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Facelift edition

Notable Games:

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

>Tilesets: www.mediafire.com/download/sd99pug37y4v4se/Ziddy%27s+DS+Style+Tilesets+RMXP+.rar
>Archived asset library: rheg.booru.org/
>WIP Gen 5 tiles: imgur.com/a/CiudS

Notable fan game communities: >www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=289

Last Thread: >>56473445
>still no offline pokemmo "ROM"
why does the best version of the game have to be gated behind shitty online features and MTX
>why isn't this mmo offline
do you have any idea how stupid you sound rn
maybe you haven't played it and that's why you're acting retarded, but it merges all of the 1-5 gens, has a good UI with gen 5 sprites, adds in all the uncatchables, and the MMO "features" are just seeing other players and some artificial grind / scarcity added to make paypigs payup. you still play through the games singleplayer so removing the MMO parts and making it offline just strips out the cancer
I don't dislike the new protagonists, but I have to wonder why SphericalIce decided to change them after 10 years.
Because they were just edits of the original sprites, right down to having the same poses.
But I believe the old costumes are available still.
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I threw up another new one. I noticed I forgot to change the landmark for the Ho-Oh dungeon, so the map sign popup would appear when entering. I also changed the music on Route 19 because it was weird to play the Viridian City music.
I also gave Dratini Extremespeed as an egg move because I forgot to give it the move.
someone should take Pokemon Sage assets and make a romhack with them
which game?
Shill me the absolute best gen4 or 5 rom hack out there
She's so hot. What the hell. I haven't played the rom yet since I don't like playing unfinished games. But please tell me she's a rival and she bullies you if you play as male mc.
But why? Shouldn't he be doing more important things like finishing the postgame?
To make it more appealing.
>that fucking zettai ryouiki
are these already in the rom?
Pretty ready to drop Seaglass at Brawly. Just feels like they've dumped every rare pokemon you'd want to chase absolutely any and everywhere. Some nice sprite art isn't enough to make me carry on.

What should I play instead?
Well since you're the one mentioning it: I don't think black text on a dark blue background is very legible. Then again I don't know how much control you have over this.
All shit.
What are you looking for? An "enhanced" experience or a game set in a brand new region?
What do you mean? Please elaborate. As a rom hack maker I want to avoid pitfalls
Brand new region would be the itch scratcher.

I don't like that I've caught Eevee, Vulpix, Pichu, Spinarak, Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple evolution lines all sorted when I have literally one gym badge.

Seeing like rare Kanto fossil pokemon in a random fisherman battle 20 minutes into the game and whatever else just makes it feel incredibly overstuffed.

There's no reward in just throwing me all these pokedex fillers right in the critical path, some of which are obviously fan favorites that people would explore outwards and hunt for. Just feels like it's trying to hard.
I understand. Thank you. I guess there's a reason nintendo did things her way. It helps to make fans more engaged.
Never give people what they want right away is the lesson, here. Make them work for it.
It's not meant to appear at all. The landmark sign appears when you enter a new landmark. I had the castle tagged as Route 20 instead of 19, so it would pop up when entering.
Oh, I see. What does the NPC who talks about fainting near the castle say now, then? He used to mention a route.
I was wondering if:

Was a good, lewd hack rom ever made? I don't mean something like capture girls, but something with more lewd and kinky elements.
And what about an hack rom in which there are no humans, like MD? I know it's a completely different type of game but Prism showed us it's possible
wait what does this mean, why did anon upload peridot
>hack rom
I thought brazilians loved Jesus and shit. I'm sure He would disapprove.
It's just a small fix.
That's Peridotanon and he just pushed a lil fix.
Kek cmon anon give me a break. I'm tired and I forgot to repress my brown ESL beast.
you're looking for aquamarine and ruby destiny 2 rescue rangers, algum br
Thanks. Which one is best? Acquamarine sounds dope.
So i wanted to get into rom hacking and was trying to decide between fire red, emerald, and crystal, but I'm not all sure what is exactly possible with each.

I considered going with crystal first, but I assumed that it would be the most difficult to add new mechanics if i ever got comfortable enough with rom hacking to go that far.

what exactly is possible to do with pokemon crystal? I know that crystal clear lets you start in any location, adjusts the difficulty of the game as you progress, and lets you pick from multiple starters and characters. But are those the biggest changes other than the standard alterations?

And are there enough people experienced enough with hacking crystal that I could reach out and get advice if I'm stuck on something?

I heard the dude who made crystal clear was really tight lipped about sharing his code or helping other rom hackers. Is that the norm?
well, rescue rangers really has no humans and is inspried by md
Any decent Black/White romhacks, mainly looking for QoL improvements and them adding new mons, I wanna replay the games but don't wanna use the same teams again.
All 3 of those games have disassemblies/decomps, which are basically working directly with the game's source code. Technically the only limitations lie in the hardware itself and your ability to code.
>I heard the dude who made crystal clear was really tight lipped about sharing his code or helping other rom hackers. Is that the norm?
No, it's not the norm. There are a couple of fags who won't share their work, but most other games have everything available to the public.
>I considered going with crystal first, but I assumed that it would be the most difficult to add new mechanics
Probably yes because it's written in assembly while the gen 3 decomps use C
>And are there enough people experienced enough with hacking crystal that I could reach out and get advice if I'm stuck on something?
>I heard the dude who made crystal clear was really tight lipped about sharing his code or helping other rom hackers. Is that the norm?
There are plenty of people who don't want others touching their work but a lot of people also share their code. Making entire hacks open source seems more common with gen 2 than 3.
Do you think hard level caps like in Radical Red are a good thing?
Got closed out on the last thread, but still wondering,
Want to try a romhack; haven't played any yet. Looking at Unbound / Exceeded / Radical Red, but also some others. What do you think about the following:

Fire x Red Extended
Blue Stars 4
Emerald Crest
Hyper Emerald Lost Artifacts
Emerald Plus Plus
Black Pearl Emerald
Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus
Scorched Silver
Mega Hoenn Adventures
Autumn Orange

Only really care about having more mons like up to gen 8 or more, or new areas. Dont care for extra difficulty / nuzlocke

I'm glad to hear that it's only a few rom hackers are like that. I guess I'll keep looking into gen 2 and 3 decomps and figure out if I'd rather learn Assembly or C then look into the other tools i would need.
The only tools you'd need are a text editor, image editor, and map editor.
Isn't there another tool? A hex editor or something to find space for new code? Or is that for other rom hacking methods?
That's for older methods. Hex editors are a thing of the past.
I see, thank you.
yeah, shockslayer is NOT normal. he's also a jackass. his entire project is built on open source code and he refuses to share any of his work that wouldn't be possible without using other people's work.

what a prick. i refuse to touch CC.
and what's worse than shockslayer?
Squeetz, he caused his project to be a disaster, he's more egocentric and sociopath even to steal others content and put in his own game to pretend as "the time capsule" and "the future of QoL features" just to spews more of his excuses.

Jesus chirst, i refuse to touch Poclo.
If the game is good, you play it.
Stop with this Morality Police bullshit
>standard FR tiles
Yeah not playing this dogshit
CC isn't really a good game anyway. It's just a customizable gym leader speedrun with a horrible anti-climatic elite 4
i assume poclo is Clover. i've never played, but i have no interest anyway.
Crystal is an inherently good game, i dunno what you're talking about
>Stop with this Morality Police bullshit
Anon, I'm SURE you can give an ACTUAL reason for why those games are bad; I know you can do it!
Closed source, you can say what you want about morals but it has a tangible negative impact on other hacks.
No it doesn't lol. Closed source doesn't help or hurt hacks.
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New map. what do you guys think?
Devoid of life, add some water and make it less Square

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