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>bunken and ashime finish up, giving their reviews
>it's peak ahhh fr, god it's so peak
>orevald is too busy trusting the scientists in an earlier section
>i come back after days of not really playing to fight a woman in a perpetual jojo pose

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Unbreakable Ties. It's a Spanish game that got a recent English translation. It's pretty damn good and is about overthrowing a tyrannical royal family with the power of the Lati twins or something.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Download Link
Don't worry, it doesn't take nearly as long as Opalo to pick up. Things get interesting by the 3rd gym and the plot hits the ground running soon after.
Everything alright bro?
>Had to reformat my post multiple times because 4chan was shitting itself and not allowing me to make a post due to "spam"
Gotta change the filters so that the election-tourist jeets can shill h-haha.
it really is just an accepted fact of life at this point (t)hough(b)eit(h)owever

>we literally walk up the stairs with the commander cunt
Good read
tbf, the last one WAS rejuv (forma difficulty autism) kek
But yeah, it's a shame it's finally catching up on an actually good game
it's 'b-b-but it gets good a bajillion hours in' but unironically kek
The start's really slow, but it picks up pretty quick after gym 3 at least
well deserved glaze aside

>riolu stands slightly taller than rodolfo
>riolu's canon height: 2'4

i think it's levitating off the ground slightly with shillpower, but that's no excuse

yeah, i think i read that in one of the reviews. i do think opalo felt a bit faster overall than this in terms of pacing (even if it wasn't introducing longterm plot elements like this is clearly setting up), but it's been a long time
Thanks bro.
>Everything alright
It's the usual for me, same family who never gave a single shit about me since the day I was born wants to tell me what I should do with my life and is trying to force me to move back to a nigger/crime (same thing) infested city to get a "real job".
Kek, the jannies sure as fuck haven't done anything about sharty and a few certain shitters running rampant in the board lately, but of course they shit their panties over politics.
>this kid is taking a piss out in the wild T-posing with both of his arms at his side
moshi mosh? basado departmentu?

>chapter 15 in rejuv is so fucking bad it permanently taints your views on fangames and replaying it causes the burnout meter to max out
kek, i think that happened in MM too, i think i remembered i didn't want to do the deso nuzlocke. i can't remember when i finished 13.5 first time round though
either way, hardly my first time with a 'it gets good 20 hours in' game desu ne
For what it's worth, with the benefit of hindsight having finished the whole thing, there's not actually much in the beginning that's truly useless and cuttable as almost everything here has some kind of payoff later on. The game could start with a bit of a stronger hook, but it's hard to really conceptualize what that could be without either going deep into spoiler territory or cutting stuff that eventually becomes significant later to accelerate pacing. Maybe the solution is trimming down the unnecessarily big forest map before the first gym a tad, although I don't think it's the sole culprit of the slow start either.
Sorry to hear it bro. Do what you need to do to keep your head above the water surviving clown world, mentally, physically, and materially.
/vp/ is, for better or worse, nearly entirely unmoderated. I think that's way better than the alternative but I also just got hit with a 2 day for the most asinine reason so perhaps my perspective is biased there.

A game being called Rejuvenation that's such trash it siphons your willpower away feels like a cosmic joke of the highest order.
Oh yeah Wagie, make sure you get a few of the Swords Dance TRs from the logging rewards before you get too far from this area. Fly is a long way away and it's bar none the best TR of the bunch in terms of log to value ratio.
thanks bro
>and is trying to force me to move back to a nigger/crime (same thing) infested city to get a "real job"
I mean if it pays in actual money and not bitcoin/nfts who give a shit what the job is, other then clearly jealous people.
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It's depressing to think I used to like Seviper up until recently.........
Thanks bro.
Fair, it's just /vp/ keeps sinking into a shit ocean faster and faster, I think no news on ZA as well buckbroke the zoomies really hard.
>no option to join her
fucking darek
well, whatever. i'm glad they actually showed her getting a shiny as an excuse to give it to her, even if it's a basic cutscene it's so much better than m*****

sorry to hear that man. you should tell them that real jobs basically don't exist anymore in the big cities kek, though i imagine you already did
>although I don't think it's the sole culprit of the slow start either
i think the problem is how cutscene heavy a lot of this early game is with nothing really exciting going on in said cutscenes
again, yeah, it is just setting up info for later, but it just does feel extraordinarily slow. like in opalo even though earlygame plods a lot you're doing stuff like fighting bandits on high speed trains and getting schizoid white woman wet dreams
>A game being called Rejuvenation that's such trash it siphons your willpower away
fucking kek
yeah that's...definitely a clean hit right there

i'll at least give these gym puzzles are original

you can still like him. don't let the forbidden one control your future
>no news on ZA
the last time this happened with SM the board was literally unusable, somehow moreso than it already is and that was before y*wnfag and the gen 2 vs 5 crowd, so not surprising kek
this will get worse with the more ADD faggots come onto this board and the longer pauses for development on the switch 2, i imagine
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>Greninja clicks Ice Beam (of course enemies get access to hidden abilities but the player can't) and it freezes my Cradily
>Weavile clicks Ice Punch and freezes my Shillcario
>Both froze on the first hit and both happened right after the other
I had almost forgotten how great my luck is.
Thanks bro.
Most of my family are dumb boomers and/or liberals, talking with them and bashing my head against a wall end up with the same result.
I refuse to let sharty ruin Seviper or Garchomp for me.
>I mean if it pays in actual money and not bitcoin/nfts who give a shit what the job is, other then clearly jealous people.
Seconding this. As long as you're happy doing what you do and can support your lifestyle in a fulfilling way, it doesn't matter how prestigious the job is.
That's a fair point, cutscene length is way longer than Opalo by a significant margin.
I think you're coming up on the first meeting with autistkino bestgirl soon too. She ticks all of the critical bestgirl boxes Artica did for me.
The hitboxes on the sandbags lags slightly behind the sprite for whatever reason. It makes it easier to time though. They kind of blow their load on the gym puzzles in the first 3 gyms being the best ones, but by the 4th onward the gyms aren't really your main concern anymore so it's not a huge deal.
>riolu got knocked out in one hit
>marill had to come in for janny duties against his lucario

over status?
anyway, probably stopping there for the night. probably (hopefully) will reach the interesting meat of the game tomorrow
>marill also evolved after the fight while riolu didn't
the trve blve partnermon has been established (for now)

also i like how you beat this fag so badly it LITERALLY ended his career

i assume the pinkette waifu is the 3rd gym or something close to it, right? don't have to tell me if it's spoilery enough territory
GG and based marill.
>Rilou jobbing
Many such cases
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>The Asian girl is really autistic
Say it isn't so.
I wasn't around during then, but I remember the board being really retarded between gen 5 and 6 due to gen 5 being what it is and killing many people's interest in the series, the anime being horrendously bad and gen 6 being "too different" with Megas and the jump to 3D, which I guess making the hell that was the time before gen 7 arrive kinda understandable.
GG and kek, you better get used to Riolu jobbing really hard for quite a while.
Pinkette is a bit later on and the biggest plot twist of all in the NTR game is the game all but overtly states MC-kun fucks her.
This game really does have a nice selection of spergfus.
thanks bros
i'll now autistically headcanon that azuchadrill acts like an unofficial big brother to shillolu and has to clean up for the mistakes every time the dog acks, with riolu having to apologize everytime for being useless
There's quite a few locations that seem to be designed for legendary encounters in a few caves and near the laggy rain hell route, wonder if they become available at the end of the current beta or not, I really want to get a legendary of my own (I know Cosmog is coming up).
Yup and in in this same route there's a cute umbrella girl wanting to cuddle under the trees, spic fangames are the masters of sexo.
Damnit Orevald, you started a domino effect in my mind. picrel.
>Tardwrangler Azu
Based headcanon
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>Occasionally says words that make her sound like she speaks with a Jew Yorkian accent
>Is a ruthless bitch without any ounce of decency
>Named after a jewel
>Lucario can detect jewishness
The vampire fears the lupine
Kek, in retrospect I should have named him Kriegshund
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>How cares about the game running well or gameplay?! I'm going to spam cutscenes out the ass!
Rejuvenation xisters........
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Something I really like about this game that I really wished more fangames tried to do was unique battle items like this, obviously a bit more balanced, but still.
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Empirefags, Cuckguard xissies..........
Night bump
Sorry to hear it bro
kek, rejuv truly is the ""gift"" that keeps on giving
are you guys gonna restart vanguard when the new update releases soon or do I need to catch up
H-haha, I didn't want to, but I couldn't find my Cuckguard save anywhere on my PC, so I might need to restart it too, oh boy.....
>Cuckguard is now nearly 2 Gigabytes
Holy mother of bloatware.
Vanguard isn't even a pokemon game. It's a shitty story game that has pokemon.
>Beat my Electric terrain autism team with mono water (after probably 20+ attempts)
I've also learned a couple of things about the AI
>It doesn't seem to recognize type change autism before it swaps in, carelessly sacking Whimsicott on M-Swampert's EQ (though maybe it just realizes that koing it is a roll)
>Putting Charge on shit via trainer effect seems to break the AI if it swaps the mon out, and then back in later for some reason, it also broke the AI's megas for some reason
I am too retarded to change this, but at least I know kek
I'm not particularly planning on it kek, unless he decided to revamp the game again
no you don't understand, ayrei NEEDED to put in 6+ 100+ mb cutscenes that could be evented and DEFINITELY NEEDED to put in the crack family guy video too
i or someone else can just pass a save
replaying through the dogshit story without getting assaulted by armies of trainers and wild mons doesn't sound too tantalizing
bit of a stretch to call it a 'game' desu
"movie" or "ludovico technique" sound more fitting
GG, can't wait to fight them all in your finished mod, haha...
wait is....i-is....i-i-i--i-i-i--i-is that f--f-f-f--f-f-ffricking aevian volcarona? one of jan-DONO's entirely original and trademarked assets? HOW DARE YOU
just reported you to jan buddy, the ninjas will be showing up soon...
Thanks kek, I still need to teambuild the other kaizo ring bosses hope you're looking forward to a hyper autism flower garden final boss, haha..., but this is probably a decent start desu
>wait is....i-is....i-i-i--i-i-i--i-is that f--f-f-f--f-f-ffricking aevian volcarona? one of jan-DONO's entirely original and trademarked assets? HOW DARE YOU
Though more seriously, I'm pretty sure Aevianmons are fair game for mods though I wouldn't give a shit if they weren't t b h
but is it worse then shitstones 2? I might just have to find out...for science...not because I'm insane
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Vanguard hit the big leagues and is doing collabs with the Rejuv folks now.
I may have gone too far kek or maybe Flower garden is just that retarded of a field
kek, godspeed if you do
if it's possible see if you can make flower garden into 10 stages
My record so far is 4/12 while leaning into flower garden autism myself kek, almost certainly gonna have to reign in this one
It only goes up to stage 5 fortunately kek, but I can (and am) start it at Stage 5 and then make it unchangeable
Thanks bro.
GG and that looks pretty cool, based extra points for importing the windy moth to Reborn, fight looks pretty tough but well designed unlike LAWDS.
Kek, I'm a codelet so I can't have much of an input here but it's possible he's copying event files over and over to make new cutscenes and only slightly editing them without cutting the rough edges, which is leaving a lot of unnecessary data waste.
Thanks, I'll at least try, key word is "try" to check if there were considerable changes and fixes to the early game, I doubt it but we'll see.
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I really need to get a better program to take screenshots, snipping tool keeps fucking everything up.
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>Guy says he always buys beers for his best buddies
>His female coworker exploits this but also insults him and calls him a simp
Ah, the "joys" of feminism.
>stop being retarded and take away 6v12 privileges
>win within a few atttempts
Granted, this version of M-Butterfree just so happens to hard counter the leads kek, this will probably still be hellish if you can't lean into the Flower garden autism
>Kek, I'm a codelet so I can't have much of an input here but it's possible he's copying event files over and over to make new cutscenes and only slightly editing them without cutting the rough edges, which is leaving a lot of unnecessary data waste.
No, there's actually video files of cutscenes that total ~600 mb that the game calls when necessary instead of eventing them, even just having separate maps for all of those cutscenes and such wouldn't be anywhere near that filesize kek
Flower Garden is very one note unlike some other fields are that are complete cancer, which makes building fights on it pretty hard, like the field, it's either very weak or absurdly busted depending on the tier.
>600 mb video files
Ah, I knew the cutscene spam was one of the causes, but cripes.
Went to catch myself a few mons I was missing and could potentially need for later, for a brief second I thought they actually gave G.Mr.Mime Ice Face, but it was just a mistranslation.
The hobo questline is neat, though him saying we'll have to wait 2 years to have a battle with him reminds me there's apparently going to be a timeskip, h-hopefully nothing b-bad happens during it h-haha......
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>A remix of the same theme used for the Agate Circus
>Rainbow colors flashing all around
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I am still trying to get a Cosmog with decent IVs, but regardless, what you lads say, Lunala or Solgaleo? This is more or less my current team, there's a few other mons I use interchangeably like Scyther, Cradily, Mr.Rime and I'm trying to get G.Sloking online as well, Solgaleo's Steel typing is pretty good but it's kind of a dull mon otherwise, Lunala's typing is pretty bleh, but it hits really damn hard and has great utility.
Cosmoem doesn't evolve, don't waste your time.
Ah scheisse........and I went through all the trouble of getting a decent one.
The game does warn you ahead of time. Oh well, enjoy the cute Cosmog and achievement.
I don't understand why they'd do something like this, neither Lunala or Solgaleo are that amazing and both of them job to your usual overly present Dark and Ghost types, shittiest part is that I wasted a fucking fortune from the stuff I got via mining and farming and now I'm broke and have nothing to show for it besides a little cosmic ball of dust.........siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.....
Lunala is really good. Probably way too good for this point in the game with Shadow Shield, but this game isn't super autistic about balancefagging so it's not a huge deal. I think the more practical reason is I bet Samu wants the first proper legendary the player gets to be special given how this game gives legendaries the narrative weight they deserve for the most part.
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The dev does strike me as a fellow Hoenn enjoyer, really weird connection though T B H, especially considering her surname is you know, Stone, the same as Steven's.
I mean, fair, but it's really annoying regardless, could have at least given the player a low tier legend like Celebi.
The 31x6 Gholdengo in the casino is arguably better than any low tier legend teebeedesu. Even without Good as Gold (it has Clear Body instead) it still has everything it needs to be an absolute monster.
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>Gallade realized he would have to serve as a third wheel
Exactly, Shekeldengo is infinitely better than many legends, plus there's definitely some weaker ones that could serve as rewards for doing minor stuff, I just wanted to get a cool Psychic or Rock legend to counterbalance everyone else having one.
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>Lilith is a Snake Eye player
I wonder who it would be? fug seems like it'll be relegated to being a bus to the heavens, like the whale from dragon quest 11. it probably wouldn't be kubfu since it'd clash with lucario. maybe because of that last bit with majime you'll get celebi, might be able to help mc free lucario from the intra ball shit like purifying shadow pokemon or something
Samu has teased some stuff on his twitter with Coballion and Darkrai. While my first reaction was definitely
this game treated even Raikou with appropriate respect so I bet they could with the Musketeers too if they wanted to. It'd be pretty thematically fitting for the protagonist given the forces they're fighting against as well.
NS SnAsh, add Poplar, SS Poplar, add OSS, Snash+Poplar for Flamberge, Poplar to backrow, OSS on Poplar for SnOak, revive Snash, link SnOak and SnAsh for I:P, link Flamberge and I:P for Prom Princess, Flamberge for SnAsh and SnOak....
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>Mentions of multiple legendary or legendary related things showing up in this place without rhyme or reason
>The royal family often gets paired up with themes related to alternate realities like Pucci's (sorta) and Area Zero (heavily tied to the parallel timeline Paradox mons)
Hmmmmm......unless Hoopa is fucking around with timespace again, I gotta wonder.....
The protagonist will likely get a shillmon legendary that fits perfectly with animu tier autism, I can imagine a few, but Celebi works too.
>The braindead girl plays the same the same braindead labbed combo over and over and over again
Oddly fitting.
>The royal family is inbred
How surprising.
That entire backstory was pure cinema, seeing a detective character with quirks being this well written and establishing himself pretty well during just a small amount of time is pretty great, the writing in fangames is typically never that great, but I will give my regards this time around, it does a really good job with mixing emotions like spices in a tasty soup.
Edward is easily a top 5 character in the game, both for his past but also his present.
Yup, it's a well handled character arc, this game has a lot of great payoff building.
Just wait, the kino keeps coming. You're going to get rapid fire peak fangame moments from here until the end. Except the laboratory dungeon which feels weirdly out of place pacing-wise, even if it doesn't really do anything wrong inherently.
Leaving the rest of the sewer for tomorrow, been traversing it for a bit and it's very annoying and confusing. Also.
>Something that sounds like a girl moaning can be heard in the background music
I really hope the next version doesn't take an eternity to come out, because I honestly really enjoyed this game and I'm kinda sad I'm reaching the end.
most of the size on an essentials game isn't even the game itself or its assets, just retarded music
the hilarious thing about this 'collab' is how clearly onesided it is
ayrei just importing in mons that aren't his (again) vs the other mod actually making a battle and everything with ayrei's dogshit 'female' PC, probably meaning an actual sidequest or something
for as ass as the rejuv and deso collabs with reborn were, or neo gearen, at least there was a significant amount of effort put into those
maybe i should record some of my rejuv mod fights, haha...
>No, there's actually video files of cutscenes that total ~600 mb that the game calls when necessary instead of eventing them
the whole point i guess is that since it's some epic anime flashback where you're recounting all the insignificant parts from the retarded story it was relatively easier than doing a bunch of new maps and shit for just that cutscene

anyway, no more stalling, let's go
speaking of vanguard

it's just things like this that make me sad for that game
with just a few NPCs chilling and doing their own thing, it makes it feel like the route is lived in and actually has purpose and function, on top of the route having multiple levels that don't necessarily lead to just the next area but makes it feel fleshed out, even if it's in a really basic way it does help
vanguard routes meanwhile are endless empty corridors filled with grass tiles and a bunch of trainers standing in a direct line

obviously this game isn't the only one we've played with good route design, but it's hilarious that ayrei has looked a game like this and thinks the gameplay is 'generic' probably because boss trainers aren't all using 6 pokemon lazily slapped together
....why is there an *ahem* there
>mc getting cucked by darek
>eda getting cucked by alama
>darek getting cucked by the unga bunga junglenigger
NTR game

NTR board

NTR site

NTR world
>I don't like generalizing (but)
I don't wanna hear anything about gameplay from the guy about to take inspiration from games like genshin impact
isn't oyster roe eggs? not chicken egg but like woman egg
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I had an idea pop into my head earlier while going through the archive for something
It's crazy how much he knocks shit, and then does the same exact shit (or much worse) in his own game, and somehow seems to be completely unaware of it
probably the 'haha cloyster = vagina' joke, considering the game

holy fucking kek
instead of 'read' it should probably be 'watch' albeit
to be absolutely fair to ayrei, even if he does just end up stealing from 'games' like genshin or zenless zone zero it'll probably make his kusoge better
kek, there you go
>high cut dress
didn't notice that in screenshots before
...yeah, she's the one

gj kek
The route design really is top notch visually and makes the setting as a whole feel alive.

Did your day off help with the burnout feels at all?
She's truly the best!
>already giving me her eggs
when can i give her my gametes
based mineral autist or gay? i'll let you decide

i don't even know if i'd call the route design top notch myself, but it's one of those things where if you think about it a bit and then play shit like vanguard it's such a night and day thing. it's disappointing none of the people who work on vanguard (or kidneystones, or any of our bottom tier games) will realize that because it's not something immediately obvious
>Did your day off help with the burnout feels at all?
little bit, i'm going to just try and power through and finish so we can move on kek
* i should clarify, i don't know if i'd call the route design itself 'top notch', but i didn't notice the 'visually' these are some of the absolute best looking routes and areas in any of these games
He gets hard, but apparently not for good waifus. Or maybe he doesn't like christmas cakes; the game implies Bijou is late 20s/early 30s later on.
>Route design
I really appreciate this game's routes not dragging on and overstaying their welcome while still having plenty of nooks and crannies to explore or come back to with later HM-likes. They simultaneously feel more substantial than routes in official games and also don't fall back on the arbitrarily inserted puzzle type of design in stuff like Reborn's route 1 & 2. I didn't find backtracking for an extra copy of Swords Dance anywhere nearly as annoying as I thought I would because of how concise they are when you have a destination in mind too.
Glad to hear things are at least a little bit better.
please tell me this is the cutscene where we BTFO the edginess out of darek and can move onto more interesting plotlines with him

>riolu died to a random cinccino because it charmed him, cute charmed him then spammed echoed voice
take your time. can't really think of anything that we desperately want to move on to right now anyway
these fucking battle backgrounds bro

that's fair. i like the routes too, it just feels like they're missing something
it could just be because it's still early on and the later areas will expand out with more side content and shit
yeah, unfortunately i doubt we'll get a game that produces this level of response again until the next spickino, kek
there is that reloaded game i did want to try out, i know rg had issues running it albeit
darekeks....we need to re-establish dominance or e-eda-kun won't like us anymore....
>heavy drinker
>addicted to ice cream, pizza and coffee
the wall cometh, the wall will taketh away
I might start up Crimson and Cobalt while you play because it looked humorous from the screenshots you posted, but I definitely don't want you to feel rushed in any way with any implied holdup or w/e because I don't see much topping Unbreakable Ties for quite a bit.
The more you see of Eda the more it's clear protagonist-kun dodged a bullet of a waifu, even if she's a fun character the whole way through.
imagine if karen was like this bros

hope you enjoy it. i doubt you'll find it anywhere near this game, but it should still hopefully be a nice and fun game. just remember to laugh at the autistic MC whenever his antics start up and to separate him from yourself, he's not a self-insert
>don't want you to feel rushed in any way with any implied holdup
yeah, that's fair. still, i'll at least try to reach the next badge or so today
i do like how the evil team as a 'royal family' that rules over the region gives them a lot of 'soft' threat that's implied rather than shown/told that other evil teams don't really have

kind of reminds me of how people like to idealize rocket/cipher
Even flirtiness aside, Bijou mogs Karen hard with other aspects of her personality that come to light later
Yeah it's really clear the C&C MC is his own character, albeit a really silly one and that's part of the charm to me from the screenshots.

This game does so well showing in detail how power, both soft and hard, is applied to maintain the royal's rule.
WHAAA-?? being an adult is TOTAL COOL my guy! i just love heccin ADULTING! i just have all these wilc PARTIES with my friends where we get to play SPIN THE BOTTLE (except kinky ;) ) and then we SHARE OUR EMOTIONS!! and then i can go back to my studio apartment to take care of my FURBABIES
wew, thank goodness i managed to save Yancy from the smash hit fangame Virtualization by Vince&Sylveon

>riolu was knocked out in one hit again
clean it up
>didn't say oh my arceus
it's over
I recommend picking up a Luck Incense while you're in town here. This game doesn't do a lot of price-gouging autism, but it also doesn't exactly rain money on you either compared to other games.
invoke the ancient technique whenever any villain in any of these games loses
don't worry, already did
had to sell some drugs i picked up off the ground though, since i dumped 10k into the fountain
okay, well....that was at least better done than most 'haha yeah you just get to walk away' in...certain....fangames
was the entire spic community thoroughly buckbroken over the vaporeon copypasta? holy kek
there's a book in that library you can read that sheds more light on the topic
I personally find this game's approach to big city design one of the most pleasant in the fangames we've played so far but that's also not really a high bar. There's plenty of landmarks to easily orient yourself in each district which also helps everything feel less like walking down the same grids and intersections or navigating mazes of buildings in other games.
There's only one other city in the game bigger than the one you're in now and it even has a special map feature at certain billboards to help you orient yourself, even if it's not really required because the design itself is really coherent.
It's apparently the funniest thing to ever come out of the english pokemon community to them.
>the final boss of this game will be ugly bastard-kun

i do also like how it does feel like a big city
i know i keep bringing it up, but vanguard has a big city which is essentially just 3 tiny streets you travel between using a train station and can only walk on the sidewalk because crossing the road without using the crosswalk isn't PC and safe or whatever the fuck
feels weirdly claustrophobic and an overcorrection of it being a huge and annoying city to navigate in the previous update
can't wait for the full version, haha..
>toucannon's sprite has it so that the red tip of its beak spreads throughout the rest of it like it's heating up
holy SOVL
yes goy, stay and watch us, just use riolu's back as the cuck chair
darek is probably getting excited at the fact there can be two professors, especially after he read that vaporeon book

do need to take a bit of a break for now, will be back later
>Black PC with green LEDs
We're off to a fantastic start.
>The stutter meme but unironically
This is going to be entertaining, isn't it?
Shillmon for Edge-kun.
>Shiny Pidgey
A /vp/ classic.
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crimson and cobaltbros...It's over.....
I've been holding off for the update, but I guess I may as well start it up now kek
Yeah, I may like the pinkette more, but she's pure sexo
Bogs? Gooby? I'm stuck in a pokemon game.

There's no shortage of good waifus to pick from.
Your post reminded me about Azure.
Protagonist-kun having melties at the slightest inconvenience is moderately entertaining.
oh yeah kek
>Was aiming for a summer release
haha....maybe next summer....
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How do you even fuck up a 1.5 this badly, all you're doing is some refactoring and maybe a few more routes.
>Go to preschool
>Bully random kids
This game is edgekino
>>Splitting the .5 releases
>>>It's STILL not done
fucking kek
It's really never getting done, is it
>Got bullied in school
>Gets bullied by schoolkids after graduation
>The only way you're allowed to win is getting CHARMANDER from KANTOOOOOOOOOOOO and grinding it a fuckton
>He even has a potion and oran berry to really stop the other starters from bullshitting a win
It seems to start a bit slow, but this game is endearingly retarded. I'll play some more a bit later.
>Unique quest log descriptions
let's continue

no no no grovyle that's not how you're supposed to do it, you're supposed to watch them while they bang in this region

topfucking kek
by now we'd have probably reached act 4 or something in an alt universe
sadly, it doesn't really pick up all that much. but it becomes a bit better once pinkette NTR-sama shows up
kek, forgot about these
>unghh...why is everything so unfair...why couldn't I begin my pokemon journey at 10....
i do like that there's kind of an attempt to make the opponents not extremely basic, i do think you can be allowed to make it a bit harder though
>latios, latias, we'll come back to sleep with you later
what's going on with the water in this region? the royal family can't be that evil, can they?
cute scene. i can feel the surging kino smash against the dam bros, i can feel the leaking, it's going to all pour out very soon
man i can really see why the rejuv comparisons were flying out, this game feels like the universe felt our anguish and pain at having to replay the shitty school section for the upteempth time and graced us with a version of rejuv from a better world

this chick is basically madelis, but better, the e4 girl is karen, but better, arguably even the professor is melia, but better
.....i would say something like "well, i'm sure eventually even this fag will be ren, but better" but he already is just by virtue of not being the walking fucking catastrophe of writing that is ren
The mogging hasn't even properly begun yet.
>protag-kun hops into the bed eda was sleeping in
>this implies that if darek didn't have his melty we would be sleeping with eda
how much counter-counter-counter NTR is going on in this region?

can't wait, haha..
thanks, game

>tards in rebornevo were seething about this and the pokecenter vaporeons and comparing it to opalo
kek, good, retards don't deserve to play good games
>kek, good, retards don't deserve to play good games
>saying this about a pale redhead
niggers. niggers never changes
.............say, just out of curiosity, what do you think her thoughts on seviper are
It's a shame he got kicked out
hmmm....i don't think this character is very diverse and inclusive, bros. i think we need to cast her as an african when we do the netflix soros-funded live action show of this game

getting beaten up by dark-skinned galarians will do that to you, sadly
shilldog did it bros, he finally took down something important
uhhhh, just ignore the 'PSN' on milotic's healthbar
akshually he used the baki poison fist shit

for a bit of added SOVL, i wonder how hard it'd be to import the shit from deso and if riolu specifically takes down a gym leader ace that they'll comment on it, doe i know it is easier to just have it so riolu gets beaten up in the afterbattle cutscene even if it never got sent out

look at espurr's eyes, it knows what he did
Maybe the Vaporeon is a blessing in disguise, filtering out the discordtrannies from the cinema.
>how much counter-counter-counter NTR is going on in this region?
picrel but for NTR
How did this game get the quasi-realistic battlebacks looking so good when they look so horrid when color-indexed in Empire? On that note, the battlebacks adjusting for time of day is an amazing touch.
>relationship with darek is in the negatives
>some one on one alone time
s-surely something will pan out now?

>the battlebacks adjusting for time of day is an amazing touch.
tbf, not a new thing, but it is new with this level of quality for the backgrounds
you won't see shit like >>56466536 in a game that just takes shit from some public asset pack
never mind


>s-surely something will pan out now?
She has a terrible case of oneitis. Not gonna happen. And even if it did, she'd probably end up saying his name in bed kek.
>Triple battles with 2 of your mons and one of the AI partner's
Pretty neat desu
the nigga is literally named after a dark souls villain how was he not going to be evil

i'll just wait for darek to go on a business trip and put on 200 pounds
you've probably all made jokes on this scene already, no need for me to chip in
With that much manpower coupled with the element of surprise, this should be a trivial operation for the villains right?
>>Dragon rage was nerfed
It's so fucking over
why didn't she just run anyway kek
i guess big nigga tyrone and the weird portrait girl are supposed to be restraining her, but not really?

yeah there's a bit too much of plot-induced retardation on the villains during this bit, but honestly after years of 'win battle lose anyway' shit i'll take it
thanks bro
>you can see her tummy on her sprite
kek, slut
ok yeah lmao

>latias flies out of here, goes to eda, then the rest of the fags run all the way across the city in the timeframe it takes darek to lose to the champion

let's just move on

I'm just going to say that the first l*ss there was because riolu was too busy looking at her shinobi weaponry, if you catch my meaning
>Derek prolonged the fight with his life saving's worth of revives before running out
Everybody but Bijou and I guess Archie went full retard here. Archie only gets a pass because he clearly doesn't give a fuck and is only here out of obligation.
GG. These optional win fights are pretty much the only ""difficult"" parts of the game and the two without achieves associated with them are the only ones that are actually hard.
it's annoying, but again, acceptable

oh that was optional? it felt pretty easy
i know that one retarded e4 fight is supposed to be insane, i'll try to win that at least. i do like this game generally is a bit more comfortable with difficulty than eric's games desu
>oh that was optional? it felt pretty easy
I do appreciate that Majime is designed so that Lucario can Swords Dance 3 times on Arbok while it's setting up Toxic Spikes and then Drain Punch her into the moon. It's neat narrative integration into the fight's design.
...why would you put the tracker on ditto which you then put on alama, instead of just putting a tracker on her? well, whatever

probably going to stop for now, might do some later but not sure. overall liked that sequence, eda verbally crying sold it tb.h
GG again. The voice snippets add so much to these scenes.
Man kek
I was planning on soloing with charmanderino until I got the exp share, but that's really not gonna work for the gym leader, haha...
Now I guess I'm going to walk all the way back to the later areas and catch some shitters
>Get more pokemon
Auto stealth rocks, phasingshit and 2 super potions is pretty faggoty for a first gym though t b h, but it's only a huge problem for charmanderino I imagine
I was trying to replay Rejuv on Renegade, but all of the fun just gets sucked out when the story gets to GDC. How good is Ties so far?
thanks bro
the gimmickshit calms down until the fighting gym imo, it's not really a difficult game
imagine the fun burnout once you get to the school...
ties is pretty fucking good so far at least for me, and people who have finished it saying it's one of if not the best game we've done here
keep in mind the beginning is very slow, but it does really pick up by the 3rd badge
Alright thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Ties looks like it's still in beta, so I'll play that then move to Realidea. I was hoping Renegade would at least be a little different before karma files since it makes no sense these people would even still drag me around.
it's not even that that kills me, it's the inner monologue of the MC saying how he's heckin friends with everyone and is so concerned when melia disappears somewhere. i guess you can and should kill florin and karen and such on this playthrough?
ties is up to the 6th badge, and actually seems longer than some of the full length games we've done on top of apparently feeling more narratively complete in some ways even with the current content, so make of that what you will
And now it begins, h-haha
Thanks, for me, it's the healspam desu, I could live with the phasingshit if it wasn't for the two super potions
>Figure out the puzzle at the very end
of course kek
I see what Wagie meant with the encounter rate autism and whatnot
Probably gonna stop soon
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>three super potions this time
Still pretty ez thoughever
Gonna stop for the night now
Fucking kek, you really need the right name for that
Every autist needs his handler
finally I feel seen
This is the kind of school the protagonist graduated from. Contain your shock as best you can.
Edgy has been promoted to lordship.
>Practically only pokemon either weak to rock or resisted by rock available before the rock gym
It's going to be one of those games, isn't it? Annoying fight, narrowly won first try.
I love how he's just their personal lolcow to follow around for their own amusement.
Promoted from stalked lol to abducted third wheel.
stalked lolcow
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Thanks, this is probably one of my favorite cases of le funny MC name scenes kek
>Every autist needs his handler
>Your wranglers force you to third wheel when (you) don't need wrangling
A sad fate
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>no hag champion waifu
why even live bros
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kek, I didn't realize how good having a grass starter would be. charmanderinobros...
I do remember there was Sandile before the first gym and I think some fighting types near the school area?
>he paused
Yeah I really need to get a grassmon kek, not having one is really sneeding me at points
it's so fucking over autistbros....
>"You're supposed to aim it at the food, not each other!"
>They all do it for the Audino grindshit now
>Train up a Grass type
>Win easily
Still really not enjoying the healspam thoughever
it's over
h-hope you have a psychic type or something for the next gym's gimmick on top of the healspam
>Bought off with a singular revive and stardust
/v/'s seethe over the new PS5 reveal is leaking again.
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Bloodbornekeks how're we feeling?
I'm not sure if the cheer at the start of the gym was condescendingly ironic or adorable. Maybe a bit of both.
I like the subtle hints that Valerie is wracked with guilt over what happened 5 years ago though.
Neat sidequest desu
kek, missed this the first time
>edgelord-kun doesn't like pop music and says he prefers punk
>She drops this on him
Rejuvxisters....Jankeks....our response?
And he'll do it again, h-haha...
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the timing of these two specific posts couldn't be better, desu

how are you enjoying it so far bros? well, rg is nearing the end
there are those secret dungeon things i looked at but never tried, if you're curious to do them yourselves
>woman has 'literature' in her interests/passions
100% of the time, 99% of the time it's over before it's even begun
at least it's an actual library and not the booktok section of a barnes and noble

anyway, i forgot what i was even doing in this game, i think i'm supposed to head north?
kind of wish that extended to the shops too d e s u nii, but it's a nice touch. reminds me of how r**** has you become a regionwide hero early on and then the game completely forgets about it
>have to go to the south of the city to go norf
It's pretty nice desu, putting aside the it's overposting with Valerie, it's comfy having the friend characters traveling with you and actually showing them do all hanging out, like the camping scene, some sidequests and such
>random sidequest gets a followup that you just stumble onto later

>lawdsxissies removed protect, reflect, light screen from every mon in the game
>moto is replaying urmumium but electric monotype this time (this is his 10th or so run or some autism)
genuinely pitiable behavior

yeah, what a concept kek
i do wish there was a bit of a difference between valerie and gen being both le nice and the mc/kane being faggots, but it's still a nice dynamic overall

a fellow SMT (p-purseowner is definitely part of mainline S-SMT) fan i see....there's so few of us in the wild, after all we like such an obscure franchise after all...dude, it's like about deep themes like LAW and CHAOS....

there's only way this scene can end. it's over...
nigga what

fucking kek, does he just talk in english in the actual spanish game? genuine shame on raizen, he should have inverted it here
>>lawdsxissies removed protect, reflect, light screen from every mon in the game
kek, no fucking wa-
># Lawds Mod: protect and detect have been heavily limited
I'm enjoying it as a comedy and triple triad simulator. Gameplay is as flavorful as a water sandwich, but that's definitely not the main draw of the game so w/e. Lack of EXP All is also ass and while 3 XP shares does help, it's ultimately a bandaid for a larger problem.
>lawds retardation
I can't wait for them to go after Leech Sneed and any form of % damage next.
i was wrong on reflect and light screen, it's 'just' protect, detect and baton pass, but those will be on the chopping block too soon i'm sure
>they removed protect from aevian reuniclus
yeah, the slow bug/psychic mon really needed a nerf, thanks wingdings
i might actually give it back protect when/if we return to LAWDS for .karma updates
good to hear you're enjoying it, in spite of its issues
>I can't wait for them to go after Leech Sneed
given moto acked leech seed for his own SLLD mod after it 1v6'd the ground gym in that game, it's only a matter of time before someone uses it to make rejuv's own local desert tranny 49%
another crack has formed in the kino dam
tbdesu the 3 exp shares have been doing just fine for me, the biggest problem is training up new shitters, but that's what the Audino grinder before gym 3 is for

qt 3.14

please don't have her end up smoking weed or have massive melty scenes for no reason other than subtle character assassination
whoops, didn't realize my trip was off kek

>gliscor evolves without the razor fang
well, nice change for me

i can bake new
>Game forces you to fight with Jangmo-o only
>It proceeds to ignore every single command

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