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Dragon Gon Get Ye Edition

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

>T8 and 3 basics and 2 energy
I don't know what that Caterpie expected.
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This doujin was just OK.
How do you want them to handle baby pokemon? And how do you expect them to?
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>How do you want them to handle baby pokemon?
All basic pokemon EXs.
Probably just print out a new stage one for the baby

unless they want to retroactively update old cards
His FC is 1123-0631-5499-4064
Not sure if WP placement is the same always but I picked top right and it was slowpoke. I believe bottom left was zam
Danke schön.
Post again since new thread
Where you niggers at in vpnx?
Emulator brothers, it's over. Taking a lesson from Masters EX? So glad I didn't spend money.
Game is crashing on bluestacks right now.
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1.0.8 has been working fine for me on mumu, i run 5 instances to roll my dailies
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I have literally every card on my WP right now
Do you have two of all of them?
MuMu 12? If so, then no, it has not been. The RAM consumption just increases forever.
just download more ram bro
How many hours until the Magikarp event starts?
Nobody tell him.
What device config are you using?
I'm seven rares away from getting Mew and could craft four of them right away. I'm not going to spend my wonder stamina or hourglasses on a chance for a second Pidgeotto or Poliwhirl when I could just wait for a better pick.
Oh I thought you were about to overflow.
Yeah, only use it to open packs so its whatever, annoying though. Some streamers are still using Mumu and not crashing after 5-6 hours though

Dunno I just put in random shit. Vulkan/medium/720*1280/note9
This sucks, there's no 32bit version for me to run this on my shitty phone (which I'll keep for 10 years), and now I also can't play it on my PC. Fuck Dena.
I got some of my last versus wins for the 45 on the new update and it fucking sucked. Any time I went to attack or play a Pokemon, it would lag the entire animation. It's not *literally* unplayable, but it is essentially unplayable. Can't do anything other than open packs and check wonder pick, whereas before I'd leave two instances of my game open all day.
I want them to do what the TCG should have done from the beginning and made them basic Pokemon who can evolve into basic Pokemon, then give their evolution line a permanent buff of some sort if evolved that way. Like a +50 HP and +30 damage bonus to compensate for the extra turn required to bring them out.

But I expect they'll be treated like the more recent TCG does, where they're just basic Pokemon who can't evolve.
Yeah, it was working, but it's not supposed to be working now. Did you just take this screenshot?
It's working for me too, but it pretty quickly ends up consuming my entire computer's available RAM. It's not sustainable.
How is it possible to open up 2 mewtwo packs every day for 2 weeks and still not have basic shit like tynamo, koffing, weezing, muk, tentacruel, horsea etc.
Thats not even counting missing exs like gengar, full arts, and regular mewtwo
happened to me so it's more likely than you think. I had 2 wheezing before a single koffing.
I think, more than any other gacha game, your account seed determines what cards you're allowed to pull.
What's rarer, route 1 shitmon or leendary bird?
The answer may surprise you!
I'm sure energyless attacks won't be cancer.
>never got a Ninetales
>never got a promo Meowth
Why are these decks running 1 Growlithe 2 Arcanin EX what's the point
Less Pokeball bricks. Less opening hand bricks. More late game gas.
increases the change of drawing Arcanine without being stuck drawing a second Growlithe
yea, let's keep first turn terrible!
TFW regular pokes of EX mons with vastly superior art are shit
I'm glad it's not just me having difficulty getting Mewtwo commons. I saw a wonderpick today for the cost of 1 stamina that included Zubat and Tynamo, both of which I don't have yet. I'm now a proud Zubat haver and a little closer to Mew
EX cards are kind of ugly in general with their giant images that take up the whole backdrop and pop out of the card. Standard rares have an understated simplicity with their shiny holographic on a standard format card with nice artwork.
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I want all of the cancer
Puffchads......we are being hard countered by a 30 HP card............
could cards like this attack turn 1 if they go first?
>>56994705 1/2
expected number of copies of a specific card in a pack, by rarity
### charizard pack & pikachu pack
0.00078467 w (.00013+.00053)*.9995 + (.05)*5*.0005
0.01121945 *** (.00222+.00888)*.9995 + (.05)*5*.0005
0.00262375 ** (.0005+.002)*.9995 + (.05)*5*.0005
0.016186965 * (.00321+.01286)*.9995 + (.05)*5*.0005
0.016641675 ^^^^ (.00333+.01332)*.9995
0.017841075 ^^^ (.00357+.01428)*.9995
0.042828575 ^^ (.02571+.01714)*.9995
0.059970000 ^ (.02+.02+.02)*.9995
### mewtwo pack
0.000791245 w (.00013+.00053)*.9995 + (.05263)*5*.0005 that's right, you're more likely to find a crown Pikachu in the Mewtwo pack than the Pikachu pack
0.011226025 *** (.00222+.00888)*.9995 + (.05263)*5*.0005
0.002900190 ** (.00055+.00222)*.9995 + (.05263)*5*.0005
0.016193540 * (.00321+.01286)*.9995 + (.05263)*5*.0005
0.016641675 ^^^^ (.00333+.01332)*.9995
0.017841075 ^^^ (.00357+.01428)*.9995
0.042828575 ^^ (.02571+.01714)*.9995
0.059970000 ^ (.02+.02+.02)*.9995
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Even in the TCG, Heartgold Soulsilver was SOUL too!
I don't like the full arts using 3D images, but I do like a lot of the regular exes and think the "popping out of the card" thing is pretty cool. Gengar is probably my favourite of them.
stop sleeping you fat fucks
>take a photo of a toy
>call it a day
is there really no more fucking content until the mini-expansion in december
>>56994705 2/2
expected number of copies of a in a pack, without caring about the version
### charizard pack & pikachu pack
0.000784670 w
0.017841075 ^^^
0.019265425 ^^^^/**
0.034028040 ^^^/*
0.038530850 ^^^^/**/**
0.042828575 ^^
0.045452325 ^^/**
0.047911220 ^^^^/**/***/w
0.059015540 ^^/*
0.059970000 ^
0.076156965 ^/*
### mewtwo pack
0.000791245 w
0.017841075 ^^^
0.019541865 ^^^^/**
0.022442055 ^^^^/**/**
0.034034615 ^^^/*
0.041993915 ^^^^/**/***/w
0.042828575 ^^
0.045728765 ^^/**
0.059022115 ^^/*
0.059970000 ^
0.076163540 ^/*
Wouldn't be the first time DeNa squandered a money making app, bunch of bums
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This is so fucking retarded. Let's do it
>His or her
Ummmmmmmmmmm HELLO?
she custom makes all those clay sculptures for those cards
How do we make Blastoise good
>160 damage
>1hits chari
>1hits mewtwo
>works with misty
He SHOULD be good right? But he ain't and it's not even a stage 2 issue (it probably is)
Nerf pikachu and starmie.
Wait the fire event is over? I haven’t gotten a single Blaine yet
yeah ended last night at reset
You wait for them to make another Blastoise EX and hope that one is good.
Trust the plan
Just did a test of this by waiting out my entire wonder pick timer so all 12 slots reset and there's definitely truth to this.
>Slots 1-4 started with 4 hours
>Slot 5 started with 3 and a half hours
>Slots 6-7 started with 3 hours
>Slot 8 started with 2 hours
>Slots 9-10 started with 1 and a half hours
>Slots 11-12 started with 30 minutes
>Most importantly, ALL 12 SLOTS started the timer the moment I looked at my wonder pick, and are 100% synced in this sense
So some conclusions I can make here are:
>Wonder pick slots expire when you aren't looking, but the slot stays empty and doesn't refresh/the timer on the new pick doesn't start UNTIL you look at it
>No apparent correlation between card rarity/cost and timer
>Slots may or may not follow the 4:3.5:3:2:1.5:.5 format consistently, or it could be chosen at random, I don't know. But the increments are definitely 30 minutes.
>If we were to assume the above slots are consistent with every full refresh, it means you need to check Wonder Pick at least every 1 and a half hours to not miss any Wonder Picks, barring any events happening.
I'll check my Wonder Picks tonight/tomorrow after another full refresh and see if the numbers are consistent with what I got just now or if there's any variance. Probably tomorrow because there are some EXs in my Wonder Picks I'll probably go for which means I'll have to check back sooner.
Thank you for your service
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You just know
nidoking will get an EX that isn't shit, r-right?
Kanto Route 1 has Pidgey (^), Rattata (^), and Pikachu (^ + ^^^^/**/***/w) all of which or more common than a legendary bird (^^^ + ^^^^/**/**).
Unova Route 1 has Farfetch'd (^), Jigglypuff (^), and Wigglytuff (^ + ^^^^/**/**) all of which or more common than a legendary bird (^^^ + ^^^^/**/**).
Alola Route 1 has Caterpie (^), Metapod (^), and Rattata (^) all of which or more common than a legendary bird (^^^ + ^^^^/**/**).
Galar Route 1 has Caterpie (^) and Wooloo (^) which are both more common than a legendary bird (^^^ + ^^^^/**/**).

Another thing to check is partial replacements. If a thirty minute pick expires is it replaced by a thirty minute pick (like for like) or a four hour pick (replacement went to slot 1)?
this is cleffa was so good that people still use it in the modern format
I'm sick of getting these ugly fucking mewtwo immersive cards, I just want another cool looking full art or crown card
I had 2 Nidorina and 4 FA Nidoqueen before I got my first Nidoran female. Charmander was the last thing I got before being able to use any Charizard.
Maybe. Dark still needs an EX and he's the only real option, unless they want to hive us some Johto mons in the miniset
I just checked that and I can confirm a variance. My two 30 minute slots expired and were replaced by one 4 hour slot and one hour and a half slot. They're both sitting up top, above all the others. So I guess the list is sorted specifically by when a slot was added, unrelated to the actual timer. Again, the timer didn't start until I refreshed Wonder Pick (I actually sat and watched the 30 minute slots expire to see what would happen).

Curious how many variations there are, and if they're weighted in some way or not. Can you roll back to back 30 minute slots? Can you get shit luck and roll all 4 hour slots? Do 2.5 hour slots exist? More testing is needed.
>want to try out fun and shitty decks in beginner
>full of sweats with pikachu and mewtwos




>reroll account
>the targets are either Pikachu or Mewtwo
>get the meta deck you rerolled for
>game fucks you over forever, the only way to guarantee you get a deck is to reroll for it
>you can have opened dozens of packs by now and still be missing key rares or even commons
>even if you play a shitty deck, you just run into other people playing good decks, so the choice is either to lose a bunch which isn't fun, or play meta, which also gets boring after a while
I don't know how people keep playing this game after their 45/50 wins, honestly.
Oh I should also add that there seems to be a secondary sorting method, which IS by timer. So in other words slot sorting priority is when it was added first, with most recent appearing at the top, and how large the timer is second, with largest first. So as an example:
>Two slots added at 7:00, 3 hour and 2 hour
>In this order: Slot 1 3 hour, Slot 2 2 hour
>Two more slots added at 8:00, a 1 hour and a 4 hour
>Now they're in this order: Slot 1 is the 8:00 with 4 hours, Slot 2 is the 8:00 with 1 hour, Slot 3 is the 7:00 with 3 hours, Slot 4 is the 7:00 with 2 hours
If that makes any sense.
It's just something to do while watching videos.
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beat fire with grass goyim
You should be going for a hyper aggressive deck
You should have known how this would go when your Pokemon is shitting as an attack.
tbf the enemy Glurak is also a shitzer
im doing this mission for a full grass dick
>So I guess the list is sorted specifically by when a slot was added,
I could have told you that. When anon told me "bonus picks can come in when regular picks do" I noticed that the next to expire pick wasn't always on the bottom. Complained about ot a few threads ago.
>If that makes any sense.
It does and that's interesting.
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>dark energy
>moltres ex
I just beat an opponent who played the above. What the FUCK was he planning?
>metafag mind broken because he's too shit to make decent decks that aren't netdecked
congrats your MMR is low enough to be fighting literal children
Got any Exeggcutor EX? I used one Exeggcutor EX and a couple Parasects to do that mission.
>>metafag mind broken because he's too shit to make decent decks that aren't netdecked
Anon, the meta is solved. Mewtwo and Pika (and Charizard Arcanine) are the best decks. Most decks can't beat them reliably no matter what cards you're using. You're not some genius, and this isn't a game where you can just outplay your opponent and win regardless of how bad your deck is or how poorly you are drawing.
Yeah and you should be using the hyper aggressive grass mons to do it
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella?
>"bonus picks can come in when regular picks do"
Speaking of that, based on this data I'm not hypothesizing that bonus picks would replace any 30 minute slot you'd roll (but probably only a maximum of one at a time), and rare picks would replace any 4 hour slot you roll. The question that remains is how slot times are rolled for.
oh boy I get to auto duel for 20 minutes! What fun content Dena are churning out for us!
*now, not not
>Need 4 more Steel Type
It's over...
Did the bonus and rare picks clog slots? I wasn't counting but I assumed they were additional.
scizor ex bros...
You can have one or more bonus/rare picks as long as one is in the expired / picked zone
I don't remember but from what I can recall I think they took one of the 12 slots?
Yeah I wasn't counting the 4 expired slots. I didn't even think about whether picked has its own set of slots or not.
auto mode for pvp got data mined bros
I did it bros
Funny because there's multiple tiers of auto AI. The one the player gets is WAY stupider than the one the highest tier of solo battles uses. I've watched the opponent AI flat out outplay the player AI many times, while I've seen the player AI throw games it was about to win.
How much money
Like $40, including the monthly pass
well the auto clicker will have to endure the ai's mistakes
What do they mean with mini-expansion anyways? How mini are we talking here? I've got lots of hourglasses I'm saving to do like 20 pulls of the next set, but I could also use it for the Pikachu booster packs since I've only focused on the other two until now.
>What do they mean with mini-expansion anyways?
much fewer cards than a full set. I'd think a quarter of the size.

Either that or it's a handful of similar cards.
I beat that in my first try with Beedrill venomoth deck
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Did Koga ever even use an Arbok?
>auto mode for pvp got data mined bros
finally. i'll just go to auto when I'm losing and then I won't have to concede.

no way a computer knows how to run a meta deck though.
redpill me on basic Mewtwo
>redpill me on basic Mewtwo
its a budget version of mewtwo ex. so theoretically its easier to get than mewtwo ex and if you do, you can still make a mewtwo / gardevoir deck with it.
Meatshield that is a 1 prize card, mostly
We don't know. The speculation is it will be a fourth set for the Genetic Apex expansion with the same number of unique cards as the other Genetic Apex sets and the same risk of pulling cards common to the whole expansion that you already have 6 of.
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>get my brother into the game
>after a week, play a private match against him
>flip a basic Krabby
>"I've never seen anyone play that, what does Kingler even do?"
>You're about to find out, buddy
>KO CRAB his Wigglytuff EX for 160 in one hit
Don't disrespect the king
>Marowak EX
>Articuno EX
>Zapdos EX
Which one do I wonder pick for? None of the other cards in the picks are relevant. I have zero copies of all 3 of these currently I also have:
>no machamp ex
>1 starmie EX, no blastoise
>1 pikachu EX, 2 raichu and Lt surge, some good commons
I feel like any of the 3 would get me equally closer to building their deck.
get the bonehead
120 HP, retreat cost is 2, Gardevoir can target it, but Koga does extra damage to it.
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The unenlightened run m2EX with no partners, people who only think they are clever put basic M2 in as a meat shield. True intellectuals run Kang and Jynx.
Snorlax, but retreatable, and an alternate wincon in Mewtwo EX
>Which one do I wonder pick for?
If you're not trying to finish a deck, go for the ex or full art cards you don't have.

if you are trying to finish a deck, stick with one deck at a time.
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I only kneel to one king
redpill me on kang and jynx
Articuno EX wants Starmie EX.
Zapados EX wants Pikachu EX and Raichu (Raichu is rare than Zapados EX). It may also want Magneton (as rare as Raichu).
Marowak EX can stand on his own two feet.

You can go for any of them, but think about what you're going to do with it.
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Doesn't help with Mew completion but you know what? I'll take it.
>80 damage on turn 3, sometimes
If we didn't have EX mons this would be the greatest cancer.
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we did it bros, thanks to absolutly perfect and i repeat perfect rng
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So many anons getting sexy Sabrinas lately, but none of the girls like me.
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non-ex que when
not a rushed game at all btw
Younger or older brother?
Congrats fellow Mewchad
>water beats fire
>Fire beats grass (and steel)
>Grass beats.... Some fighting types (none that are good)
Ridiculous balancing. Why does electric get a monopoly on water AS WELL AS half of the normal types?
Kang has a slighty better matchup into dark decks at the cost of getting oneshot by Pika+Gio while also giving you something to do if you go first, as going first messes up your m2 energy curve that first energy can get fed into Kang to get some chip in. Jynx is just a surprisingly heavy hitter that can out out of completely nowhere because Garde can get her attack ready the turn she comes out. Both double as 1 point meatshields.

It's probably worse than running basic m2 but it feels better to play imho
>dittos ur mew
hehehe now we both know I should concede
your move, anon
If there were more impactful supporter cards in this game, along the lines of professor's research or misty then psyduck/gengar could be good. But the problem is that supporter locking them only matters if it means that you play more profesor's research than your opponent and that you play them faster. Bother as a mid-late game attack is pretty crappy when you consider how unlikely it is that youre attacking with gengar on your third turn and how low the damage is. There's nowhere this deck can outtempo or outvalue anything else, maybe if gengar ex had 180 hp so that a potion beat pikachu/starmie the deck could have a "turn the corner" moment but as of now I can't outpressure, outdamage or outlategame almost any other deck there is. I hope they accidentally make stun a playable archetype eventually.
Lower retreat cost
Lower retreat cost, colorless energy instead of water

Rattata/Doduo is just retarded though.
Double weaknesses should be a thing
It’s like having 2.5 Mewtwo EXs, it fucking rules. Unironically when you play with it or against it for the first time you’ll just be able to tell instantly how good it is
120 hp is fucking ridiculous
>AS WELL AS half of the normal types?
ACKCHYUALLY colorless doesn't have a monopoly on flying types. Moltres and Zapdos are weak to lightning.
There are pike 5 different lines that mog Rattata.
Swanna has better retreat cost and colorless energy attack allows it to be played in a deck with no Water energy at all. Rats just suck.
Does mini set drop tomorrow
At least variable weaknesses. Like wuagdire line can be -50 to grass, or bulky steel types can have like -10 from fire or fighting.

But instead dwe have fighting type unilaterally beat dark types, electric types, and beat normals half the time. And they lose to EITHER grass or psychic. Insane
Welcome to the fruits of seeds planted 30 years ago when the designers thought this would be dead in 3 years
>Lead Mewtwo EX, Ralts and a hand with 2 Oaks and Kirlia
>Opp has only solo Ralts
>Red Cards me after the Kirlia and first Oak, ok fairs
>Gardevoir on the turn after
I actually felt bad, at least his Ralts got the evolve
Misty is the reason most every water card like this has an additional mana cost, so misty also joins Rika and gets railed by a group of old men
why does every poke need only one attack with no effects? Even base set was way more interesting than this watered down shit. The only thing I like about this game is the energy system.
>Pikachu EX is only mon
>Draw for turn and Oak, still nothing
>Opponent red cards me
Oh thank god
>New had is just Giovanni and Sabrina
I deserve this
no but the fat frog event does with 5 new promo cards (2 cards which are new (1 of which might see actual play))
I'm on the list, anon. Good luck to whomever wants to pick through this.
Venusaur is french? I thought he was a dinosaur.
Genuinely the devs think the players are too stupid to be able to handle more than 1 or 2 things to think about at a time
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bros i think everythings rigged... cant even get a good wonderpull with 2 ex to summon on
I'm Erika (propic) Waiting room
fuck the 14 characters limit
>not mentioned in the leak discord
uso desu
The infamous one that got cut in half in the manga was his
Why couldn't they?
Geez, I got 4 or 5 of you fuckers adding me all at once. You better give me some good WPs in return.
i can only offer thanks on your binder and 5 cards you could already have max flair of already
Technically speaking the game doesn't prevent you from attacking t1 it only prevents you to attach energies, but if you get energies from another source (Misty) you CAN attack on T1
Hence, anon question.

But this is probably them being bad at coding (unsurprisingly) it's like they want to prevent you to get in the kitchen by locking the front door of your house but leaving the kitchen open, so if you, say, enter from the window you could still get into the kitchen since the kitchen door itself is not closed.
I hope they will patch this shit eventually but they said "no patch for pvp becuse this is a collecting game lmao"
Do I look like some sort of whale to you? I ain't flairing shit until we know exactly how trading works and if I'm safe to sprinkle all that dust.
This is extremely casualized at the start so even the dumbest kid can get on board.
There's going to be more complexity later.
...I hope.
is the keyword because only retards waste resources on flair
When do we get Lass, Beauty and Rocket Grunt (female) trainer cards?
Why is getting 3 tails so much more common than getting 3 heads?
Pic related happened twice in a row on the same match, absolute bullshit
Well yeah, it's already established that attacking turn 1 is a thing in the game, so it's only logical that a 0-cost attack is usable.
>Rocket Grunt (female)
There has to be a hentai/art you're thinking of
Moltres Mold tres lmao
record 1000 3 heads/tails flips and then see if its actually more likely to flip 3 tails than 3 heads.
Where are you assholes coming from?! My list just jumped in the last 20 minutes. Is this the power of animu waifus?
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I sometimes have to wait for my opponent to connect back to the game for like 2-3 minutes, how do you make that happen? just close the app?
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There are actually plenty of team rocket female (Grunt or admin) (and apparently a tcg exclusive professor also)
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are you confident at flipping heads?
got all the full art starters now yay.
>traced dream world art
you're getting desperate, shaun
Impostor Professor Oak? He was a scrapped character from Pokemon Gold and Silver. Apparently they were in the early stages of making GS when the tcg was licensed.
I'll have you know my waifu is Erika. Someone in these threads pulled a God Pack with her a few weeks ago. Took 12 hours to show up in my Wonder Pick list. Got a full art Blaine, unfortunately.
>Took 12 hours to show up in my Wonder Pick list
How did you get it to show up? I ended up getting some bullshit pack from that anon with nothing in it.
I had a bullshit pack from that guy, too. 12 hours later, I logged back in and the god pack was there. I think it either takes a few hours to update or it can randomly choose from older packs the person pulled sometimes.
>tfw god pack anon had two of them and both didn't show up in my wonder picks
Screen lock.
everytime you use misty it should give your opponent 1 prize
One prize for each head, I think it's balanced
1 prize even if it hits tails first
Every time you gets tails on flip 1 it should knock out the pokemon you used it on
it rotates through all of their packs from the last 3 days. There's a very low chance that a pack with a card of rarity 2 star or higher can be wonder picked so if it hits that chance it goes into their rotation of wonder-pickable packs. Sometimes I find myself waiting nearly 72 hours for the pick I want to show up.
Sweet, I get all the same utility out of Misty as I did before but I don't have to give my opponent any prizes!
Getting tails on your first misty flip causes the full art to be removed and replaced with art of her laughing at your small penis
I don't like running a basic m2 because then you aren't attacking at all and your openers and getting gard out is less consistent
mewtwo's strength is that it can chip away at or kill basics with 50 damage until he's ready to oneshot
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if you use misty you should get castrated
>72 hours
I'm not optimistic, but at least it's apparently not completely gone yet.
use the password noex when looking for a private game (serious). 90% of the time people respect it. you can always concede if they are dishonorable.

I'd like a mode that matches f2p with f2p, sick of getting rolled by paypigs with multiple crowns like in your pic
I don't like having to calculate and all that. I should just keep ripping every 12 hours, right? I want to give you guys a shot at Sab and all that, but I ain't stopping my own business because of it. Most I can do is holding off on using any extra glasses for now.
I'm the anon that had the triple full art waifu pack and I got legit 80+ friend requests posting my code here
I hope someone managed to even see it
just keep pulling. sometimes i see old pulls from my alts instead of their most recent (good) pull
Powerful image.
Anon, I hope to get tails now...
is red card actually good or a meme
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I kneel at the sheer MAGNITUDE of this pack.
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EVERY FUCKING TIME EVERY FUCKING GAME HOLY FUCKING SHIT ITS BEEN 18 games in a row I’m going fucking first holy shit I get it my charmeleon is at the bottom of my deck holy fucking shit, yes I understand there are 2 Giovanni in my deck thank you for putting them both in my first hand for 6 games in a row, so rng so random and not riggered
Still waiting for it to spawn, 24 hours have passed and nothing for now
>three diglets
>dugtrio, which is 3 digletts
holy shit
Thank you chatgpt for describing the image.
I love wonder pick
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>still buying modern
>still buying modern
hand-ripping is always good, making your opponent lose tempo by going from 4 cards -> 3 cards is usually an advantage but with small decks and lots of draw power in Oak and Poke Ball, they are fairly likely to draw a good hand still.
prob ded
Is Butterfree Erika Venusaur EX good? I want to try it once I get the saurs, but my concern is 4 energies + 4 stage 2 will be way too much investment to not lose every match before I can get the EX out. I wanna try the wall. I only just beat a rando Venusaur EX wall deck with my Blaine deck thanks to weakness.
>but my concern is 4 energies + 4 stage 2 will be way too much investment to not lose every match before I can get the EX out.
you are correct
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are you lost?
>zzzfags are pocketchads
It's good, but it's extremely less consistent than other meta picks, you need perfect RNG to set up, meanwhile top decks like misty whatever, mewtwo or mascotte rat can just snowball with minimum rng required
Just do Butterfree Exeggutor.
Healing 120 per turn doesn't matter when your opponent can deal 200 per turn hy the time you're set up.
I'm 2 for 15 in my last Moltres coin flips, welp thats enough of this dogshit for today.
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I'm 4 for 5 on my Vulpix flips to stop Moltres EX from attacking.
I had 4 straight games with all of my stage ones or twos on the bottom 5 cards of my deck, so I did like 60 consecutive dice rolls and still got fucked
Nigga stop wasting both our time placing superfluous energies and support cards when you have checkmate. If you have the final kill take it. There's no trap cards. This isn't Yugioh. I can't activate mirror force or make anything unexpected happen that would necessitate that useless Professor Oak you played on your final turn.
it has a 100% chance to trade my god hand for a x2 x-speed x1 potion hand every time
>Nigga stop wasting both our time not conceding when you're in a checkmate.
basic Mewtwo ruins the consistency of Mewtwo ex and makes you job against shitter decks because you're just sitting there not doing any damage
No if I get two heads in a row and draw the right cards on my next two turns I can still win. Provided you aren't holding and don't draw into the sauce.
Then he doesn't have the final kill yet.
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>Don't do that. This game isn't like Yugioh, you don't have to worry about Mirror Force, or Gorz, or anything else happening when you attack. If you have a clear win, there's no reason to play other cards, attach energy, or do anything else to waste time. Take your win with grace, anon.
I'm glad my post lives on. Thanks anon.
>with a dose of faggotry
holy shit
Machamp is my favorite , and the consolidation prize is waifus, I'm waiting with it to spawn still. Thanks for accepting my friend code regardless anon
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Got my decks ready for the event challenges. Too bad they all suck ass.
>no charizard, no moltres, no blaine, only one ninetails
Charizard Moltres is way gayer than Mewtwo
I only play a bunch of random cards if its a close game and im losing, or if i need to win a coinflip to win the game
Do I go for it? Don't need it for Mew
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You should
>two cards in the price range
You'd be a fool not to. In the 36 hours you take to rebuild the stamina you're not likely to get an offer this good.
I think I already got a WP from you and it wasn't this pack (unless I mixed up your username with someone else). So I think it might not be a live pack. Thanks anyway, though. Accepting 80+ friend requests is a chad move.
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Pikachu players REALLY hate 15 minute games where they lose to Godtoise. He didn’t Thanks! me
How many heads did you get
what makes it spawn?
I actually only run 1x Misty and as you can see I never played it because 2x XSpeed let me preserve all of the energy I needed. So I rolled 2/6 heads on Kanga who mostly walked (note the damaged Backline mon)
Where is the content? There is nothing to do in this game.
What do you do with fossils in a non-fossil deck I don't get it.
Venusaur bot in 2 hours.
>most fun deck is Mank rapeape
>that's kind of a coin toss win/lose instantly
>other option is pikachu cheese or articuno ex cointoss
>any other deck will just instantly lose to one of these
makes me wanna download Pokemon Sleep
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It's under this button
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>Ditto doesnt just need to pick the Active Pokemon's move and can use one from the bench
he seems underrated desu
Okay, imagine you have a tank in the Active and a mon you’re building in Bench- nothing else. If they sabrina and kill what you’re powering up you just lose right? Fossil lets you put something in instead of your win condition. If they dont kill it you can then discard it to not even give them a point
before you go thinking hes usable, he needs to match the energy of the move hes copying
If the enemy is running an energy type you’re not running he does NOTHING. He could potentially work if you’re allowed to change your energy type to match the opponent but right now there’s no format where that is allowed
yeah I was using my Wigglytuff deck and had Wiggly on the bench and he hit my active for 80 even though wiggly had grass and he had psychic so it's bretty good vs colorless or if you have a mixed deck
That's a nice rare pack. I already have both, but still waiting for mine to surprise me.
If you have a benched pokemon you don't want switched in you can bench the fossil to put forward if you get hit by Sabrina. It dies easy but that's better than losing your Charmeleon with 4 energy or your injured Mewtwo EX that's worth 2 points. If your opponent can't kill the fossil but wanted to waste your energy for the turn retreatimg to a useful pokon the fossil can kill itself (without awarding a point) to let you switch back in witjout losing tempo.
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What's this?
On the JP twitter (where they post all their news lmao)
Went for it and got the Lapras! Was kind of nervous for a second for some reason
>Ditto got a 1in100 highlight against my garbage untiered deck, Is he good???
Anon no one is running Wiggly. Maybe people will during the mini set but it’s sooo inconsistent it’s basically free wins for most opponents
It's mind boggling that Ditto doesn't have an ability to turn your next energy into your opponent's next energy
I have 1k pvp wins which is basically a PhD in Pokemon Pocket PVP, Wigglytuff is good
Its a collab with rewards on the shitty streaming platform, has nothing to do with the game itself.
Good, or meta-prevalent? Good and pulled for, or in a pack people don’t whale?
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just defeated a pikachu ex deck with my meme gyarados it was great
Congratulations, G*r”man”
NTA but isnt a new jigglypuff coming out tonight
Every whale on my friends list has a shit load of Pikachu ex, maybe that answers your second question
Even if Jigglypuff makes Wigglytuff decks viable you won't see a lot of it because both little Timmy and also KANTOOOOOOfags think Charizard and Mewtwo are soooooo cool and Wigglytuff is a gay pokemon for gays.
Wigglytuff is a gay pokemon for gays.
Mewtwo literally is trans
105* mins
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Holo is my only friend liking everyday
Yeah sorry I wrote “miniset” but was thinking Promo set.
Well we shall see
probably because you're a g*rman
No it’s not it’s androgyn
Lescue is mine
I just lost a match of because of basic Mewtwo
this faggot sucks and everyone who said he's good needs to fuck off
i brew and make decks just to be able to beat meta decks with other things, its a good feeling shitting on metafags
>open up with basic
>don't have anything else to put energy on
>putting energy on it is completely useless until it's at 4
>by the time it's built up it dies
>now the mewtwo ex I drew has no energy
meme faggot card
Problem is that a deck centered around just wigglytuff ex still doesn’t seem that viable to me. If it could attack on curve, it would be great, but moving from 1 energy cost (for no damage) to 3 energy cost (for 80 damage) is pretty rough. Sleep is the only thing they have going for them, and you’re banking on a 25% chance of them staying asleep for two of their turns + not haven’t an evolution to bail them out. At the end of all that, you might not even be knocking out the opposing mon with an 80 damage attack.
It could potentially stop Moltres from ramping the bench up. Probably does nothing to Pikachu or Mewtwo though. But yeah, Wigglytuff isn't going to be the star of its own deck necessarily, its what it gets paired with that will make the difference. But its colorless so who knows. It can potentially fit into a lot of different decks.
no he is a FtM transexual
Also, Jigglypuff can probably be thrown in by itself without Wigglytuff as an early game tech card in some cases.
Yeah you don’t use it in mewtwo decks with few other basics or you open yourself to a 1/4 chance to brick. He’s good for being used as a wall or in Gengar decks mostly
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wigglytuff is good though
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What a blessed Thanksgiving
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>pulled 0 Electrodes
>pulled 2 full art Electrodes
This game is wonky.
i think the game heard me talking shit about having 4 straight games without a stage one and stage 2, because I just drew all my stage ones and stage twos and none of my basic fossils
same thing happened to me as well, and with 2 weezings on top of that
i'm still waiting for my first raichu. i hate rng i hate rng
redpill me on jynx in mewtwo decks
Mewtwo hangs out with Gardevoir because that's what people expect him to. But he secretly has different tastes in women.
By gayer you mean better.
Ok so then just don’t base it around only wigglytuff, I could see ditto or pidgeot working with it.

Or, you know, anything since it’s colorless.

It will become the new weezing, screenshot this.
>4/5 thingies
>no good wonder picks up
Skill issue.
Anyone want to battle
>beating literal children who put every pokemon with big numbers into their deck even though they don't have the right energy
I need a wife.
I'd toss a couple games.
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Just got this bad boy. Any benefits to using him over Articuno ex?
>have over a thousand cards
>not a single full art trainer
I haven't even seen one in any wonder picks. Please, I'll even take blaine, just ONE
Forgot Heliolisk did coinflips mybad
Nobody will be as good as Starmie in water decks, a shame
There's a guy on reddit with TWO gold crowns and 1k cards

Fuck that guy
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Name the 2 best EX for each type.
why do Mewtwo decks run Giovanni instead of double sabrina
most basics have 60 hp so that mewtwo can 1 shot them with his first attack
Because we barely have enough playable trainers to fill a deck as is
The miniset better have new trainers or I'm going to pull my hair out.
Skill issue. You're bad at the game.
mewtwo unironically sucks, if you want reliable and consistant braindead wins, run Pikachu ex
Thanks for the games
You went first
np bby
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You are going to hate me
>>56996076 #
There's 3 fire, Arcanine is the worst.
There's 3 water, Blastoise is the worst.
There's 2 lightning.
There's 2 grass.
There's 2 psychic.
There's 2 fighting.
There's only 1 colorless.
There are no dark.
(You left it out, but there are no metal.)
(You left it out, but there are no dragon.)
This game makes me hard for Sabrina and Misty
22 MINUTES!!!!!!!! POGGIES!!!!!
22 minutes.
is the content content or is it wonder pick shit
solo battle event
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Why is my deck so shit bros
>2 CharEX
>1 Arcanine EX
>no Moltres EX

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Is this 16:30 start time in UTC? Is it tomorrow morning?
it still works for me on mumu thugh
Every 12 hours you get to beat a bot in a fight for rewards. If you lose you get to keep trying.
Higher difficulties have a better chance to drop a card https://i.4cdn.org/vp/1732750775846127.png but you have to do the lower difficulties to unlock them.
While you're stuck doing the lower difficulties you want to spend as little stamina as possible, so maximize your rewards but conceding if you're not clearing as many missions as possible.
Nvm it sould be UTC 6. Idk what zone that screenshot is in.
that was my old screenshot, it starts in 8 minutes lol
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i'm using it on mumu right now dumb redditor
why would they give the best art venusaur not to the ex
As someone with 1500 cards, and only 2 Blaine, I wish I had Sabrina. Hell, I don't even have any good Grass mons and I wish I had Erika.
the first answer is 100% right if you invert all of its meaning
New thread for new event doko?
wait did the event hourglasses restart?
>didn't get a card from the beginner fight :[
Even if they didn't, between now and the last event was more than enough to fully fill it i guess
The event description says
>You will need event stamina in order to participate in event battles.
but doesn't mention consumption or losing.
Does this concede thing actually work?
>he skipped Lapras event
A damn shame...
who got a deck to do the sleep mission in one go?
Late joiner. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Farming the event with just 1 copy of Vulpix, Arcanine and Moltres will be painful...
only when you win it claims a stamind for rewards
what concede thing
Sent I'm Misora.
the playmat is COOL
used snom+misty cause i don't have hypno
the event jiggs would be good
Already accepted. Good luck.
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Just did a concede. Energy was not used and I cleared a mission. The scrolls were true.
Tasks boxed in red accumulate progress over multiple fights and can be cleared without winning the fight. You can concede if you haven't finished them (conserve stamina) and keep going.
Tasks boxed in green need you to win a single fight. You can concede if your fight won't result in winning all of the green-boxed tasks for the fight (conserve stamina) and try again.
It lets you clear all but one mission in the lower tiers while only using up three of your prize opportunities. The lower tiers have a less than 100% chance to drop a card so you want to waste as little stamina on them as possible.
2 snom 2 frosmoth 16 trainers
I put one guy to sleep, conceded and switched decks.
## PSA on the rarity mission ## >>56996328
You cannot use * cards of mons available at ^, ^^, or ^^^. The cards must be ^, ^^, or ^^^.
You cannot use _ promo cards of mons available at ^, ^^, or ^^^. The cards must be ^, ^^, or ^^^.
Trainer cards in the deck can be of any rarity.
Holy fuck i just trolled the shit out of a 18t articuno player
>got kabutops out
>slowly killing them and outhealing their damage, kabuto self heals so articunos dealing only 30 hp a turn
>meanwhile build up a mewtwo ex in the back to 4 energy
>last articunos left, my mewtwo has 4 energy, and he Sabrina's my mewtwo ex in while their last articunos is at full health
>I choose to retreat my mewtwo ex and kill him slowly with kabutotops instead and intentionally not win the game
>2 turns later his articunos is at 60 hp after a potion
>kabuto is at 20 hp and won't survive another hit and he'll win if I can't kill him
>it's turn 17, and by this point I've drawn my whole deck already and can't draw
>I play all the cards I have, random x speeds, a fossil, a poke ball that searches an empty deck, place random energy, and force him to sit there and watch all the animations as I play every card possible
>then play my Giovanni as my last card possible, letting me beat over his articuno for the win finally
>he concedes
Holy fuck it doesn't get better than this
>got a card from the intermediate :D greninja
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greninja bros where you at
That's just you being a retard.
I already beat all the event fights

what now...
what is the best auto deck for the event
probably blaine turbo to outpace them
make decks lil bro
>got a card from the advanced :D onix
so I'm only down one card from the event
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I got the Venusaur on the third battle and my second pack. A Ninetails/Rapidash deck burns right though these leafs.
Nice, already done with all the missions that aren't "Win 5 times". Even with a subpar fire deck, that went faster than expected.
i like how the first event showed you everything wrong with this game with zero cost retreat ex pokemon and misty but now basic pokemon are destroying bulky cards that take awhile to set up
*Win X times, I mean. Haven't opened the packs yet, but I might as well use the last stamina before I do.
>computer bricked with only ivysaur deployed
>win on turn 4 with rapidash
easiest expert duel of my life
blaine event I really do think was put in because if you didn't have electric decks you had a harder time doing the lapras event, its nice they gave people blaine for free mostly
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Nighty night cuties.
>Higher difficulties have a better chance to drop a card
Proofs + rates?
It gave me the run-around with Sabrina and Erika. Turn 12 was down to the wire.
as if, that nigger blaine dodged me the whole fucking event

bald cunt
Posted ITT. Twice.
The expert bot always drops a card. After you unlock the bots don't waste your stamina anywhere else.
>no pen-microphone
For the mission where you need asleep status, just use another deck and then concede
Its fucking stupid that the full art versions of 1-3 diamond rarities don't count toward the battle tasks.
Are the 4 wonderpick glasses worth doing advanced 4 extra times?
if you get all the cards why not
That's a matter of preference but they're definitely not worth doing before you get a playset of each promo card. RNG might screw you on the promo pulls.
depends on how much you care about the event cards, if you have all the copies of em you need might as well grab the hourglasses yeah?
I personally got 15 more
>open packs
>two Jigglypuff

Fuck off, man. And this Expert match is way more annoying than the Lapras one.
at the end yeah
I'm skipping win 5 advanced missions. 4 pick hourglasses is in no way worth the cost of 4 promo packs. Also I didn't realize event hourglasses existed, so I now have a bunch saved from Lapras. They seem to carry over. I duped all of Lapras's promos anyways. I guess I'll hoard these until one of the events tries to fuck me.
Do expert and you always get a pack. If you lose it doesn't consume stamina.
Emulator bros, I'm tired of the game eating 10gigs of RAM for absolutely no reason.
Just had this happen on my second expert fight. It played pokeball and oak but didn't play other basics. Giovanni rapidash bonked bulbasaur on turn 3.
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My first five drops, debating if I want to burn hourglasses now or wait it out and see if I eat two copies of each promo first
This onix in the promo card art is just sleeping, r-right?
he's making more tunnels for happy diglets :)
>get one pack in each difficulty (expert twice) for 5
>3 Jiggly
>1 Haunter
>1 Greninja
C'mon man, just give me the toad. He's not even usable, I just want the pretty art.
That's his O-face desu.
Apparently the event glass carries over between drop events. If you get everything without using them you could save it as a safety net for bad RNG on the next farm.
Hypno or Frosmoth for the Jiggly sleep deck?
No need to burn them now

They look SO good, but they're coming next week with the bulba/magnemite wonderpick event
Any site I can plop all my missing cards and get told the breakdown per apex pack variant?
A nice haul for the first night. Saur on the first pack.
>beginner: miss
>intermediate: greninja
>advanced: onix
>expert: greninja
>expert: venusaur
Yup. It's rigged. No exclusive cards here. My next 31 cards will also be reprints.

That's for the bulbasaur magnemite wonder pick event next week.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. I had to burn them last time because my second Lapras was my second to last pull, I almost didn't get the set of two in time because I was designated a Mankey tamer
I need a single copy of Ivysaur but it seems like neither this event nor the upcoming Bulba event will be dropping any
I like it with Frosmoth. I put normal Articuno in too so I can more justify using Misty. Even just getting one energy from Misty for a Frosmoth is a blessing and helps you spend energy on getting Wigglytuff online that much faster
Mewtwo absolutely shreds Expert's bussy in case you were wondering.
I got my 1st Venusaur in Intermediate.
Anyone else perceive rigged shuffling in the event? I kept getting awful hands like two Vulpix and a handful of supporter cards in a row and had to concede multiple times before I got a good starting hand
>a bad deck piloted by the AI loses to the best deck piloted by a human
what the fug :-DD
Skill issue. Flip heads to draw Ninetales.
With Arcanine Ex wonderpick event and Venusaur promo battle event being datamined before, do we have any datamine of the new pack they announced before?
nah, the datamine's from before they told us the new pack would be released
Nope. This is pretty much it for datamines. Upcoming Bulba event and the PVP challenge, the future is now unknown.
I started with only a regular moltress. 3 turns until I can attack, but all of my attack afterwards rolled heads so I keep dealing 130 and 150 dmg to the AI and won anyway
10 Pokémon away from Mew now and 1 is a common, one an uncommon, both from the same pack
Damn. I'm just hoarding everything I can now for the next pack. 230 hourglass doesn't feel like much.
Honestly, I wish they'd split up the packs more. 7 instead of 3 or some shit.
>honestly, i wish my pulls were more consistent
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3 sets is enough, maybe 4 if the 4th one shares the mons too
I think the complaint, generally, is that pulls in this game are *too* consistent. You often end up with like 5 of the same EX Pokemon before getting anything else in the pack.
>Honestly I wish I could fuck Misty
Burned 5, same as the last event. Like others have said, you should keep a stockpile in case RNG is a faggot.
Thank you for being honest.
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>honestly, i wish sabrina would give me a psychic hand job in public
this but ending in a ruined orgasm
If you were pulling from smaller pools they'd be even more consistent.
What does that mean?
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It's gonna be one of those events huh.
Why are there universal commons but eevee has 4 alt arts one per pack? It's pretty soul but I can't use all these and there's not a viable Eeveeloution deck. Give me an Espeon EX and Umbreon EX.
Woah how did your Venusaur drop Mankeys!?
I am actually so assblasted this is not venasaur ex
why did they throw in bruxish of all mons
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Is there a Versus event any time soon? I got the 2 Jigglypuffs. I told an anon earlier that if I got Jiggly early I would test Jiggly/Wiggly in a Kabutops deck.

The thing that sucks is this is my alt account that I play on emulator, and emulators are currently kinda fucked
we've run out of datamines chief
So in a week and a half. Alright. That gives me time to hope that I pull Kabutos so that I don't need to buy them. How do I get 2 Kabutops before I get any Kabutos? The world will never know. I've been pulling Charizard for like 2 weeks.
Best deck to auto expert mode?
2 Pinsirs
fire blaine, easy and quick
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For me it was
>beginner: venusaur
>intermediate: greninja
>advanced: miss
>expert: onix, onix and jigglypuff
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guess im done with the event lol
Because *clap* trans *clap* rights *clap* are *clap* human *clap* rights!
You're not going to farm your remaining drops?
He asked about Bruuxish not the shop tokens.
im going to wait for the stamina to refill naturally now that i found out the event hourglasses carry over so ill start hoarding those too
>opened dozens of Charizard packs
>Blaine event just happened
>no Ninetales
I'm convinced that this game locks you out of certain cards so that you waste your pack points.
I got my 5 thanks. No thanks to any of you. I have a showcase btw.
Don't be retarded.
Wigglytuff Executor is now a meta deck kneel
I'm not being retarded though. There is an incentive for them to do something like this, so you can't rule it out.
okay im high af I wanna share this
Im a mew2 ex bro that has become so fossilpilled I made a it a dual color deck
I really like mewtwo ex here as a snorlax statline that tanks and chips a little while it charges its 4 energy, and fossil either turns into antiaggro god demon kabutotops or sabrina bait
I realize I've been subconsciously limiting myself to nonex decks only since they're everywhere, but mewtwo ex felt really balanced when you can't rely on gardevoir pump every turn and scuffed dual energy, if i had omastar i'd make the fossil water ex version of this too
schizo or failing basic statistics?
Wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't be the last time that a gacha fucked its players.
>failing basic statistics?
It's rampant these days. To the point that large swathes of the population would rather believe conspiracy theories than try to do basic data analysis.
>conspiracy theories
Anon, in the current modern era of life, conspiracy theories are more and more often proving to just be the truth.
>make beautiful hand drawn venusaur
>make it not for the ex
I hate when companies think with their wallet
>the guy who barely needs energy and the guy who goes with anything but wants energy have raunchy sex
This looks fun in principle but Psydrive specifically eats psychic energy so you aren't likely to do it twice. If your opponent doesn't hang an EX and you have to kill 3 mons that sounds rough.
is we getting the Venusaur mat and sleeve?
ah okay, ty anon
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This game needs a "story" mode like other mobile games. I'm thinking something like Fire Emblem Heroes or GOT: Legends.
are those stories ever not total dogshit
No but at least it gives you goals and something to do.
Play Masters if you want that. Though bringing back the original gameboy TCG game lore would be kino, it probably won't happen since the second game wasn't officially localized.
if Duel could do it, Pocket could too.
yeah thats what i meant by balanced and scuffed dual energy lol, psydrive twice in a row is hard, i usually only get to get it off only once, ill save it for ex one shots usually since no gardevoir
For longer games, i just use the mew2 to tank until i get kabutotops, actual god demon tank as long as he doesn't get one shot since he self heals the best, you'll autowin some games if you can get kabutops early enough
actual fun nonmeta mew2 ex and not, ill take the meta mew2 deck and add gengar ex to it
How possible do you think it would be for Imakuni? to be acknowledged in the game in some sort of form, even as an event?
I'm talking about actual conspiracy theories like people denying the moon landing despite plenty of proof because they're too dumb to understand any of it, not modern ones where the truth is obvious and it just turn out that the media hates everyone that isn't on their side and lies constantly. Don't be a midwit.
>not modern ones
Did you just not read when I said "in the current modern era of life", and then you went on to attempt to call *me* a midwit? You're funny, anon.

And like I said, gachas cheating their players has happened many times. If DeNA is fucking its players on purpose, it wouldn't be the first time, and it would not be the last time.
>gacha addict is a schizo
many such cases
The spot after Oak in PROMO-A will probably be a Supporter.
>incorrect ad hominem
I accept your concession.
He's literally credited as one of the game designers so relatively likely. He has been taking a less public/performative role the past few years though.
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how sad do you need to be to get 2 heads on misty on the first turn and still lose with sharticuno starmie
>incorrect ad hominem
sorry Ill try to make it more accurate
>gacha addict is likely an autistic schizophrenic
I'm getting more fucked over by the Kangaskhan than Venusaur ex
>he's just gonna keep doubling down
You already lost, anon. Now you're just losing more.
it's all your fault
yeah, he unironically stalls out well and the bot plays a fucking erika to heal up the other cunts
What I think they meant when they said you could only trade certain cards is that they'd exclude the Promo series. People dooming about them not letting you trade EXs or recent expansions are retarded.
Pretty much guaranteed you can only trade your surplus of a playset tho
Coin flip also seems rigged because i swear it gets double heads like 50% of the time
>they'd exclude the Promo
that'd be the worst to exclude since a bunch are actually time limited to get
odds are they'll be reprinted in upcoming sets, we already have promos of the current set lol
>thing is rigged because I can't into probability
Burger or SEAnig?
it's rigged because i KEEP FUCKING FLIPPING TAILS

I'm expecting cards from the most recent set to be locked from trading.
Post hand.

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