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What do you love the most about her?
She sucks. Stop making these threads
That’s fair. There’s so much to love about her, it’s impossible to decide on one thing.
Kek, based
She's got good energy, I like people who smile a lot
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She’s awesome, Thanks for making these threads. watching obsessed schizos lose their minds over something like this is just an added bonus.
Nemona’s mere presence can make anyone’s day better! Her smile is precious.
I like you, Anon. You’re on an anonymous board where you could act like a total subhuman, but you don’t. That’s pretty admirable.
I don’t really see the appeal in making people’s day worse. I just come here to discuss Pokémon and share my love for Nemona (and other girls I like as well).
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I'm sure Nemona would still be nice to you despite that.
It's infectious, now I'm smiling while eating. Thanks, anon
There’s no escape from the Zona Nemona!
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Fucking based, I don't even care about the obsessed schizos anymore, they're actually kind of funny now.
>She’s awesome
She very much is! She’s my favourite pokégirl.

>Thanks for making these threads.
No problem!

>I don't even care about the obsessed schizos anymore, they're actually kind of funny now.
Same, honestly.

(That’s a very nice pic, I love how it replicates the anime’s artstyle)
I want to make her moana when I enter her Zona Nemona because she gives me a bona.
>Zona Nemona
I love how she’s so autistic that she even names her room.
Honest take, I actually expected that I wasn't gonna care about Nemona but over the course of the game she grew on me a lot. Kinda sad that her skill led to her getting ostracized but that happens IRL too. Also she's actually a pretty decent mentor to your character, for a pokemon rival anyway.
As if she wasn’t charming enough already!

Honestly, same. I tend not to pay attention to Pokémon characters when they’re first revealed, and the same was true with Nemona. I didn’t start to love her until I first met her in the game. It all just spiralled from there…

I really appreciate how she’s written as well. The other friendly rivals never really stuck with me (I cannot for the life of me remember anything about Hau besides the fact that he’s Hala’s grandson and he likes malasadas, and Hop was kind of memorable, even if it was just for his character arc being him realising that he’s not the main character, and it kind of feels like he was the prototype for Kieran), but Nemona actually has a lot going for her. Her being a pretty girl helps, admittedly, but the whole champion/mentor aspect she has makes her a lot more interesting. Her backstory is also very intriguing and relatable, and it humanises her. It also helps that the writing in SV is some of the best yet. All of the characters have a place in my heart.
>The other friendly rivals never really stuck with me
NTA,but the only friendly rival that ever felt truly genuine to me was Barry, autistic, hyperactive, obsessed with victory, brave, and clearly neglected by Palmer. When he tells you to never lose to anyone until he defeats you, it was a great moment. Now, Nemona gives me that same genuine vibe.
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The anon in the other thread was right, the Japs have a thing for drawing her sweating.
I think it’s cute.
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Funny thing is that the defining trait of rivals is competition, not bullying or cruelty. Meaning there isn’t anything wrong with friendly rivals on a fundamental level, it’s just that Pokémon’s history of lackluster writing means it’s the only way they can get people to be invested in a rival is to make them a jerk.
I think the appeal of Nemona is that she essentially takes the concept of a friendly competition to its logical concussion and turns it on its head. Her love of battles naturally makes her strong. She’s the strongest trainer in the school but rather than use it as an excuse to put others down; she wants to bring others up, she’s just too intense for most other students to handle. It’s quite interesting that the writers added realistic consequences/reactions to her battle obsession, another reason why SV’s writing is so good.

The only thing I dislike about how they handled Nemona is how little she and Kieran interact, it really seems like they were intended to be counterparts
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>The only thing I dislike about how they handled Nemona is how little she and Kieran interact, it really seems like they were intended to be counterparts
It would honestly feel like Nemona and Kieran interacting too much would be like they're cuckolding the player, especially since in the few moments they do interact, Nemona seems to be a better influence on Kieran than the actual MC.
>She sucks
God I hope so
True. I don’t remember much of gen 4, but that sounds about right.

Yes! Everything you said was 100% correct! It truly feels like they truly captured the essence of a friendly rivalry.

>It’s quite interesting that the writers added realistic consequences/reactions to her battle obsession, another reason why SV’s writing is so good.
Precisely. That kind of thing is relatable to a lot of people, and it humanises her a lot. It adds quite a bit of depth to her character.

>it really seems like they were intended to be counterparts
True. I never thought about it that way, but it makes a lot of sense. Kieran feels like the anti-Nemona. Instead of being proud that you managed to beat him, he gets increasingly more resentful and desperate.

(That’s a very based pic btw)

True. Although it would have been nice to see them interact more, I can see where you’re coming from.

God, I love that artist (harinezumi103). She draws the characters fantastically, and I love the antics they get up to (even if I would prefer she used Florian instead of Juliana, but that’s just a personal thing). I love seeing the main friend group getting into all kinds of fun (sometimes lewd) shenaningans.
She's not unbearable like Hop and to a lesser extent Hau before her.
New art.
God I fucking love that artist too, they draw the perfect Paldea friendgroup harem/polycule. Everyone is so on model and in character.
I really wish more artists drew them like that, because I always felt like there's this weird tension between everyone in the group that seems ever so slightly romantic or even sexual sometimes. Like in an "awkward teenager who can't express their feelings well" kind of way I mean. After all, they are all troubled, lonely teens living away from their parents at the academy, and they have a special connection to each other because of the unique, almost traumatic experience they had together in Area Zero. So I think it's only natural that they would... get involved with each other in some way, you know?
Anyway, I digress... do you know for sure that the artist is a woman or is it just a guess? I'd guess the same but you never know.
I loved it when the story was done and she shut the fuck up.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Everything you said is spot on! They way they’re drawn is so beautiful (the “Arven, Nemona and Penny showering together” pic comes to mind. It’s a fantastic pic, if you can repress your jealousy. I won’t post it here, though, since it’s a bit too lewd, but you know what I’m referring to), their bodies look fantastic.

>I always felt like there's this weird tension between everyone in the group that seems ever so slightly romantic or even sexual sometimes.
Absolutely! That might be part of why I like writing about them so much. I don’t really include Arven in these types of scenarios, though (it’s just a personal thing. Plus, his league club interaction with Carmine implies that he has absolutely no clue that there’s any tension between them, or that he’s just not interested, but the fact that they even touched on it at all says a lot), but I have no problem with anyone who does. The slight bit of tension between them might be part of why I love them so much.

>awkward teenager who can't express their feelings well
Kek, that’s exactly how I interpret how Nemona and Penny feel towards you. Nemona is just too shy about this kind of thing (she’s waiting for the right time), and Penny loves you, but she doesn’t think you love her back. That kind of thing allows for a lot of entertaining and lewd scenarios.

>they are all troubled, lonely teens living away from their parents at the academy, and they have a special connection to each other because of the unique, almost traumatic experience they had together in Area Zero. So I think it's only natural that they would... get involved with each other in some way, you know?
You hit the nail on the head there. There are definitely a lot of sweet, lovely feelings blossoming within them. Who will confess first? How exactly do they feel about each other? How far will things go? That’s for you to figure out. (Cont.)
>do you know for sure that the artist is a woman or is it just a guess?
I think I remember hearing about it in an Arven thread once, I’m pretty sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were. I have no good way of explaining this kind of thing, but you can kind of tell, if that makes sense. The use of Juliana instead of Florian might have something to do with it as well.

(That’s a very based pic, it shows that they can not only do cute and lewd, but also cool. That pic is really cool, Kommo-o looks very badass, I love the detail on her muscles. Nemona’s expression is also adorable as always)
If this bitch was real, she would be easily crowned the ugliest transgender Pajeet on Earth.
>Disgusting animal can only think of Indians and trannies
Your existence diminishes the value of the world
don't pay attention to him that's exactly what he wants.
>nobody is complaining about this shithead spamming the same thread every single day
poor Nemona, her fanbase is just 3 kids from Discord talking to each other
See I really don't mind including Arven in the mix as well because not only am I very much bisexual, I think I also might be polyamorous. Not in the sense that I NEED multiple partners - I've been in a stable, happy relationship for 8 years now and never felt the urge to have a different partner, not even remotely. It's more like... I wouldn't mind watching my partner fool around with our best friend or something. I guess I just like seeing people I like being intimate with each other. It's the same for me with fictional characters I like, so I don't experience any feelings of jealousy like that.
Anyway, enough about me, sorry.
>his league club interaction with Carmine implies that he has absolutely no clue that there’s any tension between them, or that he’s just not interested, but the fact that they even touched on it at all says a lot
I think the implication is that Arven does have... "special feelings" as Carmine put it, but is unaware what those feelings actually are because he is extremely inexperienced with intimacy and interpersonal relationships due to being a child neglect victim and being alone for most of his life. But when you consider how jealous he can get, it definitely means that he has strong feelings for the MC at the very least. However, it seems like he learns to trust the others as well and minds them less after a while despite his obvious abandonment issues. He also seems to genuinely care about Penny and Nemona, even if he's being coy about it by acting kinda gruff towards them. But that's just him being bad at expressing his feelings out of fear to show himself being emotionally vulnerable, I think.
And yes, the fact that they included that dialogue really does say a lot haha. They knew what they were doing. Carmine is such a menace too, I feel like she would absolutely love to mess with the Paldea group and try to set them up with each other or make each other jealous or something. I'll get back to that later.
>Nemona is just too shy about this kind of thing (she’s waiting for the right time), and Penny loves you, but she doesn’t think you love her back. That kind of thing allows for a lot of entertaining and lewd scenarios.
My personal interpretation is that Nemona also doesn't really understand her own feelings (similar to Arven) and just thinks she likes you so much because you're rivals. She seems pretty clueless when it comes to social stuff, so there's a lot she still needs to figure out. But that's the fun part.
Penny I think is not clueless at all, but thinks that no one would be interested in her "like that" because she thinks she is not pretty (considering how she seems to pay a lot of attention to how attractive other people are, like Atticus, Carmine and... the MC's mom kek). It would need some time to convince her that others could find her attractive. She'd definitely still be really embarrassed about it though.
>There are definitely a lot of sweet, lovely feelings blossoming within them. Who will confess first? How exactly do they feel about each other? How far will things go? That’s for you to figure out.
They are definitely all pretty weird and awkward, so it would be difficult for any of them to figure things out. However, here is where Carmine would shine... She's a bit of a drama-loving menace, I feel like she would absolutely love to mess with the Paldea group and try to set them up with each other or make each other jealous or something. Think of stuff like making them play Spin the Bottle or stealing some sake from her grandparents to get them drunk, stuff like that. I can totally see her plotting shit like this.
her butthole!
It's really fun to imagine what kind of antics they all got up to in Kitakami, after all they've been there for several days after the mochi incident. That's a lot of time to... experience things as a teenager with a bunch of peers. To be honest, the epilogue awakened nostalgia in me that I didn't even know I had. I'm a bit of an old fart now (33), but seeing them doing stuff like trying to find the TV remove to play games on the screen or getting tons of snacks to eat all night reminded me of my own teenage years. Really seemed like something I would've done with my friends back then. I really want to write a fic about a second Kitakami trip where... all sorts of things happen between them. It's just so fun to think about.
>but you can kind of tell, if that makes sense.
Yeah. I think it is exactly because it's so on-model and in-character. I feel like male artists care much less about those things in general, which is why most of them just draw every single girl with big tits and ass, stuff like that. Female artist tend to care more about details that define characters rather than just making an idealized version of them that doesn't actually exist and pay more attention to the characters faces to convey their emotions. And that's fucking based.

Only tangentially related, but there is also this bit from Masters EX that made laugh with how self-aware it seems. (It's about Nemona forming a bond with a Scream Tail, which everyone found a little questionable.)
Oops, I just realized I forgot to delete a bit in this post and repeated myself, my bad. Took me a long time to put these thoughts down and I got busy with other things in between.
And >>56483594 is a continuation of >>56483577 of course.
I think it's a woman, that's why she uses Juliana she has really weird pics in her gallery
You think? I've seen weirder.
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she has a nice butt
>almost traumatic experience they had together in Area Zero.
SVs story reminds me a bit of Made in Abyss. young lads venture deep into a mysterious place filled with strange creatures, a place that adults have mostly explored before them, It also touches on the theme of death.
>Nemona is just too shy about this kind of thing (she’s waiting for the right time)
Remember the meme about Nemona being the 'Goku girl'? I think Nemona could ironically be that innocent, like when Koraidon or Miraidon start fighting one of their own species, and in her obliviousness, she thinks it's a family reunion.
I'd unironically bet 50 bucks that Area Zero was directly inspired by MiA. There is just too many similarities, even visually. It's a huge crater, the first layer is full of green grass, bright light, white flowers, and it goes really really deep. And its full of dangerous monsters of course. It can't be a coincidence at that point.
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Here’s my ranking of the original group and the two Kitakami siblings in terms of emotional maturity:
>Carmine: She's probably the most mature. The fact that she’s a tsundere and openly wants the MC to miss and care about her, expressing it so dramatically, shows she's very aware of her own feelings.
>Penny: Penny is mature enough to clean up her own messes and is straightforward about what she likes, from Eeveelutions to telling the MC that its mom is cute.
>Kieran: Post DLC Kieran has matured after the MC crushed his dreams, but he's still figuring out his emotions. He’s not as emotionally developed as Carmine or Penny.
>Arven: Neglected and frustrated, Arven has feelings for the MC but they're unclear, even to him. He’s like a child developing emotions for the first person who truly cares about him, likely due to his traumatic upbringing.
>Nemona: She’s an interesting case. Depending on your interpretation, she can be seen as either deep or simple. Nemona seems to care only about Pokemon battles, but she could be repressing deeper feelings stemming from isolation and loneliness.
I fully agree with your ranking. Although I wouldn't say Carmine is super mature either - she's clearly very insecure and masks her weaknesses with her boisterous personality and covers up things she doesn't like about herself, like her dialect. She also clearly has anger issues, probably also stemming from her insecurities.
But that doesn't change her ranking anyway, compared to the others she definitely understands romantic stuff the most. It's really funny how she calls Arven "poor innocent thing" cause he didn't understand what she meant by "special feelings". She was really excited to hear something spicy, haha.
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Who owns that hand?
I shouldn't come here while...
(Sorry I took so long to respond, I was asleep)
Fair enough. I personally don’t go that way (I’m very straight), but I totally get why you feel that way. I personally see Arven as the “designated driver” of the friend group, if that makes sense. He doesn’t join in on any of their “activities”, but he’s still very much part of the group. Your interpretation is just as valid, though! I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m cucking him…

>I think the implication is that Arven does have... "special feelings" as Carmine put it, but is unaware what those feelings actually are because he is extremely inexperienced with intimacy and interpersonal relationships due to being a child neglect victim and being alone for most of his life.
Interesting. I just take it at face value (probably because it matches the story I want to tell), but your interpretation is just as valid! He still very much cares about his friends, just not in a romantic or sexual way. I can totally see why you would interpret him that way.

>They knew what they were doing.
That could apply to a lot of aspects of how the characters are designed and written, honestly.

>My personal interpretation is that Nemona also doesn't really understand her own feelings (similar to Arven) and just thinks she likes you so much because you're rivals.
Fair enough. I guess I sort of headcanon that as well, but I like to imagine she’s realised her feelings for you. She loves battling and growing stronger with you, of course, but she dreams of working up the courage to confess her true feelings to you. She also thinks of you when she masturbates.

>Penny I think is not clueless at all, but thinks that no one would be interested in her "like that" because she thinks she is not pretty
Yes! That is 100% exactly my headcanon for her! I headcanon that she struggles with both her general appearance as well as her body image.

Nobody before you has ever loved Penny for who she is, so she feels a very strong attachment to you. It will definitely take a lot of convincing before she finally realises tha you feel the same way. After all, who would be interested in a scrawny shut-in like her, right?

>I feel like she would absolutely love to mess with the Paldea group and try to set them up with each other or make each other jealous or something.
Oh my god, that is such a cute idea! I’ve been struggling to find a role for Carmine in my stories/headcanons (I really only like her because she’s tall, pale and flat), but your idea is fantastic! She would definitely be a nice foil to their antics.

That sounds so sweet. I’m 21, so I’m still somewhat young, I guess, but it truly feels like they get up to all sorts of wacky teenage antics. My teenage years were rather uneventful (that’s what staying at home gaming all the time does to you. I had a friend group, but unlike Penny, I unfortunately didn’t have a Florian or Nemona to help me come out of my shell), so I guess it fills a sense of longing I’ve had in my heart for a while now.

>Yeah. I think it is exactly because it's so on-model and in-character.
That’s the mark of any good fanart, lewd or otherwise.

I very much agree with everything you said! Although there are some male artists who keep Nemona’s proportions accurate (Jack Rockhardt comes to mind (artist of that one Meowscarada cosplay pic that somehow stayed up after all that time, even if most of his pics don’t really capture Nemona’s personality very well (I don’t really think Nemona works for femdom)). Female artist do tend to make stuff I’m more into (Kinkymation is a perfect example of this), though, for the reasons you said.

I think you showed me that pic before. We talked before, didn’t we? You were one of the most based anons I’ve ever spoken with in these threads.

She very much does! It’s not the biggest by any means, but it’s still nice and round! She works out a lot, so it’s nice and firm.

I’ve heard the Made in Abyss comparison a lot, so it was most likely intentional.

>Remember the meme about Nemona being the 'Goku girl'?
I feel like the fact that she has an Infernape is either a nod to this or just a very funny coincidence. It gets funnier when you realise she’s Latina, and we all know how they feel about Dragon Ball…

>I think Nemona could ironically be that innocent, like when Koraidon or Miraidon start fighting one of their own species, and in her obliviousness, she thinks it's a family reunion.
Kek, I forgot about that. Nemona’s airhead personality is one of my favourite things about her.

That sounds about right. Although like you said, Nemona is up to interpretation. I agree that she has some deeper feelings due to her being quite lonely. Her obsession with battles isn’t due to autism or anything like that, battling is quite literally all she has. But now she has friends, so I guess battling isn’t the only thing she has in her life nowadays, thankfully.
>energetic genki girl
>obsessed with you
Whats not to love?
I bet her butt has freckles too
Exactly! There’s so much to love about her, it’s impossible to decide!

You don’t have to bet. It’s a well known fact that she does.

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I'm posting it.
There’s just something about her in game model that just does it for me. They needed to make a good first impression, and they very much did. She looks so beautiful. The cutscene where you’re introduced to her, as well as how she looks at you and twirls her hair after you win against her, both played a major part in my attachment to her.
one of the two moments
the second moment
Her smell!
Unfathomably based. She smells wonderful. Like the most beautiful flowers you could think of.
Which parts in particular?
While what?
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>And then I saw her face Now I'm a believer!
she smells like oranges or grapes
btw will there be another postfic today?
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Cute princess, I remember that pic is based on the sprite of the High-class Girl from Unova
I imagine that Tulip would have her wear a dress like that.
Kek, that about sums it up.

>she smells like oranges or grapes
Does it depend on the version?

>btw will there be another postfic today?
God, I fucking hope so. He said he’d continue it in this thread.

Cute! Nemona in a dress is always lovely. Maybe that’s the dress she wore to Lacey’s party?

i don't know why but 4chan won't let me actually post the recap
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take 48 will it actually work this time
Yeah, there was maintenance last night (for me, anyway). Threads could be bumped, but no new posts could be made.
i swear to jesus if it spams the other tries at posting the recap i'm gonna lose my fucking mind
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As is tradition!
That's right, ;)

> lay on couch, wait for your hangover to pass
> or at the very least back down
> you and nemona both had too much to drink
> she's out cold on your chest
> thankfully she's sleeping through the worst of it
> when you jokingly suggest hair of the dog to your mom she glares at you with the look only an angry disapproving mother can have
> so
> lay still, hold nemona
> enjoy the sound of rain on the roof
> try not to doze off yourself
> headache thankfully helps in staying awake!
> your head hurts so much
> why do people like getting that drunk
> you wonder what nemona's dreaming about
> if she's dreaming at all
> she looks so peaceful
> doesn't even stir when you brush that familiar green stripe away from her eyes
> it's later
> nemona is awake physically and not even slightly awake mentally
> all attempts at talking get answered with incoherent mumbling in her native language or her just asking for water
> dinner tonight is just plain salted rice
> she's a little more coherent, enough to finally get off you
> clothes are a little damp from her sweat from where she's been laying on you all day
> gets a bowl, mumbles thank you and starts eating
> you do the same
> ask mom for some more seasoning
> get told no, if you throw up salt and rice won't burn as bad
> ask nemona if she's feeling better
> "No, me duele la cabeza."
> gently remind her you can't speak her language
> "Sorry... I said my head still hurts."
> at least she's eating
> your mom glares at both of you judgmentally
> then squints at you
> then makes a sort of muffled 'pff' sound
> gestures towards your neck and mimes pulling up her collar
> red in the face you do
> this rice sucks
> this rice needs seasoning
> a lot of seasoning
> nemona was biting you last night and you can't get the thought out of your mind
Will there be more or is that it?
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> never in your life have you thought being bitten would be attractive but when it's her
> her leaning in over you
> her using the back of her hand to gently tilt your head to the side
> her gently kissing your neck, making you feel vulnerable underneath her
> her opening you up and resting her hand in yours, arm around your neck
> her breath on your throat growing huskier as she realizes how for once she's beaten you
> her hand pressing yours down, like she's pinning you
> her voice low and dangerous as she murmurs
> "Eres mio..."
> her so excited, she can't control herself and bites into your neck, and
> nemona's fork rattles in her bowl
> your mom left you two alone when you looked like you might pass out at the table
> "Hey... Anon? Uh... What... What happened last night?"
> no gentle way to say it
> 'i think we made out and you... got a little rough with me. i remember you pulling me in and then i woke up with hickies.'
> she turns red and glances away
> "That... Sounds about right. I think I remember kissing you."
> she looks
> sad?
> ask if she's ok
> she shrugs
> "Thought I'd get to remember my first kiss is all."
> 'nemona, i'm sorry.'
> "Why are you apologizing?"
> 'i feel like what happened was my fault. i was the one that said we should have drinks.'
> "And I was the one that made that drink so strong. It's not your fault."
> you both fall silent
> she's looking away from you
> glances at you once
> "You gonna keep staring?"
> 'sorry. i was trying to think of something to say to cheer you up.'
> she groans, rubs at her face
> heart sinks, think you said something wrong as she begins muttering to herself
> "Joder, por qué son tan amables? Cómo conseguí a alguien tan cariñoso?"
> she glares at you, red in the face
> pouting
> "Answer me. How, huh?"
> you can almost hear stan ridgway singing in the distance
> 'nemona, i have no idea what you just said.'
> she groans again, burying her face in her arms
> gently pat her shoulder

there will be more

if you're wondering what the fuck the joke is i don't blame you
>there will be more
I’m aware, I guess I just forgot how long these usually take.

That’s a nice song, thanks for that.

To tell you the truth, I’m only somewhat familiar with the song because JustinRPG made his own version called “Zekrom Radio”.


bespoke shitpost images to go with the posts take time, sadly

let me know if you guys would rather i not hit the image limit with weird shit
Keep including images! They add just the slightest bit more charm to the stories.

> 'if it makes you feel better, that was my first kiss too.'
> she freezes up
> "... You're messing with me."
> 'no. i'm not. never been with anyone before. remember when i said you're the first person i've ever cuddled with?'
> she just stares at you for a moment looking utterly baffled
> "... How?"
> what
> 'what?'
> "How has nobody ever liked you enough to get close before?"
> turns the rest of her body to face you, jabbing you in the chest
> "You are literally the nicest person I've ever met. And not that fake nice guy garbage, you--You actually, really care. You spoil me rotten, you pick me up when I feel down, you bend over backwards just to make me happy, and all you ask for back is--Is hugging me. Not even hugs and kisses. Just hugging me."
> she sounds out of breath after all that, and she's glaring at you in that way
> that way that tells you she's mad at how much she likes you
> say nothing for a moment
> she was jabbing you with her bad wrist
> take her hand into yours and gently massage her wrist
> 'because i never loved anyone before you.'
> she makes a sort of squawking sound
> stammers nonsense, jerks her hand away
> shuts up and collapses back into her arms again
> pat her shoulder again
> say you'll give her some space since she looks like she's angry about how in love she is
> her hand clamps on your wrist before you can leave
> "No. No, I... Stay. Please."
> sit back down
> "... What are we, Anon?"
> 'what do you mean?'
> "You and I. What are we? Am I your girlfriend?"
> 'do you want to be?'
> she looks liable to punch you in the shoulder
> "This isn't about me. What do YOU want?"
> 'for you to be happy.'
> she rears back like she's going to punch you in the shoulder
> stops, fist cocked back and trembling
> ends up reaching around the back of your head, leaning down and resting your foreheads together again
> "... Seeing you happy would make me happy, Anon."
> wrap your arms around her
> 'then you understand how i feel, nemona.'
Aww. I physically cannot take anymore of this cuteness! Everything about their relationship is so sweet. The dialogue is so adorable. The love they share is so precious. Someday, I want to have a relationship like the one between Anon and Nemona. For real, not just a fantasy this time.
Can't talk about that here...
bonus: second kiss

> you and her finally took showers even though it's already four in the afternoon
> glad to be out of sweaty clothes
> as obsessed with her as you are wearing clothes she sweat on is gross
> up in your room again, you're helping her massage her wrist
> both of you agreed to let what happened in the dining room rest for now
> 'you think your wrist will ever be fully healed?'
> "No."
> 'because you'll never stop battling?'
> "Mhm!"
> 'even when they have to cut this arm off?'
> "I have another arm, don't I?"
> 'and when they have to cut that one off?'
> "I'll learn to kick my pokeballs out."
> god
> as much as she likes to ask how she landed you you have no idea how you landed her
> "If it is permanent... And I'm not saying I'd let you! But, if it is... Would you take care of me? Help me out and stuff?"
> say yes without even thinking
> instead of another angry tirade about how much you spoil her, she just smiles this time
> "I'd do the same for you, anon."
> been a little while since she did something to make your poor heart feel like it might burst
> try to come up with something witty
> 'treat me like a princess?'
> "Pff. Sure. I'll spoil you rotten. I'll do your nails if you want."
> letting her spoil you does sound kind of nice
> get your shoulder nudged
> "What's that look on your face, Anon? You thinking about what color I should use? Maybe we should get something that matches your eyes."
> 'no, just... letting you take care of me for a while does sound really nice.'
> "Kinda like how I'm always the big spoon?"
> she slips her hand out from yours, arm looping around the back of your neck
> rests her weight against you, chin on top of your head
> 'kinda.'
> lean into her, let your eyes drift shut
> "you know, we cuddle a lot.'
> "I like holding you. And you like being held."
> 'true. just feels like we don't do anything else.'
> "We've been stuck in here for... How long now? Almost a month? We ran out other stuff to do."
> 'yeah.'
I love that she’s our Rival, but then just abandons us when Black Tera Raid shit goes down.
And we even get a bonus! That’s exciting. I love their little conversation about Nemona’s wrist, it’s very cute. Nemona would definitely have a sense of humour about her condition.

>as obsessed with her as you are wearing clothes she sweat on is gross
Damn, this is the first thing in these stories that I just cannot relate to.

>been a little while since she did something to make your poor heart feel like it might burst
Once again, you have such a way with words.

>"We've been stuck in here for... How long now? Almost a month? We ran out other stuff to do."
Jesus, these things take place in real time? It’s a good thing they have each other, because I would have lost my mind if I had to stay home for that long due to weather. Has Anon been keeping contact with Arven and Penny? How did the weather even get like that? Are Groudon and Kyogre fighting again?

> "Kinda surprised it took getting drunk to make out."
> 'kinda surprised it took watching you sleep to crush on you.'
> hear her snicker
> "I'm not gonna let you praise me like that again. I just calmed down."
> 'you're so sweet, i can't help it.'
> "Shut up or I'll kiss you again."
> 'oh no, my crush is threatening me with a good time. whatever will i do?'
> "I mean it. I'll cup your cheek and stare at you all romantically and everything."
> 'are you projecting what you want me to do?'
> "Anon..."
> 'you actually want me to stop?'
> she falls silent
> "... Can you... Say nice things about me some more?"
> you have a feeling why she wants that
> 'you're so pretty. you look so good in whatever you wear. your hair frames your eyes in a way that makes me get lost in them. your skin's always so soft, and your freckles make me want to kiss your cheeks over and over.'
> you can feel her breath getting all nervous and shuddery as you speak
> but she hasn't asked you to stop yet
> 'and that's just your looks. your personality... how bubbly you are? how sweet you always are? how determined you are to always improve, no matter what?'
> you make a point to rest your hand on her brace as you say that
> 'your looks can't even hold a candle to how beautiful i think you are for that, nemona. you don't just make me love you. you inspire me.'
> "T-That's enough."
> her chin leaves your head, and you're looking up at her again
> you haven't seen her get that red in a while
> you and her say nothing, just gazing into one another's eyes
> you weren't exaggerating, her eyes are genuinely something you can get lost in
> you once thought they're the shade of the sun setting on the water, but
> sunsets can't even begin to compare to how pretty she is
> her hand's resting on your cheek, cupping your face
> your hand's still over hers
> and when she leans in, this time you're fully aware and you know it's not the alcohol talking for you
> her lips really are that sweet

thank you

> real time
never really thought about the exact timeframe of how long they've been stuck inside but more or less as long as i've been writing these

> is reader keeping in contact with arven and penny
hadn't given that much thought either, but probably. nemona's been taking up more of their mind because they're in love with her

> why's the weather fucked up
plot convenience
never came up with an actual reason beyond island in the middle of the ocean so they get hit with tropical weather, but that could be something for down the line
>> doesn't even stir when you brush that familiar green stripe away from her eyes
I've always wanted to do that.
Jesus Christ, the dialogue. The playful banter is very charming. I can go on and on about how accurate everything Anon said was, but I feel like it speaks for itself. Those lines of dialogue perfectly capture Nemona’s appeal in a way I don’t think I ever could.

>you make a point to rest your hand on her brace as you say that
God, I love that detail so much. I’ve grown to appreciate her arm brace as an important aspect of her character, so it’s nice to have a bit of attention given to it.

>you don't just make me love you. you inspire me.
That’s actually quite true, at least for me. She serves as at least some motivation for me going to the gym (and there was another anon in a Nemona thread months ago who felt the same way, so I guess I kind of felt inspired by that).

>sunsets can't even begin to compare to how pretty she is
You can see the sunset every day, but being able to stare into Nemona’s eyes is a privilege that only you have.

>and when she leans in, this time you're fully aware and you know it's not the alcohol talking for you
>her lips really are that sweet
What a fantastic callback to the previous story.

>probably. nemona's been taking up more of their mind because they're in love with her
Can relate. I love Penny almost as much as I love Nemona, and Arven is cool as well, but my heart belongs to Nemona. I’m sure their newfound relationship will be quite shocking to them once they finally meet up again! Either that, or they’ll be shocked it took this long.

>plot convenience
Fair enough. I don’t think it should be explained. Although Paldea isn’t really an island, it seems to be connected to something (presumably Kalos, if real world geography is any indication).

Your stories are so beautiful. Nemona truly is something special. I’m very excited for what comes next!
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I think it's cute that she's taller than him. Doesn't really show it in that art, but at least they didn't draw him taller like many artists do.
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Very few artists draw Nemona taller than Arven. I think many assume that men are automatically taller than women, which is a shame because both of their heights are part of what makes them unique
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I can finally sit down and read this in peace.
ngl, It would be fun if the mom actively encouraged the MC to get closer to Nemona in a more direct way. I know she already made a comment about it in one of the older postfics, but it would be great to see that again.
>> your mom left you two alone when you looked like you might pass out at the table
Wtf?? She is doing it in front of it's mom
>> 'no. i'm not. never been with anyone before. remember when i said you're the first person i've ever cuddled with?'
Based and purepilled
beautiful, keep up the good work.
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Oh my...
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That artist is a huge yurifag, but I really admire her 80s shojo manga art style.
Holy shit, so much mental illness here, I feel poor for you guys, do you have like friends irl or like anything? I wish you the best and hope you guys get your shit together
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good taste
>I feel poor for you guys
If you feel poor you should try to make money.
Based no pants Nemona.

>good taste
You too! I actually headcanon Nemona to be from Peru because of Azucena. Although I’m open to her being from Colombia as well.
>If you feel poor you should try to make money
Behold, the final form of tomboy appreciation, wallowing in inhuman quantities of cope because you know your dreams will never be reality.
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>and of course Sh*un had to make an appearance
I really admire Cynthia's fans for putting up with his cringe spam
I can look past the yuri, because Nemona looks beautiful with no pants. Love that they gave her Calvin Klein panties.
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I must humbly confess my guilt, LMAO!
>do you have like friends irl or like anything?
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New/old art
Why doesn't he give up?
In addition to perhaps being the rival with the most positive vibes, she pisses off all the racists on /vp/. So there's that.
It’s funny how the only bad things people can say about Nemona are her skin tone or that she’s annoying (which is entirely subjective).
Her race is a bit puzzling. Roy is darker than she is, despite being fully Kantonian, while Nemona's skin has an orange tone, similar only to Wes, many japs consider Nemona to be asian, personally, I wouldn't really care if she's White/tanned, latina, or asian.
I personally headcanon her to be Latina (even if she only speaks Spanish in the English localisation), but I’ll just go with the flow if she’s confirmed to be any other race. Nemona is Nemona, after all, and that’s what matters most.
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>I personally headcanon her to be Latina
God, I love that pic. It’s accurate, it’s funny, and it uses the in game models, which I respect.
For some reason, I feel like we'll meet Nemona's parents or older sister in Generation X. Including three businesspeople in one story would be pretty simple. This might also confirm Nemona's home region, because I highly doubt it's Unova, she would have made a point of mentioning if Unova were her home.
That sounds pretty likely. We got to meet Penny’s family in the previous generation, so meeting Nemona’s family wouldn’t be too far out of the question. I think if they felt the need to clarify that she wasn’t from Paldea, they likely plan to expand upon that.
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I don't really like western art about Japanese characters, but this one is fine.
Cute! I love her smile. Lacey looks nice as well, as always.
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I like off-model art (as long as it’s not too exaggerated), because I imagine that’s how Nemona might look as an adult.
Fair enough. I prefer the characters to be as accurate to the source material as possible. But I have no problem with those who prefer them to look a bit older.

sorry, that was meant to be anon fantasizing

more coming if 4chan will let me post
starting to wonder if the site is dying
As long as it captures her spirit, I don’t really mind if there are a few proportional inaccuracies (such as pic related. Her breasts are a bit too big, but it’s still a really good depiction of her).
>sorry, that was meant to be anon fantasizing
Which part?

the bit where anon was thinking about how it's ok to be bitten if it's her biting them
man id let her take a chunk out of my neck /srs as the kids say

maybe for halloween she'll be a vampire
Cute nemonas fr fr
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no cap?

> week or so later
> rain has stopped
> can go outside
> nemona almost seems sad to not have the excuse to stay in your room anymore
> but she perked up when she promised you can visit her any time you want
> and sleeping in her bed does sound nice
> the second you two were able to go outside she was going to challenge you to a battle
> if you didn't beat her to it
> owed her one for the beach battle getting cut short
> now that the two of you have the world to explore together, things seem newer somehow
> maybe it's just getting to show her your favorite spots
> maybe it's her doing the same for you
> you've been training solo for so long you never thought you would be able to work as a team with anyone
> early on there was some hiccups
> her team and your team thought you were battling the first few times you let them out together
> but they settled
> it turns out the doubles strategies you and her came up with work
> there's one trick the two of you love

> on the way into town to get dinner out together
> stopped on the side of the road by two wannabes
> they chuck out a charmeleon and a kricketot
> why are you the only person who ever fully evolves their pokemon
> nemona glances at you, then the charmeleon
> you nod and jerk your head at the kricketot
> plan is set
> you're up, gex
> she tosses out her greninja
> order snipe shot
> water begins to swirl around his finger as gex aims
> "Greninja! Leaping Water Shuriken!"
> water begins to form in her weird frog hands
> charmeleon runs at them
> attempts to use fire fang
> greninja dashes forward, deliberately stepping on gex's tail
> gex's tail flings her skyward at the same time as she jumps
> launching her into a graceful backflip
> both water blades smash into the back of charmeleon's head
> knocked out immediately
> snipe shot goes off
> kricketot is out cold
> two wannabes are staring at you
> both of their mouths are hanging open as you and nemona fistbump
> greninja is stuck in a tree

> stopped by some big idiot in town right before you get to the restaraunt
> he says he's gonna battle both of you one at a time and kick your asses
> being a total douchebag about it, insulting her while you get your pokeballs out
> it's not the playful kind of insulting banter
> saying nemona looks like she only trains cute pokemon because she's too girly to handle a real team
> you can see her getting angry
> you are too
> you tell her to pack her team back up, this idiot doesn't deserve a battle
> he yells over you
> "Wow! She might be a dumb bitch but I didn't think you'd be the pussy!"
> insulted nemona
> critical thinking is turned off
> yell 'at least we don't have anything to compensate for' at him
> big idiot gets red in the face and storms over
> grabs you by the shoulder and starts to
> without warning nemona's fist smashes into his face
> he staggers back and clutches at his nose
> you think nemona just broke it
> can see blood running down his face
> he's about to hit back when nemona hits him in the face a second time and kicks him in the balls
> he's on the ground
> you don't think you've ever seen her this angry
> she looks like she's ready to beat him to death with her bare hands
> leans down, grabs him by the collar and cocks her fist back
> you snap out of it and grab her by the shoulder before she can beat his teeth in
> tell her he's not worth it
> she glances at you over her shoulder
> slams big idiot down against the sidewalk as she gets off of him
> leaning against you as you both walk away, holding her wrist
> he yells something about calling the cops
> this time nemona yells back
> "Yeah, call them and say a girl beat you up! When they're done laughing they'll tell you you got what you deserved for putting your hands on my friend!"
> two of you get away from the street where a crowd is forming
> people are in fact laughing at big idiot
> you don't really care
> step into an alley so the two of you can catch your breath
Sweet! Now that the weather has finally cleared up, they can get up to all sorts of activities, whether they be dates or adventures.

>sleeping in her bed does sound nice
Sleeping together? Or would Nemona sleep somewhere else? It’s probably just a fantasy, anyway.

>why are you the only person who ever fully evolves their pokemon

>greninja is stuck in a tree
Also kek. It’s nice to have these fun, wacky shenanigans. It makes all of the sweet, sensual romance even more special.

sleeping in her bed with her
Nice. What kind of man (or woman, since you refer to Anon as “they”, presumably for any femanons that might be reading) would Anon be if he didn’t stick by Nemona? It’s also very sweet seeing Nemona stand up for herself. Despite her condition, she’s still quite strong. Although maybe that’s just because of how angry she was. It’s nice seeing Nemona show off her attitude. Seeing her and Anon stick up for each other does a lot to illustrate the bond they share.

(Btw are they going to get Greninja out of that tree?)

Aww <3

I feel like this song captures the vibe of your stories very well: https://youtu.be/b_n_NgGWpR4?si=ZA2YHeGptRGVHHiM
internet just crashed and i lost the next part i was typing
that's great
i'm going to take that as a sign i should call it here for the night lmao


implication was they got her out between posts, sorry
and yes, i've been writing anon as a they so people can self-insert. that's actually why nemona talking about them in spanish requires more care than usual
have to avoid gendered words

> music
hilariously there's a song off the fucking stalker ost i think fits for anon and nemona's relationship
sweet and hopeful
a little unsure of the future but knowing it'll be a happy one
Damn, that sucks.

>i'm going to take that as a sign i should call it here for the night lmao
No worries! I have to go for a bit anyway.

>implication was they got her out between posts, sorry
No need to apologise! I assumed that, anyway.

Dear god, that song is so beautiful. I can see why you’d think it fits. It’s sweet, yet kind of somber at the same time. It fits the vibe of your stories perfectly. Romance stories are very sweet, but I admit that they have an air of melancholy and sadness to them as well, at least for me. It’s just a personal thing.

Once again, I’m very excited for what comes next!
Have you tried writing your stories in a note or document and copypasting them here? That’s what I do with my fanfics, and it might help if you run into technical troubles.
Well, I didn't expect a physical fight...
>It’s also very sweet seeing Nemona stand up for herself. Despite her condition, she’s still quite strong. Although maybe that’s just because of how angry she was
I look forward to reading about the effects of that adrenaline rush on her body, She's like a glass cannon.
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>have to avoid gendered words
That Yurianon will surely appreciate that.
Simply beautiful.
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I love the artwork of Pokegirls in landscapes; it has a lot of soul.
I agree. There’s just something so quaint about pics like that. It’s like you’re on a big adventure with her, and you’ve stopped for a rest.
Go to /trash/ if you want that kind of thing.
Erotic role play. Stuff like pretending to be a certain character or encouraging you to cum for them. It has its fans, but this just isn’t the place for it.
That's cringe. Nemona doesn’t even come across as someone lewd. She’s more the type of girl who’d blow in your ear, laugh at your reaction, and think that’s flirting
there is literally a mentall ill anon every day on trash jerking off anons as nemona with his weirdo shit. also the blow in your ear thing is literally pre-slut shit you see in every bully cringe anime
>She’s more the type of girl who’d blow in your ear, laugh at your reaction, and think that’s flirting
Kek, that got a chuckle out of me. That is adorable. Nemona wouldn’t be opposed to doing something lewd with you, but she wants to wait until the time is right. She loves you very much, but she wants to take things slowly.

Jesus. What kind of weirdo shit?
Nice try, it's literally (you)
Thought so. If it helps, I don’t go there anymore. That stuff lost its appeal long ago.
"long ago"
I literally saw you a few days ago there.
Really? Then it’s not me. I only talk about wholesome stuff I want to do with Nemona. I don’t pretend to be her. I haven’t been there in at least a few weeks.
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reposting this, because it is relevant to the topic.
Yeah, sure, and the writing style is literally identical. lol
Kek, that’s very in character for her. I interpret her as being a bit deeper (she’s still quite airheaded, but she’s a bit more serious about her relationship with you), but I have no problem with anyone who interprets her to be more simple minded.
How many days ago? I went there last night, but that was only to see if a certain anon was there.
Penny is so much better, she makes me feel so funny
They both have their appeal. They contrast each other perfectly.
Nemona is unlikable and annoying, she is literally just a female version of that autistic black kid from gen7 and8, the only difference is she is female and has twitter hair
But Nemo doesn't make me feel funny, Penny does~
I love her as well, but I don’t think I’ll be making another Penny thread anytime soon. Too many zoophiles in the last one.
Too bad, I really love her, even tho most people hate her so much...
I agree. Penny is very sweet and huggable, and her and Nemona have a very entertaining dynamic.
Hm, they barely interact together tho
ugh, thinking about Penny makes me feel so...
I'll better leave now... I don't want to ruin your thread or something...
>Hm, they barely interact together tho
But that just makes the times they do so much more enjoyable!

>I'll better leave now... I don't want to ruin your thread or something...
Please don’t feel bad! Be proud of your love for Penny. I might make a thread now, if you love her that much.

(Sorry, I ran out of pics with them together that haven’t already been posted)
Every time someone says that shit they end up humiliated.
>twitter hair
the fact that you use Twitter instead of Tumblr as an example just shows you're a Zoomer, also the two-toned hair is older than Yu gi oh and has been in Pokemon since Generation 3,you cringe faggot turd.
The funny thing is Nemona’s hair is actually quite normal by Pokémon character standards, besides the green bit at the front.
I remember this anon getting really angry when someone called Nemona a yandere, quite based ngl
I feel like it’s a serious flanderization of her character. She loves being your rival, but not to such an absurd degree. She’s very pure.
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That Anon was you? Either way, it's a bit late she's already listed on the Yandere Wiki.
>That Anon was you?
Maybe? I tend not to get very angry when it comes to that kind of thing. Different people have different interpretations.

>she's already listed on the Yandere Wiki.
Eh, fair enough. It’s probably not meant to be taken seriously, anyway.
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For some reason, there’s new art of Nemona and Penny, and according to the artist, it shows them in their final year
That’s a very cute pic! It’s an interesting concept. I love Penny’s new hoodie (I feel like it illustrates her character development very well), and it’s interesting seeing Nemona with short hair.
I bet Nemona swears in Spanish.
Oh, she very much does.
It’s cringe when a long haired character suddenly has short hair after a timeskip. It fills me with blind rage and makes me want to kill the author.
Fair enough. I agree with you to an extent (Nemona’s hair is one of my favourite things about her), but I just thought it was interesting to see how she’d look with short hair.
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Arven, Penny and Nemona! finally together!
I'm gonna kick your ass
YES! AT LONG LAST! It warms my heart finally seeing them together in the anime.
Yeah, and the best part is that Nemona is still the tallest in the group
Kek, that’s true. Glad they’re keeping things consistent.
storytime will continue when 4chan lets me post

> she leans against the wall of the building, holding her wrist
> you know the way she's clenching her hand and screwing up her face means it feels like her arm is broken
> take her wrist from her other hand, get her brace off
> it sounds like what you think a soda bottle in a hydraulic press would sound like when she pops her wrist
> you hate the sound
> you hate the way she looks like she might throw up for a moment
> begin massaging her wrist for her
> "... That was stupid. That was really stupid. I shouldn't have done that."
> 'if he put his hands on you i would've done the same thing.'
> "Heh."
> as angry as she is, you still get to see that warm smile she saves just for you
> "Even with a bad wrist?"
> 'in a heartbeat.'
> help her get her brace back on and adjusted
> she's said it seems to fit better when you help her put it on
> crowd is still laughing at big idiot, you two should probably get out in case he's serious about calling the cops
> walk further down the alley to the other side of the block
> take a seat on a public bench and look up at the sky
> it's that pretty shade of pink purple you see when you look away from the sunset
> sit quietly together like that for a while
> nemona looks lost in thought
> put your hand on her shoulder to ask if she's alright
> she jumps and yelps
> immediately scoot back and ask if she's ok
> "I'm fine."
> does not sound fine
> ask if she's sure
> she stares at you for a moment
> looks away and tucks in on herself
> "... No. I keep thinking about what would've happened if he managed to hit you."
> you feel a little weak at that answer
> probably because of just how much she cares about you
> 'you probably would've killed him.'
> "... Yeah."
> she untucks, returns to staring at the sky
> "... Is it bad I kinda like the idea of protecting you?"
> is it bad you kinda like the idea of her protecting you
you gotta match her freak, bro. one battle outside, one battle also outside but like, hidden in the bushes.
>trace of the Nessa pic

> 'i don't think so.'
> "Because it's not bad or just because you like seeing me be tough for you?"
> 'both.'
> get her to laugh
> "Make you feel warm and fuzzy? Sort of fluttering feeling in your stomach?"
> nod
> ask how she knows
> "That's what I feel when I think about beating people up for being mean to you."
> she looks to you again
> her head's framed by the light of the setting sun and all over you're reminded how pretty she is
> you realize you're just staringa t her like an idiot
> look away and cough
> hear her quiet laugh
> "... You're cute when you're shy. I ever tell you that?"
> why's she doing this in public
> you're about to retort when she wraps her arm around you
> pulls you into her chest, where you normally rest your head when you and her cuddle
> there's a cold wind
> just chilly enough to make the warmth of her body even more inviting
> and enough to feel like you're enveloped by her again when she rests her chin on top your head
> wraps her other arm around you
> and you get to hear her murmur
> "Mi peluche lindo. Mi osito de peluche."
> you understand just enough to know she's calling you a teddy bear again
> you don't think you'll ever be fully used to that as a nickname, it's always going to make you pause
> but
> you love being called it
> you love the way your heart skips beats every time she speaks to you like that
> you love the way she quietly chuckles at feeling you tense up
> you love the feeling like she's doing it just to mess with you a little
> you even love the way it feels like she's doing this just to make you embarassed
> you would love to stay like this for a while but she lets go
> slips her hand into yours and gets off the bench, pulling you up with her
> she looks more at ease now
> seems like holding you is therapy for her just like it is for you
> "Come on. You gonna buy me dinner or not?"
> how is she able to make acting spoiled attractive
>> is it bad you kinda like the idea of her protecting you
Huh... sometimes forget that Nemona has a big sister vibe.
Ironic considering she’s the younger sister.
Come on, post the next pic, don't be afraid
I don’t really have the time or energy to respond to specific lines at the moment, unfortunately, but I just wanted to let you know that that story was fantastic as always! The bond that Anon and Nemona share together is so sweet. As that other anon said, I love how her “older sister” vibe was emphasised in this story. I’m very excited for what comes next!
NTA, but here it is:
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It's like eating chicken soup on a rainy day quite Kino, Anon.
That pic is also kino, as are all pics with Nemona and Pawmot.
This girl is so damn annoying that she triggered a memory I had locked away, of a girl who was just like her.
I wish, wish I could tell her no, and never be her opponent ever again
The way you describe it sounds oddly specific
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey, I’m not really into yuri, but I’m more than happy to provide for an anon in need.
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Her big loud farts
You really need to stop consuming fartart
I wish I didn’t use >>56492776 already, because it fits perfectly.
I’d gladly take on 100 Julianas, beating the fuck out of each one, just to see Nemona smile.
Kek. She’d be honoured that you’d do all that just for her.

I personally think the video is spot on, even if it’s pretty much all surface level information. I will admit, the part about her not being very fit kind of made me feel a bit silly, considering that I headcanon her to exercise frequently. I forgot the extent of her condition, but I imagine she has a very specific workout routine designed around it. Aside from that, it’s a very good attempt at explaining Nemona’s appeal to the general public who might only know her from secondary sources.
I think he posts here, I read an Anon saying the same things
Really? I wouldn’t be surprised. Although like I said, this stuff is pretty surface level information, so a lot of anons have probably said the same things.
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check this:
I think I know which pic you're talking about, and since it's the same artist, she can't really plagiarize herself
Well, he sounds like that Anon who gets angry whenever someone calls her a Yandere, but less evil.
Interesting. I don’t think I’ve encountered that anon. Unless you’re referring to me? But I don’t really get angry, I just disagree with the interpretation. I think I’ve only commented on the yandere thing once before, and it was in response to someone else talking about that anon.
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That’s a very cool idea for a Masters alt! I feel like Meowscarada fits her really well.
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Oh he was very active in the past, there was also an Anon who was really obsessed with Nemona to unhealthy levels spamming porn of her.
She’s the most fitting trainer to have a Meowscarada in Masters, she is a fruit.
>there was also an Anon who was really obsessed with Nemona to unhealthy levels spamming porn of her.
That might have been me, sorry. I’ve gotten better now. I still love her, but I haven’t been posting as much porn lately. How unhealthy are we talking about?

I just think Meowscarada fits with her hair colour. I also picked Fuecoco as my starter, so I guess I’m just used to Nemona using Meowscarada.

I also headcanon that part of the reason she chose Sprigatito as her starter, in addition to wanting to challenge herself, was because she was impressed by Aliquis’ Meowscarada when she battled him in Paldean Winds. Idk I just thought it would be a cool connection.
Idk it was just posted in a thread somewhere. There’s no second part, unfortunately, in case you were curious.
Florian is about to enter the true Zona Nemona
He sure is!

Inviting. But let's not forget that the Zona Nemona is also open for others... What a poor, needy girl
Scarlet truly deserves a painful lesson in humility.
>But let's not forget that the Zona Nemona is also open for others...
I wouldn’t say so. The Zona Nemona is for her rival and her rival only. It’s a sacred place that only you have the luxury of experiencing.
Look at this smug bitch... The manga is so weird in how it portrays certain characters...
Well, i guess it's more probable that Nemona will be the one entering a sacred(?) place... The Scarlet Abyss!
>The manga is so weird in how it portrays certain characters...
That’s kind of what makes it interesting. I’ve only read volume 1 of SV, but it looks quite interesting.

>Well, i guess it's more probable that Nemona will be the one entering a sacred(?) place... The Scarlet Abyss!
Eh, I wouldn’t be too upset (hopefully). The manga is a different continuity anyway, and I’ll hopefully be emotionally mature enough to handle the fictional character liking the blank slate self insert that isn’t mine. I have my interpretations, and others have theirs.
I also can't take it seriously that Scarlet's surname is Koito. Replace the K with a C and see what it means in spanish
Holy fucking kek, they walked right into that one.
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The best thing about that video is that we get a look at Nemona’s canon pajamas.
Juliana looks better than her official artwork self. This coming from a guy who usually likes braids
Yeah, Juliana’s design never really appealed to me (her hairstyle just doesn’t look very appealing to me). Anna’s design is simple, but effective.
evil video spreading the yuri agenda
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It's the hair, it looks good on her
Ignore this, for it's non-canon (despite the graphics quality and Juliana's design being better than in the game itself)
>It's the hair, it looks good on her
Precisely. The animation is fantastic as well. I’m willing to set aside my personal biases to give credit where credit is due.

>Ignore this, for it's non-canon

>despite the graphics quality and Juliana's design being better than in the game itself
Also true. Although I have a more positive opinion on SV’s art style than most (the main characters look fantastic, Nemona’s model is very beautiful), I’d love to see more animations in this style. It’s very easy on the eyes.
>Ignore this, for it's non-canon (despite the graphics quality and Juliana's design being better than in the game itself)
he Juliana model looks better overall, but the shots of the Nemona model in the video are terrible. Ironically, that fan video did a better job with the 3d models
>that fan video did a better job with the 3d models
I’d be hard pressed to find a Nemona animation better than that. Apparently he’s working on the second part, or so I’ve heard.
Okey then I've decided to watch that video without Adblock Plus his is the highest form of appreciation I can offer to a yo#tub#r.
It is very specific because I suffered through it, and I never want to again.
May I never see her again.
Seems like you were deeply hurt and in need of healing. Is it an unrequited love situation? But why are you in a Nemona thread if she reminds you of painful things?
Youre not my therapist so I wont dump it here. Ive put in my new pokecents and I take my leave.
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Tell us the story
I need more cute screencaps like this.
I think you replied to the wrong anon. I tried to make the anon open his heart, but i guess it's no use
Is this cute enough?
Nemona my waifu
>Is this cute enough?
It is indeed! Thanks for that. Nemona is very adorable.
You are not Crush40, you don't get to open hearts.
Tell us your story!!

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