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and the rest of the family too of course!
Trop kicks it off a cloff
pawmo doesn't need to exist.
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Pawmot loves you too!
That's chessy but kino
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Pawmot Jelly
Jelly Pawmot
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Cute rat
AI upscaled, huh? Looks terrible.
Pawmot would be a better mascot than Pikachu
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Pawmot and Pikachu bullying the duck.
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tell that to hakamo-o
I'm gonna be real. the fact this fucker isn't ursarang sized is a crime.
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Silly rat
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Would have been cool and funny. Like if the size difference was more consistent in the line so Pawmo would have been as big as Pawmot is now and Pawmot close to Ursaring level.
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Pawmot's size seems designed to sell plushies
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This mouse lifts
what are numbers?
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I can forgive Pawmot because the hairdo at least SOMEWHAT seperates it from Pawmi but I cannot forgive Pawmo. It's literally the zenith of "it just stands up" as an evo.
>2 slots were wasted on its just gets bigger
Should have been a standalone like audino.
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It's cute but it really is. It being possible to almost immediately evolve it to Pawmot probably doesn't help it either. Fans who just want a cute pikaclone typically just stick to Pawmi. At least the anime made it somewhat memorable.
please no
Please yes
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Eh, maybe if it would be Pawmot then, personally. I love the huge fighting-type Raichu.
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How did it take until gen 9 for them to make a pikaclone that actually captures why people like pikachu
All the others suck in comparison (mimikyu is fine but I don't think it's a pikaclone officially)
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>pawmi's day: 9-21
dang, missed it by a few
Pawmot day It's when your heart tells you
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I like how similar the line is to the OG, it goes from Pichu-sized up to Raichu-sized. It also has some of that cute to cutecool vibes to go with that.
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Probably because it's the only one so far that doesn't have just one stage.
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I'm going to steal that pic
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Pawmot should be bigger
pawmot booba

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