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>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you're going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won't help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it's only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>56427075
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Requesting my OC accompanied by her shiny meowscarada ready to face geeta and her glimmora in the middle of mesagoza
Aaand here we go again
You're quick
Requesting the aftermath of Kieran getting his yee yee ass haircut shaved clean off by Nemona, with his head being perfectly round like a lollipop, kinda like that Amphibia scene with Marcy and Anne.

Also, the answer to the filename's question is "Calvo" or "Pelón"

God bless this edit. It's perfectly goofy and I'll keep it as a sort of baseline for those who wanna fully draw it
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Requesting either a comic or animation of Buneary evolving into Lopunny but without a glow to surround it while it evolves.
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Requesting Hisuian Typhlosion and Delphox in a wizard duel
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Requesting Roxie as the guitar guy from MadMax Fury Road
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Requesting Arc-Lance flying like Superman
Requesting Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop dressed as a boy band
Bonus points if Hitmonlee is bassist with his feet, HItmonchan is the drummer, and Hitmontop is the singer
You got your delivery, no one wants to draw your donutsteel Geeta clone
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Requesting my OC accompanied by her shiny meowscarada ready to face geeta and her glimmora in the middle of mesagoza
Requesting Latias eating serena flavored ice-cream
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Requesting Chatot as a happy merchant like pic related
Requesting Kakyoin reroing a Cherrim.
>You got your delivery
i didn't though
Parroting is admission of defeat
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Requesting ideas to draw something about Braixen and Zoroark
Cute girls
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Yes you did, it's right here, no stop acting entitled and accept it
Is female Braixen x male Zoroark
>Just accept the troll request gobble the slop
You're just the cherry on top the thread needed
Not an argument
Is it really an argument when you can get banned for it?
Banned for what? for requesting a drawing in the thread?
Avatar use.
No one is avatarfagging doe there
Using an OC in a drawthread request counts, dumbass
>Asking for a drawing of an original trainer is avatarfagging
How does that makes any sense?
This thread reeks of sharty
Because it's your character. Simple as that.
An original character not an avatar
Same shit, different ass. Learn to follow the fucking rules
>Same shit
Not really
Shut the fuck up, you two!
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Requesting Penny getting hacked by (bayverse if possible) Soundwave's elite haxor skills
Hey guys, can someone draw an Ulamog dressed up as Marley? Thanks
I said what I said, so I'll just wait. Lol
Request slop, receive slop, simple as
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It's only a matter of time.
>No u!
Oh my God.
Until what?
Nah bro, I made good requests and got some based deliveries
>Loud incorrect buzzer
>Already 50 posts and it's just a bunch of underage sharties arguing
How should I respond to this, according to Shartywiki?
Zoroark and Braixen going to a metal concert, maybe something like Rammstein with a lot of pyrotechnia
or maybe a comic of zoroark transforming into a male braixen, but his braixen gf says she wants him as a zoroark (cute)
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Requesting the ORAS female pokemon ranger apprehending and hog-tying a ORAS bird keeper in a forest/park for littering.
Considering the amount of good art I've gotten, I'd say I deserve a few dings
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Requesting Ground Miku meeting a blue eyed Hex Maniac in the desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Ground Miku and saying 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!'
Based Transformers enjoyer.
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Requesting Pic Related floating in space near galaxies smaller than it.
Is this larger than galaxies thing an obscure fetish? Genuinely asking
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Requesting Elphaba and Glinda from the upcoming Wicked movie as Pokémon Trainers with Elphaba's Pokémon being a shiny Mismagius and Glinda having a Jigglypuff.
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Your request has already been fulfilled!
Requesting Bodysuit Akari.
i didn't asked for this
Take it on the chin FFS.
You fucknuts you should have just ignored him you ruined another thread
Maybe design a better OC then.
>Do something
Not your personal army faggot
>Not your personal army faggot
Oh my god, you are so stupid. That has nothing to do with what I'm saying.
>gimme more art
not your personal artists, faggot
I never got anything i wanted thoughever
Retards above me
Retards below me
Requesting Bede completely naked except for a leaf covering his crotch, embarrassed while Hop points and laughs at him.
>>56459220 #
>>56459224 #
You got more than you deserved for a somehow less interesting character design than Geeta, atleast that artist gave your character some semblance of a personality
>You got a lot of things you didn't want stop complaining chud!!
Why there are so many underages arguing in the drawthread now?
Some guy kept spamming his request that he would be better off commissioning an artist for, someone made a joke delivery and he refused to take the obvious joke, so people have started arguing with him now instead of ignoring him.
how is that?
>your OC accompanied by her shiny meowscarada

>ready to face geeta

>in the middle of mesagoza

That pic has everything you want.
Trips confirm.
You forgot the part where i asked to make it as shit as possible
>shit as possible
What do you mean? That pic is even in color, very few requests have color.
Requesting Geeta running around in Alola after being robbed naked like Ichiban in Yakuza 8
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Hey, is the drawanon who made this still on here?
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Requesting picrel with Throh and Scrafty
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Holy fucking shit, yes!
Look, imma be honest, don't expect a delivery for quite some time, but it will be done! As proof, I delivered pic attached for a months old request. I took 2hours on the dripping water alone. My autism is weaponized. SOUNDWAVE SUPERIOR, PENNY INFERIOR!!
Not OR, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THAT IS BASED!! Fantastic work. I will always appreciate a Penny enjoyer as dedicated as you. I’m looking forward to the other request being delivered!
>The only winning move is not to play
That makes sense, thank you
i shall wait as long as you need to take. your skills are commendable, and i sincerely hope people pay you in your near future.
This is the first time this artwork got shared here in the drawthreads though, you never delivered it here until now
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Requesting a Gardevoir taking a leaf blower to the face, like pic related.
Requesting Sabrina lifting a massive dumbbell, with someone telling her to stop cheating with her psychic powers in which she responds "what psychic powers"?
What does that mean?
Humbly requesting a drawing/doodle of a Helioptile, anything is fine

Seconding because that's hilarious
It’s a play on Soundwave’s iconic line “Soundwave superior, Autobots inferior” from the 1986 Transformers movie.
Any art of Penny being embarrassed is kino.
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Requesting Arcanine (or any other dog pokemon) drawn like this
You got what you requested, whether or not it was how you wanted it doesn't matter, you should be thankful anyone drew your OC for free at all
It was "Soundwave superior, Constructicons inferior" in their bid for Decepticon leadership after jetissoning some dead weight off of Astrotrain. The Autobot insult was from Transformers Prime.
>dead pastebin
Any idea who / what the original request for that one was? Might try to track down in the archive

Prime Soundwave is best one though.
All the resources are dead
>Humbly requesting a drawing/doodle of a Helioptile
Good tastes, I'll hit you up on that.
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How are we looking so far?
Not OR, but this is shaping up. The shadows in particular caught my attention
I'm pretty lazy at my core, so I don't like doing shading very often. The lightbulb heads were a good excuse to practice making those long shadows you see on a summer afternoon. Like that one quote from Kingdom Hearts.
Things to do:
>Add some lightbulb glow to the scenery (already done)
>Mix up the expressions on the sunbathers
>add more Helioptile behind the one in the foreground/add a Heliolisk watching over them
>add a Flying Type waaayyyy off over the mountains at the OR's discretion
Good luck to you on that end
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Pic from last thread. Post may have been shadow deleted, cuz it showed up on my devices. Either that or no one here goes into /trash even when given a specific target.
Thank you so much for the support and patience! Yeah, I wish I made money too.
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I have tried to search for the OR before but came up empty handed. All I have saved is their reference image(pic included). I do remember that 1. Penny being topless was an add on from a reply to OR, and 2. ORs request had a delivery well before mine.
NTA but with your reference, I found it within a minute
OR here, I really like this, wow
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Pleased to hear it, do you like any Flying-Types?
A Heliolisk in the background would probably be cool, I really like how that's looking, and as for the Flying Type, something like Noibat or Noivern feels fitting IMO, but you're the one making it so I think whatever you decide to draw will be fine, as I'm not picky at all
Well actually that might be strange in the day time, so hmm. Anything is fine though, honestly
Is anyone managing the booru? Looks like the last post was a whole year ago excluding the pages of vore and porn that got spammed on the booru since then
probably not, a lot of boorus just kinda die out cause no one wants to spend the time posting on there. best place to post would be https://vidya.pics/post/list it's for /v/ but it's actually active.
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I'm not used to drawing sequences, but I'm quite proud of the result. I hope you like it, anon.
Not OR but that looks awesome and cute
>Anything is fine though, honestly
Full-size, non-joke version available here: https://files.catbox.moe/5tr00v.png
I actually gotta cut it short to take care of some busywork, but thanks for letting me get some drawing practice.
Hindsight and all, but take it from me: if you want to have an archive, you're better off just having someone host it locally that they can link through Mega.nz, g**gle drive, or any of their competitors.
It's a 10/10 from me.
not OR. this is much cuter than i thought it would've been. i was expecting someone to do an animorphs thing. thank you anon
requesting swoobat using heart stamp, but literally. like using his nose to stamp a heart onto an envolope or cheek
I love it, thank you so much!
OR here! I'm so glad a request of mine has been fulfilled by someone as talented as you! Thanks so much, it means the whole world to me!
Well, I suck.
Requesting a male Fairy-type Pokemon ogling a Nidoqueen. If his trainer ogles the Nidoqueen's trainer, even better.
Thank you all! It's been a while since I managed to finish a request.
I wanted to avoid doing those sorts of transformations that you can tell it's someone's fetish. I tried to imagine it as if it was a funny transformation sequence you'd see in an old Disney movie.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, truly!
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This was my prompt
>from the 1986 Transformers movie.
How are we supposed to know that?
Oh yeah sorry, I don't go to trash
Damn, I just realized how dumb I am
What is that?
It could be worse, you could be him: >>56458446
>He's still seething
I cant find that search tool
He means the off-site archives like arch.b4k and desu.
Not everyone knows, yeah. It's a specific line that's like a call for other Transformers geeks. Kinda like the universal greeting from the same movie, "Bah weep granah weep ninny bong!!"
Finally a new image of yours, Deshaun
Requesting unconditional love
Requesting anything cool with Stoutland
Stoutland mauling a Meowth haha
Dispelling a Ghost-type of the artist's choice with a single Bite
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Requesting fanart of this fluffy Roserade please.
>No u!
Like clockwork
Not your personal army, fuck off
>Not your personal army
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Requesting Emma, in a helmetless Essentia suit, sucking Looker off under his desk. Classic secretary position.
you used the wrong canned response
Emma would never...!
We don't sign our posts here
NPC momento
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Requesting a female Lopunny putting her trainer in a headlock with her thighs.
Chat, what does this mean?
Maybe learn how to read and you'll find out
Bruh momento
is it censored because you dont like seeing her nipples, or is it censored because the artist drew it that way
WTF? I love TCG now!
Why does he hate Cynthia so much
You know it's a bad board when the drawthread looks like this
Its a bad point for the fandom in general
I'm talking about the games, Switch ones are worse than 3DS ones, and there's been zero news since december.
It has nothing to do with her and everything to do with popularity. Yes, yes, I know the elaborate LARP story and none of it was true at any point.
If Gardenia got the same attention Cynthia did, you'd be seeing the same exact behavior play out.
Requesting Granbull getting punched in the stomach by a jacked human. I hate that piece of shit Gen 2 dog.
Getting cut open by a dagger works too. Please.
Up yours. Nobody likes a faggot
what went wrong
Shitty games.
Bad games make bad fanbases.
The only good Pokemon games released in the passed 10-15 years were remakes.
Pokemon is literally in the same position Sonic the fucking Hedgehog is in, except with exponentially more money so, unlike Sega, Nintendo/GameFreak/TPC has no reason to care.
Kek, this pic is probably the best thing to come out of this godforsaken thread in months.
You could argue that the powers that be have mishandled the franchise for any number of reasons but the deciding factor is that there's nothing left to talk about. Everything to know about Generation 9 has been thoroughly dissected and we're stuck grinding tera raids across Paldea for another entire year at least. At which point people will pounce on Z-A in a desperate bid to have something new to talk about and thoroughly dissect everything to know within a month. And then we're back to the long wait.
There's no new merchandise worth talking about. No side games to pass the time, most romhackers have aged out of community projects and fangames and the Nintendo Ninjas are now so twitchy that the only way to keep your project on the internet is to never ever release a vers.1.0. The anime is more of the same we were burned out on since 2007.
I'm not even trying to be a doomer here, genuinely, what is left except to hold onto the embers and hope something happens?
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non degenerate version of this?
The Switch
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Requesting a redraw of this.
What do you mean, it's already perfect.
You did a fantastic job on the sequencing ! Keeping it simple like that really adds to your charming aesthetic. Great work!
Based and thirded
You mean mainlines. Legends were excellent
Draw her loving life.
Who's idea was it to ruin primarina
Why would people sign their posts though?
Lol same, I never really liked iteither
On model with the actual Pokemon or following the reference's proportions?
Reference proportions. Make her thicc
Faggots on the sharty do it a lot
I see. How do theey do it? Like on the picrel?
They just slap it on at the end, best example I could find is this guy who regularly calls himself PINGAS MAN
- Example
I got aids from looking at that.
I don't blame you. It's cancerous as hell
Requesting enlightenment
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Money earned through investments is taxed at a lower rate than money earned waging. Put all your income into stocks and offer those stocks as collateral in exchange for bank loans to actually live off of--because the bank loan isn't actually your money and the government can't tax theoretical income in the stock market, the money you save can be used to buy more stocks to collect more loans to pay less taxes to buy more stocks.
You can turn all of your gas receipts into tax refunds by registering an LLC and declaring yourself a self-employed taxi service operating at a loss due to family discounts and poor advertising. If you spend more than $500 a year on gas and mail all the receipts to the IRS, you will cover the initial licensing costs and still turn a net profit.
Wow that sounds amazing... But I live in Europe not America :/
Requesting unspeakable things
The Pokemon porn drawthread is in >>>/trash/
Go there
OR here, I agree with the reference proportions, you can make her thicc if you want.
>the guy's request only involves human trainers
>links him to the furry/bestiality board
Are you trying to troll him? His request can be posted on /h/ instead where he won't end up getting monkey paw'd with some faggot furry artist drawing a male pokemon instead of Looker.
Requesting a regional bird of your choice pooping on this dude's OC >>56458446
Seconding except remove the OC and just draw a regional bird pooping.
>Still seething after two days
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Requesting Mareanie wearing a cowboy hat
did that drama kill the thread
I would argue it's the fault of the retards who couldn't ignore the problem instead of making it worse
Nah, anons still deliver. Next time just don't pay any attention to that fag.
Requesting Mega Glalie pumping out a veritable shitstorm's worth of ice, sleet, cold air, etc. Like, Global Warming's nothing in comparison.
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900 hours in MS paint
Looks like those hours paid off. This is very cute!
Not OR, but that's very cute, anon. You did a good job.
Please, remember to anchor.
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Requesting a version of this, but with Pachirisu.

Seconding because that sounds funny

(Btw, I love how you felt the need to put links as if people here don’t know who Pachirisu is. That makes the request a lot funnier)

Based Pachirisu enjoyer.
Thanks for the Based
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let some other anon do this i just shitted this out in like a minute but i wanted to draw a little shitty thing for fun
Thank You
Nice Palworld screenshot.

Seriously though, that looks very nice.
its okayish for the short amount of time and the build in drawing program from 4chanx
only so much i can do with that and drawing with mouse
Since we're in the mood for Pokemon wielding weapons, requesting a Mudkip brandishing a switchblade

>Herd you talking shit
OR here. thank you so much, I love it! I'll treasure it forever
>I'll treasure it forever
Prove it !
OR here, great work on her design.
Oh, cool!
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saved it with the same filename and all. thinking of making it my profile icon in discord or something if that's ok
damn, now I wish I'd put some actual effort into it last night
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here, I figure you deserve me putting some actual effort into it instead of just getting a meme-tier scribble
I love it, now I have both versions. it's like a blu-ray edition lol. thanks again, anon!
Fuck this shit board keeeek
I use it to talk to my friends. what's wrong with it?
Requesting the shearing of Wooloo
Requesting electric type Pokemon of the artist's choice doing the electric slide
Came across this image a while ago.
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and then one with a transparent background, in case you wanted to put something back there
gimme something ez 2 draw i am enjoying a tasty coconut rum
Aron or Swinub
both if you feel like it
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i remember my mom caught a shiny aron in pokemon go
will finish this one tomorrow

Oh my god this is SO CUTE I love it so much. Thank you!!!
Forgot to anchor sorry.
Holy based
He's been told to hate it
A true NPC
OR of the wizard duel. Excellent work, also appreciate the transparent version

Anchoring, nice to see so many deliveries. Especially after whatever the fuck was going on earlier

Someone was managing the Dropbox, but stopped a while ago, likely due to life getting in the way
Not OR but nice stuff!
OR here, perfection! Fucking great, many keks were had. This pic is gonna be reposted around for years to come, I bet.
That looks awesome, dude.
Nice kek, saved as a reaction image.
Thank you anon, you're doing the lord's work.
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Requesting Hilbert visitng his grandpa George - György Soros - who calls him "Fekete! Feketém!" with outstretched arms.
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>Why are you so cruel, father? Aren't you supposed to love me?
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put more cute requests in the thread
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sketch request for a simple comic
classic sporty blaziken being confused as to why she has a navel
funny bird-like bend down to look
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>... howdy.
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and then one with a blue tint so that Mareanie looks more like she's lit the same way as the rest of the stuff in the water
Nice, I like the 2nd one more :D
That's so cute!!!
well thanks drawfriend!
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and then here she is by herself
I've never liked it because every retard out there insists on using it, it's ugly, and everyone on there is either a faggot, a pedo, or both. It's an overrated site and I don't trust people from it.
>I use it to talk to my friends (who I've never actually met IRL and don't know the real names of). what's wrong with it?
holy implying batman
Awesome :D
>It's an overrated site
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You have high levels of disagreeableness
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Requesting Larry applying sunscreen on Rika’s back.
Reference: https://vidya.pics/post/view/59492
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Requesting an elegant deoxys
Requesting something like pic related but with a Pachirisu
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File deleted.
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fixed the far ear
Didn't ask
Very squishy and sweet
Requesting this with Pikachu. Replace the input with “-> + Y”.
Wait a fucking second I recognize this name.
Kek, thank you so much. That got a laugh out of me.
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Yes, it's me, Doriazu
What's up?
This means you can all agree on disagreeing with me doe so it's le heckin wholesome community effort to get me to stop talking
it's like that hecking Marvel quote or something, perfectly balanced
Wow, this looks so pretty! Is that an OC btw?
I suppose.
why do you speak in such an underage way
Requesting Absol as an emotional support animal. Its ability to predict disasters might be able to help it with a job like that, even if they're not exactly the same.
I don't typically talk like that. It's just something I did in the moment to emphasize that I was joking around.
>joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarded
Thank you! Yeah I was thinking about the sealing of the regi trio and how braile is used in their ruins
Based :)
Man the drawthread really has gone downhill huh.
You mean the entire board
It’s calmed down now, thankfully.
Marnie the dark type trainer
We got 7 deliveries within the last 24 hours, shut the fuck up
Requesting a cute Audino with a tutu.
Requesting the end of the drawthreads
Why? They’re some of the comfiest threads on this board.
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Mr Krabby
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Everyone who unironically use the term "sexo" deserve to be banned for being underaged even if they are an adult.
OR here, thank you so much, it's so cute! Just as I imagined!
Oh, no I thought it reads Daria and thought that somebody I knew that goes by a very similar name.
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Can I request an Azumaril dressed up like a Kinder Schokobon?
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Holy sexo
requesting Lt. Surge beating up this dude's OC: >>56458446
Well, it is almost over.
This thread ended lasting more than I initially thought, considering the first day meltdown
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Based and seconding
These are so precious and extremely adorable! Much thanks!!
Lt. Surge, Chuck, Koga, Dendra and Bea curbstomping him like the JoJo Part 5 scene
Five days total run
Do it yourself. You don't know how?
Implying what?
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Why would I say "doe", "wholesome", and "Marvel" if I wasn't impersonating a shartyfag or a tard from Reddit? How did you even find an ounce of seriousness in that post? That's your problem, man.

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