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Liko vs Roy Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>September 27th: PM2023 067 - Shine Terastal! Liko VS Roy!


Future episodes:
>October 11th: PM2023 068 - To a New Sky! Brave Asagi!!

>Upcoming episodes preview:

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>OS-JN filler guide:

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Previous: >>56482665
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Tomorrow is a new episode, a new Battaru. With Kitakami on the horizon, there is another set of questions to settle. Starting with a simpler one is the reoccurring topic of whether or not the story of the Likonime shares a timeline with the story of SV.
In spite of the presented facts or opposition, I made a poll where it can be made clear what side a fair part of this thread is on: https://poal.me/3lyytr
Live discussion is enabled.
It's pretty clear that the events of SV happened in the anime.
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This little shit will condemn Paldea.
Atleast it will do it in a cute fashion, Liko is lucky.
The power of 67
Anne WILL get a Hisui Samurott
And Anne WILL deliver a Suge rematch with Liko next April
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My Iono withdrawal is kicking in.
Kitakami is honestly what I am the most excited for. DLC hour.
Pay for more Iono content then. That would make her happy.
How come?
Terapagos cute.
Crispin needs to show up in the new chapter.
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Iono is property of Spinel.
I hope Liko wins. I think she lost all of her battles this chapter besides the ones with Anne and Onyx who are both Explorers.
What a madman. Watching Iono while casually working on the next steps of a plan.
How did the Theory with Anne came to be?
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Iono belongs to Dot.
>Iono is property of Spinel.
He will have to fight against Larry for that.
>Wagecuck with the Eceleb who drains 50% of his monthly paychecks.
It started when Liko showed her the pendant and then Amethio showed up during their break.
iirc some also pointed out that she only appears when the Explorers are there.
For Spinel
For Agate
Favorite battle in the series so far? Mine is Dot vs Iono.
This. Lacey too.
Roy is my boy.
Liko and Katy vs Rika
That's a weird coincidence but I take it.
They would make for some fun interactions.
Cute design
Indeed, probably being hotheads over food. Classic.
Needs fatposting
He will probably show up when they inevitably go to his skewl.
Can't wait for Carmine.
I am Team Liko.
Liko vs Rika
She will deliver a rematch with Liko as a member of the Explorers. Trust the plan.
Dot belong to Liko.
Both belong to Spinel.
Hoping they go to the Crystal Lake
Kiki when?
Sango will cuck him from Ogerpon.
>I still find it wild how the writers pretended that the Amour kiss never happened despite the popularity of the pairing and Serena

Good because the anime has to do it to bring Serena back. Amourshippers & XYfags tends to forget that Ash is just TEN year old and not in the age for any romantic relationships. Yajima's biggest mistake was trying to treat Ash and Serena like an adult instead of kids but again he cared more about pushing Sasuke clone instead of the series itself.
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Ash x Dawn
>Starting with a simpler one is the reoccurring topic of whether or not the story of the Likonime shares a timeline with the story of SV.
Yeah it does. It explains Nemona's pawmot, or Penny working for them by the start of the terastal chapter.
Blue is the hair colour of losing girl hair.
>It explains Nemona's pawmot, or Penny working for them by the start of the terastal chapter
Pokémon anime always did things differently than the game.
Dawn just needs to be prettier than Serena and May.
>Fagmon is talking to himself again
Sad and pathetic.
The accident at Area Zero is a dead giveaway that it's the one from SV. They share one for the anime.
>The accident at Area Zero is a dead giveaway that it's the one from SV
Except there was no accident in the game. Professor Sada/Turo died long time before the player got there & shut down their time machine. Even Indigo Disk ended with no accidents.
>the reoccurring topic of whether or not the story of the Likonime shares a timeline with the story of SV.
They do.
Friede fucking Orio when?
>Anne WILL get a Hisui Samurott
>And Anne WILL deliver a Suge rematch with Liko next April
Would be a cool anniversary match.
Spinel is so lucky.
Them sharing a timeline provides the explanation for why Penny is already working with the Pokemon League as she wouldn't be involved with them otherwise. The mentioned accident might be the coverup for SV friends entering it near the end of the game.
>Atleast it will do it in a cute fashion, Liko is lucky.
Lucky to get first seats for the carnage?
Kiki is made for bullying.
Name-dropped in the Kitakami arc, full appearance in the Blueberry arc.
Barbaric little shit.
>Responsible for senseless death and brutality
>Can't get up after getting flipped over
Ultimate Glass cannon.
I think it can get up on its own, but it's secretly testing those around it to see if they're worthy of its mercy.
The day no one unflips them is the day the blood spills once more.
Oh god, Terapagos is horrifying.
>Them sharing a timeline provides the explanation for why Penny is already working with the Pokemon League as she wouldn't be involved with them otherwise
Except the anime always did things differently than the game so this version of Penny never got bullied and instead worked for Pokémon league from the start.

In the game, Heath was the one who discovered and named Terapagos however the anime insist that Terapagos was already discovered 100 years ago by Lucius.
> Liko only unleash her true power when her friends are in danger.
What is up with this cringe writing? This is just the cliche power of friendship trope that is overused in shonen anime.
Sex with Terapagos
Only Friede fucking Mollie.
>Sex with Terapagos
Oh no, Satan and a genocidal Turtle.
Spinel should kidnap Liko.
And hypnotize her to do demeaning things.
I looked up some previews to see if there were any notable differences between episodes and stumbled over the LikoRoy channel previews. Aside from detailed model works, I think they're a neat tie-in to that one episode.
What are the odds of them releasing those models for the public?
>She will deliver a rematch with Liko as a member of the Explorers. Trust the plan.
Unironically kino.
Wonder if Juliana will ever show up at some point.
Sex with this brat.
Serena won the Ashbowl by the way.
>started when Liko showed her the pendant and then Amethio showed up during their break.
Honestly a big brain move if she actually is a mole.
>Crispin needs to show up in the new chapter.
I wouldn't mind him popping in.
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I think it's gonna be the case. Likonime exploring the postgame would be cool.
>Lacey too.
>Favorite battle in the series so far?
Their battle.
Roy's second battle against Brassius
My man
What a chad
So is Kieran going to have his design in Teal Mask or the one after he gets cucked from Ogerpon where he puts his hair up?
Probably after it happened, onion hairs up.
>explicit romance
Wouldn't that be considered hardcore for a kodomo show? Not that I'd mind though.
hair up would be hilarious
Liko x Arven when?
In two arcs.
During the Area Zero tour.
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Onion-boy better watches himself if he doesn't want to induce the turtle's rage.
For kodomo with no personality or reason to give a damn its too hardcore but for good kodomo its fine
Wonder if they'll actually go to the dlc academy or if it will just be skipped instead
They will go there, Briar and Carmine are basically picked up from their status quo in between Teal Mask and Indigo Disk. They do travel together after Teal Mask in the games before returning to her and Kieran's academy.
That sounds more likely as to why they weren't present in the preview yet which would probably cover the first few episodes. They'll hop in after coming back from a different region.
There's no escaping the Tink.
Curious as to what he'll be doing next considering he just got ditched by his gramps
>What a chad
Amethio is a gentleman.
Probably will try to get back into Gibeon's grace back for a while before realizing this isn't worth it desu.
Tink deserves to be bullied.
Iono is Dot only.
Ugly fuck.
Likonime is set in timeline where Ash become a champion ranked trainer of Paldea and he beat Nemona in a 6v6 battle where he win with Ceruledge and Koraidon.
>but it's secretly testing those around it to see if they're worthy of its mercy.
That sounds about right.
Tinkatink needs to get bullied. Take her hammer away and play fetch with it and Rockruff, let the food tangle slightly above her head as she hops with her little stubs for legs to reach out for it. Savor every single tear that falls from her eyes when she hears the thunder hollering on a stormy night and cowers into herself. Wake her up with the Airhorn. Take long sips from the berry juice made out of her lunch right before her blurry eyes.
Fucking based
>Atleast it will do it in a cute fashion, Liko is lucky.
Liko is lucky she gets to chaperone the Dictator of Paldea.
Based as fuck
>Starting with a simpler one is the reoccurring topic of whether or not the story of the Likonime shares a timeline with the story of SV.
It is.
>iirc some also pointed out that she only appears when the Explorers are there.
It was more and more becoming in the same episodes so there is some truth to it
> OS Ash had Pitch Black eyes until BW where he had Brown eyes.
> Iris had Brown eyes until JN where her eyes became Dark Red.
> Dawn had Deep Blue eyes until JN where her eyes became Stale Gray.

Is it possible to change an existing character's eye colour? For example Serena with Green eyes or Dawn with Purple Blue eyes like Jessie.
>Favorite battle in the series so far?
You said it, Dot vs Iono. Dot was pretty clever with the move usage to make up for her on hand experience
>It explains Nemona's pawmot, or Penny working for them by the start of the terastal chapter.
Probably, Penny was a bro in the previous episode.
>Kiki when?
If it's somewhere after Teal Mask, then he might be hauled up at home starting his training stuff judging by the last cutscene. One anon already posted that Carmine might definitely mention his name in passing.
Wonder when Armarouge will actually debut
Liko won't know what hit her.
But in all seriousness, that would both a madman move to do and also a goldmine to see what her self-proclaimed BFF actually is.
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Amethio and Spinel make the shoujo allegations all the more amusing ngl.
Liko will never catch a break with those two in the same room.
>How did the Theory with Anne came to be?
Anne thought it would be really funny if Amethio surprises Liko right at the last day before break.
>reframes the entire first episode as Liko being targeted by her roommate and her accomplice
Kino if true.
Orio only fucks Mollie.
Liko is for Roy?
Roy's housewife
She'll have to fight Nemona first.
Liko is for Spinel.

>Scream Tail
>New Mega Evolved Pokémon from Pokémon Legends Z-A

A very "Kanto" team for the only champion from Kanto in the anime.
>only champion from Kanto in the anime
So Lance?
>Liko is for Roy?
They are both protagonists, would be weird if they were there for something like idk, Mighty G?
On second thought, Mighty G is colossally based.
Mighty G needs to correct Sango
Lance is from Johto so he doesn't count.
>That sounds more likely as to why they weren't present in the preview yet which would probably cover the first few episodes.
Would fit, probably fits Carmine's attitude if they got to Kitakami without her welcoming committee response.
Not a bad team for Red.
>Them sharing a timeline provides the explanation for why Penny is already working with the Pokemon League as she wouldn't be involved with them otherwise.
Yeah. And the other stuff seems to have happened in the meantime so it checks out with the reception.
Would be neat if his Quagsire had Damp to prevent the brat's Glalie from using Self-Destruct.
>What are the odds of them releasing those models for the public?
They are low but it would be nice to see the Liko and Roy models becoming available.
Red doesn't exist in the main anime.
>whether or not the story of the Likonime shares a timeline with the story of SV.
I think they share one timeline.
>They are low but it would be nice to see the Liko and Roy models becoming available.
Keeping fingers crossed.
She and Amethio should kiss desu.
They share a timeline.
Lucius is a madman
Sango won the Ashbowl.
Diana return when?
Probably when they'll pick up the six heroes. Or maybe squeezing it with Entei since he can be found naturally in Paldea through Snackworth's faggotry of snacks.
>He will have to fight against Larry for that.
Larry probably might bribe some vanguards for that kind of fight.
Cute friends.
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Why they sweating so much?
baby-making battoru
Liko is UGLY
Sweat battle.
Are they having sex?
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Xavier's latest conquest.
Cute DotLiko
Cap is so lucky.
Based! never stop anon
They find her decaying corpse when they reach Rakua.
Why is the girl on the right so fucking ugly?
But he is.
t. Sandwich
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This. It showed how much better and confident Liko has become since the beginning.
Either Roy or Liko will come out pregnant of this............or their Pokemon
Hot battle.
It's a good fight
Due to two Romcom LN, I have realised that it really stings when side character score prettier girl than the MC regardless the chemistry.

So there is only one thing that matters in Pearlshipping vs Amourshipping , which girl has the potential to become the most beautiful woman on Pokémon franchise!
>How did the Theory with Anne came to be?
Anne saw a PokePrankster video and thought it would be hilarious to see how it goes down if she keeps feeding the explorers location feeds of Liko.
>The day no one unflips them is the day the blood spills once more.
So as soon as Gibeon gets the turtle in his hands.
That's a fucking sturdy brat
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Satan, no.
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This is it, boys. If she wins, she's marrying Alex right away
Oh no no no no no!
I can't believe how many people think it's the same timeline.
>Herba Mystica are openly available for purchase in Paldea, something that never happened in the game
>the "Area Zero accident" in the game happened a long time before the start of the game. The accident in the anime cannot be the same event if it's "postgame canon" because not only did it happen very recently, Arven is also already friends with Penny and Nemona. So the if it was the same accident, it would've already been resolved by now, which is clearly not the case
>additionally to that, if it's game post-game canon, there couldn't even be any accidents happening in Area Zero recently because what could still happen there at that point?
>not a single hint towards Team Star existing
>Terastalizing rules are completely different
>SVs whole fucking theme was alternate timelines, as its Terapagos' whole gimmick
I think it's impossible for them to be the same timeline. It has similarities to the post-game canon, but it's not the same.
crocs heating up
You know that the events can happen at the same time right? Nemona evolved her electric hamster throughout the course before the start of the third chapter, but Penny working with the league is a thing since the start of the third chapter. And who is to say the accident in question isn't referring to the endgame of SV where Nemona, Arven and Penny went down there?
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>And who is to say the accident in question isn't referring to the endgame of SV where Nemona, Arven and Penny went down there?
I wouldn't call that an accident at all.
Still, what about the herba mystica? We see Murdock buy it in HZ014 - how is that possible when this is during or before the events of the game, considering Nemona's Pawmo? Surely, Arven would've just gone and bought it instead of doing all the bullshit with the titans. No one even knew if the herbs were real in the game until Arven and the player found them.
I never called it an accident. But calling it an accident to cover something up is probably in Geeta's book of options.
And the order in which the three storylines can be done isn't exactly set either. I always consider when assuming a possibility for timelines the essential question of "how"? How could Arven do his storyline when seemingly in the presence of Liko and co the herbs are freely available? Arven could have done it already but would be decent enough to provide a means to provide smaller variants of them? I mean, it's not like he would keep it all to himself if he could get it amongst others who need it. But hey, he's showing up tomorrow so maybe he'll drop something about it.
>Herba Mystica are openly available for purchase in Paldea, something that never happened in the game
You can get Herba Mystica from other characters in the game. The fact you can't buy them can be chalked up to gameplay and Arven needing the the ones guarded by the Titans can be reasoned as him needing them fresh.

>The accident in the anime cannot be the same event if it's "postgame canon"
>it would've already been resolved by now,
>there couldn't even be any accidents happening in Area Zero recently because what could still happen there at that point?
Exactly, it was resolved already while the RVTs were traveling back to Paldea. We see Nemona with a Pawmo and later a Pawmot, meaning the games events could very easily have been happening behind the scenes.
>not a single hint towards Team Star existing
There doesn't have to be
>Terastalizing rules are completely different
>SVs whole fucking theme was alternate timelines
I mean Murdock just went and bought the herbs in Mesagoza. I don't know, it really doesn't line up with how Herba Mystica were depicted in the game at all. I'm convinced it's a different timeline. But yeah I guess we'll see, although Arven still doesn't get a VA announcement, right? Who knows if he will even talk, lol.
>You can get Herba Mystica from other characters in the game.
Only postgame afaik.
>Arven needing the the ones guarded by the Titans can be reasoned as him needing them fresh.
He never mentioned that, though. He didn't even know if they were real, and he said he had done tons of research on natural remedies.
>Exactly, it was resolved already while the RVTs were traveling back to Paldea.
If it's resolved then why does Geeta not allow anyone in AZ? Clearly it's not resolved in the anime yet, whatever that accident is.
>There doesn't have to be
Yes there has if you want to proof it's the same timeline. If they don't exist in the anime, it's a different timeline.
You are not allowed to Terastalize whenever in the anime. Liko "illegally" used Tera against Onyx. That's not a thing in the game, you can freely use Terastal as you please.
It's entire main plot revolves around alternate timelines, and then they seriously go out of their way to make sure that it's the same timeline as the game canon? I don't believe it. It's literally Terapagos' whole gimmick.
lads, /ourcroc/ might be growing up soon, im gonna miss him

Did Penny even have her VA announced when she showed up in the first ep of Terastal Debut? I feel like Arven will prob just be a cameo but be important later
The shared timeline theory (based on how I view/understand it) works on the idea that the events of the games COULD run alongside Horizons, not that they for a fact are. Of course without overt indicators like the PC showing up with their Koriadon/Miraidon we won't be able to say for certain, but stuff like Nemona's restarting her team, Penny working for the league and Terapagos' time travel mist powers give credence to the idea. The timeline posted is just a speculative one cause is not like SV has a concrete order of events and if you factor in the idea that we weren't shown exactly how long it took for the RVTs to get from Kanto to Paldea, the player could have beaten every Titan, all of Team Star and at least 5 gyms by the time the RVTs reached Levincia. Stuff like Geeta not letting anyone into Area Zero is as easy to explain as, you don't just let random people wander around an already dangerous place until you fully ascertain that its safe (not like people were just let into Area Zero to begin with.) And The player got their Tera Orb from Nemona, so they likely just got the privilege because of her.
... and if she loses, she marries Alex the day after
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>marrying anyone (let alone Alex)
>Did Penny even have her VA announced when she showed up in the first ep of Terastal Debut?
No, she didn't even speak. She didn't get her VA announcement until much later when she had her "proper" debut. Actually I'd be surprised if Arven will even speak this week, because if they did they would have said so by now and revealed his VA at the same time they confirmed he was showing up in that one preview pic.
Croc rocks no matter what.
Spinel is property of Gibeon.
Croc will be missed
Stop replying to yourself.
Liko WILL marry Alex, and you will rike it.
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Poppy is so fucking ugly. Deserves to be punched.
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Post Licute
Dot's harem
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About that...
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I find it weird she's so inspired by Magnemite yet she doesn't even have a Magneton or Magnezone in the game.
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Why does the right look like Bocchi?
I hope Liko lose
Leaks say she does.
But she trades one in the dlc
>Ahem, i want to dedicate this victory to my fans, haters, missing parents, Nemo, Liko's father Alex, and my teacher Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, Kanto. PEACE
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No surprise if the next anime have zero battles, gen z I swear
>that face
What a loser.
Next chapter hopefully
He sees Liko's psychotic side, of course he's freaked out
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Gotta go fast. Croc will outspeed that overgrown Weedpussy.
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Looks like it will come full circle from their first two battles.
That's a small one.
>Onion-boy better watches himself if he doesn't want to induce the turtle's rage.
Croc is about to fuck up that Weedpussy.
Not just that, they will do that thing from the picnic episode again.
t. Kieran
LOL, it's true though. Ogerpon belongs to him.
Kieran, please...
That's the main gist of the theory, yeah.
Lizor next?
Arven will probably be relevant in a later arc.
Cap is so lucky.
Sango is for Onyx's dick.
>Sango is for Spinel's dick.
I can see him coming along with them once they start the Area Zero tour.
That's definitely where it's heading though.
Basically like Penny's cameo
>Shows up initially unvoiced
>Later pops up as part of a upcoming arc.
Croc is based.
Croc is life.
That's actually kinda creepy.
Wonder if we will see Arven's dog here. It was in the poster.
Liko is not a incestfreak
Alex would say otherwise.
Alex would never hurt his daughter like that.
For Friede.
For Liko.
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Floragato tanked that.
..on opposite day.
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No talent monkey vs Talented blue colored prodigy.
Let's see if Anipoke makes the right choice again.
Liko deserves to lose. Roy needs his sandwiches after all.
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Now that's just mean. A housewife should be able to do more than just chores.
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>"Pokemon movies are good and don't suffer from filler!"
>watch a pokemon movie
>10-30% of it is team rocket filler
You had it coming.
Ash x Dawn
Anne is a friend.
A friend who would finds it really funny to prank Liko by telling the explorerrs where she is at.
of Amethio? Yes. Also his wife.
Mabosstiff is not only his ace but also his surrogate parent. That's Arven's whole deal. He's definitely gonna show up.
My heroes.
Satanic brat.
Liko will win.
..The waifu award.
Fucking sicko ewhore
Iono needs correction from Grusha.
Sex with Briar, Perrin, and Carmine.
She would never
Juliana has sex with everyone.
I hope Xavier makes a cameo appearance.
>Glorious meme fatso behind Nemona
Oh god please.
CuteSpinel will die.
I will only accept a draw or if Liko wins, I'm gonna be mad if she losses again.
>And The player got their Tera Orb from Nemona, so they likely just got the privilege because of her.
So the Terastal chapter is basically the scenario of what the player would do if Nemona hasn't pulled some strings.
>Posting this after spoilers were publicly reposted
Oh boy, don't if you managed to dodge or if it's just a setup.
What do you mean, she won the last battle against Onyx.
>This is it, boys. If she wins, she's marrying Alex right away
Somewhere in the painting room, Alex felt a kick of adrenaline from pure fear rising up.
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