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Venu Promo Is Pretty Edition

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

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Also found this, art of (some) cards without the borders
>first 4 promo packs were jiggly, greninja, onix and jiggly
glad to see that we're on the same page sometimes dena
now, onto trying tuff ex/gren and gren in general
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yeah that's where I found all my images at
they only don't have the trainer alts and the sparkly/crown alt arts
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>tfw tails
>tfw going first
>tfw opening booster pack # 100 and still missing commons
>4 onix in a row
So it begins
>Gotten 3 promo packs so far
>all jigglypuff
Guess I'm supposed to make one of these sleep decks then
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5 of the ugliest artwork.
Why is this so bad??
That's his O(nix) face, why you hatin?
Anon later died due to lack of sovl.
it looks like a fat shitlog going through intestines
The Kangaskhan is a fucking monster when tying to complete the missions. Jesus fuck this thing.
The art makes me think of a worm in the colon. Very disgusting!
Weezing + Wiggly or Egg + Wiggly?
Should the promo jiggly be paired with regular wiggly or wigglyEX?
try them both anonymous :3
>the face on Onix
that's how a penis feels when it enters femboy's ass
>tfw no Ninetails
should I run Charizard EX or Arcanine EX for my fire deck for now?
For the Mewtwo icon, do you need 5 normal Mewtwo cards or any 5 Mewtwo cards, including the ex?
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Have you seen Watermelon Onix?
The icons are all the normal cards. Not EX.
Only normal count. EX don't
Thats better than what we got. Also checked
pretty counterintuitive that 4 diamond cards are much rarer than 1 star cards
Get Kang for your decks if you wanna brew bros, he's a really good tank for stage 2 decks
Because 4 diamond cards are more useful than star cards
regular wigglytuff isn't really worth running while ex can twoshot most pokemons with one coinflip
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would you want it in the game ?
Blain with Rapidash/Ninetails melts that cunt.
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>building a deck that relies on a 50/50 coin flip
too bad you're locked in with me, faggot
You need to draw the Blaine, and Rapidash doesn't "melt" it. I also only have 1 Ninetales. I put a Mienshao in the deck and won that way.
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Once you grow older you'll realize Komiya is one of the best TCG artists
Would they be dicks and make trainer or item cards higher rarities
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They want me to do like 20 venusaur battles and you don't get EXP for them? I see how it is.
My actual only real complaint I have is these games not having enough deck slots, you had to buy deck slots in MD too, just let me make as much as I want wtf
no, they'll just add alt art of trainer cards as chase rares in future sets
the first alt art of pokeball will probably be the most valuable card in the economy
I already had to buy all of my Sabrinas and Giovannis. And I never got more.
>they only don't have the trainer alts and the sparkly/crown alt arts
They're 3d models using a similar technique as the stabdard EX, so you won't see those
the trainers FAs are 2D art thoughbeit
you weren't alive for Lapras I guess?
Once they finally add trading, how many Stones of Jordan will I need for ex cards?
They're semi flat 3d models used to give out an impression of not being in 3d
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about three fiddy
yo this content be fire fr
no it's grass
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>5 greninjas
>no haunter or venusaur
am i lucky to get the venusaur fullart first pack
You're only lucky if you get 2 of each of the promos within 10 packs.
it's 11% chill
oh, thought it was .5% or shit because of the shit said here
hold and trust the plan
it will be rarer than a gold crown
in 10years
If they can do that why can't they make the 3D pokemon not look like shit
Just won 3 sleep coinflips and made a guy seethe
probably because its the same 3d models theyve used for 20 years
woooooo 15 minutes of content, let's fucking goooooo!!
this is what I've been waiting for
if the low rarity cards didn't look like shit you wouldn't want the alt arts as bad
>"new content" sucks and is over before it starts
>playing the game against other players is only partially incentivized for small windows of time
>game is too jewish to give you the cards you want to make decks anyway
>trading system will inevitably be a monkey paw in some way
>emulators are fucked, possibly on purpose
>literally none of this matters because Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise that has ever existed and can sell anything based on name alone
It's not looking good for our heroes.
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>finish the mission for beating one of the expert single player battles with no EX pokemon
>it didn't count because one of my weezings is the alt art
>>finish the mission for beating one of the expert single player battles with no EX pokemon
That's not the mission, dumbass. The mission if diamond rarity.
Retard. The mission is for diamond rarity. Retard. Dumbass.
>can't use koga deck because of this retarded horseshit
Back to kindergarten for you.
lol chill, this deck is easy as fuck to beat with a low rarity blaine aggro deck. can just complete every mission that isn't a grind first try ez
why isnt the one who wins the start coinflip able to put an energy ffffuck
You're the retard, anon.
>5 stamina
>5 packs
>all 5 different cards
failing all those coinflips allowed my luck to build up a little
bitch (u, not my wife)
that'd give them too much of an advantage
t. dena
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You just know
This is a shitty baby game and it's balanced around the fact that going first puts you at a significant disadvantage.
how do people function with those claw ass nails
do you get paid every time you post this or something
I don't know but it gives me a throbbing erection.
they're fake fashion accessories
Arcanine and Arcanine ex suck. It's completely unusable.
im done with the event now what?
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Pop Quiz Blainie, Kangaskhan rolls 2 heads in turn 2 knocking out your only basic, what do you do but cry and retry?
Imagine the handjobs
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I have two.
Try them and you'll know
why dont you ever post the webm
Nobody cares about your whore
Brew with the new cards.
I got 50 wins with my Arcanine deck, though?
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Dat art do be bussin doe
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Because you can post mp4 now.
brapfag are children
I used to work with a girl who'd get those long as nails sometimes, and she was still able to type both accurately and quickly with them on. I have no idea how she did it. I even asked her and she didn't think it was a big deal to be able to type with them on. I knew another girl who wore contacts and put them in and took them out with those long ass nails, and that one baffles me also.

It's not really that great. It's nice (if your girl doesn't normally get the long nails) just because it's something different, but it's not nice by itself. I like the scratches more.
You beat literal children and retards. Congrats.
If I get hit with a 2 heads turn 1, I retreat and send out the next girl up to finish the job.
Thanks. Guess you're one of those I beat, huh?
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I've never lost a match, bitch.
I really enjoy the current pace of the game it's gonna suck when they make good acceleration cards and every deck is going to start shitting out one shots turn 2
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I doubt that.
I never lose.
>I've never los- AIIIEEEEE!
had the same issue during lapras event
i still don't own a normal dragonite
you guys think they'll let typhlosion out of jail in time for the next set ?
Wrong answer Blainie, your Pokemon is an unevolved basic and you only drew one. Better run and retry until the RNG lets you win.
is anyone even talking about that still
I doubt they do something with him this early considering the shit he was involved in last month.
youtube's webms are better than its mp4s though
hes a child molester
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>who got a deck to do the sleep mission in one go?
I try to maximize the event stamina so I aim for all possible tasks. I used Hypno Blaine, had to stall a turn for Hypno but I got it.
>he's been spared
stay pure and don't ask
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>he doesn't know
if the next set is Johto inspired who do you even put on the cover of the third pack after ho-oh and lugia
oh thanks for the advice but i did it hours ago with wiggly ex lol
also you dont have to do it all in one go, you can do a few missions and concede if you dont do all of them, the ones you did still count and you wont waste the stamina
i got the sleep late so i was turn 15 ended up conceding and still got the sleep mission off
then went back and did the rest
Suicine (Water), Lugia (Colorless), Ty (Fire)
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Typhlosion will never recover. This is why there's no Johto mons in Pocket btw. Typhlosion got the whole region memory holed.
Its actually funnier that it's so common and people still can't get cards for the entire event, truly just skill diffed
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Its not that bad
>you dont have to do it all in one go
You do if you want to save your stamina.
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>its not that bad
Emulatorchads, we are so back!
this is only needed for missions that require winning
are they still pretending celebi is iconic ? They really pushed him hard but nobody cared, I doubt normies even remember that thing exists
I think Celeri will be a reward like Mew t b h
fun fact: you can complete a mission task then concede and youll get the task reward without using any stamina (since it only spends on a win)
It's literally a known fact since Lapras EX. Are you okay, anon?
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I can just tell this event will be the death of me.
Could be worse
wasnt togepi the pikachu of johto back then
probably it
>there's nothing to do
not my account
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you have 23 more attempts + 30 wonder hourglasses
stop worrying
look like sperm in wombe
>30 wonder hourglasses
I used all the Lapras eventglass and from the looks of it I'll used them all again this time.
>ho-oh and lugia
I think you meant Meganium + Ho-oh + Tyranitar
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skill issue
>who do you even put on the cover of the third pack after ho-oh and lugia
Typhlosion (or Feraligator)
Lugia (or Ho-oh)
Obviously Ho Oh, Lugia, the dogs and the startes are getting an ex, but who else do you see getting one next set ?
What happened?
>not venu EX
I need 1 more ex venusaur...
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>pull this hand turn one

very funny to play a deck where you can win before the game even started. hope you brought a red card!
It seems like Dena did something to break emulators (not sure if intentionally) yesterday, but Bluestacks already came with a fix.
The Lapras event was fun. This is not fun.
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She came home on the first pack
Crobat, Ampharos, Azumarill, Steelix, Scizor, Houndoom, Kingdra, Tyranitar, Celebi
Literally the respective GSC mascots
To those who saved event stamina refills from Lapras event - do you still have them or were they removed?
I've got like 25 saved up. They didn't get removed.
waiting 12 hours for 1 stamina is wild
you get new 15 from first time missions so probably these +10 saved from Lapras event. Nice to know, I will just save them this time
You left your Ralts wide open from an attack Kaiba, I activate the magic card Sabrina which forces you to switch your two creatures. Now Kangaskhan use Dark Magic Attack!
Ledian Ex + Ariados Ex, let's go baby. But really, give me Tyranitar, Scizor and Houndoom.
it's genuinely annoying
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>flips double tails
>complete "challenges" once
>wait 60 hours
>auto: on
>battle 5 times
what engaging gameplay
The stamina system needs a rework. Everything should be halved. Pack, Wonder, and Event Hourglasses should recharge every 6 hours (from 12), and Premium Packs should recharge every 12 hours (from 24).

Just the fact that this is a Pokemon game means it prints money, and it will continue to print money regardless of how generous they are. People who are buying exorbitant amounts of gold to pull will continue to do so until this game's EOS in 5-6 years time.
Game of the year material
Agree on the wonderpicks being far too slow but they're never gonna give out more packs than they are now
I like not having to grind for hours every day or fall behind. I like not having to stress about resources capping and having to schedule my day around making most efficient use of them. I like being able to open the game, open a pack and have a match or two completely stress free.
based non mentally ill player
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Got lucky early on, but I got greedy and burned most of my event hourglasses
now watch me never pull a Haunter
How's your collection going veepee
then ask to double the amount of resources given
Genetic Apex has 15 EXes. If we assume that "the next set" is fully Johto-focused and on the same scale as GA, then my predictions are:
>(inevitable) Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Feraligatr, Typhlosion, Meganium, Ho-Oh, Lugia
>(probably) Houndoom, Tyranitar, Espeon, Umbreon
>(maybe) Octillery, Donphan, Jumpluff
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>on the free premium trial
>only ONE DAY left to find a metal pokemon to complete my entire mewtwo collection
>everything on cooldown
>completely spent on all resources
>my fucking face when
my f2p hand has never been shakier. my wallet is calling. what do i do?
Actually same. I picked this game expecting to give it 10-15 minutes of daily attention and ended up giving it 3-5 minutes, so I'm pleasantly surprised
these kind of games usually get more generous with time to try to attract new players
plus trading will help a lot
These illustrations look like literal shit. Wtf were the Japs thinking??!?
you didnt have to samefag shill
wait for next pack and believe in the heart of the cards
pull charizard packs to maximize odds of steel
Steelix and the cross gen evo mons NEED to have Ex because they're all trash. Especially Scyther
i guess thats my only option
good thinking thanks anon
Played 4 event matches, got 2 packs. They were Haunter and Greninja. It's not looking good for me so far, I couldn't even get a single Lapras last time.
I think Steelix is more likely because of Jasmine.
Blissey Ex could be an option too.
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New venusaur doesn't even look good. Gets oneshot by mewtwo unlike EX
I need to stop opening up the game the second my phone hits my hands
how many decks is the max? ive got 11 right now
Steelix, Scizor, Slaking, Blissey, Crobat and Kingdra will get some because their base forms are diabolical. Politoed, Bellossom and the Eevees are fine.
15. That's gonna chafe more and more as we get more possible decks to build.
>can't use my koga deck for the event missions because one of the weezings is an alt art
defend this fucking horse shit
>Nothing to do that gives me more rewards and freebies
Fixed it for you. You can spam random match all day if you really enjoy playing the game that much. But that's not what you're complaining about.
they just had an event giving for free the cards you're actually supposed to be using
Never been more bricked in my life, 2 Moltres, 1 pokeball, 2 research and 2 Charmeleons all trapped in my bottom 7 cards.
Stop getting lucky
why the fuck would any1 play this shit instead of the actual card game? Its also available on phones
send feedback
nothing we can do
how do I get the promo mankey
I actually want to run him...
stop shilling dena wont pay you lmao
because 75% of your deck in the regular tcg has to be dedicated to draw, cycling and tutors so you can actually find the 10 cards that actually matter because the rules are retarded
Scyther could just get a different regular version intended for use with Scizor Ex. But also Scyther could maybe get an ex in the mini set, along with some other gen 1 single/full evo mons that missed out in the base set.
You don't.
Actually, you wait for trading to be implemented, and hope promos can be traded.
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Lucario doko?
and this is different how?
Because TCG Pocket is made for us posers who like the cards but never properly played with them nor bought much of them
because decks are 20 cards
Like all TCG's: the longer they've gone on the more meta insanity and 200-word-essay cards there are.

Pocket is fun right now because it's in it's infancy. Nothing is banned and nothing is so insanely broken that there is no counter
Noob looking for frens
And by the way points > prize cards
I don't get why the main TCG keeps this deck bricking and snowballing meme in
I never played Pokemon TCG much past the initial craze way back in the day, but I spent a lot of time and money playing other card games like the vastly superior DBZ CCG which I loved.
so? U still need to draw basic pkmn and their evolutions and having more cards in your hand is an advantage
that sounds about right. Comprehending 60 cards is clearly beyond your capabilities
you don't draw to gain card advantage in tcg, you draw in a desperate attempt to find cards that actually do something in the miasma of bullshit you have to put in your deck to fill the card requirement
I tried to open PTCG Live and after the 5th crash I just gave up, couldn't even get into the main menu lmao.
Anyone else plan on spending all their saved materials immediately when their favorite pokemon drops? If I dont get my best friend with 300 hourglasses, I'm just gonna have to drop $100 on gold.
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the way to think about it is pocket isn't primarily a tcg app - it's a card pack opening app. it's for people who want to simulate the feeling of opening card packs and collect the art. the other app is the actually tcg game. I see no reason why both can't exist and why you feel the need to shit on something that is clearly intended for a different audience
dipshit, u gotta attach energy to our pkmn. U wont do it, if u wont draw the card and uve got 1 in 20 chance to do it. That zapdos over there takes 3 energy.
like my fucking collections so i don't have to keep doing random battles
I already have Charizard.
For me, playing a gacha out of day 1 and having missed everything it dropped for free makes me feel left out.
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play stupid arguments, get shat on. Its a trading card game. U can collect them in the main game, too. It was always for both targets - collectors and players.
ok, whale
Before this event I thought i had all the promo cards but now a 9 and 10 space appeared before where the promo b cards start, what are the cards number 9 and 10?
thanks KING
I already have immersive mewtwo
one of them is mew i think
Pokemon TCG is hilariously bad, and even its creators are well aware of that.
The only reason it barely survives as one of the big 3 is due to the IP alone.
Pocket gives a better experience of what people actually care about this "game".
And I guess the other is the whale Pikachu.
9 is a full art pikachu and 10 is a full art mewtwo that's not in the game currently
still Promo A thoughbeit
So why does gloom have a full art anyway?
I think it's the only stage 1, with a stage 2, that has one right?
What are all the promo B cards?
hows it bad? U still have professors reaserch card letting u draw more. U think metas not gonna shift to exactly what the original did, but with less cards?
there's no Promo B cards
Cool Venusaur but shitty because it's not EX, Anal Cavity Onix, Cooler Greninja, Haunter but he shitposts, and Singing Jigglypuff.
pokemon tcg is garbage and i'm waiting for shadowverse 2 release
so why the fuck r u here?
Is there is a reward for maxing out all the solo battle tasks? Or is it just for beating them all first time
Digimon TCG video game when?
It's not a powercreep issue, the actual gameplay has always been incredibly dull.
The cards are pretty, however, and pocket was crafted for a better experience of seeing pretty cards
Cubone is a basic.
Why is one of the challenges for the new event "make them sleep"
Had to put a wigglytuff ex in just for that, as if my fire deck would have a sleep inducer
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>pokemon tcg is garbage
>waiting for shadowverse 2
is it just the pkmn that cracked the formula of making it bad, or is it applicable to all card games?
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Bros I'm literally pulling trash packs since I started playing this shit game, I just rerolled at the start then stopped finding anything halfaway decent from packs.

But today the gods of Pokécards, or maybe Masuda himself, who knows, decided to "bless" me with insane luck from the promo packs
9 packs, 4 fucking venu 3 gren, 2 onix, 0 jiggly 0 haunter

Why am I getting "lucky" here instead of regular fucking packs? why are they making me waste my (unexisting) reserve of luck on this probably not tradeable garbage instead of full art waifus? I can't do it anymore bros...
I'm here waiting for Granblue Fantasy 2. I heard they promised to get rid of Guild War this time.
I just spent 70 pack points on 2x fucking Vulpix because after opening a million charizard packs I still had zero (but a million ninetales)

Fuck you game
the "collecting" part of this was always the scam. Congratulations having "that experience"
I've got at least 2 to 4 copies of everything except the Greninja which was the main thing I wanted
we don't even know about A1a and you're asking for B cards?
I'm here waiting for Gwent 2, hoping they go back to pre-thronebreaker Gwent.
thanks KING
>the first alt art of pokeball will probably be the most valuable card in the economy
no, that would be a fullart oak
Anyone know the exact time the shops all refresh? It says "1 day" but I don't know if that means <24 hours or 24 hours + change
>first alt art of pokeball will probably be the most valuable card in the economy
>no, that would be a fullart oak
why that?
24 hours + change aka in 2 daily resets
Nah pokeball is much more futureproof than oak
excellent thanks
>Draw 2 cards isn't future proof
What am I reading?
being a trainer is a significant cost when better trainers will be printed
I wonder how they are going to handle trading. Surely they can't do account to account because the whole thing will get taken over by bots and 3rd party sellers. It might need to be some kind of controlled auction house economy
>drawing cards isnt good
wtf am i reading
switch to the device type you arnt using, either android or ios and rebuy the free 2 week trial period, you can do it on both android and IOS once on the same account.
What can I do with greninja?
the problem is they are leaving the shop not that i've ran out of premium. i didn't know you could do that though that's cool
is it worth pulling on Mewtwo if I just need 1 ex articuno
look at it, apparently, cuz this isnt for playing - its for opening packs like the addict u r
you can play as many items as you want in a turn vs the 1 supporter. pokeball guarantees a basic being pulled, so for any decks lacking a means to search for basics it is a must.

in terms of power creep, it is far likelier that there will be more cards that assist with generally drawing multiple cards (e.g. discard your hand and draw X) which is the niche that Oak fills. poke ball can be outclassed by cards that target specific groups of cards (nidoran f, caterpie) but will be a staple for any other archetype.
Retarded question but these all give the same drop rate for the promo pack right?
Or should i farm the highest one for some reason like it has better drop rates?
Only expert is a 100% rate for the pack. It drops by 20% for each difficulty you go down
>Retarded question but these all give the same drop rate for the promo pack right?
>Or should i farm the highest one for some reason like it has better drop rates?
>dont have a pokeball
>draw nothing
>have professors research
>draw 2
>get a pkmn, or a pokeball
Finish them all for the missions for bonus items but then only do the highest difficulty one for a 100% chance each time
I spend my tickets on the universal shop glasses instead of the monthly shop glasses that are about to go away
I fucking hate myself
no one said that. what i said is searching the deck for more cards will have better options than draw 2. there will likely not be a better way for all decks to search for basics than the poke ball.
oh no no no this dude didn't complete all missions in one run and bricked his account
u need energy and evolutions, too. Pokeball only draws 1 basic. Research draws 2 cards. Pokeball is not better, more iconic, more meta and more likely to get a more collectible card
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>"Your pack stamina has recovered! :D"
>"You can open a booster pack! :D"
>1 diamond dupe, 2 diamond dupe, 1 diamond dupe, 1 diamond dupe, 2 diamond dupe
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
energy isn't in your deck in this game you fucking retard
evolution is, cocksucking inbred
only 99 more packs and you can pick a EX mon of your choice :)
No idea, it was pretty random, I did same shit, but I also had to stall for 3 turns to actually use Wigger
Will "burn" be a status?
the new sleep jigglypuff is one of the common promo rewards. presumably they want you to get one and then use it
That's usually my luck, but I got a full art from the last 2 free packs.
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this, chadnium won
Haunter is jsut a shitty seaking,..
yes, it's mentioned in the current rules
I can confirm that the event hourglasses do indeed carry over from the lapras event. I saved 9 of those, received 6, and had 15 when I went to refresh
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will the battlepass work in like other games¿ as in if i buy it now, redeem the mewtwo cosmetics then i will be able to also collect the upcoming premium bp stuff¿
new haunter can ease into gengar ex with 20+ more potential dmg, might be a slight buff depending how ya look it
Whya re the droprates for the cards in the promo packs?
it's there if you're playing gengar instead of gengar ex since it also attacks for only one energy
>received 6
what the fuck?
they gave me 15 of them
Probably same as the Lapras EX Event.
12% for the main card
16% for the different move card
24% each for the three other normal unchanged cards
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I pulled no dragonites at all and got fed up, started wonder picking and got two of the alternate art dragonite cards now.

That's based. Now I HAVE to make a dragonite deck and exclusively play towards meteoring the enemy no matter what, even if my win rate tanks for it.
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>need two different energies
how do you even play this shit
Odds are by the time you can get him on the field and have 4 energy on him at least one of them will be of the two types you play, no?
bro you've been pissing and shitting about a game you don't play or know the rules of for half of this thread, isn't it your bedtime already
this game honestly sucks cock.
15 minutes of content once a month, and other than that you just do your 2 daily rolls from which you gave a 0.005% chance to get one of the cards you're still missing. vs. is fucking dogshit boring because the game still has so few cards that you're just fighting the same 3 decks over and over again. boring.
that makes sense
i havent been doing nothing. i just haven't played a multi-energy deck before
I was playing lapras/zapdosEX with dragonite. Was pretty fun. Both apply pressure at low energy and if you get bad rng they scale fairly well themselves.
Can also fit 2 kengas as well.
Any site I can plop all my missing cards and get told the breakdown per apex pack variant?
imagine having even a single kanga after 34 Charizard packs in a row.
Couldn't be me.
i agree with you but i still have a bit of fun every now and then
It needs more cards and statuses and maybe another mechanic or something.
But on the other hand I'm glad it's not overbearing cause that way I can still play MTG too.
Huh, I just realized I'm only missing 3 EX.
Executor, machamp, and articuno.
I figured it was missing a ton. Neat.
Still missing a ton of rares though. And a few commons.
can you not wishlist cards you already own for wonderpick or am i blind
You can't
The game is a collection game so you shouldn't care about extra copies

same persons that made litrally every event play-dependant and didn't introduce any mean to dispose of multiple copies of a card
You were warned about this many times. Did you never do the Expert Solo Battle tasks?
Some promo cards are "exactly the same" in a lower rarity, and they don't work either.

There was a recent leak with a bunch of Pokemon concept art to get the designers in the right head-space for their work. Concept art for the Canalave Library included myths from around the world that were translated into Japanese and had names of animals or gods scratched out and replaced with pokemon. One of the myths a Native American story about a woman who gets kidnapped by a bear and has a kid with it. Game Freak had multiple copies of the story with 'bear' replaced by different pokemon and one of them was Typhlosion.
The concept art is non-canon and even if it were the context of it wouldn't be a historical account (they original myth wasn't a historical account either) but people had a field day making fun of Typhlosion because people who liked Typhlosion bristled at it.

>>56997433 >>56997526
Wonder pick events condition you to open the app. Solo battle events coerce you to make your first payment.
DeNA wants to go fishing where the fish are and they want the fish to bite.
People who paid at least once are much more likely to pay in the future than people who haven't and you need to be logged in to pay.
but the shinedust...
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I put Jigglypuff in my Mewtwo deck and slept a Pikachu for 5 turns in a row and then killed him after building up my Mewtwo and gardevoir when I bricked really hard at the start
Nice. I need a second Wiggly guy.

His basic and stage 1 use 1 colorless energy and his ability requires no energy and works from the bench.
He can go in any deck that can afford a stage 2 to do chip damage from your bench or to snipe injured pokemon that retreated.

Heh. You blew it. >>56996328
That's bad advice. At this point he should stay in expert until he gets all the drops he wants and only go back to cleanup his mess if he's OK with getting fewer cards.
i hope the miniset brings in more useful trainer cards and that the january expansion has more abilities/2 attack cards to use. this wont solve the fact there is nothing to do during "events" like this but at least battling shouldn't be as stale as it is now.
Seaking is already shitty
There are two different move cards and the main charge is unchanged.

The EXs are easier to find than most rares. >>56994780 >>56994819

It's only for cards you have 0 of.

Vulpix has the same play pattern in Blaine but if doesn't stop retreating so eventually you just die.
One thing to watch out for: your opponent can cure status ailments by evolving.
It's easy enough to get 2x the event card while this event runs if you just do it whenever you can, you can afford to complete the missions.

I joined the lapras ex event multiple days late and still got 3 of them.
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>first time playing a dragonite deck
>10 excruciating minutes of card game have all been leading up to this turn
>all he has to do is hit a squishy mon twice, or even hit a big mon three times if he feels spicy
this is communist bullshit
Some people got bad RNG and the tasks aren't going anywhere. I'm suggesting he focus on the cards and worry about the tasks when he knows if he has breathing room.

In your next game you'll get to do 200 damage to one pokemon with 40 HP on a turn when you needed to get 2 points.
At least do the tasks that give you an event energy, it literally pays for another go AND gives you a shot at an event pack
>The game is a collection game so you shouldn't care about extra copies
That must be why the game thinks you only need one Blaine for a Blaine deck. Oh and Growlithe and Arcanine for some reason.
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Still ways to go... but I wanna save up hour glasses
do opponents get a point for KOing an Old Amber?
I love Dragonite mechanically but it’s so bad it’s like Charizard but terrible
>it literally pays for another go
It probably doesn't.
He can do the beginner task without winning but if his remaining intermediate task is to win quickly he'd be spending 12 hours of stamina for 3 hours of glass.
The worse drop rates would be expected to cost him 0.44 cards and the extra stamina could only be worth 0.25 cards.

But if his intermediate task is the sleep or fire one he can complete them while conceding so those would be free.
What happens if you use a giovanni?
50 50 50 60 with the 60 being randomly one of those?
if they KO it, yeah
if you remove it from play, no
should I keep spending hourglasses on the current packs
What do you mean probably. One event energy costs 1 event hourglass. One go also costs one.
>should I keep spending hourglasses on the current packs
no. mini set coming in early december. save hourglasses for that.
Yes. You're letting them do that so they don't KO an injured EX worth two points or so they don't KO a guy you're trying to set up where you'd lose energy or be stuck with dead evolutions in your hand.
If neither of those are a concern to your deck (and your not running fossil evolutions) you shouldn't be running fossils.

The stamina only gets spent if you win the fight and some of the tasks don't require you to win to complete them.
e.g. if he didn't put a pokemon to sleep he could go to the intermediate fight, put a pokemon to sleep, and concede to get the reward without losing stamina.
This was described in >>56996328
Oh. I misread your post. No you're right the win quickly mission pays for itself too. I was conflating the event glass with wonder and pack glass.
My bad I only slept for like 4 hours last night. You had it right.
what is the worst EX?
>Collect 5 Charizard and Mewtwo missions don't count the EX ones
but why
Right, good to keep that in mind actually. If you wanna minmax it'd be worth it to only complete leftover tasks after your 1 win by doing the task and then losing on purpose. If possible, tasks like "don't let them get a point off of you" wouldn't work of course.
>what is the worst EX?
the ones the game refuses to give me.
Absolute worst? Machamp. Worse than several normal stage 2s. Gengar is also very niche and too slow to matter a lot of the time.
Venusaur or Blastoise. Zapdos is a close contender but he has the relevance of giving Pikachu +30 damage.

Has a good UI, tracks mew progress, set progress, mission progress, etc. Very worthwhile and easy to use tool.
Wtf i just found out one of the missions is to put opponent to sleep but i don't have a single sleeper
pokemon EX seem kind of OP in a 3 prize format simply because of the odd number of prizes meaning knocking out 2 EX is equal to an EX and normal
>Wtf i just found out one of the missions is to put opponent to sleep but i don't have a single sleeper
the idea is you pull jigglypuff, add it to your deck, play another game, jigglypuff makes it go to sleep and then you complete the mission.
Frosmoth is your budget option to sleep stuff
I got lucky getting the promo Jigglypuff in the first booster pack.
Venusaur is a beefy bitch ass with his heal + potions + erika though

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