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A place to share more obscure news and drama that are happening on the non-English speaking side of the gacha scenes, where 99% of gacha games are made. Speculate the future direction of gacha games. Share your thoughts.
>happening on the non-English speaking side of the gacha scenes
As in China?
I heard azur promlia will get some news soon. exciting stuff.
Don't trust what you read in the internet anon. It's better to not put any hope in it.
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New Game
绿梦:时空之声 (google tl: Green Dream - Sounds of Time and Space)
All female, castlevania/megaman like gameplay
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Beta test 9/27 - 9/30
iOS and PC (no Android, lol)
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They are still recruiting senior devs so don't expect it to release any time soon
only game i am looking forward to is heartopia
I don't see any platform. But simply, this is the better Guoliangchoi(or whatever).
Do (we) im the story though? I really lazy to read the story in a game without player.
>If you use Android, please play it in PC
Lol indeed. But it's kinda makes sense because iOS doesn't have many different hardware/software like Android, so it's easier to optimized.
>trying to change the wording
No. Fucking. Shame. At all.
I don't understand what news you are seeking. You can find all the Genshin news you want in a big Genshin group. Do you want Genshin news from China? There is the gacha drama thread which talks about Genshin in China. You are not missing out much when in comes to Genshin news.
Yeah this thread is redundant. Go here >>1571840 for more fun stuff.
that esl retard made the thread 20 minutes after this one because he has a god complex and considers himself the rat king of the drama for phonefagging MTL reposts from forums and reframing their arguments in the worst possible way.
The girls look pretty good. Though I'm not sure I can appreciate sidescrollers. I can see it gaining market traction if the niche exists since MMX Dive died though.
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>All female
That's wrong, it's a mixed game they just hide the males away from their website and ads.
>they just hide the males away from their website and ads.
For what purpose?
Or, they change their direction just like Snowbreak. I don't think they can compete with Guoliangchoi if they don't go all-female.
Isn't that also a dying game? It couldn't even reach the top 200.
I don't know. But one thing for sure is if they become mixed toilet game, they will 100% lose to that game. Like how WuWa will never beat Genshin.
If they want to survive, they don't have a choice than go all-female.

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