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You would.
Would what? Have a Goodra as a pet? Sure, I like Goodra.
He needs his slime replaced by my slime.
imagine the gussy
Damn right I would. Imagine the slimy sex and constant cuddles
Of course. Top tier pokewife.
I am convinced people horny for shit like this are actually face-blind and to them this stuff isn't nearly as far-off from humans as to normal people
Would I?!
Wrong. I'm attracted to this thing because it doesn't look like a human
Goodra thread?
She did nothing wrong.
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like 'em chubby
Goodra thread.
hug slug
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would hug
then you're worse than a psychopath
ok doctor. now prescribe the meds, with your internet degree of analysis.
i really wanna draw a weight gain sequence between a goodra and a hydreigon, but it takes alot of time and with very much 0 payoff...
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W-what is this pose attempting to convey?
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don't die yet
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He can jack me off with his fondling antenna
a bullet to the brain
You should take one dose as well, for being a stupid motherfucker.
No gays allowed, Goodra is for straights only
Go back to degening for the ugly tiger man
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>Gays out of nowhere
Only gays will call Goodra, he/him, so yes there are fags amongst us
Nice schizophrenia headcanon. Take your meddies now, you prissy little faggot
>T. faggot got called out and trying to save face
Oh noes. I've been exposed. What's my punishment? Female Goodras?
How did you bypass the filter?
Fucking weak fags
FemaIe Goodra!
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yeah whatever you say buddy
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