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8 years ago today, Sun and Moon released. and with it, brought the greatest girl I've ever laid my eyes on.
I was 12 years old when I first saw her when the demos came out, and that <2 second clip of her in it made me fall in love immediately. her cute face, her bubbly personality, and everything inbetween. And then the games came out, and I fell further in love with her. She is royalty, and deserves everything in the world. there is (almost) nothing I wouldn't do for her. When I was younger, I had a little limerick I'd mutter to myself while staring at the stars, hoping to find "the girl from the sky."

..I guess I found her.
I probably don't deserve her, cause I can't help her carry on the royal family, but I hope we can celebrate life together.
Happy 19th birthday, Acerola! I hope you enjoy it, my sweet little cherry blossom!
I've always wanted to fuck her when I was a kid. Now that I'm an adult, my desire to rape her has only multiplied tenfold.
first part kinda agreed, but more as a sub-thought to cuddling. the latter? that's mean, anon :c
I want her to exorcise the ghost ectoplasm out of my cock.
and.. what would you do if she said no?
She’s not real so I don’t have to worry about that.
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does it matter? she is a wonderful person, not just some weird sex toy.
where's the love? the foreplay? the care, the consent, the comfort? if you want to lay with her, you should treat her like the royalty she is.
Sorry, it's just that I'm a depraved adult now while she is still the sweet sexy child she was back then. Meant rape more as "brutal but consensual sex" where she's a slutty kid seducing my adult cock to ravish her. I wouldn't hurt her or make her cry.
I.. guess that's better than what I expected. I think she's an adult, though. it's her 19th birthday after-all :D
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Aww, that is so adorable! Your love for her is so sweet. Happy birthday to Acerola! <3
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Look at this face, anon. Does this look like the face of a girl who would say no to cocks? No, this is the face of a slut who would give up her royalty just to fellate a few more men.
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thank you! went to bed huddling up to my body pillow that is (by sheer coincidence) the same height as her while having nice thoughts of her. it was really nice.
just wish they made SFW casings, or a plushie of her that captures her happiness.
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That sounds lovely. I wish I had a body pillow like yours (blank, no sus images printed on it), but I unfortunately still live with my parents.

As for plushies, there's this. I think it's pretty cute.
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I mean, to me the way that art is/was drawn? honestly, it looks like it would be the other way around. but I still feel you should treat her with utmost respect.

..also, the question was ignored. what would you do if she said no?
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I still live with mine, too, but they understand why I wanted it, the acerola stuff actually came later.
as for the plushie? I think it doesn't look right, honestly..

..that and it's expensive as fuck .w.

also hi nemo, glad to see ya here -w-
any luck with the alt account?
>they understand why I wanted it
Do they know about your love for Acerola or do they just know that you need something to hug?

>as for the plushie? I think it doesn't look right, honestly..
Fair enough. It has the :3 face, but her eyes don't really capture her charm.

Yes! I sent you a friend request.
Aren’t you the fag that made like 3 threads this year alone about how this place is too negative or how we need to change etc
And you’re STILL here? Months later?
Dork lmao
the latter. I think if they knew the former they'd fucking (metaphorically) kill me.

>but her eyes don't really capture her charm
legitimately this. it's my only real gripe with it.

uh.. I didn't get it. did you send it to the wrong person? if you remember my bluesky, put the entire thing in.
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when you have 80+ filtered words, this site becomes bearable
Daily reminder all pedos should just kys thanks
>b-but it’s a drawing it’s not really-
Don’t care. Thanks
>12 years old in 2016
Anon.. way to out urself as a zoomer
Dammit. the random guy I sent it to must be very confused. What was the number again?
at least I respected this site's "no <18's" rule. I may be a newfag zoomer but at least I had the mindset of not going here before I became an adult. so I'm better than like at the very least 40% of the other zoomers here lmao
Op I’m not saying this to be a dick but could you please get a trip or name so I can filter these? It would really mean a lot
It’s not personal, just not a fan of anons who try to make a “character”
Of themselves here
wdym by that? name I get, but trip? idk what that is.
>I can't help her carry on the royal family
Depending on what you were born with, you absolutely can.
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no it's cause I'm actually kinda scared of infants and toddlers
I'm autistic as shit, hate messy things and loud noises, and those things are just that waiting to happen. and I am not a coward who'd put my child at an ipad. that and I'm too low energy for my nephews, so my own kids would be even worse probably.

..although. GIWTWM in that photo. not even the sort of subtle horniness, just waking up to seeing acerola ;w;

this is adorable!! instantly saved :D
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Something i requested
never been a fan of AI art, but.. yeah, people keep saying that she looks like a lucky star character. and my friends said that >>56932559 this art here looked very close to the aesthetic/art style
Simple truths, Acerolanon. Maybe you would like Konata. She has a similar misCHILL-evous personality and is actually 18
funny you say that because I actually did watch lucky star a bit. Adore the character designs but my brain can't really focus too much on just calm slice of life shenanigans sometimes.
always preferred tsukasa though. and wdym acerola is 19 it's been 8 years since she was revealed/released
You would benefit from some calmness, you know
Ah, so you like purple girls
Can you imagine Acerola as an adult? Because i can't
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Taking a break from the Nemona thread, are you? Fair enough, it's in a pretty bad state at the moment. I should have known that the DEI posting would be in full force for SV's anniversary.
honestly I've been imagining her as an adult for ages, so my answer is just "always have been"
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You got me, the pollution levels were too high. I shall return once the trash is cleaned out
You don't have to headcanon anymore, i have the answer right here!
das not acerola though .w.
das a separate character with the same name
I shall leave for a while, but once i return, you're in for a not so full explanation about Acerola Amarela!
You see, just like Acerola, Pikala has the chill cat face and dresses as a Pokemon. It's even more fitting that their mains are Pikachu and Mimikyu. But since Pikala is older, it means that she came first. Which also means that, actually, she isn't Acerola Amarela. No, it's Acerola who is Purple Pikala!
(and yes, you may argue that Acerola came first because of the game, but we're applying anime logic here)
Thoughts on the Acerola x Allister ship?
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that.. is awkward sounding lmao.
technically the NPC she's based on is in akala, but there's only one true acerola, and that is my dearest beloved.
Acerola stinky feet
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honestly? I can respect it. if this board has taught me one thing, it's that there's a version of a pokegirl for everyone. and for some, their versions of acerola are the ones in the happy relationship with allister.
She looks like she'd say no just to goad you into choking her
choking her or choking on her?
either way, that still feels mean though :c
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Acerola is definitely the kind of girl who wants to get roughed up
in your opinion, anyway. I just don't feel like I could handle doing that. she's a gentle, precious person, and I don't think I could bring myself to hurt her, no matter what way it was.
Exactly. She's such a tease, Whispering how I won't ever get to plow her fresh royal cunny while she massages the bulging erection in my pants. She knows reverse psychology is the best way to get what she wants: a wombful of heirs invading her throne room.
Why else would she be walking around in tattered clothes
..could we not turn this thread into blatant hornyposting? it's nice that y'all love her, but we have >>56927055 for that..

ghost aesthetic? thought that was obvious.
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The ghost of a child that teased adults too much
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fellas please. if you're gonna hornypost here, could it at least be lovey-dovey instead of just direct? we have like 2 other threads for this purpose :c
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I am merely stating the facts
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>SM is almost a decade old now
it hurts, but things will get better, anon! :D
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oh my lovely little cherry blossom. what would I do without you?
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what's going on in this thread
exactly what it looks like! I tried to stop em, but they just kept coming and cumming. :c
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Just a friendly reminder to everyone here that she is a child.
What does this imply?
the curvatures of this kahuna
ORAS is a decade old in three days
What would be my ideal team in Alola?
>I hate Fairy Type
>I hate Mimikyu
>I hate Primarina
>I hate Alolan Ninetales
>Only Pokemon resistant to Fairy Type
>Only Pokemon effective against Fairy Type.
Mainly Steel and Poison types. Leading with a Metagross.
>I hate Primarina
I get this image, but I feel it could've worked better if Acerola was wearing Guzma's (very big and loose) outfit.
It's been 8 years since her game came out
She was 11 in the "leaks"
And so she is 19 years old, since she grew up alongside me. Who, frankly, has not physically changed since 2017.
To put it in perspective, she is young enough to be the daughter for most of everyone here, yet there are notions of wanting to impregnate her. That's why I have the need to give everyone a firm reminder that she is a child.
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I'm 20, she's 19, am I young enough to be the kid of some of the people here?
..god I hope not.
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Come on, anon. Do you sincerely believe that everyone who wants to stuff her prepubescent pussy full of semen twice her age doesn't already know that?
it seems mostly the people here who treat her more like a fuckdoll than a person, like you.
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Look at all the stitches.
She is definitively a fuckdoll.
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a doll, maybe, but that's way too abusive to be calling her that! she's royalty, so give her some respect!
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I guess you are right. She is a breeding sow, not a fuckdoll.
that's still on the same page! she's more than just something to have sex with! I knew this site was awful but I didn't expect it to just keep going.
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Indeed, she is for roughly pumping full of semen, not merely having sex with.
there's no arguing with you, is there.
just.. take it somewhere else. please. I'd rather this thread die than turn into a thread of loveless degeneracy.
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Acerolanon, are you still trying to make this threads comfy? Here's some cute Acerola to soothe your pained soul
sadly it doesn't work too well, but oh well ;w;
It's a hopeless task, what's the point? You're in a degenerate site and every loli thread will be like this. You should just give in to your hatred and seek refuge in the Comfy threads
if there was a comfy waifu thread (which this is what it's trying to be) I'd be happy, but there kinda just isn't a general one.
There's nothing stopping you from posting comfy Acerolas in the comfy thread, right? It may work better this way, you know waifu threads will become full of horny anons
I'd rather it stay just as focus to the pokemon world as a whole, honestly. it feels better.
Not that I have any pity for someone who can't even admit he's in love with an underaged girl, but just go to /c/. It's slow but has a more wholesome culture, get out of /vp/.
fictional characters don't age the way we do. especially ones from a series as static as pokemon. the crush has been here since I was 12 and didn't disappear. what am I supposed to do? it's completely harmless, so why worry about it?
Shit excuse, literally everyone was a child at one point, that doesn't excuse your pedophilic tendencies. Anyways, I'm not the one that's worryng about it, you're the one that made a thread weeks ago crying woe is me because the leaks confirmed the cartoon character you're in love with was 9 years old.
actually it was 11. and hence why at the end I specified she is 19 now, since the game came out 8 years ago and that's how I'll count it.
Whatever lets you sleep at night, buddy.
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which it does :D

..and the body pillow I got when I was like, 16, that by sheer happy coincidence is the same height as her.
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A comfy lewd thread could be interesting.
I mean, that would be nice, but considering the character we COULD be doing the comfy SEXYNNES, I feel will think thread SHOULD be deleted.

It just won't fly.
I do agree this is image is adorable, but probably best saved for other threads. I agree with the other anon, though. comfy and lewd could work together, but for certain characters it might turn out badly.

I think it'd be cool if the ecological niche of the opposite of the pokegoddess thread happened. just a thread of a bunch of people being happy and loving(ly horny) to their waifus and pokegirls.
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I think that your infatuation with Acerola is cute! I don’t think you’re a pedo since it just sounds like a childhood crush that you never outgrew. That’s the thing with childhood crushes, either you outgrow them or you don’t. If you don’t it’s awkward since you’ll age but she won’t, so a socially acceptable crush on a fictional character becomes a slew of accusations being thrown at you. Whatever the case is, she’s not real and you’re not hurting anyone. There are worse things to be into.
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>If you don’t it’s awkward since you’ll age but she won’t, so a socially acceptable crush on a fictional character becomes a slew of accusations being thrown at you.
here is the only site I can realistically talk about her, and I gotta deal with the people who people assume I am. but uh.. thanks for the compliment, I guess..!

and yeah, it really is just a childhood crush I didn't outgrow. and yeah, she doesn't really "age", but my silly headcanon is making me happy.
It could still work. There is already a comfy and uncomfy thread on the catalog, seems like a good opportunity.
I think someone should try it.
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Stop, /vp!
Which threads?
They're literally called "comfy thread" and "uncomfy thread" respectively.
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fun fact, this photo was saved from my first ever phone.
Its this Konata cosplaying as Acerola?
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you'd think so, but nah, it's just the artstyle.
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It's fine either way
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Underrated duo
What about them?
Cute feet!
True enough
Why is this still up?
what was it?

acerola is more than her soles, man. she's got a perfect soul inside her.
>what was it?
Acerola vore.
lemme guess; same one he's posted a quadrillion times?
But why try to keep this thread alive when it's already dead on the inside?
There needs to be a bunch of loli x shota smut starring them
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I gotta be honest
as much as I love this thread, I want to make a general "comfy waifu thread" to counterbalance the pokegoddess thread, but I feel bad having 2 threads with a similar premise of "waifu thread without over-the-top horniness"
That pic is the embodiment of comfiness. The Pon is there, just sitting comfly
But why not just create it anyway? Many threads with the same themes are created simultaneously almost every week
because last time I did I was called a pedophile and it abruptly died
idk how to really make "active" threads outside of the ones that turn into arguments :c
I don't think it's possible. Not here, at least
where, then?
One guy here mentioned /c. It seems to be the ideal board. There's aready a Rika thread there
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I mean for whatever its worth i found the thread comfy and got new acerola images out of it so that always good. This is honestly one of the better threads on here as of late since you actually give a shit about her
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thanks, anon! :D
What do you use for filters?
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a lot, honestly.
Thanks for the list, I appreciate it.
no problem!
I mostly just add stuff that bothers me to it.
This is great, now this awful pokefucker cuck hebe can't see how we're making fun of his pathetic ass.
>gen alpha is literally filtering out negative thoughts
Do you want to marry Acerola?
If I marry the princess, does that make me a prince?
You could be her prince, even if nobody else cares or recognizes it, I guess.
Early Gen Z actually, but I'm not very mentally stable. I don't think that isn't obvious.

wow that's a lot of buzzwords, are you a vespiquen? also, threads made exclusively to hate one guy usually get nuked in <24 hours.

maybe! IDK at the moment, because there's more than one girl I really adore, but I'll think about it.
>because there's more than one girl I really adore, but I'll think about it.
I think your heart is on the right place at least, if you care enough to not want to say you want to marry her unless she's the only one you feel that way about. Who else?
honestly? I'd rather not talk about it here.
It's fine, I'm just curious since your posts about Acerola seem pretty romantic. Why do you not want to talk about it, might I ask?
because it's furry stuff and doesn't fit the conversation here
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