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Meowth has been ERASED.

We have to pretend Meowths don't exist outside of the old anime
Now we just have to say Captain Pikachu looks like Ash's Pikachu...
Who cares. It's just a Meowth.
Justice for that nigga meowth, he carried the cartoon
The current anime producer feel threatened by Ash and TRio.
Post THAT scene.
>Random Xitter Who
>Oldnime Fanbase supposedly can't tell a Pokemon apart from the one owned or tagged with other trainers, even when being seperated miles and miles away from them
That Meowth was literally sitting down like a Cat next to a character who really looks like nothing of the usual TRio disguises and wasn't sitting like TRio's Meowth.
If that is all it takes to send the old rabid fanbase into such a copium mode that they have to pointedly removed it, then it says enough about them.

My opinion of the Ashnime fanbase was already rock bottom even before Journeys but this is just fucking ridiculous. Stop harassing the staff online over everything that reminds you of the old anime, that's the equivalent of insulting the cooks who make your meals. They will respond in kind.
top kek
so Meowth is now banned from appearing in the anime because of old anime autists going "THAT'S TOTALLY TEAM ROCKET!!!!!!" like the screeching obsessed retards they are
>Get harassed and sent death threats for both XY and JN like whiplash
I would also add a Meowth, get their hopes up only to tear it away.
Don't be a useless piece of shit towards the hand that feeds you episodes.
Are these retards trying to do to Meowth what Nintendo attempted to do with Waluigi in that shitty 3DS Mario Kart everyone hates?
No, it's probably to get people shut up with literally baseless conclusions. The academy had trainers running around with Bulbasaur, Squirtle and a few others of the previous characters Pokemon and nobody made such jokes there. That the fuss is started over one Meowth which is under the same condition as the other Pokemon is flatout hivemind stupidity for which I can't blame the staff for scratching that out. If it happens again with another Meowth in the future then maybe there is a point but this seems like a very subtle move that is just:
>Stop jumping to dumb conclusions, retards.
I mean really. Why would anyone assume it to be the TRio's Meowth? The screencapped tweet is a obvious example of such stupidity.
>OP screencaps a random tweet without linking it
>Look the post up
>Comments making better conclusions than him, mainly being that it was to not get any unneccesary hopes up
>"What are you talking about", "It's just a normal meowth" implying that the screencapped user just tried to get a quick boost for clout
Lol, Xitter had more common sense than OP on this one.
looks like a bad shop
why would they take the care to remove him after he was already aired once
good ashkeks btfo lol
Is anyone gonna bring up that the trainer next to Meowth looks kinda like Ash? It's blurry and maybe I'm seeing things, but I think it looks like him.
I see the thread got a new reply and it's one poster being colorblind to green hair. Christ this board has gone to shit
that clearly means Mallow won
That's deku
They probably have a clause where they can use Ash or TRio only if the top dogs approve, last I checked even the Detective Pikachu director said even though he didn't plan to use Ash they had to walk around eggshells because they're fucking protective of him.

They're also trying to survive on the new narrative and characters instead of old, which isn't really working despite whatever cope you hear
Do you have a source for that clause and even that detective Pikachu part which is dated or do you get off on lazy and lackluster gaslighting?
Post link
he was too sexy
Seconding. Either post source or gtfo
>which isn't really working despite whatever cope you hear
I'm curious if anyone knows how the Horizons merch is doing compared to Ashnime merch from recent years. If the Ashnime stuff was still selling well, I would guess it's because the old series episodes have been so readily available on streaming services for years. My nephew has watched a ton of the Ashnime that way, but I have no clue if he knows about Horizons.
You don't ask for a source of a literal "trust me bro" claim who already pointedly ignores the demand of >>56471243?
>No, no. The Pokémon Company were pretty specific about wanting to invest in building out Rhyme City as its new region and not undercut Tim Goodwin and Detective Pikachu's storyline.
Basically they decide if you're allowed to use them or not.
How does this effect you personally?
>Accusing Likofags of samefagging after the Discord mishap
Overcompensating much? Is asking for a source now really the ground to throw out "muh samefag"? Heavens forbid we are not allowed to ask for concrete sources on /vp/;or else you are labeled a heretic.
Yeah sure that checks out regarding the but if it the current anime supposedly in your words "which isn't really working despite whatever cope you hear" then why didn't they use the old characters already? It's been nearly over a year and a half, there was enough time for old characters to appear and let's assume for the sake of fairness that every character that traveled with Ash at one point or every gym leader that appeared in the previous 25 seasons. That's a fatload of characters reaching atleast the count of 30 and surely wouldn't be trouble to get anyone of them on board, especially Kanto figures. But they didn't. I am not a math science but it doesn't take much to know after such a period of time that they would step in and say bring back in old characters if it's supposedly not working. But they didn't so I can freely and fairly assume that they don't need to use old characters nor that none of those ones involved in such decision making feels the need to use old characters so in all light, it is working out so while you in all honestly did delivered the source on the first part when asked which is way more than I can ask from all waifu threads on this board, your last point has no weight.
>Discord mishap
post it
So is Ishihara Stalin now?
>It actually was a shitcord spam spree
Wow. I remember that fucker, he spreaded a shitty translation of a Corocoro article over PLZA getting so much wring that even a non-native speaker picked on it.
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Bros... that Bulbasaur kind of reminds me of Ash's Bulbasaur...
Interesting theory. How many badges does Liko have?
Because that would be admitting the show has failed. They aren’t going to bring back Ash to save a flopping show (if it is flopping). They would ride it out and make the necessary changes to the next series.
As many as she wants to.
This happened because the animalfags want to erase all memory of a talking pokemon character. This is also why they wouldn't even let Meowth talk in his appearance in LGPE.
Who cares lol
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>Note: Meowth died on his way on his way into the episode.
is the background typically filled with Kanto stock images?
True pokemon yellow experience. Now they should remove ekans and koffing too despite only being with the Trio briefly in relative to their runtime
you are obsessed o algo

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