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Who is your favorite male protagonist?
I'm inclined to say Nate, but Brendan is also up there.
I like Victor.
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Ethan. Crystal is the only game where I’ll play as the boy if the girl is available
Why does he look so zesty?
hilbert. he's basically just better red.
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Red. Maybe a little basic, but I just think he's neat.
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Wes aka literally me
Hard for me to choose, but Ethan might just edge out the other boys for me.
why are you asking such a hard question OP
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love the boys of alola
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im going all in on hilbert
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i thought blake was a stupid faggot that ruined the manga but then i saw every arc that came out after b/w2 and i realized hes the last good one. gold is a close second
He looks like he FUCKS Hikers
Ethan (HGSS)
Isn't he weirdly buff in the manga?
>im going all in on hilbert
I'd go all in on Hilbert too
Red > Gold/Hilbert > Nate > Ethan > Calem > Brendan > Lucas > Rei > Elio/Victor > Florian/Chase

Objective list.
was this pose really necessary?
every trainer who joins you does it
neither of the male trainers of BW, they're so generic looking
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I also like Victor

>reads edgeventures
>develops a retarded opinion
The dangers of consuming fanfiction clearly illustrated.

Lucas' effeminate ass is way too high up. A beret-wearing faggot can never be anything but bottom tier, certainly not higher than Rei who is at least wearing something interesting. And Nate is only slightly more coordinated than Rosa, the worst-designed female trainer.
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ma boy Lucas
how dare you sally the name of ma boy!
He makes me rock hard but all of the art of him I can find that aren't straight up porn are just not that attractive, or aren't trying to be
ethan's edging the other boys alright
Brendan is also up Nate? Dammit!
I hate nate so I am playing the battle subway in bw
He is a stupid faggot who ruined the manga. His only redeeming quality is the wetsuit scenes.
>His only redeeming quality is the wetsuit scenes.
Annnnd I suddenly have a strong interest to check out the manga. A very strong interest.
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Ethan because he always gets the girl.
Brendan (forma de rs)
You faggots are disgusting.
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Get used to it, newfag. Around here we fuck pokeboy butt.
The only thing you "fuck" is your hand, disgusting fag.
He does seem to have the sort of personality that would derive a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from making his "victims" squirm...
>make a metaphor for the US police state post-911
>main character is an MK ultra glownig that has to read manuals to learn how to interact with normal people
what did japan mean by this
imagine Victor cooking dinner for you in nothing but his apron...
I think we all know what's for dessert afterward ;)
girl on the left needs to drop her pants, now
I like Brendan's distinctive hat
Not a fag if I had to breed one it'd be Calem. Hilbert is a close second.
You can't breed a boy anon! They can't get pregnant!
barefoot pokeboys!
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Damn! Nemona gets to fuck THIS!?
anon, what do you think about his sygna suit from masters EX?
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Caleum and Victor
the PokeEuro Bois :3
Ma boy lucas. He doesnt get enough love.
He's a chad, he can charm anyone and he WILL fuck them
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Probably Lucas followed by Gold
Lucas just looks so dapper
Hang yourself fujotrash
Where do you think we are anon
we are gay men here
How are the balls on this boy not bone dry
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I wouldn't mind showing Lucas some love
Lol ok
What's with the schizo coming into fag threads lately? feels like someone's in the closet.
Wait, who?
will be when im dome
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I want to tongue his belly button
Now depict him with his hair grown long and styled into the shape of a ponytail.

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