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Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

Previous: >>56392365
In case you guys missed it/the original distribution, the shiny Galar birds and dogs are going to be catchable in GO in the next weeks.
Paid right?
No. Dogs are in raids (I think it’s 1/20 or 1/25 odds, but you can pay for more raid passes). Birds are still daily adventure incense exclusive but now shiny (not guaranteed catch but won’t flee if shiny).
Thank you anon I guess it's time to have more than two accounts then.
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With 3 NidoFs route 201 is complete
I think I should probably prioritize radarhunting for swarms and Pokemon Mansion since these are once-a-day spawns. Today's swarm is Corsola, which is very fitting with the OP too
I wish it was easier to start a desired chain, like with DexNav
Brilliant shiny badge quest anon from the last thread here, by any chance does Galar Mine 2 not spawn brilliant aura mons? Gotta have seen 200 - 300 spawn in at least and not seen a single brilliant aura yet.
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This was faster than expected
If it's particularly annoying I will give and use savestates to start the chain a little faster, because sometimes starting it can get longer than the chain itself.
It's the only thing I dislike about pokeradar. It could use the QOL change if it ever makes a return, though I doubt it will with the abandonment of square grid.
If anything people could dump their extra shiny doggos to GTS if they want. Worth checking out too. I have a Galarian Moltres in GO but any shiny birb would be cool from Daily Incense
Scratch that, immediately saw one after posting this. Either I had omega bad luck or the game is in a state where it doesn't spawn them if you go to Motostoke after Nessa but don't talk to Hop
I know GO mons are looked down on by some people but I would definitely rather have a GO mon that I caught myself than an event distro. I somehow missed the G. Articuno event and didn't get a Zamazenta because I don't have Sword so at least there's an opportunity here. I just hope that the next main game doesn't shit the bed like SV and let you hunt legendaries again.
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Thank you again to the guy who gave me Lunala route
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>turns shiny mid battle
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I think I'm finally getting a hang of this Poké Radar thing, 17 years later.
I am stuck radar hunting for shiny Minun in trophy garden myself but somehow I burned through 500 max repels already without a shiny patch
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He ate almost 700 max repels before deciding to show up. Glad I always restock before a new hunt.
I wonder how many shinys I've ran by in scarlet already ...
Thanks, the 30 chain range is still nerve-racking.

700?! I should definitely do a better job at stocking up next time, thankfully I was lucky to get 2 shiny Eevees with ~100 max repels after chaining 40.
>Hunting in colosseum
Based but how have you not killed yourself yet? That must take even longer than Jarachi resets.
>Shiny in Colosseum
I think this is my highest amount yet. I was genuinely surprised how long this one took, but to make up for it, I easily got 3 whole Cleffas within less than an hour after maxing out their chain. Definitely bring a lot of Repels though because the game knows when you're running low and will hold your radar shinies hostage until you do.
In my Growlithe hunt I ran out of repels few steps before the shiny grass and I ran into a random Starly on the way.
>how have you not killed yourself yet?
I just want 4 shinies from Colosseum, its nothing compared to a shiny living dex
How many boxes of eggs are too many before you start hatching sets of 5? 20? 30?
First I filled boxes.
Then I filled one box several times.
Then I started hatching party sets.
How long can you stand the screaming Clarice?
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That's just how it works.
Whoops, didn't mean to sage.
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finally got mareep! ended up taking a lot longer than it needed to since I realized that I didn't set up the parents to have the shiny gene like I thought. It also took way too long for a female mareep in the shiny family so I was using shiny family ekans on my mareep for a very long time. I failed the 50/50 like 20 times I kid you not. probably going to take the next a day or so away from silver to collect some of the exclusives from pokemon yellow, I was thinking of going for charmander next. fortunately it can breed right off of the shiny dratini I got last thread. would be cool to level up dratini a bit first so I can have outrage on the new charmander, just because I think charizard having a dragon-type move sounds pretty cool. would pretty much leave my dratini (or dragonite by then) way overleveled for the entire game though...
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Two queens looking at each other
I wanna attempt the Shiny Manaphy egg on an emulator. I do wonder though, If I were to make a save state on my Ranger game before sending the egg, would I be able to transfer multiple from the same game, and would they generate different shiny ID, or would it effectively create 4 exact clones of the egg?
shiny raikou is very cool looking
I need to hunt one down in my HG/SS run
damn what a bunch of cuties on show!
I'm not a shiny hunter but am currently doing my first playthrough of Scarlet (first pokemon game since X) and ran into a shiny Makuhita. I don't really care about shinies that much but obviously I'm going to catch any I come across - y'know, maybe I'll breed for a competitive shiny later on or trade it for a 6IV Ditto or something.
Anyway SINCE WHEN DOES MAKUHITA LEARN WHIRLWIND?! I didn't even save before the encounter because "oh it's just a makuhita, piece of cake".
That's why you run away then save. I did that for Lapras in case of Perish Song.
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Last night I dreamt my old copy of Firered was glitching like crazy, glitch city-like issues and there were times where Red would just not stop walking so I couldn't save. During the dream I ran into a shiny Exeggcute, where the background was red, Exeggcute's eyes were missing and the shiny noise was just static. I caught it and then spent what felt like half an hour waiting for a decent place to save so I could transfer it out of there, only for the game to have not saved and for me to reload where the dream began. I woke up pissed before I relaised. I'd take it as a sign to hunt Exeggcute but I already have one and both Exeggutor forms.
If you believe it is fate then hunt one more shiny Exeggcute, maybe it will get a new regional form or Mega on PLZA and the universe is telling you about it beforehand?
Congrats, that Yamask is one of my planned targets on my shiny badge quest, hopefully I have your luck.
If I transfer a Ditto from Japanese FRLG to Japanese gen4 game then trade it to english, will that count for the Masuda method or does it need to be natively caught in the gen4 game?
It’s funny. I’ve been KOing them while hatching that corsola and was hatching yamask there. ~680 encounters by the dex. I ended up going through all the eggs I had stockpiled and got a second one 30 or so later. Both are square, which is cool.
Got any leftover galarian Corsola I can use?
It should be fine, origin language is tracked in Gen III even though MM wasn't a thing yet.
If you want to make sure, check if the Ditto adds a Japanese language entry to your Pokédex. (in Platinum I believe you have to talk to the German guy in the Battle Area to unlock foreign dex entries)
To breed with? I tossed my extras but I can breed one if you want in a bit
I'd love one if you can spare one.
Alright, post a trade code thing and I’ll send it once it hatches
3333 4444
Good trade
Thanks, I'm gonna try use some of your luck.
All my luck comes from the French Ditto I got wondertraded in UM
We will see.
I wasn't aware gen4 had language entries at all. I'll check, thanks.
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Forgot to mention Diamond/Pearl only has a prototypical version of this feature (only 14 Pokémon include foreign dex entries in this version) but Platinum and HGSS should both work for all Pokémon.
HGSS should unlock the feature automatically once you receive a foreign Pokémon, unlike Platinum.
>have hours of free time at this place that I can only use on Switch games
>do I
>play my backlog of a wide variety of games
>shiny hunt
why is my brain like this
Congrats anon, Mareep is a gorgeous shiny in just about every gen, but especially gen II.
>Lugia day 14 (I think) - the hunt continues, still no shiny bird
Nevermind, I remembered Ditto is available very early in HG and that's my japanese game which I was gonna need to play through a bit anyway to trade a moon stone because someone thought that locking it behind an even TID and balancing it out with a Sun Stone for odd TID players is a fair game balance.
I still wanna trade a gen3 ditto just to see if it works though, so maybe I will.
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>look for some synchronizers real quick, not really hunting
>shiny patch shows up on chain 7
Thankfully I brought my emergency Arena Trap, just in case.

You could probably trade it from your JP FRLG to an English Gen III game, that way you'd be able to Pal Park it without needing JP HeartGold. That's assuming you have another Gen III game, 2 GBAs and a link cable however.
Currently SRing for a shiny starter in SoulSilver. It's been a week and a half, no luck yet, I would really like to just start playing the game now but I'm committed at this point.
I'm in the same boat anon, hopefully we get them soon
Personally I'm hoping for totodile but I'll take whatever shines first
I started hunting for shiny latias in white 2 a couple days ago. I previously hunted latios in black 2 almost a decade ago. It's going to be nice to have them both
>learn that there was a eon ticket event in ORAS
>you could get it from other people with streetpass and pick it up in a pokemon center
>open my copy of alpha saphire
>have the ticket in my inventory and totally forgot about it
I probably picked it up along some other event stuff and never actually used it, well time to hunt
Unfortunately I do not have a Link Cable, my GBA games do not have a way of interacting at all so this is the only option I got.
If only you could pick up such a thing...
I cannot afford a second GBA even if bootleg link cables are cheap. Unless you can link the games between GBA and NDS?
Unfortunately no, you absolutely need to use GBAs for anything involving link cables.
The Game Boy Player does support the link cable, but that's probably even more expensive.
Probably. Unfortunately I live in 3rd world so 60$(+ shipping) is unaffordable, but I'd like to have a larger setup one day to hunt on multiple devices.
Having a 2nd GBA+flashcart is pretty neat, using those you can finally access all those Gen III events in a functionally legit way on your real carts by using official distribution ROMs.
If you happen to have Japanese Emerald that's the only way to ever shiny hunt for a legit Mew. (Old Sea Map, JP-only event item)
litten is shiny locked in USUM, no other explanation.
>a functionally legit way
Pro tip: If you use legit but feel the need to put a qualifier in front of it, it's mental gymnastics to justify cheating
All it means is that you can transfer it all you want and GF won't be able to differentiate it from the one caught by someone who bought a movie ticket in 2005.
Just caught my shiny Absol on Alpha Sapphire. It only took an hour or so. Very happy it didn't take all day. Might try for a shiny Skarmory later.
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>spend hours resetting Odd Egg for shiny Cleffa to set up for double transform glitch
>spend 2 days progressing through the game up until 8th gym, evolve Cleffa and learn Metronome and delete all other moves
>start grinding for ditto on route 34 to perform glitch
I have never been this lucky before, holy fucking shit
Yes, and there are two words for that:
One is
The other one is still
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I think I had that dream because I've been looking into glitzer popping to hunt Deoxys the past few days, but my brain just thought of the wrong yellow shiny. And it though of FireRed just because I played that way more.
Who cares? I'll happily cheat away the FOMO time-sensitive shit and otherwise catch shinies the hard way because I enjoy doing it.
Terminal autism
>mental deficient ignores this is one the most autistic groups on the board
And cheating is still cheating, however kids try to justify it. Don't want to get called a cheater, pretend you got it legit like the less mentally deficient cheaters do.
Amongst a particularly autistic group, you stand out as uniquely retarded.
girls, girls, you're both pretty. please move on
Congrats anon, It should have been me but I really am happy for you. so what's next for your hunt?
Why is Fennekin outbreak so fucking rare for no reason
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Bred a shiny Eevee in Ultra Sun. It took about 5 boxes worth of Eevees and 5 boxes of Magikarps. Big thanks by the way to the anon who mentioned the Magikarp breeding exploit in the last thread. I had no idea about it and it saved me a whole lot of time in the long run.
You do know there are quicker exploits, right?
I'm the anon from last thread with the Cyndaquils, so currently breeding for a shiny, mostly so I can get a guaranteed HP grass.
After that, going to progress through the game as normal with a team I've pre-built, and once I have the whole game available going to hunt stuff like the other starters.
I had to reset my save not only because I learned of the duping glitch that allows you to get all the starters, but also because I accidentally saved over killing Suicune while awaiting a response...

My incredibly luck is starting to balance out since it's taking quite a bit to get another shiny Cyndaquil
let him enjoy his shiny 'vee anon
My next target is Shuckle but I have to beat the rest of Colosseum to get there. At least I will have access to fug to murder battles by that point.
I'm moving onto Dratini next.
Is there any similar trick to where a non-shiny offspring can carry the shiny gene, so that two non-shiny parents can produce a shiny offspring? And if so, is there a way to tell without there being an uneven gender ratio?
If not, do I just need to grind for a shiny with a shiny ditto?
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Now I kinda want to try hunting in gen 2 now.
Congrats anon. Hope your next shiny is fast as well.
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Finally shiny alpha that can mega. Heracross, Lopunny and Gyarados are still needed from this area.
Congrats anon how long did it take you?
I have no idea. Its all on and off and i dont want to count anymore. Got shalpha Blissey, Infernape and Kricketune before this. And Alakazam with the mass outbreak reset method.
Is it a square shiny?
It only counts if it's a square shiny.
What were some of your worst hunts?
My shiny Eevee with MM and shiny charm in XY took nearly 6k eggs
I MMd a shiny female Eevee in X, it was fun.
Probably everything I went through for Volcarona. Full 31 boxes of eggs before giving up on no charm MM in UM, ~500 dex nav chain in OR, and finally getting one over most of a week in UM SOS (you’re going to spend the majority of the time just waiting for a new one to show up). Ended up with a level 100 Alolan Marowak. Still one of my favorites due to how much planning you need to have, with a fire-ghost type (the ones you call will have flame body and burn you and you need a ghost because the one you’re chaining off of will spam takedown for all he’s worth, alolan marowak works perfectly) false swiper/knocker-outer, all the leppa shenanigans, getting a harvest alolan executor with trick (I think) and skill swap. SOS is probably my all time favorite method, but I hate pulling out my 3DS and fussing with Bank so I rarely do it now.
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Only two left...
>not a luxury ball
Sorry, doesn't count. Start over.
Fuck off, Mr. T
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>Nearly half an hour with no egg
make sure the two parents are compatible, gen 2 has an anti-incest mechanic

For me personally with the lowest possible rates (different species, same OT) the longest I go without an egg is maybe like 10 minutes or so.
Shiny torchic on ORAS. Twenty boxes worth of eggs until appear.

Also shiny zangoose in Ruby. Four fucking months of hunting!

Now, trying swinub in Leaf Green. Two weeks and nothing.
>hatching my leftover eggs while I begin a new hunt
At this point go for a third one and complete a shiny evo line
Shiny number 3 of the Sword shiny badge quest obtained, Shellos this time. Again from full odds, not from a brilliant encounter.

Total encounters for the route:

Shellos: 151
Wimpod: 104
Scraggy: 86
Binacle: 71
Chewtle: 67
Shuckle: 48
Noibat: 47

Total: 574

Another shiny I don't have in another game so very happy with this one.
I'm happy that your badge quest is going at a good rate, When you first started I thought that you would still be on the first one.
I've had a lot of free time this specific week as I'm away from home for 90% of it to house and pet-sit for someone, which helps. I see it slowing down after this week but also kind of intended that this run lasts a long time anyway. I've also had pretty good luck so far too.
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Ditto is such a cool shiny, too bad you don't get to see it in battle for more than one round.
With this I'm almost done with Trophy Garden hunts, only leaving me without Plusle, Jigglypuff line and 8 Eevees which is not a hunt I'm looking forward too.
Thats pretty lucky innit
I am working on the alpha lopunny in pla, do I have to knock it out and then reset at camp? I feel like doing the opposite is just respawning the same lopunny
correct, every time you load into the area, all encounters are determined. In order to get a new encounter you either need to leave and come back or kill and respawn the target
I dont know, i just go look at it and then fly to camp, go back to city and go look again.
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Getting this would have been a lot cooler if my cats weren't being assholes at the time of its hatching. Just another disappointing tidbit about the worst starter in all of pokemon.
Now onto Feraligatr
Just hatched a shiny Cottonee. Neat, and Whimsicott is a pretty popular shiny if/when I choose to evolve it.
Another obligatory complaint post, I just want this Smoochum so I can move onto soft resetting Celebi
Yeah I actually got 3 eggs just after I posted that, just got unlucky. That's a useful tidbit, I didn't know that.
No problem. Just so you know just in case, unless you have access to Pokemon Stadium, your shiny smoochum won't be able to learn Lovely Kiss.
Smoochum doesn't learn it despite it being an egg move (only fathers can pass down egg moves), and Jynx learns it before level 30, and since Smoochum evolves at level 30, there's no way to get the move without the move reminder, which as said is only in Stadium.
I learned this the hard way myself
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Did some more Eevee chaining again myself, it was pure pain to get to 40 with 5 long streaks broken by the dreaded 2% patches. Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have 5% encounter rate and 45 catch rate..
Gonna milk this streak for all it's worth, currently I've caught another 6 of them.
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Quick birb.
Only one remains...
Based bird I wish you luck on the final hunt.
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Skill issue.
Based meganium enjoyer.
When i start doing HGSS starter resets again i hope i get Chikorita. Favorite johto starter
> she plays the game in some junglespeak
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All that effort and it's not even shiny.
You only know one language?
I need to do a ribbon run someday
Start from gen 5 or later to preserve your sanity.
>muh purified shadow ribbon
>Shiny Azurill
>Shiny Marill
>shiny Azumarill
>shiny Dartini
>shiny Dragonair
>shiny Dargonite
>vomit green
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>garchomp line
Stfu I love my shiny chomps even if ai can’t tell if they're shiny
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Try not to Poke Radar at the Valley Windworks, the windmills blocking your view is a real pain in the ass
I hatched like 500 Deino eggs and didn’t get it in Moon, so I got impatient and DexNav chained for it in Alpha Sapphire at over 300 encounters.
I have a question... hopefully someone can help me

My first ever shiny was a shiny Solrock in Pokemon Ruby. However... I have since lost that cartridge a long time ago.

I would like to hunt Solrock in Ruby, however, I don't see an easy way to go about it since the highest level encounter is Golbat, and Solrock itself is quite rare.

Is there an easier way to target Solrock? Or do I just need to grind for it the hard way?
Can you not breed it?
yes but the Valley Windworks are kino and now your Electrike is pure sovl
>Gen III breeding
Riding the Verdanturf-123-Express is pain
Solrock is genderless, so you'd need a Ditto.
Presumably your own, so shit egg generation
Also, Emerald invented modern things like the Everstone.
Or Flame Body/Magma Armor helping with halfing hatch time.
And of course no MM.
Actually, Ditto got Dexcut in Ruby, so it's not available
>shiny elecktrike
>has manectric colors
>shiny manectric
>doesn't have elecktrike colors
Seems like the hard way it is...
And yeah, I could just trade a ditto from emerald but as said, White Flute probably would be better.
Might end up streaming the hunt.
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769 - nice
And that's all 28 Ultra Sun W-Holes
Time to restart UM for the missing ones
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Also, totaling up the numbers,
An average of 1551 is clearly not 1365
Fuck Big Math!
Playing through SWSH DLC for the first time. Internet says that after the raid you can choose which pokemon to keep, but also that once caught, you cannot attempt to catch a legendary pokemon once. I like the mechanic, but how does shiny hunting the legendaries work then? Do you see they are shiny during the battle, or do you find out after the battle and then have to choose to release them to try for a shiny again?
Forgot to mention, I'm asking about Dynamax adventures specifically
After the raid completes, you will see a list of all 4 pokemon you caught, they will be shiny or normal on that screen, not before. You can keep one or press b to keep none, then return to the base camp and (if you want) save the legendary to try it with a new route. You can also buy premiere balls for 1 ore next to the tunnel, so you should never run out of balls.
So i am supposed to capture the legendary? And then if it's not shiny i SR?
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She's so green. What a nice shiny congrats anon.
I got it really fast as well, 10min into my first shiny sandwich I ever cooked up. I don't know the exact rates for sandwich buffs.
It was an outbreak so maybe that helped?
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nvm make that two
Outbreak definitely helps and if you have a shiny charm that also stacks. I forget what the percentage is though.

Now you got her a boyfriend.
How close are you to a full shinydex?
Just finished mine.
In the run itself? Yes, you have to finish the actual battling vs. the raid boss and throw the ball (remember to pick your choice of balltism herr). Then, on the next screen you can check all captures and pick either one or none. Always catch the other 3 non-legendaries from a route, don't worry as they will get shiny rolled too individually. You may not have luck with your desired target legendary but any of the other 3 could be a decent consolation prize to keep you trucking
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How did you get the shiny pokeball and floral vivillons?
Also isn't Shiny Victini unavailable? And the recent legen-

ah you're just a dirty hacker then.

begone poser
I think you mind be blind, bro. Victini isn't shiny. And neither is Pokeball Vivillon.

You can't even put illegal shinys in Home.
forgive me when the awful lighting of SV and Home make slight color variances in appearances when shit like Seel, Garchomp, Wormadam, Pikachu, Baxcalibur, Gholdengo, etc. exist

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