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>We're forced to third wheel the male faggot rival and the cute retarded rival, multiple times
>But all hope is not lost, thanks to the cute fairy waifu
>Mordecai infects this game as well, forcing you to play as the rivals for extended periods of time
>Ashime suffers through a retarded "unwinnable" fight in an effort to impress the fairy waifu
>Unfortunately, thanks to dev faggotry, the attempt was ineffective

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Unbreakable Ties. It's a Spanish game that got a recent English translation. Not sure what it's about, but there's Lati twins on the cover.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Download Link
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This feels so much more earned than Mordecai and Zapdos.
>Unfortunately, thanks to dev faggotry, the attempt was ineffective
My headcanon is that Angie was too delusional to acknowledge the win and Sakura was too drunk to process what was going on with luring luring out Electivire early and sacking mons to get critical Snarls off to not die to Vikavolt/Electross and eventually win with Minimize Blissey.
Okay faggot, now get out of the way.

Nice try, but you aren't taking my money, faggots
Fair enough kek, sometimes headcannons are all we have...
You could've picked a better mon to shill at least
The whiplash of going from Angie back to everything else easy in the rest of the game is kind of jarring desu. Magmortar lava plumes most of his team and Mimikyu can Baby Doll Eyes certain threats out of relevance while Salazzle continues nuking him.
If the dev is too lazy to finish scenes, someone has to. It's really wild to me that they didn't account for something like that in a game with optional achievements.
Chad Mimikyu getting its revenge.
Nothing like fucking up glowniggers and looking at the obligatory spic fangame fanart gallery
Considering some of the other optional wins' difficulty, I'm not really surprised desu, but it's pretty disappointing
>You lose anyway
This one apparently gives an achievement though so that's nice.
Yeah, the Angie fight feels like it's from an entirely different game compared to even the rest of the optionals. It's a shame that it's the single one so far that the game doesn't give you an achievement for.
Latios singlehandedly held off an Elite Four member long enough for retards to nearly botch the entire rest of a simple kidnapping, what exactly was her plan here if not to just stall for time for the capital G Glowniggers to arrive to help contain the situation?
That's ultimately what ends up happening, but it doesn't make that line of monologuing >>56441248 any less stupid.
>>>>>>>>Anime slash the smoke away
Meanwhile protagonist-kun fell asleep from clicking Protect, Recover, and Minimize so much.

I know I'm normally the first to roll my eyes at games' attempts to redeem antagonist characters, but I genuinely think Vesta's death and redemption arc was decently well done, especially since she didn't drop to the same levels of evil as many of the other characters that these fangames try and make you feel bad for. The worst thing she did was non-lethally attack the mayor in the museum raid right?
Wild bed-shattering sexo that got protagonist-kun and Sakura thrown out of the tavern, judging by her reaction to saying "I remember".
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>She was the champion before the other faggot came along
I was kidding but...
Whiteouts: 13
Now I really don't see anybody winning that outside of really retarded rng kek
>>>>Game still thinks I'm Darek
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kek, it fixes it on a reset iirc
>Terminally retarded
>Won't tell her love interest why she's mad at him until it's too late
>Alcoholic before drinking age
>Addicted to gachas
Did we dodge a bullet bros?
We really did kek
damn that gym fight was so hard bros...took me forever to win

but seriously, my actual responsibilities are starting to pick up again. might end up having to sit this one out i guess kek. apparently it's supposed to end at 5 gyms

is that ayrei the lead dev of the smash hit fangame pokemon vangar
>2 years
I kinda hope that's a jab at how long it takes to release this rather than a major tmeskip coming up soon or worse, both kek
>5 gyms
It seems to go on a good bit past that at least
that's just what the ducumon page for it says. more than happy to be proven wrong and it's actually complete kek
>2 year timeskip
you ready to lose everything you own again...?
Don't play with my heart like this bros, I'm having so much fun with this game.
Hexosexo vs Pinkette.
The eternal waifu war struggle rages on.
The glowniggers showing up out of nowhere just to give the player something to beat up for catharsis was really forced, but this sidequest is well done aside from that.
Wick is a certified gamer it seems.
>you ready to lose everything you own again...?
haha...I'm imagining it'll go to shit at the Palace raid that''s probably happening soon and that'll be where it ends off
She really wants a go at the gatchashit
Translator-dono worked overtime to not botch this with engrish.
Another youtube link in this trashcan.
Is the rare candy cap permanently stuck at 42?
I'll be taking a break from Empire and fan games in general for a week or two

Kinda mental how you guys manage to do a new huge fan games like every three days
It went back to normal for me after I beat the next gym iirc
I'm definitely reading way too much into a throwaway gag, but I'm amused by the idea that ghost type pokemon are so normalized and mundane in-universe they're not really considered paranormal or metaphysical by most.
A lot of us rotate in and out when we start to burn out. Taking breaks is good. Come back anytime, fren. It helps to play good ones periodically too; I imagine Empire is very taxing.
Noted. Thanks.
Yeah that's fair kek, enjoy the break
>Kinda mental how you guys manage to do a new huge fan games like every three days
Me personally, I'm typically one of the faster tripfags, so I usually have a good bit of downtime to detox shitty fangames and do other shit to not burn myself out
This game's gonna warrant a character tier list, isn't it?
The fabled terrible IV, random EV spread Garchomp sweep. I do appreciate how relaxed this game's gameplay is when the focus is clearly on the story and characters in terms of keeping the pacing moving along.
>>>>>>Battle Pike
kek okay
Probably not a bad Idea desu
Ye olde Modest Gyarados sweep.
You really didn't need to include this bit, game.

Surely this isn't an allegory.
Not at all, h-haha
That's good for now. Eda will catch jungle fever later tonight.
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She's finally back bros
Oh...? Is the MC getting some actual development?
You eventually build some tolerance to the shittiness or you get drunk enough to where it doesn't effect you as much.
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Okay so it is the schizo juice making the MC develop, unfortunate
I think we're just missing ez EV training now
I'm definitely doing this kek
>link to terminalmontage in the daycare
don't know what I was expecting honestly
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so many people are getting fired for this, great sequence
>Life Dew and possibly a few other recovery moves aren't working due to shitcode
Oh boy.
whatever it was called in rejuvenation, blackstone or blackrock prison, already this game beats it
>Goes to mysterious cave to try and catch a few rock types
>In over several resets and catching sprees every single pokemon I caught had a quiet nature
>Over 40 or so Pokemon in a roll all had a quiet nature
My luck is just weird sometimes, not like anything I wanted to catch was that fast anyhow, but weird nonetheless.
I assume Kirlia has a quiet nature and synchronize since you seem to be leading with it >>56442228
>oh, me? of course i can use it!
Oh fuck I forgot about that mechanic, to be fair it's really obscure and I rarely see it come into effect.
I love this game, but that's really fucking gay.
I'm mostly just annoyed that my team gets gigaraped by anything even slightly bulky that's carrying EQ desu, makes this a good bit more annoying
Now, getting sneeded by SD + First Impression shitcode? That shit's annoying
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it's nice to see a fangame remember that pokemon are pretty cool
>contrary malamar+superpower
hate to see it. first try
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man it's gonna be weird finding a coffin to accommodate her slouch
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Managed to get most of the fossils via mining, just missing Cradily and Kabutops I think.
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>Is a smoker
>Quiet nature
>Somewhat stubborn
My Kirlia is one those types huh?
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What Darek said really reminds of a certain song from another man who also has a cool dragon.
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Didn't think I'd be able to mark faggotry on the list, but here we are.
Also, Chatter of all things got made into a TM and yet nothing fucking learns it, same deal as before with Force Palm, pretty stupid T B H.
>Hakan pays his harem in headpats
>Clicks an npc
>Youtube link pops up
>Clicks item
>Youtube link pops up
>Clicks random tile in a map somewhere
>You guessed it, jewtube link pops up
Kek, he runs a good business.
got to blackbird town after getting wick, stopping here for now.
it's my least favorite thing about this game, hope it doesn't become a trend
Realidea for comparison did it like 3 times tops and they were well spaced out and pretty creative with the links, here it feels really spammy, I really hope it stops.
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>Shillcario's menacing aura makes every opposing Pokemon shit itself, it's a god, it's invincible, nothing could we stop the might of Shillcario, it's just too good, so awesome you couldn't even understand
>Just ignore the fact Riolu is complete deadweight and has been that way since after the first gym
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Fangame xisters......
>I really hope it stops.
it doesn't
Alright, time to finish up the 'praying nothing has EQ for 7 battles in a row' battle frontier, and then maybe the game depending on how much is left
Once you get rid of the copypasted jojo link used in centers, there's not as much as I thought there would be, only 12-13 once you get rid of dupes thanks to event pages
It's still a lot though
Finally kek
Getting sneeded by EQs and illegal Garchomps suck
is that the eevee program wagie linked me? should've used that myself
Wonky hitboxes aside, very sovlful section desu
Basically, Eevee makes the map files readable, so you can then search for shit in vscode, very useful when you want to find something, it's very nice for mass changing shit
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ArchaludonGODS...we fucking won
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>Things start getting interesting on the MC's side
>oops! time to go see what eda's doing haha!
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Finally...all the pent up seethe and rage over the course of multiple shitty fangames...it's finally being released!
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Kino It should've been Sakura though t b h d e s u
It's nice they remembered this fag I guess kek
Spics are actual gods of fangame making, imagine if they created rejuv
Holy BASED. I might actually play this fangame. I usually just stick to the background and watch you guys in silence but I love tropes like this in anime. I wish unloosing ranger had a moment like this then it would have been a 10/10 for me.
Honestly, even just spickino on the rebornlike engine already sounds like an easy top 3 fangame kek
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Whiteouts: 16
>An actually somewhat difficult optional win battle (not including Angie)
As per usual, the AI is nearly fucking useless, except now it's underleveled and useless, CHADlade carries hard kek, followed closely behind by Scizor not that he did much this attempt kek
Now to win the battle, lose anyway
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Voice acted too, but it got desynced partway through
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>She's seen all the pokefucking jokes rampant throughout the game
Holy fucking kino.
We'd reach a golden age of fucking perfection, sadly spics tend to stick to the kinda shitty gen 5 engine and rebornlikes are meant to be longer games while spic games tend to be a tad bit shorter.
Whiteouts: 18
>No dialogue
>"uhmmm no chuddie, obviously you can't beat an opponent 14+ levels above you"
Either way, wasn't really TOO bad, I just needed to debug my natures, should've bought those mints kek
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bro you're fucked kek
How come the pixelart in these fangames tends to be insanely better than the portraits?
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Oh no bros, I'm a satanist now.
GG, how late are mints available? I got a lot of mons I need to get better natures for.
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oh shit kek
Pretty late unfortunately, post badge 5
I've been noticing that after I made a decently large donation to the fountain in (not) Italy a lot of random items started appearing throughout the city I swear weren't there before, which is kinda neat, sadly I wasted way too much money on great balls to afford paying for the 25k the priest is asking.
Psychic bros...this cannot stand!
Oof, that's something I really hate, I don't get why people tend to gatekeep QoL items so far down these games.
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Shillmonkeks.......it's so fucking over finally, my 6th slot is freed!
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>Ash ex machina
Dangerously based.
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>The church was scamming me all along
Fuck's sake.
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Well it didn't take long for this shit to start up again kek
>Egg finally hatches
>It's a Beldum
>Get excited
>IVs are dogshit and it has a bold nature
>The MC's learned the art of Copium
Its so over bros
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>N-no please, we want you to keep third wheeling!
No way fag!
Oof and yeah.....h-haha......
>Crobat in the battle background
Don't worry bro, nature mints and the IV maaximizer will save your autism in another few hours of gameplay of course, h-haha
>ummm no chuddie, it NEEDS to be 10 levels below your mons because of the heckin level caperino
At least I'm fixing to fight the gym leader
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>Grovyle is basically the MC of his friend group and he gets equally third wheeled
Poor guy, wished he was my starter.
L-lovely h-haha......
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>A Pokemon fangame actually addressing that Pokemon would far surpass normal weaponry and be the main means of military power
to be ultimately fair, the usual shitters with this like jan and octavius DO have pokemon fighting for the militaries and stuff, they just aren't very relevant and get overshadowed by the marlel superheroes anyway
>didn't say wiglett
akebia has fallen, billions must NTR
what gym number is this? 5 or 6?
The lack of a fast travel system kinda sucks, no clue why so many fangames are so fucking allergic to the idea of giving the player a bike early on.
I barely recall a single instance in Rejuvenation where Pokemon were used as military means, heck, Madelis shows up with fucking tanks instead of threatening the MC and GODlia with ya know, literally any fucking Pokemon whatsoever, for fuck's sake she has a Houndoom. Octavius fucking hates Pokemon and only uses them because nobody would give a shit about his miserable twitter tier political essay of a """"""game""""""" otherwise.
i was thinking of the whole vitus and nymiera ancient war thing where they show a bunch of pokemon fighting, also crests to buff pokemon were made for military use (even though that was mostly through le epic human magic). i did forget about all the terajuma changes introducing new retarded shit though yeah kek, forgot about those stupid tanks
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>forgot about those stupid tanks
And ez
This was Gym 6, haha...
It's over.......
>Opens a google form for le feedback
my brain deleted it from the memory banks because of how retarded it is, probably
along with 90% of the game every time i 'play' (watch) it, i remember bitching about the risa raider bullshit and now i don't even remember what i said
it's kamalalbeit
probably will just end up playing when the whole thing is done hopefully not in 2 years...
The Crest thing is a good point, though Niggermyera's backstory pretty much shows humans gaining superpowers and BTFOing Pokemon outright, I hate that my memory is so good when it comes to tiny details in games, because I really wished I could just forget about Rejuvenation.
Holy kek.
>Gets interrupted by the faggot
It's so fucking over
We better not get sneeded somehow in the final release
Might get on making that tierlist, I doubt there's already a tiermaker for this game kek
Hopefully not indeed bro...
Damn is this Essentials? Looks clean as fuck.
How do these tanks even work? You can just pop the driver because they stand on top of it.
Fucking kek
They'll probably save the big moment until after the final boss anyway, desu
>How do these tanks even work
That's the neat thing....
tier list autism complete
https://tiermaker.com/create/pokemon-unbreakable-ties-characters-16429593 for anybody else that wants to do it when they're done
I'll probably start up on the review now
Yep, I think the camera zoom does a lot of the heavy lifting in making a lot of the scenes better desu
>They'll probably save the big moment until after the final boss anyway, desu
Probably, but it's always unfortunate to get blueballed at the end (for now)
Back from hell, had to go wage on the fields.
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Dunno if anyone bothered with it, but the rewards for trading in wood are pretty good.
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It would be really kino if we get to face the MC's dad later on, I really enjoy it as a concept.
One of these days I gotta go into one of these games with a shillmon maxing team.
>He doesn't actually give you Charmander
it's spickino bros
And here's the actual character tier list

>The Good
-The presentation is really good, as per usual with spickino games.
-This can technically fall under presentation, but all the extra character sprites and whatnot helps sell the scenes a lot.
-Eventing during climatic scenes was really nice, mainly with the use of the camera zoom and whatnot. And as a result, the big climatic shit near the end was very kino.
-There's a lot of little sovlful things too, while small, they do add up.

-Difficulty is pretty easy, outside of the optional win battles and especially the battles where the dev never intended for you to win.
-The game starts out pretty slow, and doesn't really start picking up until badge 3.

>The bad
-As Bunken and Orevald have brought up, the Youtube linkshit can really get on your nerves. I'd be fine with ~3, but there's definitely way too much. It's better to just stick to le funny meme images imo.
-Still not a big fan of the whole perspective switch thing, especially with how it's used here. Shit like Darek escaping prison, Eda's jungleshit and the Edward flashback were fine mostly, but later on and especially during the palace raid, you swap perspectives a bunch, which just ends up annoying me when something actually interesting happens and then I am immediately sent to go control another faggot for 10-30 minutes.
-IV/nature fixing is really late, mainly the mints. I can understand maxing IVs being pretty late, but mints being available at the same time is pretty dumb.

There's a lot to like about the game, I'm probably gonna flip flop between A+ and S for a bit, if the rest of the game had even half the amount of kino the palace raid had, it'd probably top my list, but as it is right now, it takes a while to really get going. Hopefully the game can keep up the kino from here on out and it's probably going to need it for the next section, haha....
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And here's the bingoerino
There's probably 1-2 missing, I wasn't really keeping up with it as I was going kek
Finally gonna stop stalling and going to do the third gym, I REALLY hate how much Riolu ruins my team balance, it's fucking deadweight as well, Gardevoir, Scyther and even the recent additions of Lunatone and Anorith have pulled through decently well, but Riolu continues to just sit there in my team box taunting me and making me not able to use my Gallade bro, if you're gonna force a shillmon onto the player, AT LEAST GIVE ME CHOICES DAMMIT.
GG again and nice review, glad this game is turning to be as good as it is after a snoozefest like Hidden Place.
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>Player reaches Pokevenice
>Suddenly the faggotry rate spikes into the skies
What did the dev mean by this?
Thanks, you VILL use the shitty riolu and watch it make you job in cutscenes and you VILL like it
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I don't think the song choices in this game are always great, the gen 7 wild encounter theme for wild mons is really annoying due to how ear grating it is and some other themes are just alright, but sometimes this game has some really good themes that build up perfectly with the aesthetic to make for a really memorable experience, in that sense this really reminds of Realidea, the aquarium being by far one of the best examples of atmosphere in the game so far.
H-haha.....Shillcario will always make me suffer it seems.
>The game for whatever reason doesn't register the player losing the auto-input movement after leaving the surfing course for whatever reason
Nice shitcode.
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>Several ways to get softlocked
>Puzzle is really wonky and relies on luck more than anything half the time
>There's an awful amount of input lag which makes doing the excessively obnoxious button mashing combos incredibly fucking annoying
I get and respect trying to be inventive and doing something different but this just fucking sucks.
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Fight was a bit scary, she has a lot of Ice and Bug coverage, that combined with this being a Water gym kinda sneeded, thankfully Scyther and Gardevoir as usual pull through hard for me, UNLIKE A CERTAIN SHILLMON.
I've noticed a lot of Spanish fangames have a similar graphical style (higher res 2d with clean shading, rather than fake 3d tiles like games used to use), so they're probably pulling from the same public tilesets or have the same graphic artists helping out multiple games, or both. The portraits seem like they're just being made by the devs themselves (or a single artist helper of a lower skill level), it's also pretty hard to make portraits that don't clash with the existing assets anyways compared to a sprite or tile, which you can just take a couple minutes to edit
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S***nigger's favorite snake makes it's retarded return.
>Captcha was vp jgt
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>I get bullshited by 7 flinches in a roll from Crobat's Air Slashes and every single one of my Pokemon got majorly fucked by crits
>The game inadvertently (or at least I assume so) forced me to rely on Lucario to win this fight
You CAN'T make me like Lucario game.
>Win battle, twice in fact, STILL LOSE ANYWAY
Please game....not this.......
>Game incorporates the ship's horn into the instrumental rendition of the song
SOVL. Also.
>Celeste giving the player yet another TM as a present
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Power went out for a bit.
>Gulp Missile is bugged
>Mons are getting hit while using moves like Bounce, Dive and Fly
>U-Turn is repeated twice in the TM list for some bizarre reason
>For some bizarre reason Bombirdier got it's catch rate lowered to absurd levels
Dunno why so many bugs or oversights happened in succession after reaching toucan town.
Yeah, I recall a while back Eric Lostie came here and said (or at least someone claiming to be him) that essentially they made a fork of v16 essentials and the entire Spanish fangame community uses it and have a close knit group of devs that all share and help out with assets
Basically kind of what happens with Rebornevo, except significantly less retardation. I imagine in this case that the dev of this game couldn't ask someone like Elena (very talented creator of Reminiscia) to help design portraits, though
>not even a yt woman
Also, GG again. Depending on how bread goes I might end up actually playing and catching up, we'll see
Was doing a few catches and some grinding (supplemented by a few rare candies) and decided to at least consider using Kabutops for a moment, then it hit me.
>Doesn't learn a single physical Water move besides Aqua Jet until level 56
>Doesn't learn a single physical Rock move until level 70
>Doesn't learn Earthquake for some bizarre reason
>Got massively shafted by Gayfreak and didn't get Sharpness as a new ability in gen 9 (not like any of the fossils are even available in gen 9 A GENERATION ALL ABOUT TIME TRAVEL THAT HAS TIES TO THE PAST)
I hate how much they shaft Rock types, especially fossils, fuck you Gayfreak.
To be fair Elena has been working on both the Reminescencia sexo DLC and that Platinum remake that was floating around.
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>Lucario sees a White woman
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The power of cold hearted waifus and 75 was no match for my Armarouge's fat ass, also for fuck's sake, I really hope this stupid fucking sprite glitch gets fixed eventually, I also ran into another weird bug that turns off following mons.
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>Lucario also gets a waifu
I hate the mutt, but cute.
Would they be considered stepsiblings if the trainers got married
Help Stepbrocario, im halfway stuck in the pokeball!
Interestingly enough, this is on V19 for some reason which explains why there's not a lens of truth section kek
>Basically kind of what happens with Rebornevo, except significantly less retardation.
gg and congrats, gone for an afternoon and I miss kino.
huh, really?
maybe they started making it before the big push for v16? or are just doing their own thing compared to other spanishdevs? idk
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>The game knows
Kek, that'd make things a bit awkward.
Thanks bro.
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Also, before I collapsed out of sheer exhaustion late last night I figured out there's time based mechanics for certain encounter pools, for instance, since I spent so much time in the game trying (and failing) to get anything with good IVs or just finding certain Pokemon in general, I discovered Lycanroc Dusk shows up exactly during 19 PM and 20 PM and managed to get this beautiful lad.
Welp, I tried, her AI was fucking ruthless against me and knew exactly what to click, always clicked Ice Fang on my Grass types, clicked Grass and Fire coverage against my Golem and Steelix (which I'm using via a technicality and also because Brock used a Steelix too so fuck it) and it even clicked Knock Off against my Psychics like Armarouge, bitch sure is proud of herself for someone who dragged a clueless civilian to humiliate in front of an audience.
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>Decide to test out my kaizofag ring team building autism
>Throw together a decently competent team
>Get raped and 6-0'd by the lead through multiple resists
haha...I guess a Rising Voltage Life Orb Regieleki will do that to you
>Edward immediately tries to go on a Kira monologue
>Every single move from Golisopod is a priority move
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Whiteouts: 2
>Let's give a boss trainer a Pokemon that perfectly counters literally everything on the character with a shitty set team you're forced to play as
>She fucking switched on Gabite's Bulldoze that was aimed at Krookodile
Of course the AI developed braincells at the worst moment possible.
refreshing take on "magic blind man" character, kek
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his ability and gym gimmick seems more like he'd be psychic type, not ghost type. very strange choice. first try
>because rodolfo couldn't hold his piss we have to land in the jungle
>Lycanroc doesn't learn any of the moves it should learn via TM
Oh for fucks sake.......
thanks bro
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>Safeguard has been available since the very start of the game
>There's a Safeguard TM available in a mid-game route anyway
This is the second time this happens.
>eda's other three pokemon are togechic, axew, and feebas
she needs to be cut off beer until she makes a fucking team
haha...hope you like taking an eternity to get to the next city...
thanks bro. tbf it hasn't been anything as bad as mordecai sections or the dreaded 3 paths in rejuvenation
Yeah, it's not really comparable to rejuv's shit kek, but this stretch is pretty rough
>Beat the gym
>Deal with Eda's Jungle section
>Haunted house filler
>A couple more routes/caves to explore
>Cut to small Darek storydump cutscenes
>Another 10-15 minute Eda section that really didn't need to be more than a few cutscenes
>MC FINALLY gets to the city after another route
Most of this really should've been cut down a bit at least t b h
I am completely fucking lost in the graveyard, I already lit all the candles, even talked with an npc fisherman about a hook, I walked all over the place, even found some really stupid hidden TMs, but I have no clue how to leave this place or how I'm meant to interact with the tombstone.
Oof, that sounds excessive.
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Here's a quick shitty map
Personally, I was missing the bottom right for a really long time kek
who needs the n-word when we could just say loser gorillas
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Houndoom bros.....ArCHADnites are stealing our jobs......
Turns out I was missing the bottom left candle, I really don't like this map.
That would be an insult to gorillas kek.
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Gayfreak is really fucking allergic to making Ghost/Rock and Bug/Dragon Pokemon huh? That and they make Cusola shit by removing all it's defense and putting it on attack while also giving it an insanely detrimental ability in Weak Armor, sometimes it really feels those retards actively try to make certain Pokemon complete shit for no better reason than fuck the player.
took me 3 tries but I got a sweep with blaziken, if only it were speed boost
>Clicks trash can
>Game opens up a link to a shitty incomprehensible muslim """"""""meme"""""""
What even dude?
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An image that I am sure would send every single faggot on reborncord into a fucking frenzy.
Missed this, GG and nice triple trips
thanks bro. you also find the assault vest randomly in the celestial tower, it's nuts
No one has ever accused Gamefreak of having good decision making skills.
>layton puzzles in jumpscare mansion
>had to pay gholdengo tons of cash for the second one
>maze where you have to find a key first or get jumpscared 20 times
>math puzzles next
nooooooooooo where are my fucking hints coins aieeeeeeeeeee
>My visions allowed me to alter history
>But actually fate is set anyway despite me just saying that
>Talk of time and seemingly paradoxical statements
>Area Zero's theme playing in the background
>Arceus is being a massive shitter
Wait, really? I searched all over the tower and found nothing.
True enough.
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>Suddenly a massive difficulty jump
>She uses stalling faggotry and boosting moves and then starts spamming healing potions like it's fucking Ashen Frost
>My team is around level 42 to 45 and all of her Pokemon are level 49
>Aggron didn't even take 50% from Shillcario's Force Palm (it's boosted to 70 power in this game)
>Flame orb+Guts+Facade Swellow lead
Why all this suddenly?
gg. you should've known by the contrary malamar that it was gonna get dirty
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I swear I've seen this character in some other game, maybe a different color scheme
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Stealth Rocks against my team of two Flying types and a Fire type wasn't fun, then the Mega Gengar came in and things nearly went to hell real fast.
Thanks bro and yup.
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This is pretty fucking retarded T B H.
I understand what RG meant, the pointless fucking detours are getting really fucking annoying.
Thanks bro.
the jungle is kinda fun but the mansion lasts so long
>flashback to darek getting captured
>flashback to ditto getting away
>flashback to darek telling ditto what to do
>flashback to eda and rodolfo landing in lugura city
>flashback to vesta's childhood
>arceus is god in this game but satan is also a thing
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>this happens
>she survives this but dies from lung problems from smoking
this is getting kinda stupid
that ceruledge was pretty tough, two tries. I'll make new thread
here it is
unbreakable bread
the rye that binds

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