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>Full 3D
>Only female playable characters
>(You) are an exception
>No FeMC
No such thing.
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New game: Green Dream
>Full 3D
No, why would you limit your options that are already so low
Reminder that nikke stands as the current standard for the industry. None of you bothered to recommend a better title.
Could be interesting I guess
>nikke is based because it has le heckin bouncing boobas dude gyatt
yawn, any fanza gacha already beats it in that department. especially when the characters have a wide variety of body types tailored for each individual taste.
>industry standard
>not even one nikkek clone are in development
If you are new here are your best available options:

Have a nice day!
I got region blocked by Eversoul, my vpn or emulator can't bypass it. Any solution?
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No idea bro
Is this bad.
>any fanza gacha
name your top 3
Honestly it's fucked up that this is the level of male-pandering game. The only high quality in horizon is Azur Promilia, even then we don't know whether this will be harem or platonic bullshit.
Here's the actual options you have as a chud that wants a waifu only gacha game. The criteria are as follows:
>The game has to make at least $2M a month, meaning it can support the largest servers without worries like CN/JP/SK/US, I'd say 500K for each is a relatively safe bet as long as the game is an original IP and important to the company's revenue
>The game has to have at least 100K people on its subreddit and a 4chan /vg/ thread, meaning the EN population is not completely dead and EN server won't shut down too fast, you can also find guides and fanart easy that way or just shitpost about game
>The game can't be based off a pre-existing IP since it just usually means swift DOA or no pandering, it can't be shitty idolshit since that shit is always safe as fuck, and it cant be yuribait like honkai shit
If you use that as criteria, there are only a few options:
1. Nikke: Goddess of Victory
2. Blue Archive
3. Azur Lane
HM: Girls Frontline (technically it's revenue is in the gutter but everyone knows mica will never shut the game down)
HM: Snowbreak (technically it's social media size is super tiny in EN, but it makes good revenue and is a fresh game with growing momentum)

this is trvth nvke
>standards are based on what's accepted by the majority
>I got region blocked by Eversoul, my vpn or emulator can't bypass it. Any solution?
I used to have the same problem. Download the game from Google Play Games, turn on VPN and run the game. It works.
well its mostly about playing it safe in terms of not having to worry if your game will go EOS next month. the games i mentioned are guaranteed to live for a long ass time. thats the problem with gacha games there's always a chance of your waifu just going poof
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Get me going:
>Horizon Walker
>Azur Lane
>Blue Archive
Doesn't get me going:
NIKKE doesn't pass, it's pngshit and Shift Up is a shit company. Same with Azur Lane until they add the 3D dorms which is gonna be by 2030 at this point. The rest is all mixed toilet garbage.
>approves zero games
>recommends zero games
What do you even play then. Useless post.
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Have you considered playing what you like? Heard is cool
>approves zero games
>recommends zero games
Already recommended some. Too bad you're too illiterate to read, as expected from a mixed toilet slopper.
I am testing snowbreak right now
best looking interface I've seen so far (though admittedly I don't have a lot of experience), and I can see that it is a game made by men
but the story.. it's trash. I am finding it impossible to get invested and connect. I can see why they want to rewrite this though imo it also needs to be voiced.
if vn's with barely thousands of sales can have 5 whores voicing 20h+ of content there is just no excuse for these fuckers. especially when it comes to nikke. absolutely everything there needs to be voiced.
Honestly surprised chinks haven't made a Nikke clone yet. It's obvious that game is never coming to China (or will come very, VERY late) and the gameplay seems right up their alley (for fucks sake GFL2 has a game mode that is straight up a Nikke clone so it's definitely not impossible for them). Maybe it's because Tencent sorta owns Nikke that they don't want to risk it
Game is carried by the waifus, skins and devs actually learning from mistakes and listening to the players, you can notice the love that's been put in the game but yeah, story is a huge miss from their part, even the last chapter (You can play it even if you just started) is boring as fuck.
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I will now consider playing your game
>Horizon Walker
No EN server
The amount of disgust I feel towards yuriniggers ruins the game for me, I can't stand those people
Same shit honestly, the forced Seele x Bronya shipping killed it immediatly and left a sour taste
Didn't even bother trying it, done with mihomo
MC looks like a faggot due to the crop top and manlet height, the story has way too much fucking filler and the game is so tedious to play after 100%ing inzauma that I just quit during sumeru
Dropped it due to terrible rolls. Liked it a lot but I have no idea if it's even worth trying again this late into the game considering how aids the afk progression and pvp is.
First gacha I ever played, like the girls, like the story, absolutely fucking hate the community and the gameplay. It's full of pretentious retards and enlightened centrists. Unironically the most insidious and subversive people you can have in a waifu gacha game. Will play 2 most likely or at least give it a try, but if it requires reading guides like first game to play I'm quitting.
>Azur Lane
Second game I played, favorite waifus in all of gacha, but they bloated the gameplay to the point of no return, when operation siren came out i just checked out and quit. Doesn't help that the game has like 700 ships now and if you are F2P and try starting now you wont even be able to collect 300-400 of them no matter what, and it's just a collectionist game with no real gameplay or story
>Blue Archive
never played it because i thought it was boring as fuck on launch and no waifus interested me, kinda regret not trying it because they came out with some really hot waifus with big tits later, but im not into lolis that much so eh. Now it's probably too late to get into
no idea what this is
>Uma musume
no en server
game on high settings keeps shutting my PC off after playing it like 3-4 hours, literally the only game to do that and I play BG3 or Cyberpunk easily on high settings.
>absolutely fucking hate the community
>It's full of pretentious retards and enlightened centrists. Unironically the most insidious and subversive people you can have in a waifu gacha game
QRD on this? I only know of vidya butts and he looks stable when he's not spamming
its just full of retards pretending that the game is "art" and how it was never meant to be a waifu harem pandering game. which is absolute fucking cope considering the oathing system, the fact there's a skinline of wedding dresses, and also just generally a billion fanservice lewd skins. Sure it was never on the same level of lewd and pandering as Azur Lane, but it was widely accepted that they were the two big waifu games when I got into gacha back during FGO/GBF domination days in 2018-2019. Now the tards there are rewriting history and pretending that no one waifus the tdolls and that all the players just play it for the deep story. They shill for fem MC even though the fem MC was only introduced later when they added chibi customization in GF1 and after MICA started pushing the whole female commander as canon in both manga and anime. Then the retards started saying that the MC is not a self insert and that the tdolls aren't for (You). Most subversive shit ever, and I'd hate if that shit happened to any other waifu gacha community.
>gacha game community
>look inside
>is full of literal shit
Should have see it coming anon, I never interact with community of the gachas I play, I know the kind of people I will find and they tend to be worse
What was that? Can't hear you, busy having fun
>but it was widely accepted that they were the two big waifu games when I got into gacha back during FGO/GBF domination days in 2018-2019.
GFL was never a big waifu game, or much of a waifu game for that matter. The 2 big waifu gachas for mid-late 2010s were Kancolle and FGO.
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More like you cant hear me because the LSKK is fucking very loudly RH in her red dress
Nikke is a cuckege, take that shit out of MY thread
Cucks posters lol you are all brown
Kancolle was literally never relevant outside of japan, when I started getting into gachas there were maybe like 2-3 kancole fags seething about AL sexualizing botes and historical inaccuracy, nobody else existed. as for GF not being a waifu gacha game again I'm not interested in talking to lying faggots, I already explained why it is a waifu game. As for FGO it can never be considered a waifu harem game as it's a mixed roster game, there's technically the grailing system and there are multiple waifus that fall for (You) but it's not the kind of game we are talking about here. Multiple gacha waifu characters in FGO have canonical partners or had them
After watching some upcoming CN PVs I'm certain that chinks can't design good female character. It's literally impossible for them, they fill every empty space with unnecessary accessories.
Anyway does Kancolle does have a great amount of (you) pandering at all. Compare to Azur Lane?
>not the lewdest 2d
>not the most pandering
What standards?
GFL was a big waifu game. They're even bigger than AL. And if your argument GFL isn't waifu game because of the story, then AL isn't a waifu game too.
>Waifu gachas were Kancolle and FGO
It's no wonder you GFLfags don't know about shipbait. You are a tourist, lol.
Sounds like that's most of gfl's current playerbase based on the retards from there chimping out in other threads.
Don't bring up those people otherwise they'll flood the thread.
They don't even know whether it's waifu game or not. From their character paid skin, it's a waifu game. But it's just funny that they're almost got Daiyan shipping story.
Kancolle has a marriage system at least, but compared to Azur Lane I think it's a lot less pandering. I only played it for like a year though long ago so maybe things have changed, but I'd definitely pick Azur Lane over Kancolle.
>if it's even worth trying again
Around about now or at the very start of november is a good idea. Anniversary is coming and it usually brings with some nice free gibs.
>lewdest 2d
>most pandering
Such as?
>inb4 shit in chink runes
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Don't care. It gets me going, it gets my approval.
>my opinion
>moan on hits
>see-through fabric
>armor breaking
>rare doujins
>polished animations
>your opinion
>le good devs
>shit 3D models
>rest of the yes but the opposite
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A good post in this sea of faggots
Nobody gives a shit. Fuck off.
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I give a shit. Fuck in.
based. Only reason I bailed on azur lane is my dumbass lost my account again.
Now I am playing nikke and it's fun too.
I don't want to learn korean to play horizon walker but at this rate it might have to happen...
Oh you're that faggot
You hit the nail on the head. I hear GF2 is going back down the more coomer route again (I've been seeing alot of Suomi swimsuit and upskirts posts) and I hope they stick to it this time. It's a special flavor of frustration watching part of the community just defend Mica's decisions to be less lewd in 2 because (You) are a retarded waifu coomer that doesn't belong and then watch that exact same subsection clap and call them based all along for retracting that same decision and going coomer swimsuits/pantyshots halfway through.
I lost my old account and had to make a new one like three months ago when i heard news about 3D dorm, now i'm lvl 80 by doing nothing but dailies.
The size of the game is ridiculous, but rolling new botes, renting skins, and hearing the tap reactions pretty much make up its worth.
To be honest as a veteran GFL player it was never a case of MICA taking "Routes"
It's pretty much true that for every gacha game they've released that the first 6 months is pretty timid, then once the censors stop looking, they start uncensoring and releasing better costumes, Hell they even went back and gave UMP9's idol costume panties instead of spats despite the costume being released really early into the game
The samefagging tranny crossposted in /gfg/
>flavor of frustration watching part of the community just defend Mica's decisions to be less lewd in 2
Things that never happened
Shh.. You're supposed to act like you're in an echo chamber for a bunch of seaniggers
>Never happened
I fucking wish.
Things from your head aren't real, seabro
>once the censors stop looking, they start uncensoring and releasing better costumes
This has never been true. Nikke is proof of the opposite, it's gotten way tamer and less fanservicey since it became a top grossing waifu gacha. Usually devs only add fanservice to their games when their current state doesn't do as high as expected.
With Mica they're clearly targeting a more mainstream audience, and there's a ton of evidence for that. They said "characters have their own lives" to excuse some weird writing choices and they didn't even have oaths at launch because they didn't want to scare off the normalfags players, even PNC had oaths in the datamined files but GF2 didn't. So they've changed a lot and bringing oaths back was one of the first things they did. Mica is definitely taking "Routes."
I truly hope that you're right, that GFL2 fanbase will called out MICA bullshit.
I hope you're right anon. As things stand I'm lacking in faith in corpos.
Perhaps we don't visit the same parts of the community. It's been years since I last got on /gfg/ so I'd agree if my take is offbase with theirs but I see this type of take more often than not from the twitter news/lorefags and redditors/>e-celeb youtubers. It might seem absurd but I think it's important to remember that a community is more than a minority on an anonymous imageboard and "common sense" and perception is very different from place to place.
Again, it's been ages since I've been in /gfg/ and the parts of the community I'm referring to are not from there.
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>MICA made tamer shit
meanwhile GF2
>They said "characters have their own lives" to excuse some weird writing choices
The setting if the story is that the PMC (you) a work on hires dolls who already have no use or are obsolete to fight instead of using human resources. You're clearly stupid and tourist
also that statement wasn't even made by mica, it's a shitpost lol
Nah, you're right. Community is always filled with bootlicker. It depends how many fuck up the company do, if it's consecutive, bootlicker won't dare to show their face. But if they rarely do it, you'll see many of this bootlicker.
>posts a post fllop design
thanks for proving his point
>flllloppp design
Is there a single thread in this board that isn't infested with SEAniggers?
First get your english up to snuff before posting, eslkun
No, /vmg/ is begrudgingly seanigger clay
I don't care enough to improve it. I don't use this language for formal thing afterall. But if you want me to "study" then correct it.
Then don't speak the language for humans
Why the fuck this thread is infested with /gfg/ thing. If you don't like that shit, then don't talk that shit. Start talking other gacha stuff. Even that gacha are are locked on DMM area.
Cucks and trannies aren't human.
Then why are you using the language?
The people inhabiting this thread and the dramatranny thread let it live rent free in their heads
Cucks and trannies aren't human(2)
Because as a human, I need to educate subhuman like you.
Yeah. I want to see the coordinated boycott for our cause on this thread. Not retard arguing which gacha is more (you) pandering. Because we have approved gacha list.
Can the GFLfags piss off already?
Are these GFLfags in the room with us right now?
Yet here you are still using the language for humans.
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It's a mixed toilet game.
Every fucking time lmao
It's the only way for me to communicate with someone with lesser intelligence like you.
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We're not using your thurdie language, no?
Why don't you just post about your gacha instead?
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Come play Princess Connect. There's an EN patch available.
didn't that game EoS'd?
>(You) Pandering
Sorry. All cygames games (gacha or not) are not friendly with (you) pandering
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>this is what (You) are missing out in ZZZ
Hoyochads are eating REALLY FUCKING GOOD
how big is her futa cock?
Right after this a large muscular anthro man enters the scene
What did Kuro mean by this?
Imagine being THIS afraid of a harem thread.
Are any of these girls for (you)?
Yeah, because you're to stupid to understand other language.
There's no (you) in ZZZ.
But I can't even see anything? Does this actually make anyone want to play ZZZ?
I just started to play zzz because of that webm, yeah
>There's no (you) in ZZZ.
There are dating/hangout mechanics in the game right?
Kinda, but there's no (you) here, not (you) pandering. HI3 has Captain, Genshin has traveler, HSR has trailblazer, but this one is a fixed protagonist Wise/Belle.
Opinion discarded

Woke trash
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*too stupid
>he doesnt want to be considered a chad+stud
total crunchyshit death
english is the lowest common denom language. the muttmerican pidgin language already butchers english proper beyond saving and I see no real difference between that and how every other country decides to mutilate its corpse their way.
that is not at all the implication, you habitually lying gflfag (redundant)
slow board, retard. the natives here are consistently crowded out by all the gfl general retards who come here to throw out potshots like they're on /v/.
I'm surprised by the lack of gook gachas competing with the big fish, they have the advantage of no CCP after all. An action gacha from them would be cool.
Ignore the >>1573510 anti-self insert retard, MCs are standard self inserts.
>are any of the girls for you
Every girl before Jane was either for (you)100% or had little pandering but no shipping with others. Jane is yuri/shipshit and flirts with the female MC instead of both,if you care about self inserting i'd suggest caution.
When all they've been playing before was genshin, yeah.
Based. Listen to your lower half instead of chincels' hearsay.
>please be bad please be bad please be bad
Spend moar on your kusoge so they can keep up.
Like I've said more than once. You can change every other MC name in hoyo games, but not in ZZZ. In every other hoyo games, the MC is OFFICIALLY (you). In ZZZ, it's not. And if troon mock you for self-inserting as a Wise in ZZZ, you deserve it, because Wise is it's own character.
Mihomo faggots will never listen to reason. They will troon out sooner or later.
Anti self insert schizo, what drives you to butt in gacha discussions over multiple boards only to claim a self insert with personality isn't a real self insert? Self inserts with personality and fixed names are very common in eastern media, i'm also pretty sure i've btfoed you multiple times already. Just give it a rest already.
No retard. Stop putting words in my mouth. I said that if you can't change the name, then you're not officially that character and if troon called you out for self-inserting, then yeah it's your fault.
With your stupid argument, it means that we're Dan Heng, Aventurine, etc. and you still haven't answered this argument yet.
nta but i am wise, dan heng, aventurine, LSKK, raymond, seth, hat guy, etc.
stay mad lil bro.
>if you can't change the name, then you're not officially that character
That's just your retarded definition of a self insert,even in VNs fixed names are the norm anti-self insert schizo.
>With your stupid argument, it means that we're Dan Heng, Aventurine,etc.
None of them are the MC.
Ok, based. I can't argue if you think like this.
>It's the norm
Except you can change the name in every other Mihoyo games. You still haven't beat this argument yet. The fact at hand is in every other mihoyo games, the MC is officially your avatar, but in ZZZ, nope.
>None of them are the MC
Your argument before is it's because of POV. But if you want to argue that they're not the MC, then so do Wise. Wise stakes in story isn't no more than other character.
>You still haven't beat this argument yet.
You can change the MC's online handle, you lost anti-self insert schizo, bye faggot.
>but it's not the name
moving the goalpost, the game gives you control meaning he's a self insert, now kys.
Of course it doesn't count. And what a pussy that you don't dare to tag me.
Every other mihoyo games MC is (you) and ZZZ MC isn't (you). Simple as.
Your shitposting got boring so no more (you)s, ESL turdskin.
No, you're officially not Imagine losing so hard that you think other shitposting.
If Mihoyo wants to make me think Wise is (me) then they should let me change his name to my name, it's simple as that. If they don't do it, then it means Wise isn't me.
The absolute state of this cuck thinking he is Wise. Lil bro there's a reason they don't let you name him. ZZZ is not a self insert game you retarded mouth breather. Mihomo targets the normalfags. Both you and women are getting played by them, and if you retards just stopped giving them money then mihomo would make waifu only games with actual pandering and fanservice.
>mihomo would make waifu only games with actual pandering and fanservice
No chance at all. They seem to be way up their butts now.
They probably think they're too good for those games now.
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Play Nikke and snowbreak then stfu.
>inb4 niggers malding
>release new red hood skin for free
>doesn't include the character
Fucking kikes
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>Play Nikke and snowbreak then stfu.
>>inb4 niggers malding
No thanks.
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Yes i'm wise and every boogeyman who live rent free in your head.
I played Nikker but I didn't like that my girls can be corrupted by evil metal tentacle monsters and there was a m*le in there and thats gay. Also the home UI filtered me.
I have no regrets with Snobble though. The story is boring and does too much telling and not enough showing but I'm having fun. Enya is my older sister mother hag gf.
>zzz being for (you)
The premise is wrong in the first place. Though, you shouldn't hear what ZZZ player saying, because their standard is too low.
What is the positive thing about ZZZ other than it's production value?
(You) pandering? There's no (you)
Fan service? They're censoring their woman
Story? Nothing special. And it's game from China, so story is automatically lower than mid.
Gameplay? It's worse than HI3. If it's like Post-Apho, then sure, I will give it to them. But it's really simple. You don't even need to care about moving because you move automatically when attacking.
It's a mid game overall.
I've seen more potential with Tribe Nine than ZZZ.
let's play games for men with high standards, like...uuuhhhhhh...
lmao even
Not a ZZZ of course. But if I want to play mixed toilet game, I won't play shit game like ZZZ.
ZZZ is the first gacha I uninstalled on the first day of playing. I remember getting a bunch of copies of the sword and the bear dude on the newbie rolls and just losing all interest in the game instantly.
Maybe it was a sign from RNGesus that I'm not the target audience for it.
yeah i'd rather play.....errrrrr..........
Why not play ZZZzzzzzz
It's honestly a boring game. They need sweep or at least auto to make me try them. If you don't have problem with mixed toilet, then I suggest to WAIT for Duet Night Abyss(Anime Warframe), Tribes Nine, or Unending Dawn(Anime Souls like).
I think Arknights Endfield is hit or miss game. If you like factorio or want to know Arknights lore, I recommend it. But other than that, they'll be miss. I've heard that there's a chance they will add Tower Defense in Endfield and if they do it, I 100% suggest to try it.
but it's boring, why don't you recommend something fun instead?
>log in
>sweep to use stamina
>sit through forced pvpslop wherein you autolose to whales in 4/5 matches
>log out
It's even worse with the bloated content now, you have twice as many menus that you have to click compared to when the english version eosed.
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>went to sleep
>wake up
>niggers indeed malded and coped
>mind broken even
Sad to watch
Do this thread need a dedicated forum tho? Atleast we can engage this discussion with controlled manner (no shitpost, no trolls, no mihoyospam anymore). Because this thread infested with that and getting brigaded by other board
>bitching about shitpost in a shitpost thread
>There is a shitposting board (gacha drama)
>But instead shitposting there
Fuck off shitposter
Both made by attention-starved shitposters. Don't even think that your recurring thread is any better.
Pretty confident that this was started as a somewhat honest desire for recommendations and knowing new games, too bad the brainrot is real and they can't stay in /v/
>AP n-word
Nope, stupid. Because AP doesn't qualify in his eyes (no FeMC).
oh right, i'm sorry, i believe he also demands all girls to be below 6 feet, no muscles, long hair, loyal trad wife, love you at first sight, and big breasted otherwise he can't get it up.
You sound pretty assblasted
Sounds like projection to me, if you only think about whatever e-drama you are spouting when you read "quality gacha for straight man" you might have issues, not like I'm going to risk end up defending /v/iggers tho, so maybe you are right (dunno, didn't read)
>That criteria
Brb, gonna call based department.
I accept your concession.
eversoul comes to mind
he just like me fr
>That criteria
Hmmm Interesting criteria for sure. So that would be antithetical for gacha game. So those anon poster are right that there is no gacha game for straight male. I guess i try to play VN or H game like aa2
from now on.
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Good pandering games won't give you girls on a silver platter so you better load up that testosterone.
Tbf tho, i honestly prefer trad girl instead action slut(which is non existent in gachashit). So yeah i'm going back to VN
rance is a bullcucking game by a famous ntr publisher. only bitter coomers who've never felt a woman's touch could think that this is the way women work.
nobody cares what women think
real life literally hands you women on a sliver platter, as long as you're attractive. if you think it's bad with women and their simp army, try a sex that can't seem to live without thinking about men 24/7.
it's not something the average loser would have the chance to internalize. but it is a huge signal, from those who just don't get it, for the level of inceldom we're dealing with.
not being able to compartmentalize caring/empathizing vs. acting on that empathy is a sign of low int.
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Must've been hard living as and around uglies, i'm sorry to hear that.
keep playing your cuck game thinking it's not lmao. many suckers like you to go around - all parties to the pipeline into unabashed NTR H games that seem to dominate that market.
4kids larping as normalfaggot, never gets old.
>Trad girl is non existent in gacha
You're talking out of your ass. Way to out yourself as a tourist.
Sounds like a (You) problem, can't say I care.
could've used the same argument if you were a cuckold (you are btw)
So true bestie, anyway which one are you?
all of them.
I take it you only liked rance because he looks different? in other words, you subscribe to the mentality of self insertion but reject it at the same time?
well not only I guess, you liked the way he rapes too. it's the only way for you to get women to like you after all.
>Does not give an example
Then prove it anon.
Now post the modern josei male MC aesthetic.
Women can't beat the cock doood
Every woman alive is mine actually. I just haven't got around to taking them yet.
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>all of them
Good, no need to read the rest of your projection.
how is it projection when it never mattered to me how the mc looks?
>no need to read
looks like I've found your weakness
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>looks like I've found your weakness
Oh yea I definetly don't wanna get found out that i called sluts "women" LMAO
now I am certain I've found your weakness
dunno, didn't read, stop projecting faggot
Lost to this
Looks fun
>Multiple gacha waifu characters in FGO have canonical partners or had them

That's the nature of Fate even back in the day Seibeh, Nero, Tamamo, Semiramis, Medea all had lovers in their previous lives but that didn't stop them from falling in love with their respective masters.
>responding to a tourist
Calling Kancolle irrelevant because it wasn't playable in the west(region that never mattered in gachas btw) instantly marked him as a retard.
>repeating the word "tourist" like it's some kind of buzzword
newfag cutie
>doesn't know about Kancolle's importance in the gacha/otakusphere
>larping as a oldfag
>calling others newfags when he started during AL was active aka an actual newfag
That's just embarassing bro.Putting KC and AL/GFL is another mark of a newfag tourist, those two games never got anywhere near KC's popularity.
>>doesn't know about Kancolle's importance in the gacha/otakusphere
Newfag pushing Kancolle as a Touhou is never not funny. Kancolle is irrelevant, newfag bro.
Noone said that Kancolle was the new touhou, oldfag larper bro. Kancolle has entrenched itself in japanese naval culture and real life areas and will never be irrelevant, unlike forgotten trash like AL, tourist bro. You started during AL, you should stop pretending to know about gachas lil newcutie.
>He still trying to push it
/jp/ trying to show that he knows Japanese is really funny. Kancolle is irrelevant outside of your mind. Puzzle and Dragon & Monster Strike are the reason why gacha taking off.
Stop this pretentious bullshit. I cringed reading your post.
You started during AL man, please stop i'm begging you here, i can't handle the second hand embarassment.
>Can't deflect my argument
And no, I start from FGO. Stop trying to embarrass yourself man. Kancolle isn't relevant outside otaku. They're not FGO or Genshin, no matter how hard you push it.
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Did some discord set up shop here permanently or something? This general is always just people fighting over the smallest things.
I just wanted some good harem gachas to play
it a sorta containment thread so it works out well
We have a shitposter that lives on this board and anons who bite the bait.
sex with zhu yuan
lmao. you are one hell of a fucking retard
I wonder about this too. as always when a thread feels weird I always check the op of the thread and see what sort of audience it might have attracted. either it's about some story also covered by some eceleb (foreign audience) or the op uses rhetoric that attracts a certain kind of faggot with something to prove (inadvertent bait threads).
in this case it's obviously the former. the idea of an exclusionary subset of gacha being labeled as high quality and for normal men (ie. you) that isn't likely to include the gacha you're playing is bound to rustle some feathers.
the latter.
reminder to install 4chan ghostpostmixer. we've got an antsy sea janny in our midst
there's 1b pop. over there. statistically you're bound to find some special snowflake being the exception that proves the rule.
>Any game with X? I really want to play a game with X?
>Try out this game, it has X just like what you asked for.
>Nah that has Y in it too, Y sucks.
>Okay, what about this game? It has a lot of X.
>Ugh, Z. I'm never playing a game with Z in it.
examples? OP seems pretty clear
>see recommendations
>try them yourself
>ignore trannies
Nikke and/or snowbreak, Last memories if you don't have a life. Now go and have fun. This is a threat
hello?? examples????
I don't know. I just like hot gatcha but ironically have been using r/gatcha to find more lewd gams then 4chan since it's just a bunch of rage baiters here.
Found anything that is in english?
>t. retard
Genshin, hsr, zzz.
Ignore the rest.
Genshin, HSR, HI3. Ignore the rest. You ZZZfag is embarrassing.
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Oh, I thought you're ZZZfag. Well even if I don't like the current mihoyo, I still give credit where credit is due. GI, HSR, and HI3 are good games.
Samefag shill
see, can't even discuss games peacefully without anyone getting butthurt for no reason
Oh well, seems like the healthiest thing to do is take whatever game you want to try and ignore this thread. If there's anything new you will know it eventually
you are brown. all the hoyoslurpers have seanigger brand esl and the antis have eastern yurop flavored esl.
for >>1575780
as for you, seethe
this isn't the hoyoslop thread?
why are hoyofags like this?
>high quality
>for straight men (like me)
your point?
>>high quality
>>for straight men (like me)
Again, why are Hoyofaggots like this?
Stop being picky, are you twelve?
I called it in 1575699
If he means straight men (like me) is a shipper, then it's true.
Do guys even actually participate in shipshit? I've only ever seen women talk about it.
Unfortunately. sometimes, men are actually enjoying more shipshit than women. But when i see on deeper level. that shipshit are actually happened because that thing is a kind fanservice pandering toward men
I think the main roots why fujoshit and shipshit going rampant because the brainrotting effect of Harem relationship toward m*le otaku. This why i think Harem is actual bad civilization. Because it destroy the sanctity of monogamous relationship.
Oh yeah i forgot the addiction of P*rn and H*nt*i on the majority of m*le otaku is second cause of this shit happened
Hoyofags pull against their own pandering interests.
It's been a month since i've started Echocalpyse. Hot pngs but the actual gameplay has little depth besides some team building. Feels mostly like whale pvp bait but 0 pressure to spend outside of that.
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Why aren’t you playing Angels on Stage 2.5 Dimensional Seduction game anon?
Isn't that the yuri game?
is left a futa?
it's the woman moment game
Elaborate, wasn't there a [For (You)] girl in the game in the last thread?
tongue in cheek; there's mostly just mc baiting that turned out to be yuri. as least for how far I got before I dropped it.
The premise is shit in the first place.
Why don't YOU try it?
Didn't read the manga
How good is ZZZ for a straight man like me?
I've seen its marketing and it's very coomer friendly.
It's just that, marketing. (You) literally don't exist in the game and none of the girls are for you, not to mention it's already been censored several times.
The ads are almost false advertising but it's alright if you're not looking for (You) pandering.
If you're average American (cuck and have lower standard), then yes it's good for you. If not, then no. First, there's no (you). Second, the design is fucking tame(the only exception is Nicole, that still get hit by censorship).
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Try for yourself and have fun for a while or listen to hearsay and don't. Mods are plug and play, visuals are alright, physics are good, bond episodes, dating mechanic that isn't fleshed out. Overall it's the epitome of mediocre but good enough for a mobile game. The size of the game is the only turnoff.
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Not a futa
I’m playing it pretty fun
Anyway anon. Since i want this thread to. Be comfy. I want to ask, What is you're favorite non gacha game? Mine is Age of Empire 2 and Civilization 5
Deus Ex, STALKER, Half-Life and Corpse Party.
The gameplay is shit even for a mobile game. The other factors carried it hard. Even then it's still mediocre.
Monster raising genre games, Etrian Odyssey, Monster Hunter.
>offtopic shit
Kek fine i'll bite, anything with dress-up and character creation.
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
>offtopic shit
People keep bringing up games obviously off-topic to op might as well talk about actual good games.
people keep saying ZZZ mic is (you) while if you havent log in to the game for sometime those literally called (you) just like some other gacha like HI3rd where the characters was wondering where you go.

Oh stop whining, you know there aren't many mobile games that fit his narrow-minded description, let alone a goddamn gachashit.
Just be grateful that people bothered to even share their two cents in this dead board.
Android patch? I can't download the DMM version
I'll repost it here too.

The game isn't coomer. It's not even coomerbait.
The MARKETING is coomerbait.
The game is PG-3 at most, with a level of edge, for lack of a better word, found in Dora the Explorer. And I put it on PG-3 because of the latest chapters have an inkling of subtle adult humor as you'd find in a Pixar movie, or Phineas and Ferb.
The plotlines are extremely simple and harmless, dealing with children's themes, while the villains are episodic comic relief. The characters completely lack any sex drive and there's not even references to sex beyond a couple good natured extremely subtle jokes the likes are put in children's content as a nod to the parents. Yes, with Jane too. She could feature in Phineas and Ferb or Kim Possible without issue.
If any character shows a romantic inclination it's portrayed as a childish crush or an established, committed relationship so a child can understand.

The plot and characters in game legitimately feel like an AI was given the task of writing a children's video game, and it referenced Totally Spies and the 2000s Scooby Doo. And totally spies is a lot edgier and sexier.
It's a classic case of bait and switch, with marketing that doesn't reflect what's in game.

TL Dr: there's no ships, no relationships, no sex, no romance, harmless violence, every relationship is platonic, no death, not even references to even a slight disfunction in society such as corrupt cops or politicians.

It's a Disney Channel children's cartoon masquerading as a shonen anime game, marketed as a coomer game. It's bizarre.
How about you stfu instead?
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Belle pickers in shambles.
Imagine being welcomed by a homo after two weeks of inactivity. Not to mention now you can switch overworld stand-in as you please.
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Anyway, if any anon still ask about this topic. I show this tierlist image
Thank you, gonna try all blueball and below except the fujo one.
Straight men are no longer welcome in gacha. We lost the culture war against trans women, radical feminists, and gay men. This is like /qa/fags raiding /lgbt/ then getting btfo and kicked out to sharty.
>snowbreak, genshin, (?) and (?)
>Nikke, blue archive?, genshin again (x3), fate and another fate game
Any character action game, like DMC 3 to 5, any Monster Hunter, even stuff like Ace Combat 0/5/7. Stellar Blade was fun too. I hate games with bad combat, like assasins creed, batman games, ghost of tsushima, or any mihoyo game.
Nioh 1/2 and sekiro were alright too.
Straight men or Horny Straight men? Do you want a game with decent gameplay, storyline and characters, or do you just want some 3D puppets with no personality that fall in love with you at first sight and worship you as if you were the messiah without having done anything to deserve it?
Comparing us with lgbt are kinda harsh man, don't blurt out truth like it was nothing...
>or do you just want some 3D puppets with no personality that fall in love with you at first sight and worship you as if you were the messiah without having done anything to deserve it?
Wish fulfillmentfags aren't horny, neither they are a man.
>decent gameplay
>in gacha
https://rentry.org/pcrgjpstartguide you're one of the unlucky fucks who will need a vpn if you want to play it uncensored through DMM.
what are the sex ones, i recognize only snowbreak.
How does this thread attract so many faggots? It's always some butthurt Hoyoslopper, Micafags or some tourist worrying about the agency of pixels on a screen.
Please understand. They don't have any activity other than opening 4chan.
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>real-time morph/physics
>good story
>one animation per live2d
>one animation per live2d
Nikke L2D are not L2D it's just gifs (unlike those of GFL or AL) even those of BA which are extremely limited in animation are more l2d than those of Nikke
Eversoul, don't know, Horizon Walker I think?
youre looking for /esg/ my man
girls should only love girls
>yuri outside porn
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third one is Last Origin
>Yuri outside jokes
Why no one mention Counter:side from Bstudio ? It has good animation art and great taste with great story and cheap in Gacha game standard.

It is top tier game in my opinion.
Good designs and i like the story as well but you can't do anything with the girls and just like nikke, their l2d only have one animation each no matter where you touch.
PvP-centric, borrows heavily from Korean MMOs like many gook gachas pre-Arknights, and virtually no marketing during its prime years. Might have fared better if it got a global release sooner rather than later, ie back when Arknots was still the big gacha instead of Genshin. Oh, and as other people have said before on this board, it has males. I could've sworn it generally shilled the females more, but I've heard it's been shilling the males recently (probably metafaggoty)
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Where's global?
>males are meta
You tell me fag.
>game full of hot babes
>immediately thinking about males
>thread about gacha for straight males
>post mixed toilet
what is it, fag?
You're cute in your retardation. Wanna erp?
>mindbroken homo

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