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Pokemon trainers with their Ace - thread

Who are your favourite pairs?
I'll post some to get it rolling.
>evolved his Pikachu
>fought for his country
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Do I have to post more coomer content to get replies?
I also like Skyla.
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the coolest fucking guy ever with the coolest mon ever
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Cool thread

Always liked the contrast between these two
Same. Simple country girl with a huge steel snake, perfection.
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Cute girl with big and intimidating Pokémon >>>>>
Steven and Metagross
Proton and Golbat
Archer and Houndoom.
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Wow the thread is alive.

Here's some gen 3 favs.
Steven is based.
>the coolest mon ever
Huh? I don't see Sceptile in that pic, anon.
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That's not Psyduck...
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Blaine and Arcanine
>Pokemon trainers with their Ace
Chad and Gigachad
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In BDSP, Flint's ace is Infenape, and Volkner's ace is Luxray.
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sorry I can't find any good images of korrina and her ace hawlucha
I prefer his classic ace.
Here's a few more gen 4 favs

Starting with best girl
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Came here just to post this, great taste
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Nice spread of trainers in here, keep it up
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God i love those bitches.
hope Miltank gets an evo one day.
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That’s not Barbaracle!1!1!!!!
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The charred/on fire moustache is a nice touch
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And then there is fucking Korrina and Maylene who also get to have LUCARIOOOOOOOOOO as their aces
can't forget Dusty and his Riolu.
Ash & Pikachu.
who the fuck
please post more karen
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I got excited when I saw this thread and going through my folder has shown me I don't have nearly as many relevant pics as I thought.
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File deleted.
Already posted here >>56480793
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Sabrina and Morty are my favorites
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Hmm, I guess those are their aces, yeah. Never thought about it like that.
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Dragonite cannot look cool.
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I miss the gen 1 style so much...
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Koga's ace is Crobat, though.
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almost at the image limit :(
Only because his Weezing died after fighting Red. Didn't you see the cutscene?
:( leave the cinnamon roll alone
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<3 bless you anon
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True Chads the both of them
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