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How does this make you feel?
>I need to enter a building to heal my team because... I JUST DO OK?!
That we are evolving
>can seamlessly get my boys healed up without entering and exiting another screen
pretty damn good
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Skipping loading screen is a fine addition.
The autist in me wants to scream that missing that separation of a designated "resting area" is detrimental to the sovl of the game, but Pokemon has been moving further and further away from a JRPG in recent years, so the need for that has been reduced anyway.
It's cool on routes, but there should still be standard pokemon centers and pokemarts in the citys and towns.

Why the fuck would someone living in the town need to travel to the outskirts of a dangerous route to heal their pokemon?
Rank the Center designs
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Best to worst
Top Tier
High Tier
>Kanto 3 (LGPE)
>Johto 2 (HGSS)
Mid Tier
>Kanto 2 (FRLG)
>Hoenn 1 (RSE)
Low Tier
>Kanto 1 (RBY)
Bottom Tier
>Johto 1 (GSC)
Not in any way mad, let alone as mad as you making a thread to cry about building choices being informed by development decisions.
Whoops, meant Hoenn 2 (ORAS) at bottom tier / 2nd to last instead of Paldea twice
This is probably the only ranking Galar wins at
How is GSC as bad as Paldea? the fact they put in the effort to have a building should put it at the same level as RBY
Fuck it, let's just make the whole game a text-based adventure. Animations take up too much time, walking takes up too much time, and don't get me started on catching and battling!
>New bad old good because... IT JUST IS OK?!
SV is a perfectly fine open world that just works. I don't care about your need to watch a black screen every time you head to a Poké Center. And Legends: Arceus is even better considering I don't have to watch any transition screens to fight and catch wild Pokémon.
>All the services in one place without a loading screen
incredibly based.

Yeah, that's why you have the option to turn battle graphics off retard.

In fact, Pokerole - an unofficial fan TTRPG - is objectively better than any of the video games has ever been and it's a janky mess made by ESLs.
When did I even mention old good? I'm talking about one specific part of a game, I liked SV. At least try and form a decent argument lmao
How does that make me a retard? You're retarded if you use such a feature. Why are you even playing games at all if you're such a spastic that a battle animation overstims you. Try reading a book.
How did it take NINE generations for Pokemon to put out an oppen world game? NINE generations!!!!
I don't get why the Paldea is bad, is actually faster to get the healing, tutors and shit and is not like it matters anyway because the pokemon center past gen 6 lose their soul because you no longer have the second floor to access to the online services
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Similar vibes
>seething out of nowhere at a neutral question
Guilty conscious? Seems like you think something is bad deep down inside.
>BotW lets you seamlessly enter countless buildings
>Pokemon can't
Why is this?
>you can't enjoy [current year] Pokémon because... YOU JUST CAN'T OK?!
Projecting much, anon? You are the one seething that I find joy in modern Pokémon :-)
Because they didn't have the hardware for 7 generations and needed a generation to explore the new console's possibilities.
>BotW is a game aimed primarily at older pre-teens and adults, while still being friendly enough to allow kids play with adult supervision advised
>gaps between entries span up to several years, unless Aonuma's trying to make a point, meaning more development time is afforded to the environments
>Pokémon is a game aimed squarely at adults, with enough concessions and appeals to adults to ensure a crossover
>games are released yearly, to continue the conveyor belt of fresh blood being indoctrinated into the brand to replace the teens and manchldren "leaving forever", thus don't need to concentrate as much on elements the devs feel superfluous to presenting a game to children
When you stop thinking of Pokémon as a game made for adults, you might actually start to understand why they don't do the things the types of adults like you want.
>aimed squarely at kids, to the point they're free to play without adult supervision*
Fucking touchpad.
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same energy
Angry. Then again, I still miss the days when the Pokemart and Pokecenter were different buildings. I think they should've only had combined buildings (with less stock choices) in the rural centers.
The soul is gradually getting sucked out
why do you, as an adult, feel the need to sit around and defend a kid's franchise from criticism? don't you have better things to do, as an adult?
not even going to get into how stupid how argument is considering the series has always been for children and we're mostly comparing the games now to the games in the past....which were also kid's games.
That's the intent, especially because you ride around two bikemons in SV. Make a pit stop and keep on truckin'.
You can see its getting more soulful every new generation.
Well in lore and the anime they actually treat your pokemon, so going inside where the nurse can do that makes sense. Even if gameplay wise it is just a blip bloop machine. Turning it into a gas station is cringe as shit
The temporary pokecenter in kitakami was nice though, the nurse obviously isn't a professional by her attitude. It's all temporary there while the schools are visiting for a trip, there's not normally a pokecenter there to heal
what have they done for hurt pokemon in the new anime?
>entering buildings is adult-coded
weird take there anon
I like it but they should have one in the city too.
God damn you're angry.
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I don't recall seeing a pokecenter in the new one since they're always traveling, they treat them by hand. Much like pokecenters were portrayed in the anime before. It's not a machine doing it
>How does that make me a retard?
You're winging about a non-problem.
>You're retarded if you use such a feature
No? It makes the game faster, which is what you seem to want.
>Why are you even playing games at all if you're such a spastic that a battle animation overstims you.
Because Pokemon is a button-mashing simulator to rival mario party, you mash A to win every fight.

It's why I said the fan-made TTRPG is objectively better than any of the video games, because it is. You actually give a shit about the story because the average GM can worldbuild better than gamefreak ever could, you give a shit about the region's pokemon because it's a finely curated list instead of the dogshit gamefreak puts out, you enjoy using the pokemon you have because pokemon that suck ass in the video games have been buffed to be good in Pokerole. Fuck Gamefreak and fuck the video games, TTRPGs are superior to vidya in every single possible way and I long for the second great video game crash so they can overtake Vidya as the primary method of entertainment.
Least blatant genwar thread
>XY > DP > Orre > The rest

After the PSS included all networking features, the Pokemon Centers in XY (and onwards) were redesigned to match the region. Kalos version has a lounge, a TV, and a changing room for character customization. This was also the first game where your character could physically sit down or interact with furniture, so you can go inside and rest.

Sinnoh ranks highly because of the nighttime remix, which no other game does.

Orre is underrated, with the Pokemon Centers matching the aesthetic of each towns while still resembling a rest stop.
I mean, I don't mind the modern look, but I miss the old colorful places.
Jesus SV is soulless
for me one of the worst aspects of SV was that there was no buildings or houses to enter and explore, it makes everything feel fake and pointless.
SV's pokecenter works for what it is, but I think it would've benefitted from traditional indoor centers in the major cities instead of awkwardly tacked to the side of them. It's not like it's out of SV's scope either, the market area in porto marinada is pretty much a seamless indoors location.
>Jesus SV is [Meaningless buzzword]
Of all the thing people can criticize in SV (a lot) this isn't one of them
>SV is the only one where you're interacting with another player on the overworld
Oh yeah, SV won.
It's kind of sad, really. Pokecenters were always meant to be whole ass dedicated lodges that provided essential services. The anime didn't invent that, they were originally conceived as inns.
Also the pitstop logistically does not work in the cold ass mountains. Even my favorite mountainous ice cream parlor in Washington was indoors, not outdoors. There was a good reason for that.
A conservative, old and racist village allows a young lady to wear a dress that open and a baseball cap like that? That's fishy.
Sad. I loved the comfy ambience of the Hoenn PokeCenters. Sinnoh took that up a notch further with the night theme for the Pokémon Center which is so insanely comfy. Gives you a kinda "safe and sound after a long, rough day adventuring sorta vibe" like you got a mug of hot cocoa in your hands
Are all these AI posts?
Bot answer.
no but shartdea’s shitty map was ai generated
>AI malfunction
Paid marketer or Nintendo shillbot confirmed.
Makes me feel like replaying Scarlet.
Soulless post.
Ding ding ding, an anon who understands the series
>It makes the game faster
And there it is, imagine having a panic attack because the screen went black for 2 seconds. go play fucking Tetris or something you Zoomer autist.
The gas station styled Pokémon Centers would be fine if there were some regular Pokémon Centers in the major cities.
Gen X will give you a device that will be a portable Pokémon center and people will defend it for being a “better option” than having to buy healing items
Presentation > Gameplay
You can have the best gameplay in the world and no one is going to care if the game looks like shit or looks cheap as hell. This is why people barely invest in indie games.
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SV is too busy rendering an entire to-scale globe full of empty space in the background that you'll never be able to access anyways, adding enter-able structures without a transition scene would make the game fry itself.
>went from fun place for kids to explore to commie dystopia
Makes me fucking furious. This is a true testament that GameFreak doesn't care about Pokemon.
PC should be reworked:
>Walk in and immediately hand off Pokeballs to nurse on the right
>Center is filled with trainers on parallel journey to yours
>Check in on your NPC bros for side quests, trades, battles
>Look at bulletin board for news/quests
>Customize trainer in changing area
>Workout center for stat training/tuning
>Walk out on counter's opposite side with party healed
Fucking dogshit take. This is why we are getting garbage movie game slop with their 69 teraflop per megafuck ultra realistic graphics that have as much gameplay substance as a dry slice of white bread. Imagine supporting this shit.
>[Meaningless buzzword] post.
You know that buzzword is a buzzword too, right?
Cry all you want. That's how reality is. There's already so many games flooding the market, and it's a very competitive market. You probably don't even pay attention to majority of the shit that are available right now, let alone played them to see if they have good gameplay.
I don't pay attention to soulless western AAA slop. I only play indie games and the occasional Japanese AAA game.
they kinda remind me of gas stations, which actually would make more sense for routes/open areas. towns still shouldve had dedicated centers though
nothing, pokemon ended at Gen 5 the rest is nu-gen slop
If the new "Pokemon Centers" were to be adapted into anime, they would function as a ranger station, having the basics for injuries and having to call a helicopter or that flying cabin using Squawkabilly to take the Pokemon to a traditional Pokemon Center in the nearest city.

Regarding the girl from Kitakami, she is a parody of those town delinquents who end up working in a convenience store by not leaving the town or continuing their studies at university, the Japanese equivalent of being trapped as a McDonald's cashier in your hometown.
What does it say about you then?
Exactly, Poke Centers were cute too
They should have added both the old centres and that new one
>so many games flooding the market
>almost all of them are selling worse than the average blockbuster title from 2006
>and there's less big releases per year as well
>... I JUST DO OK?!
>... I JUST DO OK?!
>... I JUST DO OK?!
>... I JUST DO OK?!
Remember to never save in a Pokemon center, never rest in a Pokemon center.
My N64 niggas know you must ALWAYS save in a Pokémon Center. I will read your zoomershit nonetheless.
communism is when people look different in a video game
Wagie, just like 92% of the Portuguese employees.
Hate it. A RPG world should feel real and this pokemon center feels terribly unreal in the world. I like the idea of having "field office pkmn centers" on routes but they should be smaller and more rustic. Pokemon centers in towns and cities should be indoors
>A RPG world should feel real
one of the stupidest takes I've ever seen. Why would I want my RPG to reflect reality? I'm playing Pokemon to immerse myself in that world, not the real one
>imagine having a panic attack because the screen went black for 2 seconds
It's annoying to have to stop every 2 seconds to wait for the game to load, and takes you out of the experience. I don't have to wait for this shit because I've realized Video games are shit and TTRPGs are superior, but if I do play a video game I want as little downtime as possible. My time is valuable and should not be wasted.
>go play fucking Tetris or something you Zoomer autist.
I'm 32 years old, and I lived through Pokemania unlike (You), who is actually a zoomer and will never know what it was like getting a legitimate mew with a printed certificate at a real, physical event before the days of Wi-fi and bluetooth. I've just come to realize that my time on this world is shorter than it is long, and that my time is now more valuable.
You perfectly understood what he meant you pedantic little shit.
I never thought I'd say this, but that is the coolest gas station I have ever seen
A role-playing game needs to be real to immerse yourself into the ROLE-playing. It's why Paldea is shit because every town and city feels lifeless and culture less.
the gacha is the real mainline game then
>"movie game"
Back to /v/.
she's right though
Well movies are the superior art format, so...
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Makes me feel like my stomach hurts.
the most funny is that one main complains of SV from shitposters is that is too "realistic" lmao

this board can't decide what they want
They resisted the slop for so long.....
Game Freak secretly based?
It gives me the big sad.
>You can't spend a night safely in a pokemon center anymore now it's just a gas station

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