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Say something nice about her.
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She is literally me, aside from the short multi-colored hair. God I just want to ruffle it up
Based. Imagine petting Penny and messing her hair up. She would act annoyed, but she’d secretly like it…
She is the ugo sister of the sexy Peonia ...and that's all the nice things about her
They’re both very lovely! <3
where is the cute anon you made this for? I wanted to mil- eehm, talk to him.
>Reddit tier copypasta
Go back, also you must be atleast 18 years old or older to post here
Please don’t turn this thread into ERP…
Didn't he left because he wanted that?
Just saying, hehe~
I guess. But if you want to ERP, go to /trash/. I just want to share my love for Penny and talk about her.
ERP thread??
Is it possible to share your love for a certain pokégirl without trying to get other anons to cum for them?
Belongs in >>>/trash/ unironically, fuck off back there troon
I want to give Penny a big hug and tell her that everything will be alright.
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Cute as a taur.
I haven't played the game so the only other thing I know about her is that she likes Eevees.
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I also have this gif. This is cute too.
>the only other thing I know about her is that she likes Eevees.
She’s quite shy, but she has a bit of an attitude once you get to know her better. She’s good with computers, and she watches anime. She’s actually from Galar (Peony is her dad), but she’s studying abroad in Paldea. She also has a very poor diet. She’s your standard “weeb hacker” type.

She’s also the boss of Team Star.

Ok that is just adorable. I love how they all at least attempt to hide except Jolteon. That gif does a lot to show each Eevee’s personality.
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Cute little hacker with a love for Eevees and anime. Also cute feet! what's not to love?
I know a certain anon who is a big fan of Penny’s feet.
would love to suck a dark-type trainers nut out of her pussy hole
I don’t think Giacomo would have that kind of relationship with her…
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a very big fan, and not just of Penny! pokegirl feet in general are a delight!
sadly, that anon is a bit sleepy, but he'll be back in about 8 hours
No worries! Btw, Machine’s back in the AI threads, but he’s gone to bed. It’s good to see you again.
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good to see you too. meet u in the usual place?
I’m out at the moment, but I’ll post there when I get home. I don’t really go there anymore, but I guess I’ll head there one last time.
oh okay, I'll only be here for like another hour though, so just shout me out when ur back
I’m ready when you are.
>not!british person spends a great deal of time in not!spain
gripping commentary from gamefreak.
>dresses like a retard
>dyes her hair like a retard
>acts like a retard
>gets bullied and does a pumped up kicks
>I'm s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ss-s--s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ss-s--sshy
>instantly starts being a sassy bitch with Arven
The only good thing I can say is that she gets put into a fucking no windows office cubicle and forced to code 18 hours per day to never see the light of day again
Kek, I noticed that. Maybe that’s another reason she’s so reclusive. Galarian tourists don’t really have the best reputation in Paldea…
the cutest trans girl in all of pokemon
To be fair to Penny, she's (ostensibly) there to study and not engage in hooliganry as the negative stereotype of a tourist goes.
One must wonder if an equivalent to the War of Spanish Succession occurred, thereby the ceding of a Gibraltar equivalent, in the history of the Pokemon world, but this is probably a line of thought much too autistic for this thread.
True. Although the stereotype still lingers, regardless of the actual reason she’s there. She doesn’t let it bother her too much, thankfully.

Interesting. I tend to wonder about stuff like that as well. If they stuck to Spain for the DLC areas instead of going to other regions, there would definitely have been a Pokémon equivalent of Gibraltar.
Certainly didn't expect someone to be on a similar wavelength to mine...

I'd wager that, maybe GF didn't want to double down on the Switch generations of Pokemon.
Would have been interesting though, especially with how the Pillars of Hercules are present at the Strait, even if I do like the DLC areas as they are now.
I don’t really think about that kind of stuff on the same level that you do, I just wonder what the Pokémon equivalents of real world places are. Your dedication to this topic is admirable, I respect it.
I bet Penny is into anal expansion.
Well, in exchange for you respect, have some of my random sleep deprived thoughts
Interestingly enough, Annihilape is apparently based on the Gibraltar barbary macaque.
Kalosdea could have been a thing assuming the war of Paldean (Spanish) sucession was fought over the same thing as it was in our reality, the Kalosian (French) king being the heir to the Paldean (Spanish) throne.
Though curry is a very popular dish in Japan, it only made appearances in the anime prior to the introduction of it as game mechanic in SwordShield. Interestingly enough, despite what geographical proximity may make you think, curry was introduced to Japan via British naval officers when they modernised the IJN, as that included revamping the mess halls on their ships. The obvious answer to the lack of curry in previous generation games is just "well they were just eating it off screen duh" but it kinda does make you think.
Speaking of food, the origin of the word picnic (and most likely the practice as well), came from France, despite the mechanic for it skipping XY and going to Paldea.
Lastly, for something related to Penny and her area of expertise I bet Pokemon Ada Lovelace invented the Porygon -1 lol.
I bet she stinks good
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Made to get loved by her friends. And fucked too.
Penny... ugh...
Yes? What about her?
Sniffing Penny...
That doesn’t tell me much.
Cute. She might not smell the best, but it’s her smell, so it’s alright.
how dare you, her smell is the best
Sniffing Penny's... P- hair, I was about to say hair...
I meant that she smells bad in a good way. She stinks good.

Cute. Penny’s hair is adorable.
feeling funny for Penny's P...
Her what?
Don't say it! we're on vp!
Still insulting, saying stink is always negative! stop that!

Penny's Penny S-
>saying stink is always negative! stop that!

>Penny's Penny S-
Penny’s Penny what? At first I thought you were referring to a certain part of her, but that part doesn’t start with an S. I’m curious.
What do you think I was going to say, anon?
feeling so, so funny for Penny's Penny S... ugh...
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>boy am i glad my vees are illiterate
I can’t really say it, but you know what I’m referring to. It’s very private…
her penny slit?
Nah, that's not it

Wow, you're such a pervert
Kek, if she thought the bullying she suffered at the academy was bad, then I don’t even want to think about how she’d react to the shit people say about her on /vp/. Then again, it’s mostly just mindless retards accusing her of being either trans or a zoophile.
come over to the other thread already, I'm waiting
Clothes swap <3
Looks like Florian picked a bad time to walk in…

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It’s so nice to finally see all three of them together. It’s such a wonderful occasion, even Penny couldn’t help but smile! If you know her, you’d know that getting her to smile is a real accomplishment!
I know this is a Penny thread but I can't decided who's the cutest here...
I switch between Nemona and Penny depending on how I’m feeling.
SV is the first game in a while where I genuinely liked all the rivals. Obviously Penny's my favorite, but Arven and Nemona aren't that far behind. Not mentioning Carmine and Kieran because they haven't appeared in the anime yet but I like them as well
I love both Nemona and Penny. Arven is really cool too, but he’s not a girl, so I naturally don’t think about him as much. I have a very strong attachment to the SV friend group. I’m going to have a very hard time moving on from them once the next generation rolls around.
How about you kill yourself, my dude?
You mean perfect
Of course. It’ll be awkward at first, but their relationship will soon blossom into something beautiful.

I’m just glad there’s at least one pic out there of Penny squirting. I’ve always headcanoned that she does, I just think it’s very cute.
I was just joking around, chill
this is not /b/
Shit, sorry.
Not the reaction I was expected, made me kek
Cute picture, wish she would actually look more like that
Isn't that pretty much what she looks like?
thats not how i expected her to paint the ceiling lmao
>Say something nice about her.
She is ugly.
She has these weird Korean surgery eyes, at least in the games, she looks way better in her TCG version
What the fuck does that mean?
It’s a very cute pic. I love her expression, and her hair is drawn very nicely.

Kek, that got a chuckle out of me.
Exactly! She looks like a Korean version of Max with a tumblr phase in the game
Look how cute she is here:
Penny’s 3D model is cute (her being rather unattractive is kind of what makes her cute in my eyes), but she does look better in 2D, I will admit.

That card is adorable. I love her curious expression, and her pose is cute as well.

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I dunno who this penny is, but why does she look like my irl wife? wtf
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boner lost, not that I had one h-hehe
Penny if she real life

(She looks fucking adorable)
too pretty, penny would look more nasty and like she stinks, this girl looks like she smells beautiful
True. It’s a nice cosplay, but I imagine Penny would look a bit less attractive IRL (which is what makes her cute).

>this girl looks like she smells beautiful
Ok nevermind this cosplay is completely inaccurate.
>her being rather unattractive is kind of what makes her cute in my eyes
Eeeh, huh?

>That card is adorable. I love her curious expression, and her pose is cute as well.
It's really super cute, yes

I'm not sorry

She would smell like a comfy bed
Would sniff on her all day
Is it weird that I'm getting horny from you guys talking about her smell?
Idk, I just think her not being conventionally attractive makes her cuter. She’s different. Not many people go after her. I genuinely love her for who she is. She has a very intimate appeal, if that makes sense. Something about her just makes me want to get close to her and cuddle her like there’s no tomorrow with or without clothes .

>I'm not sorry
No need to be! Be proud of your love for Penny!

>Would sniff on her all day
Same. She definitely smells bad, but in a good way. Plus, you’ve spent a lot of time with her, so you’ve gotten used to it.

Not at all. Her smell is one of my favourite things about her.
hnng... now I'm getting even more horny
>not being conventionally attractive makes her cuter.
Yeah, when you say it like that, I also prefer girls like that, girls like penny are way more lovable, and they are loyal to you when you win their heart over
I don’t want to get into ERP territory, but I hope you have a lovely time thinking about Penny’s smell. How do you think she smells anyway?
you can't just post pics like that and ask me questions like that and then not helping me out...
Just go to /trash/ dude
Exactly! I’ve met many girls like Penny in my life. I never got with any of them (they’re either taken, lesbians, or I was just too shy), but Penny still hits close to home for me. I want to come over to her room and hang out with her.

You forgot to answer my question. If you’re interested in the pic I posted, here’s an alternate version that you’ll like even more.


What that anon said.
People on trash are trash, I prefer it comfy and nice
And I prefer my /vp/ threads without ERP so go do that somewhere else
Shit, forgot to add an image.
These threads are literally made by trash users every time, pretty sure this is nemona anon or whatever his name was thread
Is it time for a penny thread "over there"?
Asking for a friend
Hey, I just made this thread because I feel like Penny doesn’t get enough love. I think she’s very cute. I don’t want any ERP in this thread, I just don’t think this is the place for it.
I literally don't care, if Joe Biden made the fucking thread I also wouldn't want people to talk about /pol/shit in here
Keep ERP shit out of /vp/, it's literally that simple man
You posted hentai of penny here tho...
I would join...
Joe Biden is on vp? I knew it
>You posted hentai of penny here tho...
ERP and simply posting porn are two completely different things.
But you provoke it, and it's also now allowed
a-anyway... would you come over?
I can't even write anymore...
No, sorry. I quit /trash/ recently.
you were my fav anon by far... even tho we never interacted there
Thanks, but I’d rather we not discuss this any further.
i'll never bump and revive your threads again!
Can we just discuss Penny and what we like about her instead of jerking each other off? That would be great.
Penny seems like the kind of girl who lifts her feet off the floor when she's pooping so people don't recognize her shoes.
Fucking kek, that actually made me laugh. She definitely would. Bullies can be ruthless sometimes…
New headcanon added, thanks for that.
who'd be autistic enough to go around the girl's bathroom to look at shoes
Bullies can be cruel. Besides, even if people don’t recognise her shoes, she probably still does it out of habit.
I have a feeling Penny would really like Splatoon for some reason. Idk why.
You are right
It's cause she's a gay nerd
Eh, fair enough. I don’t really headcanon her to be queer in any way, but I can see why you’d think that. She definitely has a poster of the Inkay Sisters in her room somewhere.
How can you see her as straight? Have you not seen how horny she is for the MCs mom? Lol
She's definitely bi or pan
True. Although you don’t have to be gay to appreciate someone’s beauty. I personally think she focuses on how attractive Atticus, Carmine and your mum are because she’s kind of jealous of how attractive they are. She has major self esteem issues when it comes to her appearance and body image. Again, that’s just my headcanon. Your interpretation is just as valid as mine.
I hate penny's friends and their stupid vehicles
Did they kick your ass anon, be honest
Depends on your definition of "kick my ass".
No if you're strict enough to say "only forcing a black out counts", yes if otherwise.
>their stupid vehicles
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Shit, can’t believe I didn’t make that connection. My bad. I wish Revavroom actually learned all the torque moves, rather than having them just be exclusive to the Starmobiles.
Don't you think that might make them too strong?
This is gen 9 we’re talking about, nothing is too strong.
Yeah, that's fair enough.
However, Starmobiles delenda est.
Her sister is kinda hot
She’s pretty, isn’t she? I wish there was more art of her.
I want to sniff pennys feet and lick her vava
She would be nervous about it at first, but she’ll definitely appreciate it.
Oh no, I don't let you make me horny and then dip out, I'll not go any further, because I'll be disappointed
I swear to god, I don’t think I’ll make a Penny thread ever again if all people want it do is ERP.
*If all people want TO do.
I was literally making a joke and you replied in the a roleplay way, why do you get offended now? I don't even ERP, ERP is cringe
Shit, sorry. Force of habit, I guess.
Penny about to bring out her first mixtape

Sniffing her feet and licking her v was just a joke?

>always replies with RP and hentai links
>gets mad when people want to RP back
Cute schizo
I wonder what kind of beat Giacomo would cook up…

>Cute schizo
Eh, fair. Guess I shouldn’t try to fight it.
I feel like she would make some cool beat, but Penny would manage to be a bit off rhythm while trying to sound like a female Eminem, then she would blush and try to run away.

I would be there for her tho, comforting her
Aww, that’s adorable. She doesn’t need to be ashamed of expressing herself. For some reason, I immediately pictured this when it comes to the kind of beat she’d rap over. Idk why.


>I would be there for her tho, comforting her
That’s cute. You just might be the encouragement she needs. She’ll definitely be more motivated to continue after a few cuddles.
Leave Nemonanon alone :( he's already done with that stuff so no need to request for it.

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