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SV friends Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>October 11th: PM2023 068 - To a New Sky! Brave Asagi!!


Future episodes:

>Upcoming episodes preview:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56493980
New episode in one hour and 30 minutes.

Reposting from earlier thread because it will be front and center next:
Starting in October, the Rising Volt Tacklers will arrive in Kitakami, most definitely in pursuit for one of the six heroes, Kleavor. During which they'll traverse through the Region's festival and potential other attractions/locations
With the characters Carmine, Briar and Perrim safely confirmed to appear, there is another can of worms to unpack:
>What DLC character would you definitely like to see appear?
>New captures?
>What DLC character would you definitely like to see appear?
Lacey dorking out with Liko over Gurumin.
I love them so much, it's unreal.
Arvenfriends, LETS GOOOO
As long as Liko delivers a good fight, I won't be mad about the outcome.
Calm down Juliana
Only just finished the first arc, but it warms my heart finally seeing them together in the anime. I love them so much.
Arven is definitely tagging along for when Geeta delivers her promise, right?
I will not calm down until I've at least kissed all of them.
>What DLC character would you definitely like to see appear?
Crispin. On a different note, you get to Trade Pokémon with the gym leaders in the DLC right? Would be neat for Liko and Co to have one or two.
>Liko firing nukes into the oblivion with Katy's Combee
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The friendship between these characters feels so forced but I'm glad they’re here at all.
>All they see is each other
Best of dorks.
Of course it can come off like that, they only all came together in the endgame.
Yes that’s what I was referring to
How does it feel forced? The current episodes takes place in the post-game canon.
Roy's taking this home.
Where is the bilibili link?
The old one wasn't working anymore and we haven't found a replacement yet.
As >>56499428 puts it. You can try out the old link from >>56468337 to see if it now works but I doubt it so use Mov3 or otherwise a VPN for jewtube
Those three are bros.
Penny is nice to leave Credit where it's due.
NotRoy and Dot battling. Ironic
GayDuck won
For the last time, WILL
>Dot’s battle is off screen
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised
It WILL be a good episode desu
Hi Katy
Why didn't they make Arven speak? He's already there they might as well have given him a few lines.
Penny-case, expect another appearance later.
I know, but it seems like a waste of an appearance
He maybe heard about them from Penny.
I'm just happy to know he exists in the anime at all. He will 100% appear later.
Toying with Dickbird mentally.
Given we might not even see him again for a while given we haven't seen promo material for Rayquaza Rising showing him off, it seems like a waste. I know he'll be relevant later, but it still feels like a waste.
Was Hat healing Weedpussy?
I know the spoiler said Liko is losing but man is she getting her ass handed to here.
What was that glow?
They had to promote Roy somehow since he's the new Ash. Jap boys were probably pissed that Liko's been styling on him so long
Healing Wish
holy fuck dickbird shit on the hat
Atleast giving her teammate a buff before going out is better than taking the hit.
Roy really has the whole episode on his side.
Oh cool another route remix.
Roy almost losing this badly despite having the type advantage is pretty sad.
Also once more Liko getting an unfair matchup.
She lost. Again.
This episode went by so fast.
croc is insane my hero
This is another Alan. Liko should have won since she is the protagonist so it's clear that the chuuni executive is ruining the show to promote his self insert.
At this point it's obvious Liko needs a cool strong man like Jotaro Kujo with big muscles and blue hair love interest with sassy genki pokemon that have bullet punch moveset
>Last time Let me battle is used
Good riddance.
As someone who isn't a giant fan of this show, I've got to be very honest.

That was a damn good episode. Very impressive.
Shit taste.
Come here SHITko I just want to talk
I'm tired of all these losses, I mean sure Roy had the type advantage but they could've just had a draw.
>Crocalor voring the fish pokemon
>Arboliva raising their arms and spraying juice from their pits
degeneratefags, we're eating well soon
Nah, it's good that they acknowledged him. Makes me look forward to future content. I was almost sure that he wouldn't show up at all.
Liko legit won last week, why is it all now about "only" losses? It's a reversal of the first two chapters where she took the wins while Roy mainly lost.
This would be a great opportunity for the three to learn the Pledge moves. Water and Grass Pledge haven't been shown in the anime before and they get stronger when used in tag battles, which the trio do often.
That would be a neat idea that would play into the whole "Dual Protagonist" conception.
shit yeah that'd be really cool
>Liko and Roy pledging one another to see the Rakua thing through
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my heroes
The promised day comes closer, Roy vs Friede is on the horizon.
>Liko and Roy uses Grass and fire pledge
>Everything gets covered in swamps
Ok, you sold me. Now I want it to happen.
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Now that this school arc is over, does that mean Dot is going to be shafted again?
Dot will be returned to the hikki cave together with Penny, never to be seen again outside of video calls
probably not, she's already involved in the hero battles instead of like friede or someone
God I hope not. I’d assume she’s going to not stick to her room nearly as much anymore.
She is literally fighting one of the three heroes in the next episode alongside them, I don't know why this is even a debate anymore even shortly before the school chapter started. Dot became the third protagonist in all but the name and it shows in her involvement taking outside of her room more and more.
Fake news.
...on opposite day.
>another OP by a K-Pop group
Why does Pokemon like K-Pop so much now?
Time to add this to the OP pasta
I doubt she's going to be shafted, although she obviously won't have the same involvement as Liko and Roy.
Noted and added in the textfile containing the pasta.
All in all, I'll say that this is the best battle of the Likonime so far. Aside from strong animations and a good choreography, it had used everything Liko and Roy had available at their disposal. Kilowattrel's gimmick used to the best, Hattrem using her Healing Wish once she ran out of combat options to make it easier for Floragato's comeback to the two remaining Pokemon, the yo-yo is one big weapon from fall cushioning to rifle action.
Floragato vs Fuecoco/Crocalor stays the pinnacle and it doesn't bother me that they were continuing from their first battles which were first and foremost training fights. It coming down to Roy's and Croc's theme evolving being the synonym to Fuecoco's evolution in the battle is a appropriate timing and moment to do it. Also caught up a bit with the threads over the archives and I saw some posts regarding the usage of Tera coming down to the detriment of both the budget and storyboard but today's tera battle is definitely a case example of putting the workforce to good use.

Also >>56499568 being a illustrated substitute for the Player making photos to remember occasions is a nice touch.
>Water and Grass Pledge haven't been shown in the anime before and they get stronger when used in tag battles, which the trio do often.
Liko and Dot would create rainbows, which would fuel the yuri allegations.
Now I want it just to spite you
The description on Bulbapedia says that water and fire make the rainbow while grass and water make the swamp.
When Kitakami
Fire + Water = Rainbow, increased secondary effects
Fire + Grass = Inferno, deals damage every turn
Grass + Water = Swamp, slows opponents every turn
Should be something like:

>Upcoming episodes previews:
Has Liko ever won SOMETHING?! She is only good for lewd doujins.
Because K-pop is insanely popular with young people worldwide.
Liko and Roy would only damage the weedpussy in doing so. But them doing it in a clutch move wouldn't be too far off.
Figures, would be fitting as to not let potential details slip.
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God damn kids calm down it's just a fun Pokemon battle..
This is awakening something in me. I want to lick both of them...
They are smiling, anon. Fun contains passion and with passion comes sweat. Atleast they're holding back on Abe's will.

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