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Is it me or the entire "Nintendo is suing Palworld!!111" thing is a dud?
The announcement was already few days ago yet there's no official info about the court case (this kind of cases are public in Japan so we would know details already) and the game still is available on Steam and XBox one.
Not sure what Nintendo is playing here but announcing legal actions against someone without actually starting said legal actions is kinda weird?
>Why aren't things happening?! I WANT THEM NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!
Palsister discovers the concept of legal things moving slowly.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Palword Rescue Team when???
People do it in the US all the time. It's a legally permitted form of extortion. Even if the case will go nowhere, it's extremely time-consuming, costly, stressful, and likely prevents them from functioning and developing games for the duration, which can be fatal for projects or the whole company depending on how it's structured. It's like this: give up now or we'll do something we'll both regret.
I don't know if they can have the game removed from storefronts for patent infringement a more likely scenario would be a fee paid or the game modified.
That's what happens when Ace attorney players find out that legal cases dont literally happen in simply 3 days
It's not a dud, they are sadly trying to take it down over the pokeball system
And it turns out the leader of the Rescue Team is Krishna from SMTIV.
OP is kinda right, tho.
That announcement was very premature and kinda weird. Announcing this kind of legal stuff before case is officially started is kinda stupid - it just gives Palworld devs extra fuck know how much time to prepare at best and Nintendo looking as faggots at worst if the case will actually not start due do some inside events.
Ans yes - If there would be legal case against Palworld the game would be immwdiatelly taken down from everywhere at least till the end of the case but more probably forever.
Nintendo's legal team is doing weird fuckery.
They are both made for human men.
Chillet and Furret SEXO
I was agreeing with him. When a lawyer sends you a letter threatening litigation but without actually serving you a lawsuit, it's the same thing. The lawsuit itself is what carries weight, not the outcome, so whether or not they can make a compelling argument doesn't matter. They're not trying to convince anyone or win anything; it's coercion. Such is the nature of a threat, they don't have to actually file a lawsuit.
They haven't even informed the Palworld devs what patents they are being sued over. Game Freak just cried to Nintendo until they sued them for anything because they know people are going to compare Z-A to Palworld.
We also have to realize this is JAPAN'S legal system, which doesn't follow the rules that other countries follow. And from the rumors that when Palworld was hot, people in Japan were told to be quiet to not hurt their ties with Nintendo, who knows what other bullshit that can occur.
>They haven't even informed the Palworld devs what patents they are being sued over.
Based on the one patent that was just recently filed (took a year but still), the cynic in me wants to say they are waiting for the patents to be filed to sue them for said patent infringement.
>equip guns and different ammo types to your pals.
>search and rescue while hunting for supplies.

Could work very well if it plays like this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1782120/ZERO_Sievert/
unrelated, anyone got the pic that recreates the blade runner meme with furret and the blue thing?
Whoa that's a cool furret regional variant
The hilarity considering I asked something similar in >>56478150.
>Nintendo issues a PATENT lawsuit to steal mechanics that already existed for decades, specifically done by Asassins's Creed before Breath of the Empty World such as climbing towers and gliding
>Poketards and tendies still insist it's a copyright lawsuit against the monster designs
This is what happens when you consume pedophilia more than school books
Japan is a fucking joke of a nation
They make their themey themey mangas from their island perch and think their yamato blood makes them so great yet they behave like consumer cucks in america do anyways.
Dude they patented mounts 20 whole ass years after World of Warcraft patented it in the exact same way! You're telling me Blizzard never sought patenting it in other countries too?
I get it, but it should've been Salazzle to work.
Trying to take all their competitors out at once seems to be the actual goal, if they just wanted to take palworld out they would have gone after them for the models.
These guys get it. Palworld adds up what Pokemon can't.
We should not be in war like Genwunners. Monster collectors should unite! For better games and for better porn!
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Can we at least admit that Palworld fixed all the dogshit designs from Pokemon?
I'll be honest everything past Cobalion just looks like they're generally the same concept but done totally differently.
>Mega Delphox
Drawn after the fact, but it is uncanny how close they were despite being posted days apart.
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Here you go
They can't sue them for the designs. Palworld devs were scummy to trace over models, but at least smarter than the average chinese mobile game bootleg dev to make the end result an approximation, and not a direct copy. There's no way to use an artist for just being inspired by copyrighted material.

Nintendo then are forced to be extra scummy about this, on Game Freak's behalf. Instead of suing how the game looks, which they can't, they're suing how the game play, which they also technically can't. But it's Japan and Nintendo OWNS everything. They have Japanese law and Japanese culture by the balls.

This isn't a case of David vs Goliath. This is the equivalent of a comedian that's known for extremely racist jokes and Nazi jokes getting assaulted by an actual Neo-Nazi. No one wins. These are both terrible companies and legal precedents will never be the same if Nintendo wins this shit. And it's all Palworld's fault, for thinking they could get an easy slice of the pie by just plagiarizing Pokémon and ARK.
>there's no official info about the court case
By "patent infringement" Nintendo is trying to say that they own the concept of throwing a thing at a monster to contain it.
Which is fucking retarded. This shit is SLAPP but who knows with Japanese courts; you can get convicted of "defamation" for telling the truth about someone there if that truth negatively impacts them.
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>Palword and Pokemon designs randomly swap from being left to right
This image pisses me the fuck off.
Have it uniform so I know which is which at a glance.
Palworld didn't rip any Pokémon model. The one dude who posted """proofs""" admitted he modified the models himself to make them look similar
Retard, don't be obtuse. They did it, that's fucking obvious. They just weren't retarded enough to do it one-to-one and for every single Pal.
>that's fucking obvious
How is it actually? Yes some of the pals got very similar body shapes, but it seems much more likely that they created them on their own while taking inspiration from some Pokémon
you should know which one is pokemon immediately if you post here
I don't know any Pokemon past Gen III because I don't suck dicks.
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>they created them on their own while taking inspiration from some Pokémon
>taking inspiration
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>Gen III
Sorry Zoomie, all the actual cool kids put the cutoff at Gen II. You're just as gay as the rest of us.
True but Nintendo's goal isnt to win but rather drag PP through constant legal battles until they go bankrupt to legal fees as they have a much larger pool of money to draw on.
Some of the knock-offs are even different mons at the same time. That green dragon one is just a Goodra with a Meganium head and the neck flower on top.
I'm a millennial; cope about it.
Thanks anon!
Wasn't the original artist of that Delphox who threw a fit either, it was someone entirely unrelated on twatter
The freedom to plagiarize Pokemon does not mean freedom from consequences.
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>The announcement was already few days ago yet there's no official info about the court case
Dude, is this the first time you've followed a court case?

We won't bet getting more info till next year at the soonest.
You're on a Pokemon board on 4chan talking about Pokemon, you absolutely suck dicks.
How does that boot taste?
This thread is full of retards. The facts:

Court cases are slow, anywhere in the world. Stop expecting updates like it's a fuckin livestream event.
Second, the suit is filed in Japan. People keep saying it's in the US. It's not. Source:
Niggers from the blackest shithole on Earth.
This kind of cases are public in Japan. The "court cases are slow" my ass, there's no court case, at least for now.
The announcement is a nothingburger, Nintendo is just flailing their patented dick while doing absolutely nothing.
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Ancaps will laugh at you.
We will plagiarize, we will make money from doing nothing. You will stay poor!
>>56478107 (me)
so weird that we all posted and thought about Bladerunner at the time
Is a good movie

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