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Boyband edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you're going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won't help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it's only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>56458434 (gardering edition)
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Requesting Elphaba and Glinda from the upcoming Wicked movie as Pokémon Trainers with Elphaba's Pokémon being a shiny Mismagius and Glinda having a Jigglypuff, with Elphaba and Glinda being drawn in the style of the Pokémon games and anime.
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requesting this but with penny
Requesting a Heliolisk in a funny little wizard costume
I humbly request an Ulamog dressed up as Marley
Requesting this pic but with Latias eating serena flavored ice-cream
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the laziest background
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Requesting pic related observing small galaxies floating near it
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Seconding this, but it's the wrong Serena.
Requesting Lt. Surge, Chuck, Koga, Dendra and Bea curbstomping the retarded OC Geeta wannabe like the JoJo Part 5 scene. Not animated, of course
Requesting the aftermath of Kieran getting his yee yee ass haircut shaved clean off by Nemona, with his chrome dome being perfectly round like a lollipop, kinda like that Amphibia scene with Marcy and Anne.

Also, the answer to the filename's question is "Calvo" or "Pelón"

God bless this edit. It's perfectly goofy and I'll keep it as a sort of baseline for those who wanna fully draw it
>STILL seething at some fucking OC
Requesting a rock-type trainer trying to send out a literal rock into battle
Nah. Someone suggested Lt. Surge beating him.up and wanted to up the ante for shits and giggles. Plus, I was reading the JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia at the time, so the Vento Aureo ref came to me naturally.
Requesting Prof. Sequoia offering anon a choice between the Tahoma starters.
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Requesting a blue-eyed Hex Maniac meeting Ground Miku in a desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Ground Miku and shouting, 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!'
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Requesting the ORAS female pokemon ranger apprehending and hog-tying a ORAS bird keeper in a forest/park for littering.
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Requesting Absol as an emotional support animal. Its ability to predict disasters might be able to help it with a job like that, even if they're not exactly the same.
Requesting Conkeldurr-Oppenheimer as one being.
Requesting anything cool with Stoutland
Where is he?
Requesting an Absol as a sports team's mascot, leading the team on to the field/court/ice/etc., your choice of sport
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>serena flavored ice-cream
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Requesting Casey from the Pokemon anime driving a Dodge Magnum (driving off + casey driving in front)

It'd be nice to draw her with and without her hat on too (don't have to)
inside your walls
I want to taste Serena directly, if you know what I mean.
File deleted.
you didn't say what kind of wizard, so here's Heliolisk dressing up as a Delphox for Halloween
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wait, I missed a shadow
Requesting a firefighter using an Aron to rescue someone trapped in a car by having Aron eat the car door.
based Aron appreciator
shall try this tomorrow
Based based based
Ultra based

Anchoring these

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Requesting this Floatzel gijinka in a midriff-baring summer getup that incorporates her navel into the teardrop marking
I know I'm retarded, but what does "anchoring" mean here?
People look at the anchor post to see which requests were filled. Usually the artist anchors their own delivery, but sometimes they don't know or just forget, so people attach them to a second anchor attached to the original anchor.
>Usually the artist anchors their own delivery
Ah. Thanks. I'll try to do that in the future.
I have a notion
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Oh yeah?
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Fine, next time I'll be more explicit with a req
How else were we supposed to take it?

OR here, I absolutely love this, thank you so much!
We don't!
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draw the pokegoddess logo with your fav pokegirl crushing the pokeballs with their heels
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Requesting a version of this image, but with simisear.


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>Azumarill dressed up as a Schokobon
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While I was at it: Azumarill always looked more like a Kinder Surprise to me, so I made that, too.
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Requesting Rika coming across Melony, who’s large breasts literally petrify the former out of breast envy.
Melony: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3745531
Requesting a legendary/mythical of your choosing, wearing Mewtwo style control armor
Requesting a Charizard trying to eat a Castelia cone as it melts in her hand
Here's a quick sketch I made.
desu i don't mind if this is just a sketch either
>previous draw thread lasted only 5 days
Wat the hell.
shit flinging
Best drawthread, DESU
Could you do >>56484608 plz?
Requesting the delivery from >>56462041 as a gif. Doesn't have to be too fast, just lined up well enough to be cute and understandable.
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like this?
Holy based. That's exactly what I had in mind. Thanks and much obliged.
Thank you!
Just one thing. Is this the final delivery or are you going to colour it?
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Tried coloring the ranger and massively failed the assignment (I colored this in like 2 minutes lmao).
Requesting strength during these turbulent times.
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Draw this unfunny gato meme as Delcatty and have the macro text be formated in a HG/SS textbox.
Please do another one of these but with Seviper enjoying some Cynthia-flavoured gelato.
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Requesting this Cinderace as Eric Cartman
Good shit whalebro
Here's a colored version of the sketch, I hope it satisfies. >>56484608 maybe
Requesting a wholesome(non-sexual) image depicting a relationship between a human male and pokemon female.
who is this guy
it's xhe okey?
That's kinda hot
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Requesting Cynthia crying into her hands after a Nurse Joy told her the bad news she's barren (pic related).
Requesting a Koraidon being worshipped by poke-Aztecs

or this scene with Red and Blue riding a Cyclizar being escorted by a group of tribal Nemonas (Yes, all the same like Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny) and on the carved stone the image of Koraidon, extra points for a Sandshrew following the group.
Requesting a blackberry-based 2-stage line. The base form will be called Bramberry.
Requesting any "cute and/or sexy" pokemon being nuked, preferably in the form of a shadow outlined by the bomb's explosion, kinda like pic rel but even more shaded.
Anything from Gardevoir or Tsareena to Jynx or Gothorita will do nicely, and thank you in advance.
>pls design my fakemon for me for free
you have got some fucking nerve, Schinkel.
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I meant for this to turn out more like Cherubi & Cherrim, maybe with a bit of Roserade for the 2nd one, but it feels like it went off in a direction of its own
not sure about how it turned out
OR here. This looks fine as it is.
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first version with the text moved above the head
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second version with the text in the same spot relative to the face, but now it's over Delcatty's giant head
Great job overall
and I realized that I completely forgot about the textbox part
give me a bit
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Requesting this with Blaziken.
Viel danke lieber zeichnungschwul
Es heisst Schwuchtel
At first I thought they meant blackberry as in the speaker
File deleted.
by combining a Pokemon with a Sonic character, I really worry that I'm helping to unleash the next Chris Chan upon the world
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aaaaaaand I left a translucent background layer on
I always mess something up
Kek, thank you so much.

Don’t worry, I don’t have any nefarious intentions. I just think “Suck the Cock” is really funny. Thanks for that.
Pollo The Kentucky
Teriyaki the Blaziken.

OR here
Thank you
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Has someone already requested this with a Pokemon? I'll try and ask for it anyways.
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I found this on Twitter, could I request this redrawn or edited with the katana and the rope around it's waist removed? Please and thank you!
I revisited the twitter page because I wasn't sure who the original artist was, but it turns out it's A.I. art. :(

Any Non-Pokemon Fictional Characters/Creatures as Fakemon Request
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Mithos Yggdrasill from Tales as an Fakemon
>Basic Stage is based on Mithos and Jackson's Chameleon
>Final Stage is based on Yggdrasill and Barugon from Gamera
For the love of god PLEASE replace the resources link with the fucking web archive equivalent or SOMETHING
Holy shit, requester here, i haven't checked the thread in a few days!

Thats amazing, thank you so much, the second one is hilarious!
Technology is incredible! Now you can make artworks within seconds!
No, because some of the links aren't working
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The way the berries are on the final evolution remind me of this weird tree.
I can see Rubusharp shooting them out at a high velocity like a cannon.
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Designing a Spider or Insect starter is a lot more challenging than I thought.
I have a strong idea of what I want for the middle and final forms - I'm making a feminine dancer. But the first form is just... I don't know. I'm having a hard time making it cute. So I could use some pointers if anyone has any.

I do know I want to keep this big sun shape on the abdomen. I can see it using it as a threat display, swaying it above it and generating sparks/heat. And I can see that behavior tying into the "Dance" theme that the evolutions have.
The Vaporeon thread gave me an idea

Requesting a Vaporeon using Acid Armor to melt into a puddle, carrying its Eevee baby across the top of the water, a little bit like a shallow ocean wave
I'm going to assume the left is the first stage and the right is the second. Keeping the fluffy collar on both would be a good way to keep it cute. Think how Scatterbug has it, something simple like that. Suppose it could start with simple nubs for limbs which will then become fluffy upon evolving. And I'd suggest having the big black bugeyes at the start too, possibly even bigger than the evolution. Bigger eyes mean cuter character afterall. Hopefully that helps. I really dig this idea so far.
I wasn't trying to, but I think I accidentally fulfilled your request.
Who is Kakeru? Cute and wholesome work btw, good job, soldier
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I mixed up the two requests in my head, so they're riding a Koraidon instead of a Cyclizar
it would be way too much work to go back and change it now
so here you go
Requesting someone proposing to Valerie with a Love Ball,
Requesting Bodysuit Akari.
"bodysuit" can mean anything from "one-piece bathing suit" to "covers everything, even the face"
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This was a delivery when I requested it a while back. That's what I'm talking about. Would like to see other people's take on it.

At least it isn't a certain OC requester.
Yeah, but you did still get a delivery
Ok. Is it an unwritten rule that a requester only gets one delivery per request or something? I don't know what you're implying.
Idk, you're nowhere near as bad as the OC schizo, but I just figured that once a request has been fulfilled it's done. I've gotten a delivery before that wasn't what I was hoping for, but I still accepted it and I haven't requested it again since
I see. I mainly want to see other people's takes on my request.
That's understandable, I've gotten multiple deliveries from one request before,but I considered that to be something I just got lucky with
guys, I'm drawing something, it's all okay
Same with mine, NGL.
Are you the OC requester?
Nope. I'm the bald Kieran nigga, nigga.
Ok, you're fine.
I wouldn't request an OC unless I have an actual reference sheet to it.
And thank you, lad.
a smeargle in a lab coat wearing protective eyewear
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>Would like to see other people's take on it.
my take on it is a netrunner suit from Cyberpunk 2077
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Requesting Nemona driving a red volkswagon beetle, and it being, pretty obviously, cliffjumper from the g1 cartoons.
yes he's just a red bumblebee, but he likes fighting and so does nemona!
Holy fucking shit, based Nemona and Transformers enjoyer. Btw, Cliffjumper isn’t a VW beetle, he’s a Porsche 924 turbo.

(Apologies for the slop, but I felt like it was appropriate)

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