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Is it Flareon? I never see anyone ever weeping for Flareon
All of them have been dicked down, cummed into and spat on. Even Flareon has it's own doujin starring several artists.
Leafeon because it's least attractive looking one
>letting others ruin something for you
Cuck behavior. Shameful.
Jolteon. It's to masculine unlike the others sans Umbreon and unlike Umbreon it doesn't have that edgy touch that makes every 13 year old want to self insert as it
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Still has a lot of Chappy pics, so I can find it easily!
This is why I love Leafeon the most
it's untained by zoophiles and redditors
Fluffy = Sex in Furry circles, so no
It’s not Leafeon either because it is attached to Glaceon
The answer is Jolteon, it’s the least cutesy Eeveelution and drawfags like drawing it the least due to its fur.
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I think it's Leafeon. But all of them are incredibly popular, thus well-represented in the coomer circles. Unfortunately.
>drawfags like drawing it the least due to its fur.
shame cause that's always been my favorite of the 8
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It doesn't matter how unpopular a Pokémon is. Cumbrains will lewd it.
I have a folder of porn that disagrees
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It’s Jolteon unironically because it’s the hardest to draw.
It is forever safe.

Flareon and vaporeon were equally sexualized pre vaporeon meme.

The king/queen of coom is Umbreon because it’s the easiest to draw.
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The funny thing is, Jolteon and Flareon are the ones I have the most pics of
jolteon > espeon > vaporeon > umbreon > flareon > glaceon > leafeon > sylveon
not ranking based on how much I wanna nut in them just how much I like them.
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>he doesn't know
Do you want me to detail this thread with cropped smut or something Kōhai?
Jolteon. Too spiky and fucking alien looking compared to other Eeveelutions
>Umbreon and Sylveon both more popular than Vaporeon
B-but bros, you told me Vaporeon was the meme sex pokemon!
Just because you have porn of it, doesn't negate the point.
"Least ruined" does not imply a total lack of ruin.
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The meme propelled it to a higher level.
From 5th place to 3rd
It’s spiky but it doesn’t really look alien. It certainly looks like an eeveelution which I can’t say about sylveon.
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it's ironic that flareon isn't tackled much, despite feeling the closest to a "true" eeveelution
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When I was a kid my older sister was having a sleepover and one of her friends had a Jungle Flareon card and I asked if I could have it, and she said she would give it if I let her put makeup on me, and I took the deal. Whenever I see Flareon I think about that night.
This is the weirdest optical illusion
Breddy gud list
I would add literal shit between leafeon and sylveon
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Flareon says trans rites
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Flareon also has the most saluting pics, after Eevee itself
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Flareon, Flareon, über alles
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Über alles in der Welt~
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Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
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Brüderlich zusammenhält~
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I coom for Flareon after coming off a long Leafeon phase. A Leafeon girl started to ghost me and I am really having the floofer grow on me.
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It's probably just the error message when getting the captcha wrong
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This fluffy monster has been invading my dreams
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Of course I posted in the wrong thread :(
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When I was a kid I always wanted a Vaporeon. They look so cool.
I dont believe you and will need a name as proof
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The crazy things people do with Vaporeons these days.
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Flareon is loafing around!
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