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Solar Beam Edition

>September Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56472089
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I'm gonna test the cucked pokestop -> power spot theory, see you in 20 hours.
sign of mental illness
>finding pleasure in destroying things
>finding pleasure in annoying others intentionally

>Solar Beam Edition
it's been a while
Sex with Rhi
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>niantic's next move is to double raid boss HP and halve the catch rate and amount of balls
>the domesticated will go "it's not that big of a deal" two days later
Just remember to PAY 200 for more balls!!
Stop crying already
Nobody cares you got your ass kicked in a boring 5 star raid
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>i-it doesn't matter!
enjoy your 80K HP koraidon raids that you get 4 premier balls for unless you pay an additional 200 coins for 10 more
this is the future you chose
>I'm gonna test the cucked pokestop -> power spot theory
Explain pls
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someone make a new thread pls
top kek

Where am the mega Gengar for the October lineup event

Am see Sableye which is ghost and Banette which is ghost so why Gengar am not being on list? Blaziken is not ghost
The opening picture in the loading screen shows gigantimax gengar, so they’re probably pushing that out as the first one
Old cucked pokestops are being used for dynamax dens. I want to see if you can make new power spots by adding a pokestop to an occupied cell.
In case you didn't know, cucked stops are POI added to occupied cells, you can't see them in PoGO but niantic can and will use it for other games.
But gigantimax not being useful as not function outside max battle. Want Gengar mega for using
> what even is the joke? is there one?
My understanding is he said he was 1-shotting multiple legendaries with solar beam with vinesaur and when shown that is factually impossible, flipped out. It’s where the
>Can it one shot Zygarde complete forme and Palkia origin forme
Or whatever line came from
That would explain the weird placements but if f they aren't good enough to be Pokestops why are they allowed to be raid dens? With Pokestops you can just spin and leave but with raids you have to actually stand there long enough to complete it.
I can prove I was on 4chan 16 years ago, does that count?

also....I need a life, fuck man
it's all good, just kinda crazy that it's been 16 fuckin years already. I'm fuckin 40 and still playing pokemon and shitposting on a Mongolian basketweaving forum lol.
Have I found a fellow Rhitard?
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two retards trying to bait eachother
Yea these threads have been schizoposting for days now. I wanted to ask about teams for GL since I just hit 2300 during the psychic cuck cup but I'm scared to go back to the normal meta
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Frick yeah!
It's one stupid faggot
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Eh, the idea of growing as a person shouldn't really apply to what you do during your low energy downtime, imo.
I've changed a lot since I started playing pokemon way back in red/blue or first started shitposting on 4chan, but still enjoy a pokemon game / shitpost from time to time. I'm happy with with person I am becoming, but my low effort hobbies have hardly changed. My growth comes in my career, investments, relationships, and high effort hobbies.
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Reposting this since no one seems to be talking about the actual game

I only know these from meeting them in ML...
Looking at them on pvpoke,
>zacian just seems like a worse xerneas
>zamazenta has a nice charged move pool, but fast moves seem a little meh
>giratina is the other way around. Nice fast moves, very limited charged moves
>darkrai seems the most exciting overall, but is also the weakest
>there is a massive group of people who all refuse to accept that "replying" does not mean baited
There is a massive person who refuses to accept that replying does mean baited
You need to go outside and get some sun, man
does solar beam really oneshot Palkia Origin or complete Zygarde?
Im never wrong and Aegislash will debute this year.
just answer the question
You two retards have been going at it for hours now
Make a thread on /b and have your retarded fight there
i accept your concession
>You two
It's only one schizo trying to make it look like that
It's actually 3.
cool thread
whens the next one?
Bros, why aren't my pokes bringing back candy from the power spots?
Been thinking about you guys more lately, but now that I'm here, I'm not sure you deserve better. Anyone with any self-respect would have left a long time ago.
Because this game is made my mongoloids
Should I release him from his prison?
Give it another month
And put your best 'mon in it's place
Wonder if I’m get a DA shiny or POGO shiny first
Do it as late in the day as possible so you know they won’t get the coins
He's just saying that assuming that anon's other gym defenders would get knocked out earlier in the day and thus the snorlax when knocked out wouldn't give any coins due to the 50 cap.

With the ability to recall from dynamax spots there's absolutely no reason we can't recall gym defenders outside of Niantic really doesn't want you getting free coins.
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Shadow monkey
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Wonder if shadow Gigalith will be stronger than Rampardos and Rhyperior. It has a better moveset.
>226 atk
Never mind, it might be stronger than S.Rhyperior still.
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Finally, a fire-type to surpass Shadow Moltres and Apex Ho-Oh.
>Shadow Mankey
Shadow Primeape might give me a mild headache eventually, but hopefully I won't care by then.

>Shitty attack stat
>Slightly better 1-bar vs. 2-bar while Moltres spams endless Heat Waves
I wouldn't even consider it being better.
Gigantamax raids when?
>galar expedition
>look inside
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>You still have time to use your daily incense!
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For me it was the former. Good luck.
Pretty sword, hope he comes back to the mainline games soon
Surely Gen 10 will have most what Paldea was missing right.
Oh boy, Patrat!
I haven't used mine in weeks. At first, when the G-birds spawned every time or every other time it was worth it, bu now it's like one every ten or twenty and I just don't bother anymore, they flee anyways.
I just want shadow beldum back into rotation….
Easiest to hardest themed gyms to build

Mono Color
All Shinies
Mono Type
Themed animal
Mono Babies
Three Stage evo
Waifumon gym
Where's non-monotype mono-weakness?
I have not seen a gym like this but I assume it would be harder than Waifumon since it requires a level of autism many playing go don’t have.
where did this faggot solar beam "meme" come from? some dumb nigger that intentionally likes annoying people? what a kike thing to do.
The guy with the 800 deleted posts made a bunch of stupid claims, one of them being that Solgaleo was capable of one shotting Zygarde-C and Palkia Origin form with Solar Beam. When proven wrong about that, and a bunch of other things, he went into full meltdown mode.

That was 5 months ago and the fucker is still going on about it.
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>gym knockout drought for what seems like days
>inclement weather with heavy rain and high-speed winds from a crossing tropical storm/hurricane hits
>90% of the mons I have in gyms get knocked out
The fuck
>heavy rain and high-speed winds
Reads like your mons got...blown the fuck out
this is the schizo btw
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like clockwork
>links random posts on a completely different board months in the past
>non sequitur
A bot would be smarter
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>Giratina *origin forme*
at least you don't come across as obsessed yourself anon
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So.... anyone catch anything exciting today?
It was raining, so I didn't get all the groudons I had planned
Please explain why everybody in this thread shouldn't just report you for spamming/flooding.
Stop shitting up the thread by replying to the schizo
there's no way for this particular thread to be "shat up". it's already maximally shit
because people take the bait
is it taking bait if you're having fun
Just like acting retarded is being retarded
it's not spamming?
A gible. 50/50 if I wanna do raid day aince I’d rather just spam sword dog tomorrow
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>I'm not sure if the furfag was the solarbeam poster
What's the best place in the uk to grind for stonjurner? Been wandering around London and got 4 after a bit, but now has been days since I've seen one.
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Found something to worship
What if F1 were more like Trackmania?
Where are the Zacian raids?
They're supposed to start at 10am local time. It's almost 12pm local time.
Eggs appear at 10 am, at earliest they hatch at 11 am
Anyone after Zacian? I'm planning on doing one in half an hour but I'm not expecting locals to show up so it could be rough depending on how many people are interested.
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First raid ez
Where are the Zacian raids?
They're supposed to start at 10am local time. It's almost 12pm local time.
Sorry, my internet is messed right now.

Two changes I'd make to Gold Lures

1. Allow players to hold multiple at one time.
2. Make them last long when used during events. Every other module gets extended. Why not these ones?
I actually used to be a ban evading shitposter. Though I evaded because I straight up had no idea why my post got me banned.

I.e. posting Greninja in a Kalos thread
A thing I'd add to Pokémon Go: Make it so that Gyms function as "Training" once a Pokémon comes out of a Gym, it gets a cp boost dependent on the amount of battles and how long it lasted. Maybe even improved IVs.
Damn, I finally understand what was Aaron's fucking problem.
I really hope I get shiny dog. I missed him on console because of family fuckery depriving me of my old Switch.

And yes, I hope I get one too. If I get a second one, I can give one to you if you want.
anyone hosting doggy raids?
I've done one already, I might host another depending on when the next one is.
How hard are the dogs to beat? I'm still fairly new.
I did one locally with three other people remotely with Trainer levels ranging from 42-50 and we had about 143 seconds remaining on the clock.
So I'd recommend at least four experienced people if you want to complete it safely.
>trade still local only
>these niggers still expect me to make trades for a fucking larvitar of all things
Nah hombre. Stop pretending your name is anywhere near your peak
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Your alt bro?
My main isn’t even 40, I don’t play enough for an alt.
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But you can make one and quickly get rid of trade tasks. 100 dust per trade if both shitmons are registered in the dex. Your main's power doesn't matter
Of course you can always ignore it, since as you said the rewards are shit, just like most of the trash in this game.
How do I get an alt ? I don't want to get another phone just for this
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Zacian can kinda be a sidegrade or alternative to Xerneas that can punish a Ho-oh. Xerneas is basically guaranteed to run Moonblast/Close Combat, meaning Ho-oh is free swaps in. Zacian can run Play Rough, Close Combat, or Wild Charge, letting you pick if you get screwed by Ho-oh, Giratina, or Steel types in general. Basically trading raw stats for unpredictability. Regardless, the both of them get shredded by the Psychic/Steels, so Zacian isn't the "no safe swap in" it used to be.

Zamazenta just doesn't have the stats to compete really. It functions as a Steel + Rhypherior check, but Landorus works way better for that function.

Giratina-O is a classic to Master League. Basically the blunt hammer of pokemon. You know exactly what it's going to do, but ghost is so hard to find good resists for, that you often can't stop it unless you can just outrun it to charge moves.

Darkrai is useless on all leagues and raids
You have a shiny shadow G-Weezing, right Anon?
fuck you
Do you have an android device? If not, idk
If you do, get yourself a Samsung Store apk of pogo. Or use Secure Folder to make a copy of your apk with separate data.
Seething sean
Akemi or austin? Make up your mind.
My name isn't austin though.
Wake up Tim you have been in a coma for 5 years!
>i-its real because I say so!!! if you don't agree you are lying!!
How about you just kill yourselves and leave the thread out of it? And if you think I mean the other guy, and not you: I mean you.
Damn this niggas name is exhentai lmao
Haha, you do realize it was posted intentionally to see if you would latch onto it like a broken record? You just prove the point.
Uh oh multiple posts in a minute
Is he really doe? Dont you think some crazy serial killer is more mentally ill?
Sean, you were the one who came to the madoka thread screeching about austin and linking this thread there. You are the one who starts shit.
Calm down
"He" only bans you.
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Pokemon Go?
Meanwhile your posting style is distinct and unique
Reddit spacing
We're just funposting though
This is working out great
>This is why it's totally fine to ban evade bans from Troid.
The retard literally admitted ban evading lol
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>This thread
>solarfag banned
>suddenly the keiran general complains a lot of posts disappear
plot twist I didn’t see coming
I want to explore Tifora's body.
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>Caught two shiny Galarian Ponyta today.
Did they forget to switch the shiny rates back?
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>walk my dog 3 times a day
>usually capture gyms by my house
>notice that same player continually takes gyms right after I do
>at first think it's a spoofer
>start to notice same car around the area day or night
>get annoyed as I just want my 50 Pokeshekels
>walking an hour ago, capture 3 gyms
>same car screeches up not 5 minutes later
>as they drive by I finally get a look at them
>woman in her 60's
>handicap plates
I now realize that this woman drives around town all day playing Go. I've noticed she even parks outside of gyms while raids are going on in order to capture the gym after. I just can't beat someone who's probably on disability and has infinite time. I went from being annoyed to feeling kind of bad for her because I'm assuming she doesn't have much else going on in her life.
You’re getting gymmogged by a grannie
slash her tires
Yeah, I know. I have a job and a family so she wins right out. Not much I can do.
She was speeding in a park where kids play. I'm not a snitch but if she keeps driving like a maniac I might have to report her. I do have her plate number.
Who knows, maybe she's been on the police's radar for a while.
It's a bot anon, nothing that you can really do until they range ban it.
unfortunately the idiot's been range banned multiple times already, and always sneaks back in.
More like sneACKs back in
Getting ready for Zacian raids
Bot response
I went to Honolulu this past spring and was surprised at how many elderly people play this game.

They were pretty much the majority. I don’t know how this game got them but I also just chalk it to being around a confusingly high amount of Asians.
No we are not
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edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!

looking at posts like
it's really just a sad cry for attention
Imagine some guy sitting at his computer all day,
posting the same stale pasta,
hoping to get real (You)s to validate his efforts
tfw an hour and a half left
>get reply notification
>post already hidden
And nothing of value was lost

>try to report it for schizo spam anyway
>that post doesn't exist anymore
Everything went better than expected
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Like 15-20% of Hawaii is Japanese so it's not surprising. Also the franchise is almost 30 years old so it's to be expected we have some geezer fans about.
They fixed dmax spot candy
Doctors/family members will try to get old people to stay active in any way + sending a gift every day from somewhere you went is exactly the type of low level interaction they like (shows you’re alive and gives a little update on your life and ‘shows you care’). It’s like when your grandma sends you an awful facebook meme but involves staying somewhat active.
Why is there little medal symbols on grookeys on my radar?
They fix raids yet?
collection challenge, yo
ahh. Now I see it
I checked at first, but the challenged hadn't loaded yet
wait.... "trade challenge"?
I don't have to trade these fuckers to complete it, do I?
Have fun :)
yes you do
I was whining about this last night and no one cared
Most of them were spawning out the ass over the last event
I suppose it wants me to get them through trade, not trade them away?

I care...
doesn't matter
Challenge told me to trade a Lotad
Caught a Lotad and it did not care

Also fun:
From what I experienced, half the shit only spawns via incense
But that could be just my rural spawn rate
>half the shit only spawns via incense
already lit one. It was orange, so I was hoping for a 3 hour timer like usual
It was not.
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Do I just hundo it?
Been trying to complete a living dex.. cannot fucking believe I'm going to have to play this game multiple times just to get meltan and melmetal
If you pinap the meltan and set a decent stride you should get enough candies to evolve a meltan after just one box

No the spawn rates suck, I went the shield path for more larvitar and am annoyed that I have to pop an incense for it
You have friends on all the other continents I hope.
Connecting go to home will automatically give you a melmetal
You’ll just need to catch one (1) meltan and maybe a gimmighoul
Seed post
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guess he's right for once
That's an easily faked screenshot.
Good to know, thanks

How easy is it to solo Drampa?
I solo'ed. 1st 'mon died after getting it to 1/4 health, 2nd finished it off
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Any fellow walkchads that can recommend a good power bank?

Preferably one that's not too thick and fits in a pocket, and doesn't get too hot so it fries your leg
the only one shitposting is you. solar beam is posting about the game and nothing else, while all you do is bitch
>Do I just hundo it?
Might as well unless you want to keep a shadow shuckle for the memes. We are coming up on an event to remove frustration.
I got my mom a heated jacket with a built in phone charger a few years ago and she loves it, but idk if thats what you want
>Any fellow walkchads that can recommend a good power bank?
Anker. the 20k one is a good size unless you gonna play literally all day. just make sure you have a long enough charging cord so you can freely move your arm about.
>finally have a pretty decent team
>feel confident for premium
>attack goes through shield and costs me the entire pvp battle over all

What the FUCK
I’m never doing this shit again.
Me and some anon just duod it. Get a mega Lucario or your best fighting and ice types. Should be doable with a bunch of level 20 somethings
Is mega Gardevoir and Mega Blaziken soloable?
Have sex with her. She probably hasn't felt the touch of a real dick in decades.
anker will last for years. i have one i bought in 2018 that's still going strong.
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>Got into PvP tanking once Niantic allowed Shadow Dragonite to become the Melmetal-eating machine they promised us back in February 2020
>Eventually got sick of Master League once they implemented the in-person pass buff that quadrupled the number of lvl. 50 legendary teams I had to fight in tanker-tier
>Finally got around to building a team with some lvl. 50 legendaries after I got sick of doing Ultra League the past two seasons
>Not even ace-rank lvl. 50 teams pose a threat to me anymore
I finally made it bros. Can't wait to still get filtered on my first attempt to get to legends once pic related becomes a costume set next season.
do you consider solo playing by yourself with multiple accounts/phones?
A chipmunk?
I got a fucking chipmunk for the collection challenge??
What do you get for the trade challenge? A dumb sheep?
you get the psuedo legendary of the other path (so if you chose sword you get larvitar and shield you get deino)
Thanks. Guess I'll survive without another deino
Can you duo Zacian?
I don't think I can
Maybe you can. Go for it!
Pinaps are the yellow berries that double the candy you get on a catch

Another based shield path user I see, I did it because I want more larvitar XLs to power up my 98% tyranitar I caught years ago as my first one. Its one of the only ones I have that’ll naturally hit over 6k when megad
>Another based shield path user I see
I'd love a better emo dragon, but chunky boy definitely takes priority
I won't believe any anon saying they picked sword
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I did it, raids are cancer now.
nice job

How'd you do it?
1-2 good 'mons you kept reviving with 4-5 instant deaths?
Or did you actually have 6 'mons with enough dps?
I have a full team, had to relobby once.
It is better to just use 3 strong mons and revive them every time, but it gets super clunky with only one phone, so I just let them die.
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I got lucky and hatched a perfect 2 years ago, I wasn’t gonna max it out but the community day and the level 45 task of maxing out three mons gave me the motivation to. I just wish it was stronger, I feel like fairy’s make this thing completely useless in master league
>I feel like fairy’s make this thing completely useless in master league
flash cannon?
If you can survive long enough to use it maybe
>Nobody's invited me to a dog raid
>Literally none have appeared at any gyms I've been near
I'm gonna start abloo-hoo-hooing for real.
There should be a toggle you can switch if you want to be invited to raids. I was feeling generous so i toggled online on so I could help some of you guys do some raids. I got a couple of invites but it should be more explicit
i invited some people from here for doggo raid
and we won! :3
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Wtf since when
A Max Battle before I've had my coffee? Surely you jest.
Eternatus is an eepy boy and needs his rest
You should be having sex before your Max Battle™.
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>Use my daily special trade to try to give my alt. a lucky Dynamax Beldum by trading for one of its many Registeel from the "A Colossal Discovery" raid battles
>No lucky
>Go straight to candy XL grinding
>Get fucking SIX luckies in a row
>...Maybe I should try another Dynamax Beldum
>No lucky
I know Hanke does this on purpose, but it doesn't piss me off any less.
My boyfriend leaves at 5 am.
Yeah i know, we meet at 6am.

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