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Why are they not allowed in Pokemon Unite, WTF?
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I dunno, but here's a Chappy!
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because you touch yourself at night
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What fetish is this?
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I miss when Vaporeon had black on it rather than the dark blue and had the front facing fins, with the top on going down the entire back.
The top panel is cute af
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There are other reasons to go to a clinic
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I want to main Jolteon not Pikachu
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can someone post that one meme of vaporeon getting the double tripple bronze meddle?
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Do I need to be a white Lesbian woman or full furry to understand the appeal of Eevees?
they are just generic colored dogs
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Since it entered the communities of its betters - communities it doesn't belong in and never will - purely to cry about the pets of its betters, it would've been a primitive subhuman junglemonkey from birth. It's bothered that adorable little creatures are cherished and treasured, and get to sleep in the beds of their families, while its unwanted subhuman kind has to make do in the gutter of the shithole "nation" it came from.
While sources with a more sinister agenda may pretend that immigrant junglemonkeys like this can "enrich" the host nations it leeches off by polluting their labor pools, one only needs to remember what kind of subhuman would immigrate in the first place. It's the kind of subhuman that runs from its problems instead of fixing anything wrong with its own country. In fact, it only ends up bringing its country's problems with it, whether unwittingly, or worse, deliberately. Every one of these problems, after all, is a result of the shithole """culture""" it was born into, and thus is an inseparable part of its very being.
It's important to remember that sharty was created by the most jewish nation in the world, even more jewish than israel. In fact, more than 10% of israel's population is made up of those snowniggers. No member of their race has any value whatsoever. (((They))) only exist to corrupt other nations through gommunist subversion. It's why anyone who butchers these enemies of mankind is automatically a hero. It'll even look miraculous how clean the world will get once every last member of their (((diaspora))) is hunted down and massacred.
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They are a "break the glass in case of emergency" set of mons.
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Get new material.
Good, I don't want to waste time on shitty game just because the eeveelutions are in and I like them
Reposting the comics since the subhuman shill tried kvetching about it again.
Notice its usual projection, used to mask its tired old kvetching about not being able to """control muh catalog""" in every Eeveelution thread.
Expect some shitty (((sample))) from some (((booru))) so it can pretend it has """new material""" for its falseflag thread that'll die early again.
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