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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

Rather than a thread question this time, how about this: post fic ideas, requests, writing prompts, etc. If there are any writefags in the thread, maybe something will inspire you. Anyone who WANTS to be a writefag but hasn't done it yet, this is your opportunity to finally write something. Anyone who fills a request gets a WebM of Nurse Joy typing whatever you want. (It's all I can really offer I'm afraid)

>post fic ideas, requests, writing prompts
I've been thinking about a post-war story but the planet's size gets in my way, should Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh be the same size as their real counterpart or as big as a real country with the planet being twice earth's size? Depending on that I might take them in a single alliance.
>Rather than a thread question this time, how about this: post fic ideas, requests, writing prompts, etc.
Been meaning to post another writing prompt based off of working with a randomly generated Pokémon for the past couple of threads, personal matters had just torpedoed my will to write for a bit. Almost done typing it up...
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Writing exercise time!

Imagine you (or a character you're writing) don't have a Pokémon yet. Maybe you're just a kid who isn't old enough to be trusted with one, or you're an adult with an actual stable job and never had a use for one, or maybe you just don't think you'd be a great trainer. Still, you've probably imagined in your head what the ideal Pokémon for you would be—the noble Gallade, or maybe the sleek and cool Scizor, or the elegant Milotic...

But you don't get any of those. Instead, one fateful day, through a stroke of (bad? good?) luck, you find yourself burdened with a:
Generate 1 Pokémon, Unevolved, No Legendaries.

Look at their Bulbapedia page, specifically the Biology section and Pokédex entries. What kind of needs do they have? A voracious and exotic appetite? Constant shedding, or need for trimming/shaving? Do they get restless if they don't get to battle multiple times a day? Maybe they can only thrive with certain environmental conditions you'll have to reproduce at home. Everyone wants to have a puppy that also breathes fire, but what does owning one really *entail*? Think about the work that goes into one instead of just the cool things it can do.

How does it end up going? Do you start resenting it, or would it be the kind of thing that you/r character eventually finds a way to handle, somehow or another? Is there some cool positive trait of the Pokémon that makes you warm up to it or that offsets all of the work involved, or do you feel more like you've become a charity worker working your ass off for this thing with no reward? Does it even have a nice enough temperament to feel grateful?
>>56491335 (char limit)
Extra Credit: How did you and the Pokémon meet to begin with? Did you find it injured in your backyard, and feel compelled to nurse it back to health? Was it given to you by your employer because its abilities are an important part of your job? Maybe it's a gift from your family for your coming of age, even though you were ASKING for a SHINY PUREBRED CHARIZARD with the EPIC DRAGON TRANSFORMATION GEM (sold separately) and they just didn't get the hint. If you warm up to it in the end, how does it end up working out? There's bound to be a story in all of that.

Next time you write a trainer's Pokémon, hopefully you'll consider not just its personality and skills in battle, but all the other stuff that goes into it between the fight scenes too!
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My roll was a Wooloo, and I imagined a little girl who's finally old enough to be trusted with a Pokémon unwrapping a Poké Ball for her birthday. Her mind's racing as she imagines what's inside—is it a Machamp? Houndoom? No way, maybe it's even a super cool Moltres, and she can destroy all of her friend on the battlefield! She tosses the Poké Ball out onto the grass, and it's, it's—!

...It's an overgrown lump of fluff.

>"Surprise, sweetie! Uncle Barley got you a Wooloo from his farm!"
This was the exact opposite of the type of Pokémon she wanted, but she forces a smile for that same kind of face you make while thanking grandma for getting you socks for Christmas and proclaiming it's exactly what you wanted.
>"Gee, th-thanks guys!"

She'd soon come to learn that Wooloo wool grows exceptionally fast (over 4x the rate of real life sheep) and it will become immobolized by the sheer mass of it if not sheared often enough. Her uncle is a hick who prefers doing things the "old-fashioned way," so she was given a pair of hand shears instead of the convenient electric one. Her first shearing session is also how she discovered she was allergic to the lanolin in the wool! Lovely. At least feeding it is as simple as letting it graze on the grass outside, but she has to be vigilant when it's at home, lest she's yelled at for ruining the lawn again.
But hey, at the end of the day, a Pokémon is a Pokémon, right? Even the weakest ones can still battle, and she was intent on making it work. Sending it out against a wild Pokémon, she comes to learn... Wooloo are actually really friendly, and don't like conflict at all. No matter how much the wild 'mon wails on it, it doesn't fight back, just sort of absentmindedly rolling away. After a few more attempts of this that go the same way, she can't take it anymore, sending it out again in a rage back at home and ranting and crying about how he's useless and nothing but a bundle of chores and he's ruined her life etc. etc., the whole angsty shebang. In a fit of rage (not her proudest moment), she shoves it over, only to find that it didn't even react, never even pausing chewing its moutful of grass.
>"You don't... feel... anything..."
Testing something, she karate chops it over the wool, looking at its face to gauge its reaction. It didn't even notice.
Over the next few days, and a couple chats with her uncle, she comes to learn that, yeah, Wooloo are like that. Their thick layer of wool cushions them from even the hardest of blows, and they can actually fall right off a cliff and land safely at the bottom without even feeling a thing.

This was a game changer! Why didn't anyone tell her before? Wooloo could have a tough Pokémon absolutely pummeling it and just sit there and shrug it off like it's nothing! With a renewed vigor, she gets back to training Wooloo, this time with knowledge of its actual strengths in mind. Eventually, their strategy emerges: Wooloo conserves its energy at the start of the fight, letting the opponent tire themselves out knocking it around like a beachball (all while it bleats happily, assuming it's some sort of game), and then once the opponent is too exhausted to keep it up, they go for the kill—she taught Wooloo to tackle on command by playing football/soccer with it, which it still thinks it's playing during matches.

Over the years, our plucky little trainer went on to have a long and prosperous battling career, and her now-Dubwool always kept its spot at the top of her team (and her heart), never the wiser that it wasn't actually football champion of her hometown.
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Do The Mankey With Me!(Pokemon/Johnny Bravo) is the greatest crackfic out there, even if it's not even 2k words long.
link? sounds based
Got one of these bad boys, which is a very interesting pokemon to give to a young kid, though probably the least troublesome dragon pokemon. I'd imagine him as someone interested in pokemon, but maybe not intending to be a trainer. Maybe the type of person interested in being a researcher or professor, who lucked into getting a rare pokemon, and now has to adjust to the difference between reading about something and doing it.
The main issue is that I don't think this is the kind of pokemon you can keep as a house pet. Axew's entries all talk about territorial behaviour and challenging other pokemon in order to strengthen its tusks, so without regular exercise our young trainer is going to have a very frustrated Axew and a lot of property damage on his hands.
It's described eating berries, prey, and requiring underground minerals in the entry for Axew, Fraxure, and Haxourus respectively so I think it's fair to assume that it's omnivorous. It's likely going to need a large source of calcium to keep regrowing tusks as an Axew.
As he spends some time battling and training, his interest in pokemon would only grow. He'd end up capturing a team of other rarer/interesting pokemon. By the team he has an established team and maybe a couple badges by the time that Axew evolves.
If his time with Axew is a time of discovery and development, Fraxure is the time to temper that strength. The Axew and Fraxure are strong, but at this point he's realizing that battling is something that he's passionate about and not just a means to see new pokemon. But since evolving, Fraxure has been more violent, but also can't just run over unprepared trainers anymore, so he needs to be more strategic, and use Fraxure a bit more sparingly.
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I'm not sure how this would end. Maybe he'd begin to dial back the battling, and continue on his original path of a professor, where Haxorus is a great example of how even threatening pokemon can become your friend and partner, or maybe after they've gone through the fire of battle together they find that's the only thing they want to pursue anymore.
This prompt would've been way different if I had rolled Barbaroach or something, but a strong dragon that needs to fight would likely lead to a pretty conventional trainer story.
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Why aren't you writing right now?

I'm waiting on my lesbian autist friend to finish exiting my first few chapters so I can put them up.
consolidating my writing notes scattered across DMs with friends, posts in these threads I have saved in my history, screenshots, and my old notes app, all into one place. I'll totally write after this, I swear!
I’m hard at work on my next fanfic. It’s the first time I’m writing dialogue and Pokémon battles as opposed to just prose, so it’s taking a bit longer.
This thing just got a new chapter.

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>Holy shit, a pokemon fanfiction with Saul Goodman!? Sign me in

I'm gonna blow my fucking brains out
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Rather than write a chapter, I decided to write a script to check the word count of royal road chapters automatically
greasyfork: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/510219-royal-road-chapter-word-count
For example, first 5 chapter word counts for the following
Borne of Caution: 6066, 7092, 10435, 6023, 5696
Hard Enough: 2529, 1832, 2605, 3597, 2965
Looking for a Home: 2507, 3676, 2485, 2761, 3155
Pokemon Trainer Vicky: 2941, 6733, 5529, 6448, 7203

you get the idea. Beefier stories tend to be 6k+, while normal tend to be around 3k. 1.5-2k is pretty short overall. The script saves me the trouble of copy pasting it into an external word counter. Might be useful for writers if you wanna easily see how much other writers are putting into their content without having to go through a hassle.
I know that feel, personally the only script fics I can tolerate are Disco Elysium ones and only if they're in the games style.
Royalroad is an interesting case where writers are heavily incentivized to write shorter chapters because it boosts their metrics and lets them reach and stay on Rising Stars, which is basically the only way to get past 100 followers. Even if you have 6k chapters, you're better off breaking them up into three chapters and posting them daily or m/w/f, at least until you fall off of Rising Stars.

Neat script. I'll use it.
It’s an annoying format, but it’s pretty good regardless.
Here you go, although I literally gave you the full title so you could have had it yourself in five seconds.
>if she even wants to evolve that is, I would never force her to if she just wants to stay as she is
Every single fucking story with with a stone evo
Isn't that more of an anime thing? Like because they want the mascot to stay in its most marketable state (like Pikachu).
It's kinda different from having a bit of drama like "which evo she should become?", it's a predictable direction for an Eevee plot, but I think it works as a hook to keep them guessing early on (not that I like Eevee starters, that's too cliche, but more like as the second or third mon, also less focus on the drama, just a side thing to keep readers guessing).
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If they wrote a story where the main poke desperately wants to evolve but can't find/afford/use/whatever the relevant stone, you'd bitch about it being a metaphor for a tranny desperately wanting to cut their dick off.

If they wrote a story where the main poke doesn't want to stone evo and never does despite the power boost it would provide, you'd bitch that they're just ripping off Ash's pikachu.

If they wrote a story where the main poke gets stone evo'd and it's no big deal, you'd bitch about the lack of buildup and how it came out of nowhere.
https://rentry.org/lucariodawncynthia smut I wrote for Dawn general for those who're into this
The manga did too I think with Yellow pressing the B button in the pokédex because of course that shit was like magic
It's an extremely common scene to the point where it plays out the same almost verbatim. Trainer gets a stone through random happenstance, awkwardly presents the stone saying that they don't have to use it if they don't want to evolve that's perfectly okay so don't feel pressured blah blah, the poke thinks about it for a few moments, then goes through with it because obviously that was going to happen from the moment the stone appeared in the story.

The problem, aside from being so cliched, is that it's always just a transparent attempt by the author to make the protagonist look Nice for a moment and isn't rooted in the story or characters. There's never any indication that pokemon wouldn't want to evolve, that the particular pokemon might have issues with evolving, that there's any real drawback to it. The protagonist never asks his other pokemon if they're worried about evolving and maybe would prefer to be equipped with everstones because it was never a real possibility. It's just false moralizing.
Holy mother of strawmen, Batman.
I always thought that an interesting twist is to have the pokemon evolve into a version they dont want to evolve into out of necessity in a strenous circumstance.

Ie.: Charcadet and his trainer are currently fighting an actual evil antagonist in some ruins, not a regular pokemon fight. Both Charcadet and trainer know there is a malicious armor close, but Charcadet does not want to evolve into a ceruledge. But trainer is critically hurt by the antagonist and will be crippled or DIE unless Charcadet wraps things up, without a second hesitation Charcadet uses the armor and evolves into Ceruledge to end the fight and get his trainer to safety.

Maybe all of this is already present in some fanfic I cant bother to read, but I think it makes the thing actually interesting by making the evolution be actually decided by the pokemon and making it a conflict point for the pokemon's character, turning into something it didnt want to become.
Unrelated, but I love how Umbreon looks like it's seen some shit.
In all my years I've never seen something of that sort in any fanfic.
It's ALWAYS the situation >>56496034 is presenting.
Funnily enough, the original situation with Pikachu and Raichu, the "evolving too early so you cripple your development" and "learn everything you can as the pre-evo because the evo will change your physiology" which is a interpolation of how pre-evos learn moves faster than evos, or how stone evos don't even learn moves at all, I've never seen either. Completely gone and forgotten.
Yet another wound the trAshnime has caused to the franchise as a whole.
Oh, actually, I vaguely remember this one old-ass fic where a Charmeleon was scared shitless of heights and so it didn't wanna evolve into a Charizard.
Would that count?
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Absolutely obssessed

Anyways, reminder to never trust glowies, even more when they're god's glowies
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Is there anything /vp/ likes about Reset Bloodlines? Just wondering.
>Kill count
>Ash pic
The fuck did I miss? But not really, the faggot got to uppity with his OCs nobody gave a shit and got stuck in a tournament arc because he wanted said OCs to be super special snowflakes
I haven't read it so I can never dislike it as much as someone who did read it.
>In all my years I've never seen something of that sort in any fanfic.
NTA but it happens in the GSC arc in pokespe (which I read a few weeks ago), in the Daycare Gold looks at a photo of Red's jobberwrath with his Poliwag and he wonders something like "maybe one day you could become like this too!", then later when the Bell Tower is literally falling on Gold and Silver they trade evolve his Poliwhirl because it was their only way to get out of the situation.
not really
you can't even praise its premise because it's an edgier rip-oof of ashes of the past. just go read that instead if you want Peggy Sue/Regressor ash
I know a story where the Quilava doesn’t want to evolve into an ordinary Typhlosion and there’s a plot point where the trainer is trying to figure out how to get a Hisuian version.
>Peggy Sue/Regressor
You know, that's a really interesting setting with every little piece we know of
>Future is so fucked that Pokémon evolved to machines to survive
>Human settlements have been abandoned for who knows how long in PMD
>The energy crisis was real
>Some worlds fell to UBs
>Space is a big no no, you can fuck around with dimensions but outer space? Fugg, Necrozma, Eternatus, Deoxys and Even Terapagos iirc would rather stay in the planet that go back
>Flame plate - "The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate."
Shame Masuda killed any hype by telling us that the Pokémon world is based on ours so no fantasy stuff will have any weight beyond Pokémon
I like the superpowers, at least in concept. The idea that some humans can gain Pokémon powers is definitely worth toying with. If you could just remove the whole "some Bloodliners have passive breeding powers that create harems", and not have most of them related to Ash because "lol my dad is a sex god", you'd probably get a decent story.
I guess he would need a spiritomb and have access to mount Coronet.
Sinoh is north of Johto and West of Unova so depending on where he is that might be a bit of a journey.
>"some Bloodliners have passive breeding powers that create harems", and not have most of them related to Ash because "lol my dad is a sex god"

Still hilarous as fuck, and to think he shittalked auraslop and Red
iirc, the trainer goes to Sinjoh Ruins to see if there was any info on evolving it. The idea by the researchers there was to have the Quilava fulfill the role of a Hisuian Typhlosion, and that’s where they’re at now.
i'm pretty sure every other haremslop story out there is better than the garbage put out by the reset bloodlines shitter
Even the jordino slop
>Carnivine is very gluttonous, and is known to have an unruly temper.
I feel like I'm going to have to kidnap small Pokemon and constantly feed it like Little Shop of Horrors.
>try to evolve an Espeon
>accidentally evolve a Sylveon by being the only trainer in Johto that pets their Pokemon and feeds them treats
>become world famous for discovering a "new" Pokemon
>love my Sylveon anyways
There is a pmd fic where one of the secondary antagonists was a midnight form Lycanroc that unintentionally evolved saving one of its friends.
Tried to do right but was too messed up by the natural edginess of his evolved form and the way he’s treated by society and so becomes a bad guy.
Was actually done pretty well. It was a long form fic with a vulpix as the protagonist, can’t remember then name though.
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It may be my brainrot speaking, but the protag of Borne of Caution reads like he really wants to fuck his Ninetales.
Whatever would make you think that? Truly absurd.
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>Please wait here, love
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I prefer anothro mons, gadevoir gets a wedding dress mega and I had a Lopunny party member in a rom hack I fondly remember.
To be fair some parents do call their children that
>Moore tries to set Flannery up with Lee
>Ninetales instantly responds with visible seethe
Definitely no subtext there
Yeah there's nothing there. I'd get angry too if some old bastard was trying to shackle my purely platonic cuddling bro(whom I've endearingly nicknamed) to some harlot.
Surely the author doesn't want his OC to fuck his pet dog. Surely.
I keep waiting that one chapter someone will actually adress his relation with Ninetales and just say to both of them "you are weird, you are creepy stop being weird and creepy" and every day my hopes keep growing deemer.
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Verily, I approve of this thread. Pokemon are but animals and tools, thus treating them otherwise is wrong. Verily.
What other games characters could I make appear as cameos or as side-character in Galar? Looking for ideas and suggestions.
I'm already planning on having Clair appear and destroy Raihan because of how much he's been running his mouth about he could be Champion in any other Region and how other Dragon Trainers aren't shit compared to him. Decided on Clair of all people because of that dumb-ass Lance's clothes are based on the uniform of the Gym anime thing they came-up with to keep wanking Galar, and that's as good of a connection as any other.
I will actually be putting in effort to show her on positive light, crazy, I know. May have her mentor the MC a little because of how enamored I've always been with the Clair as a teacher idea.
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>clothes are based on the uniform of the Galar truly was the start of the DEI shit
>rich history
but it's literally canon that their perceived history has been entirely fabricated by their false-royalty? What did the anime mean by this
Looking at their teams, I thing Leon tends to have the more well rounded teams but Clair actually has a full team, uses items, and has a pretty annoying paralysis spam game plan in gen 2. Her usage of Scope Lens + Sniper Kingdra is also pretty brutal
Clair is disadvantaged by coming from a powercreeped generation, but looking at all the pokemon she's ever been given she has a pretty good roster to choose from. You bring in Megas she could have a mega Altaria, Garchomp, or Charizad x or Y.
She also has some non-dragons to choose from like Ampharos, Nidoking, Rhydon, and Lapras.
I think including her Rhydon would be a good option as it could beat Leon's Rhyperior while holding an Evolite.
Journeys couldn't decide if it wanted to shill Galar or if it wanted to completely ignore it for the sake of more K-K-KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
At this point, specially so knowing how Journeys turned out, I really wish that instead of it we'd just have gotten a normal traveling format series set on Galar, since Galar would have actually benefited from all the anime-original places and expansion and stuff the anime loved to do. Would really have done a shitton to not make Galar feel so fucking empty and lacking in near every aspect.
Raihan, anon. Not Leon.
the psychics literally say "you guys aren't a thing? you act like a couple." and the younger girl psychic blushes at them while they say "we've decided not to go that far"
You know the dude Japanese women were obsessed with before they threw him into the trash for Rika.
Did they finally stop with muh lifespan drama?
I don't know who that is either.
Alzheimer is a serious condition.
that stopped when ninetales evolved. Her choosing to evolve was its resolution
So Lee finally accepted that his fucktoy will live longer?
Lee was never the issue, did you even read it or are you saying second hand stuff? It's not a bad fic, but that wont stop me from shitposting about it
The guy who can't put his money where his mouth is.

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