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a day for she (and other foxes)
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That was a nice break
using delphox for the serperior raid
My break consisted of building a deck frame and leveling it out of scrap wood.
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Are you happy with the results?
Yes as all that's left is getting the floor boards on and staining it then I'll have somewhere to sit and play my 3ds in peace again
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very nice anon
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Is the mustache inside of the mouth?
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Did you take a break aswell? I took a break for 1,5 week but I didnt see any Fox thread which made it 2 weeks. I also forgot I had this image saved but I am kinda late posting it now.
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We skipped last week's /ff/ so that we could recuperate. I also noticed your absence. Welcome back!
Isn't it nice to take breaks?
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theivul is probably the worst looking fox
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oh did i forget to make a bread
Foxes are cool I guess.
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Fusion foxes
these look great except top left corner one
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Retire these images; too noisy.
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It was probably more usefull for for others than it was for me if I compare what >>56470145 did. And I was kinda missing my foxbros aswell so its good to be back.
The Leafeon Phox is my fav.
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She's melting!
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nah, you're good. We purposely skipped last week
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imagine the phox pharts
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Thats how we like em
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The big question, with or without ketchup?
cute furry friends
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I was hoping to post something else but this exists.
I am also an idiot if that matters.
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but you didn't post anything...

Braixen wish she was owned by pocketpair just so that she could shoot guns
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>but you didn't post anything...
>I am also an idiot, if that matters.
My friend had a roleplay character that was a Delphox with a rifled musket for a wand. Took place in 1800s Australia. Wild ass fucking RP.
She could disguise as a Wixen.
The lawsuit really sucks cause its sets a bad precedent for others wanting to make pokemon inspired game. Its not like gamefreak is gonna produce anything worthwile and I haven't cared for any of the recent pokemon games except for Legends Arceus.
Now Fall is here
Give her a hat and dye her fur and she would easily blend in with the rest of the wixens.
Yeah, the lawsuit is disgusting to say the least. Pathetic even.

The sweet spot season for temperature. Nice to have dark nights again and not needing a loud AC or open windows when sleeping.
why is she stinky

You can't just drop something like that on us without giving us story time.
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the smuggest
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I can't hear them.
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I would give you story time but as with most of my characters, my character in that story was complete unmitigated ego-stroking bullshit(think: Tony Stark but with fewer flaws) and I'm frankly embarrassed by it.
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Topical, but not my picture
It's escapist fantasy, anon. We'd be more surprised if it WASN'T ego-stroking bullshit. We still wanna hear it because the setting and character design shenanigans sound, speaking as an Aussie myself, grouse.
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I need to squeeze Braixen’s thick, juicy thighs NOW
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dead thread
dead board
dead franchise
dead website
I really hope Gen X gives us a new fox Mon. Something cute and marketable
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Your pic was literally me last weekend.
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Kinda suprising how few fox mons there are and 2 of the ones we currently have are different forms.
Pretty fox mommy
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The TND fox along with Averi
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dead phox
Okay the real reason is that I don't remember much about the Australia section of the RP. I will at least give the setting though.
The geography is pretty much the same as Earth's, with Australia, England, Prussia, Russia and Hawaii all confirmed to exist. The RP itself took place sometime in the early 1800s, maybe with a delayed series of revolutions because my character is clearly not in his 60s despite mentioning that he "was too busy investing in colonies that ended up revolting."

It's human primacy with a few exceptions, Pokemon having gone isolationist in /most/ places for their own reasons around the time that guns got invented. Did not necessarily have to be because of the guns, because many of the isolationists had never even seen guns. The invention of a gun was just the time point we decided to agree on. Despite being effectively a native people of their own, their cultures tended to not match the native humans' populations. (This was mostly done as a shortcut because neither of us knew the aboriginal cultures at all.) Some locations no longer had Pokemon at all, instead relegating them to the legends, though I can't remember why this happened. England is one example with no more native Pokemon.
Pokemon usually maintained their isolationism using magical dome barriers to protect a plot of land. These barriers would let anything with non-humans pass through, but would teleport humans to the other side. The magic of the barriers would show the other side of the barrier. This was a common solution, though it wasn't necessarily standard on how exactly they used this barrier. For example, some barriers allowed you to pass through even if you were only partially human, while others would transform the Pokemon into a half-human state to ensure that they can't betray those within the barrier(which is what ended up happening to the Delphox.)
(I should mention that the isolationism thing was adhoc from ANOTHER RP that used the same setting but progressed way later. The original RP was just based on the rules I had set up for Reverse Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, where Pokemon are sent to the human world to stop a calamity that threatens both worlds, and which may explain the differences in cultures a bit better. However, the number of Pokemon that show up in the RP does NOT make sense if this is the case.)

Hawaii was a hell scape, for the most part. We never visited it, but one of my characters was from here. The colonists there had found a way to break through the barriers, and while they were very tight lipped about their secret on how, they were sure making a killing by managing to subjugate the local Pokemon population and turning them into slaves. My second character happened to be a Lycanroc slave from Hawaii, forced to evolve into a daylight form so he'd be more agreeable instead of naturally evolving into the dusk form like Own Tempo would've allowed.

Again, I don't remember much about Australia, but from what I do remember, raids from the expulsed Pokemon populations were common on towns. Additionally, it was heavily implied that manufacturing suffers in Australia for unknown reasons, as my character is a businessman who set out to start factories in Australia, only to be met with failure after failure. One of his abandoned factories is where the Delphox got the musket.

England was... well, somewhat steampunk England. You could say that the native Pokemon populations were bred out of existence after their barriers were broken, so many humans exhibited certain minor traits from Pokemon, like marginally increased strength and intelligence. It was used as a point of sanity for me, so I could flesh out my first character and could introduce my Hawaiian character. Somerset v Stewart is how my Hawaiian character got out of slavery.
We were headed to Russia through Prussia, but hadn't reached it by the time the RP went into hibernation. Russia was ruled by Pokemon after Suicune lead a revolution from the Siberian wastes. It was also suffering an epidemic.

Prussia I also don't remember much of, I just remember that it was COVERED in fixed-emplacement artillery cannons built in underground bunkers, aimed at barriers and infrastructure to attempt to slow any possible invasions. It was arguably MORE militaristic than real world Prussia as well.
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What in the world...

How does one even RP like this? Did you use a game or something? Who comes up with the setting and shit?
So, these RPs were done before I took an interest in TTRPGs, so it functioned like collaborative story telling, where people controlled their own set of characters and they'd take turns effectively writing a play with these characters. Cause and effect. If something was deemed as too far, then we'd just discuss it and resolve it. We'd then write the story over some sort of instant messenger.
The way the setting gets made is simple enough. Basically, someone comes up with a concept("hey, you know that existing Reverse PMD concept we have from another roleplay? What if we placed it in colonial Australia?") and then we just fill in the gaps of what we need from there. If you think it is what you want, then you just throw it into the pot.
One way to coordinate it, if we wanted to, is how we approached many of our trainer roleplays. We'd come up with a gym setup to roll through, and then we'd take turns as the gym leader. Whoever had the gym leader also was in charge with coming up with the town and its various locations to use within that town.
It's very fast and loose, with few rules, and that's what I like about it.

In recent years, I've wanted to get into TTRPGs, but I can't work up the courage, so instead I'll bring in things like coin flips to simulate having dice rolls. I hope to one day to do a system like Shadowrun or something.
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Can't Imagine myself doing RP stuff like this with other people. I would cringe too much. Thankfully AI text generation exists so I don't have to ever do with someone else. I'm glad that you had fun though.
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I got into it when I was 10 years old on ROBLOX so I was basically immune to cringe at the time!
I'm very glad too because it's basically the only thing that's maintained my sanity over the years, even as the rest of my life collapsed due to my complete inability to seize control of it.
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Nothing appears cringe when you're a kid. I always admire my young self for having such ease of making friends. Being self-conscious and the concept of being judged by people was alien to me.
When you land on your feet, which you will; you will be much stronger, so just keep on marching until then, even if it's just baby steps in the right direction!
I wish Braixen would sit on my face and fart in my mouth
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That’s not very wholesome
Fox paws
>Braixen used Ember
Fuck a Fox Friday
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>I got into it when I was 10 years old on ROBLOX
Statements like this remind me I'm too old to be here
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Here, let me make you feel older: That was almost 15 years ago.

Thank you anon. I'll do my best.
Fire Fox Fuck Friday
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Yeah, but you're here forever whether you like it or not.
kot is a groomer, GROOMER
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You'd be surprised at how old Roblox actually is
It's as old as Elder Scrolls Oblivion which still feels new to me
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I remember like 14 years ago this one kid who was fighting in the youtube comments over how great Roblox was and everyone was picking on him. He had a lot of cringe roblox videos on his channel too. With the game's popularity today, I bet he feels pretty vindicated.
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Yeaaah, I don't think so anymore. ROBLOX 14 years ago was a fundamentally different game, and while I'm impressed by modern ROBLOX, I think it's best exemplified by the statement that "ROBLOX is not a game."
Oh. Well, I've only played it ONCE 5 years ago to troll, so I know nothing of Roblox. From my experience playing it that one time, it was like Garry's mod in some ways. I know people have also created full-fledged games that one could mistake came from a different engine. Very confusing!
The best way I could describe the old ROBLOX would be as "online Legos." Most games created were generally short experiences, where the mass majority of the fun would rely on social interactions in the chat and working together towards a goal, whether that be for team based games or for a FFA.
It kind of makes sense that the games people created would be simple and short for the most part, since pre-multiplayer ROBLOX was about making minigames specifically.

Honestly, if I had an ancestor simulation, I'd gladly Matrix people back in time just to play ROBLOX during that era.
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Thanks for explaining. I'm sure it was a fun experience during its prime. Makes me glad I didn't get to experience it just so I don't become sad when comparing it to its current state like I do with WoW
WoW and ROBLOX share a lot in common with their declines.
The difference is that ROBLOX made calculated moves to become more of a proper game engine over time at the expense of being the "online social hangout" that it used to advertise itself as, where as WoW just took every wrong turn for the last 10 years.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon.
It is what it is. At least blizzard helped me break out of my addiction to the game. I do miss the days waking up every day, turning on my laptop, seeing friends on skype already in a call waiting for me to join and log on to WoW and play with them for the rest of the day. Anyway, It's time to hit the hay.
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Sleep well, amigo.
I can't stop staring at this gif. It's too cute!
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her ears are perfect fuckholes
wanna know how I know?
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Can't believe some of the pictures on pinterest. There is one of two vulpixes making out that is so explicit that if I posted it here I'd be banned. Kids browse pinterest for fuck sakes
>two vulpixes making out
link kudasai
This isn't even the one I saw
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It's just some harmless kissing!
Anyway, what would you guys rate as the best sources for Pokemon art?
Mine is 1. Xitter, 2. Pixiv, 3. Safebooru, 4. Pinterest, 5. Furbooru
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e621 is way better than your last 3
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just log in bro TWW is peak
I'm only browsing pinterest because I'm on public wifi and need to keep it sfw. It's alright but there are a ton of great gifs you can't download because the page owner set it to view only. I'm with >>56491131, E6 with the Rating: Safe tag is better
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I really haven't tried finding sfw art on e6 for pokemon before, will try it out.
Safebooru 100% safe art of pretty much anything. My only gripe with Pinterest is that much of the artwork there are of lower resolution than the original, and a lot of the sources for the images uploaded there don't really take me anywhere.
use e926, it's safe e621
I assume it is run by the same people e621? Looks the same.
Thanks for the recommendation!
>44 images
Thievul is woefully underappreciated
Vulperas are hot, but I prefer Worgen. I play human after all.
I prefer Worgen as one that has their curse sufficiently under control can take on human form. It's like getting two babes in one
It's safe to breed with Worgen too! They will give birth to humans with the Worgen curse I think.
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its almost friday let it die
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But it's Wednesday???
exactly almost friday and were not even at 100 pics
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Alright, if you say so. Won't be bumping it anymore!
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This thread could /probably/ survive to Thursday without bumps, we're over the most active part of the day.
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We'd lose a day of fox posting though...
erm, no

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