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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56439655 (>>56439655)

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/dh6fflg8yb
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/h_wcz5f4px
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>If every Pokemon species was an option, what would be the worst PMD partner to have?
>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?
>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
>What is your favorite town theme?
Recap of the previous thread:

Stories by Suicune-Anon

>Petal-Purr-anon's entry to the Summer Festival collab was posted: https://rentry.org/PetalpurrFestivalMain

>Discussion about gameplay/gamemechanics, storytelling, and music

Also, we're still working on a drawboard dedicated to fulfilling requests from our request page (https://rentry.org/CloverDrawRequest). Submit new requests here: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic
>>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?
eh, probably something primitive or whatever. isn't that much underwater
>>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
probably by types
>>What is your favorite town theme?
post town hits pretty hard for me
>>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?
maybe neat little coral towns or stuff like that.
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I genuinely forgot those Suicune stories were part of the last thread. If you're still here anon, stop whatever you're working on
based hater anon
>have probably over 200 hours total from all my different runs on my explorers of time copy
>completed the game multiple times
>decide to play explorers of sky for the first time after hacking my 3ds
>get to the postgame
>shaymin part happens

Bros please dont tell me im forced to go trough this mountain to progress the story, please i just want to do the blizzard island part first so i can unlock all the cool pokemon there i dont want to be railroaded into this oh god why did nobody warn me
choo choo motherfucker
the mountain isn't THAT long.
>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?

Still in disbelief someone genuinely thought a Suicuine and a Lugia would slide. They didn’t even TRY to go for one of the more mundane ones.
>If every Pokemon species was an option, what would be the worst PMD partner to have?
Probably one of the stench mons. I can carry a dead weight mon but good god would I have a hard time with the stench.
>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?
Decorated with lots of coral and using regular elements of the seafloor as houses or furniture, kinda like in The little mermaid
>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
I think some level of segregation is unavoidable especially between the Pokémon that display migratory behaviour, as they would keep to themselves because outside bonds could get complicated when it's time to migrate. Even if one member of a migration group was fine with staying behind and never evolving, him leaving would effectively weaken the group as a whole, which would be frowned upon.
I think a major event where a baby Lugia ends up in the guild and needs to be escorted back to the ocean by a group of misfits could be fun, but it's a Suicune too...
Excuse me, but why is this blatant pornographic image of Cider's mom (Beast's wife) plastered all over the anonymous image board known as 4chan? This is a blatant invasion of privacy!
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well the page is being drawned but i am excited for the upcoming best month of the year and i am so excited actually that i want to propose something !!!!
if you have a 2 sentence horror idea in a 2 case horror stories involving the guild character propose them to me and i'll compile them for the challenge.
I feel like any legendary pokemon showing up in the guild should be an event. Not just some little tacked on addition to someguy's faggoty legendary OC
I’m not sure what you mean. Are you taking requests for horror themed artwork?
>in a 2 case horror stories
pardonner mon anglais, what i mean is yeah i take some short horror idea for the month of october, i want to try and do 1 per day

2 case/2 panel yes
something to do with cynda because I love how you draw him
This has probably been done before and I just haven't seen it, but
>Here lies Cyndaquil.
>He never scored.
>On Halloween Night, Chespin and Wooper went trick or treating
>They knocked on the door of an old abandoned home and a chiller answered
Has anyone here managed to clear all 4 of the Never Hungries dungeons?
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Are you all still looking for new idiots to join in? I stumbled upon this general about a year ago I think, got inspired, read some stories, and begin to write my own. Then I got stuck, gave up and never came back. I suck at creative writing and my visual art skills never really evolved past the Crayola phase. However, for whatever reason this thread has lived rent-free in my head ever since. I’ve felt inspired recently and was considering giving it another go. It seemed like you guys had a nice thing going last I was here. Think I should give it another go? Hopefully I won’t fail you like I did last time.
What do you mean "fail us"? Did you ever post anything?
If you actually appreciate clover for what it is you have no reason not to post your work, wips, or even just your ideas.
>I suck at creative writing
The fact that you can say that about yourself tells me you're probably better than most writers
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Oh, the sheer PLEASURE of giving CLOVER GUILD my hard-earned bananas only to have them NOT REPAY ME while I SLEEP OUTSIDE? I LOVE IT! I LOVED when Cyndaquil pulled my bananas from my neck and ATE IT in front of me! Who needs to keep a banana they GREW? NOT ME! The sheer THRILL of losing something I grew just because they felt like snacking is comparable to PURE ECSTASY!
Who needs bananas when I can be an ETERNAL KEK to the guildies? They understand the JOY of exploitation! And OH, the absolute ORGASM of HAVING A BALD NECK and agreeing to get FUCKED OVER and OVER EVERY TIME due to the GUILD RULES? YABBA DABBA DOO!
I've come with a story once again, and this time, it's a crossover. I hope you all enjoy it.
Holy shit, keep crying bro. Your bananas taste good
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here.

Yes, the fact that it's not just one, but two major legendaries is fucking egregious and reeks of special snowflake OC disorder, regardless of how "Not OP" that anon thinks they can write them.
My question is, if you're trying so hard to make them "not too OP", then why the fuck are they even legendaries in the first place?

I propose that anon change the species of his two characters to actual normal pokemon, and change nothing else about his stories.

I liked his stories when I was able to not be reminded that it's a Suicune and a Lugia.
I think he has real potential if he came back and literally just swapped the species to something like a a Ducklett and a Stoutland.
Literally any other regular pokemon, dude. That's all it would take.
You guys are just jealous you didn't think or have the courage to use legendaries first. Just admit he won and move on. He's legendary and you're not.
>What do you think underwater cities developed by marine Pokemon would be like?
Just normal houses underwater

>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
Don't we see that happen (by species) in the games sometimes? Generally I would say no though

>What is your favorite town theme?
Unsure between Pokemon Square and Post Town
If they're so good, you should be willing to fucking reimburse the poor guy. maybe if you did, he'd be able to afford a decent place to live.
The best defense for these stories is "if you completely changed your characters it probably wouldn't suck"
I don’t know, half the appeal of PMD is having starters take down powerful mons and gods. Is it really a win to rob your own characters of that by making them legendaries?
This appeal is most likely why the Iron Valiant character got put on a bus. Half the fun is the underdog overcoming the challenge, not two powerhouses duking it out.
it's also not about being 'OP' and shit, powerscaling is stupid and shouldn't ever be taken seriously, toriyama made it as a literal joke. It's more about the characters acting like they're normal underdogs when they're clearly not, it's not how you write characters like these, you either go all in on the power fantasy and write as what the species are or make a different character. A Lugia and Suicune that are 'weak' will never work because it's dissonant and tone deaf, it's not like god-like characters can't have character growth or anything, but my main issue with those stories is the characters acting as something they're not which goes back to the whole species thing and missing the point of them being what they are. subversivekino is much harder to write
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No, we definitely thought about it for a long time. We just understood it was a retarded idea
>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
I bet there are lots of places that wind up majority-[type] thanks to geography. Not a lot of grass types would want to live on Blizzard Island, no Ice types would want to live near Mt. Blaze, etc.
No way. He can grow them for free. Besides, if we don't eat them, they'll just rot and fall off eventually. We should pick them while they're ripe
>Do you think certain Pokemon would segregate themselves by types or by species?
yeah, not a single normal type wants to live in the same neighborhood as a dark type
Mama Lax's Inn is a severely underrated setting, and it works so well with your characters. Makky trying to justify not admitting he's a human was very interesting to read. He trusts Asana enough to admit he's clearly lying but it has to hurt Asana that he won't just tell the truth outright. Jung's characters in this chapter work very well, it's nice seeing him in writing after all this time. The fight scene was done very well too, both parties seemed to be underestimating each other nonstop.
Amazing work anon! Highly recommend this story
Adding to >>56493475's analysis, the parallels/roll-reversal between Lombre's situation in the past and Makky&Asana's situation in the present are great, even if it's unlikely anyone will ever notice them in-universe.
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i really wish i was at rajshahi indian restaurant right now...
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I shelved the Iron Valiant character because I made him when I was in a bad headspace and tried to drag my heels on making it work.

Whether he still exists or not is entirely based on how much anyone cares for the concept, and the same goes for any other I made prior to Team Fangclaw.
have you ever thought maybe HE wants to eat them himself when they ripen and fall off?

Should a man not be entitled to the fruits of his own labor??
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another secret bump, but of different characters this time
And also I guess fan art for Toge's festival story
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The hell happened to this post on the booru
Nothing happened. You're imagining things.
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Oh, okay.
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I still hate the kanto starts and no amount of adorable PMD art can change that

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