't read Japanese, yet plays JP also can't work a simple auto tool.
I'm not arguing with Global mongrels anymore. Go make a global thread right now before I start hunting you.

The auto clicker cannot tell the difference between あ and お
>EN players on this ENGLISH BOARD are SUPPOSED to know that my ching chong version has these retarded little quirks
>my immediate head-up-my-ass assumption is that they're LYING about it working with their autoclicker, rather than the logical conclusion that my version is the problem
Deserved for being a filthy weeb.
If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, it's very simple to just not reply to a fucking post.
>erm he didn't reply
This is my other problem with you all, you act like major sissy faggots. You think this is fucking middle school or something and someone wants to play this telephone game with you. No, you may be an underage nigger but I'm a grown man and I don't find it cute. I use the reply function like a normal person instead trying to dodge accountability and backpedal every time I get proven to be a fucking retard.
>filtered by the autoclicker
Not a good look JPsissies.
>It was OBVIOUS your solution wouldn't work for me so you shouldn't have offered it
>nevermind that I didn't know about the version difference either, since my first assumption was that you don't use the autoclicker at all
You deserve all your suffering you smug faggot. Keep seething.
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>your app is inferior
>can't even get a simple autoclicker to work with his version
>having a melty over some moonrunes
I won
It'd be funny to edit that into explosive chud battle
I imagine that's INT Broly and STR Gohan, these ones?

Yes. I'd say reroll for Gohan, then go deep on Broly's banner since it has more good units.
Global EOS tomorrow

No refunds, no transfers. Get out and kill yourselves.
Globalchads assraped axe schizo
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Liking all these stones bros.
If I feel really impatient and don't want to do theme teams I can just run Broly for quick clears or Super Saiyans for stability.
why do content when you can grind up 3 bio broly's?
I'll get around to it
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Oh nononono, my non-rainbow friend cost me the run unironically.
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Trio will give the most mileage to a newfag. Since you missed part 1 discounts, reroll for a fast Trio, then dive into part 2 discounts. If you can get trio, str gohan, and 4 more of these, you'll have an endgame team (teq piccolo only if you manage to get phy piccolo as well).
should i even grind the biobroly up to 25sa when he never gonna do dmg, finna keep him full dodge 10/25
you won't get his eza super attack effects if you don't up him to 24+ sa, meaning you will get only a 30% def raise on the 18 ki sa effect instead of 50% (same thing for the atk raises on both 12 ki and 18 ki but that's not as important)
Holy fucking SHIT ... canadian jpGOD.... I kneel...
banner goten and trunks eza is pretty rough for a newfag, heavenly events sucks ass. might as well use f2ps like trunks broly and april fools goku.
>leaf EOPkek on JP
I cachinate and stand.
i'm a Z broly simp but everyone is saying that gohan is way better. I got cucked and didnt pull any of the new units, so which should i coin? i feel like getting int broly might be a waste because i dont have a proper team for him.
trio and teq broly are coinable
honestly gohan is the best but eventually they'll add missions where you'll need good extreme units where there is little choice
he's a luxury
probably Gohan just because carnival banners fucking suck
Your 1000 Kais?
The coin priority order:
GGT -> Gohan -> TEQ Broly -> INT Broly
>not on majin buu saga
>shitty 130 lead for two categories (up banner units to 170 leads you fucking cowards)
>videl links
>weird SA effect
>wonky passive
>worse art in her TUR than her UR and her F2P version
Yeah I’m think we lost videl bros
Coming back to the game after about a year. Any of these WT EZAs worthwhile.
Mr. Buu and STR High School Gohan are good. TEQ Perfect Cell is an okay support.
We are getting faster boys holy fuck where's the content
Did you already farm Bio-Broly to 25 SA?
If not, if you used kais, then you''re not allowed to complain.
I'm using all my stam for videl while she's up but neither of those is content
It's way more content then some challenge event that you only run once.
It's "content" for my f2ps and auto button. Ofatsu owes me content for my gacha pulls.
>do singel
>kid trunks and goten
>get general pool ssr
do you mean that you got the general ssr goten and trunks? (the str banner one)
He probably got a Trunks & Goten animation and pulled some shitty SSR.
Those Carnival banners have some terrible rates, even if there's a higher chance to get LRs.
I pulled the DFE twice each but still no Gohan or base Broly.
oh yeah, that makes sense
forgot about the new summon animations
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Cinematic; image unrelated.
brown people won't know this
rent free
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got them all from singles pajeet
and it cost all your stones lmao
open some fifa packs jealous shit skin or wait a week for the 50 stones, its worth it 3+1 you fuckin goyim
what the fuck and i grind my ass off and dont get shit
what causes this mental illness
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dragon ball
not that anon but i also dislike those brown minorities
Not minorities if you're majority.
>uses jp
>can't read it or run a bot
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>brown negro has to run a bot
what else is new
dayquan you retard you why did you tell him we cheat
Fellas do I take the 5 dodge node on fat buu
shut up butters we are hating on minorities now
it will make him unrevivable
This is why India is replacing you and will be a super power soon
rakeesh my son
Do not redeem the card
why is there no animation skip for those fuckin domains? nigger link levleing takes twice as long all those fuckin faggot brolies use it
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fuck this general im going back to the subredit its like /pol/ in here
I won
Ahahaha I haven't seen this happen in a long time
ब्राउन भाइयों, हमारा जवाब क्या है?
this is what happens when you redeem sirs
Saars I believe you must do the needful and redeem the card.
I always redeem the card
thats not even the best unit from this celebration lol
Best attacker from the Celebration btw
I'm getting conflicting info here....
both can be true
Gohan is the best unit but he's not the most valuable. Trio is.
Who is the best unit? Goku trunks and gohan?
I didn't get the trio and I did several rotations on them so this was my pity pull I guess.
you did pull all of them right? as f2p btw
>multiple battlefield lrs
Lil bro really had to pad his list with free units to stunt
Your Gammas?
Another win for godccolo chads
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I just got cooked
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finna have sex tommorow lads, its been like 1 month
with a granny a 3 hour love session
First time?
if you say shit like "lil bro" or "lil blud" and watch fucking datruth - kill yourself
truth is a fun dude alright? ok.
fucking "lil bro" LMAO you are fucking WHITE you wigger piece of shit, act like it, "shit be goated fr", "LET MY MAN COOK!!", "lil blud thought he on the team *skull *skull *cry" i literally pray that all your future girlfriends cheat on you with black niggers and give birth to half black babies in front of your FUCKING FAMILY not once but fucking TWICE you FUCKING disgusting SUBHUMANS
oh hell naw who let bro cook fr fr skull emoji bro thinks he on the team skull emoji lil bro not goated with the sauce cry emoji never let blud cook again cry emoji
This dude tweakin on god
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THIS desu pajeets and pakis act more white
I only got Broly carnival, more than 700 Ds in the trio and nothing.
I know I should prioritize Broly int but I would like to be able to use super units.
I will do one more rotation to Broly int and I will give up with the super units. At least I have Beast, Gogeta and UI teq
Honestly agree with this guy. Zoomspeak is so retarded.
And they all like buttholes now because of blacks on twitter being apes. Probably a good thing so they can get an infection from all the ass licking.
>four rotations on Broly's banner without a single DFE
On the plus side, there's no content for me to use him on if I get him anyway
where the FUCK is the super eza?
the banner is fucking rigged, literally shafted on every single pull.
fuck it
saving for heroes
Heroes celeb better COOK
good morning saar do not poo on the loo
So this obese superfat lardass had to make a 15 minute video of him pointlessly blabbering over how boss crits work when it's literally 3 fucking sentences he had to cover
If i greentexted the 3 main points here which i forgot to do this would literally take 20 seconds to read
>damage/type advantage:
it's treated as being super effective, so the boss is hitting 1.5 times harder than without the crit, regardless of unit type

for only passive guard you keep the guard multiplier, halfling the damage you take. Passive guard also has a 0.8 damage multiplier on top

>TDB (only for INT characters)
reduces your own type multiplier by 0.01 per level, which is 1 here by default, and 0.8 for guard characters
The actual stars of the 10th year anniversary will be these guys when they get their ezas
Hope they get both eza and seza
A seza might be overkill.
These eceleb faggots make videos to tell you when events or characters drop which you could fucking check in 2 seconds on xhitter or dokkaninfo.
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Will you summon for Sparking Zero cards?
The devs have another game to take heavy inspiration from for new units. This game is gonna last for like another 6 anniversary isn't it.
Just like all those times they took inspiration from Xenoverse 2 and Kakarot.
And DBFZ (twice)
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>we're entering a new era of diaper duo shitposting
How does omatsu look so fat and so skinny at the same time
He must have like negative % muscle mass
Bro imagine if koto can beat him in armwrestling and after she beats him she forces him to lick her dirty shoes and sweaty socks and feet
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Omatsu is a pretty ass boy though if he worked out and had abs with a low bf% and some muscle he could look like a kpop superstar. Genuinely stunning pretty face imo and has the collagen of like a teenager even though he's in his 30s or something. Stunning person
Whatever you say Omatsu
Tin tin, you are poor now yes?
Y0y>500 stones
>no brats
fuck man well i guess i can coin them, i hope they save teq Gogeta eza for anniversary so i can some coins for them
Will you pull for the october ddf Miniku e Minigeta?
It'll be pretty sad when it hits lowest grossing.
does that mean they'll take 50 stones from everyone?
random japanese videos have started popping up on my feed
what is this
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I'd rather not, honestly
I don't like the concept and just want to pretend diaper doesn't exist
I'd summon for Moro though, even though I don't care for the manga that much
finished up the last of the missions and then pulled gohan on a family kamehameha animation... feels good bros
Goku is 14 in the left image.
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Even as a baby, he still had pretty decently realistic proportions
Daima is just chibi
If there are what-if forms? Sure.
Piccolo with Kaio-Ken would be dope, if it's a thing in Sparking Zero.
We know it has "Father-Son Final Flash" against Perfect Cell, so that could be a fun card.
there's a what-if of Goku unlocking super saiyan during the fight with great ape Vegeta, that would be fun to see and a nice buff for saiyan saga
No it wouldn't it would be fucking retarded cause Goku would only have a power level of 400,000 that way. Freeza was sitting at 120,000,000. Different fucking universe.

Freeza would just wish to be immortal and come to destroy earth one day, the fuck shitku gonna do. Oh and the androids would also destroy SHITku in case Freeza doesn't first cause Gero had 0 data from Namek anyway yet the androids he designed still were superior to fighters way stronger than Frieza.

What we need for saiyan saga is a good transforming kaiokenku LR, or standby kaiokenku who trades HP drain for massive damage
I don't care
I really want more Goku black, I think he’s a protagonist too for one of the campaigns
the eight campaigns are
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, DBS Trunks, Frieza, Goku Black and Jiren
Goku's will be the longest since it starts at Raditz and ends at the TOP, Jiren's will be the shortest since it will only include the TOP
>starts at Raditz
Goku Black is really fun when it's fan projects of him fucking up all sorts of timelines while he gets progressively stronger. Fighting SSG Vegeta, fusing with Baby into Vegito Black and going after Beerus directly.
Not sure how far they'll go with it in Sparking though. Jiren being just the ToP makes me think it will just be their vanilla sagas but from their perspective.
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>fusing with Baby into Vegito Black and going after Beerus directly.
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There's only one DB fighter in the game
Why are you talking about lore power levels as if it somehow related to how powerful a unit will be?
Right now we have a late-Z SS1 Gohan that does more damage than Beast Gohan
I'm calling the what if retarded not the hypothetical unit. They could make an lr farmer with shotgun the best unit in dokkan history for all i care
Does this game really not have demon king piccolo, or mercenary tao? Or piccolo's WT outfit?
it doesn't, but it does have DB outfits for Yamcha and Roshi, Roshi also has the Jackie Chun costume
Oh, come on! Tell me this isn't cool
Is lr future gohan still usable? I never got him but I have coins
should be, especially with the new LR trio
AOE attacks might be an issue for him after his intro runs out
Would you get him in any circumstance over the gammas? I just noticed they were there too and I don't have them.
I don't have the gammas so I can't say for sure
You will regret your words and actions.
Yeah, he’s been domaincrept though but if you’re running the new LR Gohans team and not using the UI combo then he’s a good option
Pls respond >>1574866
Gammas are better than future Gohan overall. They give more support, do more consistent numbers and gamma one has been at his max 80% passive and can even tank blue zone beasts 3m super
>truth has 2dodge bronze equip instead of raw defense
Holy fucking SHIT. what a retarded fucking BABOON NIGGER ANIMAL.
>hurrr yurp YURP da 2 bronze dodge seem like da build for me
I hate this fat disgusting primate filth trash subhuman like you wouldn't believe.
>I hate this fat disgusting primate filth trash subhuman like you wouldn't believe.
Same, keep making these posts, you describe how I feel about that bastard to a T
>heroes soon after Daima

I'm wondering how good Xeno Goku and Vegeta will be after EZA? They're the only units to greatly stack other than TUR TEQ Gohan.
I really hope they don't tack on a Heroes restriction, just let them be a good Goku+Vegeta Family support again
>turn 92
that's fucking crazy
Content is content
Will they make Heroes cards general pool like Xenoverse and Fusions since this is the final year of Heroes?
we know as much as you do, which is nothing
I got faster wifi and now Dokkan loads slower.
I just happened to check LR Bio-Broly's pre-eza stats and they aren't even flat numbers. They are percentage based, so they actually had no reason to eza him.

It wasn't some strange mentality of prime battle LRs having to have flat number before they eza at play here, just a different strange mentality of some variety or another.
singleschads dabbing on these fools
I've got the phys LR broly trio, does he make this unit or teq birdku viable again or should I just not bother and just save my training resources
Just remember that he has to be the one to revive, should you run him with other revive cards. He doesn't have the same condition that the 6th anni ezas or WTku do.
I'm guessing you're talking about super saiyans, not broly cheelai lemo. SS3 isn't on their leader skill. Birdku is slightly more runnable, might as well if you have no other options.
you can probably make ss3 work as a tank with them as long as you avoid getting 18+ki
Yeah I just checked and realized SSJ3 isn't on the leader skill 200% but birdku is. Alright I might as well run birdku for fun, I pulled the unit forever ago but never got to use him. Is he getting an eza? Would be nice.
his EZA is still far away, namek goku and full power Frieza need theirs first unless they go out of order
>Namek Goku
Fuck that's another one I want to run because his animations are so fucking good, can't wait for that one
Namekku and FP Frieza would be likelier, whether that's Part EX here or in 10th Anniversary.
its a shame active skill conditions don't change because his active skill attack being locked to extreme enemies really sucks
something something brown people
Speaking of Full Power Frieza, if they EZA him, LR Exchange Bejita, and Bojack? Those and LR Turles would do wonders to boost 1st Form Frieza's value.