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This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens. Previous thread >>56476903

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator. Opus tier users have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations, though editing tools require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is free using its ‘buzz’ currency. You get about 50 every day plus more for liking models and gens.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation. An ad watch is require between each image generation unless you pay.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Other Stable Diffusion threads are on: /h/, /e/, /d/, /b/, /vt, /aco/, /trash/

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. This is a list of all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.

This is a locally run html provided by ThatOneAiAnon. It keeps track of all artists you like and turns Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsible list of buttons. You can edit all the js, css, html code to modify the tool.
>mega .nz/file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

"Can you guys start using some words that were invented after the year nineteen-oh-zero?"
I thought she was a horse from the thumbnail
Kek, I can see that from a distance.
Thank you for the gen, machine, it's really cool. I hope you have a good rest of ur day :)
Requesting Roselia looking up at you, POV, blushing, Pokémoa style
Arcadoom, if (You) will.
>Pokémoa style?
Any style I don't mind desu
Pokemoa is an artist who is famous for being very accurate to the official Pokémon artstyle. He made a lot of classic images featuring many pokégirls in swimsuits (as well as without them).
You should make chubby Roxanne Ai art
Think about it
Requesting a mid 20s Game Serena but now she's working as a professor! Some tags that'd be useful: glasses, pinup, posing, blonde_hair
Requesting Klara bending over and looking at the camera, smirking, in the changing rooms.
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is img2img possible on this sprite, ty in advance if anyone tries
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Also this one haha, this
*this is the BW2 one
Damn i should really stop being vague
Rel pic was a subway station. The two should be waiting at the subway station. Watercolor_(medium), i think, gives a dreamy vibe
Cant post images or links because of a fuckin und er ag e groo med tra n n y ni gg 3r
A /v/ mod abused his tr00n "power" then killed himself because I didn't worship his boyfriend/random e-celeb
/v/ is unusable now, first time I tried for years because the tranny jannies already ruined it but it's instant ban for not being a tranny niggerbot groomed kid
Please speak English.
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The AI tried its best. Roselia only has 250 images.
Lol it doesn't let me post if I do
Tra n n y
Jann ies should all be eradi cated in concent ration ca mps
Requesting Nemona and Florian crying in each other’s arms.
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Hi. Another day, another request.
>Blaziken, holding pokemon, Torchic
Bumping my request from yesterday >>56489097
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Yes, and sprite upscaling often has cute results.
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Good evening Machine. Hope the day treated you well. Gonna hold off on making any requests until the current roll has been cleared out.

And if it wasn't apparent already, we've got a copycat user making particular requests that I would normally make. While I welcome other people doing this, the least they can do is adopt their own screen name so there's some differentiation between us.

Have some Hex in the meantime, which I posted earlier this morning.
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How's this?
That's cute
I don't know if an Inteleon and Meloetta fusion would work
Kindly requesting
>May (Ruby and Sapphire), big breasts, squatting, dildo riding, naked, tongue out, heavy breathing

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Cute, would do her route first.
But why? That's so sad.
Kinda worked, Torchic still has issues.
not that anon but these Hilda gens are super good. My head canon is that she had to do the car washing because she needs to get some Ultra Balls and she's all out of Pokedollars kek
>But why? That's so sad.
Idk, maybe I’ve just been feeling a bit emotional lately. I also think it would be very sweet. They finally feel comfortable enough around each other to open up. It’s understandable if you don’t want to do such a thing. Maybe I’ve just ran out of ideas for requests.
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C >>56489489
It's in there somewhere.
Someone was using your name in last thread? That's weird, I wonder why.
Kinda works.
They weren't using my name, but they were making a bunch of Alice-related requests - the May, Lusamine and Yancy ones I feel were from the same person. They even blamed ME for this thread, which makes no sense.
Oh sorry I missed it, thanks Machine!
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>Still has issues
>Literally double the references compared to its final evolution
I know I pointed this out last time I requested a Torchic, but nani the fuck? Whatever.
>Torchic, aviator sunglasses, smug, explosion
Also, I didn't thank you for the Sabrina you did yesterday, so thank you.
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It's fine, just a bit concerned after the suicidal Nemona request from an anon the other day.
Oh, try not to let it get to you. Other people like Alice stuff as well.
Np <3
>nani the fuck
I know, it's weird. These look alright.
And <3
C >>56492825
Aww, thanks. The first one in particular is very beautiful. Despite her lively personality, Nemona has a lot of issues deep down. Neglect from her parents, isolation from her peers, she never felt like she truly had a friend until she met you. Your rivalry is very special.
Radiates "little shit" energy. I love it. Can I have this again, but substituting Pichu and lightning instead please?
Can I get Hex or Hapu in a Chinese dress and nurse hat please?
>It's fine, just a bit concerned after the suicidal Nemona request from an anon the other day.
No worries.
It's fine. I just wouldn't want you getting overwhelmed by multiple people requesting similar prompts. That's one reason why I'm using the name instead of pretending to be a bunch of people and taking advantage of things.

Let's see if Novel wants to cooperate tonight and give us some tinies. We'll give Dawn the first salvo.

dawn (pokemon), {{{{{shrinking}}}}}, {{{{{minigirl}}}}}, {{{{{mini person}}}}}}, {{{{{oversized object}}}}}, {{{{{glass bottle}}}}}, {{{{{giant bottle}}}}}, {{{{{empty bottle}}}}}, {{{{{full body}}}}}, {{{{{{alice (alice in wonderland) (cosplay)}}}}}, pink dress, frilled dress, puffy dress, white apron, petticoat, puffy sleeves, short sleeves, pink bow, hair bow, white pantyhose, black shoes, mary janes, blush, surprised, looking up, from above, indoors, floor
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I see, hopefully she gets lots of headpats in the future.
neat fusion, thank you Machine
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It seems nurse cap bleeds into the outfit similar to how leotard sometimes adds rabbit ears. It kept putting them in a nurse uniform.
>Poaching my request from last thread
Cute. Doesn't hit quite the same though. Could I request the Torchic one again, but with added tuxedo please?
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Ah, it's all good.
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It kinda worked
>I see, hopefully she gets lots of headpats in the future.
She will get as many big hugs and kisses as she deserves. Which is all of them.
Nice! Can I get more Hapu nurse please?
Can i have may as adult pokemon professor? Some tags will be labcoat, open labcoat, hair bow, huge breasts, cleavage, pencil skirt, blue eyes, and as negative bandana please, thanks!
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Very cursed. I was expecting something akin to the "Wooper in a hoodie" I requested a while back, but this is fine as well.
Anyway, how about something less like a crime against nature?
>Hilda, bodysuit, motorcycle, ass focus, speed lines
Sup Machine it’s Hex. Can I get a Gengar with a flower crown?
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Morning, Hex! How are you doing?
I’m doing great! Just busy with stuff but great mate.

How are you doing?
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Bah god, she's so little. The middle-right pic is probably the best of the bunch, once the top of the outfit is edited to match the rest.

Later on, you wanna try this with Liko? I'd have her in the classic blue dress, and replacing 'pink bow' with 'blue bow.' I'd also remove the 'from above' prompt, as I think the big bottle should be enough to show how small she is.
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Hey Hex, cute idea.
I’m doing alright.

An anon in the Nemona thread has found out about my /trash/ days, which I now deeply regret. I haven’t been there in at least a few weeks, I only went there last night to see if Footanon was there (he wasn’t). My iPad’s battery has also been playing up lately (it gets to like 80-something percent and repeatedly shuts off at every percentage afterwards), despite having gotten it replaced almost a year ago. I might have to delete my lewd Nemona and Penny pics if I want to get it repaired. It sounds easy enough, but I might have difficulty regaining all of the AI requests I did. The alternative would be to put that stuff on a usb (I found out that it’s possible), but having a porn drive is just a liability waiting to happen. It’s fine, though, just a tough decision.

In other news, I finished episode 26 of Pokémon Horizons, which means that I’m done with the first arc! I really liked it, and I’m excited for what comes next (the new intro looks really cool).

(Do I overshare? Sorry if I do.)
Nice. Time for some Gijinka hijinks, methinks.
One human Arcanine, please. Male and female versions, if you wouldn't mind.
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Kinda weird I've only had 2 or 3 Liko requests. Is she just not that popular?
Nah your fine mate

And that’s absolutely adorable

Next can I get Sabrina dressed as Maylene or Erika? Which ever is easiest to gen
Getting a bit of the Mega Man Legends character model aesthetic here.
I think there are a lot of purists who gave up on the anime after Ash was retired. They're no longer interested if the character they've been following for nearly 30 years is no longer around.

Liko does have her charms, and these look great. Thanks for these and the Dawn ones.

I may put in another request later, but I'll leave the floor for others who want stuff done.
Yeah, that was the plan
NTA, but I guess it’s because not as many people watch the anime compared to those who play the games.
>Nah your fine mate
No worries. These threads are just really comfy.
Can you do one with may?
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This took significantly longer than it should have and I do not understand why the AI refused to make it.
On the bright side I now have about 50 images of Arcanine.
K9 would be happy for them
>sweaty teddiursa
Requesting rosa fondling hilda's boobs, pokemoa style
Interesting. How does that compare to other humanized Pokémon you've done in the past? Regardless, thank you for the gens today.
Super cute, thanks! I like the side pics, can you add some tags with the previous prompt? high boots, navel, v-neck, midriff and if is posible a bit bigger breasts, no gigantic
Literally Monday morning thx
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Might as well post my own Alice Gen here

Hex Alice….as a life sized doll that may or may not kill you at night
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Erika turned out better, probably because her outfit is easier.
Love to but CivitAI's generator is facing a lot of downtime today.
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No problem
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Yeah, I guess so.
Np, let me know later.
I might condense the better ones into a few images later when things slow down.
It kept genning Hilda grabbing Rosa boobs. I don't understand why. I swapped their names in the prompt and that somehow fixed it.
Reversed https://files.catbox.moe/pe3o4x.jpg
It doesn't take that long usually. The Entei one the other day took 2-3 to get right. Np <3
Looks like they're good again
Not to move in on Alice Anon but, any chance for Lorelei as Alice eating large mushrooms?
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I'd buy one.
That one's really good.
I'd recommend adding the prompts 'giant mushroom,' 'sitting on mushroom,' etc. to help with this. Along with the 'minigirl' and 'shrinking' prompts. That should allow for this to work.

And no worries, mate. It's fun to see people sharing similar tastes. Just didn't want to overwhelm Machine or any other genner with too many similar requests all at once.
Requesting May in her Ruby/Sapphire costume, big breasts, looking up, POV, flushed, blushing, awe, but it's the infamous dick shadow meme kek
NTA but that Professor May is top tier, sheesh. Amazing gen!!
Thanks again for may
I miss this one, beautiful! Thank you
Seconding what what Alice added

Also cool, don't overwhelm the anon
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Her Sygna suit felt like it belonged in another kind of game. It's not just me, right?
It would be nice to see May as a sexy and busty professor like Ivy, Juniper or Sonia in a futuristic open world remake of Hoenn
So that's how her boobs got so big.
Yw, btw these alice prompts are making me think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0JvF9vpqx8
If you have the time, pls gen Skyla as Alice being displayed on a CRT TV
AI making 240p-screencap images is oddly eerie to me for some reason. Can't place it.

Fucking D'AWW
Requesting Rika completely naked except for a leaf on her crotch.
Tag: Leaf_on_crotch
Is there a tag for that? I can't figure it out.
Catbox is down
No explicit tag, try "trapped"
or vibe transfer using a crt stock photo
Why worried about it being found? You somewhere in EU?

Been looking into this, and examples of 'CRT' do exist.

I tried checking the sets of prompts where the TV is the focus, and the character in actually on it, but none of the examples I found features anything to say 'on' or 'in' TV. There are some that say 'through medium' and 'through screen' to indicate they're coming out of the TV a la The Ring, but that's not what OP is looking, I feel.

Only things I can suggest are to combine 'CRT' with 'television,' 'monitor,' and maybe 'looking at viewer.'
Can I get long hair down Misty please?
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I'll try again in a bit
A bit of an odd request this time. Requesting Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad in the Pokémon artstyle.
thx alice, i'm thinking of the crt tv functions like the frame of the photo, and Skyla appears "trapped"
Thanks can I get the same with Clover or Candice only she sweaty?
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And now, I contriboot.

Thanks to Machine donating this awesome Bea in the last thread, I was able to create this: Bea working out, practicing her kicking techniques on a lonely stretch of tropical beach with nothing disturbing her peace and quiet but a lone Staryu curious to see whats up.

All yours to freely share and have for all eternity.
Wow! That looks fantastic! Did you generate the background?
>Did you generate the background?

I used a service called live3d.io. Then layer and clean up work in Krita. So it's actually an AI/traditional handcrafted hybrid.
Lurker here. Machine someone JUST uploaded this to the trash AI thread
Nice! Extra effort like that is always appreciated.
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It tried.
Noice, good job anon!
wtf really? In the SD thread?
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Forgot to say thanks Machine!

Next I got>>56493654 WHAT?
Worth a shot. Thanks for the attempt. Shockingly, Danbooru doesn’t have many results for a character from a live action American crime drama.
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Uhhhh Machine…… he’s not capping:/

My Alice is posted there too……
There’s a gyaru Candice there as well, presumably one of Machine’s.
What the fuck, the Liko Alice one just got posted there as well.
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I’m so annoyed I can’t even type Nemona mate XP. People why?
I have no clue. I guess people just assume it’s for free use.
Yeah but on /trash/? Come on, we’re better that this

….hold up mates this ain’t Shawn’s doing is it?
>this ain’t Shawn’s doing is it?
Nah, it’s too tame. Plus, none of them involve Cynthia.
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Clover doesn't really work.
Thanks for Candice then! Also sorry about some ass posting your gens to /trash/!
I'm heading to bed, goodnight all.
Yeah, I think you'd have better luck with another site and LORAs.
It's whatever, I'm not going to dwell on it. It's the same as when that youtuber used my image for his thumbnail.
Goodnight, Machine!

>when that youtuber used my image for his thumbnail.
It better be.
It's Hilda's mum on a motorcycle.
I think it was last year but a YouTuber did the same thing but used it for a vid, someone noticed and we thought about flooding it with memes
What video was it? I’m very curious.
I would guess Lost Pause
Yeah, he definitely seems like the type. .
It was RuffledRowlet, it was the middle image of >>55266058 and it was >>55321936 that pointed it out just 9 days later.
Hey Nemo! :3 sorry to hear all of that... do you need help in saving the Nemona and Penny requests? u can send them to me and I'll keep them save so you can fix that tablet.

Aw, I missed Machiney :'3 but I'm glad to see you're still around! <3
>u can send them to me and I'll keep them save so you can fix that tablet.
That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for that. Although I probably don’t need them, it’s still nice to have them.
>Although I probably don’t need them, it’s still nice to have them.
exactly! I mean I dont always fap to mine, but I like having them for keepsake :3
and what happened in /trash/? did someone mess with u? :c
Let’s not discuss this here.
Not requester, but would they be satisfied with Candice wearing Kabuki face paint?
Thanks. I didn’t see any 4chan memes in the comments, unfortunately. It’s funny, though. It’s interesting to see a relatively big youtuber who actively browses /vp/.
I tried to give it a nostalgic feel.
And here's the End of Days.
Damn, that actually looks beautiful. Fantastic work.
I’m Australian. Plus, even if they didn’t report it (not that they would, it’s not like anyone actually cares), it would still be really embarrassing.

(Sorry, I didn’t notice this reply earlier)
Just put it on OneDrive if you don't want a family member to accidentally find your nsfw pics you've kept
Kindly rerequesting RS May dressed as Shiranui Mai, Pokémoa style, but from behind and with the dress flowing up, embarrassed, blushing
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Ginny Anon if your here mate
1: Sup, name Hex and I’m a friendly regular here

2: Some ass posted a few of your Eevee gens to the /Trash/ Stable Diffusion thread

I know the whole ignore trolls thing but….really?
99% of his videos are /vp/ threads with the title BIG POKEMON NEWS AND LEAKS!
we now know he cooms in this thread
Hot. Can you try 16 bit / genesis tags, something out of Streets of Rage
Not interested at the moment. Genning pixel art rarely comes out well.
Tried to make Selene into Yuffie
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Hey footanon, what's up?
I tried.
Did I miss any other requests?
These look awesome!
Cute Jasmines, would definitely headpat.
Hi, I'd like a Bea eating a massive burger but she just noticed (You) and is really embarrassed at being seen.
Hey Machine :3 not much, just hanging around. How have you been? it has been a while.
There was that Skyla request the other Anon made previously. The one where she's in the Alice cosplay and is actually 'trapped' in the TV set.

I'd recommend the tags 'looking at viewer,' and maybe 'stuck' or 'trapped' to help things along.
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I've been good, just busy with work. Got lucky and grabbed one of the keys some rich anon on /vg/ dropped the other day.
Oh. Right.
Can I get Jessie in a raincoat throwing snowballs?
Very cute. Next, something weird.
>Joltik, fake beard, top hat, monocle
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Had to use inpaint to make it work, and I still can't get it to look decent.
Really? sounds cool! do they do that often? and speaking of, can I go ahead and request? :3
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Sure, go ahead.
Well 2 things :3

1. in sugi's style, a boy with white hair and shirt on the beach looking at a sunset. back turned. dont know if thats possible :'3

2. one more simpler. Geeta trying on some black open toe high heels? also in sugi style and a focus on her toenails. She can be in her room or office or whichever :3
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I got 1 with a fake mustache.
Requesting Rika completely nude with her hair down.
Thanks! If you need a cute one how about Lyra holding Kirby?
A goober! Next, a lewd.
>Erika, kneeling, gokkun, heavy breathing, tongue out, cum on hands, heart-shaped pupils
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1. https://files.catbox.moe/i1pd6l.jpg
2. >
Geeta’s feeta.
>1. https://files.catbox.moe/i1pd6l.jpg

2. And thank you again! I love how she also has painted blue nails, such a hot detail! 1st and last one are my favorites! :D

Can I request the same one more time? but with Geeta in a more casual get up and outside on the grass? she can wear like a blue sundress with a black ribbon. :3
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Very cute!
very underrated La Primera's feet are!~
Thanks! Rika is very lovely. Can you make her less embarrassed?
I don’t really see a point in policing this kind of thing.
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Very lewd
Black ribbon didn't really show up.
Thank you! I got one more cute one: Mermaid Roxanne
Indeed. Back to cute then.
>Raichu, Pichu, piggyback, :d, forest
oh boy! :3 angles wonky, but still love it <3

Hmm.. lets see... how about a lewd one!
>Geeta giving a bj, from a side angle, looking up at who's she sucking, while she cups the guys balls in her fingers.

idk why im into Geeta suddenly... ._.
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Also cute
Methinks it's time for Iono to get tiny. Up to you if you want to give her a blue or black dress. I'd also nix the bow prompts, as she's got plenty of ornaments in her hair as it is.
Cute! Thanks for that. Rika is very chill, so I don’t think she would be embarrassed to be naked.

>idk why im into Geeta suddenly... ._.
She’s started to grow on me, admittedly.

(I think blowjob requests might be a bit too lewd for these threads)
>She’s started to grow on me, admittedly.
I think it's the Rika thread :'3

>(I think blowjob requests might be a bit too lewd for these threads)
Is it? oops... sorry Machiney :'3 I'll just request that then, I'll go back to tamer stuff.
I don’t know how Machine feels about blowjobs, but I recall Dawnbro saying that he wouldn’t do them.

>I think it's the Rika thread :'3
Fair enough. For me, I guess I’m just willing to experiment with different SV girls.
nta but
erika giving a french kiss to red pls
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I think I'm caught up. I will be back on later tonight.

Ah, gotcha.
You can still do blowjobs if you want, I might have just had a bit of a misconception.
yo that is sick af
Nice! :D thanks Machiney! I gotta bounce now, so hope we meet again <3
Don’t summon that nutjob loser please :/
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>all caught up
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Did this one just didn't post my b
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She's a cute little streamer, isn't she?

Can we see Marnie in this setup as well, when you have time? She can be in pink to match her normal outfit. Maybe include some pink bows if they don't get washed out by the rest of the outfit.
Requesting sexy nurse Cheryl
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Later dude.
Thanks for doing these ones, plus the ones with Iono. That's it for me this time around, so I'll leave the floor open to anyone else who wants anything.
Requesting Nemona on her bed with no pants. Give her grey panties.
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Np, later Alice Anon.
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Cute! Thanks for that. Can you give her her uniform shirt?
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Thanks for that! Sometimes the simplest things are the best.

A bit of an odd request this time. Requesting an Iono themed tub of G-fuel.
I thought of smth similar for rosa, but I tend to have the more odd prompts
I’m gonna need more of that Nurse Cheryl with glasses
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I hope it's everything you dreamed of.
How weird is to compared to >>56498421 ?
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Can I get a Hisuian Lyra being smug?
Kek, that’s not what I had in mind, but that’s funny regardless. That could be a good poster for it.

Iono knows that G-fuel can cause cancer, but she doesn’t care because she gets paid.
Since it doesn’t seem like Hex is here tonight, I got one akin to one of his old requests:

Gyaru Lana’s Mother surfing
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Wait, does Gfuel actually cause cancer? Either away I think Iono would care about her fans enough to not let them get cancer.
>Wait, does Gfuel actually cause cancer?
Yes, it says it on the tub.

>I think Iono would care about her fans enough to not let them get cancer.
Fair enough. My interpretation of Iono relies on a lot of negative stereotypes about YouTubers and streamers, so it’s probably a lot different to how most people interpret her. Still, I don’t interpret her as outwardly malicious, she’s just a bit of an idiot.
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Hex showed up yesterday, I hope he's not in the path of the hurricane.
I got a cute one! Nerdy Jasmine wanting a Lilligant doll or plant
Damn, hitting all the correct notes there.
I thought the anon that requested Lyra was him. Damn, I hope he’s alright.
No I did that one in his stead as well

Really hope he’s ok. His last post was being angry about gens being posted to trash….

…..Machine can we have a gen of a Hex fighting a hurricane with a tank? I wanna wish the guy luck :/
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Very cute
To clarify, I don't know where Hex is, I'm just generally stating that I hope he isn't in its path. Or anyone, for that matter. I think it's a category 4 last I saw on the news.
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Not OR, but that is adorable.

How about something soccer related with Nemona? Just a random idea I had.
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Left 2 have SMEA turned on, forgot to turn it off.
Holy shit, that looks fantastic! Looks like Penny finally took Nemona on a trip to Galar after weeks of constant pestering, and it was worth it. The lights, the cheering crowds, the energy of it all, it’s enough to get anyone fired up! Can you do more?
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Thanks for that. I love how the AI makes it look like the gym challenge uniform by default. I guess that just happens when you put “Pokémon” and “soccer” together. Convenient accidents like that are always cool.
I think Alice talks to him. Next time he’s on someone ask. That anon is too positive to lose

Wasn’t the last thing you said to him was not to get mad about the gen theft?
That's it for tonight, goodnight all.
I think it's partially because I used 'soccer uniform' so it tries to apply that to her normal outfit.
>Wasn’t the last thing you said to him was not to get mad about the gen theft?
Yeah, but I wouldn’t have said that if I had known he was possibly in danger. The people in /trash/ didn’t see what the issue was, one in particular said that it makes sense that the people here act like manchildren because we’re on a manchild board, or something like that. I’m sorry. I guess I just have a different philosophy when it comes to this kind of thing.

Goodnight, Machine!

>it tries to apply that to her normal outfit.
I noticed that. It also has the Galar region logo on a couple of them, which is cool.

The /trash/ threads have been known to have people who are ABSOLUTELY deprived. /vp/ is a niche but tight community who have people like that, but really we’re not as bad as /v/.

The fact you can say that proves your not bad anon. Looking back at the archives it’s clear you just have a fixation on Nemona and Rika but that’s tame.

No need to apologize to me, save that for Hex, but I think Hex was more worried about them coming over and ruining things. We don’t need another Shawn on our hands. I just really hope Hex is ok myself.

Jabs on the internet is one thing, stuck in a hurricane path is another
>I think Hex was more worried about them coming over and ruining things.
Shit, can’t believe I didn’t consider that. Damn, now I feel even worse.

>I just really hope Hex is ok myself.
We all do. He’s a good guy.

And yeah, the /trash/ AI threads are pretty bad. But I guess that goes without saying. I hope Hex is alright, wherever he is.
Wow. So you can't mass reply anymore!!??! How am I supposed to let people know which gens I thought are cute and kino?!?! Anyways, EXCELLENT thread!!!

Nemona playing soccer is so kino. She would make an amazing soccer player.

Surprised NAI can do Geeta and well too. ARGH!!! I don't have anything new to contribute! :(
>So you can't mass reply anymore!!??!
Really? Strange. Although I guess it helps combat spam.

>Nemona playing soccer is so kino. She would make an amazing soccer player.
Her condition would definitely hold her back, but she’ll definitely give it her all!
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Nice trips Nemonanon. Cheers
Holy shit, didn’t notice that. I haven’t been feeling too good today, but that made my day the slightest bit better, even if it’s something minor.

That pic goes so hard.

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