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>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

First for weezer
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cg art was a mistake
stick to one thread acronym niggers
that's what we're doing nigga
Did the AI get dumber? Two marowok ex cards ready to go and It throws the game by putting machamp ex in with no energy against my centipede.
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Not even the AI accepts being a flaming fucking flippot
It knows coinflipping is for losers and it's walling up to stall.
i like /tcgp/ it's the clearest acronym about the game, it's a card game first and foremost and barely a gacha
>feel like maybe spending some money on this game
>play a match
>all desire to buy instantly vanishes
This game really is killing itself.
Ummmm actual its a gacha because you can buy cards. Magic the Gathering was the first gacha.
Have you thought of maybe getting gud? Like any TCG, some games are just shitshows, but there's usually lots of decisions to make, especially if you play a deck like Pikachu which is very skill-intensive and difficult
Magic the Gathering had guaranteed rares in each pack, so it wasn't a real gacha.
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Why does Blastoise EX loves me so much? I already have 5 of them, and 0 Pikachus.
Are God packs specific to the type of pack?
Could I open a god pack of Mewtwo and get the coomer Misty? I know crowns appear in all types of packs.
I'm tempted to pay the 140 toll to have her in my decks. These red cards are fucking useless.
You must heed the call when it feels like the game is conspiring for you to play a certain deck
Specific to the pack you open, all of this is disclosed in the "offering rates" section of the game
It's what I'm doing
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>constant whining about nothing to do when there are countless games to play
>psychopaths wanting ranked
>plebs thinking pikachu is a skill intensive deck
time to never return
what great conversations
>there are countless games to play
Can you guys post your rare pick screenshots? I did two rare picks so fat today and in both picks the cards only slid over a space at the most. In the first pick Arcanine stayed in the same spot, top left, and the second pick he switched places with bottom left. Both times I picked middle so the first time I got Charizard, which stayed in the same place, and the second time I got Moltres, which switched places with Charizard
Next is Paldea, there's 0 Gen 9 mons in the game
mine expired before I took any screenshots but one had Arcanine EX in top left and the other was bottom left
Where are our gen II and III mons?
You have Gardevoir
I've been getting tons of wins in private matches.
I'm 20-0. Yup undefeated. Anyone dare to challenge me?
Make sure to bring your best. Meta decks only.
Private room code "n-oe-x" remove the hyphens.

I play Pika-ex btw if it matters
Fuck waifu bait where's my dogs?
>have over 3 wonder stamina
>guaranteed that there will be nothing of value in my picks for another 24 hours

like clockwork
>using reddit noex
What's a good low rarity deck for the solo expert missions? Should I just go with crab?
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So exact same as me then. I did take screen shots too
The Arcanine mission says "collect".
Does this mean opening one will also fulfill the requirements?
I like Sandslash, Primeape, Golduck, Dragonite, stuff like that
woman moment
My other cards were different as I chose bottom right both times and got a rapidash and a ninetales
Pikachu is an extremely difficult deck to play. There are so many options between putting energy on pokemon. Sometimes you have to pit energy on zapdos and sometimes you shouldn't. Way easier than something simple like Mewtwo where Mewtwo always gets the energy
Koga, Primeape but Kingler works too if you're lucky
I don't have a cohesive low-rarity deck so I did 2 scythers and 18 trainers.
what's hard to comprehend, mudbray?
Meds. Now.
>Sample size of 4
>no datamines for new cards
>3 weeks out
this is so weird bros...
i play other gachas where you know shit 3 months in advance...
>me no like many word
>make head hurt
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I have done liyerally everything I could do in this game except playing with you guys

someone PLEASE battle me, code "vp", I dont care if you use .exes or not im not a pussy
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I had a whole deck tech and accidentally refreshed and lost the whole thing so fuck it
final form of the deck from when i posted last time, does decently well into most things (can just brick drawing trainers/no evos), tauros over kang since you need all the garunteed dmg, lots of games i needed both gios and blaines to win, pretty fun and budget friendly, I ran this on ladder testing with only one pidgeotto and only lost like 3 games cuz of it
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Top right chads, we staying winning
Metal decks are fun
The point is to collect data you chuckle fuck knuckle dragger. Why don't you take your meds instead of projecting your illnesses on everyone else?
Sabrina is absolutely one of the best cards to have, I've beaten people and gotten screwed off it multiple times
bros, when can I move off the Mewtwo packs?

my complete deck is Weezing and Arbok and I can use x2 Articuno x18 Trainers too. I have only 1 Mewtwo (Ex Immersive).
Feels like they're missing just a tiny bit to actually be good. Like 10 more health on Melmetal could be enough
*pidgeot not pidgeotto
>Glad that anon mentioned google play store earlier
>finally can spend all the stuff I got from whaling in Masters
The other two are worse because we don't need the first p, we're already on the pokemon board. That'd only make sense if we were trying to coordinate threads on both /vp/ and /vmg/, and fuck that
>No ex, no supporter, only super effective against Clefairy line and snom line, extremely limited pool of Pokemon to choose from.
Metal is extremely boring right now.
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Thank you Bub that match was great and the first time i beat a dragonite deck
Holy shit my bad, as soon as I hit send I got asked to help move a table from the basement. Sorry I was taking so long to make my moves I was literally playing while carrying that shit up the stairs.
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>fuck wife before we shower for the evening
>she's blowing me to finish me off
>her phone chimes the Pocket pack alert
>immediate snort while sucking
>doesn't choke but she's having a hard time not laughing
>weird didn't add or take away from the sensation
>came while getting her phone open to the pack screen
Bottom right.
no problem goat
I was using the extra time to reconsider various recent life choices.
Okay so far between posts here and from my friends I have not yet seen Arcanine in the middle or bottom right. More data please
Good thing this event is going to give everyone a free Blaine deck for the mirror match tournament!
Thank you for sharing your results
This was my first pick last night.

I didn't have Arcanine EX before and got """"""lucky"""""" so I thought it was rigged and not long after another anon got an Arcanine EX too and thought it was suspicious.
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Bruh, I told you there's nothing impressive to show cause I later realized I fucked myself over last year.
Is Masters Ex P2W? Do you think Pocket will end in the same state?
Thank you for sharing this! We still have yet to see an Arcanine in the middle or bottom right but I'm sure it is possible
I apologize for responding to such lazy bait
Ok, I literally JUST got my second Mewtwo right now, time to open Pika packs I guess
>play NOEX to fuck around with some ideas I have that obviously won’t fly against pikachu or m2
>the people who’d play pika/m2/star or Ex decks are just playing blaine koga and dnite
What’s the point? you’re not getting rewards and those decks are good enough for normal games
2k is a lot more than I have. You can do like 3 of these 15 buck vouchers almost.
>every TCG is pay to win
Learn something new everyday.
Is it just me or is dugtrio decent of Sabrina didn't exist?
You move off the Mewtwo packs when you have the Gardevoir family. Try to get two Giovanni as well
FC? I'm looking for that mewtwo so bad
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you guys LITERALLY told me that there was going to be a MAGIKARP AND GYARADOS event, did you guys LIE TO ME??????????????????????????????????? DID YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME??? DID YOU ALL FUCKING LIE TO ME?
Man, I wish the 750 coupon was worth $15 instead of $1.5 for me
Show us her tits
He's decent regardless. Sabrina threatens everything, not fair to levy that against a single card
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>not packing a full set of husbands to disrupt your opponent
>$1.5 for me
huh? It goes by it country's currency? Are you like Brazilian or something for there to be a 10x difference between yours and usd
2 more hours
Masters is almost exclusively PVE, you can clear almost everything F2P, but you will need to pray to RNG gods. You spend for cute girls in neat outfits. Or boys if you're gay.
Pocket will be much, much worse. You will see how all F2P will be left in the dust when the mini-set drops.

Masters was pretty meh this year so I didn't spend much compared to last. There's also literally nothing interesting releasing until next year in FGO either, so even though Britomart got me low on quartz I'll probably save up a decent amount before another coomer servant releases.
>when the mini-set drops
Speak for yourself retardo.
In the third world, yeah.
>Pocket will be much, much worse. You will see how all F2P will be left in the dust when the mini-set drops.
I can't wait bros. F2P who don't hoard will be in a for a rude awakening...
If you delete all of your friends you have a better chance of getting that card.

Damn man, that's a whole 19 packs. You could almost get 1/5th of a mediocre deck with that if you filter out the useless filler dupes.
Yeah I noticed this too since I run a few alts. Friends help for the showcase + potentially down the line if there's some friend requirement for trading (how long you've been friends or someshit)
>Damn man, that's a whole 19 packs
Today. It will be more with each passing day
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Practically half the miniset already on the first day, that's more than enough
You get 1 point (before rank modifiers) per 1 unit of your local currency and rewards are also always scaled to your local currency. Although reward scaling is not that simple, since different games also have different modifiers.
>requires a d*scord
no thanks
is this people's first card game, I don't know why else you wouldn't hoard for new set releases if you cared about pvp as f2p
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glaceon will save vpnx
>was able to talk myself out of turning into a whale by reminding myself that trading (at some capacity) will be coming next year
>opened my free pack a moment ago
>dogshit dupes, not even a common for my pokedex
I'm about to free willy. Someone stop me.
Wow, 70 damage for only four energy
For me, it's either spend money on Pocket or spend it on more coke
imagine getting the same cards you got from your free pack, but this time you actually paid for all those dogshit dupes
erm it's 3 energy
the miniset probably won't change things, but I wonder if the trend of basic pokemon with one attack and ex poke being the only ones with 2 is going to continue in pocket
t. Pikaex main player
We don't even know how many cards there will be. But yeah, 19 packs should give you an almost 80% chance to collect the low rarity half of a typical 76-card set.
it will probably depend on how strong the attack is
Should I buy a Rainbow Machamp with pack points bros
no...... yes but no
What is Marnie doing?
New PokeGold packs on sale!
never spending a single cent on this game
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all I want to see is
>super potion to heal 50hp (1 per deck limit?)
>full heal item to remove stat conditions
>card to return bench/active pokemon to hand (or deck idec)
>misty/moltres/lilligant/gardevoir equivalent for fighting/dark/poison type energy support
are they changing misty or not, wtf
Because some may not yet have a meta deck for A1. Of course, you could try skipping a mini set or two to save more hourglasses, but we don't know how rotation will work, or if there will even be one, so skipping stuff may fuck you over later as well. And it just might, since this is more of a gacha than a card game.
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this event SUCKS!
I don't run Aerodactyl and I put energy on Old Amber today.
derp, meant steel lol
I want to see a card that discards an opponent's pokemon of my choosing and all cards attached to it without giving me any rewards for it. Or at least shuffle it into their deck.
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Via my friend, another Rare pick where Arcanine appeared top right. I still have yet to see him appear in the middle or bottom right
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sabrina leg lock
>>super potion to heal 50hp
>>card to return bench/active pokemon to hand (or deck idec)
Koga (Aerodactyl)
>>misty/moltres/lilligant/gardevoir equivalent for fighting/
*sorry, he picked top right but Arcanine went bottom left
Is Sabrina a virgin bros
what about my post was hard to understand you slobbering retard
I LOVED this card because I was cucked out of trade evolutions as a kid
Gallopa and Flammenmähne deserve some attention but that is overshadowed by Pyro
How is no one talking about this??
Arcanine is definitely some developers favorite mon and is salty no one is playing his dog shit card.
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Germans get off on being cucked
>opp plays misty
>mind games activates but hits tails
>misty then hits tails
kino gameplay
I suspect Marowak ex and Exeggutor ex will get similar events with Brock and Erika cards
Venasaur ex event is soon
what is the best emulator for this
i like mumu
The promo mankey has me worried: how quick will power creep happen? Right now it's all low end upgrades like the Jiggly and the Mankey, but what happens when you whaled for machamps or something and then they make a straight upgrade
blaine is literally being given away for free, you can grind wins on that and just save and come back later if need be
the only people that are hurt are the plebs who think they need to chase exs to make decks or can't identify pack filler or potentially useful cards
plus if the scaling is anything like MD, and it likely is since reg pok tcg has like double the health and dmg of pocket, you can just skip packs and only roll on the newest sets and have a meta deck
Miniset will be a big gauge to judge how fast they're going to move
can sabrina give me a handjob with her mind
Bluestacks has better performance than Mumu, I've tried both. Don't forget to disable the ads in the settings.
you dont have a phone?
Only one way to find out. Just go up and talk to her, champ. No use hiding, she can already read your mind
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I tried 2 Giovanni and lost because I didn't have a Sabrina, so I'm down to one a piece. I even tried two of each without any X Speed but it was just too risky. I think this is as good as these decks can be. It's still fun to punish Pikachu when they missed their draws but this deck is more likely to miss key parts. Caterpie is a fun engine, I considered going down to 1 or replacing it with a single stage stall but you really need to draw all the pieces of Exodia (Victreebel).
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I've been playing so far on the phone, but it's comfy to play on the PC
I just finished my venu deck and I'm going to play pvp now
Power creep is inevitable, it's all downhill from here.
>another Mewtwo EX instead of Venusaur
Thanks, I hate it
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When I worked at Subway in 2008 this qt gave me a binder full of her old pokemon cards. I have it in storage. What are the chances I'll become a millionaire from it?
She had her number in there asking you to go out with her, it's over anon
B-but the leakers were saying we were supposed to get Venusaur and to save event hourglasses!
old cards aren't worth anything
The whole "vintage and valuable" card craze was manufactured by big players in the card grading space selling shit back and forth to make it look like their shit had value.
>how quick will power creep happen?
Set rotation can keep it slow.
My second and third wonder picks (after the demo) were Sabrina and Sabrina.
That only makes sense if trade is largely unrestricted and the know no one will chase after cards fresh accounts can trade away for free.
>open four Charizard packs
>All duplicates, zero rares and only two fire cards
Well this event sucks
Unfortunately she was like 16-17 and I was 19. She quit before she turned 18. I had her on FB but I moved away and lost touch.
I finally got a second Dragonair, but I have no Weezing or Kangaskhan. What other Pokemon can I use?
which emulator are people using to reroll on mac?
Anyone up for some vpnx games?

I’m running a blastoise greninja deck that’s decent.
>a cute girl gave you a binder full of Pokemon cards
>you didn't date her
This is a larp. It's your own binder of Pokemon cards from when you were a kid. There would be more to this story if it was actually a qt that gave you Pokemon cards. Why the fuck would a cute girl give a binder full of Pokemon cards to some faggot at Subway anyway?
Anything that stalls and doesn't take much or any resources.
Frosmoth Misty, kanga, Hypno, Articuno misty, etc. comes to mind.
Articuno ex is a good half tank half threat for this deck.

You could run Misty’s with two of those, or run two mienchao if you want to get funky and test it out without worry about mana screw.
I'm down to ape rape you, among other potential decks.
Run it
Nothing, all worth is fabricated.
??? Packs won't get better odds for fire pokemon during this event
That's not a wonder pick event, that's a battle event like Lapras ex
>don't have Ninetales yet
>want just one exclusively for Mew
>WP refuses to give me one
Fuck you too, DeNA.
Marnie SEXO
One dog down, unfortunately I'll have to continue these shitty picks to get a second one or a Moltres finally.
I need Vulpixes and I can't get them from WP
Superpotion from the tcg should be balanced. heal 60 hp but discard 1 energy
go whine somewhere else
I just played a fool who hand scoped me, saw I had game, played out their full turn, then waited to concede until I played the card they saw I had. I did not return the shopping card and I how the wind carries it into the side of their car.
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Been playing with this and liking it better than Pidgeot/Dragonite.
Any tips? Cards I should replace? Feel like X-Speed might not be necessary with Koga
lapras, chansey, snorlax
I use the basic articuno and two Misty's. If I get lucky with my flips I can use them to paralyze and it helps stall while I get dragonite set up. Also only 1 energy to retreat and 100 hp. Can't afford losing two points with articuno ex.
Drop a pot for the second Sabrina
Misty makes him pretty decent actually.
I have 2 Mewtwo EXs normals, and I have 2 Mewtwo EX Immersive Arts, and I use the regular EXs instead of the Immersive Art ones.
I have two Articuno, so I can go for that. Now if Misty wasn't the only GL card I'm missing.
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Thoughts on the CHONK?
Does Giovanni work with Draco Meteor?
The immersive have the wrong color scheme. It's a psychic not a dark.
Yo gg’s, lmfao at the fossil ending
Maybe run an electric type along with it, Zapdos Ex is also decent, cheap to retreat, ur field won’t get too crowded you only need 1 dragonite.
How frequent are the bonus picks? Is there a daily limit or something? Or is it just random chance
we don't know
I think saw it working once, but as the card says only for damage against the active pokemon, and only 10. It's not worth it imo.
Average dragonite player luck
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Still not in the middle or bottom
ggs ape is funny but can lose steam later on.
I am trying to find the best Pidgeot partner because he's pretty cool ngl

I am happy every time I can concede in a unique way lmao
Anyone want to do vpnx
Why are people wasting their wp stamina on arcanine?
Just played a guy who pulled 5 Gardevoirs but didn't have a real deck. Did he get tired of Mewtwo?
We're prepping for venu drop event bro
>4/5 odds for a new car
get a dud
I'll keep that excuse in my back pocket.
Because I don't have it after opening pika packs for a week
Blaine should have worked for regular Arcanine
Are these medals going away when the set ends?
I still haven’t used pidgeot but wow that last deck wrecked me, gg

Can you post that deck list you were using btw?
From the online battle event? No, they are like flair for your account to show you beat the first battle event challenge that was ever held.
think i saw someone place with a list like this in tourney, looks pretty decent anon
potion might be a decent add over x speed, i don't use x speed much in koga decks either
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> 105 - buy Abra + Kadabra for Alakazam
> 35 - buy Machop for Machamp EX
> 70 - buy Kirilia for Mewtwo EX
> 70 - buy Haunter for Gengar EX
> 150 - buy Hypno for shenanigans
> 145 - buy Koffings and Koga for Weezing
> 220 - buy Omanytes and another Omastar for shenanigans
> 300 - buy 2 Kabutops
Is buying any of these things fun or worth? I'm really tired of the game not giving me things when I'm just 1 away. I keep getting dupes but none of any of the shit that I actually want.
You'll end up with duplicates of them all within a few days of playing don't sweat it
It doesn't work without 2 Oaks. You need more than the Victreebel for things to work, if you don't have Erikas and Potions you're screwed. The deck is also very weak to Red Card and Oak is the only thing that can save you from it at times. Not to mention that at the start of the game you can die instantly because your basic has low HP, you need to fetch a second basic with either Poke ball or Oak. I end up with more DOA Sabrinas than Oaks.
>pidgeot bro
which mons you on anon, ive seen weezing, bone bro, arbok, and my list so far >>56960825
Gg. Arcanine sucks without energy cheating.

Btw you can use your pidgeot ability on the bench. Didn't see you use it that way
Wait on haunter, there is an event coming, if you get mewtwo ex it makes it easier to get wins, if you haven’t done the single player. If you don’t have koffing already do those imo, or buy gold and dump it into one type of pack, but the ftp grind is admirable.
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I call it PidgeBokWeez
gg to the Arcanine anon too.

I'm well aware about using it on the bench I just never felt it was in my best interest to use it at those points in time in these matches it seems.

I've tried ape + pidge + aero, this, starmie, aero, ditto.
Still wondering what I like the best, I do like this one but you have to sacrifice a fair amount from potions and speeds, and I don't like running 1 of since then I feel you would be better off with double Sabrina and something else.

You need full commitment to the bird.
Would a draft format be better now when there are less cards in the game so not everyone gets great shit and some barrel-bottom scraping has to happen?
>Wait on haunter, there is an event coming
Oh shit, right, I forgot about that. Thanks man.

>if you get mewtwo ex it makes it easier to get wins
I've just been playing Pika and Marowak. I don't really need a deck that wins anymore. I just want to play the game a different way and I can't. Maybe I'll get the Koffings and another Koga to see what the brapper is all about.
haunter is coming later in a promo event don't
most likely to be relevant later for deckbuilding are kirilla, weezing package, then hypno as a niche tech cards
rest you get it in like order of decks you like more
Me with Starmie EX
Pidgeot does kinda replace Sabrina tho, and the 1 retreat cost/ 2 koga means that’s you pretty much get to choose which Pokémon are active. Koga also replaces x-speed, how does this do in regular format?
the promo haunter is shit though
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I just did one more, got my second Charizard at least. But the theory is holding for now. We need more data
It's 30 guaranteed vs 50 coinflip, right? I feel like 30 is really low for Haunter. You probably don't want to be attacking with Haunter anyway
Alakazam is great, it can handle almost anything but it is a stage 2 so it's not easy to draw. I had high hopes for Hypno because I'm a sleepfag but flipping for a chance to sleep means only 25% they stay asleep. A guaranteed sleep is 50%. Even with 2 Hypno it's not good enough. I mean if all you care about is a chance to stall it's good but not good enough in my opinion. The energy to attack and the retreat for Hypno is also a pain.

Machop is really good as long as you're not facing psychics and get all your cards. Gardevoir is a staple. Everyone says Gengar sucks but I have been BTFO by it multiple times, its ability is top tier and the HP and attack are serviceable. Koga is good stall but easy to play around. Kabutops has good matchups against Pikachu but struggles with a lot of things. I have never seen anybody use Omastar, seems bad.
I am now a gold participant. You may address me as sir.
should I spend 300 points on two gardevoirs?
no matter what I do I can't seem to pull even one and I still need a second sabrina
I've basically pulled everything else I need from the mewtwo pack
Normal Haunter ain't any better
I couldn't pull Gardevoirs either, so I had to Wonder Pick them.
For any anons just arriving in the thread if you'd be willing to, please share your rare pick screenshots. Right now we don't have any screenshots showing Arcanine ex in the middle or bottom right spots
>Event wonderpick uses all my stamina
It's not like wonderpick is useful but why are YOU charging ME 3 stamina for a charmeleon I already own 7 of?
I'm not even seeing gardevoirs in the wonder picks
if you want a mewtwo deck then yes
Haven't done much in regular format but I recall it being decent at the risk of bricking, given the 3 different evo lines.
I'll throw in some battles now to see.

You are right though that koga and 1 retreat makes the lack of xspeed not too horrible, and pidgeot means no Sabrinas.
The idea is just throwing a bunch of stuff that synergize together, being arbok + weezing and arbok + pidgeot

So like hey maybe if you don't get pidgeot you still get weezing and arbok, or if no weezing pidgeot and arbok.
Overall it's probably a little slow, and just having sabrina is probably better in regular due to the quicker games, but it's fun and neat having a lot of different options available to you and being fairly interactive.

Oh hey someone just 7 heads misty'd me.
gardevoir is literally all I'm missing
does mewtwo run double sabrina?
I got away with running one Sabrina for some time but I do prefer playing with two
I didn't screenshot the layout but I got Arcanine ex this morning from picking top middle.
Machamp EX is terrible, below rogue imo.
I only have one Sabrina and zero gardevoir with 325 points, and I've basically exhausted the Mewtwo pack of everything else
what should I do?
yes people do run 2 sabrinas. you can too if you dont want to use two potions and jynx or something else
Spark and wonder pick
You open Gastly going second and attack on the way up. 20+30+100=150 damage, you have killed Mewtwo EX and your Gengar EX has 50 damage.
Winning the coinflip for for 170 damage only matters against Potion, Exeggutor EX (if they got tails twice), and Gengar EX. Losing the coinflip is a big deal.
Another situation where I would prefer promo Haunter is going first AND getting to Gengar EX and Gardevoir on turn 5. 50+100 to kill Mewtwo off in Christmas land. It's so unlikely that the coinflip is irrelevant, and Gengar Gardevoir sounds like a miserable deck.
Maybe your opponent bricking on basics but finding one Potion is more common than I think. But the only thing I like about promo Haunter is the art.
you can craft the two gardes and start opening zard packs since I think sabrina shows up in those ones
>wonder pick
I'm not seeing any gardevoirs in my wonder picks
it's all just trash
I got my 45 wins with Mewtwo Swoobat. I was consistently beating Mewtwo Garevoir decks that weren't fossilpilled, but good Mewtwo decks left me in the dirt.
I'd have done Mewtwo Clefable if I had the cards for it. I can't be sure, but it's probably better than Mewtwo Swoobat.
What's the best non-ex electric deck? Raichu and electrode? Raichu and Zebstrika? I wanna have fun
>rare wonderpicks back to back
>out of stamina so I can't roll on them
I would have been okay with this if they actually gave us solo missions to get the hourglasses to roll with, but you just have to wait 2 days before you can roll again or hope you get lucky and bonus pick wonderhourglasses to get it slightly earlier.
I've been seeing more Omastar users recenlty, it seems to work alright with Starmie/Articuno as you'll start with those or get them with pokeballs in the early game and if it ends up going to late game with your Starmie/Articuno dead, you swap in Omastar to finish off whatever big dick pokemon is causing trouble. if it's not an electric deck, the opponent will have a harder time swapping out against Omastar.
spark is some genshin or other gacha game term that means to just craft/get what you want.
how do you craft in this game? I thought you couldn't do that
what are good Mewtwo decks?
the pack point exchange
Tap on one of the packs on the main screen then look for icon on the bottom right and tap
that's not crafting, that's pity
Okay, thank you for that. I was sure it was possible I've just yet to see it in a screenshot
Go to the pack banner. There's an icon on bottom right for you to click
eh tomato tomahto.
There's no "crafting" in this japjew game so that's as close as we'll get
putting fossils as meatshield into a mewtwo+gardevoir deck. Instead of your squishy ralts or mewtwo taking hits, you swap in fossils to eat them so you can focus on getting more energy on mewtwo so he can sweep. This strategy works for most decks that only focus on 1-2 actual pokemon
2x Mextwo EX
2x Ralts, Kirlia, Garevoir
2x Fossil
2x Pokeball
2x Sabrina
2x Potion
1-2x X Speed
1-2x Gionvani
0-1x Red Card
0-1x Pokedex

Fossil doesn't clog your basic pool and semi-cucks Sabrina.
I wonderpick'd every Gardevoir
I've only seen one gardevoir in wonderpick and didn't get it.
do killed fossils not give anyone points?
From what I'm aware of, 99% of Gacha didn't have a pity system until 2016, when Granblue Fantasy released picrel (Andira, the Monkey Zodiac), and a Japanese guy whaled extremely hard for her (about $6000usd) and didn't get her unit even once. He complained to Cygames, and they refunded his $6k and implemented the spark system, which guarantees you a unit from a banner within 300 sparks.

I like Andira, she carried my wind team when I was new.
This is a good advice but to be honest I think only ex-professional TCG players could pull this strategy off
>use 3 wonder hours glasses on a rare event draw
>could use arcanine, charizard, blaine or moltres
>get charmeleon
what about the basic Mewtwo? he has 120 health and you can just plop him down to take hits
Pot as in Potion
they do
oh cool. thanks for the history lesson. never played granblue so I didn't know where the term came from
they do give points but they come with a couple other benefits. Fossils can be freely removed from play at any time, so you can have them eat a hit and remove them. unlike most pokemon which have some sort of retreat cost, doing this is free. Pokeballs won't find them in your deck, so if you're strategy revolves around 1-2 pokemon, you'll guarantee it'll find those pokemon instead of whatever other fluff pokemon you might have had in your deck. like the other anon said, you can put one on your bench to waste your opponents sabrina and keeping your actually important pokemon (like gardevoir) safe
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fukkin kek tho
It would be nice to see Omastar in action but you can switch out of it so I don't think it's that great.
But do fossils suck ass late game?
if that's your only option, sure but if you get put in a situation where your dealing with some really hard hitting pokemon like marowack or zapdos, mewtwo might not be able to tank it anyway or won't have the energy to take the hit and switch out after.
like I said, you can take them off the board whenver you need to. If you've only got your active slot pokemon and the fossil up, or the opponent has zebstrika/greninja/dragonite/whatever that can hit your back line, you can just remove it from play before they can target it. It's basically no risk.
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Probably because I was a funny above average looking dude. Idk man. If I was home I'd take a pic of the binder and send her a FB message
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The wonder picks in this game are the most concrete evidence I have ever experienced that psychic phenomenon is a reality.
I honestly agree. I can't explain it other than I can feel where a card is. It calls out to me and I simply know which of the five it is in, as if it was always there
Happy Friday night dude, thanks for being a good sport
>The wonder picks in this game are the most concrete evidence I have ever experienced that psychic phenomenon is a reality.
Just the opposite for me. Whenever I try to psychically pick it I pick the wrong one.
I can't decide whether to keep pulling on Mewtwo trying to get at least one gardevoir before pointing the other one or if I should just point both and pull for my second Sabrina instead
please help
Why whale for her, she's not even cute.
Still not buying it.
wasn't this question just asked. just flip a coin
>I can't decide whether to keep pulling on Mewtwo trying to get at least one gardevoir before pointing the other one or if I should just point both and pull for my second Sabrina instead
>please help
it depends on how long you're willing to wait on deck pulls.
i mean eventually you'll pull the cards you want...on a long enough timeline.

...If you want them now or very soon then you're gonna have to use pack points to get them.

Note that pack points you currently have can only be used on this set so unless you see yourself really wanting to buy other cards then your pack points are there just collecting dust.

in the end you just have to decide if getting pissed and frustrated in the short term is worth it for success in the long term. or if you care more about completing your deck in the short term and possibly sacrificing some pack points choice in the future.
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>why whale
She's 10 years old, and this is official art. I don't condone it, it's just sad that some people like this.
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How do you get new player icons?
I wonder picked for my Pikachu Ex. Both of them. Weeks later I finally pulled one through packs. I crafted 2 sabrinas during the first week, to make solo battles and pvp easier. I now have 5 or 7 sabrinas. Don't regret it at all.

One thing you guys need to take into account, is that you might be being cheaper and avoiding "wasting resources" but you are also wasting time and not able to actually play the game.
>I was a funny above average looking dude.
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Why? Just because we're on 4chan doesn't mean we're all fat losers
>she's not even cute
>Note that pack points you currently have can only be used on this set so unless you see yourself really wanting to buy other cards then your pack points are there just collecting dust.
is this true?
that's incredibly Jewish
>but you are also wasting time and not able to actually play the game.
this. like wonder picks personally don't work in my favor and they just piss me off when I never, ever pull what I'm looking for. So I don't do them.
>is this true?
Current pack points are for only current set.

When the next set is released, you'll have to collect all new pack points for it.

Eventually, if the game pulls this current set from availability, the pack points disappear with it. but that's way down the road.
Which deck should I enter the tournament with?

1. Arcanine Ex deck.(not finished) Couldn't pull Arcanine Ex yet.
2. Pikachu ex. Have zapdos and 1 raichu. Could craft a 2nd raichu and have 3 surges already.
3. Starmie ex deck.
4. Various Weezing variation. Arbok/Wiggly/nidoking/etc
2 since you don't have mewtwo ex/gard deck listed
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!!! vpnx tournament next weekend !!!
Friday / Saturday prize pool between $140-200 dollars depending on interest. No buy in needed.

Figure out the vpnx meta this week since there’s nothing else going on.

>how we do it
During the week, but mainly on Friday I’ll compile everyone who wants to play by tripcode, in game name, and get screenshots of decklists, we will enter everyone into a double elimination bracket and play best out of 3 games, prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and possibly 2 participation prizes.

Everyone will report wins in this general and cheating and false reports will be non existent due to ability to screenshot win screen and everything else. I don’t expect any bad actors but already have gone over any possible scam moves and have thought of ways to prevent it.

I will post more during the week and will maybe go buy 2 participation gift cards for each store (Apple and google) just to show I am legit about this, I’d like to pay out winnings in gift cards to be reinvested into this game, but I’d be willing to buy a visa vanilla card or whatever instead if you win and really don’t want to make in game purchases. Or also idk if pc players can use gift card on their rigs so there’s that.

I’m funding this myself because I believe in the format and this game, I think it will be fun and let people play decks that wouldn’t otherwise be played. I’m definitely planning to run at least one more of these in the future also, so depending on how this goes we might be able to start something cool or do events with buy in or whatever.

I don’t need names or anything now, but if you’d be willing to play in an event like this, just reply to this, if not don’t reply, I’m just gonna count amount of replies.

Thank you to anyone who participates.
I'm not a fat loser either, it's that your story doesn't make any sense. There's no random "qt" who's gonna give a binder of Pokemon cards to a Subway guy just because he's not ugly. There's no dude working at Subway who'd receive a binder full of Pokemon cards from a qt and not pursue a relationship with her. I'm honestly having trouble believing that a qt is giving a binder of Pokemon cards to just a random stranger working at Subway, even if she was a regular. Nothing adds up.
my dilemma is that if I pull just one gardevoir I have enough points to both get a second sabrina and gardevoir
but if I point both gardevoirs I only have 25 points left and it'll take a while to get enough for a second Sabrina
You should enter arcanine ex without arcanine ex. They'll never see it coming.
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What do you mean? Aren't these all the default ones
Ahhh I just realized I didn't say she worked there as well. She wasn't a customer lmao I can see why that would sound unbelievable now.
Starmie, your other decks are incomplete and water stocks are up with this new event handing out free arcanines.
>my dilemma is that if I pull just one gardevoir I have enough points to both get a second sabrina and gardevoir
>but if I point both gardevoirs I only have 25 points left and it'll take a while to get enough for a second Sabrina
if you have giovanni you can suppliment one of your sabrinas for it. (if you don't have gio already in your deck) or red card. Sabrina isn't a core card for the deck, the gards and mewtwos are.

Also, at least until the next set is released (or maybe promos in the meantime, i'm not 100% sure) mewtwo is still gonna be in the top 3 (if not top 2) for meta decks, so you're building a really good deck so you could theoretically justify spending the points on it and play it for months.

since collecting the entire set is basically not going to happen (someone did it and it cost them $2,000) you can then focus on opening say zard or pika decks and working on one of those so you don't have to worry about pulling cards you just bought and driving yourself nuts that way.
I've pulled almost exclusively on the mewtwo pack and I only have one giovanni
really I just want the alt art Sabrina because she's hot and you can only get her summoning
Nice flex
>really I just want the alt art Sabrina because she's hot and you can only get her summoning
yeah well then you can justify card points to play your deck and hope you pull your full art sabrina. just accept the possibility that eventually you're going to pull the cards you bought with pack points.

but in the meantime you'll actually be enjoying the game and not hating it because you're not getting the cards you need.
but gardevoir is only in the mewtwo pack
NTA, but either use PP or WP. Aiming for that specific 3-D is gonna be painful when the pullrate is 0.357%
Chump Mewtwo costs 2 energy to retreat. That's a big loss in tempo. It's better than a fossil if your opponent wants to give you a free switch-in (kill it for you) but if your opponent is behind they can leave Chump Mewtwo on the board and force you to waste the energy while they improve their position.
I think the fossils are worse than X Speed but they provide a similar value (spending cards in place on energy).The fossils have the extra utility of protecting at-risk Pokemon you can still get mileage from and the downside of giving your opponent a point. I would run 4 X Speeds if I could and the fossils are "close enough".

They suck ass when your opponent is on 2 points, but if you need space or your opponent is postured to kill them with bench attacks you can discard them without rewarding your opponent.
You forgot the fact that M2 can tank 2 hits from Pikachu or 3 hits from M2 EX for just 1 point
I already am in pain
fuck it I'm just spending the points now
I wish I spent all my time pulling for the sexy sabrina
It also kills Pikachu if you get Gardevoir online.
To be fair, saving PP for FA sounds like a lost cause since you need to open 250 packs to get 1250 for one. And you can't bring it forward to other sets
Past tense.

That's significant against Pikachu but not against Mewtwo.
Either way you're letting your opponent weaken it, bench their good Pokemon, and kill it with something disposable. You crackback at a cardboard standee and they clown on you. Or you put chaff forward yourself and they took a point off you for free.
Why do blame people? It is an intentional choice by the designers to prey on the weak.
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Finally got a god pack. Can't complain.
Can practice with Zener cards improve my wonder picks?
Is there a level cap?
Wonder pick is predetermined.
It's odd you can't wear extra player icons as emblems.
aye 50
Made up words

No Zener cards are souldraining sigils, Pokémon cards give and reciprocate life. They are completely opposite.
If misty gets 2+ heads, I don't send thanks
My deja vu/visions only trigger when fight-or-flight is on and they come true even up to a year or two later.
depending on the time commitment, it sounds like fun, id be down
FArt Giovanni looks a lot nicer than I thought.
How do I know half of everyone won't just use Blaine
would it be dumb to spend my pack points on 2 gardevoirs?
If 2 misties get 1 head each... ?

Do you have the other stuff?
i redeemed 2 and wonderpicked 3 for the profile picture i have 0 regrets
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These full art bullshit cards might be the worst feeling in the game. You open a pack, it's rainbow, you're thinking "fuck yeah", the pack goes on for a while so now you know it's gonna be a rare and you're getting hyped

...and it's a fucking normal ass piece of shit Lapras.
turn your cards to the side bro.. its kino
Do I pull on the pack I've pulled a gorillian times on for alt arts
or do I pull other packs
>Do you have the other stuff?
kinda i guess? i just need 1 more copy of pikachu and marowak ex to have 2 good meta decks
it's funny because even If I could played my Ex blastoise/EX Lapras deck in this tournament it would still probably lose to a blaine deck.
>These full art bullshit cards might be the worst feeling in the game
you consider that worse than opening a pack with nothing good in it? not even a new card?
you consider that worse than losing to [insert deck you hate getting matched against]?
it's the greatest tragedy that there's full arts for the non-ex versions. EX Lapras is pretty dog to begin with, but at least misty can occasionally meme you into a win. normal lapras is awful.
>you consider that worse than opening a pack with nothing good in it? not even a new card?
Yes, because that's what I already think is going to happen when I open a pack. The full art rainbow nothing cards are worse because it gets my hopes up only to let them down.

>you consider that worse than losing to [insert deck you hate getting matched against]?
Yeah, this is just like a coinflip card game, man. It's not that serious. Marowak EX and Misty exist.
I'm part of the 24%.
At least it's a 3-D. Try open a FA Diglett or Porygon
it's fair because 1 misty with 2 heads is a shitton better than going -2 for 2 water energy
that being said, there should be more cards to send pokemon back to the deck so the losing player has a chance at dealing with a threat they can't brute force
it's not like you can wait for your opp to mill themselves out
>really cool art
>card sucks
I hate it. I love the art for this porygon card but it's just not even remotely useful enough to put into a deck. I'm not some hyper optimal sweat either, I have a pika EX deck I don't use but the card is just ass
wtf i thought i was being trolled. The blaine deck with rapidash, vulpix and 1 far fetch is actually amazing. I was able to get 20 wins just today and get my 45 win medal
Articuno players fail their flip and rage quit the game.
lol TROLLED! it's actually bad bro you just got lucky
this happened to me earlier. Genuinely embarrassing that they do that.
I failed 4 dugtrio's in a row and was going to uninstall so I get it
That's a standard aggro deck. Many underestimate it just because it doesn't have cool EX
oh i want misty to give me head alright
oh and yes i have the other cards for a mewtwo ex deck all i'm missing is gardevoir
If you're not trying to pull the other Marowak EX from a pack I would spend the pity and get out of there.
Thank ye, arrrrrgh
True but at least 2 misty's somewhat would give you a big edge over most every other vpnx deck aside from blaine
She'll stay relevant forever probably because of her energy ability. So when another psychic ex comes out, she'll still be useful
it's a meta deck for a reason, and it was super cheap even before the event
blaine is a really strong card that I think can be built around too, really underrated deck
ive been rolling on charizard for a week and a half or the like and i haven't gotten a single vulpix, and i need to roll the 1/5 on the 1/8 bonus picks to get it from the fucking event
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there is literally 0 stuff to do and its depressing, how the fuck did they fumble a game this popular so badly? at THE VERY LEAST there should be another way to grind for stuff aside from the pvp battles that give you PATHETIC FIFTEEN EXP POINTS ONLY

I'm almost at 100 wins and am still only lvl 20
a proper ranked ladder and maybe some solo missions that rotate every week/ 2 weeks would be enough for me, but sadly they probably won't even do that. I'm 50 wins from my next level and I'm not that desperate for another pack to sit and grind it out all weekend.
Here's the thing. The PvP event is still ongoing and there are still those who still haven't cleared it. It's crazy but that's how it is. Perhaps we will be getting some freebies when Pocket wins in TGA
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pocket needs to put in more cute psychic mons in the game so I can use them with garde instead of mewtwo
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Playing versus would be a lot more entertaining if the game wasn't so jewish. I feel like you should be able to grind your extra cards down into pack points so that you could buy the shit you actually want.
Interesting vid.
Probably why we never see god packs posted here

>2 star / 4 staminas are rare as fuck
>Some of the 4 star pulls are dead and will never show up on other friend lists
>Most of us probably have a lot of friends on our friendlists and only 4 wonderpicks from friends show up / low chance
>The ones that can show, will show for everyone
Which spot did you pick
I would be happier if the game had even 1 (one((1))) search card. But nothing to do but random fights and every fight is a coin flip simulator? Oh you went first? Hope you like being on the backfoot, jackass.
I packed him first try last night, TOP RIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT
>opponent opens with two Pikachu EX, Mewtwo EX and Ralts, Moltres EX and Charmanders
>starting hand is two Sabrina, Two Giovanis and a Charmander
What a fun game. Articuno and Misty on start basically sum up this game where "if your start is bad, you lose".
I'm pissed at how shit the current Mawile is
Good evening gentleman. FUCK MISTY
What other big psychic mons that might get an ex and aren't stage 2s are there to come before Gardevoir gets rotated out? Espeon, Deoxys and Mismagius? Maybe Lugia.
>when Pocket wins in TGA
>Pocket winning anything ever
You're Delusional. The only winner of that award is going to be Balarto whatever or that shitty WuWa game, even though ZZZ has a much better: characters, setting, music and gameplay.
>need to delete all of my friends now
>first pack I saw with a crease gave me my second Marowak ex
>the creased packs after that haven't dropped anything rare
I got him top right too.
>gacha addicts who need their numbers flashing on a screen
>only duels because they want some incentive on a stick
>no love for dueling and only treats it as a grind
its a tcg buddy, this really isn't the game for you if you don't like to D-D-D-D DUEL
ive been building and testing decks this entire time, just get gud
believe in porygon2
nerf Misty to be 2 coin flips so she's not just blue brock
Remove Basic EX from the game
Have more cards that punish high energy
Have cards that punish 80+ hp
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Top right is always right!
Nigger I am good, I've tried out a bunch of different decks, what now? nothing, stop bootlicking this retarded company
So I hope you all rope, vpnx tournament will take place next weekend and gift cards will be distributed to participants. Fuck you all for ignoring me, I guaranteed y’all’ll be there simping for gift cards next Friday, better get ur shut right I have no problem giving all the winnings to 2 people.
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Sorry, bro. I like that you're doing this and I think it's a really cool idea. I don't know if I'm going to enter, but I hope enough people do that it's entertaining, and I hope it's not just Blaine.
garde doesn't even need an ex. as long as the attacker synergizes well with garde you'll see them together. the garde deck in the main tcg uses one prizes/pointers to deal damage and has a similar ability to the pocket one.
Vulpix is banned, Blaine only works on Magmar, straight up join, it’s free and I’ll send gift cards to the winners.
It's actually top middle that always delivers.
sounds like a skill issue
that's all it will ever be
Why are you doing this on a friday night brother
I'd rather have the Ninetales.
>Vulpix is banned
Hmm. That does make it more interesting.
I've already got one ninetales from top middle so far to go along with 1x vulpix, 1x arcanine ex and now 1x charmeleon. Now I just need a second one of each and I'll be able to play all 3 fire decks.
How many hourglasses do you all have saved up? I have 200
my friends are out playing the board games i bought for our group, im sick at home so i get to shitpost with the local addicts seething about a card game out of the million games you could be playing instead
roll away tho, and keep blaming the game for not giving you enough flashy colors on pack openings to keep you happy when granblue fantasy exists for all your degen f2p gacha grind impulses
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sex with sabrina
371. I'm saving everything for Johto mons.
Ah shit that's Thanksgiving weekend, I probably can't make it
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sex with sabrina
do you use the basic Mewtwo in a Mewtwo deck?
Sounds cool but I think banning all coin flips is a bit extreme
I've seen some run it alongside ex
It's also a basic 120HP card so it makes for a decent meatshield I guess
yeah they need to add more mechanics. maybe make some cards that can make a damage spread deck or something.
same. maybe if pocket lasts long enough we'll see a good mawile in the game.
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[Natsumemo (Hizuki Akira)] NATSUME/SS COLLECTION
Nothing juicy, just Sabrina being sexy.
Should I use pack points to fill out Pokédex or save up? I’ve got 500 PP right now but it feels bad to use it all for one EX or Full Art when I could fill out my Dex or decks.
going first isn't so bad if you play stage 1's
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>talking to friend
>my unironically hand reaches into my pocket, grabs my phone, opens pocket, taps the Pikachu pack, and is about to OK the pull before I realize what I'm doing and stop myself
Is this an addiction?
>Gets no evos in first hand

Heh, nothing personelle, kid.
The problem is that it's just not consistent. You'll always get an energy advantage, and most of the times an attack advantage as well if you're player 2. Player 1 sometimes gets evo advantage, if their opening hand permits.
Bottom left
No. You were able to stop yourself.
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>Sex before shower instead of after

Oh cool, I kinda like licking my gf's sweaty armpits after she does yog-

>She's sucking your dirty dick
should I be using fossils?
Bro what the fuck. The first one had 5 different cards this only has 2. Seriously what a stingy and awful event.
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Why is she such a brat? Grrr
I've had a couple of moments where I go to open a certain app and don't realize I've muscle memory'd into Pocket until I see the dev logos.
>licking my gf's sweaty armpits after she does yog-
I hope your gf doesn't use deodorant
>two 2-D that are actually useful and also hourglasses and shop tix
Dude, what are you smoking?
Can i win ursiidays heart if I enter her tournament and win
>Random wonder pick that may or may not show up also costs 3 stamina
Stingy, awful, AND Jewish. Don't forget Jewish.
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Give me one fucking reason not to do it.
You already pulled 250 packs, so I don't see why not unless you prefer Sabrina or Erika
>125 kb
Why don't they just steal the coin mechanic from hearthstone?
the bonus pack is free retard
getting hit by a 120 ninetales turn 2 would be insufferable
I would rather spend 36 hours of wonder stamina picking a 1-diamond card from a juicy pack that had 2 EX cards in it.
is red card good or a meme
>whaling up to 1,250 pack points
might as well. I'd rather use it for the sabrina that's in every deck but sure
if you have potions/sabrina/giovanni/xspeed/fossils it's a waste of time. If you are missing some of those things and need an extra card to round out your deck, it will occasionally help.
It's usually a dead draw. I'm only happy to play it when my opponent has 5 or more cards in hand and clearly isn't bricked. That happens often enough that I run 1 copy, but it's the first thing I would cut if I needed to.
>gets no cheap attackers going second in first hand

Heh, nothing personelle, kid.
Going first actually gets two draws to find their evo or prof search compared to the one for second and can even play double prof if they get the nuts to dig for evo
its both
When someone uses it one me I either immediately lose or immediately win
it's genuinely a bigger coinflip card than misty
yeah she sucks off the winners and gives them her secret personal onlyfans
Either post leaks of her nudes or stfu simp faggots
She’d never post her nudes online
>try to play venusuar deck with eggs
i truly do not believe in this deck or anything that doesn't have a stage 1 tank.
Someone somewhere out there ALWAYS has the nudes of a given slut.
bro your fossils?
There was an anon with an Onix/Machamp deck in the last threads. How does it perform? I love my machamp, but can't find anything good to pair it with. I'm really dissatisfied with mankey, and I don't like gambling on marowak.
I hope she sees this bro
butterfree + exeggutor EX instead
run double eggs
It’s pretty solid but has a hard time vs charizard
Try Golbat.
I have no room, what do the eggs replace
are fossils really that good?
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I win? You get a like.
I lose? You don't get a like.
better than red card at any rate
So what's the complaint here?
>son of dob poster is a sore loser
I hope this is ironic
all of the big stage 3 ex starters should run at least one, and i believe the mewtwo deck in the meta rn likes fossils too
sabrina prevention is huge, if they shoot the thing you spent three turns building up energy, you're likely fucked
Red card/geo
what happened to this guy
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I'll take one of these please
How generous
are fossils better than the basic Mewtwo in that deck?
>3 retreat cost
>coinflip to do the damage back.
Even if sabrina didn't exist this would still be a shitty card anytime the opponent scores the first kill.
in what deck, mewtwo gardevoir? If you have two EX mewtwos and 2 gardevoirs, you're better off running fossils than an extra mewtwo. If you only have one EX mewtwo and one normal, that's also fine. If you only have normal mewtwo, I would instead suggest running gengar.
Do steel decks exist?
It absolutely cucks EX users though who risk trading 1:2
And can force a draw when you'd otherwise guarantee lose. Like you're going against a ramped charizard
You can click "Next" in the top right to see more. None of the Mewtwo lists that 1st placed recent tournaments were running fossils. They're running Jynx or regular Mewtwo. One is running a single Ralts with double regular Mewtwo. You have to go back to the 14th to find a 1st place Mewtwo that ran 1 fossil, and it's just 1 list. And then the next most recent 1st place tournament win that runs a fossil is Nov 2nd which ran 2.

Since the game released, there are only three or four 1st place tournament wins with a Mewtwo deck that ran fossils.
melmetal is the only one, its really lacking on cards atm
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Nah, Misty has been my favorite pokegirl for like 27 years now.
This isn't even a deck thing.
Abandoned his online identity and made a new one. Nobody know what name he's going by these days, but he's accidentally made posts from his old accounts a few times over the years, so he's still on the internet somewhere.
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theory disproven
That's where my Arcanine ex was too, slid down from top left
What’s a good golem deck
The only good golem deck is a dead golem deck.
the way i saw it is this when i was doing some scuffed playtesting against the pika ai
>basic mewtwo cucks opener chance of having a mew2 ex at all
>if you start with mew2 out and basic on bench, you get cucked with the retreat cost if sabrina
>two mew2s is bis, and you don't want to pokeball the shitter one ever if you already have one
>if you just open basic only it dies before it gets to cast usually, unless you hard opened all gard pieces going second
>best basic scenario if open w/ another mew2 on bench to start pumping
>if you open gard basic, you have less odds of finding a mew2 ex to pump w/poke balls
that said i think its best use is in the mirror when you have it out +mew2 behind, since most mew2s need 3 attacks instead of pika 2 to kill it, but against faster decks the basic can't threaten with its 50 which does add up so i think its a meta call if games are faster/slower to use more basics or fossils
>gives you a chance of being happy
>wears revealing clothing and has a rash personality
>cheats on you
>guarantees your happiness
>wears modest clothing and has a caring personality
>loyal to you
you know the right decision
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You make some good points, however...
Erika isn't wearing anything under her kimono.
This event is rigged. I've gotten no Arcanine from the rare picks, and 10 heatmor from the free picks.
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how are these statistics reliable if a huge majority of the players just copy each other's decks because they already "win more"?
the decks on this list being the "best" is a literal meme that creates more of them
it's a self sustaining meme
Reset time, people. Go send your daily likes.
well yeah otherwise he'd be heatles
Isn't that how kimonos are supposed to be worn?
Really? I thought he retired from the internet permanently.
Rare gave me Arcanine. Free gave me Vuplix and four Magmars.
Golem is basically colourless, so whatever has the best bottom end to pair with it. Maybe exeggutor ex.
Sure, that could be a component of it. Or, it could be that a regular Mewtwo or a Jynx are better, which is what I lean towards.
Actually, water could be good. Run basic Articuno and Articuno ex to wall up, with Misty to generate energy.

breddy bread
The opponent leads Staryu with a benched Articuno EX. They have signaled a Starmie EX in hand. Our protagonist uses Red Card and they are swiftly defeated. I am simply the better player.
>appears docile and serene
>has an unexpected mean streak
>will beat you behind closed doors
>uses salves and ointments to heal you
>nobody will suspect her
>100% loyal to you

I evolved her.
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Would any deck in Pocket use this if it were in the game?
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>pick the bonus WP 4 or 5 times
>all Heatmor
I just need a single Chamander to have a playset of those, I'm not asking for much here.
She wears a sarashi and fundoshi under it
if only there was some way to see the percentage of fossil bros who make it top cut vs the percentage of basic mon who make it to top cut for the actual proper stats that would matter
I'll do you one worse: FA Pinsir.
Of course she doesn't, she's Asian.
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Just got my first FA Supporter
It’s Brock…
Has anyone figured out which rental/themed deck is the best?
Also why aren’t there any themed decks for Misty, Erika, and Sabrina. Total sausage fest.
>those Go trainers don’t exist anymore
I can change fate

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