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Hey, I just moved in next door and I'm required by law to inform you that I'm a registered hex offender
can you show me your skills?
never speak to me or my child again
what kind of ghost pokemon do u have
please release the child sex slave from your rape dungeon, anon
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Why did you offend Hex?
How can you be a Hex Offender? I think they would be happy SOMEBODY acknowledge their existence.
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she performs offensive hexes
I sound like this and talk like this
Carl go back your llamas.
And they say poetry is dead
Damn I didn't know Carl Wheezer posted on /vp/.
what are your pronouns
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I need you to post the dorkiest hex you have
Can't you retard recognize Carl Wheezer?
Anal is fine too.
That's kinda hexy
Holy mother of kek.
Not again!!
shaun moment
Sorry, but he loves Jimmy's mom more
You had the perfect opportunity to do a
>Ghost blowjob woo woo
but you fucked it up
Today is a good day to start.
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Why would anyone want to offend Hex?
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Kill yourself discord tranny
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As you wish
Imagine the smell.
Really, which ones?
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I'm trying to understand the possible reason these two would be drawn together, I guess because Hex is a milky cow and Homelander loves breastmilk?
Bro just wants the tits. And is this, or dying from one of his tantrums.
Godtier crossover. Homelander only wants one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
Naked Hex!
Punished Venom Hex
Liquid Hex.
The Big Hex
Now someone should draw him sucking from the fat tits of her fresh corpse after having crushed her head.
Firecracker is not going to like that lol
I'm going to force all hexes to take a shower.
Honestly, if a Hex Maniac introduced herself to me with that joke, I'd be legally obligated to be her friend.
Good man.
sex maniac
gex maniac
dex maniac
futa maniac
rex maniac
flex maniac
wtf I dont remember posting this
So many to choose!
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For me it's hex maniac
But that would get rid of her whole appeal!
Watch out, we got a radical over here.
>Here comes the porn addicted trannies spamming lewds
This is why we need to force Hex threads to >>>/e/ , you faggots are unable to have a thread about her without spamming lewds
I'm not living next to no damned Hex Maniac and those damned ghosts reducing the value of MY property and ruining MY neighborhood
Ah, can't use the offmodel excuse because there's actually variety of shit this time? Sorry you're a homosexual, but there's another thread on the board for you, I'm sure you can find it if you use the catalog.
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I'm not even posting images of her, but this characters popularity is coomer incarnate.
So, what should we talk about? About how a gen is great/shit? Make noises with our calculators to find out if Tackle will OH a silly Caterpie? How Nintendo ruins another relatively successful project by waving their lawyers? Again?

I'll take posting my waifu, thanks.
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Hear hear
I just wanted to post a funny pun
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It was very funny anon, you did good.
Yo, classic Hex. Underrated next to Channeller.
I love her eyes.
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lavender (a bit too strongly)
>"Je vais en prendre quelques dizaines, mais puis-je d'abord faire un test de goût ? Je le veux directement à la source"
I was thinking more just body odour in general, but that works as well.
True. She has to keep the evil spirits away somehow.
That’s your problem, not hers.
Depends. There isn’t just one Hex, after all.
Alright, if you say so.

(Please don’t turn this thread into ERP)
Can she change back? I prefer the one on the left.
Hope she manages to do it.
Flex Maniac.
Underaged faggot gtfo
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Queen of off-model garbage.
I pray that GameFreak remake X and Y but replace the Hex selling milk with some obese npc that looks like picrel and change Hex model to look more like her gen 3 model just to spite coomers
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Mini Hex.
Ignoring that gamefreak has shown to know people like Hex and is more likely to reference it than not, I feel like that would somehow lead to people drawing BBW hex art
get all these nasty, piggish, off-model obese hexes off the board NOW
there are only two reasonable depictions in this entire thread
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Hex doesn't really seem like the bullying type.
Keep complaining and I'll show you real off-model obese hexes
gay boy
>jerking off to literal blobs
Stealth barafag post.
That button is made of the strongest element in the world.
>Fuck yeah
File deleted.
Ok you asked for it
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Flex Maniac training Golett so it will be able to withstand ababor.
She looks a lot more calm and collected than most hexes. She looks dangerous.
When I'm falling asleep at night I like to think about being on my own Pokémon journey with her by my side every step of the way
The Hex.... is spreading....
I like imagining her awkwardly cheering for me when I challenge gyms. Seeing her get nervous and embarrassed the first night we camp out together
I can’t handle this much cuteness.
She is very cute indeed
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I don't think she would stink
>"But she's french!"
I dunno, man. I just got a feeling
The best kind!
Are you anons loyal to Hex or do you think about other pokegirls?
I don’t think she stinks because she’s French, she just looks like she smells really bad.
>she just looks like she smells really bad
You're just describing a French woman, anon
All roads lead to Hex
Carl Wheezer, SQUAAAWK, would you please stop MASTURBATING to that creepy girl who’s stalking the classroom?
It’s her outfit combined with her hair. Maybe her smile as well.
She's just an autist
>she just looks like she smells really bad (good)
Fixed that for you.
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I get the thought process behind it, I think, but I simply can't see the average hex maniac as someone who stinks
I can't fathom the aroma, if you will
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Hex is love, Hex is life.
My waifu is not from Pokemon. I just think a hegs could be a good friend.
Who's your waifu then?
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I'll tell you another time.
she probably smells of patchouli and sage
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Not a bad guess
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oh no, not fat Hex to assail my delicate retina
whatever shall I do
I want to be smooshed by this Hex, and cuddle her afterwards.
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Dairy Hexes are the most warm and soft.
They look full. Time to milk her.
For me, it's the industrial dairy Hex.
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hex is a friend to all goast type creatures
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Date Hex.
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goast rhymes with thost
Stop having sex with obese hex maniacs
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I don't though.
How do we feel about casual Hex?
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I don't, I just think they're neat. Would treat one out to coffee and pastries just to listen to her go on about her extensive (doubtful) research on ancient Hisuian dark arts
Very good
You guys need some milk-
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What if Hex
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how's it feel knowing you aren't the one?
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What if indeed
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I must sniff her!
why do mods hate my french hex posts?
mods are englishmen
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Reminder Hex is a rapist.
oh no, please stay away.
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Hex Maniac: Proffesional "Cow"girl.
She only wants friends, anon. Be her friend.
My Ex looked like Hex
Ex Maniac
no she's still a maniac actually

crazy bitch I'm glad I dumped her for an internet waifu
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Sub or dub?

Despite being a sub fag I think English is actually closer to how I imagined her voice sounding
So am I. I got convicted for spoiler]h[/spoiler]exing a middle schooler.
Loser you mean
She was bratty and annoying as fuck and totally deserved it.
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>I'm a hex maniac
Feels odd to say, but dub. She sounds too 'normal' with her Japanese voice, which is a bit of a shame. Her Japanese voice could've easily have been excellent if they gave her more of an eerie cadence, as well as an odd intonation towards the end of her sentences.
Heck's Many Axe
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Cute sisters
>people posting fat breasts and venus figures
>the two straightest things arguably
Fren, i like on model hex a lot myself but you otta double check that logic or else you'll look silly.
Call them coomers or porn brains instead
In regards to humans, hex is best
Does anyone know what happened to that comic called something along the lines of "my gf is a hex maniac"? Was it ever finished?
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why is she always depicted as grey
It's a gloomy color.
Is still on going. I think a new chapter drop fairly recently.
Literally me on the left.
Wait a minute...
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Hexoween is coming bros.
>futa hex
so fucking BASED....
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fat fuck
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Extremely rude. She's just robust.
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No no, hear me out. Plenty of Hexes posted ITT are fatter than that one, like the one you just posted. But those could be described as robust, thick, chubby, hefty, or whatever you want to call them. The Hexoween one is different - she's a fat fuck, I can see it in her eyes.
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>No Hexxy, take the redpill!
Yeah! Hexoween!
I'm not totally impressed by either but the JP voice has a good range of highs and lows to sell the craziness.

Knowing a slightly more average amount about voice acting gives me a sense of some acts being a little phoned in.
Thumbnail made me think she was pregnant
Post pregnant hex maniacs
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