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Daisuki Club Edition

Previous Thread:

Incredibly easy. Just make sure to crack from the top where the label is and not the middle where the card is. That way if do somehow screw it up, the card is still fine.
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Second for my favorite fox
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Just use a sharp edged pliers to snap one corner off and then jam in a flathead screwdriver to bend the slab apart. Doesn't damage the card unless you intentionally jab it with the screwdriver
>lisia and jasmine in the upcoming set
waifubros... we won
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>still buying modern
>still buying vintage
jasmine set...
>card was worth 30-40K at its height for psa10
>now only worth 10k~
Do I wait? It doesn’t seem like there will be another spike in interest. We had Pogo and the Coof for that
You could just buy a 7 and regrade it. It's not like they're consistent.
The exact first vault x sleeves are too tight for pokemon cards. What's a better tight fit?
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Egawagods, report
She's a dogshit artist, sorry to say.
Kill yourself
I accept your concession.
How thin is the line between trying to improve the condition of your cards and altering them?

What card? Not many were going for that much, even at peak.
Pure, unfiltered, unadulterated, kino
>noticed it was for TCGpocket
I wonder what happens to a card when you put in under that amount of pressure, enough to remove the dimple. Though I do think that as long as don't recolor the card or whatever, it's fine (read: ethical).
>at peak
Are you implying we're beyond the peak?
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If you collect 1,000 digital versions of this card, Pokémon ships you a physical copy.
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10k digital copies for a physical
Well the ATH for the vast majority (>95%) of cards occurred years ago and is significantly higher than current prices (for nearly every card, but there are a few, very minor exceptions).

So yes, there was a peak that has passed. That does not mean there will not be another peak that will surpass it eventually. But if you compare 2021 prices to now, nearly everything is down significantly. That doesn't mean they will continue to trend down or continue to lose value, just that they did from their ath. In 5 year's time we could surpass those peaks. Just not tomorrow.
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4k digital copies traded in to have a physical Nidoking.
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Fossil Slowpoke got an expanded art by its original artist.
trips of truth
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Never cared for Mawile as a kid but her design has grown on me as an adult
>50% male, 50% female
It's funny you posted a Shining Gyarados cracked open, sice that card was the reason for me asking. Just pulled the trigger, I'll crack it open as soon as it arrives in my mailbox.
Finally, a use for all those codes.
What are the cheapest toploaders you can get? I just need them for shipping cards I sell.
>collecting a set
>look at the prices of all cards
>there is a charizard in the set
Every time
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it's almost like they're mocking us. if these were released as a physical set it would absolutely annihilate everything else from this era, even 151.
Pretend the one in the card is a she
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Have fun with the card anon. It's probably my favourite one from the old sets.
I'm genuinely annoyed they put this good shit in a digital gacha game whilst we get shitty 5ban SRs
Takes the fucking piss
Holy soul
The code cards are for PTCG Live. Nothing to do with Pokemon TCG Pocket
no fucking way this kino is just locked to a shitty phone game. It will be exclusive for a while to give a reason to play it but they're releasing a paper version next year 100%
You will enjoy the 5ban slop
You will pay for gacha
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please understand, there's too much SOVL in these cards to actually print them. it's best that they remain forever as jpegs insteads
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i mean, when you really think about it, who in their right mind would want to display this card on a shelf when instead you can have it on your phone! your phone can go anywhere, so the card is always with you. but a shelf is stuck in just one place, so dumb!
no need to buy a toploader for this card, it doesn't actually exist! isn't that convenient! all that money you'd spend on toploaders, sleeves, binders, etc can instead be spent on Poke Gold ™ to buy more cards that don't exist!
I don't believe they will lose on the opportunity of making literal free money. It's particularly weird since some of these are direct references to tcg cards>>56494392
I doubt it.
>paper version
by paper version what do you mean exactly? a new tcg called Pokemon Pocket? a special set with the cards converted for the current tcg? just some promos that aren't actually playable in the current tcg?

most people seem to think it would be a special set, but that makes no sense considering they are going to be regularly releasing sets for Pocket, so it's not like they'll be releasing numerous special sets for the current TCG every year to try to keep up. I have no idea what's going to happen.
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Been bitchin about overpriced shit for years.
so i started collecting MetaZoo after it filed for bankruptcy.
have a fuck ton of sealed shit. have a fuck ton of graded grails.
just to also find out that the guy who put in the offer to buy MetaZoo is the Ex VP of WOTC during MTG glory years.
and............fucking 21 years as the VP of TCPI.
were basically going to have THE BEST PERSON to run this shit.
and just to rub it in all you scalp fags faces.
never got my money. fuck your 1600 dollar 13k PSA 10 pop meme investment card. fucking morons
back in the 90s + 00s where did they sell booster boxes? like the unopened ones? and did they sell single booster packs just by opening booster boxes? or am I misrememberin?
What the fuck are you on about, schizo. a (you) is more than you deserve, put your argument in full sentences.

game stores for boxes, nobody back then was buying whole boxes, unless they came from mtg

single packs you could buy everywhere, gas stations and supermarkets even sold them here in the uk, where do you think they came from, thin air? of course they came from boxes
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yeah I remember they where everywhere, I used to buy mine at a walgreens (and beyblades) ofc never saw any unopened so that would explain it

I'm just trying to remember the setup cause its not like now where they sell individual packs in a paper + plastic case thing, so they sold singles by just opening up the box and leaving it out?
there were no sleeved booster pack sor blisters back in the day, everything pack was from a booster box. Any other cards were from collection kits, pre-built decks or game/magazine/movie/media promos
Base Set - Legendary Collection
I remember they sold em out of the box on the or behind the counter at retail stores

The sets with cgi art / ex era were in security sleeves on shelves I don’t remember ever seeing a booster box of that era
So much potential, ruined by aidiot...
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me again. how do i get more currency for card crafts
Good morning mr skeleton
now this is a rare occurrence
this is the player thread >>56493599
buy celebrations until you get 4 of each, then keep buying for free crystals, the anons in the thread will tell you which pack to buy though as I haven't done it
Realistic ebay card

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