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Can we have a Ninetales thread without you horny motherfuckers being, y'know, weird about it? I'll even make it a general /fox/ thread as a display of good faith.
You're not being subtle about asking for a coomthread.
>general /fox/ thread
Go here >>56470027
No fuck you, you don't get to gaslight me. Those are never actually fox threads, it's literally always just horny Braixen idiots pretending that all foxes are welcome to the discussion. They just pretend it's a general fox thread as a pathetic attempt to boost their numbers, but they don't give a shit about anything but Braixen furry hornyposting.

I actually like Ninetales in a non-horny fashion but we can NEVER have threads about it because you people can't control yourselves
ok lil bro
have fun in your precious little thread
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Why aren’t you bitching in the Reshiram thread?
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>pretending that all foxes are welcome to the discussion
>posts with other foxes are there
>none of them are received poorly
I think what you're seeing is 2 avatar fags anon that make up the bulk of /ff/ because the foxes aren't very popular outside of Zoroark who has /ruse/.
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/ff/ was popular as fuck until yon two took over the threads though. They ended up driving people off with their constant dumps to the point it's a shell of the vibrant diverse threads they used to be.
>yon (sic) two took over the threads
A)I am neither of them.
B)Look at the speed of this thread and compare it to /ff/. It still has more unique posters than yours.
A) didn't say you were
B) I'm not nearly as needy, or desperate for attention as you, they or any demented bastard needs to make a thread, just because they don't like the contents of other threads on the same topic.
File deleted.
What the actual fuck are the British smoking?
My point of saying there are more unique posters is to prove that foxes aren't popular, not necessarily that you are needy for attention.
Upon reflection of my own image, I realize I'm unequivocably in the wrong on that front.
Still, that is such a bizarrely obscure word. Thanks for teaching me it, I guess???
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there are no avatarfags unless posting a braixen or delphox along with your reply count as avatarfagging in a fox Friday thread. Also 3 images itt are reposts from /ff/
I count the Braixen replies as avatar fagging because it's pretty clearly only a couple of people.
I don't report them though because it's pretty innocent in the grand scheme of avatar fagging.
Isn't ITT "it's the thread", not "in this thread"?
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The archives before IP counter's removal prove otherwise. What's the solution though? Stop posting fennekin line when talking to other people in the thread? It's the supposed fans of other foxmon's fault for never bothering showing any love for their pokemon, which leads to braixen and delphox dominating the threads, but also braixen and delphox have very active artists on twitter who post new stuff daily, so it will take up most of the threads. You could flood /ff/ with only ninetales and no one would bat an eye, because it's welcome there.
ITT = in this thread
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I dunno. I don't even know if there is a way to fix it, other than to force the threads to relax for a while and hope for good content.
I'd post more Vulpix and Ninetales personally but the issue is that I am a raging furry, and so the mass majority of the images I look up are not allowed on this board for obvious reasons.
Yeesh, this thread is serving me better than my own school.
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if you're too timid to complain, then of course it will continue to go in that direction because no one knows what the rest thinks so they can't adjust accordingly. And don't put the blame on "two" people when this board is in the worst shape it has ever been for the longest of time. So many people have stopped coming to /vp/ because three main reasons:
1. 4chan devs make posting a hassle due to their sad attempts to battle AI, bots, and ban-evaders.
2. /vp/ mods have neglected this board for so long while doing bare minimum every 8 hours, which has led to no people no longer enjoying browsing this board. Trolls are allowed to continuously ruin the board and barely any of it is taken care of.
3. The franchise is dying and we are undergoing a massive content drought which prevents new people from coming to this place and old people from returning.
Basically, this place is bleeding users and it's the fault of the franchise, trolls, and neglect from the ones that are supposed to protect this place. I honestly believe we are witnessing the death of 4chan as a whole and the end of anonymity.
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I don't agree that we're witnessing the death of anonymity, but we are probably watching an old man die.
Here's to hoping that 4chan's a lot more like the Ottomans and when it does go down, it goes down in a blaze of glory.
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4Chan is definitely at a crossroads right now. It will have to choose between four paths to head down, all of which will kill it in one way or another. One path is to let it continue the way it is right now which will eventually lead to total chaos and the birth of the Wild West, where AI will be most of the posts and arguing, AI against AI, and a few real posters here and there who can or cannot tell a difference. It will become so bad that not even shit posters want to post anymore, what's the point in trolling a bot? None. The second path leads to much stricter rules and filters, higher moderation, and possibly even paid janitors(fat chance LOL). This will turn 4chan into Reddit 2.0 and will die because people come here purely because the rules are more loose here and one can say "problematic" things when sharing their opinion. The third path is to shut it down, admit that shit can't be contained, and just shut down 4chan for good. The fourth path feels more likely due to recent events. It is the enforcement of ID or some way to prove you are a real poster, which will scare a lot of people away because now their opinions are no longer anonymous. It will start with the requirement of an email, just like on /biz/ then slowly move towards verifying that you are a real person. PoI will 100% die on the fourth path if you consider that a win or not.
There is a 5th option, which will affect the whole internet.
As the proliferation of incredibly complex chatbots continue, most people will likely stop using the internet as they currently do. After all, they mostly use the internet to entertain themselves, AND more vitally, to communicate to others. The former can be done with things like Netflix without needing to rely on any other part of the internet.
The issue for them, of course, is that these convincing chatbots in any meaningful quantity require immense amounts of resources to run. Without people to chat to, they become useless, and a huge burden to the people running them. With all of those people leaving, the internet will once more become an incredibly niche thing, and with it, I think most will choose to shut down their chatbots in favor of other implements.
The fear of chatbots will prevent the return of most people, leaving this place, as with almost every website, desolate, but finally mostly human again.
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>imagine forgetting the fox
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traditional always
Vulpix > Ninetales
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The biggest problem and always has been is angsty, upset manchildren crying about the kiddy series not doing what all the "adult" studios doing NPC-focused wank are doing, leading most of those of us who still give a fuck but not fucking retarded enough to fight the status quo left. Even see it today, remakes are an inevitability and instead of just accepting that and taking what comes, these little gays are actually fucking CRYING, desperately upset over the fact they didn't get a copy/paste remake like fucking hoennnigs, Johtards or Kanturds got. YOU cunts killed this board, when you sat crying the series didn't give a shit you grew up and you couldn't move on. No half-arsed cunt WANTS to wade through the babies throwing tantrums to engage with cunts like me, so don't fucking blame "the death of the franchise", cunting thing's in the best shape of its life. But YOUR enjoyment is at the lowest ebb. Fuck off and find something nice and adult-focused to fixate on, do the board a favour.
seems you have a hate boner for /ff/ based on a hunch. Removing the IP counter was such a fucking retarded move. Now everyone suspects or accuses each other of samefagging with nothing to prove it.
zero self-awareness award
This is almost indecipherable and the only thing I'm getting from the second half this is that you hate SOMEONE because they're complaining about not getting the BDSP treatment???

Writing styles can be tracked with enough time but yeah, I don't really have good proof other than "it looks like these two posts share the same style and image sources."
The IP count removal was definitely done so that the feds could save money on VPNs, I'm positive.
most or a lot of art posted in /ff/ and other pokemon appreciation threads is from twitter, and twitter is the best source for all kinds of fresh and new pokemon art, so seeing twitter filenames should not make you believe that they are all the same person
When I say "source" I mean artists, NOT the website.
Seriously anon? Are you that brain dead?
image source could mean both. You think people samefag because you see the same artist more than once?
Sometimes I post art from @annyui0611 and then I see other people post from the same artist. I know that one person likes to post his art a lot, but he is definitely not the only one. And why are you so fucking mad? You come off as a miserable twat that assumes the worst in everyone even me for trying to just talk and help clarify.
I'm irritated because you looked at "sources" and went "oh he means Twitter, well obviously he's incorrect and I must correct him" as if I was some sort of fucking moron who needed to be corrected.
are you Australian
Those fangs are meant for tearing meat. Which pokemon does Ninetales eat?
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No, just incredibly sleep deprived.
I don't mean to get upset over these things, and when I'm not tired, I usually don't. However, I'm almost always running on 3 or less hours of sleep thanks to insomnia and it makes me very, very grouchy.
I've given it some thought, and given that Vulpix shows up on Route 7 and 8, it's prooobably Meowth, which is the only Pokemon that shows up on both routes.
3 hours of sleep is really bad and you should do something about that before you hurt yourself, please don't be mad at me for saying this.
Do you also post eeveelutions? Just curious.
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It's that obvious, huh?
I'm slacking off. I need to get back to work.
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Then we have engaged many many times before. You are like the only one that names your pictures.
Now I'm glad I didn't pick the toxic route of insulting you teehee.
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Like this picture cause of more mature vulpix proportions

Sadly all that gamefreaks could do in terms of customization of mons - just scale them up and down.
I ran out of good Ninetales and Vulpix help

Yeah, so am I. Well, you have a nice day now, you hear? And sorry for me getting agitated. I'll try to work on that.
All is well. I will have a nice night! Wishing you plenty of good sleep, and I'll see you when I see you.
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Made for BHC
>>56489064 >>56489243
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*scritches bum*
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I think only cats would like this.
There's like 3 possibilities to how this could occur and two of them are really amusing to me.
The female Pokemon like to look pretty too!
There are apparently 4 possibilities.
(The similar one I had which I thought was amusing was that someone decided to spend a few hours to dress a Ninetales up and they were patient enough for it.)
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I fucked a fox.
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>ninetales is my favorite monster since 1998
>enter ninetales thread but didnt save a single image
the end is near;
so long friends
4chan is dead
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>You are turned into a Ninetales
>But suffer from crippling pyromania
Do I still get to use computers?
an icetails is fine too
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Why is she making this face at me?
Yes as long as you can resist the intense urge to set it on fire
she knows you love fluffy tails
Considering I'm cripplingly addicted to my computer, I think I miiiight be able to resist the urge.

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