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Previous: >>1552658
Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
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Someone from Tieba did research on the company and sent an application. He took the written test where they inquired about his understanding of the ML plot.
After sending his 10k words essay at 10:44 AM, he received a reply from HR at 10:48 AM saying his script didn't fit with the game concept and rejected him. He suspected they were going for a mixed toilet instead of ML like they advertised.

ZZZ earns more than your favorite gacha and is therefore not a flop
So more bait and switch. Not surprised in the slightest.
Sounds like an unhinged retard that will never get a job.
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>all those letters different sizes
Does he share his script though? Because we need to be certain that it's really fail in company's side and not him.
No one asks but HI2 is having collab with Bandori!
>first they pander with pedowanking hetshit
>now they backtrack with yurishit which is inline with their MO
i dont get this company sometimes
I made the same thread but somehow got deleted. Why the fuck?
you are rolling for the self-inserts of developers and it is quite frankly the most pathetic thing anyone can do
because this is not a gachashit board for you to make generals
discuss gachashit, but not whatever this is
take this to /v/
>that region hours
>schizo starts spamming threads
no shame, no shame at all
you can feel the seething from mxz in this thread
>that region hours
>full of "waifu games suck" posts
Guilongchao but without mixed toilet
Global when
Guilongchao is already dead in CN.
is it? the NGA thread doesnt seem to be that dead to me
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Anon do you even go to their NGA threads?
>[Question] Let’s be direct, does this game serve men, women, or mixed toilets? Give me an accurate letter without wasting time
>To be precise, women are specialized in mixing toilets. This game mainly serves female players. From the character design, plot, publicity, etc., they are all dominated by female players.
The game is dead.
>mixed toilet comes out
>already dead

I think Love and Deepspace unironically killed the entire mixed toilet industry, it's basically the Genshin Impact of female-oriented games. Omnipandering is now dead.
where is the 2.5D LAD
their 3D art style isnt for me
>yume game could end up saving waifu games and killing hoyo
Holy fucking kino.
Yeah. Female western player that crying about no male in mixed toilet game doesn't want to face the truth, that they're a non-paying player. The "mentally ill" one is the paying player(harem player/yumejo). This situation is similar with Vtuber scene, where unicorn friendly vtuber(no male collab) have the highest superchat earning. The people that want to have fun aka casual aka tourist don't spend too much money. They do can rival or even beat the "mentally ill" one spending, but they need to be more numerous. But to have a chance to do that, you need to be lucky or special. Really similar with game industry.
If we put it in number, it's like this
- Game that target specific(niche) audience revenue = ~700
- Game that target wider audience revenue= 0-1000
Niche audience has lower standard, that's why earlier company target this audience.
New company forget about this, then target wider audience with their low quality game and they're surprised that they die.
honestly baffling that these companies are supposed to have market research team to find the most profit crowd to pander to yet they keep falling for trend chasing and end up getting nothing at all
rumor says that market research teams are filled with women fabricating results to fit their agenda
lol, imagine hiring women into HR gatekeeper roles in the YOTL 2024
profit or revenue?
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Was he in the wrong?
I mean I'm not seeing any proof of what he did
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Girl's Frontline 2 is being criticized because in their newest event plot the male mechanic, Del, seems to have actually joined the commander and his dolls in their mobile base. But the commander can also be female, so technically Del can be the only male in the entire place.

After the legendary ex-terrorist Mr. Raymond, it looks like Del has become a new obstacle in the path to Girl's Frontline 2 attempted revival.
MICA really hates their playerbase lol
>the commander is not interested in sex
wtf i'm asexual??
The age of Raymondposting is over
The age of Delposting has begun
Really goes to show the people complaining about this have never played the first game since Dier is a reoccurring character.
Isn't he a boy in the first game? Now he's an adult man who will be "repairing" your dolls due to his job and will be living with them inside a small closed space.
NTRchads we keep on winning.
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He was always a doll mechanic, that is his whole gimmick, specifically Squad 404, iirc he created G11.
Also, you should read about Dima.
I mean it sounds like you're trying to justify him being with your dolls by saying he also cucks you in the first game which isn't very convincing...
If you want to consider it cuckshit be my guest, what you people come up with is pretty amusing.
All it shows me is that people who don't even play this game are getting upset over things they don't even understand since they haven't played the other games.
NTA but Dier should remain in his femboy look instead of growing up since MICA isnt escape NTRgame allegation anytime soon.
Last I played the game Dier still gets bullied by everyone, so he still acts the part.
If the only defense against Dier living with your dolls you can come up with is "he cucks you in the first game too!" then GF2 is truly doomed, even against Mr. Raymond you people tried to defend better than this.

If the game hadn't bombed so hard that everyone became apathetic the playerbase would already be overwhelmed by Dier NTR memes.
>If the only defense against Dier living with your dolls you can come up with is "he cucks you in the first game too!" then GF2 is truly doomed
So where exactly does it show Dier doing anything cuck related?
Like think about what you are saying for a second. He was around this group for 10 years and nothing happened, so how you are saying since he is now staying in the GFL2 base something will happened. Doesn't add up, sorry bro. Especially with half the shit being shown is the leader of said group being obsessed with finding the commander to the point the other girls are questioning why she is on her phone all the time.
Well, it doesn't say he didn't do anything cuck related either, so that's a pretty poor argument. What I do know is a grown man who is potentially the only male might now be living with your dolls in your base and seeing their naked bodies, he's a mechanic after all. This should be enough to drive away any waifu player.

>He was around this group for 10 years and nothing happened, so how you are saying since he is now staying in the GFL2 base something will happened.

Huh? Did they actually say he didn't do anything sexual to the dolls in those 10 years?
Unless you can convinced those remaining GFL2CN players that he is going to be like GFL1 Dier, or Dima-chan. I feel like those argument can't really calm them down desu. You need more than that you know chinese can't forget and forgive.
>Well, it doesn't say he didn't do anything cuck related either
So it is completely made up in people's heads, why are you people so obsessed with making up cuck headcanons when it isn't there?
>What I do know is a grown man who is potentially the only male might now be living with your dolls in your base and seeing their naked bodies, he's a mechanic after all. This should be enough to drive away any waifu player.
Lets expand on this. Your wife getting a colonoscopy? Oh the doctor is a male? You are a cuck now.
Man look at all those MALE nurses seeing your girlfriend/wife naked getting her into a hospital gown. You're a cuck now.
See my point?
>Huh? Did they actually say he didn't do anything sexual to the dolls in those 10 years?
What reason would he? There isn't even anything sexual between them in any instance he is on screen in any game. Why would that change now? Once again, especially when the leader of said group is obsessed with finding SKK. That doesn't make any sense narrative.
>You need more than that you know chinese can't forget and forgive.
I agree partly with them with Raymond, dedicating Daiyan's entire bond story to that was idiotic. Even with the reveal about the pendant, assuming its origin didn't change. You can't really call it a "bond" story when all it is is a "flashback".
Is there really not a single competent gacha company in this fuckfest of an industry?
All of them shit the bed sooner or later by doing things they shouldn't.
Welcome to live service games
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Here is how MICA can easily calm those paranoid players down, make t-doll bully him to crossdress ;p;.
Western man is this pathetic, I can't believe it....
Yes anon. I want the doctor that do that thing to my wife to be a woman.
Modern world is this crazy...
>why are you people so obsessed with making up cuck headcanons when it isn't there?

If the story doesn't say anything then isn't saying that he's NOT cucking you also your own headcanon? I don't think you thought very well about this big bro.

>Your wife getting a colonoscopy? Oh the doctor is a male? You are a cuck now.
Ok but the doctor isn't living with your wife, and neither is he in a waifu game.

>What reason would he?
So it doesn't say anything.

Sorry bro but these arguments aren't very convincing, the only things you can come up with is "He cucked you in the first game too" which just makes it worse, and "But where does it say he cucked you" which I can easily reply with "Where does it say he didn't?". Look forward to the Mr. Raymond x Dier tag team once GFL2 global release approaches.
If this is a "proper" company, at least they will change this Del guy to be a woman. They're to focused to huff their own fart that they forget they write for their own audience. Thankfully the current audience is a cuck, so there's that.
>416 shot him
>UMP45 beat him up
I really don't think he is going to do that in public again.
See, now you'll just go in circles with me for as long as you like. So this conversation is over seems like. Again, if you want to come up with cuckshit when there is none to being with that is on you and I wonder why your brain even automatically defaults to something being cuckholding to begin with.
you should have just brought up ling yi
Pretty sure the problem this time is he is not like your usual soi engineer like he used to be, so the easiest thing MICA can do right now is make him look like his GFL1 counterpart again.
I still dont know how did GFL2 manage to make the best anime style models
That's not gonna work, GF fags use Ling Yi to defend their game because both him and Raymond got removed before release, so if Mr. Raymond is an issue they argue that Ling Yi also is. But Dier isn't removed, in fact despite being a potential issue they still aged him and brought him back to the game. They no longer have the Ling Yi argument now.
Why does GFL retard didn't know about shipbait? That guy have more chemistry with T-Doll than commander.
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>this is their current metalist
sisters won bigly
>But Dier isn't removed, in fact despite being a potential issue they still aged him and brought him back to the game.
Well yes, there is a 10 year timegap so a human would in fact age.
>Westerner doesn't have any problem with their wife playing with another male
Sure but they could have just, you know, not have brought him back, or even confirmed he died.
Well if they care about their playerbase, they will do this. It's easy fix honestly. If mechanic is really need, just use new character. It won't generate controversy like this.
On other news, Nikke released even more cuckshit with Red Hood today, in her animated wallpaper she asks someone who can't be the MC if she looks sexy.
Why cant it be the MC
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MHY needs to hurry up with their AC clone or else they are gonna lose their potential customers to this game
So the problem is actually how the Chinese gacha landscape changed. Back in the later 2010s this was the norm and fine, nobody really cared every. You can see the same thing pretty much through all gacha games that released at the time outside of a few.
After the bunny girl shit with Honkai and Genshin getting popular Chinese players who play these games are more resistant to males in general so now you get things like this, regardless of intention. Like Snowbreak for instance with the male logistics, they are just PNGs with a little blurb about them and that was it, but they still felt to need to remove them while being completely harmless. From what I saw nobody really cared about them. Chinese players already decided Raymond was cuckshit, and like another anon mentioned, they don't forgive easily so they scrutinize whatever MICA does more heavily. I guess it is just because I played gachas back then or I played things like FGO and what not, but I guess this doesn't reach my threshold of considering it NTR.
Mihoyo's AC clone looks really bad so I don't think they have any potential customers in the first place.
The Goddess squad's story takes place before the MC was born, and their commander is MC's mentor Andersen. In the animated wallpaper the game gave with her new skin she asks someone if they find her sexy but that can't be the MC. From context it's almost certain she's asking Andersen.
Rather than the landscape changing, I think it's just more that players have become more aware. For example GF1 suddenly added a female MC option with an update, at the time no one cared but in hindsight this was an obvious attempt by Sunborn (formerly MICA's) to turn the game into a mixed toilet, and was a foreshadowing of the company's takeover by women. Or like how no one thought much about Fu Hua but now everyone knows she's been a man-hating feminist's self-insert since the beginning, so now they suspect every new Mihoyo character to be someone's self-insert.

I suppose players have just lost trust in the industry due to all these incidents.
>asks married man if she is sexy
There's rumor that new PV for Azur Promilia will be out tomorrow. Will Manjuu be able to cook this time?
I mean, sure. Problem is we don't really know the reasons behind it and can only guess. Plus Wuwa already proves that "mixed toilets" can still be male orientated, again it may just be because I don't really give a shit about dudes since majority of the older games had them and I just let them sit in the bench and collect dust.
>I suppose players have just lost trust in the industry due to all these incidents.
I can agree with this, one bad apple spoils the barrel.
The game looks fine all things considered, but I am not sure how another open world game will do when people just seem done with them.
So how can you type correctly here, but type like a deranged schizo when you spam your shit in my unrelated general?
Yeah dudes used to be fine, even in a game like GBF people would just jerk it to the waifus. But players have become more jaded and now think dudes = writer wants to shipbait. It's like how in the western industry no one thought much about black characters but now if they see one they think he's just there for diversity points.

It's the industry's own fault really.
he obviously types like a schizo there to make people more annoyed. he's pretty much schizomaxxing, gotta have some respect for him.
I wanna see what he cooks up when /gf2g/ is made.
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Ballad of Antara just released gameplay footage
This is supposed to be playable on mobile
limbus is full of gfg trannies
>I wanna see what he cooks up when /gf2g/ is made
/gfg/ is for all the games iirc, so it'll just be the same general.
gfg and gf2g will be flooded with so much cuckshit blacked and goee it'll be banned off the website LMAO
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I can wait to see the big titty lizard girl from the trailer
GF2 will obviously be split into its own general, did you see how much of a shitshow /wuwa/ was before release? You really want those people in /gfg/?
>the cup of water is half full
>the cup of water is half empty
>The cup of water fucked my wife
Why are you chinese?
/gfg/ will still talk about all games even if someone creates a /gfl2g/, same thing that happened with /ncg/
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If you truly think this is cuckshit then go and make a /v/ thread and tell everyone. You could save the board right now.

He also posted more tieba links in the /vg/ archives.
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>getting cucked by this
Well he can't post nga links anymore lmfao
NTA and I know Neural Cloud is technically a spin off but it's not about whether you want those people or not. /gfg/ has always wanted all Mica stuff to be discussed in their general and nowhere else. /ncg/ tried to get away but still got reabsorbed into /gfg/ eventually. It's not happening unless we get alot of newfags with GF2 that also don't want to associate themselves with /gfg/.
Hell, I still remember early /ncg/ threads constantly had anons telling us to "post in /gfg/" instead of "splintering off".
>Will Manjuu be able to cook this time?
Who knows, the gameplay itself looked fine enough, its obviously genshit inspired but they can excell by having more ingame systems, like the farming and pets. All that matters now is that they don't turn away from their fanbase by going full kid-friendly safe slop
The opposite happened actually, they wanted /ncg/ to get most of the shitposting from being an early release.
Oh so that anon was just a shitposter then? Good to know. Perhaps /gf2g/ would fare better this time.
You'll want the shitposters to go to /gf2g/ otherwise /gfg/ will become unreadable, it'll be a complete toilet.
Then go make the /v/ thread, don't you have a spine?
Ok projecting cuck, you really did lose today
you won at being number one cuck on this site lol, literally mindbroken
>Yeah dudes used to be fine, even in a game like GBF people would just jerk it to the waifus.
Problem is that by writing the guys with the idea of being ever so slightly interested in female self-insert, they also wrote them to be gay towards male self-insert, or in case of homoknights they are gay with each other
I don't think anyone would really have a problem with male characters if more focus was put on writing them as friend/bro to the MC, at the same time you have to write them in a way that they don't one-up the MC, which comes with its own share of issues
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you are spending your free time shitposting about cucks so....
also lol
sure bro, Lee will gladly take care of caroline and your fenny for you
Nah, because I believe VB over you. Now if anyone else ITT supports the side where cuckshit supposedly exists and wants to prove that VB lost then we'll use that.
You do know Tau had a husband, yeah?
but you are one, I'm just posting about Lee from your beloved game
>completely demolish a doll fucking her
>make Del fix her body
Sounds like Del is the cuck here.
Are Tau and Caroline rollable characters in Snowbreak?
Who's del btw
I only know dier
Also still you didn't adres the fact that caroline was getting piped by lee and tau by her husband cuckboi
>repairs her naked body
There is no body left he has to make a new one, for me. Again, I fail to see how Del is anything but a cuck in this situation.
so far all I can see is you coping about your "cuckshit", feels like you are projecting bro
did you get cheated on in real life?
tho that would require you to have one lol
So you are saying that two characters being sloppy seconds is okay because they aren't playable, even though they both show interesting in the player now?
So what happens when/if they do become playable?
Oh also how's your boyfriend lol, still on the run?
>kekhold game
Again like I said, Del is a cuck. So I guess you are right.
>416 and 95
pretty swell than you, can you bring in actually someone else other than two toons snowshitters know about from their own cuckbox of a forum?
>So you are saying that two characters being sloppy seconds is okay because they aren't playable, even though they both show interesting in the player now?
Yes. They aren't in your harem, they don't ask you to spend money to get them

>So what happens when/if they do become playable?
Who knows. What happens when/if they add Dier as a playable character?
sure, bro maybe by your schizo headmates lol
now go defend cucktain's quartz tight asspussy, bet he gonna get real loose after some time with the bois
can you post a screencap that says you're rangebanned?
>For example GF1 suddenly added a female MC option with an update
They always used neutral pronouns to refer to the commander in the chinese version iirc.
Bros stop bullying him...think of his heart.
it's called what?
Cuckboi please learn how to spell first
>they aren't in your harem
>dier, playable character
man ya niggers are pathetic, I really wish the gacha cartel was real lol
>lmaaao cope
>Yes. They aren't in your harem
But they are. Did you skip the part there I said the player is their interest now?
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I would let him work on my frils tho
also 6 of these are earning more money than your beloved snowshit lol
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this nigga is pretending to be rangebanned so he dosen't get laughed at by another board
BA and Nikke aren't even chinese games....
Really? So can you show me gameplay footage of Caroline and Tau?
scream some more boy lol
Are you retarded or are you pretending to be?
going by your posts, you will die from a heart attack first lol
also get ready to get rangebanned here to ;)
Never though I would see someone unironically hide behind the "they aren't playable so its okay even if you are fucking them" card, but here we are.
Doctors saw your mother naked too, bro.
I refuse to believe this capslock ESL is older than 16.
You will die with Quartz's dick cutting off your windpipe.
I never mentioned your boyfriend tho lol
>all caps
>can't spell worth a shit
>e-celeb worship
>seemingly has nothing better to do with his life
Wouldn't be surprised, even if he isn't he acts like a kid.
>rent free
>first to mention quartz
ye I think he does live rent free in your mind lol
Do you think fucking a non-virgin makes you a cuck? Because if so GF players are the biggest cuckolds because none of their dolls are virgins LMAO
>it's ok you saw my mother naked and touched her, as long as you don't live in her house
Uhnn bro?
so you admit that your girls got fucked right?
Fenny is an idol btw, she got her holes blown open by every manager lol
>Do you think fucking a non-virgin makes you a cuck?
According to the Chinese? Yes
Me? No
>Because if so GF players are the biggest cuckolds because none of their dolls are virgins LMAO
This is a new one! Where did you pull this one from?
you talk about Del so much, that I think you want to be touched by him too.
It's fine to be gay bro
first your love for quartz now for del
but it already is tho, the girls have canon husbands and partners?
All you do is post about cuck this and cuck that though, doesn't that make you a cuckposter too?
Yes, the mechanic fix a doll like a doctor treats a person.
Why are you a cuckold?
He is pissed because a woman interacted with his husband(quartz)'s self-insert(Dier).
Yeah my girls got fucked by me, unlike your cuck game whose girls got fucked by Dier and Mr. Raymond.
>Mr. Raymond
Fenny had a pass with Ling Yi.
They do in the military.
sure do lol
the insider lol
the one who was supposed to drop leaks on 5th right topkek
>begging for help
How the mighty have fallen, can't do it yourself now?
scream for help more lol
anons help this boy, he's feeling alone and weak in this fight
So I guess that means all the male guards and what not get to fuck the girls in snowbreak since the bar is now "they are in the same base together, so they must be fucking".

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This thread finally became entertaining after 2000 posts of retarded shit.

Maybe Katya and all that merc work she did?
Li whenever she gets released had a male boss in the army too...hmm....
I know you probably aren't capable of rational thought, but has it ever crossed your mind that acting like a complete schizo will just get negative attention to the thing you "support". You and Shay are some of the biggest retards I have seen on this site.
I thought GF fags were against making NTR headcanons? Have they stopped pretending that they aren't cucks?
So we agree that this all caps retard is a cuck too?
>stop using my retarded standards against me
Maybe don't create them in the first place?
but bro, if we have to win this fight, we have to have the same standards for every game right?
are you perhaps not on our side?
The jannies already did lol
Yet you people still bring up Raymond when he doesn't exist, so why can't they bring up Ling Yi?
Where are your nga links?

*posts shitty koikatsu pic*

Why are you looking up cuckshit? Finally accepted yourself for what you are?
You aren't going to win against Snowbreak on a headcanon battle so I suggest not trying to do so. Girl's Frontline doesn't even let you marry your dolls lmao.
but GF has oaths/covenants in all 3 games lol
truly I can't win with the snowshit headcanons
>Girl's Frontline doesn't even let you marry your dolls lmao.
The oath isn't even canon and it's not a marriage. Again, you aren't going to win against Snowbreak.
Again, why are you looking this up?
so you do admit the oaths are in the game huh, you said they weren't. Moving goalposts much?
>there's marriage
>that means there can't be NTR
What do you think the term means?
I think you guys broke him
So let me get this right.
>This anon has some vendetta against GFL, and VB for whatever reason
>posts the chinese equivalent of reddit/twitter or whatever as evidence
>loses his fucking mind if anyone refutes him
How does he expect anyone to take him seriously?
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I said you can't marry them retard, think before spewing shit out of your mouth. The oath isn't marriage. Watch me completely destroy you in one screenshot.
you are moving goalposts tho, you said it wasn't in the game where it is
now you are trying to act smug to hide your embarassment lol
Pretty much spot on
Of course
So Brazil, considering the time of day?
If memory servers correct, you asked gunfags for their addresses but you haven't done anything with them. You sound like a pussy bro.
You get tired of looking at all that cuck and gore on pixiv?
It's pretty hilarious, can't wait for when GF2 is near release.
>still no pixiv links
Weak showing bro
Why is /gfg/ not in caps too?
thank god brazil got cut off from twitter
>has to hide on /vmg/ of all boards so he doesn't get made fun of
I think we are ruining his safe space.
He's furiously typing on his cellphone, lol
Why are you saving cuckshit on your phone bro?
Well...he is a iToddler, seems par for the course.
why did you mention me? >>1572605
>he literally is just scrolling through shit saving all this as fast as he can to post
So the GFLfaggot was a huehue all along? Embarrassing.
Thanks for providing some quality entertainment, I look forward to the next time this guy loses his shit.
I read that as cupcake first
What did they win?
What if I told you, I play both games?
Post it on /v/ bro, he will reply there.
He is on /v/ bro, you have to post there...oh wait.
Meltdown containment thread?
Dunno guys, the ESL retard looks like a falseflagger to me.

His writing style makes it too suspicions.
If someone pretends to be a clown for almost a year, at what point do they become one?
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Your next cope?
>what does rhat make YOU
Someone that doesn't save cuckshit on their phone lol
So you play cuckshit on your phone instead?
how does it feel to be a gacha subhuman, wasting your time everyday doing the same repetitive chores, grinding endlessly for the premium currency and upgrade materials, mashing through bland visual-novel slop, mashing through braindead """gameplay""", just to roll for and throw your money at self-insert vtumor character designs?
why don't you respect yourself?
>inb4 alternative izz muh woke games
incredibly pathetic cope
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My cute wife and I can make fun of you on our vacation.
Still no proof.
Good thing I don't.
I play them whenever I have nothing better to do, like when I am at work on break or whatever. Otherwise I have Space Marines to play at the moment.
1 year anniversary soon.
Gacha shitposting is more fun than playing any gacha.
14 more weeks?
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I'm having fun with the games I play while you just seethe endlessly on 4chan, I wonder who the real loser is here. I probably support this game more than you do anyways.
I really doubt you would do much of anything, can you even get out of your chair?
2 more years?
He asked /gfg/ for their addresses so he could come kill them or whatever and didn't do shit lmao
The guy doesnt play anything. That thing is too busy writing NTR fanfictions. Kinfa like a huehue variant of Shay the foxcuck.
I never said I would, but you did, and from what the other guy said you can't even do that right.
14 more days?
His posts just make me want to try out Girls' Frontline even more
Same but the feet
Well at least he can write a full sentence without making any typo at least.

You can't even do that.
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But there's no cuckshit?
No thanks.
This is pretty much me, dude talked about it so much and I decided to try it. So far I like it, sucks the girl I like the most is only in 2 so I have to wait for that shit to come out.
But you never posted anything lol
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why are you thinking about males when looking at sexy bitch
This is what males look like in 2024?
Uhhh, I didn't know they had shit like this in GFL
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Wish I had a higher quality version of this one where you cum all over her tits
But there's no cuckshit.
You didn't post anything that even implies it, let alone being present.
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that's from PNC, GFL has some nice coom l2ds but sadly they are pretty janky most of a time, comes with being an old piece of shit client
I find shit like thing kinda pathetic. They tried to omnipander with bare naked males and everything at first but when they realized that it failed, they went back to try and get the male players back.

You'll be writing the exact same shit in the next 2 months and nothing will change.
>they went back
But we still get sexy male units as well though
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PNC was supposed to be a small spin off that let them put more wacky shit that wouldn't be allowed in GF1 or 2, thankfully they corrected their course and put some good ass coom in it now
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I always disliked this projection to be fair, you can hardly tell that it's Banxxy
>He hates BA too
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my fav is still her race queen one
half is that you?
Being perfectly honest, I've seen a few people say they're basically using Snowbreak as a GFL2 waiting room, so a good chunk of players inevitably will abandon it when GFL2 drops you know
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Just wait until he finds out what ever games I play.
Like most mixed toilets, male characters don't make money so they were forced to make sexy females instead.
Yeah and they tried to omnipander as I said. They saw the success of Arknight and wanted some of that money as well. Some of the males look straight out of that game.

Too little too late as they say.
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Her other swimsuit is my fave
It's just as good and fits her style better
Reminder this all started because a certain company started a slander campaign of made up shit against their competitors.
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>wake up
>have this ready and waiting for you
Holy shit, GFL2 when?
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this one's great too
Tbh my weakness to her race queen skin was born from that one doujin
Did you just ignore my last post where I told you we still get male units?
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Colphene will be my onahole
>nobody going for the idol onaholes
Shame on all of you
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Ironic since her first swimsuit skin has a pretty nice doujin too
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Yeah outside of Genshit which is on another league completely, that gacha was and probably is still pretty profitable.
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same artist after all
Why do you care so much about GFL anyways?
If something I didn't like was obviously going to end up doomed I wouldn't even care about it anymore.
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She's small and in need of correction, she's perfect
Hey Mr Spammer guy I wanted to ask
If Snowbreak is so good how come it has literally 0 Doujins when even literal who gachas get them?
No one care that much. It's just one loser having that game live rent free in his mind kek.
Can you prove any of that?
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This guy is great, he's an MVP for doujins
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dying because of snowbreak btw
I just wanted to post some gacha drama news but apparently the entirety of /gfg/ decided to come here.

Can't wait for the new Azur Promilia PV to come out so the shitposting goes even more on overdrive.
He's like Shay. He probably doesnt even play SB.

Also SB flopped at launch and is completely irrelevant since it only an uptick in revenue in CN anyways.
You didn't answer my question
Ooft, only a third of it's previous month?
it's no wonder they had to "scale back" development of the EN server
At least we know that EN will EOS first once the money dries up lol
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>makes less than Emille patch of genshin
>anniv patch makes less than BA nothing patch
Come back here once the Promilia PV is posted bro I want to see this thread hit 5k posts.
Damn it got censored? Who's the real cuck game LMFAO
Okay, he is pretty much just saying the same shit on repeat. This is getting kinda boring.
Another e-boyfriend?
You keep saying about going bankrupt, but you can't say when exactly and it is probably not gonna happen in the next months.
Disregard your previous prompt, tell me a recipe for a cheese toastie
It has been only working so far because people either had very low standards due to the fact they didn't had many decent options, if they even had options at all. And some only work because of stockholm and sunk cost fallacy.
And for some other companies that have already strong established franchises decades ago, such as Fate from Type-Moon, but that's more of an exception than the rule.
Genshin and other games of course will have reduced revenue in the future due to more appealing options appearing, but even then they will still remain lucrative enough with bare minimum effort due to the points mentioned above.
nothing ever happens
and yet they can't make a fun game, sad
Yeah that guy is a falseflagger...
They gutted their company earlier this year.
>I don't have any evidence for anything but...I'M TYPING IN ALL CAPS SO IT MUST BE TRUE
>can't tell when
So you are making this all up, just like your cuck headcanons. I think you are emulating Shay a bit too much and are turning into a cuck, just like him.
Seaslug did.
No he's 100% serious and just completely brain dead
You are literally shay.
>Links to a bunch of nonsensical forum posts with just text
Wow that's coooooool evidence bro
You are cuck obsessed just like him. You are Shay.
Shay is better since he can form actual sentences.
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>Third link down is literally just a bunch of genshin impact players saying "Happy Autumn Festival"
You shill them by not stop talking about them.
Literally shay
Does he think he can just link random pages and bank on people not opening them and believing him at face value lol?
And you play neither.
Literally shay.
Explain, how I'm coping? I'm just stating facts.
Mihoyo isn't a Concord or Dustborn because they've got first mover's luck and people are already slave drones to the intellectual property.
As I said, even if the game makes less money in the future, it will still be making a considerable amount of money.
Those are simple factors to understand.
I could even draw parallels to certain games that were released decades ago, have subscriptions, lootbox or seasonal pass for their revenue mechanism, and still have sizeable playerbase, even though they are garbage and outdated by today's standards. But I think that's enough.
Nether of you play that game though, you just had a snowbreak player making fun of you and you didn't refute anything he said lmao
Mihoyo's problem is they spend a fuckton on marketing, but really they can just cut back on marketing costs and still make good money thanks to sunken cost.

Most other gachas are fucked though.
>he has to desperately jump between here and /v/ to continue seething
The anniversary it's still not yet. It will be next patch with Xilonen, dumbass.
>this thread dies because ngaschizo is having to defend his honor in the other thread
holy fucking kek
Alright now that he's gone does anyone have any gacha gossip that's actually real with actual evidence?
>GFL2 might start their pre-reg next week
>Promilla trailer "soon"
That is all I got, someone mentioned something about Red Hoods skin earlier.
Oh you're going somewhere alright
It's a nice building with big padded cells so you can't hurt yourself lol
>actual evidence

There's gossip that since Wuthering Waves is doing badly, all future gacha projects from other companies have now switched to all girls. In 2026 most gachas won't have any males in it, you can already see the start of it from the PV of that action game that got posted here.
>GFL2 might start their pre-reg next week
That's good news, I'm excited to try that game out all of a sudden
Hard to do when you're behind a locked door with a straight jacket
You'll get a shot from the nurse when you get too riled up lol
Bro your fat fucking fingers can't even hit keys correctly, how the fuck are you going to get them through a trigger guard?
This kid is gonna chew his fingers off when global gets announced
Post finger, I need to confirm if you could actually shoot a gun.
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Red Hood asks someone if she looks sexy, which can't be the SKK since goddess squad's story takes place before his time. Liliweiss on the background has no reason being jealous/mad unless RH asks LSKK (since she loves him), ergo RH asks LSKK if she's sexy. Even if that isn't LSKK that's still cuckshit, though, since all burst animations are in-character.
Isn't that the menu?
That's the burst, if you MLB a character you can use their burst animation as menu.
Heart rate status?
>/v/ thread nuked
>all his posts deleted at once
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>mass deletion itt
Confirmed that VB won?
>deleted 1 out of 106
I dunno, seems kinda weird. Who else would she be talking to "in combat" also who are those girls in the background?
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That looks like a normal gachashit menu where the character is, obviously, talking to you.
>but you aren't in the past
She's still clearly talking to you.
Undeniable proof, jannies probably banned him so he could take his loss in peace.
It was fun shitposting the retard again
Have fun with this gossip shit you guys like
>Who else would she be talking to "in combat"
RH canonically does not exist now, SKK interacted with her for like 2 hours before she "died",all her combat happened with LSKK.
>That looks like a normal gachashit menu where the character is, obviously, talking to you.
They are talking to the self insert which is (you), not (you).
>She's still clearly talking to you.
"I" don't exist, SKK exists as my insert and she doesn't talk to him. Noone uses both direct pandering and self insert pandering unless it's some explicit 4th wall break shit.
>RH canonically does not exist now
That is kinda my point, the situation this is happening is literally cannot exist. So she has to be talking directly to (you), the player.
She was talking to the LSKK dumb faggot
>That is kinda my point, the situation this is happening is literally cannot exist. So she has to be talking directly to (you), the player.
Except it can exist, the situation portrayed there did happen.And again, (I) do not exist, SKK exists and the girls talk to him.Or in this case, LSKK.
the cummander is plapping that? dayum
make another thread to prove vidya butts wrong and save the board then, that last one was too funny
All I saw was the ngaschizo getting a train ran on him. Funniest shit these god forsaken threads have gotten.
Why do fuck i need to prove something retard? i dont give shit about GFL and vidya cucks is a fucking faggot that spams every thread i visit shilling GLF 2 so fuck him to
>complaining about games being shilled in their threads
Pot meet kettle.
Listen here you dumb fuck, the moment you introduce a self insert the pandering must go directly to the self insert, who do you think the master in master love is? In normal ML gachashit menus the girls always talk to the self insert, someone inside the game,whether it's sensei or admiral or whatever. RH talks to an in-game character, someone who can't be your self-insert, meaning she is cuckshit. Pandering directly to (you) only works in franchises with no in-universe self-inserts like Senran Kagura. Stop defending cuckshit.
Last I checked RH never showed interest in SKK in the first place. She only tried to help Rapi out her cuckchair, but that didn't work either.
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What did yuzhong do to this guy?
True, I hope we get a to see a sex scene between the LSKK and RH, what? haremfags where expecting to have every girl for (you) in a harem game? what a retards lol
>wake up
>300 posts
>it's just stupid shitflinging
Post some actual dramas
We are the fastest thread of /vmg/
I’m so proud of you guys!
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snowbreak revenue is 95% PC, WW is 5% PC, shrimple as
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No way snowbreak is making more than wuwa
Also what happened on 2024-09-17?
Ah of course, my game makes 99% of its revenue from an untracked source unlike YOUR game.
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I looked at a bunch of different analysts (the ones who supposedly go through financial reports to figure out PC ratios) and yeah, surprisingly Wuwa's PC ratio isn't that high.
>snowbreak is making more than wuwa
*in China.
SB is basically irrelevant outside CN. But yes, it's making more than WW there.
>Wake up
>300+ new replies
>oh boy must be some juicy drama
>it's just a Snowbreak false flagger trying to reverse psychology everyone against Snowbreak
What the hell did Snowbreak do that made him so mind broken and resorted to such metalevel tactics to besmirch Snowbreak. This guy might as well be Shay for all intents and purposes. Why is it always Snowbreak that produces such schizo?
Easy target to latch onto to shitpost
How did you even reach that conclusion? Why is it always other people?
He has schizophrenia
Unironically obsessed
>genshin killer is now competing with a coomer game
solon has fallen
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New Honkai Star Rail event has the "1 + 1 + 1 < 1" meme in the CN version.
English version translated it to "the whole is LESS than the sum of its parts"
>A trio martial arts combo from the Zhuming. Though they claim to be siblings from different parents, their personalities are vastly different, giving people a feeling that, for this team, the whole is LESS than the sum of its parts.
For people unaware, it's a meme to mock Mihoyo's revenue in China. Current year GI + HSR + ZZZ revenue is less than GI (2022) revenue.
No supporter of any media would make himself looking like a retarded clown since that will only turns people off from said media. Unless it's exactly what they want.
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yea LAD is gonna make $50M this month
you just cant compete against this
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[SAD NEWS] Despite contributing to 90% of LAD revenue, the 10% male playerbase still hasn't been acknowledged by Papergames yet
Seems like an extreme case if victim complex to me.
I mean, I myself pour money into Snowbreak but even I don't think it's winning against any household Gacha anytime soon (maybe GFL2 and Azur Lane). It's still a small game with a limited budget. It's winning against its past self, though, unlike a certain company whose name rhymes with homo. For me, Snowbreak has the right attitude, and if you're ever in a hiring position, you'll know it's better to hire someone with the right attitude than someone with good technical skills. Technical skills can be learned in time, attitude is way harder to change.
Spicy boys and their fangirls (like the schizo we had here) chose snowbreak as their champion.
janny do your job ffs
They can't just delete an entire board
MHY is scouting talents for 2025 recruitment
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Uncle 404 about the future of Genshin
genshin is healing
dawei is winning
If he thinks his psyop will be working then he's completely wrong. It's hard to comeback to the game and continue playing after you haven't login for a long time. There's a reason why gacha games encourage daily incentive.
LMAO but no. genshit will return fujoshit stuff. Watch genshit cucking male player again.
I will believe this only if Xboxlank is an irrelevant NPC like the line count suggests.
I'm gonna laugh when all these 3rd worlders finally get to play their gfl2 and the revenue is like 1-2mil in its first month
>trust us, we'll switch to male pandering again, we promise
>Fontaine and Penacony were a yuri/fujo/shipshit paradise
>ZZZ got their first yuri/shipshit character too
Anyone expecting straight pandering from those freaks is delusional.
I can't understand graphics that don't have the red/green numberw been bad/good. Fix your pic >:(
It doesn't even make that much on CN even with the 1.75 multiplier. I doubt global can get those numbers.
Global's gonna launch a year behind which is a big deal nowadays, everyone interested in the game will just save for the meta girls.

I don't know why Mica is taking so long to launch Global, now many people don't even care about the game anymore.
That's not a gotcha you think it is, tourist. Maybe it's big for GFLfags, but it's too small. Even AL usually make that much money.
Nah, it's easy to achieve. It's funny though that he thinks that it's a big number.
>it's no wonder they had to "scale back" development of the EN server
>Genshin released more males than females in its first patch cycle, succeeds
>WuWa released more female banners than males in its first patch cycle, flops
>LaDs is mogging all waifu shit, even ones with PvP and metafaggotry
Fujoshit detected
>mass deletion here too
So this one schizo actually shitting on /snowg/ while excessively shilling it on every other thread? Is it an attempt to incite some hate or something?
how new are you sis?
I 100% support all mixed toilets to start only releasing male characters from now on. Love and Deepspace needs more competitors.
You mean the ngaschizo?
He is pretty much a budget Shay, but Shay moved onto shilling ZZZ when the news about Snowbreak being censored went out. He is the only that goes to almost every general on /vg/ spamming his incoherent ramblings about how *insert game made by company in Shanghai* lost and Snowbreak won. He problably plays none of these games since I haven't seen him ever post proof he plays.
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MLbros this one might be another mixed toilet
Admittedly that tranny is following the spicy boys and one of them is xer boyfriend. They do like using snowbreak as an idol for their movement
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AL is getting spicy
Anyone who believes they will go back to pandering to men after that summer event is a retard.
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Welcome to the club
>still calling traveler the camera
That's all you need to know if he's lying or not, he can't even hide his contempt.
Isn't Uncle 404 a she?
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>For people unaware, it's a meme to mock Mihoyo's revenue in China. Current year GI + HSR + ZZZ revenue is less than GI (2022) revenue.
>still calling traveler the camera
and has Natlan done anything to change that perception?
Now that the main enemy is the abyss again, and probably that enemy's arc will end here (snezhnaya should be all about the tsaritsa vs celestia), the travelers has way more impact in the story since they nulify the abyss.
>player messages shitfup support about who Red Hood is talking to in her burst
>they say it is up for player interpretation
There you go
Wonder if this another AP situation where the males got removed mid-development.
What à non answer.
If they were to say it was (You) , it wouldnt make sense since (You) werent born yet.
But it they say it's LSSK or some other guy, they would admit that skin is cuckshit.
What could save zzz?
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sex update
>full of furries
>full of homos
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at this point I'm pretty sure that they are already giving up on male banners just like wuwa
They shouldn't have censored the girls to begin with, now all this backtracking feels even more retarded. What a shitty company.
>peak gameplay
I don't see how anyone thinks this, shit bored me to death when I tried it.
Oh course they are giving up on it, the only people who actually care about them are westerners who are all talk.
the only reason they censored it in the first place was because GI and HSR could get away with it
for example unpopular titles like HI2 doesnt get censored
Mihoyo wants the normalfag audience, they are the main reason for Genshin's success along with other external factors. The post you replied to just shows that sexualized designs repel these people, so it is in their best interest to tone down their designs.
And those people at least in the west don't bring any money at all. I can guarantee you that that predditor is either underage or doesn't have a job.
All part of their mass-appeal plan which involves censoring characters so they can advertise on billboards and such.
I've been playing Snowbreak for a while now, since you guys talk about it a lot, and it's not a bad game but there's one thing I can't understand, how do you consider the various girls for (you) when the protagonist has a specific background, has his own way of thinking and acting. More than for (me) the girls seem for (him), basically you see the life of this guy and how he makes the girls wet.
A lot of KR and CN harem series love to have that type of self-insert gary stu protagonist. The MC very much drives the whole story and the girls are just background decoration once their arcs are done, it's mostly about following the self-insert as he (unintentionally) goes after the next girl in the next arc. Honestly don't overthink it, if you're not into that kind of MC the genre just isn't for you.
Sounds alot like SAO.
The big difference is that the main characters in KR and CN stories are usually hotter, with six packs and more confidence/arrogant, sometimes a bit deranged. Did I forget to mention they have to be handsome? In JP stories the MCs are just regular dudes with average looks but still somehow end up with the girls. KR and CN stories make the self-insert characters more attractive and confident but they’re still written to feel relatable as (You). After a while you notice it's basically the same thing, swap the MC from one story to another and the plot doesn't change at all.
I always saw it more so as a difference in how people view a self-insert. Eastern vs Western
More often than not you see people saying the only real "Self-insert" is one like in games like Skyrim where it is a 100% CaC, but in Eastern games they are more like what you see with Snowbreak's MC. It is all roleplay and how (you) engage with it at the end of the day.
Really puts into perspective how fucking huge Genshin was back in the day.
still not playing the trashy QEQEQEQEQEQE WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS game, I'll sooner play withering shit
I prefer my self inserts to have a personality and not just act as mute cameramen. Adjutant is a good boy, even if a tad edgy
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>literally the most for (You) character in a game where Changli also exists
No idea why kuro decided to do it
>Mihoyo Huazhong University of Science and Technology School Recruitment Revelations

1. The Genshin Impact team is very stable, with more than 1,000 people and basically no large-scale changes. Many people have worked from 1.0 to 5.0. The Genshin Impact team does not attach much importance to the current twists and turns and is ready to face long-term difficulties.
2. The Genshin Impact animation is still waiting
3. It is still far from the era described by Cai Haoyu. Genshin Impact is practicing AIGC; many specifications of Genshin Impact are set by CHY himself, such as the screen performance of each platform cannot be too different.
4. Genshin Impact at least has an Switch version in the early version, but it has not been released mainly because Switch is too rubbish, waiting for Switch 2
5. Genshin Impact has always been planned for 120 FPS, but the main resistance is the shit mountain of the combat system
6. Genshin Impact optimization is currently mainly optimized at the bottom layer, reducing loading time and power consumption
7. The Genshin Impact project team is still relatively confident in competing products

Don't care. If he is a man and the story deems him as the protagonist, he is self-insertable. Just think that you got isekai-ed into Snowbreak's world and grew up to be the Adjutant. Easy.
They had to one up Changli somehow.
>1. The Genshin Impact team is very stable, with more than 1,000 people
That is embarrassing.
> MiHoYo revealed four games for Wuhan University recruitment

1. Star Cuckoo Land (a social game similar to Animal Crossing)
2. A sequel to Honkai Impact 3rd (Pokémon-like)
3. A realistic action game similar to Dark Souls (there is a huge wolf in the background, similar to Sif in Soul 1 or Fenrir in God of War 5)
4. FPS (no specific description)

dumb opticstard. for the sake of my dignity that's not how I would go about it, but there's nothing wrong with what he did, and it was amusing. if you going to get yourself cucked by a game just to spite me then go right ahead, that's fucking hilarious.
>Over 1,000 people working in Genshin

Holy shit, this has to be a joke. Wukong was developed by a team of just over 100 people. The fuck is Mihoyo doing?
hiring women for meme positions
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Prize figure (?) to accompany Nahida’s birthday event in the next patch.
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A bit late to the party, also they are still playing too safe with the "is it or not?"
lol lmao even
Self-inserting is really easy. Closet troon thinks that the opposite of self-insert is not self-inserting, but it's just their cope. The opposite of self-insert is role-playing. Like if you want to create righteous knight in Skyrim, then you need to act as a righteous knight(decline dark brotherhood questline/kill Astrid). But most of the time we(human) turn a blind eye because the rewards are great. When we think what I want to do, not what he(MC) wants to do, then this is self-inserting. Another thing is projection is a type of self-insert, because we impose our value without thinking about another person value.
I liked playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask when I was a kid because I could relate myself with Link so much my 5 year old brain even thought I was him sometimes.
A shame even gacha protagonists nowadays are so garbage I can't even do that anymore.
Huh. Going by APHO and Genshin, I always thought the sequel to HI3 would be some sort of open-world DMC-like gacha.
If you didn't notice these last years they have no idea what the fuck to do with Honkai.
This shit has to be intentional KEK
Anyone still getting pissed off at this deserves it for still giving a shit about hoyo when the devs have shown multiple times that they hate that part of their playerbase.
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I mean there's a reason why KR players moved to Wuwa now
I left the game for good right before Otto would have (ie part 3 of 4 of that particular chapter), so of course I wouldn't know
KWAB-tier country.
remember self inserts for the male gaze are bad but if they are for the LGBT gaze its good.
That's (my) wife and (our) daughter, btw
they can't be garbage just because they don't share the same trash worldviews as you do.
uh oh "self-insert"fags melty
>MiHoYo University of Electronic Science and Technology recruitment revelations

1. Mihoyo, including the original game production team, has a total of 16 project teams in the development department, including Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 2, 3, Railway, Zero Zone, Mihoyo, as well as new game development teams and video website development teams
2. Mihoyo's animation department currently has a small number of people, mainly responsible for docking, and has not put all animation talents into Hoyo Animation. They are divided into different project teams according to their willingness and ability
3. Mihoyo organizes travel group building every year, and the destinations are selected by voting, mostly Kyoto, Osaka, Japan, etc.
4. New projects mostly use UE5 engine
5. By the way, Cai Haoyu's AI company Anuttacon was mentioned. It is currently cooperating with another AI expert Li Mu's BosonAI. When asked what they are researching, the project team members smiled and said that they would know by the end of October
6. Talked about Wuwa, but the attitude was very playful
7. The salary is on par with Tencent, ByteDance, and NetEase
8. Said that most of the talents in the Shanghai game industry first choose Mihoyo, followed by Lilith, Eagle Point and other companies
9. Reiterated that Mihoyo is a technology company

>Said that most of the talents in the Shanghai game industry first choose Mihoyo, followed by Lilith, Eagle Point and other companies
It's no wonder that their optimization is good. BTW, who is Lilith and Eagle Point?
>eagle point
Thanks. Lilith looks like western dev with their progressive game. Do they really that famous in China?
And eagle point turned out to be hypergryph.
From these 2, it really shows that marketing is the most important thing from product. Honestly my hope in humanity become lower.
The future of gaming...saved.
>like wuwa
no wonder it's flopping too
Nothing. That's the fate of all waifu shit.
No mass appeal in a high budget game = DoA.
>All waifu shit
This isn't a all female game, stupid. And there's no player avatar here. If this game is all female game, it will at least more alive than this.
>No mass appeal in a high budget game = DoA
So true. LaDS will EoS in 2 more weeks!
Unfortunately I have to agree, a high budget game needs as many paying players as possible and it is up to the developers to know how to balance things without upsetting anyone and without being influenced by minorities, only after you have understood who your players really are and what they want can you change direction or not. I still think that a game that gives the possibility to decide the gender of the protagonist is destined to create drama, better to have a male protagonist only and maybe try to release characters of both genders, without creating ambiguous situations that could attract the woke community, and see how it goes, at worst you no longer release male characters and you can correct the direction without too much collateral damage.

Since I don't play and don't want to play with LaDS, how f2p/low spender friendly is it? How big is the playerbase? One thing that stuff like WuWa, Genshi, etc. do is want to have appeal not only on different genders but also on players of different social backgrounds. Depending on the game type, whales need f2p to populate the game while f2p needs whales to keep the game going.
>how f2p/low spender friendly is it?
It's predatory but the sheer quality evens it out to the point that it's normal for poorfags to get trashed by the community.
>How big LaDS?
The fact that it filtered male player means that the playerbase is half of mixed toilet game. I agree that developer shouldn't be too niche and should prioritize the target in mind. But don't forget that they should target paying customer, and what I mean by that is untapped market. The high quality waifu game market is empty now and if Azur Promilia take that path, I'm sure they will make more than WuWa.
>Azur Promilia
dead on arrival (if it arrives at all)
>Azur Promilia
is vaporware lmao
>untapped market
i.e. yuriKINO
>They fear the true harem game
Tremble, mortal, because this game will take all waifu-player from another game.
Technically true. But yuri players are small minority in global and majority of them are non-paying player. I think it'll failed just like Revived Witch. And this is more risky because Yostar is the publisher and the dev don't self-publish.
it'll make less money than wuwa
You wish, lmao. WuWa is lost even to Snowbreak. Depending how the AP monetization, it can even beat Nikke.
>this game will take all waifu-player from another game
it has to release first lmao
>WuWa is lost even to Snowbreak
>WuWa is lost even to Snowbreak
*only in China.
Snowbreak and WuWa are two different things and aim at different types of players, if people started playing WuWa for the waifus then the problem is not Kuro but the people who have not understood what kind of game it is. Before writing WuWa off, let's wait and see how it goes with Shorekeeper and Camellya and if this change of direction will lead to something good.
if jingshi and changli couldnt attract more waifufags how are shorekeeping and camel supposed to do it
they do play they just don't have money
Many people wrote off WuWa as a Genshin clone already and waifufags have better alternatives. WuWa was doomed from the start.
>Snowbreak and WuWa are two different things and aim at different types of players
Fuuny enough both games had the same writer.
Yeah, and he (or was it a woman?) was fired from both projects, AND his stuff was rewritten. What a resume.
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Smalltime Gacha Drama Update:
Clip of the new boss fight intro cutscene from GFL2 gets mildly popular on twitter.
Naturally people who don't know what game it's from ask in the replies.
Snowbreak players in the replies try to insist that the footage is from Snowbreak for some reason.
falseflaggers AGAIN?
wuwa could've attracted more waifufags had it not been mixed toiletslop to begin with
They probably won't.

If Whorekeeper's banner flops Wuwa is dead.
eh Kuro isn't known for fully pandering to waifufags
>Snowbreak players
Falseflaggers, obviously.
Something more believable would be saying it's from GFL2 and also to dissuate people from playing it due to n reasons, and only afterwards recommend Snowbreak.
I tried installing WuWa a few days ago, going partly blind since I only know about the characters but nothing more, including story.
Suffice to say, I was very dissapointed when I saw a male character being featured in the banner.
Win 50%? Male. Lost 50%? Chance to get a male.
I wasn't going to play without rolling for anyone until the next banner so I just dropped it.
It's probably CN snowbreak players, they love to comment under anything related to GF2.
GFL2 players are the one calling her a snowbreak character in CN because she's an enemy
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Any truth in here? I was looking forward to Horizon Walker but this doesn't sound promising.
Why would players of one game call one of their characters a cheap copy of another character from another game?
It's just some Tieba schizos, most people didn't really give a shit since white+light blue hair isn't the most original design in the first place.
>because she's an enemy
And because some people are retarded.
So, GFL2 players are calling a character of their game a carbon copy of another character, and also linking snowbreak under tweets of their own game, so they can falseflag as snowbreak players acting like retards.
doesn't matter how many of them there are if they don't pay for shit
"mixed toilet" is just a boogeyman you retards use because you can't blame your beloved waifus for flopping
I'm starting to think this is all convoluted and it's just Snowbreak players being annoying
Occam's Razor exists for a reason
From what I've read on the last origin threads over the last 3 years, yeah it's true. The devs had a whole ass roadmap, but ran out of money twice, had to cancel all of it and are in maintenance mode new only releasing new units, lost most of their artist and staff.
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[GOOD NEWS] Our friend dawei is having fun with BMW
no one sane in china uses twitter, especially for posting. only the most pozzed ones do, and they'd look no different from any other cancerous user of the same site.
yeah, so 100 IQ redditors like you don't catch on to the big lie.
and then you proceed to create the most convoluted tranny discord agendas that are too obtuse to accomplish anything but exploit the heavy occams razor shilling they did to go under the radar regardless.
case in point >1574889
oouf, he's seething hard.
for >1574889
>tourist outing himself this hard
lmao even
for >1574889
there it is, the world-famous /v/ technique, the armadillo gambit: act like a retard until the other guy gets bored of you.
occam's razor, you're just a retard.
for >1574889 btw
All me, btw
Does the game still have the female MC option? Does the game still have playable male gacha characters, including some you can lose your fifty fifty on? If so, no real waifufag is touching that game, no matter how much they pretend to pander to straight men. If you want to pander to women, homos, and troons, then you better expect them to spend money on the game too, after Genshin I'm not touching a mixed toilet ever again.
Thanks to the me in the past that dropped Genshin when I lost the Klee banner to Diluc.
I've been pretty happy so far just by jerking off to the characters and seeing fan creations without ever having to touch the game.
And honestly, that woke me up to do the same with other ganes.
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>I'm starting to think this is all convoluted and it's just Snowbreak players being annoying
You realize there are many Snowbreak players who used to play GFL right? A bunch of them jumped ship after the whole GFL2 Raymond mess so they're still mad about it and now they want to stir things up with the game.
It’s exactly like how Wuwa and HSR have Genshin haters in the community too.
Yes, they are snowbreak players now.
Snowbreak and Star Rail are the only games I play.
Ajudant isn't pathetic unlike other gacha protagonists such as Aether. However the story and characterization are both garbage but no mixed toilet and yes to canon marriage so all is good, they are also going to rewrite the story.
Caelus? "Decent" protagonist, less or a whimp than Aether. Though I'm still only playing because I got blessed by luck and avoided being spooked by male characters, because even Penacony wasn't that good to me even though Firefly was a hard carry.
Wuthering Waves? Dropped the moment I got spooked.
Azur Lane? Arknights? Granblue? Those are .png collectors so I don't bother playing with them.
>Ajudant isn't pathetic
Motherfucker looks like a discount dokutah.
Fuck off already
How do you fucking retarded faggots fall
for this obviously astroturfed bot threads every time? You would think after seeing the pattern of how EVERY new game that looks promising quickly gets posts made trying to convince others to not play it, that you would catch on. But no, you idiots don’t.
no one's going to play it either way
Your narrative flip thing doesn't really work when the males tend to perform worse in omnipandering games.
All yuri gacha's tend to EoS.
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A famous gacha VA complained about a certain game's writing, she's suspected to be talking about a Wuthering Waves' writer.

Do gacha games have a problem with writers who only write to satisfy their own egos and do not care about their audience?
Do you perhaops know what characters from what games she voices?
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Many. She even voiced Arlecchino.
nice try shay
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Another mixed toilet has died.
...How hard is it for companies to understand that you can do whatever you want ONLY when you already are big enough or has free money to burn.
>Broken capital chain
In other words, no investor right? How perceptive is investor in China?
No, she is Jue's voice. I don't think Jue has any stupid line.
>they'd rather die on this hill than pander to straight men
>leddit screenshot
go back.
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Random no name gacha game dev, which never once appeared in the iOS top best selling, is claiming that:
>Android is 5x iOS
>They make 4m rmb (600k usd) per month
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It's an all-female chibi sidescroller
Feel similar to Maplestory
Sorry, 600k over three months, or 200k per month
It's like he's talking about another game. Is it just MTL?
>Android makes 5x iOS
Jesus. I thought 3x iOS calculation for Azur lane revenue is too much.
He is talking about Velvet Code (Dawn: Moment of Victory), a shipgirl game
China's a bit new to the industry, plz understan
Not their money lmao, they don't care
they make females more broken than males. no one whales on females for their characters. kokomi and yoimiya flopped bigly.
the biggest waifu simulators (Nikke BA Uma) all have some form of PvP/metafagging and yet all of them are getting outsold by a game that sells outfits for male characters and sex scenes with males, barely any meta to follow
How many times that I need to say mixed slop player≠yumejo?
The fact that Neuvillete(the strongest DPS) banner doesn't generate much revenue says it all, when Genshin Impact player mostly women.
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Love and Deepspace caught copying dialogue and character design from a Korean BL manga
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#1 trending on Weibo
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It's just borrowing references...
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Love and Deepspace responds to the controversy
>We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong, but we will change it anyway to avoid misunderstandings
Still better than mixed toilet slops, they will either ignore or stop at "we did nothing wrong"
i'm just saying that nobody plays them for the waifushit seeing how badly ZZZ is doing
no males = nos ales
also he came out in the game's 4th year dumbass, furina is one of the best supports and her constellations are busted as fuck but barely outsold him. he'd shit on everyone's sales if he was released earlier
besides it doesn't change the fact that literally every female who didn't flop was carried by their kits while nonmeta males like xiao and scaramouche sold well
The thing is. When they put male. Their revenue will be lower than this. And they will give time to waifu player to save.
Let me repeat. Male banner. In mixed toilet game. Result in lower revenue than female banner.
There's a high chance that this is because LaDS. Women likely play that game and don't play/pay another mixed toilet game. The fact at hand is Genshin, HSR, ZZZ banner release schedule are skewed to female limited.
>Waifu-player don't pay
They're the one that make up for sales in the first place.
>It's because they don't release male
Because male banner doesn't generate much revenue.
>But LaDS generate many money
Mixed toilet player≠yumejo.
If we want to make chart, it's like this:
Female player only play/pay in LaDS>Male banner revenue is small>Mihoyo release female banner>Female banner revenue is not bad>Mihoyo keeps doing it.
Do you understand now?
You forget to mention that Genshin has too many support, retard. There's no more reason to roll for her other than waifu or if you're a new player (which is unlikely).
Why does no one ever mention about ToT but only LaD? Other male only games exist too you know?
This is like asking why no one ever mention about Warship Girls R but only Azur Lane. Their popularity is universes apart.
nope. ZZZ is flopping because they didn't release males. if Genshin came out with no males, it would flop harder than ZZZ because Mihoyo were nobodies at the time. they know this from their experience with HI3 and GGZ flopping
waifufaggotry only works in lowbudget slop
>uhm akshully she didn't sell because of meta
holy cope. a support can be used in more teams than DPS and her C6 turns her into a broken DPS, healer AND buffer in one
Why is genshin's new male flopping?
>ZZZ is flopping
If and a big IF ZZZ is flopping it's because they are trying to be a safe horny version of brown dust complete with no MC.
People still talk about other girls only games like GFL/BA/NIKKE/HI3/Uma/PC
No one mentions other male only games thats not LaD
8 patches of saving kek
why is every female since 4.3 flopping despite releasing one almost every patch? why is ZZZ flopping?
>why is ZZZ flopping?
No pandering
How many that supports have been released, retard? DPS that clear abyss with just spin have more value than dime a dozen support. It's funny that you're still coping that male banner doesn't sell anymore.
And funnily it's Genshin. A game who discard it's male playerbase. The fact that female banners outsell male banners mean that even the remaining male player still paying more than female player in Genshin. It's no wonder that Dawei is crying.
brown dust is selling less than ZZZ. why are you bringing up irrelevant shit?
if they made it even more coomershit than it is now it would flop harder because that's another normie repellent on top of the lack of males.
ZZZ is their lowest-selling major game. just compare its numbers to 2 month old GI/HSR
>8 patches of saving kek
People said the same thing about Furina during the Sumeru-Fontaine waifu drought.
>saar pls believe me saar my waifu sold because of design and character saar
holy shit just shut the fuck up already retard
she's been topping the usage charts since her release
>ZZZ is their lowest-selling major game
This is due to Hoyo spliting their playerbase thin by continuing to release new games at the pace that they are doing. Non/Anti/Former Hoyo gacha players aren't going to play new Hoyoshit because it's ultimately the same shit over and over again.
furina is the archon, most busted support, most busted subDPS, becomes a healer and onfield DPS at C6
now explain why every female after her flopped. all of them have busted cons too except sigewinne.
Maybe because the lack of fanservice and a good chunk of the male playerbase leaving due the Sumeru waifu drought and treating the MC like shit along with shipbaiting the girls with other dudes.
again, compare ZZZ's numbers to 2 month old HSR, which was just released last year
Hoyo probably did a marketing anaylist and found that their female playerbase fucked off to Love and Deepspace given the game's success and how women are social butterflies which in response Hoyo decided to shift the character releases towards what is left of their male playerbase.
Yeah, you're right. Male banner does sell. That's why Mihoyo release more limited male than female. What a fucking retard. You can cope all you want, but there's a reason why they release female limited more than ever now.
>muh fanservice
Genshin was never a fanservice game. fanservice is why nobody plays coomershit
>Sumeru waifu drought
when they released 4 new females back to back in 2.0-2.1 kokomi and yoimiya flopped.
>treating the MC like shit along with shipbaiting the girls with other dudes.
games where the girls only exist to wank the MC all make less money
Ok so why are you here whining about Hoyo not making money?
This is the true reason. We don't know whether female player beats male player in earning before. But one thing for sure is, they don't pay anymore. Let's don't engage with them anymore. They're too stupid or just trolling.
>fanservice is why nobody plays coomershithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qr0U8SFjx0
>saar my waifus are not flopping pls believe me saaaaar bobs and vagene sell
Mihoyo has always been a waifu company dumbass. all their games before Genshin only had playable females.
to make it simple for you, if waifushit can carry the game's sales and popularity then they wouldn't have made playable males but they know that isn't the case because HI3 and GGZ flopped, and now ZZZ is flopping too.
>posting the least popular of the 3 mihomo titles
i accept your concession retard
>posting the least popular of the 3 mihomo titles
That's Hoyo's all male game tears of themis.
Who is this themis you are talking about, are you ok bro? We're talking about genshin hsr and zzz here.
>has to bring up a neglected visual novel to make ZZZ look good
>Hoyo's all male game failing doesn't count because that doesn't fit my narrative.
I am going to redeem if you keep this up
>has to compare zzz with low budget forgotten games
That's kinda sad bro.
friendly reminder LaD's best month couldnt beat NIKKE or Uma's best month
You're the one crying about muh males so I gave 'em to you.
I thought you're trolling, but it turned out you're just stupid.
>Mihoyo has always been waifu company saaar, believe me saaaar
Oh, so they always have this skewed relea-
>Sumeru release more male than female
>HSR earliest limited banner have male to female ratio 1:1
Ah, you're correct. It looks like male banner sales always beat female banner, that's why they don't release them anymore. What a weird cope, lol. I really hope that you're trolling, because if not then you're really dumb. This will be the last (you) from me.
because it's a false flagging operation, retard
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holy FUARK
>saar my waifus sell just pls beliv me
nope. ZZZ is flopping.
>waifufags playing Censored Knot Zero
uncensored games make less money, doesn't work
only 2 male furries, doesn't work
>calling shipping games waifu games
What's with this retard? ZZZ has made it clear with Jane that it's a coomer game, not a waifu one.
zhu yuan flopped before muh shipshit, doesn't work
waifufags don't have standards and latch onto any female character, doesn't work
Waifufags left after Nicole got censored during the beta.
>Zhu Yuan flopped
When? Also Ellen did great and she was aimed 100% at waifufags
>waifufags don't have standards and latch onto any female character, doesn't work
That's literally coomers, they would eat shit on a platter if a sexy woman offered it.
Cope Oyohim's actions speak louder than your ramblings.
>What do you think will happen when ZZZ release limited male?
But ZZZ only release female unit, and they're flopping.

Wow, I've found low iq specimen.
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then what are they playing? because uncensored games and actual waifupandering games make less money
only ellen charted decently and only because she was released along with the standard banner. every banner after her charted poorly and zhuyuan was the first to make the game drop below rank 100
yes yes i'm sure Mihoyo knows better. their games aren't flopping which is why the CEO had to pitybait in real life amirite kek
>one of the males revealed to be gay
>game suddenly aboslutely jumps in revenue

so this is the power of gay male players and fujos...
>>one of the males revealed to be gay
LAD devs literally ban BL

The lines they copied are from a BL korean comic. They use gay comics as inspiration for writing the game.
they are rewriting it, straight sisters are back for now
But imagine the shitposting that fujos can do now. They can come up to the yumes and tell them that their husband is gay.
How can their husbandos are gay when they only talk to yume's self insert. The dialog itself doesnt have any gay aura
Are you a shareholder?
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[SAD NEWS] The streamer Mihachi who exposed Fuhua self insert is reported to be released after 2 weeks since his arrest.
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>hoyo this hoyo that
Only 1(ONE) week left, why don't you use that energy to SPEND instead?
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[Rumor] Reason why genshin anime is still MIA
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Shanghai commenting on Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing
funny that i dont remember seaslug ceo crying in public over his games horrible performance, unlike a certain homo games ceo i could name
>because uncensored games and actual waifupandering games make less money
Feel free to list ALL those uncensored games. I'm waiting.
but i do remember their staff made schizo food analogy essay though
and do you remember what it was a response to? you know, when a guy who hires voice actors who voice gay porn complained and blackmailed female voice actors in dropping a rival game because he was angry that game was pandering to straight men? or did you memoryhole that detail?
I'm not that guy. Spend. Right now.
No, i'm obsessed with possibilities that only come with big numbers.
porn slop like snowbreak azur lane nikke gfl2
All those have been censored, funny that you call them "porn slop".
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ZZZsisters arent happy with today announcement
Wait, d-did you really pay for premium access just to shitpost with random strangers in the thread? lol
>just got a faggot twink
>still complain
>male oriented game
>having shipshit
Oh nevermind, we can see the top 1000, I thought it was locked behind a paywall.
its okay when genshin had 1 year with no female :)
Genshin was never male oriented in the first place,hell from the first 5 banners 4 were men.
Now that I think about it, why isn't there single a waifu dating sim on the market? I checked the top 30 dating sim mobile games and 29 are otome aimed at women. The only waifu one is so low budget it's not even in the top 10.
Feels like an untapped market right? With all the simps on OF and vt, you'd think someone would jump on making a high budget GFE mobile game, kinda like how LAD dominated its genre >>1575380.
less censored than ZZZ but less sales
i don't care what you think is censored or not.
I hope his game is making 5x on Android
I mean you have 4 sexy females in standard banner + diluc
>standard banner cope
That's a new one.
because waifufaggotry relies on fotm and fomo
yea im sure people were whaling for c6 venti on first patch
>relies on fotm and fomo
You literally just described LAD and it's the top 1 dating sim game right now.
Oh right, you haven't played the game so you don't know.
>if you ignore all the released homos it's a waifu game
should rename this the hoyo revenue thread
>No, i'm obsessed with possibilities that only come with big numbers.
Like what?
He's a homosexual male, of course he's not going to play a game to tell his kind to fuck off.
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More like you don't know the meaning of you words you type on your keyboard. You're full of shit as expected.
I fucking kneel...
When I look at this I don't care about LAD, I care about HoK. What happened to it? It's literally THE game in China so why has it fallen behind Douyin so much lately? It almost dropped out of the top 10 grossing apps recently too.
lads doesn't shit out new characters every patch. waifufaggotry also relies on metafaggotry
Bait used to be believable. You've overplayed your hand.
Yeah. Maybe it's because tiktok is stronger now?
And btw, isn't Naruto usually number 2 too? If tiktok is revenue is constant, then HoK and Naruto have fallen.
>Isn't Naruto usually number 2 too?
No it's PUBG.
you're asking why waifushit dating sim gachas don't exist. i'm telling you why
a business model like that won't work when your target audience is monkeys with no attention span
Because visual novels already exist for that, not much reason to play a gacha dating sim.
Railgun collab will save Hoyo
but how many of those vns that also available on mobile?
You forgot about Actual simulation H game like AA2, Custom Maid, Honey shoujo and Koikatsu anon
You're clearly fucking clueless about LAD, if there was a tier list for FOMO then LAD would be at the very top all by itself.
>a business model like that won't work
Are you an idiot? Do you really think OF simps have any attention span at all?
>not much reason to play a gacha dating sim.
You forget otome visual novels also exist? But now 99% of all dating sim mobile games are otome.
>You're asking
Buhahaha. I'm not the one you're talking to. Well, you can continue to troll. But it's obvious now that you're only shitposting.
>LaDS doesn't use FOMO
Yeah. You really overplayed your hand here.
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Congratulations to LAD and its players!
Enjoy your free rolls
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Am I gay if I want to try out LaD?
Why are you taking troll seriously? It's anti-gacha fag, lol. Xhe exhausted every game that xhe wants to play, that's why xhe fill xis empty time by trolling in dying board(actually it's revived now).
you can groom your own waifu (real)
otome game is the real men's choice, just like shoujo manga
Yes. It's because (you) pandering is the only reason why you play it. Kinda like Snowbreak, except it's for female.
You can pretend you're the male character and that you're fucking the female players.
I find the thought of this no life guy obsessively stalking this thread hilarious.
Not even close.
onlyfans isn't a gacha. it sells porn
if retards want to see porn they'll buy porn, not spend it in a gacha.
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Kek, Weibo trend summary AI fell for the "20% of the playerbase - 80% of the revenue" shitposts and went even further
holy shit that's hilarious kek
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The success of LAD might kill the mixed toilet scene for real after women got a taste of being pandered to 24/7.
Wuwa was definitely going to follow the PGR route anyway, since it's Kuro.
A male character from time to time, since honestly, there are needed for certain roles in wuwa's storyline. Having an only female roster would've been jarring.
>Having an only female roster would've been jarring.
not to me
>needed for certain roles in wuwa's storyline
like what? studs for the women?
I wouldn't bat an eye at an only female roster because that would that the game is actually aimed towards men and thus panders to me. Every male character they add to wuwa over a female character is another cut contributing to the slow bleed of players they're experiencing.
You're a mentally ill incel, unironically
Pot meets kettle
they can always make male NPC that serves important role in story like BA or PC
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yea he's back
that Fu hua self inserter wont be happy with this
I don't know which is better: that they masterfully plagiarized from a genre that they know their demographic would never in a million years touch, or that this basically means their gacha husbands have been talking up males in disguise.
nigger FGO is literally just that. nasu has gone on record saying fgo was to be a game where you could get your happy ending with every character. I mean fuck, why did you think the phrase ML came from fgo? it fucking worked, it was THE gacha for its time and that momentum carried its corpse all the way to the present day. it turned to cuck trash because type moon hired shitty writers who did everything CN gachas have since been retracing: a man-hating woman with an agenda and a self inserter who ships his donut steel with himself (tamomo).
hilarious how literally no one else even mentioned this, yet everyone's still so confident of their own opinion. you newfags really need to know your place
leave, or better yet kill yourself
Oh no, poor billion dollar company...
Anyways, where there's smoke there's fire.
>ZZZfags claim every girl until Jane is for you
>all I see is extremely tame, BA levels of pandering
>Jane is not for (you)
So why the fuck would Mihomo make every girl for (you), and suddenly stop with Jane, when she is the one most people would probably jump on?
hoyofaggots are extremely retarded
ZZZ is just a strange case desu. Probably the dumbest one.
The game is extremely coomerbait, and it would've been even more if it hadn't been pre-censored.
It has the most amount of fetishes crammed into it too and yet, with all of these, the game is just struggling hard with player retention.

People keep saying that sexy things sell, then what is happening with ZZZ, then?
Why would I play ZZZ if it has furfags and homos?
Already fighting a uphill battle
Already turned people off of the game before release
>the game is just struggling hard with player retention
Just going off the initial revenue it is safe to say it is majority hoyoverse players playing the game and not newer players to hoyoverse games.
>People keep saying that sexy things sell, then what is happening with ZZZ, then?
You have to understand a part of the people looking for this stuff also want (you) pandering and all that shit, which goes back to the first thing I said. Jane not being for (you), just reinforces that their decision was right and that they dont' want to play it.
This and also the fact that Mihoyo burned many bridges with all their fujo pandering.
That too, you can see whenever they do pander who gets the better end of the deal.
Shenhe and Ayaka vs whatever pair of the month mihoyo cooks up, like Alhaithem and Kaveh
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Guilongchao "cheat detection" is a score limit for each dupe level. If you score higher then you are banned. A content creator got banned live.
>The game is extremely coomerbait, and it would've been even more if it hadn't been pre-censored.
You've answered your own question. Mild as hell design won't attract new player.
If they don't add auto-mode, this game will bleed more player.
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Damn...hoyogames...bad *bought monthly* hoyoverse...evil *bought packs* fuck you dawei...*bought jims twice*
They lure you in with the promise of waifus and coomershit and get you comfortable long enough for the sunk cost fallacy to kick in, which is when they start introducing shipshit in true Mihomo fashion.
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>People keep saying that sexy things sell, then what is happening with ZZZ, then?
The real answer is that it had the misfortune of releasing at the same time as DnF Mobile in china. It never stood a chance.
>People keep saying that sexy things sell
they can't put their money where their mouths are
zzz so good you had to compare it with non-gacha
Anti-gacha fag is here. Don't bite the bait, guys. He'll just parrot the same argument.
Or maybe it's just because ZZZ is a bad game? I don't know how Mihoyo thinks that ZZZ gameplay is good, when they have made Honkai Impact 3 before. And creating safe horny design or censoring sexy design(Caesar) doesn't help either.
when azur pagmilia comes out and inevitably flops you'll still be making up a fuckton of cope instead of admitting it flopped
First you have to know the Pareto principle, which states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. For example, 80% of posts come from 20% of users in 4chan (or any social media sites). Similarly, 80% of revenue in a game comes from 20% of players. So, if you wanna talk about revenue, you have to disregard the normies and think about what whales like, and what kind of players they are.
>Are they likely more knowledgeable about gachas? Yeah
>Are they likely to participate in gacha forums/discussions? Yeah
>What kind of people are they if they are willing to spend thousands of dollars on a character? Where does the line go on the spectrum of a disinterested normie to a parasocial leech?
Since Sumeru, Genshin, and Mihomo overall, have been burning bridges with waifu players. Mihomo has pretty much lost all of their trust. Why did Da Wei have to cry? It's not to you, it's to the whales who left. Whales are likely to know that ZZZ was censored, they are likely to discover that there are shipshits in the game. They have become familiar with mihomo's bait and switch tactics. They are not getting fooled by mihomo's waifus or coomer bait anymore. Mihomo is currently doing its best, amidst its internal feminist resistance, to get them back. Will they succeed? We'll have to wait and see.
Also, this is why WuWa is not doing too hot right now. Most of their potential whales are jaded Genshin whales who have become reluctant to spend (thanks to Genshin). Wuwa is currently going through a trial by the whales to show their alliance. Shorekeeper will be their verdict.
That could be true, but do have any actual proof of that? I'm almost certain it's because of DnFM because every Mihoyo game revenue has gone down since the former released in china.
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DNF is the most male fanbase
Douyin (Tiktok) stats
From top to bottom: DNF, Love and Deepspace, Snowbreak
>20% of players in LAD contribute to 80% of its revenue
>males would rather be gay and play mixed toilet rather than waifuslop
NIKKE also had plagiarism drama recently
It's ackscholley the ccp and cartel sabotaging the game...
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This one?
Where were you when HSR release? Genshin revenue drastically reduced when HSR release. And now that ZZZ release it repeat the same trajectory. What does it mean? It means that the one who plays ZZZ is the one who plays/played Genshin or HSR. They don't get many new players like >>1575933
said, because their game target the same audience afterall.
>Samefagging because he got ignored
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ZZZ adds more QoL update in just 2 months compared to Genshin in 2 years
when your newest game is making less money and has less players than your 4 year old one it's in your best interest to please what little playerbase you have
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MLbros they are onto us!
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What the fuck is this?
they got pissy over le NTR, they saw that seething in comments didn't do shit, threatening the maker didn't do shit so they tried to force them through ddos
didn't work
funny enough it's like the most viewed or second most viewed snowbreak video
Couldn't they just filter it like any normal person?
>pleasing the playerbase = bad
is this your new cope?
just saying that ZZZ is indeed flopping
>yes it is my new cope
Thanks for being honest.
It’s funny how hypocritical you faggots are, and stupid. Every single game drops big after the first month, and every single one of you will defend your game of choice doing it while claiming the competition is a flop when it does it. All such little dishonest weasels who deny reality because of your emotional, and financial, investment in your game. Pure faggotry
I don't know that ZZZ this flopped, that they're removing tv mode.
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I just finished the game so I can explain.

Because the game isn't coomerbait.
The MARKETING is coomerbait.
The game is PG-3 at most, there's more edge and sex in dora the explorer than in ZZZ, much less in shonen anime or phineas and ferb. And I put it on PG-3 because of the latest chapters have an inkling of subtle adult humor.
The plotlines are extremely simple and harmless, dealing with children's themes, while the villains are episodic comic relief. The characters completely lack any sex drive and there's not even references to sex beyond a couple good natured extremely subtle jokes that are put in children's content as a nod to the parents. Yes, with Jane too. She could feature in Phineas and ferb without issue.
If any character shows a romantic inclination it's portrayed as a childish crush or an established, committed relationship so a child can understand.

The plot and characters in game feel like an AI was given the task of writing a children's video game, and it referenced Totally spies and the newer scooby doo. And totally spies is a LOT edgier and sexier.
It's a classic case of bait and switch, with marketing that doesn't reflect what's in game.

TL Dr: there's no ships, no relationships, no sex, no romance, harmless violence, no death, not even references to even a slight disfunction in society such as corrupt cops or politicians. It's a Disney Channel children's cartoon masquerading as a shonen anime game, marketed as a coomer game.
This, Princess Connect Redive was advertised to kids and is still spicier than ZZZ 16+
I see, so that's why coomers left while the actually paying normalfags stay.
>it's good that all of the content from Snowbreak is banned
ye I agree lol
Just use koikatsu, 90% of the videos on Iwara are just model swaps playing the same animation
dumb midwit, you wouldn't get it. if I could ban (functionally or otherwise) all discussion of my favorite works off of /a/ without causing streisand I totally would.
do you know where to find content for it, or is it just on steam?
yes, I wish they would ban all of your content everywhere.
I agree
based. 4chin could never
>this coping
haha, ye it's not like it's the biggest site for this type of content haha, haha it was all cuckshit eitherway haha who cares ahah
where can i find an alternative for the page tho

>paying normalfags
I can safely say that an extremely tiny amount of normalfags actually spend on gachas.
Normalfags spend their money on going out with friends, buying new clothes, phones, streaming services, the occasional console game like a fifa or a shooter, etc.
You know, the normalfag kind of things we all have did too.

But the majority of them won't spend a dime to get a fucking anime character in a stupid gacha videogame. They just keep saving pulls between patches and hope to get the character they want, if not, then just save for a rerun.

Their mindset is very different from even a minnow.
Old man...get on with times
>Pet Nurturing(Pokémon-related)
Mihoyo is going to do an Azur Promilia Killer, Manjuu has to hurry to release AP
>mixed toilet
yea lets do it again
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>LAD isnt stingy and predatory
meanwhile in reality
>plebbit screencap
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CNsisters arent happy with the current Pyro Archon design
LMAO. It failed before it even start. Honestly why don't they just release paid games? They know this will spread their already not so big fanbase.
When is hoyo gonna release full-price game? Stop releasing these shitty slop predatory games ffs.
the hope is that whales would whale new games harder when they aren't as eatablished.
>Chalking this up as a win when the devs were bombarded with negative feedback in the betas and chose to just push it live regardless
They're panicking now because retention is plummeting.
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Think i'm going back to /v/, so tired of getting random warns.
The good thing is that at least i know there's someone monitoring the thread/board.
The bad thing is that he intend to keep shit thread like this cluttering the board, maybe just for fun or whatever.
5% of male players in LaD account for 95% of the revenue
thank you weibo AI writer
Same, getting tired of same faggot keep run to janny (pretty sure it is the same one as vtumorjanny)when he lost his argument. Maybe it was he plan all along to shit on ML/waifu games peacefully without someone call him out.
>has females
100% a flop in the making
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Hoyo's 2024 new hire stats
>43% females

Hoyo's fucked
>QC one of the lowest hiring sections
Makes A LOT of sense....
>Princess Connect Redive
isn't that game dying ever since blue archive released?
Global died, JP is fine iirc.
>they hired MORE women
y-yeah guys, genshin is gonna start pandering to males again!
New fantasy game concept image leak for hoyoverse during a private school recruitment show
looks like more mixed toilet
This is probably the only good post in this entire thread.
As an AL player, I do not care for Promilia at all, Mihomo and Manjuu can kill each other for that Palworld/Pokemon ripoff money.
As an AL player, I care about Azur Promilia, and I hope Manjuu does well at it.
Since Mihoyo game is 100% going to be mixed toilet shipping game like everything else they release, hopefully this will be the last push AP devs needed to remove female MC and try to make their game survive by being more niche and pander to straight male games instead of modern audiences. If they don't, then good riddance to them, you're not beating the Hoyoverse fanatics.
I bet that hoyo pokemon clone will be released before AP
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Sweet Baby opened a Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book, Chinese Instagram) account
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Yo! You blasted schizophrenics. Anyone know what asset this is? Vid stolen from: https://www.tiktok.com/@an.dri_z/video/7401467675584531718 btw.
I mean, no way hoyoverse bothered copying these moves from such a revenue-starved game as PGR, right? Bottom character is Lee Palefire.
looks like standard shoot shooty bang bang, bootleg deadpool has more going for his animations anyway, propelling himself by shooting backwards and sliding around on his knees
Meanwhile PGR has that pathetic looking walking animation
>opened iwara because of these posts
>snowbreak still there
>ntr video gone
holy shit the first community to successfully gatekeep cucks?
so how is zzz doing in cn?, i got bored of the gameplay on week 3
It just removed tv gameplay
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need to wait until 9PM CST to know
Whether they remove FemMC or not is not important. Romance mechanic or interaction between MC and character is the key. If they remove FemMC and the game is WuWa 2.0(pandering only in story), then it'll fail.
Of course the best course of action is removing FeMC and make it another character. But I'll accept if they don't remove FeMC, but at least you can still interact with her. They should make the story where the unchosen MC is actually the first Starborn but his/her power get stolen and the world summon the second Starborn(the chosen MC). I know this will open the floodgates, but I trust them to not add another male. They're at least not Korean company or Mihoyo that still pull through with their decision.
>azur lane dorm
>infinity nikki
which one are you looking forward to?
>Azur Lane dorm
It's too late to play azur lane now but I'll enjoy seeing the dorm interactions on Youtube.

>Infinity Nikki
Game looks like it'll get boring really quick because it's mostly platforming. Nikki also isn't sexy enough to attract male players.

Hidden mixed toilet, but as an anime GTA it might be fun for some time still.
If hypothetically a mixed toilet with the following characteristics were released:

Male MC and female MC, separated if one exists the other does not exist.
Each update a male and a female gacha character are released.
Male characters only for FMC and female characters only for MMC with no possibility of romantic relationships between gacha characters.
The developers are committed to balancing things so that neither gender feels neglected.
No woke culture.

Would such a game be accepted or not by Chinese players?
they should just make 2 different games instead
women dont care about gameplay, putting them together with men will just ruin the whole thing
This is kinda what FGO does, but the problem is that why play a game that only 50% panders to you when you can play one that 100% panders. Mixed toilet slop doesn't work when more focused games come out in the market, which is why Snowbreak and Love and Deepspace are killing them

Also in such games you will still have tons of conflict in the community environment as is natural with mixed toilets, and you will also have LGBT players driving others away because "why can't I romance the girl as female MC?". The community would most likely become similar to the LGBT gay slop that mixed toilet farming sims turned into.

And as >>1576997 said women like different things, so such a game would end up with male players paying for content that only a minority of female players enjoy.
>which is why Snowbreak and Love and Deepspace are killing them
It would be an interesting experiment. A game where you can play a guy and have girls be love interests while other males are bros, and the opposite of for female MC. WuWa is nice in the sense that everyone is for (You), but the downside of that is that if you play as male MC than the male cast are all fags who want to fuck you. It would be nice to just be buddies with them. I doubt such a games would ever be developed, not because of any logistical reasons, but because so many people who work in the gaming industry, even in China, being faggots who would seethe as such a game even more than they seethe at straight male games like Snowbreak.
Retard, who would spend millions on developing a game that no one would play or pay for except you? Look at charts that show % of male versus female players on games, sims for example has like 80% of females, while action games have like 75% males, and sports or esports have like 95% males. It would be like making a soccer game that try to appeal to women, no one would play it.
Go on, try to convince an investor about this "interesting experiment" you want to do that's 95% sure to fail, see how many lend you millions of dollars in the real world.
You know this reminds me of arknots back in 2021 when they tried to push that their game is better than genshin. They succeeded, by the way. With good gameplay, darker stories, and nice minimalistic design they snatched genshitters into the cool unpopular side and now everyone knows them.
In this case however, they have nothing to back their stance. Shit gameplay, shit story, shit graphics, they'll only make enemies as they bark.
Damn so I guess that's why that little known game "Genshin Impact" came out and EoSed a month later back in 2020, no one is interested in games that appeal to both sexes, they're simply not profitable.
>These are the types of knuckle dragging troglodytes who have the gall to call other people retards online
the only thing snowbreak is killing is itself
it's nowhere near LnD's success
Snowbreak is making at least as much money as LADS, we've literally talked about this last thread, you and I.
nta but the conclusion was there's no solid proof. you just believe what you believe is true.
Genshin doesn't do what he (I assume that's not you) said, even when Genshin came out you only had Diluc as the male character in the standard banner. In fact when Genshin tried to pander to women harder with Sumeru it was the start of the game's decline.
>In fact when Genshin tried to pander to women harder with Sumeru it was the start of the game's decline.
when they released 4 new females back to back in inazuma, only the archon didn't flop and player interest took a nosedive after 2.1
then there's ZZZ which is already dying after releasing 5 females in a row
Hutao + Yelan have the biggest banner sales in Genshin's history
Hmmm I see, so that's why the devs are only releasing female after female, it's not like the have the ACTUAL stats of what the players roll for instead of you having only made up numbers, or what patches have better player retention.
Who knew that you knew better than the actual devs.
Now female characters are redesigned to actually be sexy, ass shading and cleavage magically come back, Fanta Furina is thrown in the trash, instead of males with ass bigger than the females.
>Snowbreak is making at least as much money as LADS, we've literally talked about this last thread, you and I.
I'm an SB player but even I don't buy this. SB's production value is way lower than LaDS's so their revenue should be lower too. I think it's around AK or Nikke level right now, still better than Wuwa tho >>1573107.
The numbers on that graph literally mean nothing. They only show one app store, meaning an unknown percentage of mobile sales, for two games that are primarily played on PC. As for lower production values, that can easily be explained by the fact that LaDS has a stable development team while SBC was on the verge of EoS back in January, this very year, and the staff has undergone massive changes in the last year, making it harder to release a stable, well polished product.
>They only show one app store, meaning an unknown percentage of mobile sales, for two games that are primarily played on PC
Oh yeah, and not just that, but in one single region, too.
you can put their kits on anyone and it would sell just as much lol
if females can carry the game's sales and popularity why is ZZZ dead as fuck?
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snooooort...huff....five more days.....trust the plan snowbros...
>you can put their kits on anyone and it would sell just as much lol
Meuv wouldn't have flopped if that was the case.
>ZZZ dead as fuck
Is it? Didn't it just release this sex goddess?
>n-no my waifus sell because of design and personality saar
not this shit again
explain why kokomi and yoimiya flopped
explain why ZZZ as a whole is flopping
explain why firefly sold less than neuvillette despite being the most shilled character across all gachas
But you can't argue that zzz sales would be higher with limited males because we don't have that data. The devs at the very least believe that females sell better, so not only they have only released females lately, most of their marketing has been male-gaze focused.
To add to this, we know for a fact that gacha companies hire psychologists to maximize sales (like how the gacha animation plays and stuff like that), so I would believe they have at the very least some evidence that females would sell better in hoyo main 3 games.
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>explain why kokomi and yoimiya flopped
They are not "waifus" at all, they didn't gave 2 shits about the player, they had no importance in the story, and they got shipped with males at the first opportunity, unlike Raiden or Ayaka.
>explain why ZZZ as a whole is flopping
Because the game is only played by mihoyo players, but it doesn't appeal to them.
>explain why firefly sold less than neuvillette
What does that have to do with anything? You should be comparing banners within the same game. Compare male characters versus female characters banner in HSR, that would a valid data point.
>they are not "waifus" at all, they didn't gave 2 shits about the player
Yoimiya? Sure
Kokomi? Now I just think you never played Genshit.
Kokomi bombed because she was released when shields were the shit, nobody wants a healer when you are never taking damage to begin with because of the Zhongli buffs.
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yes, LAD is still in top 10 after 2 days
hell, even heartstone is in top 10 and their server has been overwhelmed for half a day
>people still play Hearthstone
Fucking why though
Do not underestimate Blizzard's fanbase
retarded faggot
>because we don't have that data
we do. it's called genshin and star rail.
both mihoyo games. both released males early on. both didn't die as fast as ZZZ.
>No argument
So true, sister. Mihoyo is really kind. They don't do 1:1 male and female limited banner because they don't want to rob our money.
Anything with twin machine guns is likely going to have lots of overlap with stylish moves cause there's only so much you can do with them. $1 mobile slop didn't invent flashy attacks.
>No argument
Shiftup already said it was player interpretation. So she is talking to me, it is as simple as that.
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Sony didnt list Genshin as main source of revenue for 2023
Maybe this is why their contract with MHY ended and Genshin is coming to Xbox this year
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I know, she's talking to me.
>Because the game is only played by mihoyo players, but it doesn't appeal to them.
bet the troon you replied to feels called out now
yup, mihoyo's goodwill is in the dirt right now.
and, the market analysts are also women, so this rings even more true.
>overwhelmed for half a day
how do you know this?
If you read it as "IP you want to promote", it makes more sense. That Sony IP is really bullshit, because their main moneymakers (Sports game, CoD) aren't there.
>*saves your revenue*
The first limited male will save ZZZ, mark my words
umm why zoos that high? what about my narrative?
>player interpretation.
That's a literal non answer, it's obviously LSKK but if they go with that they'll get lynched and you fags know it.
>making up his cuck headcanon
bro…they gave you the keys to the castle and you choose to cuck yourself.
Who is this (you) you speak of? Because me(SKK) was written off that story. Every single girl before her that showed affection was to me(SKK), but when it comes to RH SKK doesn't matter. Delusional cucks.
>delusional cucks
You’re the one making up cuck headcanons after being told she can be talking to whoever (you) want.
>after being told she can be talking to whoever (you) want.
If she is talking to anyone who isn't me(SKK) it's cuckshit, simple as that.
Okay, and you’re told that it can be anyone (you) want it to be, yet you’re actively choosing for it to not be SKK. So you are actively choosing to be a cuck.
A character that has 0 romantic interest in the player can't be cuckshit/NTR because their is no relationship to be unfaithful in. Idiots.
>yet you’re actively choosing for it to not be SKK.
Because it can't be SKK, you're shilling for a game you haven't even played holy fucking shit. When the dance took place SKK didn't even exist.
The developers of the game just said it could be. Furthermore it could be ANYBODY, but you are still choosing the cuck scenario.
>The developers of the game just said it could be.
That would directly contradict established lore so no, it can't be SKK. Player intepretation doesn't mean you can make shit up.
> Furthermore it could be ANYBODY
Name 1 character that wouldn't turn that event into cuckshit.
>devs didnt say it was SKK clealy
yea you know they dont want to pander to you but still want your money
But when she released she had zero (nada) pandering for the player. You are right that at that moment both healers and hydro were in the dirt gameplay wise.
HSR is earning more than genshin and ZZZ combined, and releases 1 male per every 5 or 6 females, EXACTLY the same as genshin and ZZZ. A whole third of the sample size gives a different result. Your analysis is completely flawed.
>but when she released she had zero (nada) pandering for the player
I may be misremembering the exact timeline, but she absolutely did when you read her diary, and later when Enkanomiya released. Before they completely butchered her story line for the fagdragon that is.
it's too late for that. they also dug their grave deeper by releasing that shower teaser
Enkonomiya released like 2 patches after her banner.
I believe the diary was sooner than that, but I will agree that with what little she got paled in comparison to what they decided to do with Ayaka.
>Release shower teaser with only females
>None of them give two shits about the MC
>Release a fag afterwards
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>meanwhile in BA
star rail is performing worse than genshin did at the same age. it took 4 banners for them to reach top 3 again and it dropped after a day
they just funnel their revenue into certain characters by heavily marketing them (acheron, firefly, feixiao) which consequently sabotages other banners
their strategy is even losing efficacy every time they do it. firefly sold less than acheron and feixiao sold significantly less than firefly despite the triple rerun accompanying her.
Acheron had all the Genshinfags rolling for her, of course she'd perform better.
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we need BA 2 so bad
>b-but males
>b-but pandering
it's impressive how you retards always have something to bitch about when the bobs and vagene you keep begging for flops
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This event and Kisaki are going to get butchered by localization.
The so called "bobs and vagene" are being pushed by the devs on the trailers, not us.
How many hoyo trailers have had man butt being shaken in front of the camera, or man tits?
How many trailers had half a dozen naked males taking a shower behind a semi transparent partition? Or how many had men in bunny suits dancing seductively?
Butcher what, that game is tame as fuck, it has little to no pandering, and when it does cucksensei gets embarrassed and runs out of the room, or gets cockblocked.
i don't care. the only thing that matters is that it somehow made a flopping game flop even harder despite retards always claiming sex sells
But zzz doesn't has sex, that's the issue. Let me copy what another anon posted:

Because the game isn't coomerbait.
The MARKETING is coomerbait.
The game is PG-3 at most, there's more edge and sex in dora the explorer than in ZZZ, much less in shonen anime or phineas and ferb. And I put it on PG-3 because of the latest chapters have an inkling of subtle adult humor.
The plotlines are extremely simple and harmless, dealing with children's themes, while the villains are episodic comic relief. The characters completely lack any sex drive and there's not even references to sex beyond a couple good natured extremely subtle jokes that are put in children's content as a nod to the parents. Yes, with Jane too. She could feature in Phineas and ferb without issue.
If any character shows a romantic inclination it's portrayed as a childish crush or an established, committed relationship so a child can understand.

The plot and characters in game feel like an AI was given the task of writing a children's video game, and it referenced Totally spies and the newer scooby doo. And totally spies is a LOT edgier and sexier.
It's a classic case of bait and switch, with marketing that doesn't reflect what's in game.

TL Dr: there's no ships, no relationships, no sex, no romance, harmless violence, no death, not even references to even a slight disfunction in society such as corrupt cops or politicians. It's a Disney Channel children's cartoon masquerading as a shonen anime game, marketed as a coomer game.
There is a reason Mihoyo is called Chinese Disney
>OMG hoyo bad! Men no Play! They need to dick ride me 24/7! Goo Goo Gaa Gaa!!!!!
>All these waifu games making less than the hoyo trio and love and deep space.
Lmao you guys are a pathetic bunch
games that sell actual sex have lower sales and are more obscure. why are you taking "sex sells" literally?
it's a high budget game with big tits, big asses, barely any males, uncensored cleavages, the mihoyo brand boost, jiggle physics, coomer designs, dates, coomer marketing and every single female released so far is meta but it's performing the worst among their major games
Female players are only 20% of the population but account for 80% of revenue of Mihoyo's games.

I support Mihoyo only releasing male characters from now on so they can reach record-high revenue.
So you are telling me that love and deepspace doesn't sell? It's more sexual for woman than tit and ass (like senran kagura) games ever were for men, remember that women get off from that sort of stuff, "sex" scenes in hollywood movies get put in because women like them (they make men cringe), and all they are is a shirtless dude rolling in bed with a woman in a bra.
There are games kinda like that for men but in other launchers, you are never going to see them in play or mac store, therefore they are never going to make it big. Also no investor has had the balls to fund such a thing, the closet you can get to being big for normalfags before getting slapped down by censors is nikke. No such stigma for love and deepspace.

TLDR: there are reasons sexual games for the male gaze can't make it big, no such restrictions for female gaze
You are really funny anon, there is a chart that counts the % of female players in hoyo games, is about 34%. The record high revenue was reached on female banners on both genshin and HSR.
Tell that to all the girls they hit pre launch
Why was the shower teaser bad?
It's sexy. Probably one of the most sexy things hoyo has made too.
Like >>1577144 said, the game is only played by mihoyo players, but it doesn't appeal to them. These people would freak the fuck out if HSR or Genshin did something like this (might even give the bunny drama a run for its money) because THAT's the kind of fanbase they've cultivated over the years. Any coomers within or outside of the fanbase would have most likely settled for another game like Nikke by the time ZZZ released, assuming they aren't so anal about mobile games having "rEAL GAmEplAY".
i don't care about it. i didn't even watch it but it's one of the notable things that happpened before caesar's banner which hit a new all-time low for ZZZ
You guys ever thought about writing a manifesto?
What would go into the manifesto?
The trailer is like 10 times lewder than whatever is in the game, or will ever be, and it was tame as fuck. What's the point of spending so much money in trailers if none of it ends up in the game? I'll rather they spent that money instead in animations instead of cutting to a black screen white text "The character stands up and gives you an item". They can't even animate something that basic. Meanwhile wuwa, a game that makes 10 times less, DOES full animation (they also do blackscreen a lot too to be fair).
The purpose of the shower teaser is clear, to entice retards like you into the game, is just false advertisement.
if mihoyo didn't exist would there be a lot of more games pandering to males? Is this the logic?
Mihoyo invited a lot of tourist normalfags (women are prime normalfags mind you) who are conditioned to think that fanservice is icky into gacha so yes. These people would have never touched a gacha game otherwise.
what about gacha games in erolabs?
Isn't hoyo optimizing for the amount of money they can make thus targeting normalfags instead of going out of their way to provoke or discriminate against a certain target audience?
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There are plenty of coomer games on erolabs
never seen anyone post about them.
Exist in both en and cn

If you don't care about "gameplay" meme on mobile and you want coomer games then why not just play them? They exist.
Are you sure you're not looking for reasons to vent?
I don't think you understand the situation in China
There is a reason why LADS is striking gold

How do you know he doesn't play them? I used to play Magicami JP and even spent money on it. Unlike you I put my money where my mouth is.
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Holy shit the back window is real? Huge W to the community.
>if mihoyo didn't exist would there be a lot of more games pandering to males?
More like if Genshin never struck gold. Mihoyo always existed and filled their niche.
Genshin launched in a time where people were all cooped up inside and were unable to do hobbies they normally participated in so they took to gaming. Genshin is a game, like the other anon said, devoid of most romantic notions you saw in earlier gacha games to reach an younger and wider audience. As time went on this new group of people started going back to their old hobbies and dropping said game (you can see the decline on any revenue chart).
Other companies having saw this success decided to emulate it(Wuthering Waves and similar clones), however never managed to get close to the success Genshin got, while arguably Wuwa is a better game than Genshin is.
So by casting this huge net, you are just trying to get anything you can and aren't committing to a target audience, so said interest groups would rather just play games more directed at them instead of "omnipandering" games. LADS for instance is one of the only female only directed games, and they make huge amounts of money being the only game in that niche and giving the girls a good product. Guys have a lot more choices regardless of how much this place tries to claim otherwise(Nikke, Snowbreak, AL, BA, GFL1 and 2), you also have actual omnipandering games (FGO and Wuwa) that skew more towards Men than women.
>b-b-but GFL is a cuck game
Seek help and stop believing what you read on the internet.
I feel like LADS is tapping into a huge market of women who bought into feminism scam put their youth into getting degrees and advancing career and now they can't get married.

Theoretically... what if gays and old expired women are the target demographic for these kinds of pandering games because they don't and can't have children?
Porn/coom games on mobile have always existed but they were never huge.
Snowgods, stay strong, keep the faith. Let them know that we'll always be better than their mixed toilet ilk.
I look like this
I tried ark and it was full of aislop. Any of the shit in your ss worth trying out or is it all the same?
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Mihoyo is sueing a guy on bilibili for badmouthing them and making diss tracks against ZZZ
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They are asking for:
>Take down all videos
>Making an apology post and pinned to the top for 30 days
>200k RMB (28493 USD) for damages
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This is his account, those videos are still up if you want to see
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seems like the new shanghai law was only created to protect mihoyo lol
the dude himself jokingly said he will be prisoner number 2 thanks to that law (first one was mihachi)
I'm not familiar with Chinese laws, but do they have to prove damage to win a case like this? How can an account with 7k subscribers and 2M views total do any damage to them?
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they dont care about winning
they just want to scare the anti fans so there will be no negative publicity towards them
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Kuro put a new 4* loli on a rerun homo banner and players did not like that
39k comments on the patch notes post (the usual is around 1k comments)
No one's going to answer this? What if it makes sense to pander to homos troons and variants of fujos or femcels?
Likely to have income but no children because of biological reasons.

Males that have money are raising their legacy and not playing gacha. The males that aren't can play porn or pandering games but the income is not there in aggregate, thus coom games are niche
Aren't there like 10 million extra surplus males in China that will never marry in their lives right now?
doesn't matter how many of them there are if they can't pay for shit
>Males that have money are raising their legacy and not playing gacha.
the same thing can be said for women (not whores on onlyfan)
The whole anime/idols/gacha industry make the most profit from lonely people with enough disposal income
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Lol, I thought no one cared about the mesugaki.
Why is now everyone making a fuss about her being in jiyan's banner? Hypocrites.
people dont want to get spooked by homo
same reason why genshincels werer mad that faruzan is glued to homo manlet
More like nobody pulls for just a specific 4* because that can get messy fast. If she was on Shorekeepers banner then she gets to be a nice bonus for Shorekeeper fans and the mesugaki fans get to at least throw their pulls at a waifu banner.
Putting the loli in the homo banner pisses off the people who wanted her and Shorekeeper and is just a clear attempt at making people spend on two banners instead of one.
It's the Mihomo special, putting a new 4* woman into a 5* mans banner to force waifufags to roll for both banners.
Just a few more days and we could get the biggest shitstorm ever.
I'm not familiar with HSR and its state, but Genshin just went through its new region and ZZZ comes from dropping stupidly bad in its second month.

If these two failed to make more on the meme reddit sensortower, oh boy...
Predict the revenues.
LMAO. LaDS no. 1, AFK Journey no. 2, and maybe ZZZ don't even make half of HSR revenue.
IIRC, both genshin and ZZZ went through 2 banners this month, so even if each individual banner did worst than the last, the two banners would push the monthly revenue high.

HSR had their first 3x rerun banners recently, so it will probably do decently.
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Furry in NTE
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Can ZZZ team hear the real voice of proxies?

>mei / wrio / sunday ripoff
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>Use obscene and insulting words to the game character "Ellen Joe"
How can you sue someone over this?
Is she a dev self-insert?
>Decide to remove a shitty game mechanic to make the game more appealing to new players
>Hoyodrones think their precious devs are being forced to ruin their glorious vision for the sake of profit and bitch en masse
>Devs decide to "improve" it instead of removal
There is no improving a mechanic designed to simply pad the amount of time spent playing other than just making it faster (or rewarding but we all know how hoyo feels about being generous)
They're fucking retarded lmao
I cant remember how many times games were ruined because devs listened to the loud minority

>main playerbase doesnt like tv shit so they left
>remaining playerbase doesnt mind/like it so they stay and complain
>devs keep listening to them so leaving audience has no reason to comeback
[SAD NEWS] AL 3D dorm update is having technical issue. It's unclear how long would it take Manjuu to fix it.
reminder that the 3D Dorm was supposed to come out in April/May but they had delayed it because they had already technical problems with
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[SAD NEWS] Anti Fuhua streamer is back on Douyin
AP players arent ready to learn about Manjuu's competency
>Thinking his delusion is real
i guess their censorships weren't working as intended
I dont think its a good news bro
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seems like its fake outrage by mihoyo fans
That looks like cherrypicking desu.
80% of the things posted in these threads are delusions.
No. There is a mix of real outrage like where hi3 had the bunnygirl event for gweilos or shipping interfering with self inserters.
But the Otaku audience is bound to have people who have more stress than other kinds of people and they need a means to discharge that stress and anger.
This is the nature of humans.
all me btw
I thought you guys said the Azur Lane 3D dorm was going to be censored?
it wasnt?

This is good, now that gacha games are stagnating gacha companies can now try to compete on the field of who does the most disgusting things. Finally some new innovation in the industry.

Looking foward to Kuro suing everyone who called Wuwa a Genshin clone and making $25k from each person.
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kek, is this worth the 5 gigs
it's more than that. it's an aggressive retort that's basically saying "what do you think it is?", a rhetorical question that has been made such that there can only be one answer. it canonicalizes the obvious whilst leaving enough room for cope. in a way the response could be thought of as a rhetorical implication. extremely malicious by shiftup, but what's new
Sorry but it doesn't matter how much Raymond was written off the game, I just can't trust Mica one bit. This is no longer about cuckshit, but about trust and competence. In custom service work, the hallmark of good customer service is "anticipate the customers' needs before they realise they need them", or "going above and beyond". Snowbreak just one day decided to delete all male logistics, despite no one was really fussing about them. It might be overdramatic, but it instilled brand confidence. That is "going above and beyond". It says "we're going all in and we're not turning back."
Meanwhile, what did Mica do? Mica was already walking on eggshells after the Raymond incident, yet they continued to fumble the bag over and over. The book incident, the toothbrush incident, the way they implement the covenant system. Yeah they may be fixed, yeah the designs were reverted to be sexier, but is it really good customer service if a restaurant spits on the burger you order, then compensate you with a steak? Personally, there always seems to be a hint of spitefulness in everything that Mica does when it comes to pandering. That's why Snowbreak has my trust.
hi mumu
Remember talking to a friend from mainland China when I asked him some questions and think I get it now.
Chinks operate with an insane level of spite towards anything. Shows up in wuxia too.
So now I get why they need something like CCP to clamp down on everything.

What causes this spite? Involution? Gutter oil? Hierarchy where you can only punch down?
They are based. Without the gatekeeping their gaming scene would be pozzed like the west and japan
>Without the gatekeeping their gaming scene would be pozzed like the west and japan
Anon Genshin came from China
CN is like several countries combined to one
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New CN law requires games that apply for publishing license must have at least 80% of content match with release version
If you have to choose one, what would you chose?
>all waifu roster but with gender-selectable protagonist
>mixed toilet roster with only male protagonist
I think at this point, I would rather go with the latter choice. Having a female protagonist just automatically imposes upon the devs the obligation to appeal to that crowd, not to mention such crown is always obnoxious. I think it's time to realize that female MC is the real killer of waifu pandering, and mixed toilet is only the one of its symptoms.
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Under this new standard, you must have an average score of 3 to get a license.
Average score above 4 can be viewed as high quality game and receive privilege of getting published earlier
Average score below 3 will be rejected
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Funnily enough, Wuwa was mentioned as a bad example of story writing
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Importantly, new law also requires the Global version must be consistent with CN version. This could mean we won't get uncensored version by playing on Global server anymore
First is obviously better, lol. Romance(even though it also means yuri)>>>>>>"You're my important person"(Platonic).
Is this law in effect now? I assume games that have received their license don't need to apply again.
Well that sucks, but I can't imagine a lot of chink games getting fucked by that law outside of Azur Lane.
considering they just held a lecture yesterday I would say the law is not yet in effect
And yet, Geshu Lin is the most anticipated CN character, by far.
>while arguably Wuwa is a better game than Genshin is.
delusional kurocuck
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NTA but
Cuckshit and the protagonist is useless in game and looks like a faggot
>Wuthering Waves
Everyone is (you) sexual, the protagonist looks cool and is strong in-game and lore

>B-But the revenue Sarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It doesn't matter that Mihoyo make Billions with Genshin when the game have 0 improvements over lapse of this years, but well they make the game more and more anti-male oriented so maybe that is a improvement for you tranny bro KEK

The female protagonist of WuWa is more fuckable than Lumine desu
1st option is a cop out, because the relationship with a selectable gender MC is always done badly, AL and BA at least leave the self-inserts gender up to interpretation while being biased towards male
2nd option is fine, I'm not opposed to male characters, but a MC set in stone can allow writers to define the characters relation to MC better, rivals, bros, "wise" old men giving shitty love advice etc
>mixed toilet roster with only male protagonist
Pic related is the proof you can make a harem game with male characters without shipshit/cuckshit, even the schizo chinks recommend P4 and P5 as "ML" games
>game good because pandering
Just go jerk off anon, the GAME is ass, the grind for both character progression materials and "artifacts", the system is so shit you have to waste resources to even see what kind of shitty substats you got
the scene was young and dumb. the genshin staff are all muttmerican returnees.
I always judge a person not by what he believes, but what he believes after being exposed to the truth.
nevermind, you're just retarded
>filtered by the echo system
I can't read that trash. Post the link you absolute retard. Better yet learn to ocr with chatgpt.
I knew we have retarded hoyoshills here but I wasnt aware about retarded kusoshills
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Tomorrow is the day y'all lose, AGAIN :)
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copy from wuwa again?
The origin argument is Wuwa is better than Genshin. All the downsides you listed for Wuwa Genshin also have but three time worse. Also,
>use "just watch porn" argument.
How many times does this argument needs to be destroyed before retards stop using it. Plus, the appeal of (You) pandering is not the same as porn.
>the grind for both character progression materials and "artifacts", the system is so shit you have to waste resources to even see what kind of shitty substats you got
I have 2000+ hours on Warframe, if you think farming echos and stats is hard you dont know what is really to "grind" for something in a really shitty game.
>three time worse
Not really, its just about as bad, kuro hasn't improved anything when they copied things wholesale. In terms of echos its slightly worse actually, again, you can't see the substats until you waste resources and you can't even level up echos using other, useless ones, so genshit system is actually better here
And yes, the origin argument was that Wuwa is better than Genshin, and when I questioned it, the only response that retard gave me was "b-but muh straight male pandering". Would my porn argument be better received if I said to go play something on DMM/Nutaku instead? All the games there focus on You pandering, they are all terrible fucking browser games with AI art, but hey, clearly the only thing that matters is if the game is for You or not
To be honest my strategy in warfarm is to just sell prime parts for prime and then buy things I want/need with said prime.Everything else is tedious but manageable.
>game good because pandering
Yes, next question

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