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Kanto Supremacy
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She looks nice in different outfits, pic related is probably my favorite
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"Green, go the fuck away" is a neglected subject.
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Whoops, wrong image
from left to right
bushy, trimmed, bald
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Green is the patrician's Pokégirl
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I'd whale for her or the Let's Go version if they added her to Mastersex
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I hope she makes it into the next smash game
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Did GameFreak really need to give Green such big tits?
>flirty thief
>mewtwo schizo
>wears a little black dress
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Had Aloleaf actually happened we could be asking this question in pleasantly different way.
why is she evil
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this artist's stuff is so uncanny.. why is does leaf always have such an inexpressive baby face? why is blue built like that? look at his tiny fucking arm
it doesnt feel like them at all its creepy, like weird doppelgangers, lester and eliza from that one simpsons episode
>why is does leaf always have such an inexpressive baby face?
My guess is that it’s supposed to be Leaf if she took Red’s place as the mute main character. I’m getting femByleth from Fire Emblem vibes from her
Because its made with the female gaze in mind
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Brunettes are so fucking good bros. I have a thing for brunettes and damn does it pay off.
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Pokemon is great for us brunette fans. So many cute girls.
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They've confirmed she replaces Red in their setting, yeah. The read I get is that Blue showboats because that's just what he does, but he ultimately has a big crush on her which still gives her the PC power.

I'd even argue there are too many, but too much of the thing I like is much better than the alternative.
Since Lyra has replaced Kris as the main Johto girl we only have 3/10 main girls (not counting Elaine and Akari) that aren’t brunettes. Those being Dawn, Serena and Chicken.
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God I love Leaf. Such a cute thing with her skirt.
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Why did they pussy out of making her busty in the actual episode?
because they realize oppai loli is shit
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>Too old to specify
No, tell us more!
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>No, tell us more!
The age of the characters from Emerald and earlier are vague for Diamond and Pearl and onwards.
I think she's probably in her 30s by the time Scarlet and Violet takes place
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Dang it, if they just gave us a year for the DP arc we could reverse-chronicle the entire story the same was Dragon Ball did.

Nice perspective
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In my headcanon she wore the blue shorts under the minidress even back in the 90s
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Leafbros we won
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Leaf has the perfect amount of cute and sexyness
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I want to gently fuck leaf lovingly and tenderly
I want to roughly rape Leaf while she cries.
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*pop* *pop*
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What do you like most about Leaf’s panties?
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That they are just inches away from being exposed.
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Need to fuck them both
You are only allowed to watch while they fuck each other.
You couldn't handle her
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>Bag strap going between her tits
Fuuuuuuuck that's my fetish right there.
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I think this counts from another thread.
We never see them but you know they're there
fuck that ass
Female artist bro
>it needed a leak to get this out
Sad. If they released a databook/artbook. Artist and collectors would've flock to buy it
Should be always shimapan (striped panties, specifically Blue like her original Japanese name)
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There's more too
Miniskirts are a gift
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Yancy, is that you?
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Why is Leaf so angry?
Team rocket losers wasting her time.
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I notice all three variants have cute shoes, too. The Champion dress is nice (and I like it more than the outfit its supposed to be ripping off).
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This bit really came full circle, didn't it.

Bizzare indeed. I think Let's Go got one in some regions?

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