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>20 years ago today
Sleep tight, Fuggers
Fondest memories of Emerald?
That kinoSootopolis scene where where Fug BTFOs lil bros with a simple roar then fucks off again.
never bothered with it because ruby pissed me off so bad I quit pokemon for twenty years.

I vividly remember defeating the elite four and bouncing off the walls trying to find out how to go back to johto or something, then the rage set in as I realized there wasn't any postgame.
Still one of my top 3 games next to Gen 1 and XY.
derpy pixels
>average johtoddler
yes, GSC set expectations that RSE did not even remotely meet. that was my childhood experience with pokemon. you are correct.
Oh hey it's this Johto nigger again.
>RSE was bad because the game wasn't neutered to shove in a soulless facade of another region to give the illusion of a postgame like muh johto games
"illusion of a postgame?"

ruby didn't have a postgame at all. none. zero. I will never forget the rage I felt, and I will never forgive. I will always remind the zoomers who pretend to like le epic old game that is the worst installment of the entire franchise.
your ban-evading retard of a friend made a thread here >>56451047
caring about postgame has to be the biggest sign of low IQ among pokemon fans.
>they should’ve arbitrarily removed content and exploration from the campaign and railroad it to after the credits THEN I’d magically like it!!!
might be a valid argument if RSE weren't also shorter than any other mainline pokemon game other than RBY which get a pass for being the first games of the franchise.

short, linear, and no postgame. they objectively were shit.
Let me guess, 7 hours?
more or less.

telling you can't say anything good about the games, only say that not having a postgame is fine. that's how empty they truly were.
the fact i can identify your incessant shitposting in every thread is incredibly sad
Shut the fuck up
Oh hey it's this Johto nigger again.
>wow you posted here before, haha! owned!
can't say a single good thing about the game, I know. I really do. I was disappointed as well.
hi, sorry your crystal bait thread failed again :(
unserious people deserve unserious replies. stick to /vr/ if you want to seethe about zoomers all day
My fondest memory with gen 3 (Sapphire, precisely) was trying to get to Pacifilog out of curiosity.
I found my first shiny ever: a green Tentacool. Nowadays it doesn't feel like finding something great, considering all the water encounters. But back then I felt rewarded for trying to discover that small settlement that nobody bothers to investigate.
It was awesome, especially after I discovered the fast currents area, and the place to fish for Horseas. Plus, the regi puzzle.
>people would rather talk about Johto than H*enn
It's not fair
I loved the water current route. It's one of the few places where you have to run through it from start to finish multiple times to explore everything. It's like that route after Blackthorn, but way more interesting.

It's not even about Johto. It's Discord drama.
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>just wanted to make a nostalgia thread
>immediately devolves into genwars
What the fuck happened to this place? I check in like once or twice a year and it's even more unusable every time.
>Fucks up the Hoenn dex
>Worse distribution than RS
>Makes the plot even more retarded than RS
>Champion is a literal faggot
>Hoenn still a slog to traverse with boring design
This game wasn't that good
I've discussed the actual game more than you have in this thread. all you have is vague sentiments, likely externally influenced. that's clear in your inability to discuss the subject. there doesn't exist a single original thought in your head tied to your own experiences, or else it would be effortless to express them.
We NEED news.
ruby and sapphire brought genwars upon themselves immediately before genwars were even a thing by not having a postgame directly after the generation with the most postgame in the history of the franchise.
Memories? Emerald lives with me. It's not a thing of the past; it's the lens of my experience with the franchise.
postgame isn’t even slightly relevant to a game’s quality
Not to mention being the first gen to actually remove content and features.
Kill yourself retard
where are the Yellow minigames in GSC?
smart, if you view the franchise through a lens of the shortest, most linear, worst, smallest content game then the rest will seem great!
>A game having content isn't even slightly relevant to a game’s quality
Hoenn exists as the de facto gold standard against which other games are measured, but at the same time it goes so much without saying that it generates no substantial discussion either for nor against it. What is there to say, praise, or dispute?

This is in contrast to Johto and Unova where their quality is highly contested. Hoenn's quality is uncontroversial---so much so that nobody cares to really talk about it. What more is there to say, really?
>having more content isn't even slightly relevant to a games quality
what a fucking cope
Where was the Safari Zone in GSC?
it's not talked about because it's old enough that most people haven't played it, and benign/forgettable enough that most people don't discuss it, due to being extremely short.
A """genwar""" thread is just one where we discuss the games and don't hold our tongues about what we think.

Also, a nostalgia thread isn't worth anything if you've stayed connected to the thing the whole time (or at least for a spell in recent times).
Moving content to after the credits doesn’t magically produce more content.
Goldenrod Game Corner and Ruins of Alph
and despite that, RSE have the least amount of content of any mainline game other than RBY, and the difference isn't big.

and yes, it's fun to be able to do more stuff with your team after the elite four. there's a reason every single other pokemon game has postgame. people like it. it's good. cope.
Melty part 2? Melty part 2!
>it's old enough that most people haven't played it
Emerald, maybe, but non-early zoomers have likely experienced Hoenn through ORAS.
>benign enough that most people don't discuss it
so just as I said, it's felt as the default experience, uncontroversial and about what one would expect from a Pokemon game
nobody contests it besides johtods
>and despite that, RSE have the least amount of content of any mainline game other than RBY
Quads of truth, GSC has no worthwhile content
Good thing the real credits don't play until after you beat Red
it'll be curious to see his evidence, and funny to see him try to get this claim over in the coming times he's going to spam it regardless
Anyone that's played the games.
The real ones play after Lance. The final battle theme plays at Lance.
default pokemon experience has a postgame, has a reasonable amount of side dungeons, and is at least 1.5x as long or more.

the reason "johtods" contest it is because they are old enough to have first hand experience of the disappointment.

longplay hours. consistently 7 hours, compared to 11-30 hours for games other than RBY. shouldn't be surprising either if you'd actually played it and not just ORAS which has more content.
Why are you talking to yourself again?
why do you need to cope this way?
you're an idiot if you are seriously arguing that RSE isn't the shortest game other than RBY. literally means you haven't played the games. die on that hill if you want, they're fucking short.
You're a fucking idiot if you think even 10% of Pokemon players bother with the postgame.
I thought postgame was the same as pre-postgame content? it isn't now? hahahahahaha
>a postgame
sidequests? unlockable facilities and locations?
>a reasonable amount of side dungeons
optional areas?
>at least 1.5x as long or more

>the reason "johtods" contest it is because they are old enough to have first hand experience of the disappointment.
west kanto and kanto are just two halves of one full game though
Uh oh melty.
In the first two generations most people who cleared the league definitely did.
Battle Facilities are what's largely ignored
>you're an idiot if you are seriously arguing that RSE isn't the shortest game other than RBY
I was today years old when I first heard this claim. It's never crossed my mind before and I see no obvious way for it to be true.
The claim is quite dubious.
>literally means you haven't played the games
I have. Never noticed them being the "shortest" of all.
I too can rephrase what someone says with question marks attached. not sure why I would do something so retarded though.
I always wondered why Johto any% speedruns include Kanto and Red. I guess it wouldn't feel like a full Pokemon game otherwise, but the Emerald run should end at Steven then.
>it wouldn't feel like a full Pokemon game otherwise
it's this
West Kanto by itself doesn't feel complete
probably the only game that's true for, where the postgame felt needed
if it isn't obvious, your experience with pokemon games is severely lacking, or you have issues with comprehending the passage of time. but it's also easily confirmable with the information I've already provided for you. longplays.

RSE is 7 hours long. RBY is 6. the rest of the franchise is 11+.
Emerald has significantly more padding than Ruby & Sapphire, so is it actually longer than 7 hours or are the base games substantially shorter than that estimate?
I wouldn't even call Kanto "postgame " in GSC, it's just part of the game. Johto is not a complete game on its own.
>the rest of the franchise is 11+
kek i'm using this later
t. born after 2001
how exactly does one measure a Pokemon game
three times the content of RSE, yes, felt good, and made RSE feel really bad. and as anons have said, it doesn't matter if an arbitrary line is drawn between pre/post! unless it does now magically for some reason.
it has a building with a shitty unfun PVP simulator.
GSC could've just been Johto and it'd still have more content than RSE btw.
>you have issues with comprehending the passage of time
I don't know if this is an autist thing you have, but unlike you I never speedrun Pokemon games
I take as much time as I need or want to explore, train, engage in side activities, and battle as I want
100+ hours on a file is nothing unusual to me
That's not all of the "extra content" in Emerald, anon. There's like 3 additional boring evil team encounters that were tacked on to waste your time.
true, the johto side is about 10 hours
The times make no sense from a speedrunning standpoint either. It's all shitposting, so fuck with him all you want lol.
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>long plays
meaningless because they don't reflect how normal people actually play the game. most people spend around 30 hours doing the main game which is comparable to most other games in the series. for reference GS are also about 30 hours average, DPP 35-40 hours.
so johtoddlers don't like battling, hunh

makes sense

guess that's why gen 2 is thought of as the worst (and least played) OU while gen 3 is thought of as the best (and most played)
how the hell do you get "speedrun" out of the word "longplay"? that's incredible
I'm entertaining him in case he accidentally says something enlightening, which would be amusing

I'm just baffled this is the line he's trying to push, when I've literally never heard it before in my life; makes me very curious to see his reasoning
>thread about Emerald anniversary
>johtoddler derails it into a genwar thread out of nowhere
every time. why are johto fans like this?
Is pre-physical split OU still played nowadays?
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>thought of
by who? you? obviously not the world, so...
Some of the most extreme turboautists love gen 2 OU but it is so fucking miserable to play.
a longplay is a casual speedrun

you think they'll devote time to things like engaging in extra facilities or hunting for specific mons with specific attributes?

there's too many variables at play to really talk about "length" in an objective light
the only actual observable metric here is long plays. these are normal people not trying to speed run the game, and can be compared by generation. you posting an arbitrary screen shot of something written by literally who is meaningless. comparing longplays is objective relative information, and RSE played normally by a normal human is 7 hours, shorter than everything but RBY. cope.
Still mad your shitposts got btfo?
>guess that's why gen 2 is thought of as the worst
That's Gen 8 followed by Gen 5, actually
Wrong, Johtimmy.
That's an old pic, RS are much higher.
Gen 3 OU literally gets 170,000+ matches every month, dwarfing every other old gen OU. Even the next highest, Gen 7 OU, only gets ~110,000- matches.
there aren't extra facilities in RSE, that's one of its problems I've already addressed. it has the least amount of side content of any game. it has like, a boat and a few small one room caves. it's really depressing.

and no, a normal pokemon player does not hunt for specific pokemon with specific attributes. that's something adult autists do. you are projecting the way you play onto the entire population, which is apparently 100+ hours on a single file, which is not normal at all.
>survey time period march 2024
guess a lot has changed in the last half a year then, copey
And yet over 40,000+ matches of either are played on ladder every month, while Gen 2 OU routinely gets under 10,000.
oh yeah this has everything to do with normal people playing normal pokemon games

dying on the gen 3 smogon hill I love it, stay there
You're just reaffirming what I said here >>56452314
Why do millennials hate battling so much?
if your best argument to defend emerald is that smogon autists like playing with the pokemon from the games, which has almost nothing to do with the actual games themselves, then I am perfectly happy with your argument and will crack open a beer watching you bleed to death on that weird little hill.
Yeah, Trick House isn't extra, Battle Tents aren't extra, Contest Hall isn't extra, and the Frontier facilities aren't extra. You right. Charuuu
It's almost like the battles are significantly slower, meaning there's less overall but they end up being more tactical.
Oh and secret bases aren't extra facilities either. See, forgettable content
I actually do enjoy battling, in places where a tranny doesn't blow xer lid if I use sleep powder or put a quick claw on something or have a pokemon with drizzle on my team
lol the only thing there resembling actual content is the trick house and that's sad. so there's a boat and the trick house, and a few small one room caves. you seriously comparing this to other gens side content? even RBY had more than this.
this is the same kind of person that seethes about the AI "cheating" in the battle frontier
please count all the content in every game for us :)
I just don't see how West Kanto games are supposed to be better than Hoenn games when they have

>worse battling
>more empty space
>less landmarks and visuals
>fewer facilities
>fewer ways to battle (which is the main aspect of Pokemon gameplay)
>worse story
and whatever other metric one cares to use
doesn't figure to me
Only 40k for the previous gen is fucking pathetic with how chaotic Gen 9 OU has been for the ~2 years it's been around/ Gen 8 OU is by far the worst.
no, this is the kind of person who never bought emerald because ruby sucked.
sad. i guess with no evidence shown i'm still a hoenn stan :)
Gen 9 OU is the first current gen OU of recent memory to dip down to a straight million matches a month
every other one was more in the high million
half of your list is absurdly subjective and the other half are lies, especially the "fewer facilities" part, reflecting either complete ignorance or pure disingenuity. I've mainly been using objective metrics, like content length, linearness, postgame content, side content etc. and you're stooping to the equivalent of favorite colors and just straight up lying.
yes, I'm sure the fake pvp building tacked onto the smallest shortest pokemon game saved everything
Please count all the content for us.
>more empty space
Half of Hoenn's map is water with only like three notable extraneous locations to actually interact with. What a lie
>worse story
Johto's lore is superior and both have shit stories.
don't have to, longplayers already did it by taking 7~ hours to complete RSE and 20~ hours to complete GSC. as if it wasn't obvious. just pull up a map. so obvious that I'm once again happy to just let you sit on that hill.
Burden of proof would technically lay on >>56452370
This happened for GS's 25th anniversary thread too jsyk
what lore?
the unown: went nowhere
ho-oh: revived dead eeveelutions, who do nothing
lugia: does nothing
celebi: did nothing before HGSS
giovanni: retcons his ending in the kanto games

I'm not seeing the superior lore here
No Johtimmy, Johto nigger made the original claim of 7 hours and RBY and conveniently forgot about this post >>56452312
clear he's not going to do it at this point
oh well; it was a preposturous claim anyway; I never expected him to be able to produce the evidence
the lore is i'm a weeb and johto has stereotypical japanese towers
Cordees absolutely fuming today bros
What went so wrong?
They went back to their own thread >>56451047.

So anyway, the first symbol I got was extremely hype even though it was just Silver Pike. That Milotic is a beast.
what lore?
abandoned ship and new mauville: went nowhere
regis: have no explanation or any relevance to the history of hoenn
latis: do nothing
jirachi: literally not even referenced in-game
zinnia: a character that nobody found intriguing while also being a manipulative bitch to the rest of the cast
Fuck, spoke too soon.
Cordies a bit riled up ;/
Oh nos
>engaging in discussion about the games are bad even when it's not about some arbitrary metric like average playtime. everything needs to be a criclejerk in my nostalgia thread!
actual faggot redditor
lol cordies getting dunked on
ok but the thread was about enjoying emerald, if you want to have an argument about johto vs hoenn go make your own thread you gorilla nigger. not every single thread needs to be an argument, that's why we can have multiple threads up at once. if you don't like the topic of a thread, just don't engage with it instead of derailing it with purposefully inflammatory comparisons to other games that nobody brought up
Uh oh melty
>ok but the thread was about enjoying emerald,
and evidently nobody cared about discussing this game on here until the playtimefag bumped the thread. we're done talking about gens on their own merits now
>nobody likes johto's soul threads so i have to shit up everyone else's
Wallace isn't gay, retard.
Favourite base layout/location?
factory of course. i still love that shit to this day
Why are hoentimmies so insecure bros
Never played it.
Got Ruby and was too much of a poorfag to rebuy a expansion version.
Might emulate it one of these days just to check it out.
>want to get a physical copy for my gf to play
>don't need it to be pristine or in a box or anything
>"""""Collectors""""" and """"""""investors""""""" are selling cartridges for well over $100
>I just want my gf to play the games on original hardware and not on her laptop, is that so much to ask?
I didn't experiment enough to pay attention to layouts, but non-leafy secret bases are depressing, save for sandy secret bases which are just a middleground

non-log-floor leafy secret bases are the mkst aesthetically pleasing visually (saying nothing about the layouts)

they should have had watery secret bases too

they also would have benefitted from rescue team's friend areas existing beforehand, to provide a model for better visuals
Ecruteak and Goldenrod are the best parts of Johto, for the very obvious fact that Kyoto and Osaka (and Nara, but Violet city is a bit empty in-game) are among the best parts of Japan, and definitely the most aesthetic cities. Kyushu and Hokkaido completely mog anything within Honshu when it comes to natural beauty, but that's a moot point when the most kino cities will forever be in Kansai.
Johto is hard carried by 1. being based on Kansai, and 2. including Kanto and gen 1 characters post timeskip.

Expert moving of goalposts there, I'm genuinely impressed.
Yes, that's too much to ask.

The game is 20 years old. Be grateful you even have the opportunity to purchase it.
He didn't put any effort into his "analysis", so why should I?
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RSE has the best Wild Battle theme, Trainer Battle theme, and Champion theme in the entire series (mainline).

And the best Ending/Credits theme in the entire series.
And the male protagonist in Emerald has the best outfit of all of the male protagonists.

It's non-generic and stylish whilst also being distinctly Pokemon in a way no other outfit is.
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This guy being an unstoppable beast. I cannot tell you how many times Torkoal has saved my arse. The backbone of every Gen 3 team I have ever used. Yes, even in the two nuzlocks I did. Bro made sure he had my back and showed up first each time. Fucking based Pokemon.
torkoal would be good and usable in a gen iii competitive meta without legendaries

its stats, typing, and movepool all work for it
You missed my favorite soundtrack.
skipped those so often it's easy to have no idea how they stack up against each other, or forget how they even sound

this one's good though
While I love the Credits theme from Emerald when I replayed it a while back, I still think ORAS improves on it massively. This one legit makes me tear up. https://youtu.be/fveMe4HgPik?si=ScJCV_wMdUSl9Io6
I just miss the early 00s Yu-Gi-Oh style of slapping "antique" markings on everything just cuz it looked cool

Because it did look cool
I quite enjoyed and found satisfying the regis puzzle and the fact I figured it out all on my own
>Fondest memories of Emerald?
They are:
>First time going underwater
>Finding the submarine by pure coincidence >Finding the Sealed Chamber by pure coincidence
>My Blaziken managing to land the finishing blow with the 50% accurate Dynamicpunch of all moves despite Kingdra having set up a +6 Double Team
>Stumbling across a shiny Sableye in Victory Road
>Getting my first Frontier medal (it was in the Battle Factory, the battle theme absolutely blew my mind)
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I have a vague memory of getting lost in a desert and not knowing where to go. At the time I had no home internet, it was summer and I wasn't paying $10 for the guide.
this is more generic
this sounds like a synesthia or regular piano cover from early 2010s youtube with viewership around 10,000
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>Fondest memories of Emerald?
Also one of my fondest in general: going with my parents to see a movie, then afterward to the beach and eating icecream. While waiting for the movie trailers to end I was battling some of the trainers just west of lilycove city. My ninjask kept getting one shot killed from rock throw. It was a good day.
>ruby didn't have a postgame at all. none. zero.
Yeah it did. It had the Battle Tower, which was also the first version to award held item prizes like leftovers or a scope lens, and you could get the shields for 50/100 streaks that you can put in your secret base.
It's still a staple of modern Trick Room teams too.

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