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Lapras SEXO
ok I get some degenes are attracted to some vaguely humanshape pokemon like gardevoir and meowcarada but what the hell does scream sex about lapras??
You have to be heterosexual to get it.
Lapras didn’t have to give me that look but still does anyway. What a flirt!
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Bedroom eyes
Child-bearing figure
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One of the only actual good Gen 1 Pokemon
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Bedroom eyes creates sex appeal, i touch myself to scolipede, as an example
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Happy Lapras!

And they say 4chan doesn't have a /furry/ board anymore.

And yes, a plesiosaur counts.
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what about /trash/
also only one of the pics i posted was suggestive and even then barely
It's a loch ness monster
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how many of you freaks got the plush?
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I don't get it
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lapras is one of the few explicitly stated to both be able to communicate in and understand human language
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But can it actually communicate, or just understand?
Some1 please post that Twitter screencap with the Lapras combobreaker
100% male
it can in the anime and learns psychic
According to the pokemon center website this item is available in December 2024.
wait is that real cos that's a fuckhuge plush i want one
The jumbo plush was Japan-only and sold back in 2018 or so. The more reasonably sized one was what's currently available.
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Give me tree fiddy and I can explain it to you
Please do
Dreamy eyes
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The question is whether you finish to scolipede
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unfortunately my "appreciation" for lapras has evolved past fictional sea critters
What did anon mean by this?
he's hunting for nessie in order to fuck it
he's gone past dolphin jelly to straight up dolphin avarice
nothing. They're just so pent up from lack of IRL sex that they see sex appeal in everything.
thats because youre homos
I bring Lapras a lot to multis with friends. It's surprisingly great.

Freeze-Dry is phenomenal coverage all on its own. It's so very bulky so it usually sticks around. Then it has Perish Song. For those bulky annoyances.
dont worry about it im not allowed in seaworld anymore anyways
The eyes, the curves, and the idea of something that could kill you in an instant submitting to you in the most intimate way possible.
Bedroom face for me too, facial expresions are also part of the appeal. It is not always the body.
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>tfw nessie's confirmed real by some dude who managed to fuck it
>if u dont fuck dogs u are le gay
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Protip: People don't like homos because they can never argue in good faith.
And /pol/ puritans like >>56485007
are the biggest homos of all.
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Finally, a good thread on this board
>the curves
Surprised to see so few anons mention this, it’s a huge part of the appeal for me
oops, meant for >>56483611
literally just my mom's loch Ness monster
More like a loch ness monster I'm gonna make a mom.
>implying the 'homo' strawman is an argument in the first place
>thinking that people who want to fuck a cartoon plesiosaur are disgusting is being a "puritan"
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what plush
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>Sold out again
you will never own a lapras plush
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How do I get a Lapras wife?
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the typical method is to marry a Lapras
That's the best part! You don't!
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big secks energy
What do you call your Lapras, lads?
Mine ended up male, with an Uncommon Mark, so he's Bon Voyage the Sociable

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