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Unknowledgeable Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56451826

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
is she?
I dunno
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What's your cope deck? A deck you know is bad, but keep trying to make work.
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Lilligant a cute!
Tsareena ex
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ho-oh v
Regi Whiscash mill. Fuckers keep bossing either the Tera or the Barboach I'm trying to evolve.
Future box
It just has literally zero way to beat stage 2 ex decks like zard/pult You just cannot hit high enough numbers while being squishy enough they can ohko you back.. the lack of any meaningful support for the archetype really hurts. Sada at least carries ancientbox by being ancient-welder, but future has nothing..
>ancient mons get Sada for energy acceleration
>future mons get... Miraidon and an ACE SPEC
>most future mons require 3 energy for each attack
Like sure they get this, but getting out basics is quite honestly the easiest part. Nest and ultra ball serve other big basic decks completely fine. This isn't needed, it's not carrying anything.
Lacking any sort of energy accelerations or card drawing engine just hurts, considering you need to stack your bench of iron crowns anyway there's no room for support mons. There needs to be a supporter or item to help with it
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Okay this has to be the same thing, except on PC. I can't do anything with this blank card. Anyone else ever get this?

kys cocksucking troon
Techo Radar USED to be half decent for whipping out Iron Leaves against Zard, but even back then it only worked once or twice a match before Zard would knock you out afterwards anyway.
Even that can be subbed with ultra ball and work fine, future just got shafted with it's support

>Techno radar
Not very impactful compare to common alternatives. Exclusive to just future decks
Technically just a worse penny for future pokemon, unless you wanted to discard energy and your booster capsules. Used better in other non-future decks
No future pokemon can draw cards so you can't even use it without outside help. Used better in other non-future decks

Meanwhile ancient
>Earthen vessal
Helps with discarding energy for sada. Used just as well in non-ancient decks
Hard carries every deck by being a modern day welder. Acting as a fix for energy and draw power
>Explorers guidance
Helps with discarding energy and pokemon which is what ancient pokemon attacks want, at least supports what they want to do

Turo being a downgrade to penny and cipermanic being completely useless to future just confuses me, it has zero synergy with anything there. I'm hoping next time we get another paradox set (we should since we're missing a lot of ex paradox mons still) they'll finally patch up what future is missing.
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make sure to pre-order the Charizard deck from GameStop
it comes out November and will be hard to find in person
it is the strongest commercially available over-the-counter product
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Yeah idk what the fuck they were thinking, why is Turo not even future exclusive? Ancient mons seem to have a consistent theme of pulling from the discard, would it have been so hard to make future pull from the deck instead or something? Make Turo let you search your deck and attach 2 energy or something? It's baffling how dogshit future is as an archetype while ancient has at least 3 decent decks running around.
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She is, she is!
Stop making the new thread while I'm asleep damn it.
Also true
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should this guy be more viable with picrel?
Impossible to ever ohko 300+ hp then without maximum belt. Charizard, dragapult and terapagos(bouffalant ver) will always survive. And tree is likely to be replaced the next turn anyway
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Honestly the new slowking variant.
If he drew the card instead of discarding it would be peak, you could loop it with academy at night. But by design, the game only has so many ways to get w card from your discard back to your hand/deck. So what this really comes down to is that your ENTIRE DECK is dedicated to setting up slowking and even then you only have 4+ attacks with him depending on what gets prized. It's such a cool idea but it's very clunky and I think unreliable. You're also way too reliant on having your stadium out.
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Okay, I'll pre-order the Charizard ex league battle deck. I need to bolster the value of my order to get free shipping, so what else should I get? Gardevoir ex deck, the Teal Mask Ogerpon ex package? Should I buy two of anything?
teal mask ogerpon gets used a lot but it looks like it only comes with one ex card. I think it would be better to buy singles if you wanted ogerpon ex. I got a garde ex battle deck myself and it pretty much came with the whole needed kit besides a couple of cards I had to buy. you can also gut it for some useful cards, same with palkia/miradon battle decks. you can probably just buy an etb or two if you want to inflate your costs. the last two etbs have some promo cards that are used in the meta often. theres also a trainer toolkit coming out soon. those are useful
Why the fuck do they need 5 different currencies for accessories?

Like I know mobile gacha games are suppose to overload you with items and currencies to make the paid option seem easier, but I don't think I've ever seen one go this hard for specifically the cosmetics.
Pokemon pocket is a gambling gacha money sink, right?
Yes. The amount of gold you can buy with real money is less than required to open packs, so even if you pay to speed up your timers, you can't get enough to break even. You have to keep paying in.
>no kirlia in 2025

Will this deck completely die?
Gardevoir isn't a bad pick, you'll have 2 decks to play with even if you don't want to scrap it for parts
Gardevoir-ex will be a lot weaker. It still has fezendipiti to draw and drifloon+munkidori for 330 damage. It might be an anti-meta deck at some points or just get fucked over by dark weakness.

Slowking will have reversal energy and counter gain. It will still be a playable meme deck.
Look into the zapdos, ninetails, and koriadon deluxe battle decks. Should be cheaper than buying singles of earthen vessel if you need three of them and has some other useful shit like nest balls and super rods. Was the cheapest way for me to get those.
>relying on stadiums
>when will you tardrapagos players learn?
there is literally a tool\tm that evos your shitmon
>Flip the Script is bugged
>Iono is bugged
Is there anything in this app that IS working?
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>update app
>make it worse than before
Honestly the bug that I hate most is the one that doesn't show a card flashing when it can still perform an action when it can. It's been in the game since beta and still has to make me double think all the time.
could this copy alakazam ex's attack to hit from the bench? or would you have to have the tree in active to be able to copy the attack?
Just buy the 500x pack, that way you only waste 0.07% of your money :^)
>TCG (gacha) + for-profit mobile game (scummy practices, often gacha)
Could not be any other way
tree in active, similar to other copying effects like mew. you initiate the copying attack. THEN do whatever attack you copy. so no bench attacking without the initial clause alakzam has of being able to use it on the bench
I haven't played in a few days, what happen?
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in all fairness the app has ALWAYS had bugs
So you're a Pokémon fan? Okay, list every translucent pokemon.
many are up to artists interpretation
and many can BECOME slightly translucent

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>2025 metagame is STILLwhoever has a gust of wind in their hand wins
cool game
It's honestly garbage and discourages 3 core mechanics of the game:
Manual attaching
>Japan Champions League Day 1
How broken would a card that sat on your bench with the effect your other bench pokemon cannot be moved to the active spot by your opponents cards?
Being immune to supporters has happened before, but counter catcher is just as op. And if you excluded items being used it would block effects like crushing hammer
Will we get any new card reveals from this tonight?
>Day 1
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. idk. Watching azul's stream said the illustrator contest winner is shown tonight though
>Day 2
More likely, imo
>want to test a deck versus Dragapult
>nothing but Miraidon, Terapagos, and Bolt
>want to test versus Bolt
>nothing but Zard, Dragapult, Gardevoir
Be odd if we didn't. Paradise dragona is already out, and there's hardly anything revealed on their next set supercharged breaker just yet
Might just be a day 2 infodump them. Since they can revealed stellar pikachu ex + synergy cards then
I saw this >>56477093 pic and wondered if they would have drawn grimes translucent if the technology was easier. The only ones I can think of are the reuniclus line.
It will be Sylveon ex.

I kept trying to make Sylveon VMAX work while it was legal with varying degrees of success.

Now it's Sylveon ex turn.
Sylveon actually has some credit in lostbox so far
And an eeveebox should become a thing when that set is out, with a bunch of the eeveelutions being teras you can use trumpet on the eevees before evolving
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yeah this is why I just made an alt to practice matchups by myself. its not ideal but unless I can find a practice buddy its the best I have
Probably not, toxic sludge and sewage are usually opaque.
What is a basic deck using 151 sv set that a 7 y/o kid could employ?
>misty sleeves
get donked, bitch
>all 4 candies prized versus Pult
lmao yeah sure
skill issue, bot
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>I'm glooming this child via a card game
I just won a game and lost 15 points on the ladder for it lol what the fuck
Try losing a game to see if you get it back.
>prize cards are good btw
lol every tourney just shows how fucked it is
Just buy a fucking league battle deck, how is this so hard for genwunners?
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>pokemon constantly churns out beginner baby products
every time
I bet that guy bought a bunch of KANTOOO stuff for collection and is just trying to make a deck out of the leftovers for his kid
based elephant grinder
We LOVE Mill!
>We are currently live streaming the final qualifying match of the Master League Day 1 of the "Champions League 2025 Tokyo", between KISHITA Takumi and OSAKI Tomoya!
After the match, the latest information on the Pokémon Card Game will also be announced.
Check out both!

Besides illustrator, hype?
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>buy "beginner" product
>suck balls at the game
>lose interest, wasting time/money
nice job

buy chienpao or zard deck when it releases
or buy a 80$ premade 1:1 tournament winning deck
fuck atleast buy the world champ decks from 2022/3 to get practicing
my cousin and I just print the cards to practice with
reusing tcgonline qr cards as backing in ultra pros
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>pikachu wins lol
New cards???
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He tanked
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>Choose up to 2 Supporter cards from your discard pile, reveal them, and put them into your hand.
Translations when? I can't read moon runes.
>Miraculous Intercom
>(Item - Ace Spec)
>Choose up to 2 Supporter cards from your discard pile, reveal them, and put them into your hand.
There's your VS Seeker
Ability: Tenacious Heart
If this Pokémon has full HP and would be KOd by an attack, it isn't KOd and its remaining HP becomes 10 instead.
GLM - Topaz Bolt 300
Discard 3 Energy from this Pokémon.
Ability is Focus Sash. Attack discards all energy. It's Galvantula but a shitton better.

First attack is attach 3 basics from the deck to a Stellar pokemon.

Double VS Seeker

TM is a full heal for your whole board, discard all energy. Trash. Cyrano has Hoopa EX's ability but exs instead.

Left stadium is +30 HP to basics. Right stadium reduces the HP of stage 2s by 30.
>C - Prism Charge
>Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Energy all of different types, and attach them to your Tera Pokémon in any way you like. Then shuffle your deck.
>CCC - Hard Tackle 100
>TM is a full heal for your whole board, discard all energy

worst it full heal only Tera mon
>Left stadium is +30 HP to basics.
>Right stadium reduces the HP of stage 2s by 30.
So that Galvantula deck going around with the Trumpet and E Switches suffers from needing to evolve a shitty 30 HP Joltik and needing to chain item lock usually 5-6 turns and hoping they can't attack through it. This just kills any non Stage 2 and will kill any stage 2 with >>56478405 in play. Might be a real deck with Pikachu instead.
When is it Raichu's turn
Back in Sky Field meta with Circle Circuit and last year with Raichu V.
I guess more than two cards in 9 years is a lot to ask for.
There are only two mons with 3 or more individual meta-defining cards in roughly a decade is Garbodor and two of them did the same thing. Giratina is the other (Ancient Origins EX in DDE box, the one that benched itself from the discard, and Vstar).
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No real way to fast build it up besides magneton and 300 isn't even ohkoing all the format. While massively overkilling the rest. The built in focus sash with blissey is probably the way to go for this. It being grass/electric means you can joltik early too.

Very strong but being a 1 off means it's hard to find it, you can arven but you can't then use a supporter you grab. Vs seeker worked because you could stack 4 and easily find them

>That TM energy cost only to heal teras
Into the bin.
Cyrano seems solid though, working on basics and evos helps a few decks. If you can sack it you can pidgeyzard an entire board way easier. Will become stronger as older support mons like rotom/lumineon go and get replaced by ex ones

Fairly good. +30 HP one fucks math. Imagine 230hp baby moons in ancient box kek
-30 HP one brings down charizard and pult a lot. Pidgeot is easier to kill now too. It being an immediate impact on your turn you play it makes it essentially a +30 dmg buff when needed. VERY strong

>Actually a lot of good reveals
After paradise dragona flopping this is nice to see the set wont be complete garbage
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>dabs on your OHKO format
Since you can tank attacks for free, you're probably better off chaining with Ogerpon, Trumpet, and ESwitch engines than using Joltik and letting things like Pult, Drago, and Radiant Gren ping the Pikachu.

A lot of decks don't have an answer to Pikachu right now. You can probably trash Terapagos and just swap Pikachu in for him in Pidgeot + Trumpet builds and be tier 1 now. Built in Focus Sash is so insanely powerful. Gardy beats it though, but you could probably honestly tech one Terapagos and one Water and Crown Opal the Drifloons and Tails.
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You laughed at me. Called me the worst ace spec
Now you come CRAWLING back to me.
BEGGING me to deal with the pikachu meta.

Pfft you should've showed me some respect
Then you realize canceling cologne serves the same purpose without taking up your ace spec slot.
Thoughts on the winners? Kinda sucks that only 1st prize gets to have a promo made
Klawfbros... will it finally be our time to shine?
Are you sure about that?
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Theoretically, you can use Tsareena ex's Icicle Sole on a Zard and leave 30 damage counters on it. Then next turn, assuming they don't scoop/heal the Zard, you can play this Stadium and get a KO. Am I correct?
You can also get a multi KO if you plan it right.
Of course, you're putting your own Tsareena on the risk with the -30 HP debuff.
But imagine putting down a stadium and getting 2 or more prizes, and you haven't even attacked yet. Must feel so good.
Could you use Brute Bonnet with Radiant Sneasler, then use Icicle Sole for a guaranteed KO?
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Ability: Overvolt Discharge
Once during your turn, you may attach up to 3 Basic Energy cards from your discard pile to your [L] Pokemon in any way you like. If you use this Ability, this Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Recycle for Pika or Iron hand amp you every turn
That's a very old tactic, but yes you can do that.
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There's only one deck that is paying that attack cost: the shitty bibarel/charizard-ex deck.
>my cousin and I just print the cards to practice with
>reusing tcgonline qr cards as backing in ultra pros
2 out of 3 of my lgs allow up to 3 proxies in weekly casual and league tournaments, no more than 10-15 bucks each (the real card) and for challenges they allow 1 proxy up to 10 bucks. No proxies allowed for cups
It's being OHKO in return whenever it takes a KO th-

... oh, fuck, that ability.
I don't get it
Read the fucking cards
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>Ogerpon spam
>Lugia, palkia, regidrago, lumineon, rotom, radiant pokemon
>And soon pikachu

Miss me yet?
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Oh can't forget about the new draw engine that will be everywhere replacing bibarel next year too
my radiant eevee smiles at you
I can't read moon
read, retard
If you can't read, you should just die. fr fr ohio rizz, fezanskibidi.
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Hawlucha not working on the active is so dogshit still.
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Guess who's back
explain yourself
i'm a retard and a bot who can't read. Can you explain why this card is sooooo good? lol
The new latias saved his ass
Seems really bad
What did anon mean by this?
This is the reason :3
Any help with for consistency?

3 Cinderace ex SCR 28
3 Infernape TWM 33
3 Raboot SCR 27
3 Monferno TWM 32
3 Chimchar BRS 24
3 Scorbunny SCR 26

4 Ultra Ball
2 Night Stretcher
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
1 Grand Tree
4 Earthen Vessel
3 Super Rod
4 Nest Ball
4 Colress's Tenacity
4 Rare Candy
1 Energy Search

2 Basic {Dark} Energy
4 Basic {Fire} Energy
5 Basic {Rock} Energy

Total Cards: 60
Infernape version instead of crispin is more clunky. but since you're running grand tree anyway you should include a pidgeot line. Even with tree you don't need 3 of the middle evolution, monferno and raboot can go down to 2 copies, possibly even 1 if you wanted.
>Discard 3 energy and you can't ohko Charizard
What's the point?
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If I put a Pidgeot line in, do I replace all my Ultra Balls for Feather Balls?
You'd still need ultra balls to get basics, stage 1s and infernape. You can probably swap 2 out though
The colress are way overkill you don't have any draw supporters either. Most cinderace decks follow similar to these, usually cinderace+pidgeot then crispin to help with the energy instead of infernape
I'm going to make this Infernape work, OK. It's going to be the next Baxcalibur.
Damn I may actually try the pikachu deck
Maybe it'll be too popular to where every deck puts in cologne to tech it but it looks fun to use
is any deck not running cologne and lost vacuum at this point?
Pikachu will enforce people to run cologne yeah, some already respect it now with cornerstone ogerpon being in some area zero decks. Majority of meta decks right now have no other ways to deal with pikachu, there's no easy to get ping damage in the format to break the focus sash

It's usually 1 or the other, most are cutting lost vaccum since tools aren't too important. Shit like palkia just ohkos through bravery charms anyway. And removing stadiums isn't impactful either since they run multiple area zero or pokestops
The weird Palkia Gengar deck might actually see use if Pikachu kicks off
would using baby munkidori first disable pikachu's ability? what about moves that just place counters
It would yes. but pikachu is hitting 300 damage, which is just ohkoing the entire format. Unless you can self damage your own mons, there will be no damage for munkidori to move off to pikachu
Decks like gardevoir will have an almost free match up vs pikachu for that reason. Froslass decks too.
>Unless you can self damage your own mons
I can actually lol. I play with pecharunt/okidogi and gardevoir decks so I think I should have it easy if pika becomes meta
Yeah I'm thinking poison is BACK
Oki would struggle since it gets ohko before you rack up any poison damage on yourself to move off. Unless you're using brute bonnett to poison then it's a freelo matchup
It doesn't ohko zard or Greninja and several others
See: >>56480438
I can't read moon
Stage 2 pokemon lose 30 maximum hp
The funniest possible thing would be if decks like Bolt, Zard, Miraidon, etc. post rotation all start playing Hawlucha for the Pikachu matchup and to counter this Pikachus start teching Fresh Water Set.
You'd save 1 pikachu but they would hawlucha the turn they're planning to OHKO one. Switch cart can also do the same while being more useful in general
is this post unironically serious???
why would you even run featherball at all?
do you not have any common sense? how can you not see that that card SUCKS????
>needs energy of THREE different types
>ability negated by poison, ability damage, burn etc
>ability is a 1:1 of a niche\shitty ace spec card that no one plays
>no other attacks even for chip damage or card draw\search

pikachu ex from xy era mogs it and its 11 years old
cool game
top 4 at another cup today
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how do you play cups?
i just do my daily and log out
congrats! which deck were you using? i got 2nd place in a league challenge today with iron thorns
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>win\loss % is 59%
>hangin around\slightly above zard tier
>still making minor edits to my malaysia chienpao

what rank are you guys?
is it even worth it to push for ML???



real life bozo
mind if I save this picture
oh yeah that's true. it'll take at least one turn for the poison to add a damage counter. the opponent will probably figure out whats going on by then. I might add brute bonnett to help out okidogi for that situation.
Yes, please download it from elsewhere.
If you want free wins against Raging Bolt, play this fucker. Ancient players can't fucking read and they'll Pokestop every turn just to mill 3 and their retrievals won't work.
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>Swap out 2 galvantula
>Insert pika
>Miraidon is back baby
Just a reminder that Dusklops/Dusknoir can self K.O. and make Pikachu a pretty much free 2 prizer at 150 or even 70 HP.
you're still trading 2 for 1
my gardevoir is going to booty blast pikachu
ill be there
once my deck arrives in the mail
can I still participate in regionals or is it invite only? :(
>drifloon is a balloon
>jigglypuff is a balloon, making scream tail a balloon
>the deck consists of gardevoir playing with balloons and popping them
>can I still participate in regionals or is it invite only?
Tournaments are mostly open. The difficult thing is getting to register since venues are capped and spots run out very fast.
Highly depends, who is he playing against?

The "EX battle decks" level 1 are a perfect starting point for understanding the structure.
"Deluxe battle decks" level 2 are the best to have variety and advanced play
and "league battle decks" are the priciest, but are actually to the level to play with other people who are already in the hobbie.

If you need your deck to be 151 themed, Just pick pretty much any "ex" and build from there, most popular are:
Blastoise ex
Wigglytuff ex
Jinx ex is a meme deck, but fun to do.

Heck, there's a freaking "Ninetales ex deluxe battle deck" just buy that.
I’m playing Pokémon TCG 2 (Japan exclusive) after realising there’s an English translation of the game and there’s a Game Center on GR Island where you flip 10 heads in a row to get a Lv 8 Mew Promo card. Is this pure RNG or is it skills? Wtf.

Also the game is very different to modern mechanics. Now you can’t retreat as many times as you want in a single turn, you can’t play a supporter on your first turn, you can’t attach an energy card and attack on your first turn. Take me back
just cheat for it
the coins are on a fixed rotation
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post your current rank & excuse why you arent in master league yet
>turdapagos is not legal in regionals
>i am practicing for regionals
pokeball rank because i just login to do my daily missions currently kek. i do make sure to get great ball before the ranked season ends though, but no higher
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>finally a new 2 prizer of my boy hydreigon
>it's a meme tera hat mon

[D][C] Crash Heads: 200 damage. Discard the top 3 cards from your opponent’s deck.

[P][D][M][C] Obsidian: 130 damage. This attack also does 130 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
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>togekiss with rng extra prize ability
god PLEASE don't let this see play
>Ability: Wonder Kiss
>Whenever your opponent’s Active Pokémon gets Knocked Out, flip a coin. If heads, take 1 more Prize card for that Knock Out. This Ability does not stack.
Doesn't say anything about being once per turn. You could do Dusclops/Dusknoir combos with this on the bench and get multiple flips in one turn. Stage 2 decks could run a 1-0-1 line just to have the cheese potential.
This could be used with the new Hydreigon ex or Regidrago using Kyurem's attack to try and snipe benched Pokémon for obscene prize draws.
Probably be quite clunky but if it works it could be obscenely jammy.
meme hammers won worlds anon
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>try out 4x crushing hammer for playtest
>flip tails 9/10 times, remove them from deck
cool game
>Ability: Slacking Off
>If your opponent has no Pokémon ex or Pokémon V in play, this Pokémon can’t attack.
Fun idea for an ability, even if 280 is probably not enough

You get what you fucking deserve.
Am I too much of a villain if I'm having fun playing item lock venomoth? I don't want to bother people but at the same time I feel kinda horny when charizard players get stuck with charmanders and pidgeys.
Fucking up charifat players is always justified.
Please let her be the one to get the SAR
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oh there's a new milotic revealed later, once cologne rotates here's your new meta counter

Ability: Sparkling Scales
Prevent all damage and effects done to this Pokémon by your opponent’s Tera Pokémon’s attacks.

[W][C][C] Hypno Splash: 160 damage. Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Asleep.

free 2 prizes for miraidon
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>only stellar pokemon getting any success with their triple rainbow attack is terapagos
>because it can use trumpet
>every other stellar attack is beyond useless and meme material
>especially bench sniping ones like cinderace and flygon
>because HALF THE FORMAT is fucking IMMUNE to bench damage for FREE
and despite that they make it a FOUR energy cost on this one? god forbid it has any sort of relevancy. charizard is the only stage 2 attacker allowed to be viable
But I am in Arceus League.
Why is everyone playing that rn atm? I swear I see it everywhere on the ladder? Who's the faggot YouTuber?
I like this. Looks fun.
There's another good togekiss in the format too. You just would need a cheap basic pokemon to attack with or it becomes too clunky
stellar crown becomes legal for events on the 27th, right? so if i go to a league cup on saturday i can use the new cards?
The original game allows you to rig a coin flip into a head with a certain timing, but I don't remember when you're supposed to press A, nor know if this applies to TCG 2
coin flips are on some deterministic rotation of sorts, meaning the game already has the result of the next coin flip on memory
so the next action that forces a coin flip will always be that result
you can abuse this by having the "flip coin, if heads draw 3" trainer, play it, if tails, instantly soft reset and do not play it, let the opponent use a coin flip move or trainer, then the result will change
Just had all 4 energy switches prized, I like how common this is.
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what decks do you run big sexy???
Stellar is so ugly. I hope it disappears after this set.
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>report bugs in your shitty buggy game
>lol no thanks you're playing from a region we don't support
Just fucking receive the bug report as a general bug? I didn't even request for support I just wanted to fucking report the a shitty annoying bug
just looks like an automated response, set up to deny any kind of tickets from ineligible regions.
spoof to usa then resubmit
what is the bug?
I literally own everything at max rarity.
Rn I'm just messing around with meme and rogue decks like Palafin, Hydrapple, Cinderace, and Garganacl.
Denial toolbox of Milotic ex, Cornerstone Ogerpon ex, Farigiraf ex, and that monster that denies evolved Pokémon attacks?
Hydreigon ex, Arbok ex, Xerosic's Machinations?
no don't post it pls
hello all, i play comp ygo and used to play comp mtg as well as vgc and fanfic meta vidya pokemon. I just discovered this game is dirt cheap and want to know what the best deck for a beginner would be to top locals. TCGLive fucking sucks so I'm just gonna learn everything in person. Also I really prefer to stick to meta so don't say "play whatever you like," LGS is trying to shill me on some upcoming charizard deck but I despise charizard. I'll like anything not gen 1, gen 5 would be cool but I really don't care as long as it will win.
>play whatever you like
never here in a million years
build charizard or wait for the upcoming pre-built battle deck, it basically plays itself if you want to top while learning the ropes
lmao i wrote my post before reading the second half of yours, play raging bolt or dragapult then
>gen 5
none that I can think of rn
>the best deck for a beginner would be to top locals.
Charizard ex
>TCGLive fucking sucks so I'm just gonna learn everything in person.
TCG Live is fine, especially if you wanna learn. You get everything for free. Also, the Charizard ex deck you buy can be ported over to Live with the code in the box.
Reason people keep telling you Charizard is cause it got a battle deck that you can buy for like $30 and have something tournament ready.

Everything else will either be weaker, or cost more money.
>trying to play some Regidrago VStar just in Casual to get my challenges (need to finish without consneeding)
>constantly bricking
>getting to <25 cards and consistently seeing 0 energy switches
>getting to <25 cards and getting no dragons in the discard
>find a Charizard ex/Pidgeot ex player
>taking fucking forever to take actions with the most powerful completely braindead autoplay deck in the history of the game
>spam him with ??? Emote when he should just hurry up and attack while he is dominating the boardstate
>my turn, he spams ??? At me while I'm clearly bricking Regidrago
>slowplay my turn for like 8 minutes
>Kill his active charizard with TMOex
>he has the game at this point there's literally no way I can win
>he spams emotes while taking the maximum possible time
>put my phone down and watch TV he's done
Pretty lols
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Fucking WHY
>dragon type
>fairy crystal showing
what did they mean by this?
Arbok is a meme there
Hydreigon itself is more than enough. 2 energy to hit 200 and discard 3 is sorta strong, it's similar to dragapult. With some modifiers like pecha+mochi you can hit 240 a turn while discarding 3 ohkoing big basics.
It just completely fucking kneels to all the ogerpons running around right now though because weakness but you might be able to race them since dark has giga support for energy
Tera Sylveon will bring back Fairies to save this game.
This might be one of the most ugly cards they've ever made
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Here's your fairy type bro
>gardy bdif again
Buddy Buddy Poffin not showing any cards to select when played
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Already was
>Scream tails your bench for 280
>Scream tail a fezendipiti for 220 damage
>Opponent can't bump the stadium without giving up 2 prizes
Stadium'd scream tail has 120 hp, can get 11 counters with munkidori which allows an attack for 220
Stadium'd fezendipti has 240 hp
After fez gets hit for 220, both pokemon will faint when the stadium is bumped

You're thinking of 140hp bravery charm scream tail which typically swings for 240 damage.
Next rotation is actually going to be so fun. The SwSh decks have long overstayed their welcome
>Stellar Agnry Faec ex
>manually attach metal
>Xatu for 1 psychic
>dark patch or Janine for 1 dark
>repeat for either psychic or dark
With mochi you could boss a Squawk or Mew and potentially get two bench snipes from weaker support mons.
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easier way is to just slap on a neo upper energy after using dark patch/janine. too much bench barrier in the format to use it twice in a game really
just use the 1st attack in a pure dark energy deck until a good opportunity to use the 2nd attack comes up and attach neo upper then
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Is there a way to stop your opponent from attaching cards like energy from their discard pile or shuffling them into their deck? Pic related only stops them getting cards into their hand, it does nothing against super rod or dark patch/Sada/trumpet.
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>my timer is 20+
>theirs is sub 15
every fucking time
>Ribombee/Togekiss/Iron Hands ex 6 prize turn
I need to see it happen.
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Closest you'll get.
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Quick question. A mon like this Feraligatr uses a move that says "During your next turn, this Pokémon can't use [X]". I'm sure during the owner's next turn they can't use it if the same mon is still in the active spot, but what if it goes to the bench and then back to the active spot? Will it be able to use it once again?
May sound like a dumb question but I'd like to find out if somebody was cheating. Thanks.
Once you move a mon from the active to the bench, all effects that was put on that Mon is removed. So yes, you can use Giant Wave again if Feraligatr went swimming back and forth from the active to the bench and then active again.
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I also looked it up. Thanks for answering. Attacks like I described appear to all function like that of Gouging Fire ex's Blaze Blitz attack essentially.
So if this Bidoof uses Industrious Incisors in the active spot and moves back to the bench, can it use the ability once again or are "ability effects" and "attack effects" different? Thank you.
abilities and attacks are different
bidoof uses its ability, it states "ONCE, during your turn"
bidoof may or may not be in the active spot but it is still in play in the field, if you were to remove it from the field somehow (Turo, super scoop up, etc) then evolve another bidoof, then even if it is the same bibarel card, the game "doesn't know" it's the same pokemon anymore, therefore you can use the ability "again"
Alright. That makes sense. Thank you.
I am planning on collecting full sets of base set all the way to skyridge. What would be the best way to go with it? Is there a place that would sell full sets? I tried cardmarket but it didn't list any

Damn, almost had a collector retard free genny

also note the difference with attacks that place effects on the trainer, so in this case switching out terrakion would not let you use the attack again
So in my country they are gonna release another round of 151 from restocks, and its average 6 bucks per booster. How many do you think its worth picking up? I heard the pulls rates of 151 are dogshit
they are, and people will still buy boosters
sorry wrong thread
>says he can't mention any of the unrevealed cards he saw at the Pocket event
>accidently talks about some unrevealed cards

Professor Oak
Draw 2 cards

Randomly search your deck for a Muk or Grimer

He also mentions there is only 1 card with the "golden crown" rarity in a set (4 gold stars). He did not mention which pokemon it was.
>He did not mention which pokemon it was.
>1st set
>Genetic Apex
has to be mewtwo
they were not "worth it" even when they first released
they were not "worth it" even if the print run was 20% of the current population
they will never be "worth it"

the art is hideous
most of the cards are unplayable
the youtube echo-chamber "investor" faggots are in for a rude awakening

palafin seems fun

hydrapple\garg always get mogged by me though
i REALLY wanted lapras-tera\dialga ex to work but it really seems too slow & shitty anon.. ;_;
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>not being an investoooooor
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>buying modern
Won't argue about the art with you or anything but I do like that they get one artist to do one whole evolution line (when not interrupted by 5ban shit) and often related backgrounds
Definitely don't need every expansion to do this but would be cool on a few evo lines per expansion
It is impressive how little cards are playable however
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Not all the 151 art is terrible
Since Pockets first set is maximum KANTOOOOO bait, I'd be willing to bet the supporters are all 8 gym leaders + oak.
its not even the artists fault honestly
the boarders\card frame is fucking worse than ereader series
ereader\aquapolis is now SO BAD ITS GOOD
that is the absolute state of the tcg
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NTA but a somewhat related gripe i have....
>yellow border on cards and tasteful frame since the tcg was created
>abandoned\replaced by shitty soulless silverborder world-champ signature deck proxy looking garbage

Yeah 151 really should have used yellow borders
entire page dedicated
double sleeved, maybe triplesleeved
nta but imakuni that's why
fucking based
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I actually heard from a different vid that their are multiple gold crown cards.

soooooo it's almost certainly charizard, venusaur, blastoise, mewtwo, and pikachu lol
>Eeveelution set wont be this year
Hate to see it.. hopefully it means it will be strong then since it wont need to be balanced with old cards in mind
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>it wont need to be balanced with old cards in mind
It's only a trumpet target with a first turn evolution ability. Eevee certainly has no tools after rotation.
>japanese champions league has half of our next set legal for play
>1 (one) new card was played in 1 (one) deck as a 1 (one) of
>it's an old and card that isn't even any good

Surging Sparks looking EPIC so far!
I mean this is what happens when the designers make every set like this
>1 pushed EX they THINK will be meta
>99% unusable slop filler
Tried that meme Zard/Arceus deck, first game Arceus, Arceus VStar, Duskull, Rotom, Heavy Ball prized lmao

Literally every game with this shitty client
And the very next game was Research start + all 4 Night Stretcher lol

Every fucking game is decided on turn one in this shitty client.
the front and back pages are memes to keep wear to a minimum on actual value cards

prob doesnt matter but it's my neuroticism I can do what I want
>Professor Oak: Draw 2 cards
>not Bill
>try miraidon to beat all the palkias i'm seeing
>suddenly charizardfags appear
i hate matchmaking online. at least at locals you CAN counter their decks
I watched that YT video too bro!
Yeah they really missed the mark on this. They tried to Kanto pander so hard that they forgot Bill is also from Kanto.
Why does Eevee have two psychic evolutions?
Because Fairy type got assimilated into Psychic

>Gets swept by Charizard
Noted. Thank you.
you could have filled it with any meme or filler card, so nonetheless based
Do you get more points for winning matches the higher rank you are? Or is it +15 all the way up to Arceus rank?
You get more. 30 for winning. -20 for losing at Master Rank.

Arceus Rank, you can keep getting points if you want. It counts the same as Master Rank.

Also, however many points past Arc you get before the season change, carry over to the next season. So I began at Shayamin rank last season rather than Deoxys. Theoretically, I think it might be possible to string multiple Arc ranks, though I haven't done it yet.
I meant moreso the other eeeveelutions having synergy with other decks, like sylveon in lost box currently. If they didn't have to worry about something like lugia abusing one of them who wanted special energy, if they waited till post rotation they'll be much stronger

At Arceus rank it’s always +10 per win and +10 per loss. After the season ends you’re always kicked down to deoxys tier if I recall correctly. I hit 2000 last season and started the next season at like 1340 or whatever.
I love lost box
2 Manaphy BRS 41
3 Chandelure TWM 38
1 Comfey SCR 63 PH
4 Litwick LOR 24
1 Chandelure TWM 38 PH
3 Comfey SCR 63

4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TWM 223
4 Rare Candy SVI 191
4 Super Rod PAL 188
4 Artazon PAL 171
2 Nest Ball PAF 84
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
4 Irida ASR 147
4 Energy Search CRZ 128
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
4 Xerosic's Machinations SFA 64

1 Legacy Energy TWM 167
5 Basic {P} Energy Energy 13

Total Cards: 60

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>string multiple arceus rank points
i just do my daily and log out
most of my points carried over from last season starting me at the bottom of UL i think
i wish i had something to spend coins on;
they should allow us to purchase code-exclusive items like sleeves\coins even at 10x the coins.... esp after they are OoP.

do people even remember bill?
its sad, anime appearance, vidya appearance,
ubiquitous in the tcg... made several reappearances too

kek, my front page is "trainer magazine Dr. Ooyama's Exeggutor - i just didnt want to put boring energies like everyone else...
sadly i never scooped the original print as it was kinda pricey even back in xy evolutions era
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cut one manaphy
hisuian ball will force it out if hes needed that badly
the entire deck seems like judge\iono bait anon
but sadly it looks like FUN to play with;
many such decks exist where they are more fun than strong
TPC chooses the top 5 and dumps gifts on them until they show up at worlds each year...

using attacks to draw cards seems suspect though, keep in mind iron hands\blissey will blip extra prizes off you while you're struggling to get up and running

just my two cents
it reminds me of heatran\metang decks fun to play but against the "meta" it will come up short
>cut one manaphy
Unfortunately way too many tryhards pull off le epic gust + Cancelling Cologne multi-attack combo.
Is this a mill deck?
>4 Energy Search
Yeah I ain't gonna help anyone who puts this in their decks
What should I replace one with?
Do you play xerosic nearly every turn against iono decks?
"unrevealed" probably means "cards that didn't have a chance to be pulled from packs or starter deck"
Lmao based
Not every turn, just when they have 9+ cards or so.
Anyone have the apk for Pocket? People are already streaming it.
>Judge is starting to show up in decks
Sign of a toxic meta
By Yu-Gi-Oh standards, the current meta is not just healthy, but GOOD. Wide deck variety. Strategic thinking and decision-making. Low power decks are viable. No single deck is overly dominating. Games are snappy and interactive. Lots of cool stuff to look forward to.
t. Yu-Gi-Oh player
Y'all don't know how good you have it. Meta in Master Duel is complete ass, and there isn't much to look forward to.
>the retarded braindead collectors in the comments

ygo refugee here, i can confirm this
LMAO cope and seethe

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