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Last Time:
>Wagie finishes Unbreakable Kino
>Ashime finishes Crimson & Cobalt, then does some data analyst autism on Unbreakable Ties' Gatchashit
>Bunken speedruns Vanguard, poor bastard
>I start up Berserk
>It's pretty schizokino
>Tiramisu returns to hopefully finally finish Empire

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
Mimikyu was ez, after I removed double team because fuck that, I'm not going to try and win when it has a high% chance to just decide to crash my game kek
>Five HP bars
>Still really easy because it stays in blade form, getting oneshot constantly
GG kek
i don't remember that being hard at all, but i did have the water/poison starter thoughbeit
thankfully it's a lot more straightforward after this point
just remember once you get to the factory, and later the battleground bit, all of the battles in those sections are entirely optional and you can just skip to the end by either losing or leaving
It's over
desu this is probably my favorite gamejam of the bunch, though star in the desert's not far behind
My only real gripe is probably no speedup, but that's just because I had to reset a few times on centiskorch and those resets felt really long kek
Thanks bros
>Lose power for more than a day because the fucking niggers in charge of taking care of my powerline are just stapling cut and damaged cables with cheap duct tape that isn't even waterproof and just calling it a day
I love my life.
Thanks bro.
I did forget, actually, does anyone have a link to the UT tier list?
Saw some of the stuff on the last bread, we planning on trying another fangame? Also oof Desobros.
thanks bro.
here you go
where's that old man with the gun and knife to threaten people when you need him?
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I should have gotten this one finished earlier, a bit rushed and the imagine quality didn't end up that great for whatever reason, but it works.
Kek, I think the old coot was forced to move back to the city due to worsening health, shame.
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EmpireGODS...Are you ready to replay the game again? h-hahaha....
Welcome back
>shitty fangame devs when a new update is announced
yeah, I think we were going to do atlas or olympus or something, and then chaos dreams, just for some short games
i have em both downloaded now
>episode 12.5
h-haha......what's even the point bro
>a brand new completely exclusive gameplay and QOL feature
i imagine it'll probably be some shit like 'you get a buff depending on which faction you support the most' or whatever, and some in-game way to check the relationship variables
>Goes to check DL really quick since it got a significant update
>Sky-Striker, a deck everyone hates got a new whole box of fucking support
>None of the tier 0 cancer everyone complained about got hit
>Game got a shitty new UI update nobody asked for
Gotta love Komoney.
I'm sure these QoL features are gonna be amazing and definitely worth replaying this miserably shitty game h-haha.......
Thanks bro.
Noted, I think Olympus seemed pretty lame from what little I recall from the spic presents, Atlas I don't remember too well.
has a fangame implemented teracrystals yet
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Saw Bunken mention Pokemon Bizarre a few threads ago and decided to give pokemon romhacks another shot.
It's been a lot of fun so far. Been catching the first encounter on each route. My mvp has been Triton followed closely by Jupiter.
I probably won't get much done today and I'm still donwloading Atlas, will at least try to get started on it for a bit since I might be really busy tomorrow, did any of us try Pokemon Armoria at any point? Game seems a bit worked on and kinda neat, mixed feelings on the fakemon though. Oh also Flux got it's description updated on a few sites, wonder if that finally stopped being dead in the water.
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End me. This is clearly the old man's revenge for stealing his helix fossil.
he really loves his lisa references
Well shit, now how will I get the next badge
I'm going to kill her
I don't think so, there was also another spic fangame demo, Corona (or Crown) recently
Well I've figured out how to run fangames on a mac but none of the spanish ones work for me.
Use wine
>i imagine it'll probably be some shit like 'you get a buff depending on which faction you support the most' or whatever
Don't forget nerfing neutralfags kek
It'd be nice if the Self rule shit finally starting providing tangible results (even if it's just an item here and there) rather than just cucking you out of shit like the mega ring and whatnot
How shit of a UI update? Haven't had my hand in it (or any other gatchashit) for a while thankfully kek
Based Gastrodon
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You might say this game is ABSOLutely off to an interesting start........please kill me.
It's not that bad honestly but like, no one asked for it, Duel Links' servers are still running like shit, they got rid of global chat a while back, there's cheaters on ranked, several decks skull fucking the game like nearly full power Lyrulisc and Konami wasted all their time with a UI update.
Is that Speedwagon?
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Bingo card, already off to an interesting start.
Wheel landed on Normal/Dragon, might reroll it or not go with it depending on starter choices, dunno yet.
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Holy fucking aesthetics, it's hard to show since snipping tool is shit and I still need to get a better capture software, but this game is really pretty.
Rolled Fire/Electric
>Song that samples bits from undertale
I'll give it a pass since it sounds good.
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Even the menu is AESTHETIC.
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>Dedede's theme
I see what you mean kek
And the starter has randomized IVs, also pressing F12 crashes the game, kinda wished these things got patched out but it's no big deal.
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Took me ages to get an Eevee with passable IVs, and immediately after I find our resident tard.
Yeah it looks really pretty.
>Doctor's house has a lot of green and purple spread throughout
Also the tard asks you to find a package he dropped in the river, dunno if it's something you'll have to find later.
Yeah, the game looks really fucking good, even by spic standards
My only problem is that the fps seems to take a hit for it, which is a shame
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Dunno if there's a way to see route encounters, but there's a blue jay Pidgey regional that's Dark/Flying.
I'm surprised I didn't have FPS issues yet despite my PC usually having a miserable time running anything thanks to the shitty spare processor I'm using.
They’re playing romhacks here too? What about if you’re able to play Dark Rising?
Why can't I be a pretty girl (in this game)?
You can but why would you want to.
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Went to get lunch, back.
You can catch this unique Pidgey on route 1, I don't know if it's scripted to always have great IVs, but hoo molly, I might just switch my dualtype to Flying or Dark, because damn those are some stats, it also has Intimidate, which is really nice.
We play romhacks on occasion, though Dark Rising is pretty fucking boring as far as I remember, if you wanna post your playthrough, do so I guess.
Okay, it is always set to have perfect IVs in 4 stats, based.
Gonna stop for now, very pretty game visually so far, the fps dip isn't too noticeable so far, and only seems to be on route 1, hopefully it doesn't worsen as the game goes on
Because the dev is based
Real answer is probably that there seems to be a good bit of unique sprites and shit for the MC, so it'd probably be a pain in the ass to do all of it for a second mc, or maybe there's shit later that justifies it, idk
Just to compare which one is even worse (dark rising vs virtualization). It seems like Vince just fucking watched some Dark Rising Nuzlocke Death Montages from years ago and some of Shofu’s Reborn episodes such as 59 and 87, then instantly clicked on his mind to combine it together to make that unholy piece of shit.

This guy’s (Vince) probably a lunatic and he even enjoys it.
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>Mons have variants with scars, clothing and such
That's pretty cool.
Vince, you're not fooling anyone and no one cares, fuck off back to shitcord.
>variants with scars
You wanna know how I got these scarves, gliscorman?
>Trainers are found in different parts of the route or inside their homes during different hours of the day
lol, those guy thinks that everytime virtualization is mentioned they always point to Vince (this bastard). Like fucking really, it could have been fucking anyone else that could have mentioned virtualization and it doesn’t even come from him. I lurked in some reborncord threads, he already fucked off from posting here since mid-August and he already retired from further game creation.

But hey, if they’re still gonna crap on him even after that, more power to ya.
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My Pidgey is a complete fucking edgelord.
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Took me a bit to notice, but a certain cute blonde champion is on TV.
She has the hat, I think she's supposed to be a mix of Professor Layton, Speedwagon, and Indiana Jones.
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It's so fucking over
so what happened to that other game the trannydev was working on kek
Bro come on, I already told you back, what, a couple of weeks ago that just because you aren't namefagging anymore doesn't mean you're 100% anonymous, people have different posting/typing styles, and yours is particularly noticeable, and on the off chance you aren't vince, you're definitely either scaldburner or the grovyle fag
And what do you know, you fags were talking about dark rising a few days ago, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence, huh
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I'm taking a bit of time as usual due to my cursed obsession with getting mons with tolerable IVs and I really love how there's variants for Pokemon to this specific area, not even regional variants but like different colors and such to mirror the environment in which these mons are found, that's really cool, also, gotta love Raizen's shit translations.
the pain just doesn't end. I'm sticking by my original theory, they need this game to get followers so they have more people to shill their actual game, it's gonna have all the discord shit that the first one did
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is that a remix of the minish woods theme
>You can get an item that evolves the Haunter variant to Gengar this early
Oh nononono kaizo xissies.......
Also for fuck's sake dude, what is it with 4chan lately eating every single one of my posts?
That's an interesting mix, I gotta try out Bizarre one of these days.
There's a few Zelda mixes so far, alongisde some songs that sample from Undertale as well.
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glad I played vanguard just for the positive whiplash, this really makes me feel like I'm Pokemon. also the mc looks like the guy from pokemon glaze
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>forced eevee starter
well I was turned around on lucario, maybe I'll be a new adolf by the end of this
>one regional per route
this and Z dripfeeding the regionals, gonna try and get a regional only team going quick but for now it's gonna be regional/mon I never used before
okami music, I wanna say the moon cave but it could just be the general dungeon theme
Oh boy... It's Ranger Andy again...
Whiteouts: 1
The espurr felt really strong kek, not sure if my team's just shit thoughever
Missed the Gastly the first time, caught it and I was fine
That became very obvious after they tried to leave fangames altogether, I'm guessing the other fangame they were working on also didn't bring in the big numbers, so they came back to Myth kek
>Game hands you a mon with amazing IVs, a destiny knot, the daycare and a Ditto really early
Neat for breeders, sucks the Ditto's IVs aren't set though.
There's some good variety, also check the stumps in the forest, there's a neat secret near one of them.
No, it was really damn strong and hit like a truck, I think it either had investment or something going for it, it learned Fairy Wind so there might be a regional Meowtism.
There's a choice of egg in the daycare and the only hints as to what they are is lines and spirals, can't really think of any Pokemon that fit those criteria besides stuff like Linoone.
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The game had me kill Red, just to bring Cynthia's cousin in.
spinda maybe
it's over
Looks like Growlithe/Vulpix, per rpg maker
Well, that took the wind out of my sails. I lost and didn't heal at the proper pokemon center, now I can't move. I'll need to restart from the pyramid.
oh no
mythGODs we are so fucking BACK!
Would make some sense, but that would be really disappointing kek.
Ah, noted, would be pretty based if it's the regionals.
it's over
Damn, they even give you (i assume) the regional evo items kek
don't tell me that one is swirls, I chose the growlithe bell not knowing what the egg choice was
Full MoonGODS...we've won
the real question, is the shitty memory leak still going to be there kek
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I like how they have fun stuff that sounds sciency enough about the KAAAAAANTOOOOO starters, though there's nothing on Charmanderino. Also FOR FUCK'S SAKE 4CHAN.
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we so fucking won
my bet is honedge as samurai sword regional, though I'd pog at galarian farfetch'd with a katana
fucking kek
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it's the same gimmick from the hell's kitchen gym
I didn't even see an option to change days, I had to just go to 11 pm and wait for the day to turn over kek
The Drilbur regional has an absurdly low catch rate.
Hahahaha, there's no way kek.
>The male explorer class is literally Nathan Drake and the female is literally Celeste
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after making perfect honorable tea like a true weeb I won, though it seemed like there could be rematches based on what the ref said before the match
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if you stalk mikku at school you get to learn things
Apparently there's a regional Dragon Sawsbuck.
Oddly fitting the two tards that can't quite match up to their respective rivals end up together.
Pretty ez, the only challenging mon was stufful, until eevee came out kek
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oh no jankeks... have rift pokemon just been outdone by the spanish?
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I found out via spending a stupid amount of cash on pokeballs that there's prizes for spending a fuckload of cash.
>The schizo memory book can be filled by optional events too
wonderful kek
idk if you need a certain amount of points, do his minigame for a super rod
>if I want to not fight a chinchou I have to wait for sunday
>it's tuesday
that's already annoying
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at last I truly see the error of my ways
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Aaaaaaah stealing important items from enemy trainers never gets old.......
to anyone that wants that wimpod near the beach, you can get pokemon food at the 2nd town's mart
this seems like a medical nightmare
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Still trying to figure out some of the quests around Mikku and some of the minor stuff around the town, not much luck sadly, I assume certain days of the week might be required on the Sawsbuck one.
for the sawsbuck quest go back to the shrine on route 2 at night, like ten o clock
for mikku go back to the school at night after beating her once
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Mythgods? I'm thinking we're back.
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Noted, I dunno why it took so long for the Mikku one to trigger.
Holy kek.
man ghost monotype chads are eating good in this game
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Managed to breed a really good Pooper and a decent Sewadle, I must played fiddle to my IV autism.
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off the top of my head I can't think of any edgy spanish games we've done
I might be.
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if this story is actually going there this might be a bit insufferable
Vanguard might still be better when you install a text skip plugin of course at the moment because of the performanceshit (for me), but MythCHADS are winning the race when both vanguard and empire are done
Last Chance wanted to be edgy but it fumbled it miserably by shoving a billion trannies in the player's face.
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Maybe is you were still an electric type, bro
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finally a good lttp item
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You can even sit and watch time pass by, this game's tiny little things are wonderful.
oh shit
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cool team but
>3 pokemon
the story is interesting so far, and I think in terms of visuals it beats out africanvs
Any clue what the barista minigame has as rewards? So far I only got pretty crappy or mediocre stuff.
Does it work exactly like Schooling or does it have another unique effect?
it might be 1000 pts but I got the super rod from it
Also bunken, where's the gym leader at, I wasn't really paying attention when they were telling me I think kek
looks like it's just schooling
did you do the big thing in the forest yet?
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That looks like a baby goron.
I got that after getting 1350 points, furthest I got was 1900 and it only gave me soda pops.
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M'kay, that was more annoying than hard. The obvious thing was to use the Ghost field boost against him, but he also used multiple tactics at once. Somehow it worked out in the end.

Lets see how much is left of chapter 12.
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putting hats on pokemon would be a neat feature
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These are absolutely the MC's parents right?
The story and their looks seem to point that way.
GG, there's some stuff, but not much aside from sidequests like Shirley's/the thieves guild, also get ready for some extremely cringeworthy shit.
No, completely forgot to start that, thanks kek
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this is more YEEHAW then anything in opalo, which is a shame
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>Works before level 20
This is probably way better than wishiwashi simply because Joltik is actually pretty fast kek
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That's a really long trip and I'm pretty sure Flabebe is a 2% to 5% encounter rate.
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I really thought you had to want to do a spirit journey for it to actually have meaning, but I'll use any excuse to steal someone's culture
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CHADtik solo'd the faggot this time around, I see it being a mainstay of my team for a long while kek
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some of these characters designs look bad
ez, aside from Gallade
is that...is that fly before the third badge? AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Cave has fishing encounters
>You can't fish in the cave
the buffed pokemon have some great designs
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I don't know how many of these ace mons are unique or not, like I doubt you can get the scarred gallade kendra has. fun gym, easy battle, I wouldn't mind gym leaders started having at least 5 mons now
when you beat gym 3 you get the mining kit and it actually looks different
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the dev really must love shit like the spiky-eared pichu, all of these random trainer mons with a unique flair
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There's some autism involving craftable pokeballs that needs minerals together with apricorns.
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Redhead spotted, deploying the TAVROS
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I knew women were gooners
woah there! that's not very progressive of you, chuddie!
Finally beat Cynt- I mean Paloma
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Electrorape bros....it's been a while.
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This is beautifully melancholy and sad, pure edgekino.
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You and your team can teleport anywhere. Please don't info dump me...
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Surely trusting an amoral beady eyed psychopath is a good call, surely big pharma is reliable, trustworthy and definitely not amoral vampires who poison the people for profit.
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even darek's short stint of "I need more power!" rival was annoying, and I get the feeling this guy ain't changing his tune anytime soon
it feels like the dev is going for an angle of "is it really okay to use animals for medical advancement and testing" which doesn't work with pokemon, especially using phantump which are canonically ghosts of lost children
weird detail, there are different footstep sounds depending on what you're walking on, like the dock in the second town and the grates in the power plant
Probably calling it a day for now since I'm pretty tired and I still need to do some chores.
I can't tell if the dev actually expects us to believe a single word of what the big pharma cunts say, but they killed Phantump, essentially children spirits reincarnated by the dozen, likely doomed hundreds if not thousands of Pokemon to death and they're way too shady and scummy as is, not helped by some of the coinkydinks with their naming scheme and the virus.
when you get to the power plant, you'll be sent on another hunt for clues. some of these were annoying to find
>woman in left room
>boxes in left room hiding a crack
>the number on the wall near those boxes
>crack in the wall in right room
>number on wall near crack in right room
>mash confirm on one of the floor grates in right room
that should be it other then talk to everyone
>we're totally not evil
My jolteon looks weird bros
>Flareon gets >>>>>Competitive
fucking lmao
Probably gonna hold off on evolving eevee for now, looking at it's level up set, it gets lots of coverage Jolteon would like later down the line kek
can't tell if the spots are normal or if it's a virus thing
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>doing experiments on multiple pokemon including gengar
>it's genes can infect pokemon and people
could be some good edgy moments
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Burning Jealousy
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kek, Based
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Schizo visionbros...
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you just watch some dancing for 10 minutes and answer two questions, it's really boring. the gym leader also has the problem of being weak to bulldoze
do not use the elevator in the 4th gym town's mall, it puts you off the map
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ends on a proper cliffhanger, damn.
Finally, shit's starting to evolve
Might end up needing to cull some shitters though, Vulpix and Charcadet are useless
thanks bro.
Simply outplayed, better luck next time
I'll stop for the night
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I would say this is on the lower end of the spanish spectrum of games. it's better then africanvs and other low tier games like vanguard or eon guardians, but it's still weak. It definitely has great visuals, good cutscenes, regionals look good, but I'm not super into the story or characters. It has some good edge and some schizokino but I don't like that it could be going down the road of "is it really good to capture pokemon" with the reveal that only captured pokemon can get the atlas disease and direct reference to animal testing in order to advance medical sciences. I just don't think that kind of thing works in pokemon, or at least not like it's doing. Of course it is a beta and since it's only around halfway it could just be the lower level employees believing in that shit, I just don't want the endgame to be N. Also everything to do with the gym 3 section seemed really out of place. Speaking of, the map layout of some of the areas is bad, shit like the thousand mouths and the sewer bit right before entering the power plant. Just bumbled my way through it, didn't feel like I really knew where to go. The characters are also meh. I like the professor and jenny, but the dude rival sucks and kendra is just there, though maybe that's because gym 3's a filler arc that really just makes you forget about kendra. it's not that I'm completely detached from her arc like a rejuv character I could just easily live without it. I also think a good amount of the character portraits have that annoying tumblr nose syndrome going on, it just looks bad. For now I'll give it a 7.5, it really needs to pick up in the latter half.
Sorry bros, was out the whole day kek

Shame it wasn't better, though we're probably still coming down from Unbreakable Kino. Also damn it was quick too
Maybe I should actually make good on that promise to finish that piece of shit one of these days
>that weird self question about the lead dev
Holy mental illness batman
Just the way it's said makes my hair stand on end
Vince, I'm going to try and level with you my nigga
Stop making Virtualization 2 under the name "Yancy", we all know its you. Its a waste of time. Literally just go make a good game. You've seen our tier lists, you know what games we think are good, hell you've played Rejuv, hopefully a more recent version. It doesn't need to be fancy it just needs to be functional and fun.
That's better advice than a niggerdick sucker like Ayrei will ever give you btw

Assuming you're the Grovyle fag, yes, I can judge your game off the first 10 minutes when it was a broken shitty mess where blacking out to the first trainers softlocked you (which was easy to do when I had a Torchic and had to go through a no heal gauntlet with Geodude at the end) and the first major map was a tiny featureless square that most RPGMaker novices grow out of past the first day and there were incredibly weird item placements like a random fucking Power Belt on a wall tile.
If you are Grovyle I will give you the exact same advice as Vince. Go play something good and try to emulate it in your own games. Even if it's a situation like how Ayrei tries to ape Rejuv and it's flaming dogshit like Vanguard that was still better than Virtualization and probably better than the Grovylefag's game so at least it'd be a step up.
Also no more of this dumb 4chan discord proxy chatting bullshit, Jesus
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Being clinically retarded just cost me 30 minutes of my life. After beating gym leader Mortimer, you ought to talk to him again. Searched far and wide, yet couldn’t find him.

Turns out that thing on top of the stage is him standing behind a wooden lectern … and not a scarecrow, which I thought it was and therefore ignored.

Ah well.

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