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Autumn Walk Edition
Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be edgy, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: Where and how did your OC acquire their knowledge of Pokemon? Any gaps in their education?
>Thread Task: Draw your OC interacting with another OC's Pokemon.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56468413
Dragapult has still outsped you, you just can’t see it because it is using Phantom Force.
Some previous thread highlights in case you missed them.

>Chibi David
>A new trainer appears
>Bibi's VN & rumba rumba rumba
>Brendoom's VN & waging heart
>A new Hasumi sketch
Mac: (disclaimer: I did not test the mac version so sorry to any mac users if it doesn't work)
>Wolke VN
New Ruka Anon Question
Last time I asked about Alto Mare race and got a lotta fun responses. But since not everyone has a solid Water type I thought I'd ask what Pokemon you might ride in the Big P Pokemon race.
Supposed rules:
>Must be a pokemon you can ride on its back
>The race is divided into a sprint, An uphill section, a Downhill section, a pond where you gotta cross water on stones,(though you can cross the water however you want) a Pitstop where you must finish your food and a final sprint towards the finish line.
>I'm gonna assume flying pokemon may be exempt since a lot of these obstacles seem to be balanced around the idea that you're on foot.
RTQ: What pokemon would you bring to this kind of Race?
RTT: Draw your trainer riding their pokemon of choice.
Wolkebro quick question, any special physical features about her Mimikyu, like anything that visually makes it distinct to a regular one?
Reposting Polara and her bio from last thread

Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Original Region: Unova
Role: Villain

Polara was a circus performer, abducted and forced to work by a travelling carnival. Throughout her life, Polara only knew stress and showmanship under the harsh circus lights.
One day, a man named Gray rescued her, and the two ran away into the night...

Polara is the partner and "dragon" to Gray.
Her alluring looks and fierce power allows her to stop intruders before they can even hope to challenge Gray. Polara's gratitude to Gray led her to develop a strong romantic attraction to him, and Polara follows the man wherever he goes out of undying love and loyalty.
However, Gray's attitude towards life in general has caused him to become increasingly distant and focused on a goal that threatens to tip the mysterious trainer over the line. Due to this, Polara is beginning to worry that she won't be able to save Gray as he once did for her...
Polara's primary Pokémon is Blacephalon, though she does use others such as Absol, Kirlia and even Mime Jr. However, her skill in battles is so ferocious and aggressive that most opponents never get past Polara to challenge Gray.

Polara uses her cunning and gorgeous looks to her advantage to throw her opponent off-balance, and is more than happy to show off exotic and extravagant displays to disorient and confuse anyone she views as a potential threat to Gray.
Finally, Polara's dangerous looks and personality seem to be a facade for a very scared and worried woman underneath the makeup and glitter...
Polara has a love of foods that are birthday cake flavoured, and has been friends with her Blacephalon for as long as the two remember.
Neither recall a life without the other.
Also, 15 hours until end of poll.
Goodnight lads.
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I tend to make its cheeks redder than official depictions but now that I think about it I'll also make them vaguely cloud shaped from now on. It's subtle enough to not be Mary Sue levels of unique while also making it distinct in direct comparison.
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epic thumbnail jumpscare, thanks op
it's october soon, you know what that means

this is the main reason why i never draw brendoom on dark background, because he always turns out unintentionally creepy, anyway here's my first speedpaint https://files.catbox.moe/4fvcjm.mp4

i actually love seeing pokemon with slightly changed details, it doesn't make them an indistinguishable copy while still retaining some recognition, great job anon
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I've given up on trying to post part 2 of the catch up, rip.
I'll get to the TQ and TT later
Also super excited to tackle another one of Ruka-anon's famous tasks. In the meantime though, here's an old drawing of Miko riding Electrode who is most likely who Miko use for the race. Normally Electrode's roll around to move, but when Miko's hitching a ride, he holds on for dear life while Electrode bounces around at top speed.

Love the shading and coloring here. It's super cool getting a peak behind the curtain.
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Ok another evening gone, but got the zoroark done as well.
Aight, thanks a lot, now I get to tap in. That's a nice touch.
Hasumi's has various sewing lines and a handful of patches over it. It's very adamant(heh) on not changing the rag it's wearing, much to her protests, so she's resigned to just fixing it post battle whenever it's broken (also how she caught it in the first place). Don't wanna overdo it though, so I'll see how it ends up.
Mimikyu's are nice in how it pretty much is a blank canvas, leaves a lot of room for personaliity on them and I like that.
Your artwork is amazing as always, but uh, ngl gonna lie, Hasumi’s smile and eyes look kinda creepy. If that’s the intent, uh, great job.
>Thread Question: Where and how did your OC acquire their knowledge of Pokemon? Any gaps in their education?
A lot of Emily's knowledge was from online sources and personal experience as she self-taught herself a lot of things about battling and training. There are likely gaps but she also has niche knowledge many don't have either. She never went to anything like a Trainer School and the only Gym she has ever gone to, and in turn gotten a badge from is the Castelia Gym. Burgh initially didn't want a local civilian hounding Team Plasma but Emily refused to take a straight No for an answer from either her parents or the Pokemon League itself. So the proposition was if she could beat Burgh in a battle, Emily would take his place as the one acting on Castelia's behalf in place of Burgh against Team Plasma. She won and was basically given Gym Leader-esque permissions in order to get the job done and get Team Plasma taken down. Said permissions were also part of why her actual information was never given on the news by the end of the fiasco and why she was absolved of things like property damage and such that was incurred in fights with Team Plasma.
Yeah you can get super creative with Mimikyu designs. IDK why I didn't think of it before.
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>Recent Works

Watch Miko have a fun day at the beach here: https://pastebin.com/vRS9cuDM

Watch young Azelie frolic in a magical garden here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZbLECCBWU2MT8Hl__EgnUMxVNAYvBy4mdn5YeK_Zk8/edit?usp=sharing

Watch Luke rewrite Gilded Platinum into his magnum opus in real time here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub
>Bing can't into Pokémon, probably because it triggers some copyright stuff
Dang. Anyway, pretend is a Rapidash.

David had a very basic knowledge of Pokémon when he was young. All he knew back then was how to take care of Mudkip thanks to the nurses and medics in Fallabor. When he finally became a trainer, he used his Pokédex A LOT to learn about the fauna around him.

I picked Rapidash because hey, can't go wrong with the classics.
Also a personal reason: when I joined the Army, they sent me to a cavalry unit. Here they also have specific areas to protect politicians, but mine was a historical unit. While I didn'tshot a lot, I had to take care of horses. Even ride them. Everyday.
The best moments were when I got sent into other provinces to be part of a parade, or just look good near a monument. I also got to help people specialized in equinotherapy (using a horse to help people with psychological or physical problems)
I still remember my horse's name: Choel Choel. I miss him sometimes.
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This is not a drawing, nor funny. But I can't be bothered to start working on one of the templates and this Jynx amuses me.

reveal on who this guy is soonish(?)
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i had to rewrite this shit like 8 times to get past the spam filter
holy fuck anon, is there anything you *can't* do? save some for the rest of us!!! that being said the vn was an incredibly pleasant surprise. i ran it quite a few times to see if i exhausted the dialogue but i wanna peep the files at some point to see if i really did. nice music choices too! also i'm glad you like rina's design! eye of the beholder and all but within the canon of my writing she's meant to be exceptionally beautiful, my art's pretty same face-y though so i worried if the idea got across (her pretty face and spritelike figure make her contrast nyx who's noted to be a plain jane in the face with knockout curves)
toyama nao's voice is cute as ever, and great work making that game interface, it really helps bring wolke to life (ironically, as she's a ghost type trainer)! so so cute as always
man i love your coloring style, it's cool to get a peep at others' artistic processes too
i really like that zoroark, the texture of the brushwork gives it a lot of character
damn, that sounds cool especially the equinotherapy bit
i'll try and tackle both tasks over the weekend or something
>ruka question
seeing as kilowattrel and koraidon are both probably disqualified i can see bibi using either using great tusk for the race (which probably gets around just fine until it gets bogged down by the pond segment) or kommo-o. as for nyx it'd have to be her absol, i figure the whole disaster sensing thing might let it figure out the safest way to navigate the course
Voting has now ended!
In 3rd place... GRYM!
In 2nd place... MIDORI!
And in 1st place... CIRCE!!!

Genuinely surprised Midori ranked that high.
Thank you all for voting!
Write around Rapidash. Don't state what it is, describe it. A beige unicorn with red eyes, its long mane is made of glowing orange fire.
Lurker here, if Emily Anon here’s a few of your gets got uploaded to a /trash/ Stable Diffusion gen thread

No capping
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I don't have much to post about, been in a writing slump cause I am waiting a few days for one writing partner to get through their work week and the other is having a hard time coming up with ideas for a small momentary thing to lead the scene with. Writing WITH people is of course my main way of ENJOYING writing so that means when it slows down, my writing in general for the solo fic gets slowed down.

Huh? Why the fuck?? It's not even Stable Diffusion.

Just thought you should know
Nah I looked once you mentioned it but I still don't fucking get why. Bruh this definitely has to be some utterly assblasted, permanently seething crossboarding fanboy dipshit.
Lol at least the one guy liked them

I did, but that's the best I got.
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This was the best I got
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Wowee, we got a true gamer on our hands over here, it just took me a while to get a 4 win streak. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
> i ran it quite a few times to see if i exhausted the dialogue but i wanna peep the files at some point to see if i really did.
There isn't that much dialogue or meaningful choice here to be honest, so there's a good chance you might have seen it all already. I feel like the games more of an RNG simulator than a VN cuz I wanted to keep it small. It's a bit repetitive and frustrating, but I think that fits the "annoying little kid" vibe well.
Here's a little peek behind the curtain as to how the rng is set up. Basically, there's 7 different game states, 3 of which are fair games (heads or tails, odds or even, over under) where your choices do matter and are a test of luck. Each game has varying degrees of chance, coin flip being the hardest to win and over under being the easiest just due to odds of being correct. There are 3 other game states where you will play one of the aforementioned games, but its fixed so you'll never win (but you might get a slightly different response when losing depending on some arbitrary luck value assigned to the player that changes throughout the game). There's also a chance for Miko to send out his Electrode during a game of over under which will net the player an extra point. The final game state is that of hide and seek which is game over. So the point is to see how many games you can play/win before hide and seek gets rolled- a true RNG hell.
>nice music choices too!
Thank you! I was going to slap the academy theme behind it all, but figured I'd go with the theme I picked out for Miko a while ago. The music from battle revolution and colosseum/XD really slaps in my opinion.

>my art's pretty same face-y though so i worried if the idea got across
I think it came across perfectly. I think that "same face-y"-ness is just a part of your style and is what makes your work so identifiable and lovable, especially because you do facial expressions so well. I love the contrast between the ethereal, doll-like personality and someone who might be a little bit more rough around the edges (or curves). Rina and Nyx just fill me with such joy
To celebrate Midori's unexpected popularity, Here's a brand new "Splatter" poster of her!
Also included...
Underwear: https://files.catbox.moe/ecm5zy.png
Nekkid: https://files.catbox.moe/2913r8.png
And yes, Circe and Grym will be getting brand new posters to celebrate their placements in 1st and 3rd respectively (likely tomorrow).

For real though, I was not expecting Midori to rank in the top FIVE, let alone end up the second most-liked character of mine.
Did you really have to make that one part of her green, though?
Vital to her character arc! (Lie)
Is it really necessary?
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Wanted to draw Wolke for quite some time actually, glad I got the chance to do so
If you have to use an h-game game modeling program, consider laying off the h.
Hasumi and Wolke have some very polite ghost gentleman. Quite distinguished!
Absolutely not
Jokes aside, they're just bonus renders
People knew what the links contained by the titles posted
On that note, goodnight
Yea but we are better off without them in the first place
Don't blame the tools when the artist makes beauty, my friend. Instead, you should praise his self control.

And I'm happy with those as well. Good bonuses.
At first glance I thought they were dancing lol. They look so adorably happy together~
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I am SO fucking tired tonight. I could have written some time ago, but I just wanted to lay in bed for an hour. I am going to bed as soon as I finish this HW.

Anyways, I've run into the usual "does this make sense" issue with my writing. After Alex "takes out the trash", some people get pissed at him for clearly being a sadist and one salty cunt in particular challenges him directly. Thing is, why would people who participate in an illegal fight club give a shit? I'm aware of the "even evil has standards" trope, but it feels like I'm forcing a fight. Should I just have Alex dip and cut out the battle he's in altogether? If not, can you suggest some opposing Pokemon for this fight (preferably Gen 8/9 UU/UUBL/OU)? It's funny how Black Blaze was supposed to be my "warm up" before starting the main series, but the fan stuff is becoming my warmup for Black Blaze.
You too, huh? So I'm not crazy. I don't feel like your artwork is super samey with the faces. Alto, for example, feels like a nice youthful "in between" of the feminine way you draw Tesoro and the overly masculine way you draw Franco, though I'm not sure which side you want his looks to lean on. It would be funny if he was also a twink, just not to the extend of Tes and Alex. Ivy and Nyx have this interesting tomboyish look to them while Azelie and Rita lean more on the "beauty" side. You get the idea, I think your facial variety is broader than you might realize.
Did you do that from the ground up or use some kind of tool? How did you (learn to) sprite that?
I like the way that you made the true eyes feel "alive" here, like you can actually tell that they are looking at each other.

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