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This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator. Opus tier users have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations, though editing tools require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is free using its ‘buzz’ currency. You get about 50 every day plus more for liking models and gens.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation. An ad watch is require between each image generation unless you pay.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Other Stable Diffusion threads are on: /h/, /e/, /d/, /b/, /vt/, /aco/, /trash/

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed)

Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. This is a list of all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.

This is a locally run html tool provided by ThatOneAiAnon. It keeps track of all artists you like and turns Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsible list of buttons. You can edit all the js, css, html code to modify the tool.
>mega .nz/file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

Previous thread: >>56944952
Will we have some celebratory genning? Maybe Voltorb with a party hat?
Can I request a Marley flood form? Like the Flood from halo?
proooompt at least for side view armpits pwease
Cool Marn
Thread #100 it is
Blessed commemorative dog
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Here's some Cynthia gen.
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Should i worry about her wielding an electric gun while taking a bath?
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C'est tellement beau!
the rubber ducks will keep her safe
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Burnt French Toast
Thanks goodness, blessed rubber ducks
Why do you have to do this? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/inazuma-eleven/images/2/2f/%28CS_%28019%29%29_Jeanne_cowers_over_the_thought_of_the_power_she_holds.png
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Vanilla French Toast
Wasn't this one posted before?
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not really.
misty as a cool biker
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She's cool as hell
Hero Academia's style makes every girl THICCER
Do you think you could gen Rosa like this?
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I do indeed have a weakness for the theeckness
Just what i needed, Rosa is a huggable being and i would compare her to Ochako, if not for the Ace Trainers from Alola already ressembling her. Thank you very much, Mr. Tobita
Can you make erika with a crossbow?
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She's pretty angy (getting the weapon right is hard lol)
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Welp i'm heading to bed. later.
Happy 100 threads! Here still trying to get a descent duplica using Bing.
hell yeah! last on the right is my favorite
Thanks a lot man! Is pretty cool and funny lol, looks like someone just insults her perfume again... or her type
I don't know why, but I think Gloria looks more like Ochako
You're both wrong. May would be most like Ochako.
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Heeeeh? https://64.media.tumblr.com/d9fedd64a304e53e84934a0f42a32f6c/tumblr_ofax28AkvU1r8jrw3o2_500.jpg
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It's Bocchi's sister!
cute birb
A shame Machine isn't here to see it.
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Happy 100!

>Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed)
Why is this so hard?
Speak of the devil!

>Why is this so hard?
I thought I was supposed to delete all the extra embeds.
He's alive!
I was about to write an eulogy for you, but i guess it isn't needed anymore
Hi Machine. What's your new Novel-less setup like?
Very cute doggo
I have several questions, but cute either way.
Also cool, Hello gent.
Very cute, I'd say that's a great Duplica!
Yeah, it's shame really. The magnet incident of 2024 will be remembered for years to come...
>Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)
How are people supposed to know to go to bed unless we tell them?
Valerie in Cynthia's outfit?
>How are people supposed to know to go to bed unless we tell them?
Shit, sorry. I thought by "extra embed" you meant all of them except the first one. Sorry for ruining the 100th thread.
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I'm still around, it just won't be every day since I have other stuff I need to do. I probably won't be doing requests since I'm still figuring out local stuff.
Not great. I'm trying SwarmUI and testing different models, which would go faster if I had a better graphics card.
Yup, it's all Nemonanon's fault. Close down the thread, show's over. Bring out the dancing lobsters.
idc it's been wrong for weeks <3
>Close down the thread, show's over. Bring out the dancing lobsters.
Damn. At least we got to 100 threads. (also they're crabs, not lobsters)

No worries.
It's ok, i too have been slowly dying as well. It's just good that you're still here, even as a ghost
Even if you commit mistakes, remember that your rival for life won't be angry with you https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/7b/d2/7bd2710c6add3961b7a416f51ada7f21.jpeg
Dancing lobsters for your perusal.
Welcome back!

I wonder if my Laptop GPU can do this.
No, it's lobsters.
I don't think machines turn into ghosts.
Beat me to it lol
>remember that your rival for life won't be angry with you

Fucking kek. I thought Machine was referring to the crab rave music video, I apologise.
>messed up the heart emoticon

God fucking dammit.
For a brief moment, you embraced the cat face (which i didn't notice until you pointed out)
Remember again, your rival for life will just laugh it off as a cute mistake
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It probably can, but would take a while. Just make sure your laptop is ventilated and is dusted.
Kingler if he Mega Evolution.
Disclaimer: Bing is difficult to tardwrangle.
He may seem angry on the outside, but he's bursting with absolute joy on the inside. He even managed to make an-almost smile despite not having a mouth. Thank you, Le Machine
Holy fuck, these threads are still going. Fucking 100 threads, goddamn.
Temped to sub a month to celebrate, it's been a while.
I will never make such a grave mistake again, I promise.


Holy shit, that's actually really cool.

Good to see you again.
Krabby is a slight bit more successful. But not much more.
I personally dig the regal moustache.
Howdy, nice to be back. Unfortunately stopped lurking by the 75/80 mark so I'm painfully unfamiliar with how threads are nowadays. I assume Machine might be on his last legs since NAI cut off gifting keys, unless he just wants to gen for the fun of it, but it's still nice to see him continue to gen either way; he still gets the 'official' style best.
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So I've heard. Canine and a couple others seem to have it understood. There's a thread on /v/ about Bing gens.
Np <3
Hey Blunt, how have you been?
I'll eventually buy another sub when V4 comes out or if I have the time. I'm starting to understand local, it's just taking a while lol
>he still gets the 'official' style best.
Machine's sub ran out, but he's figuring out local genning at the moment. There are quite a few new genners here, so the threads aren't quite as deserted as they were the last time he left.
dat stashe
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>I'll eventually buy another sub when V4 comes out or if I have the time.
Yeah, it's why I stopped genning myself, besides costs at the time. As much as I love genning dummy thicc girls, or select Pokégirls in a variety of outfits, it's not worth it for me until they finally stop using only Danbooru, or at least keep the max tag database continuously updated, so if I do sub, it'll be the last one until v4 hits.
I've come to accept I'll never have a good enough PC to do local unless I win the lotto or something, so no skin off my back, but kudos to you for working it out. Seems to be going great given your gens ITT.
I noticed. Hell, I kinda miss it myself seeing all the new blood, but rn money comes first, so one month at best unless they announce v4 for Christmas or some shit. Wouldn't be shocked if it happened since it's been a year of v3, and given how terrifyingly fast AI in general is advancing these days.
Those threads are full of insufferable people
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I'd be nice if they used PIxiv as well for V4, but idk if they can.
Thanks, I'm still figuring stuff out. My pc isn't great either, but it can slowly make stuff. I'd say give it a try if you have the time.
I know. There's also one on /g/.
forgot this one
Aww. Those are very cute (Dawn in particular).

>I'd be nice if they used PIxiv as well for V4
If that was the case, they'd end up using AI pics as material for AI pics. The thought terrifies me.
This one's having trouble lmao
Still trying, even with LoRA for Halo Flood it just... adds water...

Hi everyone
yeah theres some characters there, and there seems to be dedicated anti ai people living in the thread as well. but theres some genuine people there too. the other day i got help editing a picture, told me about a "magic select" tool built in to windows now, in paint 3d which ive never opened before. im enjoying learning all these image manipulation tools.
as long as they curate them it shouldnt be scary.

>there seems to be dedicated anti ai people living in the thread as well
Normally, I'd be one of them, but on-model nude pokégirls are quite possibly the best argument for AI. I guess artists could just do it themselves, but that doesn't give you followers, does it?
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Thanks, still trying out models. I think I'm going with that one or this one.
In theory they could filter out the AI content since most of it is tagged, and they could dump everything through an AI detector. Not sure how viable that would be, but it could be an option.
Hey Red.
Yeah it really doesn't want to modify her at all.

How's the 100 thread celebration going?
Saw a few Voltorbs. Neato.

Still can't get her sidelocks to go to her ponytail jeez.
I can't seem to decide. I think the second one looks the best, but they're both great.

>In theory they could filter out the AI content since most of it is tagged
Ooh what model is that?
Had to jump to SD1.5 since that's the only way to try and do "The flood" but I haven't done any tinkering yet.

Tried AnDerrated, and a few others to minimal success.

Keeps giving her a halo and putting her in water despite my 2 LoRA for Flood too. Annoying.
Hello Red the Vermillion
Even if it isn’t coming out right, the amount of effort that you’re putting in is based and kino
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Welp, this is what came out.
More Halo-ish than Flood but meh.
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I really like these water in these.

>Arven wake up and make us more food!
>.... sigh.
What have they done to Arven? Didn't he suffer enough already?
The AI kept making him carved from Greek marble lmao
>sidelocks to go to her ponytail
Did you try just adding that to the prompt? idk if there's a lora for that.
I might go with the second one anyway, it seems to do hands better.
cutenoobai_v10. Someone on discord recommended it and it seems to be working better than regular NoobAI for me.
Being the designated cook of the group can be exhausting.

He's been keeping up on his looksmaxxing streak, I see.
>cover image on civitai is official style Rosa
Oh yeah this looks good

Thank you!
>The AI kept making him carved from Greek marble lmao
You're saying that as if he isn't.
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i tried, but Serena's tag is too strong haha... i've done :1.5, still nothing.

I hope my XL LoRAs work with it haha!
Aw sad...
I mainly do SDXL + Pony but having options was nice.
Oh well.

But to that degree? Lol
The AI knows that Arven is one of the most attractive characters in SV, so it's just taking another step and turning him into a Greek god (who looks like he's dying of tragedy)
I don't know what happening here, but i like that an AI about Rosa is named CuteNoobAI
>about Rosa
It's more that it can gen cute stuff well, and make other things cute too, and Rosa is the pretty dang cute so she's the reference pic.

Found another call WAI-Cute I liked the look of, gonna try Perrin out on it
>Rosa is the pretty dang cute so she's the reference pic
Never knew that an AI could have such refined tastes. It may be noob, but it's a good AI
>who looks like he's dying of tragedy
He's a pretty tragic character, so it fits.

>Rosa is the pretty dang cute so she's the reference pic.
Unfathomably based.
Putting the "intelligence" in "artificial intelligence". Although anyone with half a brain would find Rosa attractive.
>gonna try Perrin out on it
>Huh this looks just like my old model
>didn't change model yet
Lmao! That was funny.

Ref pic for current model at least
Hmmm. Softer, cute, got that dreamy-ness to it. I like it.
I'm gonna tinker with this.

Anyone wanna see some characters in this style?
One day you should create an Arven thread, "Group Hug Edition"
I want official documents confirming Rosa as being inspired on a comfort pillow and donuts
Also check this request of mine that was fulfilled by Gent(le Criminal) >>56958565
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Tried too many of these and only liked this one
Wow, that's really cool! As the one who asked for Voltorb, thank you Red of Many Titles
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I think your LoRA Style seems to be the Dr. Stone Artist.

LoRAs are working well. + The Artist Mix i'm using is working really well.
>LoRA Style seems to be the Dr. Stone Artist.
Huh. I've only got my Perrin LoRA and the base Model going...

>turns on Boichi LoRA
>hardly any difference

Oh wow. Huh. She's meaner looking but that's about it.
Wonder how my Perrin LoRA was trained.
Cute! I'd like to see Nemona in that style, as a test.

>One day you should create an Arven thread, "Group Hug Edition"
That sounds great. I think "SV Friends Thread" would be a better name. That way we could have more varied OPs.

>I want official documents confirming Rosa as being inspired on a comfort pillow and donuts
We don't need any confirmation for that. It's obvious.
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So I'm doing putting together a recap page for an upcoming chapter, including genning up a hallway of the Queen's castle for one of the shots. Did a bunch of Otaiku tries, and I've got it narrowed down to three possibilities. Thoughts on which of these looks the best?
What use you to make videos and anims? Its free?
Hailuo let's you have 3 free days of unlimited gens with a new account. After that it's 3 a day.
If you pay the watermark goes away.
EX Style!
In case my Rosa request in the drawthread doesn't get done, i've found something similar https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76562050
They all look great, but i think the middle one is the best choice
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CuteNoobAI and some of the others I've tested earlier can't do Lilligant, into the trash they go.

It's Illustrious so it might not.
Middle looks like it leads to a throne or banner and left looks like it leads to a statue on a red pillar. I'd say middle looks best overall.
No, Machine! Please spare them!
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Ooh another good one

Thanks! The new account requires bank account or only email? You try temp mails for this?
The only way to make it even more epic is by adding music and cheering
I just use agoogle account. No payment method needed.
After the free gens end just use another Google account.
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I found 2 that work.

They'll be fine, it's the models that are of no use to me.
Try blessed serena with an arc suit if you can
I think the LoRAs work.

SDXL is based on Illustrious iirc.
No Artist, just the LoRA (beautifiers / handfix / thickoutline, detailer and whatnot)

Blessed Serena?
Oh, her base outfit or her neo champion?
Oh ok, only google is posible, I was hoping that there was some website without registration that would emulate this function, thanks for the info anyway

Do you have unlimited animations? Do you accept requests?
Very cute! I imagine Rosa would be pretty bad at her job, but she tries her best, so they keep her around regardless.

Very cute! Wasn't expecting something lewd, but I'm not complaining. Nemona's shower definitely looks like that, since her house is very big and expensive. Although she doesn't look like she's feeling very well...

That shower is the perfect size to fit the whole friend group in there.

Fantastic video btw, what a perfect way to celebrate.
Hers would be her base, but it would be nicer to see her in her neo black and white dress with gold decorations and green gems, if you can
>Do you have unlimited animations
I do atm since I made another account.

Be warned, me and Alice Anon are fighting with the AI cause it just doesn't seem to want to do what we ask lmao.

I can do text to video or image to video, and no nudity or lewd. I've only been able to trick it with some nip slips and downblouses, but they get erased by the mods pretty quick.
Everybody has to start somewhere and she sure would be more pleasant than manga Blake
Showers were made to get you clean, not even more messy! She and her friends should take their "bonding" somewhere else!
>trying another model
Yeah I like this one
>Everybody has to start somewhere
I'm sure she'll become a great detective!

>spoiler 1
I haven't read that part of the manga. What's he like?

>spoiler 2
It's nothing too serious! She's just enjoying some beautiful skinship with her treasured friends, while getting clean in the process.
She looks very huggable and kissable.
Enjoy this gen.

AIGen is working on your request. 19minutes for 4 images haha.
Hopefully it works.
I guess it will make an error when uploading a lewd image, like almost all sites. Can you recognize a prompt of a busty Skyla with her original outfit in motion for example?
Could you try to make it as if it were an animated tcg card if possible?
>spoiler 1
Basically a manipulative jerk who pretends to be nice with others and dates Yancy to investigate if she has connections with Team Plasma, breaking up with her once he learns she does not. And also being shitty with Rosa herself, although there are reasons for this
>spoiler 2
You've been looking at THAT shower pic again, haven't you?
cute plants
Haha cute! It looks like an arc suit in ex like this all black, I guess dressed in white and gold she would look like a bride or goddess
>spoiler 1
I heard about how he treated Yancy! Absolutely disgraceful.

>spoiler 2
Surprisingly enough, that was not my inspiration. I just think the shower in that pic would be good to have multiple people in. Although it would be even sweeter if it was just you and her.
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That last one.

It made her wear THIGHIGHs.
Well, it's less painful to you than seeing Nemona being Wednesday's lapdog
The only thing stopping you from becoming unstoppable is the fact that no one wants to gen Florian "bonding" with Nemona
Great works! They are really amazing, the goddess serena looks very original, i miss the halo, water type maybe? And one big green gem on her chest
Thanks for create her arc suit
Difficult to do the halo stuff, no tags for it i think.
>spoiler 1
Nemona seems to be rather oblivious to people treating her like shit. Her relationship with her parents proves this.

>spoiler 2
Unfortunate, but it is what it is.
Yeah i suppose, the arceus halo in her back is difficult, at least the last one is sublime, like a fusion of her base, neo and arc colors, perfection
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Tried a halo but it keeps putting it on her head. haha.
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yeah those arc rings... we need more of them to be added in game + images for them.
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Come on in, waters great.

She looks so beautiful. The caption is very cute as well.
For the glory of arceus, your gens are better now, only miss the black panties and some black parts like skirt for the authentic style
The blessed greninja of ash will be proud of her trainer haha
Sincerely, i hope dena give us some like this, meta goddess waifu serena
>Nemona seems to be rather oblivious to people treating her like shit
Now i want someone to gen her together with Perrito
>Unfortunate, but it is what it is
Have you ever been curious about trying to gen things yourself?
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Those look great! Which loras are you using?
Very cute
Cute puppy
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Still trying but this was bad.

Hope you don't mind I used an actual card rather than gen one first. Wanted to test.
Fur doesnt want to apply to her things.

add-detail, DreamshaperRealistic, SDXLFaeTastic, StS PonyXL Detail Slider, ThickOutline, Better Anime Backgrounds, Breast slider, Handfixer and XDetailer
What have you done?! Now this became like all those Skyla threads about latinas aging badly!
I need my Ivy Cudgel...
>you coming in?

Not like I wanted this to happen!

You should see the others lol. Not even anime it just swaps to a real woman with a cloth colored like Skyla and wiggling.
>You should see the others lol
No no, it's almost bedtime and i don't want to have nightmares
In fact, it reminded me of the ASSrezu slapping videos, which were nightmarish too
Genning stuff myself seems to be a lot more trouble than it's worth. There are so many factors that have to be taken into account when it comes to this stuff. Plus, a lot of this stuff costs money, and I don't have my own source of income. I don't think I have a good enough computer, either.

Nemona, Serena and Cynthia in the same pic? I'm in love. Nemona's outfit is adorable, and I love that Cynthia is wearing a purple version of her coat, yet the rest of her outfit is still black. It's very pleasing.
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MUCH better.
Still weird at the end but it's actually her
Second option is the clear winner, so I incorporated it into the page. Pic related is the end result.

Christ, that's horrifying...yet funny at the same time.

If you're doing requests, you wanna try genning some Lillie for me?

lillie (Pokemon), alice (alice in wonderland) (cosplay), blue dress, frilled dress, white apron, maid apron, frilled apron, pocket, black bow, hair bow, petticoat, white pantyhose, black shoes, mary janes, smile, curtsey, skirt hold, forest, tree, path, full body

Aww, she doesn't look too happy :(

Maybe she just needs someone to cuddle.
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There you go.

Sure. 15minutes.

That's true... So many limitations
She lets her hair loose at the end. Yes, that's a HUGE improvement
This scene at the beach is one of the greatest things i've ever seen and it healed my soul a little bit
Made my own, thanks for the prompt

It's cute
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Glad it was able to do that for you. That piece was done by Katsiika over on dA. They take commissions for those interested:


Pic-related is one of the references the artist used to make it. Lana was made by somebody else, while Lillie, Silvally, and the background were genned separately and spliced together.
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Forgot to remove the grey eyes tag. haha.
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The only one I couldn't find on Civit was XDetailer. Definitely makes it closer to official, though I need to tweak the hand fixer.
I'm not sure if it's changing their clothes because of the snow or if it's unsure what they're meant to be wearing. I got a Cynthia wearing her usual outfit, but the hands were messed up. Caitlin's and Dawn's outfits seem pretty accurate.
The sight of Silvally happily dancing is something that i never knew i needed. Although i'm a bit worried about Lana there...
Just one question, the card guards have no basis on anything Pokemon-related?
I have most of them at lower strength, and it depends on the artist, they usually have their own line weight, so you can remove the thickoutline stuff.

How's your generation times though?
The first seconds are good, a simply animations of her hair, eyes, arms, mouth

I would like to see this one in motion if you can

You can try this one without card for better results i hope
The original idea for the 'Mock Squirtle' was for some other Pokemon to be wearing a Squirtle shell, hence the moniker. As things developed, I thought another character cameo was in order, and Lana felt perfect for the role. She's a Water-type trainer, after all, and she really would be a fake Pokemon while wearing the costume.

As far as the guards go, there's no real Pokemon basis to them, unless you want to consider them like Team Rocket grunts, the kind that have something covering their eyes, etc.
So beautiful blessed serena, sorry for the panties, i mean black tighhighs haha
Great gens!
These are adorable. You wanna give one more pass with her regular green eyes?

These are cute as well. Going above and beyond, as usual.
Choosing Lana was for the best. If you had opted for the original plan, the only fitting Pokemon would be Tauros (get the reference), which would have been funny too
>Team Rocket grunts
Ah, given that Jessie is the Queen of Hearts, that makes sense
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Cute Lillies
Between 70 and 100 seconds.
I toned down all of them a bit and it seemed to help. I also tried removing the artist tags and it still looks nice.
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here ya go.

>70 to 100 seconds
Still better than my 2minutes to 3minutes. rip.
Anyone knows if in tcg pocket the supporters cards have animations? Will be interesting see those amount of art in motion, what is your favourite anons?
I'd love to come with you, Caitlin~
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Dawn is very cute <3


They don't, unfortunately. At least the common ones don't, anyway.
They don't. BUUUUT, The image is larger than the card border so they extend last the border if turned right

happy thread 100
Very lovely. It's really hot where I am at the moment, so Jessie seems to be dressed for the occasion.
Thank you for these. I thought using the 'maid apron' prompt would ensure it would be more of a circular shape throughout, but these still came out nicely.
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Actual time or estimated time? My estimated time is always really high.
Very lewd!
I use her a lot for testing.
Dawn has a good amount of art and specific details that make her unique without making her too hard to make with tags. She also has 2 outfits so making her cosplay isn't too hard.

I see.

Very handy. Dawn is very popular, and she will always have a place in my heart. I had a bit of a crush on her when I was a kid.
166.74 for generation.
333.36 for prep
For me.

What card are you punishing for your gens? lol

I'm on a Nvidia 3050TI
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Best yet
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That turned out quite good!

If you're willing to do more than just Skyla at the moment, can you do this Nemona card?

If so, can you do the based version as well?

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Dawn is a good girl, it's no wonder there's a 24/7 thread about her on here.
My prep is either 2 seconds or 90, not sure what causes the vast difference.
I'm using a 1080. Now I'm more confused. What is your step count and image size?
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So I snagged all of these LoRA, 'cept that last one machine's right not on Civit, oh well.

And I turned em on low, and ran Lillie again.

Here are the results.
Very cute.
Not very foresty, had to put that part of the prompt at the beginning to make it work. But that may cause it to ignore descriptors if they are last in the prompt now. I'll post the corrected background ones next.


I can do the normal but that amount of nudity will get blocked on Hailuo sadly.
I'll try it on Pixverse though. That might take it.
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Now I just need pockets to show up.
Can I make a request? Nessa on the beach in a white, slightly transparent sundress, barefoot, ankle bracelet, and maybe a straw or sun hat.
>Dawn is a good girl, it's no wonder there's a 24/7 thread about her on here.
Indeed. Although those threads can get a bit weird sometimes. Dawn is still one of the all time best pokégirls, though <3

>I can do the normal but that amount of nudity will get blocked on Hailuo sadly.
No worries. I'd love to see the results either way.
Lillie as Alice just feels right.
i mean, i only have 16tGB physical ram here. Im running Firefox with a bunch of tabs + Discord.
My step size is 25 and image size is 2:3 832x1216

And your cfg?
Keep mine around 7 unless realism then lower seems to work better

Great choice
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Few more
Lovely stuff, thank you! I love love love Nessa.
my CFG is 6.5

that's some red navel.
Goodnight all, here's to 100 more threads!

>those threads can get a bit weird sometimes
That's putting it lightly.
Indeed, she deserves headpats.
... wait did I never gen her getting headpatted? I can't find a set in my archive.
I'm doing 30 steps. You're using your gpu and not your cpu, right?
Goodnight, Machine!

I'm surprised your gens today were so lewd. H*lding h*nds should at least be spoilered.
yeah i can actually play CPU intensive games but not GPU, so i can generate stuff in the background.

I do have to restart my laptop a lot more.

For generation, the things that matters is GPU + RAM. CPU only becomes required when you start doing Image to Video or Text to Video.

Also gn machine.
>that's some red navel
I've been licking it a lot to be fair.
Night Machine!

So yeah Pixverse is fast, and you only.get one gen a day per account but.... well yeah.

It skews pretty lewd
Jesus, that escalated quickly. Even when the art is on-model, it still manages to shoehorn in big tits.
Yeah it's annoying.

The way she approaches you is very menacing. The way her fingers move is kind of unsettling as well.
>Same link twice
There's only one video didn't mean to double it
I've got like 3 to 4 more gens at pixverse, who should I do next
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Last one from Hailuo
Before and after you win against her.
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In other news

Got Variety Hilda from the ticket! (with Selene!)

All the lewds i made of her is finally paying me back!
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>got a job as a press photographer

Nice! Don't play anymore but I'll still celebrate pulling the pair you wanted!
Business Attire
come back and play!

We might get Perrin, and we'd get lots of images of her.

And a model too.
I'm tempted...
Nervous of what her voice will be though

Love the colours in those pics. Her smile is also very charming.

She's looking stylish! Good on her for moving up in the world.

I imagine she'd sound pretty chill. Idk how to describe it really. Vaguely seductive, maybe?
Chill and ready for battle?
And ready to mingle
Logged back in, given 15k gems.
Well then.

Looking good! I have a bit of a thing for girls in suits.
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This will do until Perrin arrives.
Back to genning
Holy shit, congratulations! Did you get him with gems or was it purely luck?
Used 3000 on his master fair cause those are worth it. Got him, Tierno, Olympia, and a bunch of maxed 5-stars.
Ironically I'm at 729 days out of the 730 needed for the 3 year title lol.
To clarify, got home in 3000 gems, the others with the rest of the 15k.
Didn't get that lucky of a pull lol
Interesting. I think I might try the game out at some point.

Very cute and casual pic. I love her outfit.
I couldn't get Nemona sadly.
Aww, that's unfortunate :(

Although I'm pretty sure she has a free version, if I recall (she has Lycanroc instead of Pawmot).

Jesus, she needs to get her belly button checked out. That is not healthy.
This model really has a thing for red navels
It was also a quirk of the refining process.
Thankfully I can just redo the refining
Much better. Nemona has a cute stomach.
Nemona notices you haven't got a plate, so she manifests one out of slime for you.

What the fuck did I just write.
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I'm aware that it's her popsicle, but I wrote "slime" because it was funnier.

That's a lot of Nemona. And Sobble in the bottom right.
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Oh I knew what you meant, I was just indicating it triggered my genning response lmao.

Also enjoy some cute
So that's what she wears throughout the seasons.
Aww, that's adorable. Thanks for that. I love the artstyle. It's slightly suggestive (her butt is the perfect size), but it's still very cute and charming.

Very cute.
100th Image of 100th thread!
Id stop rolling gems and save for a pity. U wont be so lucky next time.
Unfathomably based.
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Yeah it's almost like the little Nemona are getting you to look at certain spots lol
Have no clue who this other person is that's popping up but it gives me an idea.
>Yeah it's almost like the little Nemona are getting you to look at certain spots lol
Very cute interpretation. The bottom chibi Nemona in the second pic is the best example.

>Oye! Anon! Here's my butt! Like what you see?

So cute! That's a very nice summer outfit (and swimsuit) for her. Her outfit seems to have a few elements of Nessa's outfit.
She kind of looks like a combination of Meloetta and the ORAS ace trainer.
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Very pretty! I love her smile. Castelia City sure looks beautiful at sunset.
this artist loves to make sexy women/girls.
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More Hilda!

Thank you for coming to my call in Masters!
doesnt look ai albeit
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Oh damn that is good.
Missionary with sword Hilda!
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Thanks. Testing out 3 artists is a bit bad.

Uh wait a bit.
2 characters is hard!
Anyway was falling aeep trying to gen this.
Gonna get some sleep. Night.
She's having a very sweet daydream about holding her rival in her arms <3

Goodnight, Red!
Oh shit I got 3 of em.
Anyway actually out now. Later!
Great job! Even if Penny's hair is way too red, the fact that you got three characters is impressive.

Goodnight for real!
is your setup compatible with a regional prompter?
That's what I believe is a workforce, and no doesn't work on mage.
But inpainting is doing p well.
Forgot I had to start some laundry so whipped this up real quick.
Actually actually out now lol
Workflow. Auto correct got me.
She's encouraging Florian to do his best on his assignment!
i do BREAK,

But i think ComfyUI can be used to create 3 or more characters doing stuff. And you need bigger resolution.

Problem is, there's not a lot of guides for it.
Took a bit, but here you go.
Wow red, those animations are great for the first time of ai, in several months will be better i think, like the transition of sd to pony xl
Can you motion this famous card of cynthia with hailou and pixverse?
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Holy shit, worth the wait. Thanks man.

Some more adorable sets here. The third pic of the this first set is a bit...sensitive, although I guess I never made it clear she's wearing bloomers underneath.

With the second set, I'm surprised you were able to get the hair bow consistent. That was always one of my issues when genning on my end. Is there a specific prompt you're using to get it like this, or are these merely the best ones you mustered from a bunch?
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Sword Penny
Cute! I feel like Penny would definitely try her hand at cosplay. Although she would definitely need some help from Atticus.
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As they say, the 'Penny' is mightier than the sword...

As an example of the hair bow problem on my end, here are a bunch of attempts I made when putting together the Chapter 8 cover. The design for that, and the rest of the outfit for that matter, was all over the place. I almost went with the bottom-middle pic, but I kept going to try and get one that was better.
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Wrong eye color.
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Sword Perrin.

(with a random Pyra with jeans)
I appreciate you doing Dawn.
>100 thread
>No Sabrina
Drives a man to drink some Bing-brand non-descript "amber liquid."
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here you go.
She needs hugs and/or headpats. Make her happy for me, please.
why has sabrina stolen the time gears?

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