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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

>Dawn Nude Mod for PLA
UPDATED: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/183584-pokemon-legends-arceus/page/7/#comment-4459582

Previous: >>56469461
Blue is the colour of losing girl hair
Pearl won
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Need a nude AI edit of this desu
Dawn is for Conway, May is for Ash.
>May is for Ash.
delusional mayschizo
This but Dawn is for Kenny instead.
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Kenny please
>May is for Ash.
based mayschizo
>Pearl won
Shauwnenberg post
You were the one raped by pajeets, not me.
Ever notice how Shaunberg never shits up the other pokegirl threads. How curious
Hang shippers
>Dawn is for Conway, May is for Ash.
Your terms are acceptable.
Thanks, Pikabro!
Why did this void never appear elsewhere?
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Does Dawn jerk off her own cock while getting her ass pounded, or does she demand a reacharound from the one pounding her?
Dawn keeps her clitty caged unless May or Cynthia are visiting the Villa.
>Dawn's into chastity cages
>on herself
Dawn's fetishes just get deeper and deeper.
False. Dawn only cages the boys she ensnares!
Just a friendly reminder for everyone here that Dawn is just a kid.
Why did the character designers give her such a short skirt? Isn't she just a child?
>Dawn is just a kid
Out of 10!
>Isn't she just a child?
OUT OF 10!
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>BDSM Dawn
Her skirt's length doesn't seem too far off from a normal schoolgirl's actually, though of course the caveat is that its mandatory to wear shorts under those, in some cases they are built into the skirt itself.
Chibi sex!
Sexo safety shorts
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That's a modern thing. Sugimori modeled her after what actual little girls in Hokkaido were wearing back in the gen 4 era.
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arceus bless him
Oh no they corrupted her!
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He has a hate boner for Sinnoh, apparently.
dawn ass will fix him
As requested in the last thread,


It's on Rentry for now because I haven't thought of a title yet, and I always like to do another editing pass or two before posting on AO3. Enjoy.
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Holy fucking based. gonna read it now
>dawn ass will fix him
Shaunberg will retaliate with a comic strip image of a big chested plumped woman.
>Dawn only cages the boys she ensnares!
She will only do it for Goh.
Sounds like something Goh would be pressured into kek
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No. Futafaggotry was already bad enough. You fags will NOT start pushing chastityshit onto Dawn next.
>“Wiggle your hips and spread your legs,” Cynthia suggested. “It's not nearly as big as it feels, and you're certainly... lubricated back there.”
I coomed
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Putting nicotine patches on Dawn when she spends the night with you because she’s homeless and you’re the only one she trusts and then taking them off just before she wakes up!
Drugging Dawn and fondling her penis as she’s knocked out.
>the Lucario fic is finally real
HOLY BASED! I thought we were begging for nothing. Will read tomorrow.
>tfw I don’t have to subject my editor to looking over Dawn getting knotted by a Lucario
Oh thank god.
Good stuff.
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It’s almost always the case.
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Ash x Dawn
Based and canon.
Blue is the hair colour of losing girl hair
Mentally ill spam.
Probably the koh*arufag
Dawn lost you schizo.
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Dawn x Ash
Based kino true redpilled wholesome and canon
You already spammed that you mentally ill schizo.
>non 4chan or pixiv filename
Different pearlchad
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He does, especially the PokeGoddess, Marnie, and Cynthia dedicated thread.
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Cope, we've seen Dawn's panties (or very short bloomers in any case) in official media. The best you have is some wacky frames in a show that avoided pantyshots for 25 years
Dead and buried and forgotten
Rent free
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Dawn will help Shaun find Arceus and convert him to Sinnohism.
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No one asked.
Cope, May won
Dawn won the maybowl too?
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Dat bulge...
fake news
May married Ash, but her and Dawn have a secret relationship.
>“Whrruff,” Lucario said with a nod, and he took a hesitant step towards Dawn.
Ash x May
Dawn x Lucario
Whoharu x shit

Based shillbro
Fuck off shill
you're alright, shillgod
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>shitharu shippers
Dawn is compatible with all fetishes!
Dawn x Lucario
May x Drew
Koharu x Ash
Nice try whoharufag
You have an editor?
He has. An evil man that didn't want to edit a Dawn x Lucario story.
Has there ever been a bigger loser in the anime than Kenny?
I was going to say Sophocles, but at least he got to go to space.
>ends up with Dawn
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>ends up with Dawn
Stopped reading there lmao
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You may not like it, but this is what peak relationships look like
Cinderacebros… we are forgotten…
“Whoof...” Lucario grumbled.
>Sinnohans will look at this image and see absolutely nothing wrong with it
There is NOTHING wrong with it. Female human x male pokemon is the purest form of love.
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That's the power of the Aura BVLL
>Ash x May
>Dawn x Lucario
>Whoharu x shit
Cinderace was just a fling. Lucario is Dawn's true love and boyfriend!
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Pearl won.
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>Pearl w-ACK!
basado and canon
Correct. Pearl won. Won total obliteration.
Luca won
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She is such a Stacy, everyone wants her
It’s those damn thighs
It's her preference for anal
It's the lack of pan in nopan
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it's the giant butt and the cheerfull personality
you can't have her, she's taken

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